. April 2, 2015 Dear Parents and/or Guardians, In April of 2015


. April 2, 2015 Dear Parents and/or Guardians, In April of 2015
. N orth Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85012
w w w.PhoenixUnion.org
(602) 764-1100
Preparing Every
Student for Success in
College, Career and Life
Kent P. Scribner, Ph.D.
Superintend ent
Althe R. Allen, Ed .D.
Associate Superintend ent Instruction &
April 2, 2015
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
In April of 2015, students across the state will participate for the first time in the newly
adopted AzMERIT test (Arizona’s Measurement of Educational Readiness to Inform
Teaching). These new assessments reflect the new college and career readiness standards
currently being taught in our classrooms and are more rigorous than the former AIMS tests.
AzMERIT will be administered beginning Monday, April 13th through Friday,
April 24th, 2015 across PUHSD. AzMERIT tests are administered only in the following six
Algebra 1-2,
Trevor G. Brow ne
Algebra 3-4,
English 1-2,
English 3-4,
English 5-6
Students currently enrolled in any of the above named courses (generally 9th, 10th and 11th
graders) are expected to participate in the AzMERIT exam. All PUHSD schools will
administer these exams via paper and pencil in 2015. These scores will not be available to
schools, parents and students in the traditional timeline. We expect the scores will be
delayed as the state will be setting benchmarks and baselines with this initial testing group.
Here are a few ways to help your child prepare for the AzMERIT state assessment:
Cesar Chavez
Desid erata
Betty H . Fairfax
Carl H ayd en
Metro Tech
• Be sure your student is present, well-rested and ready for participation in
AzMERIT. Make sure he/she eats a healthy breakfast.
• Encourage your student to try his/her best with this new experience. It’s ok to not
know all the answers but he/she should give their best effort and finish the test.
(Extended time is available)
•Be aware of your individual school’s testing calendar and how it will impact your
Assessments serve as effective tools to support learning. They will inform teachers of areas
of strength and weakness as well as help to keep your student on track for college and
career readiness. Passing the AzMERIT test is not a graduation requirement. Instead,
participation in the end of course exam is a component and expectation of the class. Please
reach out to your school’s administration with any questions or concerns you may have.
To learn more about AzMERIT, visit: http://www.azed.gov/assessment/azmerit/.
N orth
Sou th Mou ntain
Su ns-Diamond backs
Dr. Althe Allen
Associate Superintendent for Instruction & Accountability