SS Peter and Paul - Parish of Chingford


SS Peter and Paul - Parish of Chingford
Notices from SS Peter & Paul
5th April
Easter Day
Alleluia! Christ is Risen.
When the Priest says:
please respond (loudly!)
‘Alleluia! Christ is risen’,
‘He is risen indeed. Alleluia!’
All those on the electoral role are invited to the annual meeting of the PCC which will
be held at the Old Church on Saturday 18th April with a Eucharist at 9.15am
followed by a 10am meeting. PCC nomination forms are at the back of the church.
Church Cleaning Day
Thank you to all those who took time to help make our Church (inside and
out) look beautiful for this special day in our Church Calendar.
Raising Money for Parish Share
Thank you for your contributions so far this year towards our upkeep. The total of
collections at services during March, together with standing orders was £5,956
(2014 £5,111) but over £6,000 per month is needed to pay our Parish share in full.
Lord of all life and power,
who through the mighty resurrection of your Son
overcame the old order of sin and death
to make all things new in him:
grant that we, being dead to sin
and alive to you in Jesus Christ,
may reign with him in glory;
to whom with you and the Holy Spirit
be praise and honour, glory and might,
now and in all eternity.
Today – Easter Day
1st reading
Acts 10. 34-43
2nd reading
1 Corinthians 15. 1-11
Gospel reading
Next Week – Easter 2
1st reading
Acts 4. 32-35
2nd reading
1 John 1. 1-2.2
Gospel reading John 20. 19-31
Thank you to all those who have helped with the newsletter, it is now time for me to
pass the baton on after all these years, and today is my last newsletter, as was said
at the last meeting. We still haven’t had anyone come forward to take it on; I pray
that someone will come forward today. I am quite willing to help ease the new
person into the role. Many thanks for your support, Harriet Kerr.
Planned Giving Weekly Envelopes
The time has come for the new set of weekly envelopes to be issued. They will soon
be available at the back of the Church. I am currently updating the records of the tax
that can be reclaimed and I would like to ensure that all of those using this method
of giving and pay tax, have supplied me with a declaration form. I would therefore
request that if you are unsure you have completed this form please contact me so I
can update this information. I would also be grateful if the user of box 36 could
contact me. Many Thanks, Ian Rampton, Planned Giving Officer, 020 8527 5009
[email protected]
Vestry Hall Hire
Please spread the word that our hall is available to hire. It is suitable
for children’s parties, wakes, meetings and social gatherings. Some
dates available at very competitive rates. For information contact 020
8529 0323 or [email protected]
Blue gift-aid envelopes
Please ensure that you provide full name and address and
postcode legibly in the details when you donate by blue giftaid envelope. Failure to provide all these details will result in
the Church not being able to reclaim the tax on your
donations. Recently we have received a number of
envelopes where these details have not been completed and
therefore cannot submit a claim for the tax reclaim.
Prayer Meetings
These take place on the first Saturday of the month at 5.30pm at the Old Church,
except in April when the meeting is on the 11th instead of the 4th.
Welcome and Congratulations
During today’s Choral Evensong George Koskinas, Nathan Morgan and Shakira
Idris will be gaining their ‘white level’ in the ‘Voice for life’ training scheme of the
Royal School of Church Music, and therefore become full choristers. Please come
and support them.
The Food Bank
There is a steady flow of referrals to our local Food Bank.
Thank you for your continuing support, the donation box is at the back of church.
Reminder of current needs: long-life milk, jam, toilet rolls, pasta sauce, juice/squash,
tinned desserts & fruit & potatoes, washing up liquid and washing detergent.
In line with agreement of the E4 churches alternating the venue it has now been
confirmed that the venue for our Confirmation service to be held on Sunday 19th
July at 10am. Will be at St Annes, Chingford Hatch. For anyone considering
Confirmation (no upper age limit!) there will be Preparation classes beginning after
Easter. Please pray for all members of our church who will be considering their
confirmation at this time.
Prayer Vigil for the coming general election
To mark the beginning of a county-wide week of prayer for the UK General Election,
Church Leaders in Essex and East London will be holding a prayer vigil at
Chelmsford Cathedral on Thursday 30th April between 7.30pm and 8.30pm, to which
you are all very welcome to attend.
Well done to David Wriderholt on recently being presented the Chief Scout Award
by Bear Grylls and Luke Kerr on recently receiving your Gold D of E in the presence
of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.
Easter bring Fun, Easter bring Happiness,
Easter bring God Endless Blessings,
Easter bring fresh love…
Happy Easter to You
with all best wishes
Associate Priest
Fr. Hall Speers
020 8529 3738
[email protected]
Assistant Curate
Mtr. Tina Rollings
020 8523 7174
[email protected]
020 85245333
[email protected]
Deadline: Wednesday
Christine Rampton
[email protected]
Deadline: 3rd Monday of each month
Parish Office
Claire Codling
Joyce Hilton
Jan Harrison
020 8529 0323
[email protected]
Monday and Wednesday 9am -11am
020 8529 1992
020 8529 0351
Gloria and
Haydn: Little Organ
Choral Evensong
and Admission of Choristers
Regina Coeli -Aston
Hallelujah Chorus - Psalm
106 (tune 219)
117, 118 if needed, Anthem
This joyful
Eastertide - Wood
Final hymn
Recessional Ps 150
Organ music Postlude
Final Response
- Organ music
66 v1-11
Stanford in A
Jerusalem - Stanford
Sonata no.3 in
The Church of England in Essex and East London
Diocese of Chelmsford