Department Accreditation - University Police


Department Accreditation - University Police
National Accreditation
In 2012, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department voluntarily elected to enter the
law enforcement accreditation process. Accreditation requires an extensive commitment by
all department personnel to the pursuit of excellence, as recognized by the Commission on
Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Incorporated (CALEA). CALEA is an
independent, nonprofit organization established in 1979 through the combined efforts of four
major law enforcement associations (International Association of Chiefs of Police, National
Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Sheriffs' Association, and
Police Executive Research Forum), created to develop a set of law enforcement standards
that improved the delivery of law enforcement services nationwide. These standards, which
represent “best practices,” cover a wide range of initiatives and are constantly evaluated and amended by
CALEA’s commissioners, who are all public safety professionals, to ensure applicability to the top current law
enforcement procedures and trends.
Gaining CALEA accreditation requires verification of full compliance with all standards through documentation and
an on-site review by a CALEA assessment team every four years. The assessment team’s report is reviewed by
a committee of CALEA commissioners, then must be approved by the entire Commission. The process provides
agencies an opportunity to voluntarily demonstrate compliance with an established set of professional standards
Require agencies to develop a comprehensive, clear and uniform set of written directives to not only provide
direction to personnel, but also to help reach administrative and operational goals.
Require the creation and provision of reports and analyses to the CEO which are necessary for making factbased, informed management decisions.
Require a preparedness program to ensure an agency is ready to address natural or man-made critical
Provide a means for developing or improving upon an agency’s relationship with the community.
Strengthen an agency’s accountability, both within the agency and the community, through a set of
standards that clearly define authority, performance, and responsibilities.
Can limit an agency’s liability and risk exposure, as it demonstrates that internationally recognized
standards for law enforcement have been met, as verified by a team of outside CALEA-trained assessors.
Increase cooperation and coordination with other law enforcement agencies and with other agencies of the
criminal justice system.
Increase citizen and employee confidence in the goals, objectives, policies, and practices of the agency.
Facilitate an agency’s pursuit of professional excellence.
On March 21, 2015, the UNLPD was awarded accreditation for the first time, becoming one of only a small
number of university police departments nationally accredited. This accreditation represents our professionalism
and the ways in which our department’s vigilant prevention, enforcement and community presence measure up to
CALEA’s standards. To uphold this honor and strive for excellence, we will continue monitoring department
activities and practices to ensure they meet CALEA standards and maintain our accreditation. To learn more,