Le journal Underground


Le journal Underground
Le journal
Flobert le Platypus,
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La Dance de la Middle School
La nuit du 28 Octobre, à 6h30, les
portes de FASRI
se sont ouvertes
pour tous les
Middle Schoolers
et leurs amies qui
allaient à la
Middle School
Dance. La dance
n’avait pas vraiment de thème,
mais presque tout
le monde était en
costume. Pendant
la dance, on n’a
pas vraiment dansé. Plusieurs enfants étaient là,
mais beaucoup
d’enfants étaient
absents. Il n’y avait pas un seul 8th
grader. Les enfants qui sont venus
ont passé le temps à manger, ou
parler, ou jouer avec leurs amis. Je
Jet lands on
A day in
Pompeii Exhibit 2
Revue littéraire 3
pense que c’était très amusant,
meme si ce n’était pas vraiment une
“Dance” Gwendolyn Dane
Revue Cinéma
Sport: Patriots
par Gabriel Ibarra
Le journal underground
Jet Lands on Underbelly; No Landing Gear
and crew were able to vacate the aircraft
“I was praying for the pilot not to lose control because we started to make circles
around the airport. It was terrible”, said passenger Teresa Kowalik. “We owe everything
to the pilot. He really did a great job.” Andrezej Pinno said that “we all thought we had
landed on wheels”.
On November 1, 2011, an LOT Polish airlines
767-300 arriving from Newark preformed an
emergency landing after the plane suffered a
mechanical problem that caused the landing
gear not to deploy. All of the 231 passengers
Later, the crew received a special “thank
you” from the Polish President, Bronislaw Komorowski, for their “efficient cooperation at a
very difficult moment”.
Jeffrey Giguere
A day in Pompeii Exhibit
Recently, I went to the Museum of Science in
Boston and explored an exhibit called “A Day
In Pompeii”. The Museum of Science was established in 1864 on Berkeley Street and was
known as New England Museum of Natural
History. Later, after World War II the museum became known worldwide as the Museum
of Science. The exhibit that I went to, “A Day
In Pompeii” features the daily lifestyle of
Pompeians; how they lived before the volcano explosion, and their religion. Pompeii was
a large city situated in Imperial Rome, right
next to Mount Vesuvius, a big volcano that
had been dormant for years. The people of
Pompeii were very religious and and had a
profound belief in the Roman gods such as
Jupiter and Mars. In this exhibit, they displayed pots, pans, jewelry, statues, body
casts and more. “A Day In Pompeii” was fascinating and I learned many new facts about
this beautiful city. To learn more about the
Museum of Science and their exhibits, go to
http://www.mos.org/. I hope you can visit!
Remember, this exhibit is only there until
February 12th! Mizuki Samuelson
Le 31 octobre était le jour d’Halloween. Tous les élèves de l’élémentaire et de la Middle School
sont allés voir les petits de maternelle dans leur déguisement.
Après, les élèves de l’élémentaire
ont marché dans les rues pour
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montrer leur déguisement extraordinaire. Vers la fin de la
journée, Webster, un rappeur
canadien est venu nous parler
des différents types de rap.
Olivia Dumon
Le journal underground
Revue littéraire: Enola Holmes, by
Nancy Springer
This series takes place in England
in the late 1800s. It’s about Enola
Holmes, the much younger sister of
Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. She
was abandoned by her mother on
her fourteenth birthday. When her
brothers are faced with the problem
of what to do with her, they decide
to send her off to boarding school.
This decision horrifies Enola, who
was brought up “wild” by her mother. So she runs away to London
with the help of money left to her
by her mother and lives under vari-
ous aliases and disguises, following her life’s calling of
finding things and people. But this
doesn’t stop run-ins with her
brothers and several close escapes.
In each book in the series, Enola
has to solve a different case. This
series is for people who like
strong, independent heroines, action, mystery, and old London. I,
who like all of these, have loved all
of the books so far. Sophia Papandonatou
Revue Cinéma: Dolphin Tale
The film “Dolphin Tale” is
about a young boy that
found a dolphin on the
beach. He tried to help the
dolphin out of a fishing net,
and called help. Then an
aquarium hospital took the
dolphin to take care of
him. Since half of the dolphin's tail was too infected,
they removed half of his
tail. After they removed it,
the dolphin started moving side ways .But a
dolphin’s tail is not designed to move side
ways it is suppose to move up and down. If
the dolphin continued to move this way, he
would have been paralyzed forever. The boy
learning that the dolphin had a big problem
will try anything to save that little dolphin. The
boy and the dolphin will have strong connect i o n
b e t w e e n
t h e m .
This is a really good movie because it shows
how a dolphin has a very low chance of surviving without a tail. It shows that dolphins
can be very smart and how polluting can hurt
the animals around us and some that are not
around us. Louise Chanfrau
Sports: Patriots Vs. Steelers
Dimanche soir à 4:15, les New England Patriots jouaient contre les Pittsburgh Steelers,
Pittsburgh, au Heinz Field Stadium. Ce
match de foolball professionnel, qui était télévisé, a été gagné par les Steelers, avec un
score de 25 à 17. C’était un match très intense, mais les Steelers ont mieux joué que les
Patriots. Et surtout la défense des Patriots n’a
Numéro 9
pas réussi à arrêter
les Steelers. Ils feront
mieux la prochaine
fois... Go Pats!!!
Alizée Ballarin
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Merci aux
Gabriel Ibarra
Alizée Ballarin
Louise Chanffrau
Ben Hancox
Jeffrey Giguere
Max Spurrell
Adeline Danyla
Nicholas Kilner-P
Le jour d’Halloween, Webster est ve- leurs chansons. C’était très
nu parler à la Middle School du rap. intéressant! Ben Hancox
Webster est un rappeur Canadien de
Québec. Il est en tournée pendant
un mois à travers les Etats Unis. Il a
appris à la Middle school comment
écrire une chanson de rap. Il a parlé
des différents types de rimes et les
figures de style. Il a aussi montré
comment les rappeurs écrivaient
Sophia Papandonatou
Mizuki Samuelson
Gwendolyn Dane
Olivia Dumon
Calendrier des concerts
Bon Jersey, Showcase Live, Foxboro, MA. Vendredi 4 nov.2011. Genre:
rock. Gabriel Ibarra
Website: Sideshows
Sideshow is great website for buying geeky movie or comic book replicas. They have everything from life-size busts to 12 inches figures.
Their products are well made and extremely detailed. They are all generally pricey, but are all made in limited quantity from 3000 to 150 or
even only 50 made in the world. My favorites are the 12 inches figures
that are all fully jointed and are all precisely accurate. With their large
variety of genres to pick from, from Lord of the Rings, to Batman, Star
Wars. The only downside is they sell out quick, but I guess that shows
they’re worth it. I think they are totally worth it and I am a proud owner
of one of their products. Nicholas Kilner-Pontone
Interview: Occupy Providence
-What is your name?
-Where are you from?
-I live in Barrington.
-Do you work or you are a student?
-I am in intern.
-Why are you here?
-I am frustrated with the world. It is hard finding a job and
it is hard to live. I am here to work together and talk to other people.
-Do you think this will make History?
-Yes, I think that people haven’t seen something like this in a long time.
Adeline Danyla
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Le journal underground