April 2015 - North Star Schools


April 2015 - North Star Schools
April 2015
Volume 10 Issue 8
Hello Everyone,
I hope you have all had some time to take advantage of our beautiful spring like weather so far,
even though as I write this it is technically still winter! I know everyone could probably use some
moisture, but I personally hope it falls in the form of nice spring rains rather than the white stuff – I am
ready for some warmer weather.
As we come into April, we will be embarking on our state required tests, which take place in the
form of the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Last year we took similar tests in order for them to see how
they worked. This year, the hope is that they have worked out most of the issues we saw in it last year,
though only time will tell. In the end, the hope is that this test will allow us to get a good picture of where
our students are at academically. We will then use that data to both make their education more personal
and meaningful to them, and also to continuously improve our methods for education as educators. This
test is unique in comparison to previous tests, in that it is adaptive. This means as students answer
questions right or wrong, they are taken to higher or lower level questions respectively, and thus we get a
more precise indicator of their actual level of understanding on the topics they are being tested on.
Overall, we are hopeful that it will be beneficial to our students, but are aware there may be some
headaches in taking it in our first few years. Mrs. Spinler has included more information on the schedule
inside, and please help us out by getting the kids a good night’s sleep and having them present and ready
to do their best on test day.
Otherwise, we continue to move forward in trying to make North Star the best educational
environment we possibly can, and our teachers are busy implementing new techniques and practices that
we have worked on this year, as well as planning for development over the summer. While it is important
in all aspects of life, continuous improvement as educators and as a school is vital, so we will continue that
work with the desire to see ever-higher achievement by our students and an always-improving
atmosphere in which that learning takes place.
Bart K. Hawkins, Superintendent
North Star School District 99M
[email protected]
1 *9C Senior
2* Cut Bank
Easter HS Track
Good Friday
No School
7 *JH Track
8*Cal Wearley 9
Practice Begins
Memorial Track
School in Session
13 *State
14* Booster
Skills USA
Club Meeting-4pRudyard
*Havre-NSChinook Triangular Track MeetHavre
17 *District
18 *District
Music Festival-Havre High
*North Star JH
Track MeetHavre-11a
Music Festival-Havre High
Track MeetCenterville
20 *6th Grade 21 *North Star 22
23 *Power
24* Ft. Benton 25 *Fairfield/
begins Track
Froshmore Track
JH Track MeetFt. Benton TBA
Foundation Mtg.4:30-Rudyard
*Malta Athletic
Club Track Meet
Malta (11-12)
Lions Track
*No School
27 *Cascade
*ACT for
Top 8 Track Meet- Juniors 8a-1p
Great Falls-4:30
*JMG State
*Jason Groseclose
Memorial Track
Meet -Rudyard-3p
No School
29 *JMG State 30 *Great
Falls Frosh
Track Meet-Great
Belt Track MeetGreat Falls-9a
Casey Richey (2nd Grade)
Paij Peterson (8th Grade)
Cade Chvilicek (Sophomore)
4th Grade
Mr. Chase Rambo
The pressure was intense during
that March 5th staff meeting. The
elementary paper article was
currently in “open” status. I could either a) volunteer like a goody two shoes or
b) hide under a table. I did neither and was still afforded the opportunity to type
up this month’s elementary corner. All joking aside, it has been great getting to
know, learn and teach the 4th grade class. The support from the staff, school and
community has been great.
The 4th grade has been super busy in the short time I’ve been with them.
They have gone to stations in math to better meet each student’s needs, finished
up a science unit on simple machines and studied various regions around the
United States in social studies. 4th grade has also had the opportunity to
participate in elementary basketball this spring. They have also been busy with
standardized testing as well. The North Star 4th grade class was selected to
participate in the NAEP tests. The tests quizzed the students on math, science and
reading. Currently we are in the middle of CRT testing, which is given to 4th, 8th
and 10th graders nation-wide.
4th grade also has some news to share, some good and
some bad. Mr. T, one of the class’s Russian Tortoises
passed away. The class was a bit saddened as they had
only had Mr. T about two months. The good news is that
Dylon Melby, winner of the school geography bee, has
also been selected to participate in the State Geography
Bee in Billings on March 27th. The class, Mrs. Clawson
and I all want to wish Dylon the best of luck in the
geography bee.
Regional Science Fair Special Awards:
*American Meteorological Society Award - Jewel Wicks
*ASM Materials Education Foundation Certificate of Recognition for Most
outstanding exhibit in Materials Science - Jewel Wicks.
*Mu Alpha Theta Award for the most challenging, original, thorough, and creative
investigation of a problem involving mathematics - Tom Nerat and Luke Shiffert
*Richo Sustainable Development Award - Devon Miller
*The Society for InVitro Biology - Hali Kapperud
*Yale Science and Engineering Association, Inc. - Dylan and Dane
*Top 7th Grade project - Biological - Aubry Welch
*Top 7th Grade project - Physical - Saige O'Neil
State Science Fair Results:
Six North Star Students made the trip this last week to Missoula for the State Science Fair. Traveling south
were Freshmen Devon Miller, and Hali Kapperud, and 7th graders Aubrey Welch, Bailey Spicher, Brody
Wendland, and Saige Scheresky-O'Neil. Some of the highlights for the students were the field trip to the
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation museum, and fun times playing Laser Tag at the Hub Family Center.
In spite of the fun, they still had a great showing. Devon and Hali both earned silver
ribbons in the High School Division. Bailey and Brody earned a gold ribbon, Saige earned a silver and Aubrey
was awarded a bronze. They represented themselves and their school well. Congratulations, students!!
If you enjoy music
and comedy, you
will love what is
coming in May!
The North Star choir and
drama class are combining
this year for a Spring Musical Review. The dates
are Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9 @
7:00 p.m. Stay tuned for more information.
Montana BPA 2015 State Leadership Conference
By: Mrs. Karleen Wolery
Students from across the state of Montana attended the 2015 State Leadership Conference
for the Montana Association of Business Professionals of America in Billings, Montana,
March 8-10.
The 2015 Montana BPA State Leadership Conference was held at the Montana State
University—Billings College of Technology, the Holiday Inn Grand Montana, and the Billings
Hotel and Convention Center. Members from the North Star chapter joined approximately
1,400 students and local chapter advisors who gathered in spirit of friendship and goodwill
as the Montana Association assisted the members to “Swing into Prosperity with Roaring
Leadership” through participation in the areas competitive events, leadership, community
development, and professionalism. During the three-day event, students demonstrated
their knowledge in business and technological skills and abilities in over 60 different
competitive events.
North Star’s BPA Chapter was represented by fifteen members including: Graysen
Spicher, Megan Kurtz, Cade Chvilicek, Keevan Borlaug, Niki Kurtz, Sheridan Pena, Sheridan
Spicher, and Rian Gulick, Lily Pedersen, Dane Miller, Devon Miller, Dylan Miller, Hali
Kapperud, and Peytan King. These members were accompanied by their advisor, Mrs.
Karleen Wolery, chaperone, Mr. Bruce Kapperud, and bus driver, Mr. Charlie Chvilicek. A
special thanks to Bruce and Charlie for their time and for attending the conference with BPA.
Each of the members advanced to the State BPA Conference because he/she placed in
at least one competitive event at the Regional BPA Competition in January.
2015 State BPA results are as follows:
Cade Chvilicek—8th Advanced Spreadsheet Applications
Sheridan Pena—8th Basic Office Systems & Procedures, 8th
Fundamental Word Processing Skills
Dane Miller—8th Banking and Finance
Congratulations to all BPA members on a successful year!
Together We Are…Fueling Our Fire
State FCCLA 2015
North Star FCCLA members joined 750 members
and advisors from across the state at the 68th
Annual State Leadership Conference March 15-17,
2015 in Billings. As a chapter, North Star was
recognized as one of the eleven chapters to
receive the 2015 Montana STAR Chapter Awards.
This is an award for chapters with a well-rounded
program of work including programming in each of the following areas: membership, chapter
operations, service learning, state and national activities, leadership, promotions and public relations.
North Star Chapter received a Bronze level award for their work this year. Alissa Borlaug was awarded
one of three state FCCLA scholarships at the opening ceremony. Congratulations, Alissa!
North Star will be represented at National FCCLA Conference in
Washington D.C. this July by three students and their advisor, Mrs.
Chinadle. Graysen Spicher earned the top gold medal in a brand
new competition, Sports Nutrition, where she designed a nutrition
and exercise plan for a high school athlete. In Life Event Planning,
Kiera Miller earned the second place gold medal with her project,
“A Graduation Celebration.” Kiera had to plan a menu and entertainment for her celebration and then create a workable budget
for the event. These students along with Samantha Pester who was installed as a State Officer will
attend the National Conference in Washington D.C. in July.
North Star FCCLA members receiving gold medals includes Graysen Spicher in Sports Nutrition, Kiera
Miller in Life Event Planning, Megan and Niki Kurtz in Life Event Planning and Sheridan Spicher in Toys
That Teach. Sheridan earned the top gold in this event, but the event does not move on to national
competition. Earning a Silver medal was Jimmy Snow in Toys That Teach. Bronze medal winners were
Sheridan Pena in Career Investigation and Peytan King in Recycle and Redesign. Mrs. Chinadle was
elected to a three year term on the Montana FCCLA Board of Directors.
North Star’s trip to Billings would not be possible without the generous donation of time and energy
from our dedicated chaperones. Thanks and appreciation goes out to Catalina Carlon and Sharon
Pester for their patience and time. Special thanks to our bus driver, Charlie Chvilicek. Thanks also to the
parents of our FCCLA members and our community for your continued support of FCCLA at North Star
The following is an editorial written by Senior, McKenna Holt.
My brother enlisted in the United States Army following High School
Graduation. He believed he was doing a good thing. He served as a driver
for the Army and was stationed 16 miles north of Baghdad during the
beginning of the Iraq war. For some soldiers, enlisting in the military is one of their only options.
That is how it was for my brother. Often times young men do not understand what being in the
Army means. It means watching your best friend die or killing innocent people. It is horrific.
Having multiple family members who served for the United States Army has opened my eyes
to the effects of war. I witnessed PTSD as a result of my sibling serving in the Iraq war for five years.
My brother left to go serve his country as an 18 year-old-boy. He left ready and willing to do what it
takes to defend his country. Returning as a 23-year-old man he was no longer filled with the same
joy as when he left. He often cried because of the memories and couldn't sleep more than 4 hours.
My brother no longer thought that the military was as great as it seemed. He was never and would
never return to his happy innocent 18-year-old self.
In order to truly honor veterans we shouldn't say they were brave or full of courage. We
should assist them in receiving the medical care that they need. When soldiers return from places
like Iraq, they carry with them a burden of grief. PTSD is very real and extremely serious. Soldiers
need to talk about their PTSD with a psychologist. It is a fatal disease and many Veterans are driven
to drink. Why is this? It is due to the fact that they have seen things that no one should have to
witness. Every time they are awake they are reminded of their experiences. Every time they lay
down to sleep their dreams are haunted by the tragedies that they encountered. War is not good.
Not only does it kill our "enemies" but it in the long run, it kills our soldiers.
Those who praise the soldiers of the United States Army often disgrace them as well. The
hospital for Veterans known as the VA is not supported by many. The VA is extremely important and
is there to assist Veterans long after they served our country. Most people believe that the VA is
unnecessary and that Veterans do not need continuous care. These people are very very wrong.
The best way to help soldiers is to provide them with the necessary treatment they need
when returning home. They will need this care for the remainder of their lives. Though continuous
care does not diminish the memories or nightmares, it helps to control them. Suicide rates in
soldiers have increased in the past year. This is because they have no way to handle their
depression. Yes, our soldiers are great for "protecting" our country. But should they have to pay the
price of having depression for the rest of their lives?
Houses in neighborhoods take pride in having a United States flag hanging by their porch.
Citizens take pride in having a bumper sticker on their minivan with the saying "support our troops".
To truly "support our troops" we need to help them after they return home, which is when they
need our support. We need to continue to provide necessary care for our Veterans. In order to decrease suicide rates, we must encourage soldiers to seek help at their local VA. Honor your Veterans and support their well-being.
This spring the online Smarter Balance (SBAC)
assessments will be administered to North Star
students in grades 3-8 and 11. This assessment
replaces the previous paper-and-pencil CRT Reading and Math exams. SBAC will include
writing at every grade level, more interactive questions, and performance tasks that ask
students to demonstrate a range of problem solving skills and critical thinking.
The online testing session times vary from 1.5 to 2 hours. Assessments will only be
administered as one session per day. The following schedule indicates what days the
students will have a test session:
7th Grade:
April 13-15 Math
April 20-22 English/Language Arts
8th Grade:
April 20-22 Math
April 27-29 English/Language Arts
10th Grade: April 7, 9, 10 Math
April 27-29 English/Language Arts
Elementary students will begin testing on April 13. Classroom teachers will send out
additional information to parents or guardians regarding the dates and times for each grade.
For more information about the Smarter Balanced assessments, visit http://
www.smarterbalanced.org or you may contact Mrs. Rose Spinler or Mr. Bart Hawkins at 3554481.
Student Employment Opportunity
Applications are available at the high school office in Rudyard for summer work
opportunities through HRDC. Students must be 16 years of age. Priority shall be given to
recipients of public assistance (food stamps or TANF) and low-income individuals based on a
family income table. This is a federally funded Workforce Investment Act training program
which operates under the US Department of Labor. Applications are to be returned to the
District 4 HRDC office at 2229 5th Ave, Havre, MT 59501.
Snow Day Make-Up
Please note that North Star will plan on making up its snow
day from early January on Friday, May 8. This will be a regular
school day, and will make up the time needed after missing
one whole day and two partial days in January. Thank you!
Families needed to host Japanese youth for one month this summer
through the Montana 4-H Center for Youth Development. Program dates
are from July 24-August 18, 2015. Host families should have children
ages 10-16, the desire for an in-depth cultural experience and fun! Japanese delegates come with spending money and health insurance and are
here to experience everyday life in an American family. For application
materials, contact Stephanie Davison at [email protected] 9943502.
Scholarships will be awarded in memory of Nancy Reynolds to students
pursuing a degree at an institution of higher education. Applicants must be a
graduating senior living within the former boundaries of the KG School District
or a graduate of KG High School. Priority will be given to candidates who have
completed at least two full semesters or three full quarters at a college or
university. Applicants must possess a good academic record, show a desire to
better themselves and have a need. The amount of the scholarship will be
determined by the number of students chosen to receive the award. The
recipients of the scholarship will be announced at the North Star Graduation
on May 16, 2015. Anyone interested in the scholarship may pick up an
application by contacting Ginny Reynolds 265-9785, Kathy Preeshl 355-4481
(W), 376-3183 (H), or you may pick up applications at North Star High School.
The completed scholarship application must be returned to Ginny Reynolds,
570 Road 403 N., Havre, MT 59501, before May 8, 2015.
Stay Informed!
Meal balances, school announcements, grades and more are available on the
Infinite Campus portal. Access Campus by going to the school’s website at
www.northstar.k12.mt.us and clicking on the Infinite Campus Portal link on the
right. Or access Campus from a mobile device. Download the Infinite Campus
Mobile Portal application from the App Store. In settings, enter the District ID of
CRQNXT and select go. You will then enter your Infinite Campus username and
password. Even if you don't have a student, you can see the latest district notices.
North Star Schools is looking for anyone willing to donate
towels to the school. There is a need for five dozen, 30”X
54” or 30”X 58” towels for our Physical Education and
Athletic departments. Thank You for your generosity!
Upcoming Events:
3-6th—Easter Break-No School
8th—Cal Wearley Memorial Track Meet-Havre
13th-15th—State SkillsUSA
17th-18th—District Music Festival
28th—Jason Groseclose Memorial Track MeetRudyard
1st-2nd—State Music Festival-Missoula
4th—Ted Talk Trip
6th—9C District Track Meet-Havre
8th—Makeup Snow Day
8th-9th—North Star Spring Musical Review
9th—JH 9C District Track Meet-Havre
14th—Northern Divisional Track Meet-Great Falls
16th—Graduation 2:00 P.M.
21st—Last Day of School/End of 4th Quarter
22nd-23rd—State “A” and “C” Track Meet-Laurel
The North Star Booster Club is looking for people
who are interested in becoming an officer. If you
are interested please contact Karen Kurtz at 3763145.