razvijalci programov


razvijalci programov
Možnosti za zaposlitev na Irskem
Objavljeno: 20.3.2015
Rok za prijavo: 20.4.2015
Naziv delovnega mesta: RAZVIJALCI PROGRAMOV
Število delavcev: večje število
Naziv podjetja in kontaktni podatki:
Near Form Limited, ArcLabs Research & Innovation Centre,
Carriganore, Co Waterford
Opis del in nalog * :
We currently have an open position for nodejs developers. The role involves working with our
clients to deliver real-world systems. Candidates should have the following skills and
• Previous use of Agile software development methodology
• Familiarity with source control such as Git
There are also some “nice to have” criteria: previous use of Senecajs framework, experience
working in remote teams, experience working with external cients.
We currently have an open position for user interface (UI) developers. The role involves
working with our design team and clients to translate designs, style guides and mockups in
various forms into functional interfaces. The successful candidate must have an excellent
understanding of UX and UI design principles.
Candidates should have the following skills and experience:
• Strong JavaScript, HTML and CSS skills
• Experience with frameworks such as AngularJS and Ionic
• Experience developing for browsers and mobile web apps
• Previous use of Agile software development methodology
• Familiarity with source control such as Git
• Knowledge of Node.js is an advantage
There are also some “nice to have” criteria: experience with responsive design, REST web
services, Bootstrap, SASS/LESS, Bower and Grunt/Gulp, experience working in remote teams,
experience working with external clients.
Delodajalec zahteva tekoče znanje angleškega jezika.
*Na željo delodajalca je opis v angleškem jeziku.
Dodatne informacije in prijava:
Pošljite spremno pismo z življenjepisom v angleškem jeziku na elektronski naslov
[email protected] .