WNS 12th April 2015 - The Anglican Church of Paphos


WNS 12th April 2015 - The Anglican Church of Paphos
The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem
and the Middle East
(a Province of the Anglican Communion)
Ayia Kyriaki, Kato Paphos; St. Stephen’s, Tala and St. Luke’s Prodromi
We are committed, through Jesus, to sharing God’s Love
for all peoples and growing in our love for Him
and for one another.
Sunday 12th April 2015
Second Sunday of Easter - Year B
P.O Box 61083, 8130 Kato Paphos, Cyprus
Parish Priest: The Reverend Nic Denny-Dimitriou
Readings for Sunday 12th April
Page Numbers ~ St. Stephen’s only
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Exodus 14: 10-31... Page 50
Psalm 133... Page 443
Acts 4: 32-35... Page 773
John 20: 19-31... Page 769
Sunday 19th April
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Zephaniah 3: 14-20... Page 667
Psalm 4... Page 384
Acts 3: 12-19... Page 772
Luke 24: 36-48... Page 749
Prayers for this Week
We pray for Archbishop Justin of Canterbury and the Anglican
Communion worldwide; for Archbishop Mouneer Anis, President
Bishop of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East and Bishop
Suheil Dawani of Jerusalem. We pray for the Eastern Orthodox
Churches celebrating their Easter Day, and the Latin Church of
Paphos also celebrating today. This week we pray for our Companion
Diocese of Exeter in the Church of England and for Robert their
Bishop. In our own Diocese we pray for St. Mark’s Famagustsa in a
predominately Muslim city, and its ministry to mainly international
Christian students in the local university; and for the food-bank and
welfare programme to support students in vulnerable situations. We
pray for its Muslim neighbours and for the relationship between the
governments of North and South Cyprus; for the British expats in
the Karpaz area, most of whom are unchurched. In our own Parish
of Paphos, we give thanks for the Glorious Easter Day services
celebrated in our three worship centres, and for the many visitors
who joined us on that day thereby enhancing our walk of faith.
Website: www.paphosanglicanchurch.org
Weddings: www.churchweddingspaphos.com
What’s going on today and this week
Duty Wardens for week
Sunday 12th April
Holy Eucharist (Rev’d Andrew) - Ayia Kyriaki
Holy Eucharist (Rev’d Nic) - St. Luke’s
Morning Worship (Reader Ann Bailey) - St. Stephen’s
Sung Eucharist (Rev’d Nic) - Ayia Kyriaki
Wednesday 15th April
Holy Eucharist (Rev’d Andrew) - Ayia Kyriaki
Organ Recital by Malcolm Brinson - Ayia Kyriaki
Thursday 16th April
Women’s Group Meeting - details on page 3
Friday 17th April
Craft and Coffee - St. Stephen’s
Sunday 19th April
Holy Eucharist (Rev’d Andrew) - Ayia Kyriaki
Holy Eucharist (Rev’d Marian) - St. Luke’s
Holy Eucharist (Rev’d Andrew) - St. Stephen’s
Sung Eucharist (Rev’d Andrew/Reader Trev Sait) -AK
For the work of the Church - w/e 5th April 2015
Ayia Kyriaki: €602.80
Pledges: €251.00
St. Stephen’s: €443.00
Pledges: €484.00
St. Stephen’s Lent Collection: €75.50
St. Stephen’s Donation Cards: €100.00
St. Luke’s: €106.80
Pledges: €70.00
St. Luke’s Rent Fund: €270.00
Open Plate Total : €1152.60
Ayia Kyriaki - 8.15 a.m. Margaret Keeble + week
Ayia Kyriaki - 6.00 p.m. Margaret Keeble
St. Stephen’s - Chris Fox
St. Luke’s - Catherine Elliott
A Notice for our U.K. Visitors
Gift Aid - The Anglican Church of Paphos, through the Jerusalem
and East Mission Trust UK Endowment Fund, is recognised by the UK
tax authorities as a registered UK charity. Any donations made by
UK Taxpayers are eligible for Gift Aid. In order to participate, a Gift
Aid envelope must be completed and submitted to the Church. So
that we can claim back any tax, it is vitally important that the
information required on the front of the blue Gift Aid
envelope is completed IN FULL. If this is not done we are
unable to make a valid claim.
Your participation in the Gift Aid Scheme is much appreciated as the
church is totally self-supporting. Thank you.
Gift Aid envelopes are provided with the Weekly Notice Sheet for
your convenience.
A reminder of away-dates for Rev’d Nic, as published previously
in the March Newsletter: Nic will be in South Africa for a friend’s
wedding and quick family visit from Tuesday 14th - Tuesday 21st
April. He will also be away in Cyprus, together with his family and
Julia’s father, from Thursday 23rd - Sat. 25th April.
Pledges Total: €805.00
April Newsletter
A short Newsletter from Rev’d Nic will have been emailed by this
weekend, with some notes about Cancellation of the 2015 Flower
Festival, Summary notes from each Council Meeting, and Colin Evans
as our Independent Financial Examiner; there is also a Christmas
Story for the Easter Season!
To help refresh and revitalise the Christmas Fayre we need your
ideas for new stalls, games, attractions and ways to increase
attendance. The Fayre faces continued competition from the other
charities in Paphos for the limited amount of disposable income
available from residents so ALL ideas and comments are welcome.
Please contact me before the end of April on 96 620721 or at
[email protected] Gerald Payne, Fayre Coordinator
Three stalls at this year’s Christmas Fayre are in urgent need of
volunteer organisers - Bric-A-Brac, Produce (baking and fresh foods)
and the outdoor BBQ (cooking burgers and sausages). Together
these account for some 25% of the total income, without them the
beneficiary charities will suffer and the venue will look sparse and
Please, please volunteer either as an individual or as a team. Your
help is vital to the success of the event. I will be delighted to answer
questions, explain what is involved or sign you up for a stall.
Please contact me before the end of April on 96 620721 or at
[email protected]
Gerald Payne, Fayre Coordinator
Ayia Kyriaki Choir: New choir members always welcome, visitors
included. If interested, please contact Jane on 97751166.
Coffee, Company, Craft and Chat: Business as usual on Friday
afternoons from 2p.m. at St. Stephen’s and a warm welcome and
delicious cakes are always on offer. If you have any left over craft
resources or books etc. that you have no further use for, we would
welcome those as we are planning another craft and coffee sale as
soon as the weather warms up a bit more.
More information is available from Mary Brown 99 863194 or
email maryb42@hotmail .co.uk
Café Direct: As last Sunday was Easter Day, Colin Evans will be
selling Fair Trade coffee TODAY after the 8.15am service at Ayia
Kyriaki and after the 11am service at St. Stephen’s.
Malcolm Brinson, a former Director of Music for the Anglican
Church of Paphos, will give an Organ Recital in Ayia Kyriaki, at
6.00pm, on Wednesday, 15th April. Please bring a pen or a pencil,
all will be revealed on the night!! Retiring Collection.
Women’s Group: High heels, Hats and High Tea:
Get out your best hat and high heels for the Women’s Group High
Tea at Rosie’s Tea Room, Geroskipou Square behind Agia Paraskevi
Church, Thursday 16 April 3-5 p.m.
High Tea: tea, sandwiches, scones, jam and clotted cream and a
slice of carrot/cheese/chocolate/Victoria sponge cake: €10
(cappuccino/filter coffee 50c extra)
Cream tea: tea, scones, jam and clotted cream: €5
Tea/coffee and cake: €5
Phone Dave: 99 670907 to book a seat or a table and place your
order. Numbers limited.
All women welcome, including visitors, (without a hat or high heels
Paphos Voices will be singing ‘The Crucifixion’ (Stainer) and
‘Gloria’ (Vivaldi) in the Great Hall of the new Holy Orthodox Church
in Tala, at 7.30pm on Thursday, 16th April. Further details on church
Choral Evensong on Sunday, 26th April, Paphos Voices will be
singing part of the liturgy which will include music by Stainer,
Purcell, Stanford, Vivaldi and Tallis.
Recycled Cards: We shall be selling recycled cards at Ayia Kyriaki
and St. Stephen’s Churches on Sunday 3rd May 2015 after the
8.15 am service and after the 11 am service. We look forward to
your support. Many thanks, Sue and Lou.
Chinese Meal - Due to the ongoing delay with the road works on
the Tomb of the Kings road, it is not possible to have the Chinese
meal at Chloe’s. It will now take place on Friday 24th April at the
Xiang Gong Restaurant, The Triangle, Paphos, commencing 7.00 for
7.30pm Tickets €15 (excluding drinks). Visitors, friends and family
are welcome. There will be a raffle for church funds.
Mini Golf - 23rd May (buffet included)
Argaka Fun Afternoon - 13th June
Annual BBQ - 18th July
Ticket Sellers:
Ayia Kyriaki:
St. Luke’s:
St. Stephen’s:
Gordon & Norma Redpath (26 654392)
Anglican Parish Priest
The Reverend Nic Denny-Dimitriou
Tel: 26 652281 / 99 618630
Associate Priest
The Reverend Andrew Symonds
Tel: 26 953373 / 97 745195
Clergy with Permission to Officiate
The Reverend Julia Denny-Dimitriou
The Reverend Marian Morgan
Tel: 96 617039
Tel: 26 422428
Mob 99 242539
The Reverend Sue Place - Friends’ Hospice Number Mob: 99 735116
Bob Cross
Catherine Elliott
Christine Fox
Jacquie Hammond
Margaret Keeble
Sarah Sait
Tel: 26 623464
Tel: 26 321131
Tel: 99 587683
Tel: 99 276129
Tel: 26 422380
Tel: 26 272502
Church Secretary Di Sylvester
Tel: 99 103976
E-mail: [email protected]
Wedding Coordinator, Funeral and Baptism Administrator
Helen Smith
Tel: 26 953044; Mob 99 212627; Fax: 26 952486
E-mail: [email protected]
Morning: Gerald & Trisha Payne (96 620721)
Evening: Liz & Bob Pearce (26 934174)
Organist in Residence
Jayne Preston (96 511321)
Pastoral Care Team
Jane Roberts
Duty Member
Mob: 97 751166
99 047127