- Recall Chuck Riley


- Recall Chuck Riley
Electronic Signature Sheet | State Recall
Petition ID
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Petition for Recall of
Title office and district
Date Prospective Petition Filed mm/dd/yy
Chuck Riley
State Senate, District 15
Return completed petitions to:
Chief Petitioner Name and Address
Recall Chuck Riley
PO Box 6454
Beaverton, OR 97007
Website: RecallChuckRiley.com
Benjamin J Busch
3057 SE Willow Dr
Hillsboro, OR 97123
The chief petitioner’s reasons for demanding the recall of the above named public officer are provided below in 200 words or less. Any factual information in the statement that is not a matter
of opinion must be true.
Chuck Riley’s radical agenda has demonstrated how out-of-touch he is with working families. He has consistently pushed legislation that benefits lobbyists and
out-of-state extremists who funded his campaign. Because of this, Washington County families will be saddled with higher gas prices, the threat of losing
incentive programs vital to our economic health, and a loss of our 2nd amendment rights. Riley spent close to a MILLION dollars to win his seat by 287 votes,
funded largely by a California billionaire through a shell game of pass-through environmental non-profits. Now he’s supporting extreme legislation modeled from
another out-of-state billionaire-Michael Bloomberg-that places unfair liability on lawful gun owners and does nothing to protect the public from the criminal
misuse of firearms. Riley’s support of the deceptively titled clean fuels standard bill is expected to raise gas prices without improving our roads or traffic
congestion. His refusal to stand-up and protect our Gain Share program threatens our economic stability. And his vote to underfund K-12 education is
irresponsible and out-of-step with our community values. Chuck Riley puts the needs of out-of-state special interests above ours, and should be recalled. Please
VOTE YES to recall Chuck Riley.
Instructions for Signers
1 Only active Oregon voters may sign a petition. Use a pen to sign your name, as you did when you registered to vote.
2 Provide the date you signed the petition, your printed name and residence address. Only you may complete this optional information.
3 It is against the law for signers to:
 Sign another person’s name under any circumstances.
 Sign a petition more than one time.
 Sign a petition when you are not qualified to sign it.
Date Signed mm/dd/yy
Print Name
Residence Address street, city, zip code
Sheet Number
Completed by Chief Petition