Using Naturalistic Driving Data to Assess the


Using Naturalistic Driving Data to Assess the
Using Naturalistic Driving Data to Assess the Prevalence of
Environmental Factors and Driver Behaviors in Teen Driver Crashes
March 2015
AAA Recommendations for Limiting Novice Driver Distraction
States should enact or strengthen passenger restriction laws for novice teen drivers
AAA Recommendation
State Landscape
No more than 1 non-family passenger under age 20
for at least first 6 months of licensure (primary
4 states do not have teen passenger restrictions
29 states have existing teen passenger restrictions that
could be further improved
17 states and DC meet AAA recommendations
States should enact or strengthen bans on wireless phone use while driving for novice teen drivers
AAA Recommendation
State Landscape
No texting or hand-held cell phone use while driving
for persons under age 18 (primary enforcement)
2 states lack any kind of distracted driving law
19 states have distracted driving laws that could be
improved to cover all wireless use by teens
29 states and DC meet AAA recommendations