

Hae’s Diary
Others Saw The Relationship
April 27 – Junior Prom. She called him the
sweetest guy. He was Homecoming prince and was
supposed to dance with the princess but he chose
her to K-Ci & JoJo’s “All My Life.” She fell in love
with him. She gave him his first kiss. She knew they
had to keep the relationship a secret.
May 15 – She said she loved him. She also said
that she knew she was against his religion and that
he called her a devil.
June 15 – She wanted to pick a fight with him.
July 16 – Adnan crashes girls’ night and brings
carrot cake to her.
July sometime – She says she’s crying because
Adnan is away at a conference. She misses him. He
says that his religion is the most important thing to
him. That one day he will have to choose between
her and his religion. She is the cause of his sin.
Sarah K, the reporter, stopped keeping
track of how many times she called him
wonderful, sweetest guy, best boyfriend.
They would break up and get back
together a lot.
Nov 3 – They breakup.
Dec. 3 – They are back together.
December 6 – She mentions her crush on Don. He
is older and works with her. She doodles Don’s &
Adnan’s names 100+ times.
New Year’s Day – First date with Don
Many described him as overly involved &
He would crash girls’ nights
Becky called it a “silly teenage relationship.”
There was a lot of PDA and teasing.
Jay said that Adnan was upset about the
breakup that she broke his heart. She needed
to pay for that. “I think I’m going to kill her,
yeah, I think I’m going to kill her.”
Donna Paoletti Philips – taught Adnan and
Hae AP Psychology and had known them
both since they were freshmen. “He was just
another kid whose heart was broken.”
Saad said, “When they had broken up, Adnan
and Hae had broken up, it'd been like a
month, maybe more. She had already started
dating another guy, and I was like, “Adnan's
dating multiple girls!” “He wasn't obsessed
with Hae.”
Anjali – Girl from Philly Adnan they hung out
with Adnan after the breakup. Nothing
On New Year's Eve, Adnan met another girl,
Nisha from Silver Spring, Maryland.
Adnan’s Story
He and Hae grew up with the same family
expectations. They knew they wouldn’t meet
each other’s family.
They had a system for talking on the phone:
o One would page the other.
o The other person would call a 1-800
o While on that phone call, the other
would call in. This wouldn’t wake up
the parents because it would come
through call waiting.
When he called her a devil, he says he was
He never felt like Hae was tearing him away
from his religion.
When they broke up it was mutual. “let me
just say this, each time that she ended the
relationship or took a break, it was never a
thing where I was like pestering her or, like,
going to her house and knocking on the door
or chasing her down - “Look I wanna get back
with you! I wanna get back with you!”because a part, there was a part of me that
knew that man, what she said did make
Her very last diary entry, dated January 12, is brief.
“I love you Don. I think I have found my soul mate.
I love you so much. I fell in love with you the
moment I opened my eyes to see you in the
breakroom for the first time.”
Hae’s Best Friend
Knew the relationship was secret
She was annoyed by Adnan
She says he was constantly paging Hae
wanting to know where she was
Says Hae didn’t like when Adnan’s parents
showed up at the dance. She was horrified.
Hae even had to hold hands with another guy
to avoid Adnan’s parents. It was then Hae
said she wanted to end the relationship.
She went on a double date with Hae and her
new boyfriend, Don. She called the date
awkward because Don was a lot older than
The Homecoming Dance
 Andan’s parents found out that Adnan and
Hae were at the dance.
 Adnan’s parents showed up and yelled at him
& Hae
 Saad said later that night Adnan called and
they laughed about the whole thing.
Random Evidence
Adnan’s mom was against him dating, while the rest of the family thought it was okay. She would check the mileage on his car and listen in to his phone calls. He didn’t
get in trouble for dating but he was reminded of his duty to his religion.
Adnan was an EMT because of this the State used the idea that he not only knew how to strangle someone but he would know how to revive someone.
He bought a cell phone two days before Hae’s murder. He says it was so he could call girls. The State said it was for the murder.
English teacher told the police that Adnan had a dark side. The English teacher told Sarah that all of her students had a dark side.
The night before Hae disappeared, Adnan called her from his cell phone three times. The first two calls, at 11:27 p.m. and 12:01 a.m., were only two seconds each. The
third call, at 12:35 a.m., lasted a minute and twenty-four seconds.
“Wednesday. January 13. Hae and Adnan had a couple classes together, first period, and also last period, AP Psychology, with Miss Paoletti. That’s when Aisha last saw
Hae, at the end of Psychology. She was talking to Adnan. Then their friend Debbie remembers seeing Hae on her way to her car. She told Debbie she had to get her
cousin from school, and then was going see Don at the mall. The very last person to see Hae at school that day, we think, is Inez Butler Hendrix. Inez ran a little
concession stand right at the gym entrance and Hae would come by every day and get the same thing: a Veryfine apple juice and Hot Fries. That day, she drove up in
front of the gym where the concession stand was and left her car running.”
Inez Butler Hendrix – spoke with and saw Hae after school “ran in to get something to drink and to tell me to tell the bus not to leave her.”
No one actually testified at trial that they saw Hae and Adnan leave school together. And no one, aside from Jay, says they spotted Adnan in her car at any time that
afternoon. Adnan has no recollection of having asked Hae for a ride anywhere. He says he wouldn’t have asked for a ride because he knew she had to pick up her cousin
after school. A couple of friends remember that he did ask for a ride that day.
Becky - “Hae said she could, there would be no problem. At end of school I saw them. She said ‘Oh no I can’t take you, I have something else to do.’ She didn’t say what
else. Approximately 2:20.” So that happened at approximately 2:20. “He said, ‘Okay I’ll just ask someone else.’ He told her goodbye.” And then it just says, “Did not see
Hae after that.”
Around 6:30 p.m., after Hae had gone missing, a Baltimore County police officer named Scott Adcock called Adnan’s cellphone.
Scott Adcock testimony – “I spoke to Mr. Syed and he advised me that, ah, he did see the victim in school that day, and that um, he was supposed to get a ride home
from the victim, but he got detained at school and she just got tired of waiting and left.”
February 1 – a different detective calls Adnan. “Did you tell Officer Adcock you’d asked Hae for a ride?” According to the police report, “Adnan says this was incorrect
because he drives his own car to school.”