6-03, The Voice of Madhesh pdf ( May 18, 2015)


6-03, The Voice of Madhesh pdf ( May 18, 2015)
YadavRameshwar Ray Yadav
Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad
The Voice Of
Adopting Dedication to
National Integration ,
Nationality and Madheshism,
National Weekly Madheshvani
publishes on Every Friday .
Search and get ‘ Madheshvani’
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Kathmandu / Vol.–6/ Issue – 3, Monday, May 18th 2015, ( 2072, Jeshtha 4th ) Page- 8, Price Rs. -10
Tweet of Sarita Giri Tip of forming national government
smells trick of looting
A tweet of Sarita Giri, Co-chair of Nepal Sadabhawana Party, has
exploded as blast among, anti-Madheshi elements. As her tweet
noticed by them they started attacking her. Nayapatrika Daily
has published some persons who could not understand the
political arrow shot by her. All responders have said that Tarai is
not out of Nepal. Any Nepali can live in wherever they like to
live. Responders published in Nayapatrika Daily are Ramchandra
Paudel, Matrika Paudel, Prakash Timilsina, Purosottam Pokharel,
Pasikot, Pratik, Shubhak Mahato, Binod Dhakal, Chandra Kaphle,
Ghamraj Luientel, Shrestha Sunil, Anant Koirala and Charu Gajurel.
Sarita Giri has tweeted that she is smelling of continuation of
policy derived by Mahendra (late King Mahendra who settled
People of Mountain : Pahadiya, as policy known as
Mahendravadi) in the name of rescuing victims of earthquake.
After responders’ responses she answered by three tweets: Her
first tweet is read as my tweet has created a quake. I have nothing
concluded but all responses are example of extreme biasness and
interesting too. Her second tweet is read as here doing social
service is easy but doing politics of opposition is difficult. After
all I will continue my critical role in future. Her third tweet is read
as when I will be free I will block them who responded very cheap
from my friend list. I wish you all for your bright future.
K a t h m a n d u . Va s t i b h a u
mare p achh i gid d h ak o
syalk o raj ai hu n ch ha (
When cattle die feasts rise
for fox) is said in villages
of Nepal. Fox lives on
dead meat so it is said. In
N ep al f or lead ers of
political parties, mass killer
an d mass d estructor
earthquake of Nepal has
brought the same situation.
P olitical parties h ave
proved this by saying that
they have made consensus
for a national government.
A meetin g of th e top
leaders of the ruling Nepali
Congress and CPN-UML
on S u n d ay agreed in
principle to form a national
unity government to cope
with the crisis resulting
from the earthquake that
has killed more than 8,500
people so far.
The both parties want the
government to complete
constitution-writing, hold
local body elections and
launch a massive rebuilding
an d
reconstru ction
campaign. Prime Minister
Sushil Koirala, UML chief
KP Oli and other leaders
of the two parties agreed
to hold talk s w ith th e
opposition on the agenda.
Prime minister koirala indicating about formation of nation goverement .
“We have concluded the
need to hold talks with the
op p osition p arties f or
in stallin g a n ation al
government,” said former
prime minister and senior
U ML leader Madh av
Kumar Nepal.
The Maoists have already
indicated their readiness
to b e p art of th e
govern men t.
Th e
lead ership
th e
government, however, is
yet to be decided. The
parties are now expected
to reach an understanding
on the structure of the
new government and its
But some experts say that
the formula of forming the
n ation al
government is not well
Sadabhawana family required to
united: Bikash Tiwari
Birgunj. Bikash Tiwari president of Nepal Sadabhawana Party
Gajendravadi has said that Sadabhawana family required to be united
in press meet organized after two days extended party meeting.
Thanking Rajendra Mahato president of Sadabhawana Party who
urged all Sadabhawanaian sending letters Tiwari said all should be
One Year Salary to Victims
Abhishekha Shah
Maniprasad Gaire, Kapilvastu. Abhishekha Pratap Shah
me mb e r of c on s t i t u e n t a s se mb l y f r om c on s t i t u e n c y of
Kapilvastu-5 has declared that his one year salary will be
g i ve n t o vi c t i ms . S h a h d i s c l os e d t h i s i n a p r e s s me e t
organized by Madhesh Media Society.
defined. Here it is seen only
to pick UCPNM and some
Madheshbased parties in
the name of the national
government to keep the
irregularities under cover
what have emerged. Relief
goods sent to victims have
been found misused instead
of giving to earthquake
Political analysts say the
n ation al
government is impossible
f or ach ievin g ab ove
mentioned objectives. It
would be important to form
a wide forum for facing the
cu rren t d isaster an d
upcoming disaster rather
than forming a government.
It will be only to loot the
relief an d rescu e f un ds
coming from international
and national donors.
Youth Mishra is an example
Kathmandu :Work of Rakesh
Mishra , a youth leader of
Madheshi community in Tarai
Madhesh Democratic Party, has
been example for managing relief goods for victims just after
earthquake shook Kathmandu
on Saturday 25 April. He led
relief distribution campaign from
his own organization SEWA in
Rakesh Mishra
Bhaktpur, Lalitpur, Kathmandu,
Sindhupalchok and Nuwakot. Mishra says that when
Mountain feels pain he also feels pain so he led relief
distribution program. After Mishra other leaders of Tarai
Madhesh Democratic Party like Sushil Mishra, Surendra
Mandal, Ajay Jha, Manish Mishra and Gopal Jha join the
relief distributing campaign.
Monday, 18th May , 2015
Shame on You
M ass Killer a nd M ass De struc tor,
Earthq uake of Nep al, has killed many,
injured many and destructed mass
buildings of people. But this cruel
earthquake has brought an opportunity for
them who have gathered their nature from
foxes and vulture. Such people have started
taking advantage of situation immorally
for expanding their business. Some relief
goods have been found in the storehouse
o f b u sin ess men r a the r t han co ntr o l o f
relief team. Victims of earthquake have
been suffering. They required those things
for their survival. But those relief goods
are managed for selling by businessmen.
Government has lifted custom duty from
the relief goods and medicine like urgent
commodities. T his concession has been
given to victims and for victims but cruel
looters have looting such opportunities
for their own advantages. They give such
relief goods to some of their relatives and
send rest of them to traders. Man is
rational. Man decides situation.
Undoubtedly this is not situation to take
advantage. Shame on you ,who you, take
advantage from the misery of people.
Teari Peoples Foundation
Nepal giving information about
collection of relief fund . .
2072, Jeshtha 4th
National Weekly
Earthquake and bank loan alerts
As someone brought up
and trained to respect
human emotions and
human lives, I must admit
that my understanding of
how the inanimate money
enslaves people is very
limited. I am almost
ignorant about how
banking works in times of
crisis and even more on
how bankers think in their
professional world. But
having known a couple of
friends personally from the
banking sector, I do know
they too are as
compassionate, warm and
humane as anybody else
would be. However, I fail
to understand whether
banking policies are really
rigid even at the times
when one of the biggest
disasters has affected the
In the past three weeks, in
addition to humanitarian
rescue and relief works
and a lot of selfless acts of
kindness around, one
more thing that worked
tirelessly was the shallow
automated message alerts
from the banks that
reminded you about your
monthly installments.
Obviously, not all banks
sent the alerts; there have
been banks that have been
calling their customers to
know about their
wellbeing. These alerts
obviously didn’t care if
someone has just died, or
someone is buried under
the rubbles shouting for
help or even risking their
own lives to rescue others.
Ironically, the first time I
received the alert for my
auto loan was just few
days after the quake as I
was listening to the heroic
stories of a bunch of
volunteers who had
themselves for relief. The
second time I heard a
friend received it when we
were feeling overwhelmed
by the kindness of the
victims who were offering
us food. The third time I
received the alert was on
the day when I was talking
with someone about the
generosity shown by profit
motive organizations to
help quake victims.
As much as I appreciated
the technical efficiencyand
punctuality of these
automated alerts from the
banks, I found it
interrupting the positivity
around. In the midst of all
the suffering of the
earthquake victims and
amazingly generous
support of the people in
and outside the country,
the repeated SMS alerts
appeared petty. I was
talking to a young boy
who told me the story of
how his family living in an
apartment is now
displaced and how his
newly bought motorbike
was shattered by the
quake. Yet, he was there
running around for the
relief of others whom he
believed suffered bigger
loss than his own. But the
SMS alerts from the bank
didn’t stop chasing this
boy, nor his family,
neighbors and friends.
It was also terrifying
because the aftershocks
had not stopped and they
constantly seemed to
remind you that the worst
was not yet over. As
much as many survivors
celebrated the fact that
they were alive, it also
sent a chill down their
spines that being alive also
meant they still got the
loans to pay.
Most of the banks must
be suffering through hard
times just like their family
and friends. Perhaps
many in the leadership
positions are worried
about how to save their
banks just like any
guardian would be
worried about their
home. There could be a
lot in common between
what the banks as
institutions and people as
individuals are going
through. But I wonder
why the banks can’t be a
little more empathic than
their usual self?
All of us have gone
through some trauma,
some at physical level
and others at emotional
level. Everybody who
went through those
terrible shakes may need
Rolina Dhital
at least a month’s time to
heal. The wounds of many
others who lost their loved
ones and homes would be
much deeper than words
can ever express. The least
people would like to have at
this point as they grieve over
the emotional and personal
losses is reminders on
paying back the due
installment from the banks.
Perhaps sending those alerts
this soon to the customers
is not the wisest thing to do.
It doesn’t mean that the
banks should step back
from their professionalism.
They got to do what they got
to do. But at least they
should be sensible enough to
have patience, give people
space to grieve before
sending out their reminders.
In hard times like this, how
I wish the reality of the
reputed banks truly matched
their catchy and fancy tag
lines that often say they are
meant to serve the people.
My humble request to all the
banking sectors: Don’t rush
to make people feel
uncomfortable in times like
this. Please let them sink in
a little and breathe a little.
Since this is also a week of
mental health awareness, I
request you to be aware of
the post-traumatic stress,
and if you cannot do much
to prevent it, at least don’t
trigger it, neither in your
customers nor your
It certainly will be difficult to
live without the service from
the banking sectors. But in
times like this, it is also
important to reflect back on
the more humane aspects
that go beyond anybody’s .
Sources : setopati
3 Monday, 18
May , 2015
2072, Jeshtha 4th
National Weekly
Most of the damages can be repaired before living
Some buildings walls were found fallen but pillars
were found rightly erected. Those constructions required repair to live because their structure was right.
Some structures were out of repair they were to be
demolished. In Kathmandu reconstruction should be
led by engineering experts there would be possibility
to live after repair.
earthquake shook
land of Nepal you
observed the site of
collapsed buildings.
observe- what kind of
buildings destroyed?
-We representing Tarai
voluntarily observed
more than 150 houses
of Kathmandu. As we
received SMS we
immediately observed
the affected areas. 10
to 15 % what observed
found completely
destructed. Most of
them were to be
repaired before to live
and some were highly
terrorized though their
constructions were
safe to live in.
affected more ?
popularly known RCC
is also damaged. Pillar
based buildings’ RCC
was found damaged as
well as bricks based
and clay based
buildings were also
structure was found
f a i l u r e
co nstr uctio n.Only
expending more rods
can’t be strong
structure. Those rods
should be fixed
engineering direction
but such practices were
found lapsed. Some
buildings walls were
found fallen but pillars
were found rightly
constructions required
repair to live because
their structure was right.
Some structures were
out of repair they were to
be demolished. In
K a t h m a n d u
reconstruction should be
led by engineering
experts there would be
possibility to live after
Somewhere seen that
pillar based houses
were collapsed and
nearby clay bricks
house found not
destroyed. What do you
think about this
contrast situation?
- This is a typical
science. Frequency of
quake and frequency of
individual building is
different. We call it
capacity of vibration.
How a building reacts
when you give a pressure
of a load that measures
the situation. When the
frequency of quake and
frequency of a building
occur same there the
building completely
destroys. So it depends
on different reason and
cause. If you see a house
is not affected that
doesn’t mean that house
is saved by its strength.
You mean attached
houses are saved,
aren’t they?
- Yes. I mean it. If
attached houses were
destroyed more and
more damages would
have been in Asan are of
Kathmandu and Patan.
Attached houses reacted
integrated action against
quake and that saved
them all. But it doesn’t
mean that those houses
are without cracks. There
are cracks but they will
be repairable.
Pillars are safe but
their walls were
collapsed. That can’t
be protected what do
you say?
- It can be protected. If
you want making new,
there what are the things
to be thought that are
different matters.
Houses made as per
engineering measures
there also such
damages are seen what
do you say?
- Apartments, hospitals
like big structures were
observed measures
followed in Pillars and
roof but in wall measures
were not followed.
What are the measures
of wall?
- We say technically
share failure. A wall
turned to other direction
and found falling. Share
cut off system should be
applied for. We all know
lintel likewise we can
give seal structure
underneath of windows.
That can protect wall. If
tall wall is structured
Prabhat Kumar Jha
Engineer, Road
Department of Nepal
there share band should
be fixed at corner.
Ornamental walls of
apartments have been
completely destroyed.
That kind of ornamental
walls can be built by
engineering feature for
the protection.
Somewhere a building
has been fallen but no
structure is damaged
what do you say this?
- You can’t say fallen it
can be said tilt somehow.
In such case, soil failure
is reason. Somewhere it
is caused by liquefy it
means soil reacts as
water for the building.
Otherwise there must be
How can we test soil
for building?
- We have soil test but
we practice making
structure people don’t
hire an engineer to
construct building. We
make our building based
on our own experienced.
We can test soil in
Pulchok laboratory.
Private laboratories are
testing soil. We don’t have
a practice of soil test for
residential houses.
As you say that some
buildings are built based
measurement have they
tested soil before
- Apartment buildings are
constructed after soil test.
Building department
doesn’t approve without
soil test.
Before quake talk of soil
test was not heard. What do
you say about this?
Lack of awareness and
legal provision are the
reason for this. We make
building multimillions
house but we don’t spend
money for engineering
service. Legally soil test is
What should be done for
further management of
-An engineer should be hire
for making houses if not
trained mason should be
called for. For the
production of trained mason
we have to provide mason .
2072, Jeshtha 4
4 Monday, 18 May , 2015
Narendra Modi announces $1
billion credit line to Mongolia
National Weekly
Madhesh Update
Ahamadiya Sangh donates 5 lakh
Birgunj.Ahamadiya Sangh Nepal has donated 5 lakh in the account of
Prime Minister victims management fund in a program organized at
Baluawataar. Youth worker of Sangh Mohammad Ahamad said that they
had organized free health camp and medicine.
Youth Union distributed fruits
Kalaiya. UML’s sister organization Youth Union has distributed eatable
goods to patients on the occasion of 25th anniversary of establishment.
They distributed goods in the presence of Achuyut Manali.
Condolence observe
Muzzaffarpur. Media for Broader Harmony has expressed condolence
for the death caused by quake. The program was chaired by
Brahmanadand Thakur in the presence . Ajay Nishad member of Indian
parliament said that Indian relationship with Nepal is relation of Roti and
Beti .
On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Ulan Bator on his historic visit
to Mongolia to hold talks with the country's leadership to bolster economic and trade
cooperation, including in transport, highways and energy sectors.
India on Sunday announced a credit
line of USD 1 billion to Mongolia to
expand its economic capacity and
infrastructure, as they decided to
upgrade their relationship from
Comprehensive to “Strategic
Partnership”. Narendra Modi, the first
Indian Prime Minister to visit
Mongolia, held wide-ranging talks
with his counterpart Chimed
Saikhanbileg here following which
the two sides inked 14 agreements
covering defence, cyber security,
agriculture, renewable energy and
health sector. “I am pleased to
announce that India will provide a Line
of Credit of USD one billion to
support expansion of Mongolia’s
infrastructure,” Modi said at a joint
press interaction with Saikhanbileg at
State Palace. Asserting that Mongolia
is an integral part of India’s Act East
Policy, he said the destinies of the two
countries are closely linked with the
future of Asia Pacific Region. “We
can work together to help advance
peace, stability and prosperity in this
region,” the Prime Minister said. “In
a reflection of our commitment to
further deepen our relationship, we
have decided to upgrade our
Comprehensive Partnership to
‘Strategic Partnership’,” he said.
Stating that it was a great honour to
be the first Prime Minister of India to
visit Mongolia, Modi said, “It is a
special privilege to come on the
occasion of two important milestones
that unite us – 25 years of democracy
in Mongolia and 60 years of
diplomatic relations between our two
Commenting on his counterpart
Saikhanbileg’s remarks that India is
the “spiritual neighbour and third
neighbour” of Mongolia, Modi said,
“We will always fulfil the
responsibility that comes with this
honour.” “I was very pleased with
my discussions with Prime Minister
today. We have strong convergence
of views on bilateral relations and our
partnership,” he said.
“The agreements that we have just
signed speak to the depth of the
relationship. These cover economic
relations, development partnership,
defence and security, and people-topeople contacts,” the Prime Minister
added. Modi said the cooperation
between National Security Councils of
the two countries will provide a strategic
framework for cooperation. India will
also help establish a cyber-security
centre in Mongolia’s defence and
security establishment. “We attach high
importance to our security cooperation.
We will continue to participate in each
other’s defence exercises. The
agreements today will deepen our
cooperation in border security and cyber
security,” Modi said. Noting that the
trade and investment relations between
two countries are modest, Modi said,
“We will take our economic partnership
to a new level.” “There is huge potential
in civil nuclear sector, mining,
healthcare, pharmaceuticals and dairy.
We should also explore the possibilities
of using digital technology to expand our
economic relations,” he said. He also
announced to increase the ITEC training
slots for Mongolia from 150 to 200 and
establish an India-Mongolia Joint
School. “I conveyed to Prime Minister
that we greatly value our international
partnership, which is based on our
friendship, shared spiritual heritage and
democratic values. These also provide
solid foundation for our cooperation in
our region,” Modi said, adding that the
two countries are starting a “new era in
our partnership”.
The Prime Minister also thanked
Mongolia for its strong support for
India’s permanent membership of UN
Security Council. Modi, who arrived
here last night on the second leg of his
three-nation tour, was earlier given a
ceremonial welcome at the State Palace.
India has a strong linkage of Buddhism
and democracy with Mongolia and was
the first country outside the Soviet bloc
to establish diplomatic relations with it.
India feels that there is excellent potential
for cooperation with Mongolia in the
minerals sector. Mongolia is mineral-rich
country in coking coal, copper, rare
earths and uranium. India already has a
civil nuclear agreement with Mongolia
which provides for uranium exports to
the country once the domestic laws here
permit prospecting and mining.
Quake kills 3 in Mahottary
Jaleshwar. Earthquake on Tuesday dated 12 May has killed 3 persons in
Mahottary district. The dead are 70 years of Suraj Mandal inhabitant of
Bhatauliya, 30 years of Mishri Mahato inhabitant of Banauta 5 and 6
month daughter of Dinesh Sah.
Blood Donation
Jaleshwar. Nepal Teacher Union Mahotrary has organized its 25 th
anniversary by donating blood. According to president of Union 25 persons
donated blood. Union honored teachers who retired last year.
Security Training Held
Biratnagar. Security Training for Police personals under 12 batch has
been given in Eastern Regional Police Training Center at Rani of
Biratnagar. 40 police persons participated in the training started from 21
4 arrested with brown sugar
Kapilvastu. A team of police has arrested 4 persons with brown sugar
near way of Bahadurgunj of Kapilvastu -1. With 180 gram brown sugar
arrested are Dammar Paudel , Awadhkishore Kandu, Ashis Malla and
Rudal Kahar of Kapilvastu municipality.
Secret deal to swallow fund
Mahottary. District Development Committee Mahottary has started secret
dealing with NGOs to swallow the fund. Shailendra Pandey ,social
development officer, has been dealing with NGOs under guidance of
Ramuraj Kadariya, Local Development Officer. According to source the
dealing is to swallow the fund equal to 5 million. Office has not given
information about the internal development program when it was sought
by Satyendra Yadav.
Relief from Guhati
Birgunj. Tarai Janseva pratisthan Birgunj and Guhati Sahani Kanwariy NGO
have collected relief goods to earthquake victims of Bhaktapur. Urmila Aryal
in-charge of Bhojpur of UCPNMaoist said in press meet organized by
Revolutionary Journalist Unionthat 8 sacks beaten rice, 400 cartoon water,
Plastic tent, carpet 40, matchbox, biscuits were collected for victims of Bhaktpur.
Indefinite shut down in Mahottary
Jaleshwar. Locals of Jaleshwar have announced an indefinite shout down
opposing the action of government shifting service center from Jaleshwar to
Bardivas. In Bardivas service center was inaugurated and Damar Sunuwar
was to work there as branch officer. Shivchandra Chaudhary member of
Chamber of Commerce said movement will be till agreement signed.
According CDO Dipak Kafle previously it was decided to shift service center.
Journalist Panthi donates 1 lakh for relief
Butwal. Journalist Hari Panthi inhabitant of Rupendehi Sainamaina
Nagarpalika-10 and his family donated goods to victims equal to 1 lakh. Panthi
has been working in Japan. Secretary of CNPMaoist Sharad Olin and
coordinator of Revolutionary Journalist Organization Prakash Dumre praised
the donating work of Panthi.
Monday, 18th May , 2015
Corporate News
NTB establishes fund for
tourism recovery
Kathmandu : Nepal Tourism Board
(NTB) has decided to establish
Tourism Recovery Fund to collect
financial support from national and
international organizations and
individuals for early recovery of
tourism sector.
NTB will contribute Rs 100 million
into the fund.
Similarly, the board meeting of NTB
also decided to donate Rs 50 million
into the Prime Minister Disaster
Relief Fund . Ramesh Kumar
Adhikari, chief administrator of
NTB, said money collected in
Tourism Recovery Fund will be
used for early to repair and rebuild
various places of cultural
importance and rehabilitate
trekking trails in collaboration with
different stakeholders for bringing
tourism industry back on track at
the earliest.
Earlier on May 7, the Department
of Tourism (DoT) formed Tourism
Recovery Committee (TRC) to
study impact of the earthquake on
tourism industry, identify shortterm and long-term works that are
needed to be done, formulate
necessary programs for recovery
of tourism industry, and suggest to
concerned government agencies
for speedy recovery of the tourism
industry, among others.
Rapid Assessment Committee,
formed under the TRC in
coordination with Hotel Association
of Nepal (HAN), is assessing
tourist-standard hotels with regards
to the strength of their property and
their capability to accommodate
guests in the post earthquake
situation. Likewise, Nepal
Association of Tour Operators
(NATO) is studying the status of
cultural heritage sites and
monuments, while Trekking
Agencies’ Association of Nepal
(TAAN) is assessing the condition
of trekking trails in Manaslu,
Langtang and other trekking areas.
According to DoT, Pacific Asia
Travel Association (PATA) Nepal
Chapter will coordinate with
different international agencies to
assess trekking trails in the Everest
and Annapurna regions which have
not suffered physical damage.
PATA Nepal Chapter will coordinate
with international agencies like
PATA International and invite
delegates from PATA headquarters
next week for a preliminary
discussion on tourism recovery plans
and strategies, according to a
statement issued on Sunday.
According to the
statement, HAN and
Nepal Association of
Tour and Travel Agents
(NATTA) will jointly
marketing schemes,
discounted packages
and other measures to
attract foreign tourists.
The government has
sector to provide discounts in their
packages to attract more tourists to
the country. It has asked different
umbrella associations of tourism
sector to inform it within May 20
about discounts and promotional
schemes that their members can
provide to foreign tourists.
Tulsi Prasad Gautam, director
general of DoT, said Nepal Airlines
Corporation (NAC) preparing to
provide discount on air tickets. “We
will request other airlines to follow
suit,” he added.
According to Gautam, airlines
carried only around 25 to 30
passengers in the first 10 days after
the earthquake of April 25. The
number was picking up after that,
but Tuesday’s big jolt again affected
number of passengers, said
Meanwhile, NTB has started
devising special plan for the
upcoming Kailash tour and the
autumn season that begins in
September. “Our focus is on
bringing tourists for the autumn
season. As Annapurna Region
and E verest R egion, w hich
constitute 70 percent of the
market for international tourists,
are safe, we can certify that
these places are safe. If we can
build confidence of the
international reinsurer and the
embassies so that the negative
travel advisories are lifted up,
tourist will definitely come back
here,” Suman Pandey, president
of PATA Nepal Chapter and
spokesperson of TRC, said.
Sources : My Republica
2072, Jeshtha 4th
National Weekly
Third Alliance distributed relief
Kathmandu. Human rights organization the Third Alliance distributed
relief goods to victims of Sindhupalchok and Kabhreplanchok on 8 and
9 May. The Alliance gave 2650 kg rice, 200 kg wheat, 50 kg beaten
rice, 35 cartoon water, 36 tent,120 pairs of foot-wares and 150 bundle
of clothes in Golche VDC. Likewise it gave 200kg rice and 15 tents for
victims in Gimti VDC. President Dipendra Jha urges government to
manage relief immediately.
Medicine distribution and Health Camp
Kathmandu. Koshish Health Care Foundation has distributed medicine
and organized Health Camp. Team of Foundation distributed medicine
at Goldhunga, Indrasthan, Dahchok of Kathmandu, Dhurmu , Arukhark,
Langu, Thankor of Rasua and Bhotechaur of Sindhupalchok. According
to Ajit Sah 200 patients received treatment during camp.
Freed bonded female house workers donated blood
Nepalgunj. Freed bonded female house workers have donated blood
to victims of earthquake. They went to Bheri Zonal Hospital and donated
blood. 54 were from Banke ,Bardiya , Kanchanpur and Dang.
Regular Peace donation
Bhairahawa. In Bhairahawa people have been offering regular peace
donation for the departed soul by earthquake. Under Peace Donation
and Rajyog Program people have been keeping themselves silent for
one minute daily.
Patel appointed employment minister of Britain
Birgunj. Prime Minister of Britain David Cameron has appointed Priti
Patel employment minister. This is first time a member of non residence
community has been appointed a minister of Britain. 43 years Patel’s
family was shifted to Britain from Gujarat. Prime Minister of India
Narendra Modi, chief minister of Gujarat Anandideviben Patel, chief
minister of Delhi Arvind Kejariwal, chief minister of Bihar Nitesh Kumar
have congratulated her for acquiring the post.
Our Features:
Modern Sound System, Battery as the option of
Load sheding, Media Link,Capacity of 70 Seats,
Parking Facility.
Monday, 18th May , 2015
2072, Jeshtha 4th
Aryan Sigdel not interested to work with
Rekha Thapa
Although Aryan Sigdel had debuted in Rekha Thapa‘s
movie, they are not in good terms these days. In a report,
Aryan has told, “I have no interest to work with Rekha.”
Aryan and Rekha had parted their ways during the
screening of ‘Kasle Choryo Mero Man’. After that, they
don’t talk with each other. Aryan is one of the top actors
in Nepali film industry. About a dozen movies of Aryan are
in pipeline. Actress mostly works in her own banner, Rekha
Films. Although Rekha denies, her craze in Nepali film
industry is in downward turn. After divorcing Chhabi Raj
Ojha, she has been making a lot of mistakes to ruin her
public image. Rekha’s political move, social work attempt
and relationship with other people have been the topic of
the most criticisms.
MaHa distribute relief in Kavre
Kavre : Comedian duo
Madankrishna Shrestha
and Haribansha Acharya,
popularly known as MaHa,
handed relief packages to
the disaster victims of
Tukucha Nala VDC,
Kavre . The comedians,
who are also well-known
distribution programme,
Shrestha stressed that in the
time of crisis it is important
to forgo of all the social and
cultural biases and help one
another as human beings.
Similarly, Acharya said that
the relief packages must
for their social activism,
were there on the request
of the Lions Club
International. The club has
been providing tents and
tarpaulins, food and clean
drinking water to the 75
households of the VDC,
among others. Speaking at the relief-
first reach the most affected
people, who are bearing the
biggest brunt in the
aftermath of the quake.
The duo have been raising
money for relief efforts
through a joint relief fund
that they have established
with the Confederation of
Nepalese Industries.
Sources : ekantipur
Although it is their personal problem, we believe, the
problem of personal relationship shouldn’t affect their
professional lives. The viewers still want Rekha and Aryan together in movies.
Deepika Padukone wanted to be part of ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’
While Deepika
happy that she did
a film like “Piku”
this year, she also
regrets not being
a part of Zoya
Akhtar’s “Dil
Dhadakne Do”. “I
really wish I was
a part of that
film,” she said.
Deepika Padukone
present at the
success bash of her latest release “Piku”, here.
Asked if she watched the trailer of “Dil
Dhadakne Do”, she said: “It is simply wow. If
you ask me that this year which film I would
love to be a part of then ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’ is
one of those films. I really wish that I was a
part of that film.” “Zoya is a close friend and
she had given me the script to read, just
for some feedback,” she added. The 29year-old is also confident that film will
turn out to be good and added: “It’s a
fantastic script. I hope the film has
shaped up as well as the script has. I
am looking forward to that.”
“Dil Dhadakne Do” is about a
dysfunctional family, who goes out on a
cruise trip. The film features Ranveer
Singh, Priyanka Chopra, Anushka
Sharma, Farhan Akhtar, Anil Kapoor
and Shefali Shah. The film will release
on June 5.
Iodized salt protects
from goiter and mental
BP Koirala Institute
of Health Sciences
and Hospitals,
Dharan is
Sonam Kapoor poses for photographers
upon her arrival for the screening of the film
The Sea of Trees at the 68th international film
festival, Cannes on Saturday . (Source: AP)
Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh has been
conducting eye-checkups for hundreds
of thousand school-going chldren of
Nepal and has been distributing
India Provides more than 2500
scholorships annually to Nepalese
students for various
Issue in public Interest by Nepal- India.
7 Monday, 18
May , 2015
Egypt’s deposed president Mohammed
Morsi sentenced to death by court
Deposed Egyptian President
Mohammed Morsi, Muslim
Brotherhood chief Mohammed
Badie and over 100 other Islamists
were on Saturday sentenced to
death by a court here over mass
prison breaks during the 2011
uprising. Morsi and 130 codefendants, including Brotherhood
leaders Badie, Mohamed Saad ElKatatni, Essam El-Erian, Mohamed
El-Beltagy and Safwat Hegazy,
were charged in the case.
Morsi, 63, appeared in the
Cairo Criminal Court in a
caged dock when the
judge read out his verdict.
The court sentenced
Brotherhood Supreme
Guide Badie and 104
Muslim Brotherhood
leaders to death in the
The former president
raised his fists in defiance
when the judge read the
Today’s capital punishment ruling
against Morsi makes him the first
president in Egypt’s history to face
the possibility of death by hanging if
court ratifies its initial decision on
June 2 or he loses his projected
Many of those sentenced were tried
in absentia. They were accused of
damaging, setting fire to prison
buildings, murder, attempted murder
and looting prison weapons depots
while allowing prisoners to break out
of jails.
The incident took place during the
January 2011 revolution when more
than 20,000 prisoners escaped from
three Egyptian prisons. The uprising
had led to the ouster of then Egyptian
strongman Hosni Mubarak.
The court also sentenced 16
Muslim Brotherhood leaders
including Khyrat el-Shater, the
deputy of the Muslim
Brotherhood supreme guide,
to death in a separate
espionage case.
Morsi is also an accused in the
espionage case along with 35
others but the court will
pronounce the verdicts for
2072, Jeshtha 4th
Madheshvani Radio Program
( Sunday to Friday)
Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad
Radio Sunrise
Red F.M
Rubaru F.M
10:40 P.M
Swarnim F.M
Rautahat F.M
Radio Saugat
6:30 P.M
(E xcluded Saturday)
9:30 P.M
Re- Broadcast 9:30
8:15 P.M
8:15 P.M
(E xcluded Saturday)
Jay Madhesh
China and the United States are budging not a bit over Beijing’s
assertive development in disputed parts of the South China Sea, with
Chinese officials politely but pointedly dismissing Washington’s push
for US- proposed ways to ease tensions.
As US Secretary of State John Kerry wrapped up a visit to China on
Sunday, both sides stressed the importance of dialogue to resolve
competing claims in the waterway. But neither showed any sign of
giving ground over Chinese land reclamation projects that have alarmed
the United States and China’s smaller neighbors.
Kerry was meeting Sunday with Chinese President Xi Jinping before
heading to South Korea to complete a short Asian tour that has been
clouded so far by concerns over China’s construction in South China
Sea. The US and most members of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations want a halt to the projects, which they suspect are
aimed at building islands and other land features over which China
can claim sovereignty.
“We are concerned about the pace and scope of China’s land
reclamation in the South China Sea,” Kerry said on Saturday. He
urged China to speed up talks with ASEAN on guidelines for handling
maritime activity in disputed areas. The goal is to help “reduce tensions
and increase the prospect of diplomatic solutions,” Kerry said.
Neither China nor US giving
ground over projects dispute
M h z
Morsi and the remaining
defendants in that trial at a later
date.In the espionage case, the
Islamists are charged with
conspiring with foreign powers
- including the Palestinian
Islamist group Hamas,
Lebanon’s Hizbollah and Iran’s
Revolutionary Guard -to
destabilise Egypt. The
defendants are also accused of
funding terrorism and
disclosing national security.
The verdicts in the two cases
were referred to the Grand
Mufti, who according to the
Egyptian law must review all
death sentences, however, his
decision is not binding.
National Weekly
(Excluded Saturday)
(Exclueded Saturday)
9:00 P.M
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5.20 P.M
-Dharampur_ (Excluded Saturday)
5.30 P.M
-Janakpurdham_ (Excluded Saturday)
(Excluded Saturday)
(Excluded Saturday)
8.25 P.M
(Excluded Saturday)
6.30 P.M
6.00 P.M
9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:30 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
Radio Birgunj
( Parsa)
9.15 P.M
(Excluded Saturday)
9.15 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
Radio Safalta
Radio Madhesh
Dauna Bebari
7.15 P.M
(Excluded Friday
and Saturday)
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9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:00 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
(Madi )
7.30 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
Every Wednesday
5. 30 PM to 6 PM
7. 00 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
Monday, 18th May , 2015
2072, Jeshtha 4th
Reg. No. 53/067/068
National Weekly
Modi brings home $22 billion in China deals
Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi got
down to business on
the final day of his trip
to China on Saturday,
saying his country was
open for investment as
firms signed deals
worth more than $22
billion. “Let us work
together in mutual
interest and for
prosperity of our great
countries,” Modi told
executives from 200
Beijing since his
election last year, and
he was looking for an
economic boost from
the visit, seeking to
deliver on election
promises for foreign
investment. China is
India’s biggest trading
partner with two-way
commerce totalling $71
billion (62 billion euros)
in 2014. But India’s
trade deficit with China
has soared from just $1
billion in 2001-02 to
included an agreement
Development Bank to
fund a power plant for
India’s Adani Power,
as well as a steel
project between Indian
conglomerate Welspun
and two Chinese firms,
according to a list
released by Indian
officials. No individual
deal values were
given.Modi welcomed
potential Chinese
investment in sectors
including housing,
renewable energy,
high-speed rail, metro,
ports and airports,
adding that India was
eager to draw on
China’s expertise in
mass manufacturing.
“We are very keen to
develop the sectors
where China is strong,”
he told the business
forum ahead of the
signing ceremony. “We
Chinese and Indian more than $38 billion involvement.” “I
companies at a last year, Indian figures strongly believe that this
business forum in the show. Indian embassy century belongs to
Chinese commercial trade
counsellor Asia,” he said as he
hub Shanghai. “Now Namgya Khanpa said sought to stress
India is ready for the 21 agreements historical links between
b u s i n e s s . ” T h e signed at the Shanghai the two countries.But
nationalist leader was event were “worth they have followed
on the final day of a over $22 billion”, with significantly different
three-day trip to his another five exchanged economic paths in
fellow Asian giant, as earlier. Many of the recent decades, with
the two jockey for contracts were for China rising to become
regional influence and Chinese banks to the world’s secondIndia’s trade deficit finance Indian firms, largest economy while
with China balloons. and also included deals India has lagged
Despite his hardline in the telecom, steel, behind, although
reputation, Modi has solar energy and film Modi’s election raised
moved to engage with sectors, she said.They hopes for reform
among investors.
- ‘Complex’ relations Earlier during Modi’s
visit Chinese President
Xi Jinping welcomed
him in Xian, the capital
of his ancestral home
province Shaanxi, in
what his host said was
an unprecedented
gesture. Nonetheless
relations between the
world’s two most
populous nations are
soured by a longrunning border dispute
that saw them fight a
brief war in 1962, and
on Friday Modi told
Premier Li Keqiang
that China needs to
approach” to their ties.
“Our relationship has
been complex in recent
decades,” Modi said in
Beijing, adding there
were issues that
development of our
comments stood out
from the usual public
diplomatic visitors to
the Chinese capital,
who normally stick to
uninterrupted pledges
of friendship and good
countries are members
of the BRICS grouping
of major emerging
economies, but China
has vowed to pour
investment into India’s
arch-rival Pakistan as it
rolls out infrastructure
development plans
across Asia, much of
which bypass India.
On Saturday, Modi
also opened a centre
for Indian and
Gandhian studies referring to the former
Indian leader Mahatma
Gandhi - at prestigious
Fudan University.
Modi, elected in a
landslide victory at
polls a year ago, said
Friday that democracy
was an advantage for
his country, but when a
group of Indian
students studying at
Fudan chanted his
name as he arrived,
suspicious Chinese
security guards moved
towards them before
being waved off. “We
just wanted to greet
him,” one of the
students told AFP.
Modi left China late
Saturday to arrive in
Ulan Bator, where he
will stay for one day as
the first Indian prime
minister ever to visit
Mongolia, according to
a tweet by the external
affairs ministry.
Indo Nepal Joint
Project Suggested
Kathmandu. Lumbini Foundation has submitted
53 points demand paper to Prime Minister
Shushi Koirala to fulfilled for the development
of Lumbini area. In the demand paper , Nepal
Should be declared Buddha Republic Nation,
Autonomous Lumbini should be made adjoining
Rupendehi, Kapilvastu and Navalparasi, NonCommunist should be made active for the
development of Lumbini, Master Plan made by
Professor Tange should be implemented and
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and
Lama should be brought in Lumbini like
demands are included.
Assistance from
Indian Farmers
Sindhuli. Indian Farmers from Supaul have
distributed relief goods to victims of Sindhuli.
A team of Pawan Mehata of Jadiya distributed
beaten rice ,biscuits and noodles like goods to
Office : Madhesh Media House, Anamnagar, P.O.Box : 11858, Kathmandu, Phone No : 977-4266142/4266141, Fax : 014266141,
E-mail: [email protected], Website : www.madheshvani.com, Editor : Rajesh Ahiraj, Sub-Editor : Mukesh Jha