Late Winter 2015 - Pastel Painters of Maine


Late Winter 2015 - Pastel Painters of Maine
Members of the Board
Kate Bergquist, PSA 865-0017
[email protected]
President’s Message:
As we look forward to longer, brighter days and warmer weather ahead, I
hope that everyone has made the most of the past few months of snowy
days to paint. I have cherished the quiet days, relieved of running errands
and places to be, able to work in my studio without disruption, while snow
danced outside my windows.
Throughout the last two months, the PPOM Committee Chairpersons have
been busy planning numerous exciting events for the upcoming year.
Several General Membership Meeting Programs, the Pemaquid Retreat,
the 16th International Juried Exhibition for “Pastels Only”, Barbara
Jaenicke’s two workshops, a White Mountain Painting Retreat, the Fall
Members Show, a Kathleen Galligan Workshop, and more are planned or
in the process of coming to fruition. Please check this newsletter for more
In my January letter, I reached out to the membership asking for help. I
would like to thank those who contacted me and offered their assistance.
Jerri Whitman has volunteered to join the PPOM Board as Recording
Secretary and Member Show Chair, while Barbara Joy Hare (a new
member) has volunteered to help out behind the scenes. I would also like
to thank the numerous volunteers who have helped me this past year with
exhibition check-ins and check-outs, hanging shows, providing reception
refreshments, and supplementing the Lyn Asselta workshop’s lunch with
cookies, salads and fruit.
In order to grow and to remain a strong pastel society, PPOM needs its
membership be to actively involved. I know that everyone is busy, life is
crazy, you have a job, a family and you want to paint - I fully understand
that, time is precious. I am not asking PPOM members for a huge
commitment; I am only asking everyone to contribute in any way they can.
As the old verse says - many hands make light work. The majority of the
“committees” that plan and organize the numerous PPOM events are in
reality made up of only one person. PPOM needs your help, I need your
help. To make these committees true committees, several people need to
work together to create exciting opportunities for our membership. So
again I ask - Why are you a PPOM member? and What can you do to help
make PPOM better for all?
Sincerely, Kate
Vice President
International Juried Exhibition Co-Chair/
Lee Borden 205-3348
[email protected]
Recording Secretary
Jerri Whitman
[email protected]
Corresponding Secretary
Mary Beth Morrison
[email protected]
Diane Racine 389-2303
[email protected]
Lending Library
Nancy Lee Lovley, PSA, 594-1486
[email protected]
Sally Loughridge, 644-1835
[email protected]
Member At Large/Newsletter &Email
Correspondent, Mary Barrett 874-0913
[email protected]
Member At Large/ Publicity
Judy Segal
[email protected]
Member At Large/Website Administrator
Wolfgang Ertl 603-601-2378
[email protected]
Pemaquid Retreat
Diane Brogan 508-397-8230
[email protected]
Past President
Caren-Marie Michel 854-2378
[email protected]
New Members:
PPOM welcomes new members:
Ann Gillespie, Bolton, MA, Janet
Bornemann, Acton, MA, Paloma Costell,
West Gardiner, ME, Beth Varkala,
Sparta, NJ, Jane Sutherland,
Portsmouth, NH, Joelle Feldman,
Harvard, MA , Marie-Louise Petrie,
Carlisle, MA, Stephen Brown, Sylvania,
OH, Paula Pascucci, Nahant, MA, Laura
Tuininga, Newmarket, NH, Susan
Goodmundson, Auburn, CA, Jocelyn
Randles, Brookline, MA, Paula Fraser,
Millis, MA, Jacinda Joy Cotton-Castro,
New Gloucester, ME
PPOM is sponsoring four membership
programs this year. Please put them
on your calendars!
Tuesday March 24, 11 am to 1 pm,
Patten Free Library, Bath
"Digital Imagery—How to Become a
Pixel Pusher"
led by Marc Spruiell, Communications
Director, Maine Arts Commission
Don't know a megapixel from a megabyte? Is a
raster file something you keep in the workshop?
Are DPI and PPI getting you down? Take heart
—this workshop will cover the basics of working
with digital images! We’ll talk about getting the
files moved from camera to computer,
understanding resolution and resizing, basic
image editing, and simple color adjustments.
This lecture-style workshop is designed for the
artist who wants to know more about
transferring digital photos to the computer,
performing basic edits and color correction, and
preparing images for online and print use. To
get the most out of this presentation, attendees
should have basic computer skills, understand
how to work with computer files, and be
comfortable using email.
About the presenter: Marc Spruiell is the
Communications Director for the Maine Arts
Commission and has extensive graphic design
and image editing experience. Prior to joining
the agency, Marc worked for the Retail Home
Office at L.L. Bean. While there, he provided art
direction, graphic design and copywriting/editing
for signage, graphics, in-store and window
displays, and event marketing materials for 25
retail stores and 10 outlet stores. He has B.F.A.
with emphasis in visual communications from
Weber State University.
Thursday May 14, 11 am to 1 pm,
Patten Free Library, Bath
"What You Should Know Before You
Visit the Framer"
led by Melissa Cusano, owner, The
Village Framer in Yarmouth and
Kate Bergquist, staff at The Village
Framer and President of PPOM
Are you interested in knowing what options you
should consider before framing a piece of
artwork? With so many choices and the cost of
framing, it is important to make informed
decisions. Do you know about different types of
mounting? Does the artwork need a lift and a
mat? Does a neutral or colored mat work
better? If you don't want a mat, are there other
options? What type of glass will best enhance
and protect your work? What types of moldings
will work with your artwork? What is the proper
hanging hardware? Learn what's really
between the glass and backing board, just in
time to get your artwork ready for the upcoming
summer art show season and the 16th Annual
PPOM International Juried Exhibition for
"Pastels Only."
About the presenters: Melissa Cusano has
been a custom picture framer since 1986. she
worked at numerous frame shops and galleries
in Portland before opening her own business in
2000, The Village Framer in Yarmouth. The
business was highlighted recently in a feature
article in the Portland Press Herald, as well as
in articles about "businesses that thrive" in
Picture Framing Magazine and Art Business
News. Melissa is a PPFA member and is
passionate about quality and continuing
education, and believes in the philosophy that
there is always more to learn.
Kate Bergquist has been on staff at The Village
Framer for almost 10 years. Kate has extensive
framing, gilding conservation and frame
restoration experience. In private practice for
over 25 years, she has worked on important
historic projects throughout the northeast –
including work for the Vermont State House, the
New Hampshire History Museum, Strawbery
Banke Museum, Historic New England, the
Henry Longfellow House, and numerous private
clients. Kate is the current President of the
Pastel Painters of Maine.
Thursday August 13, 11 am to 1 pm,
The Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk
Pastel Demonstration by Cindy House
About the presenter: After studying wildlife
biology, Cindy House turned to wildlife art as an
illustrator for books published by, among others,
National Geographic and the Peterson Field
Guide Series. In the late 1980s, Cindy began
her pastel landscape study and work. She
attributes the ability to see and observe the
splendor of the natural world to her mother, a
natural history teacher and photographer. She
now uses that gift to express herself with
pastels and occasionally oils. She is a member
of the Society of Animal Artists and Artists for
Conservation and a signature member of the
Pastel Society of America. Her goals in painting
are twofold - to depict the beauty of
commonplace segments of the environment and
to capture a particular moment in time. For
more information and artwork, visit
October or November program: to be
announced in the near future
Editor's Notes:
PPOM members may send their news of
shows, events, classes, awards etc. for
the newsletter to Mary Barrett, 87
Parsons Road, Portland ME 04103 or
[email protected] or 874-0913.
Useful information for shows include:
title, location, date and time of opening
reception and contact information.
Awards: include title of painting, award,
show, dates. Current newsletters are
posted on the PPOM website
Membership Dues for PPOM
Annual dues are $35, payable to Pastel
Painters of Maine to: Diane Racine,
Treasurer/Membership, 1009Washington
Street, Bath ME 04530.
PPOM Board Members Still
If you are interested in taking on a
leadership role and becoming more
actively involved in PPOM, please
consider filling one of these important
positions. Contact Kate or any other
current Board member for more
Hospitality Chair: NEW Board position
- Vacant
The Hospitality Chair will be responsible
for arranging for and coordinating the
refreshments and necessary serving
materials for PPOM receptions and
award ceremonies for our exhibitions.
The Hospitality Chair is encouraged to
enlist others to help with these duties.
Treasurer: Diane Racine, PPOM
Treasurer, has announced her desire to
step down this year. We are currently
searching for someone interested in
filling the Treasurer’s position in 2016.
The Treasurer is responsible for
collecting all dues and being in charge of
the Pastel Painters of Maine funds. The
Treasurer needs to keep an accurate
record of all receipts, disbursements, and
members’ addresses and status and to
give an accurate account at each board
meeting. The Treasurer is responsible
for supplying a Financial Statement to
the Executive Board at the end of each
fiscal year.
Member News:
Sally Loughridge is part of "Local
Color," an invitational four person show
at Bayview Gallery in Brunswick running
April 1 through May 2. Opening
reception, Friday April 10, 5 to 7 pm.
Sally is also part of the third annual
"Bartlett Woods Invitational Art
Exhibit" with an opening reception
Saturday, February 28, 2 to 5 pm.
At 2:30, three short films will be
presented: "Alan Magee: Maine Master"
by the Union of Maine Visual Artists and
two shorts Alan produced.
A conversation with Alan will follow.
Sally will also have a solo show at
Summer Island Studio Gallery in June.
Mary Beth Morrison and Janalee
Welch both PPOM members have art
work in the show, Transendence,
Beyond the Ordinary, in Farmington,
The Emery Community Arts Center on
the UMF campus ushers in the new year
with the impressive exhibition,
“Transcendence: Beyond the Ordinary.”
The show will be on exhibit from Jan. 20
to March 22, 2015.
Transcendence is a collaborative,
multimedia exhibit featuring over 35
visual artists and writers. Curated by five
artists who helped create the 2013
Emery exhibit, “Spiral, A Journey Without
End,” this new showing explores
transformational responses in a wide
array of media.
Paintings reveal unique voices.
Sculptures speak to ascensions. Metals
defy their origins. Words recall poetic
memories. Color, form, space and light
are assembled in a thoughtful, inspiring
continuum from door to door. Interactive
pieces invite viewers to participate.
“We want this to be about remembering
and recording those moments in our lives
that have been magical, profound,
transforming or inspirational,” said Mary
McFarland, Farmington fabric artist who
spearheaded the vision for creating both
this and the Spiral exhibit.
The show is open daily from 11 a.m. to 6
Susan Goodmundson is a new PPOM
member from California. She is a
signature member of the Pastel Society
of the West Coast.
At the Crocker-KIngsley Art
Competition, Susan’s painting placed
2nd out of 1300 entries. The top 6
paintings will be shown at the Crocker Art
Museum at Sacramento, CA. ( See
painting below)
Susan and her husband Bob are hoping
to visit Maine this May.
Exhibition location: Portland Public
Library/Lewis Gallery
5 Monument Square, Portland, Maine
Juror of Selection and Awards: Barbara
Closing Reception/Awards Ceremony:
June 27 between 4-6 pm
Pastel Demonstration by
Barbara Jaenicke,PSA
Saturday, June 27, 2015 1 pm to 3 pm
Admission Fee $15 at the door
Portland Public Library/Lewis Gallery
5 Monument Square, Portland, Maine
Barbara Jaenicke Pastel
Just One Month Until Online
Entry Submissions for the
PPOM 16th International
Juried Exhibition for “Pastels
Only” Deadline!
Visit the PPOM website for detailed
information about entry preparation and
Online entry submissions only!
Entry deadline: April 1, 2015
Exhibition dates: June 5 - 27, 2015
Both Workshops are filled - Wait Lists are
June 24-26, 2015 Building Better
A 3-day studio workshop Members
June 29-30, 2015 The Pastel
Landscape Simplified
A 2-day plein air/studio workshop
Members $250
Visit the PPOM website for detailed
workshop information
PPOM/PSNH Collaborative
Several PPOM Board members have
been meeting over the past year with
Board members from the Pastel Society
of New Hampshire (PSNH) to pursue the
idea of collaborative events. Since both
organizations share several overlapping
members, we thought it might be fun to
plan joint activities to promote better
camaraderie between the two groups.
We have been discussing the possibility
of a Small Works Exhibit, paint outs, and
a painting retreat. As plans develop,
event information will be sent to both
societies’ members and posted on the
White Mountain Fall Painting
A Pemaquid-type retreat - a long
weekend painting getaway with likeminded friends, but instead of staying at
the ocean, we will be in the mountains.
This is not a workshop; there will be no
instruction or formal critiques - just lots of
beautiful painting sites, laughter, and
good friends. This retreat is still very
much in the planning stage. Probable
dates are mid September, in the Newry,
Maine area. We will be staying at a
lodge that can accommodate up to 16
people. The weekend retreat will be
limited to 20 participants due to the size
of the indoor studio space (in case of
inclement weather). There are several
other accommodations and additional
lodging nearby. Numerous painting
spots abound near the lodge, with
Grafton Notch State Park, Screw Auger
Waterfall, and the Newry Covered Bridge
to name just a few. If you are interested
in learning more about this retreat,
contact Kate. As the retreat details are
resolved, the dates and cost - which will
include lodging and breakfast, will be
posted on the PPOM website
PPOM Fall Members Show
and Workshop
The 2016 PPOM Members Show is
tentatively scheduled for October November 2015 at the Chocolate Church
in Bath. Similar to last year, PPOM will
be offering a workshop in conjunction
with the show. Kathleen Galligan will be
teaching a workshop addressing
“Creating Atmosphere through Values
and Tonal Shifts”. The show and
workshop are still in the planning stages.
If you are interested in helping, please
contact Jerri Whitman or Kate. The
show prospectus and workshop
information will be emailed to members
and posted on the PPOM website as
soon as it becomes available.
North Light Shop Offer
North Light Shop has generously offered
PPOM members a discount offer - $10
off purchases of $40 or more. When
checking out at the
website, use the coupon code
SPNLS2015. Coupon is valid through
December 31, 2015.
2015 Pemaquid Weekend
We are beginning to plan for the 2015
Pemaquid Weekend Retreat. The dates
this year are Friday, May 29 - Sunday,
May 31. (If we have more than 20
people sign up for the weekend, we will
look into having a second session like
last year - the dates for the second
session would be Sunday, May 31 Tuesday, June 2.) As usual the Hotel
Pemaquid will be the site of our critiques
- more information for registering for a
room with the hotel will be forthcoming.
This is an open weekend to paint and
socialize with old and new friends. There
will be a demo one morning and critiques
each evening. Registration information
will be sent in January to those who
attended last year's retreat. Registration
will then be open to the general
membership in February. Just a
reminder that you will be responsible for
booking your own hotel room. There will
be no instruction during the retreat, just a
chance to get away and devote a whole
weekend to painting!
PPOM has joined PAPME for paint outs.
Any painter is welcome to come paint with
PAPME. Just contact the Gmail below and they
will let you know where they will be painting.
[email protected]
Southern Maine Members can email Corinne
McIntyre [email protected] to join the
email list for paint outs. On that same site,you
will now find information from Caren Marie
Michel, past PPOM President, who has started
a plein air group which paints weekly in the
greater Portland area.
Pastel Society of New Hampshire presents
Pushing Color Boundaries
With Ed Chesnovitch PSA PPSCC Fire up your imagination and explore the emotional side of landscape pastel painting. Color and light
are the focus of this 2 day studio workshop. We will concentrate on creating strong simplified starts by
using big shapes of bold color. Working on various grounds we will explore starts by under painting
techniques, mark making, and significant color choices to push your paintings further.
Go beyond your comfort zone, create a more expressive sense of atmosphere and have confidence with
DATES: May 30-­‐31, 2015 TIME: 9:30am to 4:30pm COST: Members only early bird registration $250 starts Jan 1, 2015 Feb.1-­‐May 1, 2015 $275 members and $300 nonmembers LOCATION: Frisella Fine Art Studio, Candia, NH CONTACT: Deb at [email protected] or (978) 668-­‐5144. Ed Chesnovitch, an artist based on Cape Cod, is a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and has studied
extensively at The Art Students League of New York, and the Cape Cod School of Art, Provincetown,
Massachusetts. He is an elected Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America (PSA) in Gramercy
Park, New York City, and both a Signature Member and President of the Pastel Painters Society of Cape
Cod. His work is included in both public and private collections throughout the United States and Europe.
1 Month Reminder - CALL FOR ENTRIES
The Pastel Painters of Maine
16th International Juried Exhibition for
June 5 - 27, 2015
Portland Public Library/Lewis Gallery
5 Monument Square, Portland, Maine 04101
Juror of Selection and Awards:
Barbara Jaenicke
Up to $5,000 in Cash & Merchandise Awards
$1,000 Best In Show Award
Online submissions due by or on : April 1, 2015
For prospectus and entry instructions visit