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here - Family Road of Greater Baton Rouge
Family Road of Greater Baton Rouge
Cancer Services Honored with
First-Annual Solaris Award
Solaris Awards
Children’s Plaza &
Family Center Closes
Continuation of Solaris
Disaster Housing
Assistance Program
Healthy Start
Dedicated Dads
Building Strong Families
Advisory Council
Baton Rouge, LA – The Prescription and Nutritional Supplement Assistance Program with Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge was recognized by Family Road at the first-annual Solaris
Award Banquet on May 1, 2008. Cancer Services received the title award of the night, the Solaris Award. The award is given to an area non-profit and/or government program whose contributions, regardless of the field, shine the brightest among the nominees.
Family Road’s mission is to strengthen families through leadership, collaboration, and coordination of community services in a warm and welcoming place. The Solaris Award event was established as a way to recognize the holistic efforts that make area non-profit programs so successful.
Cancer Services has helped more than 570 people with prescriptions for a total dollar value of
$273,423.00 and more than 1,574 people with nutritional supplement for a total dollar value of
$212,927.00 since this time last year. “When you hear a story of someone not filling their entire
prescription at a pharmacy or not getting the proper nutritional supplement because they can’t
afford it, you realize the need to make a difference,” said Mimi Riché, Executive Director of
Cancer Services, during her acceptance speech on behalf of the agency. “Our free prescription
assistance and nutritional supplement program helps ease this financial burden so that cancer
patients can take the medications and nutritional supplement they need to heal.”
To strengthen families
through leadership,
and coordination of
community services in a
warm and welcoming
To create
a stronger, healthier
community enriched with
loving, productive
Cancer Services’ employees (from L) Kristie Carline, Colleen McEnany, Sandra Falcon,
Ashley York, Andrea Kent, Joann Burns and Mimi Riché, are pictured here with the
Solaris Award on Thursday, May 1, 2008.
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Board of Directors
Stafford Kendall Chairperson Bobby Yarbrough Vice Chairperson Jan Ross Secretary Joe Alton Treasurer Richard Ieyoub Past Chairperson Martha Forbes Tammie Guillory Susan Low Rebecca Nelson Kizzy A. Payton Jamie Roques Genevieve Silverman M. Gregory Smith Sheri J. Thompson President & CEO
Dena Morrison R o a d R ev i e w
Children’s Plaza & Family Center Closes
May 31, 2008
Children’s Plaza & Family Center has been an immeasurable gift to hundreds
of Katrina families. However, on May 31, 2008 FEMA officially closed Renaissance village due to the CDC findings of high levels of formaldehyde in
some of the FEMA trailers. Katie Underwood, Family Road Relief and Recover Program Manager; Sister Judith Brun, Executive Director of Community Initiative Foundation; Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless and Harmony Outreach assisted families in their move to more permanent housing.
There is still a great need for assistance as families move forward in transitioning process. Family Road will continue to work with families through the
Relief and Recovery Network and DHAP ( Disaster Housing Assistance Program).
Road thanks Rosie O’Donnell for her donation of the Children’s Plaza &
Family Center, where child care and social services were provided to RV residents at Renaissance Village. Family Road as a member of YK Collaborative,
coordinated social services and activities at the Plaza. We wish to thank
Mayor Holden & Mayor Rideau for lending their support to the families
evacuated from Katrina. Major funders such as Baton Rouge Area Foundation, nonprofit agencies, and area churches also played an integral part in the
success of the Plaza.
Since the grand opening in October 2006, Family Road coordinated many services to the families living at Renaissance Village. Some of the services include: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, employment workshops, WIC, individual
counseling for adults, group counseling for teens, Teen Fun Nights, and many
health and life skills workshops. We continue to work with our partners in
supporting successful outcomes for the families of Katrina, who continue in
their efforts to re-establish their lives.
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Radiance Award
The Radiance Award was presented to the Early Detection Center at Mary Bird Perkins which has demonstrated excellence in the development and implementation of a health care services program.
Radiance Award
Early Detection Program –
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
Renea Austin-Duffin, Executive
Director - C.A.R.E. Network
Todd Stevens, President & CEO
The Early Detection Center Program’s objective is to make early detection services screening accessible to
as many residents as possible in a 15 parish service area of Southeast Louisiana. The goal is to provide
screens to detect cancer at its earliest stage whereby it is more likely to respond to treatment and increase
survival. The outcome has been tremendous. Since the inception of the program in 2002 through the end
of 1st quarter in 2008, the Early Detection Program conducted over 500 free cancer screening events for
breast, colorectal, prostate and skin cancer resulting in the screening of more than 21,000 people with
more than 105 cancers being diagnosed. The CARE Network is a best practice model for a partnershipbased effort to effectively fight cancer within the community.
Enlightenment Award
The Enlightenment Award was presented to the Home Ownership Center, Mid City Redevelopment Alliance Inc. which has demonstrated excellence in the development and implementation of education and/or
enrichment programs.
Enlightenment Award
Home Ownership Center,
Mid City Redevelopment Alliance
Samuel Sanders, Executive Director
Mid City Redevelopment Alliance Inc. is committed to revitalizing the Mid City region. The services of
Home Ownership Center (HOC) draws participants from the Greater Baton Rouge Metropolitan Area
covering six parishes. In 2004, HOC earned designation as a HUD approved counseling agency. Since
December of 2007, the Homeownership Center graduated over 3,400 prospective homebuyers. Of this
number 1,200 have purchased homes. Presently 600 individuals and families are waiting to attend homebuyer readiness workshops and classes.
Brilliance Award
The Brilliance Award was presented to the Homeless Outreach-Capital Area YMCA which has demonstrated excellence in the development and implementation of social service programs for adults.
Brilliance Award
Homeless Outreach – Capital Area YMCA
Trippe Hawthorne, Chairman of AC Lewis
Branch Board
Ginger Ford, Community Services
The Capital Area YMCA Homeless Outreach is the only program in the community that provides an array
of services to the homeless on a regularly scheduled basis on the streets, and not in an office building.
Outreach to the homeless population is conducted four times weekly, including open air church services
on Sundays. The program gives hope to the homeless by providing emotional, spiritual and physical triage
resulting in assessment of needs and referral to local services as needed. The YMCA Homeless Outreach
Program operates from a parking lot in an area with high incidence of homelessness. Direct information
gathering and referrals from the street are provided without filling out forms, applications or meeting particular requirements. In January 2008, the program was expanded to include all eight branches of the
Capital Area YMCA.
Illumination Award
The Illumination Award was presented to the Scotlandville Sports Academy which has demonstrated excellence in the development and implementation of social service programs for children.
The Scotlandville Sports Academy is a community organization determined to enhance the lives of at risk
youth in the Baton Rouge community. The program goals are simple and direct: Build Leadership; Establish Pride; Develop Character; and Promote Self Discipline. The organization has increased its capacity
over the last four years. In 2004, they served 600 children with an increase of a 1000 participants from
across the greater Baton Rouge area. In 2007, they served 1600 children. Their motto is the African Proverb: “It Takes A Village To Raise A Child”, so our message is clear: “We are organized for these youth,
their families and our community. We have become a village with a purpose.”
Illumination Award
Scotlandville Sports Academy
Leroy Hollins II, Executive Director
*A very special thank you to Whitney Vann host of the WBRZ 2une In Show for accepting our
invitation as Mistress of Ceremonies of the Family Road 2008 Solaris Award Banquet.
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Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP)
As FEMA housing assistance ends, residents of
FEMA trailers and other FEMA assisted living are being
transferred to rental units through the Housing Authority for
ongoing housing assistance through the Disaster Housing
Assistance Program (DHAP). Participants in the DHAP
program are required to work with a case manager. Program
participants will be responsible for a portion of their rent
beginning in March 2008 which will gradually increase
over time until March 2009.
elderly and disabled on fixed incomes to be identified to the
Housing Authority and supported over time.
Family Road has played an active role in ongoing recovery efforts for the past two and a half years in the Baton Rouge
and surrounding areas since the immediate aftermath of Katrina
and Rita. Services provided through Family Road have included
the coordination of social services among agencies responding to
the hurricanes; the Pregnancy to Parenthood program; Relief and
Recover Network email updates and
Family Road of Greater Baton Rouge is collaborat- monthly meetings; active membering with Catholic Charities and St. Vincent DePaul to offer ship in the East Baton Rouge Parish
DHAP case management services. Starting in January of
Long Term Recovery Committee;
2008, Family Road has added four new DHAP case manag- community liaison to FEMA and
ers on staff. Once a complete needs and situation assessState recovery efforts; participation
ment is complete; the primary focus of DHAP case manage- in the YK collaborative; and coordiment is housing and employment. The focus on housing is nation and direct services at Renaisto assist the clients in securing sustainable long term hous- sance Village. Family Road is proud
ing that is affordable based on the client’s individual situa- to be able to continue supporting hurricane relief efforts and action. The employment aspect is to ensure client selftively participating in the Disaster Housing Assistance Program,
sustainability as they are required to pay more of their rent the newest aspect of ongoing recovery efforts.
over upcoming months. The program also provides for the
Submitted by:
Elliott Lee Peterson, LPC, LRC, BCPC
Some symptoms of depression are as follows:
Depression is a serious illness, 1. Feelings of hopelessness, even when
there is reason to be hopeful
not just a harmless part of life.
or low energy
It is a complex disorder with a
interest or pleasure in most
variety of causes. It is never
caused by just one thing. It may
be the result of a variety of fac- 4. Low self-esteem
tors, such as genetics, chemical, physical, 5. Feeling worthless
6. Excessive or inappropriate guilt
and sociological issues. It is also influ7. Change in appetite
enced by behavior patterns learned in the
Suicidal thoughts
family and by cognitive distortions.
9. A specific plan for committing suicide
Depression is more than just sadness or
10. A suicide attempt
“the blues.” People who suffer from deDepression may include feelings of sadpression may experience despair and
worthlessness, and this can have an enor- ness, but it is no the same as sadness.
mous impact on both personal and profes- Depression lasts much longer than sadness.
While depression involves a loss of selfsional relationships.
esteem, grief, and disappointment; sadness
When a person suffers from depression, it does not. People who are sad or disapcan affect every part of a person’s life,
pointed continue to function.
including one’s physical body, one’s behavior , thought processes, mood, ability to Depression does not seem to be related to
ethnicity, education, income, or marital
relate to others, and general lifestyle.
status. It strikes slightly more women than
men. There seems to be a genetic link;
depression is more common among parents, children, and siblings of people who
are diagnosed with depression. The average age at the onset of depressive episode
is the mid-20s. People born more recently
are being diagnosed at a younger age.
Many Physicians believe that depression
results from a chemical imbalance in the
brain. They often prescribe antidepressant
medication, and many people find relief as
a result. A person who is depressed should
always have a physical examination as part
of the assessment process to determine the
role of physical causes.
Signs that professional treatment is needed:
Thinking about death or suicide
Symptoms of depression continue for
a long time.
Your ability to function is impaired by
your depression.
You have become so isolated that you
have no one with whom to check
R o a d R ev i e w
Classes & Services
Mommy Hour
This group is specifically
designed to help mommies
in Healthy Start answer difficult questions as well as
providing a fun-filled hour
of helpful prenatal ideas, a
support network and an
opportunity to share ideas
with other moms. This
group meets monthly.
Healthy Start
Counseling Services
A Licensed Professional
Counselor/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, can address issues,
concerns and problems
that women, men, couples
and children may face on a
daily basis. If you would like
to talk to someone this is
the place for you
For more information,
call 201-8888
Page 5
Hello, I am a mother of three beautiful blessings. Becoming a participant in
Healthy Start and Building Strong Families has
been an educational road map filled with skills
and techniques to help me continue to be a
good parent.
Throughout my pregnancy I attended
numerous classes at Family Road. I participated in Mommy Hour where I was fed nutritious food for my brain, as well as, for my
body. I also received information that enhanced my parenting skills and allowed me to
cope with a newborn, a three year-old, and a
nine year-old without having a middle-life
crisis. The Family Road bucks were also a big
help because they allowed me to purchase
items in the store that I needed for me and the
baby when my finances were depleted.
My boyfriend and I were able to participate in the Building Strong Families Program for 22 weeks at no cost to us. This is a
program designed to help couples build a
healthier relationship for themselves and their
child while interacting with other couples in a
group setting. Among other things, we learned
how to use better communication techniques when
relating to each other. We have completed the program and will soon participate in the Building
Strong Families Graduation.
Overall, my experiences in the Healthy
Start and Building Strong Families Programs, and
the services provided through Family Road have
been more than overwhelmingly helpful. I would
highly recommend their services to others. Thanks
you for all the love and support.
Healthy Start participant & her son
Classes & Services
The Dedicated Dads program host quarterly
events called “Super Saturday” where dads
enjoy fun activities with their children. Pictured in the photo are the Dads, their kids and
staff members at "Chucky Cheeses" on Siegen
Lane. Both the Dads and their kids share in
making memorable experiences and enjoying
the various games and activities made available to them through “Super Saturday” events.
On this particular Saturday everyone enjoyed
a delicious lunch of pizza and sodas. The
Dads and their children are very appreciative
to the Dedicated Dads program for the opportunity to bond and spend quality time
Quenching the Father
Thirst: Developing a Dad
This class features fathers
sharing their experiences and
providing insight in the areas
of fatherhood; the influence
of the father on the child;
stereotypes and manhood;
becoming self-sufficient; dealing with stress; understanding
the child’s needs; coping as a
single father; conflict resolution/anger management; and
male/female relationships.
Job Readiness Seminars
These provide hands on training in developing skills necessary for job placement in four
sessions: career decisions; self
assessment; communication
and assertiveness; and interviewing for a job.
For more information,
call 201-8888
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R o a d R ev i e w
How better to spend a night than with the one you love surrounded by amorous music, candlelight,
great food ,the smell of fresh cut roses and the feeling that it is just the two of you in the whole universe. This is just what several couples of the Building Strong Families program had a chance to do
at the BREC Garden Center on Valentines night. As the couples entered the balloon and candlelit
filled room, the women were greeted with fresh cut roses presented to them by their partners. Note
cards were available for them to write secret love messages that they were able to share later on into
the evening. The couples were treated to great food that included delicious chocolate covered strawberries, divine seafood pasta and a myriad of other scrumptious items. Waiting at their place settings
were gift bags filled with loveable items for both partners . The couples got the opportunity to spend
quality time with each other, away from all that distracts in the real world. The Building Strong
Families staff enjoyed pampering and seeing the couples act giddy with each other. Supporting our
couples and providing outings such as these strengthen the bonds of the family and gives the couple
a time to reflect on what brought them together and what keeps them together…
• There are at least two characteristics that all
healthy relationships have in common. First, they
are mutually enriching, and second, both partners
have a deep respect for each other.
• It is a mutually satisfying relationship that is beneficial to the both partners and children (if present).
• It is a relationship that is committed to ongoing
growth, the use of effective communication skills
and the use of successful conflict management
The Building Strong Families
Program is a longitudinal
study launched by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
and funded by the Administration for Children and
Families (ACF).
The Baton Rouge Building
Strong Families program
site, operated at Family
Road, is one of seven sites
chosen nationally to participate in this study. Couples
receive help identifying and
achieving life goals, counseling, childcare services, transportation services, and community referrals. Couples
also receive incentive items
for program participation.
For more information on
the program and
registration, call 201-8888.
A Special Thanks to our
Cor porate Sponsors, Grants and Contributors
Baton Rouge New Car Dealers Association
Greater Baton Rouge Health Forum
Capital One National Bank
Sunshine Pages
Irene W. & C.B. Pennington Foundation
Corporate Sponsors
Grants and Contributions
Agenda for Children
Allen Fort Colley Christian Soldier Fund
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Capital Area United Way
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Public Safety and Corrections/
LA Highway Safety Commission
Department of Social Services, Offices of Family Support
Downtown Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge
Health Resources and Services Administration
Capitol One National Bank
Xposure Productions
January– December 2008 Event Sponsors
Milton J. Womack, Inc.
Junior League of Baton Rouge, Inc.
Woman’s Hospital Auxiliary
Woman’s Hospital Foundation
Huey & Angelina Wilson Foundation
Kevin and Tory Lyle Fund
Louisiana Department of Social Services
Louisiana Office of Public Health
Maternal and Child Health
Mathematica Policy & Research Inc.
Mercy Corp
National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition
Share Our Strength
WIC Program Nutrition Services
Gold Star Trophies
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Advantage Computer Services
Advocacy Center
American Red Cross
Harmony Outreach Services-LA Spirit
Head Start
Healthcare Centers in Schools
Baton Rouge AIDS Society
Baton Rouge Community College
Baton Rouge Crisis Intervention Center
Baton Rouge (BREC)
Baton Rouge Fire Department
Baton Rouge Marine Institute
Baton Rouge Police Department
Baton Rouge SAFE KIDS Coalition
Baton Rouge Speech & Hearing Foundation
Baton Rouge Treatment Center
Baton Rouge Youth
Battered Women’s Program
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Baton Rouge
BRBAC Metro Health Education
Camelot Career College
Capital Area Community Mediation Center
Capital Area Human Services District
Capitol City Family Health Center
Capitol One National Bank
Care Pregnancy Clinic
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge
Catholic Charities Human Services Consortium
Charlene Bishop Sign Language
Child Care Assistance Program
Child Development Center
Child Search
Children’s Coalition
City of Baton Rouge –Office of Employment and Training/WIA
Consumer Credit Counseling Services/ Money Management International
Delmont Service Center
Department of Health and Hospitals- Office of Public Health
Department of Social Services-Office of Family Support
Early Intervention Program
East Baton Rouge Parish Library
EBR Housing Authority
EBR Parish School System-Adult and Continuing Education
EBR Parish School System-Pupil Appraisal Services
Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge
Foster Grandparents
General Health System
Girl Scouts of America– Audubon Council
Goodwill Industries
Grand Parents Raising Grandchildren Information Center of LA
Greater Baton Rouge Breastfeeding Coalition
Greater Baton Rouge Community Clinic
Gulf Coast Teaching Family Services
Internal Revenue Service
ITI Technical College
Job Center
Junior League of Baton Rouge
Literacy Works
Louisiana La Leche League of Greater Baton Rouge
Louisiana State University
Louisiana Delta Service Corps, Inc.
Louisiana State University-Speech and Hearing Clinic
Louisiana School for the Deaf
LSU Agricultural Center-Cooperative Extension Service
LSUHSC/Earl K. Long Medical Center
Lydia Pelz
March of Dimes
Marjorie Sellers-Stevenson
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
Medical Management Options, Inc
Meadowood Hospital
Mid-City Redevelopment Alliance
Mental Health Association in Louisiana
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Office of the Mayor President
Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
O’Brien House Prevention Services
Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana
Rape Crisis Center
RiZ Up Louisiana
Sacred Heart
Safety Council of LA-Capital Area
Southeastern LA University- Education Opportunity Center
Southern University
Southern University Cooperative Extension
Summit Hospital
Tobacco Free Living
Truancy Assessment and Service Center
United Way Information Line
Urban Restoration Enhancement Corporation
United Methodist HOPE Ministries
Volunteer Baton Rouge
Volunteers in Public Schools
VOA-Partnerships in Child Care
Woman’s Hospital
Young Leaders’ Academy
YWCA Center for Family Empowerment
YWCA Early Head Start Centers
323 E. Airport Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA
Phone: (225) 201-8888
Fax: (225) 927-1010
Friends of
Family Road
Join us in making the Greater Baton Rouge an
even better place to raise a family!
Your gift will be used to continue Family Road’s
success in linking community resources to meet the needs
of all families. As a Friend of Family Road, you will receive
mailing of activities at Family Road and invitations to special events.
Family Road is non-profit organization. All funds
are invested in the development of programs and services to
benefit families in our community.
Volunteers are welcome at Family Road and serve
in a variety of interesting and important roles.
Become a Friend of Family Road at one of the following levels:
Method of Payment
Check / Money Order
Bill Me
323 E. Airport Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA
Phone: (225) 201-8888
Fax: (225) 927-1010