Term 1 homework project
Term 1 homework project
Stage 2 Homework Term 1, 2015 HEAT, GRAVITY AND FRICTION Famous Scientist Research Project DUE: Wednesday 25th March 2015 (Week 9) Students will be researching a Famous Scientist selected from the list provided below; the scientists will be associated with the Heat, Gravity or Friction. Students will make a poster and present the information to the class. Students will be required to self and peer assess at the completion of the project, this will be an in class process after the due date. Requirements: 1. 2 minute oral presentation on your findings (about the scientist) The Oral Presentation will include: 1. A ‘hook’ – a hook is something that catches the audiences attention e.g. a quote, a song, a phrase 2. An Introduction that clearly outlines each area they are going to talk about 3. A Middle that clearly explains in more detail the areas outlined in the introduction 4. A Conclusion that sums up the speech and gives an opinion on the scientist and their work. 2. One Poster (standard sheet of cardboard) The Poster will include: 1. A Picture of your scientist (placed in the centre of your poster) 2. First, middle (if he/she has one), and last name of the scientist. 3. Birth date and year of death (or the word ‘present’ if still alive). 4. What country were they born in and where did they do their work? 5. What are they famous for? 6. A fact that you found interesting 7. 3 additional pictures of the work the scientist has completed (diagrams or examples of the kind of work they do/did) that include captions of what is happening in the picture. On the back of your poster: 6 questions answered with several complete sentences. These need to be DETAILED written answers that have been written (typed) by the student 1. What is the Scientist’s background? (where and when was the scientist born, what were some childhood experiences, what was his/her early educational experience, college experience?) 2. What did the scientist contribute? (what did the scientist research and/or discover?) 3. How did this scientist help us to understand heat, gravity or friction? 4. What is so important about these discoveries/ research from the scientist? 5. How do you feel about what you learned about the scientist? 6. What are the three most interesting pieces of information you found? It is reasonable that students will spend the first week or two researching the scientist, students should undertake as much research as they can independently. Famous Scientists Gravity Heat Friction Isaac Newton William Thomson Benjamin Thompson Albert Einstein James Joule Leonardo Da Vinci Stephen Hawking James Dewar The criteria that students will be marked on during their presentation and poster are attached. Sarah Ings POSTER PRESENTATION EVALUATION CRITERIA AND CHECKLIST Name Scientist CRITERIA ORGANISATION Heading (Scientist Name) neat, clear and visible Picture of scientist included in centre of poster Three pictures included Pictures clearly captioned explaining the picture Written information is neat and clear INFORMATION Information is written in student’s own words Each answer clearly states the question that is being addressed All questions have been answered Questions have been answered with at least three sentences for each answer Sentences are clear with no repetition Information is accurate PRESENTATION Poster has been decorated appropriately Poster displays pride and care in its presentation Sarah Ings Excellent Good Fair Needs Work COMMENTS ORAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION CRITERIA AND CHECKLIST Presenter’s Name Presenter’s Topic CRITERIA ORGANISTION talk was well-prepared topic clearly stated structure & scope of talk clearly stated in introduction topic was developed in order stated in introduction speaker summed up main points in conclusion and offered an opinion CONFIDENCE looked relaxed and confident used appropriate body language established good eye contact initially maintained eye contact throughout talk METHOD pace was varied and not too rushed volume was appropriate TIMING/MODE OF DELIVERY talk was well-timed speaker spoke from palm cards Sarah Ings Excellent Good Fair Needs Work COMMENTS
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