Ready to break free from your multiple cloning site?


Ready to break free from your multiple cloning site?
Ready to break free from your multiple cloning site?
In‑Fusion® Cloning lets you choose any locus on any vector.
Why waste time trying to design around available restriction sites? Put away the restriction enzymes and ligase,
and take full control of your experiment. Clone your insert exactly where you want, the first time, and move forward
with your research.
Cloning free of restrictions:
Any insert, any vector, any locus
Directional, ligase-free reactions
No subcloning required
High accuracy and low background
See how those in the field have used In-Fusion Cloning to overcome restriction site availability.
20% off list price
Item description
Package size List price
In-Fusion® HD Cloning Plus CE
10 rxns
+$47.6 GST
In-Fusion® HD Cloning Plus CE
50 rxns
+$190.1 GST $1,520.0
+$152.00 GST
In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus CE
96 rxns
+$306.3 GST $2,450.4
+$245.04 GST
In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus CE
100 rxns
+$320.8 GST $2,566.4
+$256.64 GST
In-Fusion® HD EcoDryTM Cloning Plus
8 rxns
+$41.9 GST
+$35.52 GST
In-Fusion® HD EcoDryTM Cloning Plus
24 rxns
+$103.6 GST $828.8
+$82.88 GST
In-Fusion® HD EcoDryTM Cloning Plus
48 rxns
+$204.6 GST $1,636.8
+$163.68 GST
In-Fusion® HD EcoDryTM Cloning Plus
96 rxns
+$296.5 GST $2,372.0
+$237.2 GST
In-Fusion® HD Cloning Plus
10 rxns
+$46.1 GST
+$36.88 GST
In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus
50 rxns
+$179.0 GST $1,432
+$143.2 GST
In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus
96 rxns
+$298.2 GST $2,385.6
+$238.56 GST
In-Fusion® HD Cloning Plus
100 rxns
+$309.8 GST $2,478.4
+$247.84 GST
Discount price
Freight charges apply. Please contact Scientifix for details.
Prices subject to change without notice. Valid till end of May 2015
Valid for initial purchase only. InFusion20OFF
Click to view the data
1800 007 900
[email protected]
Click to contact Scientifix
+$38.08 GST
In-Fusion Cloning:
The right clone every time.
Good science relies on a solid foundation of inspiration matched
with technical expertise. Every decision has an impact, starting with
experimental design. This is why we are dedicated to delivering
best-in-class products backed by expert scientific support. We
understand that streamlined methods and high-performance
reagents enable you to push your research to its fullest potential.
Ideal for...
• Single-insert cloning
• Multiple-insert cloning
• Large-insert cloning
• Adding small tags
• Direct cloning into large
vectors (up to 46-kb cosmids)
• Site-directed mutagenesis
(single or multiple deletions,
insertions, or substitutions)
In-Fusion Cloning kits are unique in their ability to allow easy,
accurate, seamless cloning without the use of ligase. From the simple
to the complex, you can recover your final construct on the second
day! In just one quick reaction, you can clone any insert into any
vector at any locus, without the hassle of subcloning, unwanted extra
bases, or inconvenient restriction sites.
The reaction is specific and directional, ensuring an exceptionally
high rate of cloning accuracy in all applications. Our standards for
accuracy involve more than simple transformation efficiency. Why
waste time screening a large number of colonies? With background
levels approaching zero, you can pick just a few colonies and be
confident that you have the right clone.
As the first step in so many experiments, successful cloning is key
to recovering meaningful data. The cloning tools you use can be the
difference between wasted time and fast, consistent results.
Amplify your
gene of interest
PCR product with
15 bp extensions
complementary to
the vector ends
In-Fusion enzyme, vector,
and PCR product
15 min (liquid)
or 30 min (EcoDry)
single-tube reaction
Figure 1. In-Fusion Cloning protocol.
The key to In-Fusion Cloning is 15 bp of homology between your insert(s) and linearized vector backbone. Add
these 15 bp to the 5’ end of your forward and reverse primers, and PCR amplify your desired insert(s). Linearize
your vector, by restriction digest or inverse PCR. Combine in a single tube containing the In-Fusion enzyme mix,
perform the In-Fusion cloning reaction, and transform into competent cells.