Monitoring and Compliance Panel Workshop Rating Risk in Pacific


Monitoring and Compliance Panel Workshop Rating Risk in Pacific
 Monitoring and Compliance Panel Workshop
Rating Risk in Pacific Fisheries
March 30-31, 2015
Purpose: Seek your input on next steps in fisheries Monitoring and Catch Reporting
 Introduce, test and suggest refinements to a new fishery risk assessment and rating tool
 Identify key monitoring cost-effectiveness challenges and next steps
DAY 1: March 30, 2015 (9:00-5:00 pm) | Coffee and Muffins available at 8:30 am
9:00 am
 Jordan Point, Councillor, Musqueam First Nation
 Sue Farlinger, Regional Director General, Pacific Region, Fisheries & Oceans Canada
 Rupert Gale, Chair, Monitoring & Compliance (M & C) Panel
9:20 am
Workshop Overview & Outcomes
 Bob Purdy, Fraser Basin Council (Facilitator)
9:30 am
M & C Panel Update
 Rupert Gale, Chair, Monitoring & Compliance (M & C) Panel
9:50 am
Understanding Risk Assessment in Pacific Fisheries
Presentation: The Strategic Framework for FM & CR
 Carole Eros, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
11:00 am
Refreshment Break
11:15 am
Understanding Risk Assessment in Pacific Fisheries (cont’d)
Presentation: Inside the Risk Assessment and Rating Tool V1.0
 Katie Beach, KT Beach & Associates
12:15 pm
Breakout Sessions Introduction
 Bob Purdy, Fraser Basin Council
12:25 pm
1:15 pm
Breakout Sessions: Test Driving the Risk Assessment Tool
4:00 pm
Facilitators’ Summaries: Breakout Session Highlights
4:45 pm
Synthesis of Day 1, Introduction to Day 2 and Reception Welcome
 Bob Purdy, Fraser Basin Council
5:00 pm
Adjourn to Reception (5:00 PM – 6:30 PM)
DAY 2: March 31, 2015 (9:00 am -12:30 pm) | Coffee and Muffins available at 8:30 am
9:00 am
Day 1 Outcomes & Day 2 Overview
 Bob Purdy, Fraser Basin Council
9:15 am
Next Steps for the Risk Assessment and Rating Tool
 Rupert Gale & Dave Barrett, M & C Panel
 Carole Eros & Paul Ryall, DFO
 Katie Beach, KT Beach & Associates
9:45 am
Tackling Cost-Effectiveness: The Catch Monitoring Context
Presentation: Policy Implementation Elements and Drivers of Cost
 David Barrett, M & C Panel
10:00 am
Tackling Cost-Effectiveness (cont’d): A Story From Stó:lō
Presentation: Aboriginal Fishery Monitoring – Obstacles and Aspirations
 Ernie Crey, M & C Panel; Co-Chair, Fraser River Aboriginal Fisheries Secretariat, Councillor, Cheam
First Nation
10:30 am
Refreshment Break
10:45 am
Tackling Cost-Effectiveness: Catching Your Ideas
Panel Discussion: What Have We Learned So Far and What More Needs to be Done?
12:15 pm
Brent Napier – the role of the General Standards Board
Jim Thomas – drivers of cost for monitoring firms
Brian Mose – cost-effectiveness innovation in fisheries
Jesse Latham – what’s next in technology solutions
Tackling Cost-Effectiveness: Next Steps
 Rupert Gale and David Barrett, M & C Panel
12:25 pm
Workshop Impressions | Overall Next Steps | Thank You | Evaluations
 Rupert Gale, Chair, M & C Panel
12:35 pm
Adjourn to Lunch