lesson plan proforma exemplar


lesson plan proforma exemplar
Aim (of the unit of work)
To develop an understanding of the work of the Northern Ireland Police
Ombudsman’s Office and the complaints that they handle
Summary of lesson content (Teacher Objectives):
 To develop an understanding of the role of the Police Ombudsman’s office
in dealing with the complaint
To introduce and define the scenario
Learning intentions:
By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
1. Understand what independent investigation of the police means
2. Explain what it means for Police Ombudsman’s Office to deal with
complaints against the police in an ‘impartial manner’.
3. Explain ‘impartiality’
Prior learning/ anticipated difficulties:
Pupils may not have any awareness of the Police Ombudsman’s Office and what
it’s purpose is and role. They may assume that it is in fact the police.
Skills: Communication, reasoning
Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman’s Office Case Summary
Paper’ Felt tips
Definition of ‘Impartial’ on slide / OHT / Flipchart
Lesson Organisation
As class arrive for lesson ask them in pairs to
think about what powers the police have.
5 minutes
Take register during paired review
Take brief feedback. State that the police have
a significant power available to them, which is
the authority to arrest people. Share learning
intentions with pupils by explaining that in this
lesson they will be examining what happens
when a complaint is made about the police not
exercising their powers properly.
1. Distribute and read the case summary of the
photographer and the policeman
5 minutes
2. Paired work: One Pupil takes the role of the
Photographer and one pupil takes the role of
the Policeman and they discuss what is
important to each of them
5 minutes
Class discussion: What problems could this
scenario cause?
3. Defining impartial: Ask pupils to suggest
alternatives to define the word ‘impartial’.
Record ideas and build up to class definition.
Ask pupils to compare this with dictionary
definition (on slide / OHT / flipchart)
5 Minutes
4. Define the role of the Police Ombudsman’s
office as an impartial body to receive
complaints about the Police. They are obliged
to investigate and make a ruling. If the police
are at fault they can make recommendations
that the PSNI or the prosecuting authorities
take appropriate action.
10 minutes
5. Question: Ask the class what did the police
Ombudsman’s office decide in this case?
- Discuss did they think this was fair and
- Ask do you think it deserved some form
of discipline for the Police Officer
- Should the photographer have got his
photographs returned
10 minutes
6. Individual reflection: Ask pupils to record
what they have learnt in the class:
 Definition of impartial
 What is the role of the police
Ombudsman’s Office
5 minutes
Return to original case summary. Review key
learning points of the lesson.
5 minutes
Class discussion will be used to ascertain understanding of impartiality and the
role of the Police Ombudsman’s Office
Outcome of individual reflection will be used to ascertain understanding directly
linked to each learning intention
Learning first!
Then pitch, pace, timing etc.
Then classroom management and interest level.