JOIC - Les Flue


JOIC - Les Flue
Information Technology Solutions
Share Juvenile Probation information between court officers and law enforcement
Provide key, critical information about juvenile offenders to law enforcement in a timely, efficient
manner. Information is
available from any webenabled computer or
smart phone.
JOIC Mobile Application
The JOIC Mobile Application runs
on any smartphone (iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile); providing
a simple tools for law enforcement
officers to search and review probation terms and conditions for
Communicate law enforcement contacts directly to
the probation staff as they
juvenile offenders.
Juvenile Offender Information
Supports probation staff’s
case management for ju-
The Juvenile Offender Information
Center provides a simple portal
for Juvenile Courts staff and probation officers to manage Juvenile
Offender Information, receive and
review field contacts, and evaluate juvenile conformance to probation terms and conditions; built
In todays challenging environment, we must stand together as
a community and use creative
and innovative ways to improve
communication with law enforcement.
upon a Microsoft Windows SharePoint solutions environment.
As we work together, we can
make a positive difference in efficiently and effectively addressing public safety issues.
JOIC provides the juvenile
justice team with a tool that
allows them to communicate
and collaborate amongst
each other.
JOIC information is managed
by juvenile justice staff and
pushed out on-demand to law
enforcement officers during
the critical time of their field
contact; rather than after the
fact, or hours later.
T e c h n o lo g y S o lu ti o n s P r o v id e r
608 Valley Mall Blvd, Yakima, WA 98903
TEL 509-469-0409 - [email protected] -
Information Technology Solutions
JOIC is a juvenile justice tool that provides unique collaboration tools for Juvenile Court workers to communicate
with Law Enforcement officers about terms and
conditions for Juvenile Offenders.
JOIC is designed to complement existing programs for managing juvenile probation information.
JOIC fits into the information gathering system
by providing the law enforcement and probation
staff with an easy, readily
accessible tool to provide
quick, local probation contact
In an ever changing and
challenging law enforcement environment, communities are seeking new
and innovative ways to encourage improved
communication. JOIC
provides another way for
law enforcement to
interact with Juvenile
Court staff in managing
Juveniles while on probation. Using JOIC provides
Patrol has contacted a group loitering around the local pizza store.
While talking to the group, the officer needs to determine if anybody
is on parole within the local juvenile court system.
With JOIC, the officer launches a
client on his Mobile Data Computer
or Smart Phone, enters in a name,
alias, and birthday. After a brief
search, a list of possible candidates is returned, along with a
short description of each one. The
officer chooses the right match,
and now can review all of the information that Probation makes available to him: Name, Aliases, addresses, birthdate, school, scars,
marks, and tattoos; along with probation terms and conditions. Because the officer needs to inform
the probationary officer about the
contact, JOIC includes an abbreviated “FI Card” that allows the officer to send directly to the probation officer details of the encounter.
The details of the encounter, including the geo-coded location,
are logged in the Juvenile Offender
Information Center for use by the
Probation Officer in supervising
the juvenile’s probation.
JOIC mobile runs on a
smartphone and a web connected notebook/desktop PC
and automatically submits to
the probation office Juvenile
Offender Information Center;
The Juvenile Offender Information Center is a customized Microsoft SharePoint
Server solution for managing
Juvenile Offender Information.
The Juvenile Offender Information Center provides Collaboration, Communication,
and Analysis Tools for the
probation officers and administrators.
JOIC accelerates probation
management business processes within the juvenile
court community.
JOIC enables probation officers to make betterinformed decisions by having activity information about
juvenile offenders in one
central location
JOIC Is scalable, allowing
the cross agency collaboration and communication.
T e c h n o lo g y S o lu ti o n s P r o v id e r
608 Valley Mall Blvd, Yakima, WA 98903
TEL 509-469-0409 - [email protected] -