Fun and Games at Dev Summit


Fun and Games at Dev Summit
Fun and Games at
Duck and Throw
It wouldn’t be the Esri International Developer Summit (DevSummit)
without the DevSummit Dodge Ball Tournament. This year, 31
teams squared off on Wednesday night to compete for the top
prize: free passes to the 2015 DevSummit. Bracket winners also
received special T-shirts. The winning team, the Dirk Diggler AllStars, was composed of Bradley Harried, Polar Geospatial Center;
Greg Schulz, Target Corporation; Jeremy Moore, Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources; Matt McLees, Scott County,
Minnesota; Patrick Thorsell, Scott County, Minnesota; and Joshua
Pust, Target Corporation. Julie Powell, Esri; Eric Ito, Esri; Russ
Roberts, Esri; Mike Shaw, SpatialMax; Dave Wright, i-cubed; and
Nathan Noble, Vestra Resources, filled out the roster for the second-place team, the Sitting Ducks.
Less Is More
The ArcGIS JavaScript Code Challenge (aka 100-lines-or-less-js
Esri mapping app code challenge) demonstrated how real-world
problems can be solved with just a little code using ArcGIS API for
JavaScript. To enter, contestants visited the 100-lines-or-less-js project on GitHub, forked the repository, and made pull requests to
submit code. The contest, which ran from March 8–27, drew 18 entries.
GeoHappenings, an app that provides real-time social mapping for events (like DevSummit), topped the field. For the win, its
creators, Jeremy Folds and Nick Volpe of DTSAgile in Fort Collins,
Colorado, received a DevSummit 2014 pass and an ArcGIS Online
subscription. Volpe accepted in person, while Folds accepted on
his phone via Facetime from his office in Colorado.
This was the first coding challenge the two had entered. “All in all,
it was a fun app challenge, and we enjoyed competing in it,” said
Folds. “Watching all of the messages roll in on GeoHappenings
from different parts of the globe was really awesome, and there
are still a few trickling in here and there.”
Second place went to Billy Ashmall for the ISERV Viewer, which
makes images of earth captured by the ISS SERVIR Environmental
Research and Visualization System (ISERV) available to everyone.
Ashmall received a DevSummit 2014 pass. Third place and a $100 Esri
Press gift certificate went to Vinícius Machuca for PocketDirections,
a simple ArcGIS routing app that runs on various devices.
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Developer’s Corner
 The Dirk Diggler All-Stars
were the eventual victors in
the DevSummit Dodge Ball
The Sitting Ducks,
shown in action,
were second. 
 There was a lot of time
for unstructured fun at
DevSummit, like this
pickup frisbee game. Summer 2014 au
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 Nick Volpe (on right)
and Jeremy Folds
(on phone) accept
the first-place award
for their entry in the
code challenge.
 GeoHappenings
recording DevSummit
social interaction
Endurance Coding
The Esri DevSummit Hackathon contestants gathered in the
Renaissance Palm Springs had just one day to create communityoriented apps that integrated Esri’s location-based technologies
with the APIs of event partners Twilio, SendGrid, Geofeedia, and
Microsoft. The County of Riverside, California, supplied its open
Entries were judged on innovative and creative use of technology, user experience/user interface, potential for real-world application, and completeness. The first-place team could choose Esri
International DevSummit passes for 2014 or 2015 for each of its
members and had three minutes to present its entry to the audience assembled for the summit keynote address. Second-place
winners received AR Drones 2.0 Quadricopters, while third-place
winners got radio controlled copters.
For the second year in a row, the team of Jamie Tran, Mara
Stoica, Christopher Moravec, Ryan Colburn, and Agnes Stelmach
triumphed. Their polling place app, SAMVotes, was designed to
help Riverside County improve voter turnout. The app integrated
the .NET SDKs, Windows Store App, and ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
SAMVotes won four Xbox Ones provided by Microsoft and Dr Dre
Beats Studio Headphones award by Geofeedia.
Jon Nordling and Michael Humber won second place with
Riverside County Community Events, an app that connects
Riverside County citizens with the county’s public services. The
app integrated Microsoft Enterprise SQL Server, PHP, CURL, and
jQuery Mobile technologies with Riverside County data on the
ArcGIS platform. In addition to Esri APIs, it used the Twilio and
SendGrid APIs. The app also won Raspberry Pis provided by
Third-place prizewinner Citizen Reporter, created by Diego
Pajarito Grajales, Joshua Tanner, and Shaunak Vairagare, makes reporting incidents easy and encourages efficient decision making.
It uses crowdsourcing to prioritize events. The greater the number
of reports of an incident, the higher it ranks.
High-Speed Tech Transfer
The world’s fastest tech sessions, SpeedGeeking, covered 10 hot
topics that focused on mobile but also provided quick insights into
the latest in ArcGIS technology for server, big data, security, and
au Summer 2014
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Developer's Corner
 SAMVotes
app won the
Esri DevSummit
 The party on the
last day featured a
variety of games and
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