Draft Minutes - Richfield Township


Draft Minutes - Richfield Township
4410 W Streetsboro Road
Richfield, Ohio 44286
(The Village’s brick building behind the Village Town Hall)
6:30 P.M.
The Board of Trustees met for their Regular Meeting and the meeting was called to order by
Chairperson Trustee Ms. Jankura at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call was
taken by Township Administrator Mrs. Mindy Remec.
Roll Call:
Janet Jankura – Chairperson
Jeff Shupe - Vice Chairperson
Robert Luther
Also in Attendance:
Mrs. Mindy Remec, Township Administrator
Ms. Laurie Pinney, Township Fiscal Officer
Mr. Jeff Gorman, West Side Leader Publications
Mr. Larry Fulton, Summit County Engineer Liaison to Richfield Township
Approval of Minutes:
April 2, 2015 Regular Meeting:
Dispensing with the reading of the minutes, there were no changes stated.
MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Shupe to approve the April 2, 2015 Regular Meeting
as presented.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Regular Meeting
Page 2
April 16, 2015
April 7, 2015 Special Meeting:
Dispensing with the reading of the minutes, there were no changes stated.
MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Luther to approve the April 7, 2015 Special Meeting
as presented.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Zoning Inspector, Ms. Pinney, stated that there was nothing to report.
Fiscal Officer, Ms. Pinney distributed Summary Reports and stated the financial
reports are available for review in the Township Office and stated that there was nothing
much to report. Ms. Pinney provided the status of the major contracts that included the
cost per year and the terms. Also included was a status of the levies and Ms. Pinney
stated that a plan needs to be developed regarding levies and ballot issues. Ms. Pinney
stated that there was uncertainty regarding the actual process regarding the timing of the
levy issues on a ballot because it doesn’t happen that often. There was no action required
and it was stated that the Alternative Tax Budget deadline is in July and that will be
presented as part of the Second Quarterly report at the Trustee’s July 16, 2015 Regular
Meeting. The March 31, 2015 ending cash balance is $1,938,101.52. In closing, Ms.
Pinney requested that operating budgets be prepared for each department.
Trustee Mr. Shupe inquired about the receipt of the EMS reimbursements and Ms.
Pinney stated that receipts are twice a year and there is no actual due date. Trustee Mr.
Shupe stated that notification from the Village about those transports are to be made to
the Township to ensure timely receipt of the reimbursements. Ms. Pinney stated that the
contract stipulated that quarterly reports were to be provided and Mrs. Remec stated that
follow-up with the Village would occur.
Ms. Pinney stated that it would be nice to know when to expect those receipts so the
Township could plan accordingly. Trustee Mr. Shupe unequivocally agreed.
Trustee Ms. Jankura stated that the Waste Hauling Contract expires in 2015 and
questioned if there was any action required. Mrs. Remec stated that the contract
contains options to automatically renew with a slight increase and that follow-up with
Ms. Baker, Service Director Village of Richfield will be pursued. A joint Village and
Township contract is negotiated to keep the costs low.
Regular Meeting
Page 3
April 16, 2015
Parks and Recreation:
Trustee Mr. Luther stated that the outhouse door frame was repaired but the repair will
not be a permanent solution since the door was significantly damaged.
On another matter, Trustee Mr. Luther stated that ball field reservations continue to be
a problem even after his impression last year that all had been resolved. Trustee Mr.
Luther requested Mrs. Remec to speak on the matter. Mrs. Remec stated that there
was a conflict between the two leagues on Wednesday, April 15. An agreement was
made earlier this year and approved March 31 per the Township Rules and Regulations.
The RBSA league had not submitted their application, insurance form and fees by the due
date. On April 15, 2015, the RBSA team remained on the field and the other league left.
Mrs. Remec stated that there has been communication with RBSA to obtain the
necessary information and emphasized that the Township wants all of the children to
enjoy the ball fields and will work cooperatively with all of the leagues to schedule
field use and resolve issues, as the Township Rules and Regulations state. The
Diamond Elite League is from Broadview Heights and the RBSA is a Richfield and Bath
J & J Construction will be removing the salt dome and remove the concrete at the Service
Department location free of charge. Trustee Mr. Luther stated that his son can take
down the dome and recycle it. Summit Racing will take the blocks. Trustee Ms.
Jankura stated that a MOU should be prepared.
A flail mower is on the inventory and needs to be declared “scrap” because it has no
value. Trustee Mr. Luther stated that it would cost more to drive it somewhere to get
“a few bucks for it.” Trustee Mr. Luther stated that all this equipment will be scrapped
before moving to the new building.
Administrator Mrs. Remec provided the definitions for removing items from the
inventory. Surplus has value and scrap has no value.
Trustee Mr. Luther requested that some of the service department equipment on the
site be left in the temporary accessory building until the building is completed.
MOTION by: Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. Jankura to declare the flail mower “scrap.”
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Trustee Mr. Luther stated that the Hawkins Road drainage repairs will need to be
discussed and acted on in the upcoming weeks.
Regular Meeting
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April 16, 2015
Administrator Mrs. Remec stated that action by the Trustees is required to surplus a
Compaq computer and Asus Monitor. This was a combination of equipment parts
[Administrative Assistant’s CPU and the Administrator’s monitor] that was not discarded
three years ago with the rationale being that it could be used by the Trustees. Since that
time, the Trustees, Members of the Zoning Commission and BZA all received surface
The computer equipment in question has minimal value and proper destruction of the
hard drive components is required. Mrs. Remec is recommending that it be declared
“surplus” and given to CCS who handles the computer maintenance. CCS will dispose of
the unit properly and will “wipe” the hard drive. CCS will salvage any useful parts in
exchange for payment for this process. As in the case of the flail mower, the process for
disposal outweighs the current value.
MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Luther to declare the Compaq operation system and
monitor “surplus.”
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
The last invoice for salt has been received in the amount of $9374.45 and Administrator
Mrs. Remec requested action in the form of a motion by the Trustees to authorize
MOTION by: Mr. Luther and seconded by Mr. Shupe [inaudible, seconded by nod of head] to
approve payment to Cargill in the amount of $9374.45 from the Gasoline Tax Fund.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Administrator Mrs. Remec stated that action through a motion was required to
continue with the group rating for Workers’ Compensation. Continuing to enroll in the
group rating allows the Township to save 35% off the regular premium amount. The
amount is $953.00 from the General Fund.
MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Shupe to approve CareWorksComp, previously
Frank Gates, as the Third Party Administrator for Worker’s Compensation Group Rating
Program I an amount not to exceed $953.00 from the General Fund.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Regular Meeting
Page 5
April 16, 2015
Administrator Mrs. Remec requested permission to attend the Ohio Township
Administrators Network in Columbus on June 5, 2015. Changes in workers’
compensation will be discussed.
MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Luther to approve the Administrator to attend the
Ohio Township Administrators Network Conference in Columbus, June 5, 2015 in an amount not
to exceed $70.00 from the General Funds.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Summit County Engineer’s Office:
Mr. Fulton distributed a project list for 2015 and explained that pages three and four
were the collaborative projects between villages and townships and private contractors.
The program is very successful in keep project price down but it challenges the
governments when the deadlines are required so early in the year. Revenues from the
gasoline and license tax are down due to more efficient cars and lack of licensing of
unused vehicles. Mr. Fulton corrected the assumption that revenue fluctuates with the
price of gas by stating the tax is fixed regardless of the price of gas. The infrastructure in
general is in bad condition.
Old Business:
New Business:
Discussion of the Property & Liability Insurance:
Administrator Mrs. Remec stated that the Township was in receipt of the renewal proposal for
property and liability insurance from Wichert Insurance. Copies were distributed to all Trustees.
Considering the insurance claims due to the fire, the rates remained fairly even. For 2014 the
premium was $16,149.00 and for 2015 the premium will be $16,450.00 with no other major changes
to policy. Full replacement value is not able to be purchased on the service department vehicles.
Builders risk insurance will be implemented once construction costs begin and the increase to the
premium will be determined later as more details about the building and construction are determined.
MOTION by: Mr. Shupe and seconded by Ms. Jankura to approve the renewal of Wichert
Insurance for the General Liability, Auto Liability, Crime, Blanket Building & Contents,
Equipment and Public Officials for the 2015 annual premium amount of $16,420.00.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Regular Meeting
Page 6
April 16, 2015
Authorize the Pre-Construction Purchase Order:
Administrator Mrs. Remec stated that a notice to proceed is required for the building project and
part of this process requires a purchase order. This part of the design process includes drawings for
the purpose of obtaining the statutory permits. Time is of the essence due to the compressed timeline
and anticipated start of construction in June.
MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Luther to approve the purchase order payable to
Seitz Builders for the preconstruction phase of the Service Department and Offices Building
Project in the amount not to exceed $62,424.00 from the General Fund, Fire Insurance Proceeds.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Discussion and Authorization to Hire Municipal Financial Advisor:
The Administrator and the Fiscal Officer met with Brian Cooper, ACI Financial Municipal
Advisors, who was recommended from Browse-McDowell. Mr. Cooper’s role is to assist with
various financial options, criteria for the terms and the financial analysis. The approximate fee
of $10K will be included in the financing amount. A motion is required by the Trustee to
approve the hiring and ACI’s fee will be included in the financing amount; Bond Counsel and
ACI Financial will be paid from the bond proceeds.
MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Shupe to approve the hiring ACI Financial
Advisors for the purpose of advising, analyzing and reviewing financial plans for the Richfield
Township Service Department and Offices Building Project in an amount not to exceed $4800.00
from the General Fund.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (Yea), Luther (Yea), Shupe (Yea)
Discussion on the Financing of the Service Department Building and Offices:
A special meeting will be scheduled for Friday, April 24, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. along with ACI
Financial Advisor Mr. Cooper to discuss the financial terms and options. Fiscal Officer stated that
either a 20 or 15 year will be doable for the Township. The percentage will be in the 3-4% range. It
is anticipated that at the regular meeting on May 7, 2015 the Fiscal Officer will recommend the
best option for the Township and the Trustees will take action on the matter.
Regular Meeting
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April 16, 2015
Citizens Forum:
Agenda Requests and Follow-Up Actions Items:
Hawkins Road Drainage
MOTION by: Ms. Jankura and seconded by Mr. Shupe to adjourn at 7:18 p.m.
MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Jankura (yea), Luther (yea), Shupe (yea)