WAN Technologies 1. A T1 line employs what type of multiplexing


WAN Technologies 1. A T1 line employs what type of multiplexing
Umair Qureshi
Prof. Crowley
CIS 3347
Module 3
WAN Technologies
1. A T1 line employs what type of multiplexing?
* T1 lines employ time division multiplexing
2. When entering a building, what type of media does a T1 line most likely use?
* When entering a building, T1 typically uses fiber optic cables
3. What type of media would a T3 likely use when it enters a building?
* When entering a building, T3 typically uses coaxial cables
4. How does the cost of non-terrestrial communications compare with conventional
terrestrial networking?
* Non-terrestrial communications (satellites) are much more expensive compared to terrestrial
networking communications
5. Other than cost, what is the significant disadvantage of satellite communications?
* High latency, very slow connection
6. What does the A in "ADSL" represent?
* The A in “ADSL” stands for “asymmetric”
7. What type of media would an ADSL use when it enters a building?
* ADSL would use cable lines when entering a building.
8. What type of DSL is capable of speeds of up to 100Mbit/s?
* VDSL (Very High Bitrate DSL) is a type of DSL that is capable of 100 Mbit/s
9. Which technology, circuit or packet switching, is most like the technology utilized by
* Circuit Switched Networks are most like the technology used by POTS
10. What is the major criticism of circuit switching?
* When idle, nobody else can use bandwidth. It is an inefficient use of resources.
11. Why is packet switching considered more efficient that circuit switching?
* Circuit switching prohibits anybody from taking up bandwidth when it is idle. Packet
switching allows people to use a host’s bandwidth even when not in use by the host.
12. What are the three major WAN cable types?
* The three major WAN cable types are fiber, coaxial cable, and twisted pair cable.
13. When was coax cable patented?
* The coaxial cable was patented in 1880
Umair Qureshi
Prof. Crowley
CIS 3347
Module 3
14. What type of cable is typically used in a local area network?
* In a local area network, twisted pair cable is typically used.
15. What purpose does the twist in TWP copper cable serve?
* The twist in TWP copper cable reduces interference.
16. What type of cabling would you use for very long distance and very high speed runs?
* Fiber Optic Cable is the best choice for long distances and high speed runs.
17. When you use fiber optic cables, what are two conventional cabling operations that
require extra care?
1.) Bend radius
2.) Proper termination