to media release


to media release
Date: 16 April 2015
Title: REFLEX announces the release of REFLEX Schedule of Rates and REFLEX Production Planning as
part of their REFLEX HUB Solution
New additions to REFLEX HUB are productivity and cost
improvement enablers for drilling projects
REFLEX is pleased to announce the inclusion of its Schedule of Rates (SoR) and Production Planning
modules to its already well regarded REFLEX HUB Solution. The secure, cloud based solution is currently
trusted by high profile resource companies around the globe, providing immediate access to reliable
data, anywhere and at any time.
At a time when budgets are tightening daily and expenses need to be carefully monitored to ensure the
mere survival of many resource companies, good planning, budgeting and real-time monitoring of the
same has become essential.
“The ability to view, in real time, current expenditure and to then compare it to what has been
forecast,” said REFLEX’s Michelle Carey, Global Project Manager – Data Solutions, “is proving invaluable
for those already using our newly added modules.”
The REFLEX Schedule of Rates (SoR) allows the tracking of current expenditure and the reconciliation of
contractor invoices on a shift by shift basis, so any discrepancies can be resolved, or corrective action
taken, immediately.
“With the ability to input their own rates and measurement parameters, forecasting and invoicing is
accurate and reliable,” said Carey. “The data on which this is based has prior approval which assures its
On larger or multiple projects where a number of contractors may be employed, easy replication of all
standard rates, activities and consumables simplifies the generation of new and accurate SoRs for each
project, while rate increases can be activated across all projects on a predetermined date. Reporting, as
a result, is more accurate and reliable, being based on verified, consistent information.
The ability to track current versus planned activity through the REFLEX Production Planning module has
proved effective in ensuring a project remains within budget and scope.
“Customers currently using the Production Planning module are confident their goals are realistic as the
plan is based on accurate, actual performance data. This also allows them to monitor ongoing project
progress to ensure it is consistent with these goals,” explained Carey on the value of real-time tracking
of current activities.
“Any necessary changes to the plan can then be made as required, rather than risking losing time and
incurring significant costs when issues are detected later.”
Current users are already seeing the benefits of the REFLEX solution with the Exploration Planning and
Reporting Manager at a well regarded resource company saying, “This (the REFLEX Solution) has
resulted in significant operational efficiencies that are already adding value to our business”.
With demands for further efficiencies in production and tight controls on expenditure, commonplace in
an industry under pressure to perform, REFLEX’s new SoR and Production Planning modules are proving
to be essential enablers in achieving these efficiencies and reducing the risk of delays and cost blowouts.
REFLEX is the leader in innovative instrumentation and technology solutions for data acquisition,
management and analysis within the global minerals industry.
The company’s range includes downhole survey and core orientation instrumentation, together with
data collection and management software, which enable the seamless integration of field operational
data – readily accessed from any location.
REFLEX’s technologies are acknowledged for their reliability, ease of use and accuracy. Complementing
these advanced technologies is REFLEX’s unrivalled expertise in the analysis and interpretation of geoscientific data.
REFLEX has a network of support centres in all of the principal mining and exploration regions of the
world including Asia Pacific, Africa, Europe and the Americas. The company also enjoys the support of
global parent company Imdex Limited (Imdex)
Pips Woodhouse:
Marketing Manager - REFLEX
[email protected]