Longmont Estates Elementary School


Longmont Estates Elementary School
L o n g m o n t e s tat e s
April 2015
Principal Update
Upcoming Events:
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Spring is finally here! I hope that everyone is enjoying the
beautiful weather. Please make sure to double check the weather
in the morning to dress your students accordingly. We never
know when those Spring storms will hit.
This month we have several fun events. It is bring your child to
work day on April 23rd. We will be sending home a form shortly
after Spring Break so watch for it in the Thursday Folders. We
also will be hosting a volunteer breakfast on April 16th. This is our
chance to say thank you to all of our wonderful school volunteers.
We are a great school because of your time, dedication, and care
for our students and their education.
As the weather gets warmer please remind your students about
safety when walking or riding to school. Encourage them to use
the crosswalks and walk anything with wheels (bikes, scooters,
etc.) on the sidewalks.
Have a wonderful Spring Break!
Amanda Hall
Late Start
Mojomama’s Band
Kinder-2nd Grade
Spring Break
*April 13
Lost and Found
Fashion Show
*April 16
Volunteer Breakfast
*April 23
Take your child to
work day
*April 27
McTeacher Night
*April 29
Choir Concert
PARCC/CMAS Testing Schedule
3rd Grade (Window 8:30-11:00)
May 7, 8, 11, 12
4th Grade (Window 9:30-12:00)
April 20, 21, 22
May 4, 5, 13, 14
5th Grade (Window 10:00-12:30)
April 14, 15, 16, 27, 29, 30
May 1
Each student will be provided a set of headphones to
use during testing, however students are permitted to
bring their own if they choose.
Art News
The Annual SVVSD Spring Art
Show at the Boulder County
Fairgrounds Exhibit Building in
Longmont will run from
Tuesday, April 14th through
Saturday, April 18th. “Artists’
Night” is on Thursday, April 16th
from 5:00—6:30 PM.
Student Council Update
Student Council will be putting on a "Lost and Found Fashion Show" on
Monday, April 13, for classrooms to try to help students find their lost
items. At the end of the show, any items not claimed will be donated.
McTeacher Night will be on Monday, April 27th, from 4-7pm, at the
McDonald's on North Main.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Shaffer and Mrs. Banning
Get Ready To Have Fun With Your Family and Represent LEE in the Bolder Boulder!
Although the snow has been flying, and the thermometer is saying “WINTER”, the world famous Bolder Boulder
10K will be here before you know it...and we want you and your family to experience it and represent LEE! The
Bolder Boulder has a special program for school aged students (and their families) called BBRunners, and our school
is entered to field a team! This program encourages students to train and then run, jog or walk the race on
Memorial Day, May 25th. Students who sign up for the race via this program will receive a reduced entry fee, extra
“swag”, including a BBrunners T-shirt (in addition to the regular Bolder Boulder one), training tips e-mailed weekly,
and free admission to our school Running Club! We also want any and all family members to sign up through the
BBRunners as well, as our school gets recognition for EVERYONE who registers that way. While non-students do
not get a price break on their entry fee, the perk for family members is that their race packers are delivered to the
school…no need to fight the Boulder crowds to get yours!
If you have ever wanted to be a part of the amazing experience known as the Bolder Boulder, make plans to do it
this year! Please see the attachment with registration instructions for parents, and do not delay! If you sign your
student up before March 20th, their race package is only $25! If you register after March 20th, but before April 18th,
your student’s race package will be $30. The most important thing to know is that the absolute deadline for signing
up for the BBRunners is April 18th. No entries will be accepted after that time.
The registration page will be open and ready Monday, February 23rd. YOU MUST REGISTER THROUGH THE BB
Go to: bolderboulder.com website
Click on either “registration” of “information”
Click on BB Racers
Complete registration from that link
As you are signing up, please be aware that there are four waves of BBRunners, so there is the possibility that your
student could be in a slightly different wave than you or their friends. If you want everyone in your family/group to
be in the same wave, you need to make sure that: 1) You sign everyone up through the BBRunners link on the
registration page and 2) you choose the same “pace” for everyone, i.e. runner, jogger, walker. Also know that if for
whatever reason your group does get put into different waves, you can still start together by having anyone in an
earlier wave come back to where the rest of the group is. In other words, you can move “back” to any wave, but
you cant move “up” to a faster one. This isn't a huge deal, as there are only a few minutes start time between each
wave, but sometimes parents are startled to see that they are in wave MM, and their child is in ML!
If you have any questions, at any time, please feel free to contact me and I will help you out! Also, once you have
registered, please e-mail me so that I have an address to send the weekly training tips/videos to. That will also be the
way that I send messages to you about things like how to get your free Running Club registration, where we will
meet in the stadium after the race, etc. We are hoping to have our biggest LEE team ever, so get your student, your
family/group excited and get registered!
Lori Hendrickson
LEE BBRunners Coach
[email protected]
Dear Parent,
We are delighted that your student is considering participating in The 2015 BB Racers Club. By providing this opportunity, the Bolder
Boulder, together with participating schools, hopes to send the message that physical fitness can be fun and something in which all kids can
participate, regardless of their age or physical limitations.
Your students’ school has selected at least one motivated staff person to work with the Bolder Boulder staff in recruiting students, training
students, registration process and race day activities. Students will train along side their teachers/coaches for 8 weeks to prepare for their
6.2 mile walk, jog or race. Bolder Boulder has provided each school a Training Schedule for running and walking as well as a list of fitness
games. In addition, schools will be provided with weekly training “tips”. Check with your student or your school as to the name of their
school coaches.
BB RACERS CLUB—DEADLINE IS APRIL 18, 2015 NO EXCEPTIONS! In order to assure accuracy in scoring the BB Racers
Club students, teachers/staff and participating parents will register for the Bolder Boulder separately. They can register ONLINE by clicking
on the BB Racers Club link on the www.bolderboulder.com website. Registration forms will also be given to all coaches for those students
who cannot register online. We do ask that you register your student online to minimize errors and ensure the deadline is
Race packets will be delivered to each student in advance of the race. Parents, siblings, and friends may register for the race through the
online BB Racers entry process and have their packets delivered to the school along with the BB Racer’s. You may run in the BB
Racers Club waves along with your student. In addition to the race package contents, students registered by MARCH 20TH will receive a
BB Racers Club T-Shirt and a race entry fee of only $25! (Regularly $34 with the age discount) After March 20th, students MUST
register by the APRIL 18TH deadline to be in the BB Racer’s Club with the race entry fee of $30. The regular price packages apply to
parents, friends, and school staff.
Important: Those students who miss the registration deadline of APRIL 18th may still register for the race online or at our 29th Street
Mall store as regular race participant, but they will not be a part of the BB Racers Club or receive any of the extras associated with the
Racers Club. The $16 age discount will only apply if the student is 14 years old or younger. They will not receive the BB Racer Club discount
of $22.
Awards: Participating schools are divided into three divisions based on the size of the school. Awards will be given for participation and
for the fastest students. The top 3 fastest girls and fastest boys for EACH school (not each grade) will be scored. The girls and boys would
receive a certificate from us indicating they were the fastest in their school. First place awards (framed poster) would be given to the highest
participation for elementary and middle schools in each division. Divisions are determined and tracked by number of overall people participating for the school.
BB RACERS CLUB WAVES: We will have several BB Racers Club Waves this year including those for running/jogging and walking.
These waves are for the students, you their parents, friends and siblings. Students and teachers/staff taking part in the BB Racers Club do not
have to run the Bolder Boulder in these waves. If the participant decides they would rather run in a non BB Racers Club wave (qualifying
wave) they will still be counted in the Racers Club with their school as if they register through the BB Racers Club registration.
Again, we are delighted to offer this opportunity to your students to participate in the 35 th running of the Bolder Boulder as part of the BB
Racers Club. Hopefully you will join us also. If we can be of further assistance, please email [email protected] .
Alice Swanson
BB Racers Club Program Director
303-444-7223 ext 117