Background Guide - TJHSST Activities


Background Guide - TJHSST Activities
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
Gotham Crime Lords
Thomas Jefferson High School Model United Nations Conference
TechMUN 2015
High School Crisis Committee
Czar: Will Frank
Director: Patrick Ryan
Chair: Yena Seo
Chair: Noah Shin
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
Dear Delegates,
Let me be the first to welcome
you to the Gotham Crime Lords
committee. My name is Patrick
Ryan, and I am excited to serve
as your crisis director for
TechMUN 2015! The Gotham
Crime Lords committee is a
group of Gotham City’s most
powerful gangsters who’ve
called a meeting to address the
rising interference of Batman in
the day-to-day operations of
organized crime in Gotham.
Problems will arise that can’t be
dealt with alone, so I expect a
level of mutual cooperation from
all of you. Gangsters can be
gangsters, but at the end of the day, organized crime requires organization to
successfully execute. I’m intrigued to see how you go about doing so.
To give you a little information about myself, I am a junior here at Thomas Jefferson. I
have been an active participant in TJMUN since the start of freshman year, and it’s
certainly been an upward experience from day one. I’ve come to enjoy MUN because
it’s a great way to keep up with friends and international politics. What better
combination can you get? Outside of Model UN, I’m on the robotics and varsity soccer
teams at TJ. I’m looking forward to interning at the Naval Research Laboratory in DC
this summer, and when I find free time I like traveling, hanging out with friends, and
listening to classic rock or country music.
Assuming you’re not a complete Batman comics junky (I’m not myself), the best way to
prepare for this committee is definitely to thoroughly read the background guide and
watch the Batman movies directed by Chris Nolan to make sure you understand the
roles of important characters (like Jim Gordon, the Joker, etc.). If you’re dying for more
content, take a look around, but
don’t feel obligated to do so. Remember that while we draw much of our information
from this source, the setting of the Gotham Crime Lords committee is completely
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
unrelated to the timelines dictated by the dc.wikia database. Finally, remember that
each of you represents the leader of a crime group. Take care of your family’s business,
and I’ll allow you a good deal of flexibility in terms of what you can do through crisis.
If you have any questions or concerns before the conference, please feel free to contact
me, and I’ll be more than happy to help you at [email protected].
Looking forward to a great time at this year’s TechMUN and see you soon!
Patrick Ryan
Crisis Director, Gotham Crime Lords
TechMUN 2015
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
Gotham Crime Lords
This committee takes place in a fictitious time when numerous crime
families and mobs from Gotham City’s history coexist within separate,
smaller territories. The committee itself is a meeting of the leaders of each
of these illicit groups with the purpose of dealing with recent problems that
have arisen- in some cases, problems that they lack the power to deal with
individually. Even gangsters understand that in order for organized crime to
continue in Gotham, they have to work together to some extent to eliminate
local threats and maintain requisite levels of corruption in the government
and police force. That being said, each family or mob also has their own
individual goals and pursuits for their specific faction in Gotham City which
are equally important. During committee, each group will have to find a
balance, working together to ensure the continuation of organized crime,
while striving to get their mob ultimate power and control of Gotham City.
Topic A: Combatting Batman
Gotham Crime Lords
Batman- one of the biggest threats that organized crime has ever
faced- is once again on the rise, disrupting mob operations, limiting drug
deals, and stopping otherwise commonplace robberies. This is one of the
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
central reasons that the family leaders called the meeting. Batman’s effect
and scope, although originally limited, have spread beyond levels of
comfort for most of these gangs. Many of the leaders are concerned that if
they don’t start acting soon, Batman will constrict mob income and territory,
and eventually cause them to fade from relevance or dissolve entirely.
In terms of methods, Batman is a conniving and deceptive character,
whose origins are unknown (you do not know that he is Bruce Wayne to
start). During most of Batman’s attacks, he is swift and unexpected,
disappearing just minutes after his strikes begin. Though lacking a unique
superpower, Batman’s main asset is his inhuman strength, speed,
endurance, and reflexes, and he is also extremely adept at hand-to-hand
combat through martial arts. Additionally, his suit is both bulletproof and
impact-resistant in most areas and can deploy “wings” that allow him to
jump off buildings and glide through the air. A potential upside to handling
Batman is that he doesn’t use firearms, to the best of our knowledge. After
numerous gang operation attacks, Batman has never been reported using
guns of any sort, and we can safely assume that he won’t start any time
soon. Though the committee must look to exploit a variety of flaws to
effectively handle Batman, this “no firearms” rule could be his true Achilles
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
heel. As Batman continues to encroach on gang operations, working
together to limit his power in Gotham will become a must- but perhaps not
at the expense of your own.
Topic B: Control of the GCPD
Gotham Crime Lords
Conceivably a more palatable topic for many of the mob leaders than
combatting a masked enforcer like Batman, control of the Gotham City
Police Department (GCPD) is equally important for the continuation of
organized crime in Gotham, the ultimate reason that these crime
figureheads have called a meeting. Corruption in Gotham’s police
department has always been a problem for the organization, and in times
like these, it is no different. While few if any know exact numbers, rumors
about ties to gangs and crime families have been circulating about
numerous individuals in the department- from rank-and-file officers to police
captains and chiefs. Stories and rumors have caused the people of Gotham
to think twice about trusting their own police force and this distrust and
confusion has widely supported local organized crime efforts.
As was mentioned above, even you as crime leaders are not certain
about exact numbers of corrupt policemen. Some have provided help to
mob operations in the past or overlooked shady dealings in their jurisdiction
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
for a cut of the money, but by and large, these officers have made it clear
that they’re working for the highest bidder. That means that if a high
enough reward lands on your head or the head of a member of your gang,
they probably won’t hesitate to turn you in.
On the other hand, corrupt policemen are an asset to be used
smartly, not avoided. There are a multitude of benefits to having a few
policemen on your payroll, from learning early about police strikes on gang
hideouts to avoiding police interference with everyday mob trafficking
operations. They could even be used to handle Batman. There’s no doubt
that organized crime must continue to infiltrate the GCPD, but without using
obvious actions that could lead to a hierarchy overhaul in the department.
As a whole, the GCPD can usually be bent to the will of the mob, but
there still remain a significant number of idealistic policemen in leadership
positions whose actions against organized crime must be crushed before
they get bolder and more dangerous to the mob structure as a whole.
Crime Group Backgrounds:
Falcone Family
○ Relatively powerful Italian crime family
○ Income: Memorial Bridge control, limited casinos, money from yacht owners
○ Only mob that owns a bridge in Gotham
Maroni Family
○ Relatively powerful Italian crime family, rivals with Falcone family
○ Uses Maroni’s (restaurant) as front for shady dealings
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
○ Income: Main source of casinos for Gotham, money from business owners
Cosa Nostra Family
○ American branch of Stefano Mandragora’s Sicilian crime empire
○ Income: Funding stream from Sicily, money from business owners
○ Can obtain more resources from Sicily if their leader overseas (Stefano
Mandragora) is happy with state of operations
Dimitrov Family
○ Russian crime family, often warring with the Maroni Family
○ Income: Big arms dealings to the highest bidder, both local and foreign
○ Limited overseas connections due to these dealings
Ibanescu Family
○ Romanian crime family
○ Income: Animal fights and human trafficking/prostitution
○ All sorts of people are affiliated with this family due to its specializations
Moxon Empire
○ Not a crime family and no cultural affiliation
○ Income: Bank and individual robberies
○ Lack of cultural affiliation appeals to potential members
Odessa Mob
○ Ukrainian crime family
○ Income: Small arms dealings, in some cases to other mobs
○ Arms deals go to almost anyone
Riley Family
○ Irish crime family, rivalry with Sabatino Family
○ Income: Stadium control and limited animal fights
Sabatino Family
○ Italian, Gotham’s oldest remaining crime familly
○ Income: Personal connections and gambling (casinos and other)
○ Strong connections with people in government, police, elsewhere, although
considerably less notorious than some of the other mob factions in Gotham
○ Japanese faction in Gotham
○ Income: Drug dealings, both local and foreign
○ Italian families don’t involve in drugs, giving them a larger market share
Land and Portfolio Powers:
Each crime group will start with a base set of gang members, corrupt
city officials, and corrupt police contacts at their disposal. These numbers
will be adjusted (increased) in certain areas when you receive your portfolio
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
powers at the beginning of committee. For each faction, it will be slightly
Base Powers:
● 30 direct mob members/affiliates
● 2 corrupt city officials
● 2 corrupt police contacts
As for land, the map on the next page lays out specific gang territory.
You can certainly conduct operations in another gang’s territory, but you
might just pay the price if you don’t let them know beforehand. Anything in
blue is either disputed territory between gangs or an area in which gangs
have a limited influence. Anything in red is controlled by the city
government (for now…). Finally, the land of delegates who don’t show up
to Committee Session I will become disputed territory after the first hour of
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015
TechMUN 2015
Gotham Crime Lords
TechMUN at Stuart
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax, VA | April 10-11, 2015