Seine Boat Series Team Registration Form 2015


Seine Boat Series Team Registration Form 2015
2015 Seine Boat Series
Team Registration Form
Team name: _________________________________________________
Boat name: __________________________________________________
Boat number: ________________________________________________
Boat sponsor / identifying sign writing: ____________________________
Age category: Super Vet / Vet / Mixed
Race crews will be checked after each race to confirm the eligibility of the crew members within
the nominated age category. If a team fields a rower outside the nominated category they will be
allowed to discount that race from the series unless they have been disqualified in which case the
race will stand.
Team contact
The team contact will be responsible for acting as the communication channel between the Seine
Boat Committee and the race team.
Name: ______________________________________________________
Tel: _________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________
Oar Store payment: £60
Forms to: Emma Stephenson, 38 Higher Brimley Road or The Dive Centre,
Quay Road