Supplier View Details - Dun & Bradstreet Learn & Support


Supplier View Details - Dun & Bradstreet Learn & Support
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Supplier View Details
Each supplier within SRM has an
extensive record for your review.
In this section you will learn about
the details of a Supplier record:
Predictive Scores
Provided Data
Corporate Linkage
Country Risk
Summary Tier 2
Part 2: Supplier Details
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
Using the Profile View
The Profile view allows you to navigate a supplier's profile. The Profile view includes Predictive Scores and
Ratings, Company Overview, 18 month Risk Trend graphs, Financial and Legal Indicators, Government
Indicators, and Financial Characteristics.
The Supplier Profile page can be accessed
from numerous places throughout SRM.
You can type the name, D-U-N-S, or
Supplier ID into the search function if you
want to get to the page directly.
If the company name appears in a list or
folder, simply click on the company name
to view the profile.
Visual: Supplier Details – Profile View
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Profile View Tiles
View: Profile View Tiles
Tiles under the company name provide the company’s contact information and D-U-N-S number. You will
see their location information, including whether it is a Branch, Headquarters or Single Location. Trade
Names (DBA – doing business as) will also be displayed.
The Last Updated date is visible in the third tile to the right and reflects the day that the content of the
various profile pages was last refreshed. D&B and Supplier Risk Manager aggregate information from
thousands of sources and content is updated in two primary ways. All companies being monitored for
alerts are updated twice a day, while companies not being monitored are updated by a monthly data
The third tile contains the UPDATE RECORD function. If the last update was more than two days
earlier, the button will be live and clicking it will update the record with the most current information
D&B has available. The link will be grayed out if the information is already refreshed.
GLOSSARY:: Throughout Supplier Risk Manager clicking on this symbol will take
you to the glossary or a pop-up which will provide you definitions and useful
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Profile View Action Buttons
A row of five important action buttons appear under the Profile tiles. Let's take a look at each button and its function.
Add/Remove to Folder
With the Add/Remove Watchlist Folder button, you can
add the supplier to your private folder or a public folder
that you own. Be sure there is an Alert Profile assigned
to the folder and the supplier will be monitored.
Simply click on the drop down. The list will reveal the
folders for which you have authority to add or remove
this supplier. Click the box next to the name of the folder
and then click APPLY.
User Monitoring
The User Monitoring button will provide you with a view of
who, internally, is monitoring your supplier already. To
see who else in your community is using that supplier
will help you determine who to connect with regarding a
specific supplier
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
Rate this Supplier
The Rate This Supplier button allows you to provide input that impacts the Performance Rating which is a
subjective score. Your input counts! Your Evaluation, along with the evaluations from others who have done
business with this supplier, will be used to calculate this company's supplier performance ratings. The questions
relate to your level of satisfaction with, your interactions with, and the performance of this company. Respond as
accurately as possible based on your opinions of this company's performance in recent transactions. Your
answers will not be shared with other Supplier Risk Manager subscribers, but will contribute to the supplier's
aggregate rating. If a particular question does not apply to your experience with this company, Select 'N/A'
button (You can rate anyone in the D&B Universe).
Once you click the SAVE button at the bottom of the survey you will receive a RATE THE SUPPLIER
SUCCESSFUL message as confirmation.
If you wish to leave the survey prior to completion, simply click the RED X in the top right corner of the
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
Assign Survey
The ASSIGN SURVEY button will allow you to reach out to your contact in order to obtain additional
information that is not typically part of the D&B data. For instance you may need additional information on
their Awards and Certification, or perhaps details on their Inventory. We have preset surveys that will be
available for you to utilize and you can select them from the drop down, however, your internal Admin may
have created surveys specifically for your needs. These would also be visible in the drop down.
Note, the feedback from your supplier is not visible by D&B or any other company reviewing that vendor’s
profile. It’s internal only. The results of the survey will appear in your Suppliers’ report, in the side tab
To review the contents of the surveys that are available
Once you click the MANAGE SURVEYS button you will
be create, modify and view the list of surveys.
Once you click the ASSIGN SURVEY button you
will be taken to a screen where you will need to:
1. Select the SURVEY you wish to assign
2. Select the USER you wish to assign it to. If the
user you wish to select does not appear in the
drop down, click on the ADD A CONTACT link
and add this contact to your contacts on the
3. Select the DUE DATE you wish to have the
survey completed by.
Once you click the SAVE button at the bottom of the survey you will receive a RATE THE SUPPLIER SUCCESSFUL
message as confirmation.
Once you click the SAVE button at the bottom of the survey you will receive a RATE THE SUPPLIER SUCCESSFUL
message as confirmation.
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
D&B Live Report
There is also a quick link to the vendors Live Report (button is supplier specific -- ex: US will appear, Int
will not) if you are located in the US or Canada and you are on a subscription signed in these countries
and located there as well. The report generated is called the Supplier Qualifier Report and it will fill in
important details on the public records, payment habit, operations, and even special events that have
impacted the company. When you click on the button it will display as a new window and you can print
and save it. This is very helpful especially in an event where the Risk Scores are high; you can really
take a deep dive into the details.
If you are located outside of the
US or Canada the Live Report
button will only be available if
through your contract you are
eligible to receive it. If the
option does not appear for you
and you wish to receive Live
Reports contact your sales
agent to discuss.
Different reports are available
for different suppliers. These
include: Supplier Qualifier
Report, International Business
Information Report or the
Comprehensive Report.
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Predictive Scores and Ratings
The scores and ratings that matter most are visible in the Predictive Scores & Ratings window allowing an ata-glance view of the company’s health. Each score can be clicked on enabling you to dive deeper and better
understand how the selected score or rating was derived. For additional information on each score or
rating, you can switch over to the Predictive Score tab (located along the left side of the Profile page) to
obtain addition information on each of these and more.
We use red, yellow and green to depict the level of risk along with their current score. This way you can quickly
asses if their SSI, SER, EMMA, Paydex and or FSS Percentile are low, moderate or at a high risk level.
If you are not familiar with the scores and their definitions, there are Links that will provide you with more
Visual: Profile View Predictive Scores and Ratings
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
Company Overview
A company overview is provided which includes important information such as: your company’s assigned Supplier
ID, a global parent if one is available, and government assigned codes such as SIC, UNSPC, NAICS and CAGE.
The elements listed in the Company Overview include:
Supply Base Member: Indicates whether
or not this company is part of the list of cocmpanies
registered with SRM by your organization.
Supplier IDs: Label for a subscriber's identity in the
SRM database.
Global Parent: The top most responsible entity
within the Global Family Tree.
SIC Codes: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
code is a number developed by the US Office of
Management and Budget to identify industrial
UNSPSC Codes: The United Nations Standard
Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is a
classification of goods and services developed by
the United Nations in order to facilitate electronic
NAICS Codes: The North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS). It was developed to
provide common industry definitions for Canada,
Mexico, and the United States.
CAGE Codes: The Commercial and Government
Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number
used in the US to identify a given legal entity at a
specific location.
Congressional District: The congressional district in
which the address for an entity falls. Only available
for US entities.
Visual: Company Overview Availabel in a Scrolling Screen
Supplier Diversity:
WOM - Woman-Owned: A business that is at least 51% owned by, and whose management and daily business
operations are controlled by one or more women who are US citizens. Available for US businesses.
VET - Veteran-Owned: A business that is a least 51% owned by one or more veterans, who control and operate
the business.
VVT - Vietnam Veteran Owned: A US business that is at least 51% owned by one or more Vietnam Veterans
who served between 1/1/59 and 5/7/75 and have control and operate the business.
SBA - Small Business: A business concern eligible for assistance as a small business is one that is organized
for profit, with a place of business located in the United States. It must meet numerical size standards.
SDB - Small Disadvantaged Business: A small business 51% owned and controlled by a US Citizen who is
Socially & Economically Disadvantaged as defined by government standards.
MIN Class - Minority Class: A US business that is at least 51% owned by and controlled one or more members
of a socially and economically disadvantaged minority group, namely US citizens who are African Americans
(Black), Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans and Sub-Continent Asian Americans.
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
SSI, SER, Paydex, and Performance Rating
The Timeline for the Risk graphs is 12 months long. It includes a visual representation of the SSI, SER, Paydex,
and Performance Ratings.
Visual: SSI, SER, Paydex and Performance Rating Graphs
Hover over any point on the graph to access precise date and
score at that point.
Visual: Hover Over View
As a result of a score model change, you may see a
dividing line between the old score model and the new
one. This line can provide you with context around why
a score may look very different.
Visual: Model Change Results in Dividing Line
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
Financial, Legal, and Government Indicators
Financial, Legal, and Government Indicators will let you know if one of your suppliers is currently dealing with any
of these issues which could impact their ability to consistently service your needs. The Indicators listed in these
two tiles are automatically fed and act independently to the Alerts Monitoring feature in SRM. In short, you do not
need to assign any alert profiles, if something comes up with a supplier, these buttons will automatically turn from
OFF to ON, however, you would not receive any notification of the change in status unless you did put the supplier
into a Watchlist folder and assigned an alert profile which included the element that was activated.
In the below example we see that the Financial/Legal, Operations, and Suits/Judgments Indicators are ON. For
you to be automatically notified that the status had changed, you would have to have put this supplier into a
Watchlist folder and assigned alerts for Special Events that included these three elements. If you have done that,
when the status changes you will receive an email alert telling you what has occurred. If you have not done that,
you will only know the status change occurred if you view the suppliers' profile page and see these indicators
turned ON.
To find out more information about what caused the status to change, click the DETAILS link which will take you
to the LIVE REPORT for this supplier
Hover over the DETAILS link which
will inform you that more information is
Clicking on the DETAILS link which take you to the LIVE REPORT
which will share additional information with you regarding what
has occurred. Please note that the change may not always be a
negative one. It could simply be that a change was made in the
company name, CEO, or address. Any of those situations would
cause the Indicator to go from OFF to ON.
Part 2: Supplier Records - Profile
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Financial Characteristics
Financial Characteristics provide you with additional information so that you can build a relationship with your key
View: Profile View - Financial Characteristics
The elements listed in the Financial Characteristics window include:
EMPLOYER ID NUMBER (EIN): The Employer Identification Number (also known as Federal Employer Identification
Number or FEIN) is a unique business identifier associated with the location (D-U-N-S®), assigned by the federal
STATEMENT DATE: Date of current financial statement. May be full date, month and year, or year only.
ANNUAL SALES: Sales generated by a business on a yearly basis. May be derived from sales, gross revenue,
commissions, or billings. May be estimated, actual, projected, or consolidated.
NET INCOME: An entity’s income minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period. The amount
left over after all expenses and taxes are deducted. Also called Net Profit or Loss after Taxes.
NET WORTH: The total assets minus total outside liabilities of a company. Includes capital stock, retained earnings
treasury stock, etc. — is not the Tangible Net Worth. Net worth is used when talking about the value of a company. May
be negative.
CASH: Amount of current assets comprising currency on hand or in the bank, or currency equivalents that comprise
liquid assets which can be accessed immediately or near-immediately.
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Legally enforceable claim for payment from a business to its customers for goods supplied
or services rendered on credit terms in execution of the customer's order. this is money owed by customers and not yet
received. The value may or may not be net of bad debts.
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS: Total amount of all current (< 1 year) assets.
INVENTORY: Includes merchandise on hand that is ready to be sold. May also include work in progress and raw
materials minus depreciation.
TOTAL ASSETS: Total amount of current and long-term assets.
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Money owed by a business to its suppliers shown as a liability on a company’s balance sheet.
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES: Total amount of all current (< 1 year) liabilities.
TOTAL LIABILITIES: Total liabilities owed by a business.
CURRENT RATIO: A financial ratio that measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay its debts over the
next 12 months. It compares current assets divided by current liabilities.
QUICK RATIO: Cash plus Cash Equivalents plus Marketable Securities plus Accounts Receivable divided by Current
TOTAL EMPLOYEES: Number of persons employed by a business. For a headquarters location, this may include
branch employees.
SALES/EMPLOYEES: The ratio of Annual Sales over Total Employees.
YEAR STARTED: Year that the entity actually commenced present operations. If the entity was formed to acquire or
continue the operations of a preexisting entity, then the start date may reflect this original start date.
MANAGEMENT CONTROL: The year that the person/party with current majority control or ownership of this business
obtained such control/ownership.
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Predictive Scores
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Using the Predictive Scores View
The Profile view allows you to navigate a supplier's profile. The Profile view includes Predictive Scores and
Ratings, Company Overview, 18 month Risk Trend graphs, Financial and Legal Indicators, Government
Indicators, and Financial Characteristics.
FSS Ranking (1-100)
FSS Class
CCS Percentile
CCS Class
D&B Rating
Scorecard Risk
Viability Rating
Performance Rating
Visual: Supplier Details – Predictive Scores
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Predictive Scores
Supplier Stability Indicator (SSI)
The D&B Supplier Stability Indicator (SSI) predicts the likelihood that a business will experience significant financial
or operational instability over the next three months. More specifically, the SSI predicts the likelihood that one of the
following events will occur:
Business will cease operations or voluntarily withdraw from doing business
Business will seek legal relief from creditors, go into receivership or reorganization, or makes
arrangements for the benefit of creditors
Business will become inactive due to merger or acquisition related activity
The SSI Scoring System uses statistical probabilities to classify businesses into a 0-10 Score Scale where 0
represents businesses that have the lowest probability of financial or operational stress, and 10 represents
businesses with the highest probability of financial or operational stress.
View: Predictive Scores View - SSI
Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating (SER)
The Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating (SER) is an easy to use risk metric that helps supply management professionals
evaluate the long term risk of doing business with a supplier. The SER score is based on a scale of 1–9, with one
representing lowest level of risk and nine implying highest level of risk.
For suppliers whose headquarters are located in the United States and Canada, the SER Rating predicts the likelihood
that a supplier will cease operations, regardless of debts outstanding, or become inactive over the next 12 months based
on the depth of predictive data attributes available on the business.
For suppliers whose headquarters are located outside the United States and Canada, the SER predicts the likelihood
that a supplier will cease operations or reorganize without paying all creditors in full, or obtain relief from creditors under
state/federal law over the next 12 months.
The SER provides a consistent risk ranking across the globe. That is, SER of 1–6 is at or below average risk and 7-9 is
above average risk, irrespective of supplier location. Performance tables vary by country. The SER Score is available
in 25 countries: United States, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland/Southern Ireland,
France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand.
View: Predictive Scores View - SER
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Predictive Scores
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
The D&B payment score (Paydex) is a score that assesses the historical payment performance of a
business. The score corresponds to an average number of days beyond terms or within terms and is
based on all the trade experiences associated with this business in D&B’s database. More specifically,
the Paydex is a dollar-weighted average of a company’s combined individual payment experiences and
ranges from 0–100, with higher scores representing businesses that pay their bills more promptly. In most
cases, at least three trade experiences are required for the Paydx to be calculated.
Visual: Predictive Scores View - Paydex
FSS Ranking (1-100)
The Financial Stress Ranking is a 1-100 ranking where 1 has the highest likelihood that a company will
experience financial stress, which includes ceasing operations without paying all creditors in full or
obtaining legal relief from creditors over the next twelve months. A ranking of 100 has the lowest
likelihood of financial stress or failure. This field was formerly referred to as FSS Percentile in some
Visual: Predictive Scores View - FSS Ranking (1-100)
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Predictive Scores
FSS Class
The Financial Stress Score predicts the likelihood of a firm experiencing financial stress over the next
12 months. D&B defines a financially stressed company as one that obtains legal relief from its
creditors, ceases business operations without paying all its creditors in full, voluntarily withdraws from
business operations and leaves unpaid obligations, goes into receivership or reorganization, or makes
an arrangement for the benefit of creditors over the next 12 month period, based on the information in
D&B's commercial database.
The FSS scores are calculated using statistical models derived from D&B's extensive database of US
businesses including Payment, Public Filing, Demographic, and Financial information when available.
The Scoring System segments the universe of scored businesses into five distinct Risk Classes where
a one (1) represents businesses that have the lowest probability of failure, and a five (5) represents
businesses with the highest probability of failure. FSS Class scores are available for US and Canadian
Visual: Predictive Scores View - FSS Class
CCS Percentile
The Commercial Credit Score Percentile is a 1-100 ranking where a percentile of 1 has the highest
probability of delinquency and a percentile of 100 has the lowest probability of delinquency.
Visual: Predictive Scores View - CCS Percentile
Part 2 - Supplier
Features - Predictive Scores
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
CCS Class
The Commercial Credit Score Class is available for US and Canadian business profiles and predicts the
likelihood of a business paying its bills in a severely delinquent manner (91 days or more past terms),
obtaining legal relief from its creditors or ceasing operations without paying all creditors in full over the next
12 months. D&B defines severe delinquency as a business with at least 10% of its payments 91 days or more
past due, based on the information in D&B's commercial database.
A Commercial Credit Risk Class of 1-5 is a segmentation of the scoreable universe into five distinct groups
where a one (1) represents businesses that have the lowest probability of delinquency, and five (5)
represents businesses with the highest probability of delinquency.
Visual: Predictive Scores View - CCS Class
D&B Rating
The D&B Rating (e.g., 4A3) is provided globally, and helps to quickly assess a company's size and composite credit
appraisal. It is normally divided into two parts: the Financial Strength Code and the Risk Indicator.
Financial Strength is reflected in the first 2 characters of the rating and is an indication of the size of the subject’s
tangible net worth (that is, the shareholder's funds less any intangible assets) based primarily on the most recent fiscal
balance sheet results. The Risk Indicator is the last character of the rating. It reflects the risk associated with the
business and is used to determine The Composite Credit Appraisal which is linked to the level of risk and is an overall
evaluation of credit worthiness. This appraisal takes into account the financial condition but also several non-financial
factors such as trade payment history, length of operation, employee numbers, legal structure, management experience
and any adverse listings.
Visual: Predictive Scores View - D&B Rating
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Predictive Scores
Scorecard Risk (only available if customer has Scorecard add-on module.)
The risk class for this entity (supplier) is calculated in the primary scorecard and is based on the
standard Scorecard Rules Base. Possible values for the risk class are "Acceptable", "Moderate", or
"Severe". For more scorecard detail for a supplier, click on the "Scorecard" tab at the left hand side
of the supplier profile page.
Visual: Predictive Scores View - Scorecard Risk
Viability Rating
Visual: Predictive Scores View - Viability Rating
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Predictive Scores
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Viability Rating
The D&B Viability Rating uses D&B’s proprietary analytics to compare the most predictive business risk indicators
and deliver a highly reliable assessment of the probability that a company will go out of business, become dormant/
inactive, or file for bankruptcy/insolvency within the next 12 months. The D&B Viability Rating is made up of four
Viability Score: is a high-level risk indicator that assesses the probability that a company will no longer be a
viable business within the next 12 months, compared to businesses in the same country within the D&B
database. A business is no longer viable when it goes out of business, becomes dormant/inactive or files
for bankruptcy/insolvency. The ranking ranges from 1 to 9 where nine reflects the highest probability of
becoming no longer viable and one reflects the lowest probability.
Portfolio Comparison: is a more detailed risk indicator that assesses the viability of a company compared
to similar businesses within the same model segment which are determined by the amount and type of
data available. A business is no longer viable when it goes out of business, becomes dormant/ inactive or
files for bankruptcy/insolvency. The Portfolio Comparison ranking ranges from 1 to 9 where nine reflects
the highest probability of becoming no longer viable and one reflects the lowest probability.
Data Depth Indicator: presents the level of data available for a company. Data depth assists in the
assessment of whether a company will no longer be viable and may include the following (data depth
attributes will vary by country): Financial Attributes, Commercial Trading Activity, and Firmographics.
Company Profile: describes a company based on a combination of 4 categories: Financial Data, Trade
Payments, Company Size, and Years in Business.
Performance Rating
The Performance Rating specifies historically how this supplier has performed at a high-level. It is
calculated based on multiple scores of supplier feedback including survey answers, and ERP systems
data. It can have a value of 0 to 100 where 100 is the highest possible rating. In addition to the score a
Star rating is provided which indicates how the supplier compares to all the suppliers in the Supply Base
Intelligence (all Supplier Risk Manager Suppliers) within the same Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) Group. Each of the Stars represents approximately 20 percent of all companies in the SIC Group.
The 5 Stars ranking whereas 1 star would be the lowest ranking compared to their peers. Much like a 5
star hotel’s rating.
Visual: Predictive Scores View - Performance Rating
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Alerts
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Using the Alerts View
The Alerts view provides you the ability to view the current Alerts and drill down on what is causing
them.They are color coded Red/Green to designate whether it was a positive change, or a negative one.
Visual: Supplier Details – Alerts View
Visual: Supplier Details – Explanation Screen
For more information about the Alert, simply click on it and you will be taken to an
explanation screen.
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Notes
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Using the Notes View
The Notes view functions as an “internal message board”, where you can communicate with others in
your company about your most critical suppliers. You can post a message, and your peers can read it
and add their own responses or comments.
Visual: Supplier Details – Notes View
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Documents
Using the Documents View
The Documents view allows you to upload important critical documents provided by your suppliers and then
house them so that they are readily accessible. You can browse the files and filter through them by type, User
ID, and date from a drop down.
Vidsual: Supplier Details – Documents View
Browse the files and filter through them by type, User ID,
and date from a drop down.
Part 2 - Supplier Features - History
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Using the History View
The History view includes a recap of the historical movement of the suppliers’ Predictive Scores &
Ratings including date, event, movement and red or green flag alert.
Visual: Supplier Details – History View
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Contacts
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Using the Contacts View
The Contacts view allows a place to store all the contact information for a supplier providing a single
source that will provide the most accurate and most current information available. When assigning a
survey to someone, this is the location withing SRM where the contacts will be stored.
Visual: Supplier Details – Contacts View
Visual: Supplier Details – Add Contacts
To add a contact click ADD CONTACT, then fill out the Add Contacts form and click SUBMIT.
Only the Login and the Email address are mandatory fields. Filling in the remainder of the
information will provide you the information you need at your fingertips.
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Provided Data
Using the Provided Data View
The Provided Data view includes all supplier provided data on one page and allows the ability to export
survey’s and questionnaires.
Visual: Supplier Details – Provided Data View
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Corporate Linkage
Using the Corporate Linkage View
The Corporate Linkage view allows customers to get the full view of a supplier family. You can also tailor
the view by including or excluding branches/single locations or selecting the depth level in a single
exportable view. It will provide you with an expanded view of your Suppliers' hierarchy, giving you a view
from their Global Ultimate Parent on down to each branch location.
This information is interactive; you can select a location and be directed to their profile. Corporate linkage can
be exported as a PDF. You can utilize the scroll bar to browse through the layers of the family tree, this way
you can view the depth of information you prefer. You can also eliminate the branch locations or the single
locations, and then see only the Headquarters and subsidiaries.
This can help you learn more about your supplier: how well do you really know them? Do you already have
spend with their subsidiary? Can you consolidate spend at different levels and negotiate a discount?
Visual: Supplier Details – Corporate Linkage View
Part 2 - Supplier Features- Competitors
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Using the Competitors View
The Competitors view allows users to get a view of the top competitors of a supplier, either viewed geospatially, or in a list view. It provides users with quick access to look alike suppliers for a bid process or
mitigation exercise. The Competitors View will allow you to see who a supplier is competing against in
the marketplace and will also indicate who their top 10 competitors are.
The display is integrated with Google Maps. This view will provide you with “like suppliers” in the event
of supplier failure, and a quick way to get the top companies when issuing RFX’s. The pins represent
the competitor’s location and when you hover over it, their name and address will display. When you
click the pin you will be launched to the competitor’s profile page.
You can even view U.S. competitor locations as a satellite image via Google. The competitors are
identified by Hoovers, and will be available on most large established businesses globally.
Visual : Supplier Details – Competitors View
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Country Risk Summary
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Using the Country Risk Summary View
The Country Risk Summary view includes key facts about the country the supplier is located in and
provides a Country Risk Indicator rating which indicates the country’s overall risk outlook. This tab
will only be populated if you have contracted for the optional Country Risk Module.
From the Country Risk
Summary tab on the
Supplier's file, click TO
Visual: Country Risk Summary
The Global Map is colored
to represent the level of
country risk. Hover over the
country to see additional
Visual: Global Map
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Country Risk Summary
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
In the D&B Country Risk
Indicator tile click VIEW
HISTORY if you want to
see the last 12 months
country history.
Visual: D&B Country Risk Indicator
Visual: D&B Country Risk Indicator
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Country Risk Summary
Visual: D&B Country Risk Indicator
In the D&B Country Risk Indicator tile you can get depth of information
about the country by clicking on the two risk reports button.
Additional report content includes:
Credit Environment Outlook
Supply Environment Outlook
Market Environment Outlook
Political Environment Outlook
Short-term and Long-term Economic Outlook
Market Potential
Business Environment Quality
Transfer Risk
FX Risk
Business Continuity
Insecurity/Civil Disorder Risk
Expropriation/Nationalisation Risk
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Tier 2 Suppliers
Using the Tier 2 Suppliers View
The Tier 2 Suppliers view allows you to associate a Tier 2 supplier with any company in your profile. By
monitoring the Tier 2 suppliers, you will be alerted to any potential supply chain risk potentially coming to you
through your supply chain.
From the Tier 2 Suppliers
tab on the Supplier's file,
Visual: Tier 2 Suppliers View
From the Search field you can search for a supplier by Company Name,
D-U-N-S, or Supplier ID. Enter your search criteria and click SEARCH.
D&B Supplier Risk Manager
Part 2 - Supplier Features - Tier 2 Suppliers
When the list of search
candidates appears, put a
check mark into the box
prior to the name of the
company you would like to
associate, then click
The Supplier chosen will
appear in the list of Tier 2
names on for that company.
If you wish to remove the
supplkier, simply click the
trash can icon.
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