talanoa 15.03.13.pub - International School Suva


talanoa 15.03.13.pub - International School Suva
Fortnightly Newsletter of International School Suva
The last day for our IB students
15 March 2013
Volume 4
Volume 8
Do you remember your last day at school? It is such a significant event and yet the IB examinations which begin today are the focus and for most of our Year 12 students leaving school does not seem quite real yet. It
25 May 2012
Electronic copy available at http://www.international.school.fj/docs/talanoa.pdf
Electronic copy available at http://www.international.school.fj/docs/talanoa.pdf
Principal’s Report
Next week is the International Schools Association AGM and I urge all parents at the school to attend at 6pm in the
Multi-Purpose Hall. I hope you have all received the audited accounts in preparation for this meeting. This year three
known brands includingCrest chicken, Tuckers ice cream, Twistiessnacks, Meadow Lea margarine and Meadow fresh
milk. I was seconded to the ISS school council last year and also chair the inance committee. In addition, I sit on the
senior inancialandmanagementexperiencetoensureISSremainsattheforefrontofacademicexcellence.
My name is Paul Dever. I’ve been involved with overseas schools for the last four years through my daughter who is
including teaching experience, candor, diplomacy, constructive ideas, forward vision and involvement. Having been in
the Council as I have a vested interest. My background in critical problem solving and brainstorming would be useful
criticism instead of complaints. I understandmanyofthe issues involved, bethey budget or pedagogy related. I look
internationalschoolsfromSudantoGenevathen inallytoSuva.IhaveparticipatedinalotofprogramsthatIfeltwould
bene it the school. I introduced a food program to the international school in Sudan on the principle of serving
chancellor in order to improve student community standards. Now we are in Suva, I see many things based on my
Finally,yesterdayafternoonstudents lockedfromoverSuvatoattendthecareersexpoandtalktoprofessionalsfrom
acrossawiderangeofdisciplinesaboutcareerswithintheir ields.Iwouldliketothankallparticipantsfortheirsupport
[email protected]. j
* Counselors Corner * Model United Nation at ISS * Bands Competition * Lokuya Project
* Our Young Writers
* Primary Perspective * Primary Swimming Carnival * P.E & Sports
* Outdoor Education * Funday Article
The school’s Annual ISS Careers Expo which was held last Thursday was indeed a success. Judging
from the response of students, parents, teachers and Expo participants, the event was surely a little bigger and better than in 2012. This was made possible with the support and attendance of generous individuals and organizations. After viewing attendance sheets, at least 450 people passed through the Expo
The Expo featured 33 different booths manned by personnel from the various organizations which had
come along to offer their experience and knowledge in the career fields that they were involved in. We
also sent out invitations to 20 schools in the greater Suva area in order to share this great opportunity.
The overwhelming attendance of visiting schools gave the evening an added flair.
We are indeed grateful to all those who have contributed in some way to the success of this annual
event. I am confident that each student that left the Expo is now more enlightened on career options that
are available to them. The information gathered will certainly guide their decision-making for their future.
We wish to acknowledge the contribution and presence of the following people and organizations:
Jenies Mudiliar & the University of the South Pacific Team, Christopher Jackson & team from the College
of Medicine- representing the Fiji National University, Peni Tora & team from Ernst & Young
(Accounting), Carlie Matchett & Farrah Shazleen from Mind Pearl (Business & Marketing), Margaret Koto
& the BSP Insurance Team, Luke Fuller for Teaching, Natanya Potoi-Ulia- ORADO & Jeegar BhavsarSTOP (FASANOC Team), Jon Orton (Architecture), Lorraine Kershaw and Team (International Relations- PIFS), Anna Sahai and Team from Nature Fiji-MareqetiViti (Conservation and Preservation of the
Environment), Shashin Prasad (the Westpac Team), Bilitaki Lovo, Meli Tuqota & Team (Visual/Digital
Arts), The team from Fiji Fashion Week, The Erasito Consultants’ Team (Engineering & Construction),
Cathy Wong & Lucille Jang, Holiday Inn (Tourism & Hospitality), Ravneel Prasad and Meeta Khatri
(Information Technology), Wakanisi Vaciloa & Team (Librarianship), Elizabeth Edwards & Susulu Dickson (Mai TV), Ruby Taylor-Newton & the Sunday Times and Kaila Team (Fiji Times), The Today FM
Team- Allen Stevens & the crew (Fiji Broadcasting Corporation), Meenal Kant, Nitesh Chand & Team
(Ministry of Industry and Trade), The Team from the Ministry of Agriculture- Crop Extension, Animal
Health and Production, Land Resource and Fisheries & Forestry, CPL Emosi Uluilakeba from the Fiji Police, Zeba Kausar for Laboratory Technology and Ashneel Sharma for Food & Beverage.
We look forward to a bigger and better ISS Careers
Expo in 2014.
Fenella David
School Counselor
[email protected]
18th and 19th March, 2013
One weekend to go!
The MUN Conference of 2013 is closing in on us fast. This week we see the delegates
of each council undertaking the process of writing their position papers and
completing the final stages of their research. By now they should be aware of their
country’s allies and potential opponents and should also know their country’s stance
on each of the agendas. It is also essential to be well versed with the key facts and
indicators of their own country, along with the various foreign policies adopted.
Last Saturday we conducted our second MUN workshop at the ISS Multi-Purpose Hall.
This was attended by a large number of students, with ISS welcoming delegates from
each of the participating schools: ISN, SGS, MBHS, DHS, QVS, ACS and of course,
delegates from our own school. This year we are proud to announce the participation
of two new schools: ISN and QVS. Despite this being their first time, delegates from
these schools had an active role in discussions and showed interest in the debating
process during last Saturday’s workshop.
This year’s MUN is shaping up to be the biggest one that ISS has organized, with
around 100 delegates taking part in the three different councils: ECOSOC, General
Assembly and the Security Council. We have also received confirmation from our Chief
Guest, the Ambassador for the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Chandra Salim, to officially
open the conference. We are sure that this year’s MUN will be a memorable one, with
the agendas in each of the councils being heavily linked to current affairs taking place
around the world such as North Korea’s nuclear stance, post-Arab spring and even the
ongoing Euro-Zone Debt Crisis.
We wish all the delegates well for this year’s MUN.
Sameer Patel
Secretary General
Daniel Jay Nor’ Azam
Deputy-Secretary General
HostedbyTony&MirifromFM96,the irstnightofmelodicmeleebeginsonTuesdayat6:00PMon
THE LOKUYA PROJECT (Year 10 Global Perspectives Class)
WiththehelpofRotaryWaterPaci ic,wechoseasmallsettlementwhoneededawatertanktoprovidesafedrinkingwaterandwentaheadtoraisefundsforit.Enthusedbytheproject,students
numberofourneeds.Itreallyopenedoureyestoseehowdif icultthelifestyleisforpeoplewhodo
havethedif icultiesofattainingcleandrinkingwater.IwasmovedandhumbledtohearVasitithankthestudentsfortheirinitiativeandsaidthatthecommunitywasthankfulandsincerelyrespectedtheseyoungpeople
Congratulations to six I.S.S. students whose original poems will be published in The Poetry Games, the
YOUNG WRITERS’ 2013 poetry anthology, due to be released in mid-April. Kristina Gurova, a 2012 I.B.
Diploma Programme graduate, is honored for a second time along with her sister Roksana Gurova,
presently in Year 8. The other winning poets include Saneea Mustafa of Year 12, Ernest Gibson and
Gareth Wekina of Year 10, and Mitchell Kingsman of Year 8.
The YOUNG WRITERS editorial team, based in Great Britain, selected work on the basis of perception,
imagination, expression, as well as good use of language. The English Department is proud of these
students and their display of literary talent.
We hope their achievements will inspire other students to participate in future creative writing
activities, and we look forward to seeing their published poems. We share them here for you to read.
You will notice that some of the poems are written in response to literature studied in the classroom,
namely William Shakespeare’s tragedy, ‘King Lear’, and Irish novelist John Boyne’s ‘The Boy in the
Striped Pajamas’. The other three poems express emotions which would otherwise remain personal and
Linda Rushon
Gareth Wekina
Kristina Gurova
Ghostly Reflection
There once was an old King who had two eyes but could not see.
He thought himself important, thus he spoke in a royal ‘we’.
Confused, he split his kingdom into two instead of the intended number
Big and foolish was his mistake, but from his fury the King refused to
And so his mind was made, opinions with his friends he would not trade.
“See better, Lear” told him his noble, loyal Kent, but the stubborn King’s
old pride would not be bent.
The King cursed and then he chased Cordelia away, the snake-like
Gonerill and bitter Regan,
Were the ones allowed to stay. They both lied; talked so sweet,
Their old fathers expectations, both sisters failed to meet.
To the dear King they were unkind, he soon realized his fault of mind.
I looked into the depths of his eyes,
And felt his gaze bore into mine,
With the pain of a million lifetimes,
Contradicting his beautiful young face.
I heard his breath leave his throat,
In achingly slow and uneven beats.
Attempting to form a final plea,
Before his chest refuses to rise.
I tasted the desperation in the grip of his embrace,
As its force radiated into the cave of my mouth,
Refusing to light, but to darken the walls,
That would now and forever cage my soul.
I smelled the pungent odor of a hero’s surrender,
Being emitted from his very skin.
As he silently wept for the only person he tried to save,
And begs for forgiveness for his own dead savior.
I felt his heart racing beneath my own,
With the thunderous echo of an empty vessel.
Resounding with emotions too strong to comprehend,
Before it slowed to its shallow and throbbing finale.
And as I watched what little life was left in him
Slip away from his already glazing eyes,
And sensed the heat of his heavy blood
Run thin and turn cold beneath my fingertips,
I realized one crucial and heartbreaking fact.
The child I was mourning and the bereavement I was
Was for a ghost that was standing in my mirror.
Birthdate 28/03/1998
“Can anything be made from nothing nuncle?” I asked the King one day,
“Nothing can be made of nothing Fool!” His own wisdom he did betray.
Power was replaced by poor judgment, and soon the King went mad,
When he realized he lost Cordelia, the most precious jewel he ever had.
“Who can tell me who I am?” “The King’s shadow” I replied.
It hurt me to say it, but to the King I never lied.
I was harsh sometimes, I know. I blame it on my sorrow,
That would not cease to grow. The King grew old but never wise.
Too blind was he to distinguish between honesty and lies.
Into the angry storms he fled, to ask the Gods why such heartless
daughters he had bred.
But the Gods refused to speak; refuge from his misery, the King went out
to seek.
He threw his golden crown away, and replaced it with a crown of flowers.
In his child-like folly he danced around for hours.
Luckily for him, Cordelia found him in good time.
But the joy of reunion was short-lived, as the wheel of fortune turned to
From happiness sublime.
And the irony of this whole story, as you can surely see,
Is that the wisest character of all, turned out to be the Fool,
Yes, the foolish little me.
Date of Birth: 04/06/1994
Roksana Gurova
Mitchell Kingsman
Ernest Gibson
Shadows of the past
The Boys
Today My Life Begins
1939 - When it all began.
1939 was the dawn of the evil sun
People died.
People cried.
Most people strived to survive
Most in vain.
At night lights were off
Not a sound could be heard
Not a light could be seen:
For fear of the enemy.
The Jews were different
And because this was so,
They were locked behind a hated fence
Where their hopes and dreams ceased to grow.
Where their voices could not be heard.
They wore striped pajamas and like animals
Were branded with number tags
All very thin and dirty,
Like a bunch of old used-up rags.
They wished for freedom.
1945 - Their wish was received.
In 1945 their humanity was redeemed?
Berlin was my home before
I don’t live there any more
Out with is the house that’s here
There is no fun anywhere near
Date of birth 01/11/1999
Saneea Mustafa
Innocence Lost
Love is craze, love is creation
Out of control, out of sensation
Love’s divine, unique, absurd
You were young and innocent
Till you saw her from a distance
Then you fell from grace because of her
You stare at your reflection
Try to get close to perfection
To prove yourself truly worthy of her
You were flying up above
Till she said no to your love
And then you watched your world burn
You built a fortress of conquests
Walls of unethical fame
But nothing made you forget her
Not money, not sex in vain.
Innocent lives lost because of your agony
When it didn’t have to be.
Date of Birth: 15/10/1995
There are soldiers everywhere
Fancy uniforms is all they wear
They are mean to everyone
From dawn to dusk and moon to
There is very little fun to be had
Everyone is making me mad
I am feeling very alone
I think my skin has changed tone
I see a sight through my bedroom
A fence that separates good from
They all wear the same striped
There was not even a single rose
Through the fence I meet a young
We can’t even play with a single
All we do was sit down and talk
Never stand and go for a walk
One day he had a brilliant idea
He said why don’t you come over
I dressed up the exact same as him
The light was turning slightly dim
We walked around the Jewish
Then the rain made us very damp
We walked around one more bend
And held hands to the very end
Date of Birth 23/12/1999
I can barely sleep at night,
Too focused on yesterday,
Not looking to what is in sight,
So drawn behind a day.
Living life in yesterday’s
Reversing through the ghost of
So haunting that my life cannot
Leaving me nothing but a sour
squeeze of lime.
Can I look forward to what is
Yes, raise my eyes and move
Leave the dead to bury their
Move on. I see the new morn.
Date of Birth: 28/04/1997
Primary Perspective
Another exciting fortnight in the primary! The year 3 students have been particularly ‘brainy’ for the past few
weeks. Each class member constructed quality brains
during the unit of inquiry
and displayed them to
all in the school. It was
a very impressive and
lifelike display of the
brain’s appearance and
how they function. You
will hear from the Year
3 classes further on in
this newsletter.
This week in 3B and 4A, we talked about how to write a
great story through the 7 steps to writing success. Each
week, we will discover and practise new steps in helping
to develop our writing skills. This week’s focus step was
Step 2 – Sizzling Starts! What quick and eager learners
we have here at ISS. Their brainstorming was ‘sizzling’
and in no time the students had the gist of how to write
an action inspired and interesting start to a story. Practice makes perfect, so over the next 2 weeks, we will
continue to practise this skill before moving on to the
next. Keep an eye out in the next Talanoa for some
wonderful examples of students’ sizzling starts.
Miss Young and her Year 1 class have been busy measuring year level compost bins this week as part of our
school composting program. In the very near future, this
compost will be our feed for the chickens that will become part of primary. It’s great to see us all doing our
part for ‘caring for the environment’. This week, Miss
Young and I also attended the Nasinu Town Council
meeting on waste minimization and the 3R concept
which reinforced to us the importance of continuing our
environment work here at ISS. This meeting allowed us
to join ‘The Clean School’ program and forthcoming competition for the schools in our area. We now have 2 new
compost bins to help with our composting, thanks to
Nasinu Town Council. We are very excited about continuing with current processes and implementing new ways
to help save the environment and to reduce, reuse and
recycle. If you have any great ideas at home, we would
love to hear them!
Our primary swim carnival is not too far away. Mr Waqa
and the primary staff are currently getting us organized
through team meetings in readiness. The swim carnival
is Tuesday, March 26 and we would love to see as many
parents and caregivers there as possible to support the
students. Further information will be emailed home closer to the event.
Our Year 4’s would like to share their questions of inquiry
from their recent classroom learning.
Question: How do you know that students of the Primary Years Program
(PYP) are going further in the process of Inquiry?
Answer: You know it when they come
up with questions like these:
Primary teacher throughout the term have been reviewing our Assessment Policy and procedures and in the
very near future, parents will have the chance to read it
for themselves. Watch this space! Our next professional
learning venture and school goal will be ‘Raising Literacy
Standards’ with a focus on reading so we are all very
excited about that. Towards the end of next term, you
will begin to hear about and be given the opportunity to Connor: If the lungs are important and so are kidneys, how
come we have two of those and only one heart and brain?
be a part of this exciting primary journey.
News from Year 3: Over the last 6 weeks Year 3s have
been inquiring about our Brain and the thought processes that take place in it. The unit generated a lot of interest in not only the physical make up of the brain, but how
the different parts are connected to our thinking and actions and how we operate on a day to day basis.
The students constructed brain models in the classroom
and as an art component with Mrs Nabola our art teacher, with the help of Josh our volunteer.
Kalani: If food goes to our stomach and is liquified by the
stomach acids, what happens when you drink soup?
Noa: Why do my eyes have a different acid (pH) to other parts
of my body?
Leah: Why does it hurt when we get a ‘boo boo’?
Sallyanne: How do boogers in people’s nose change colour?
Hannah: How come you can’t feel it when your body is digesting food?
Tod: What happens when starvation starts?
Josiah: Why are more people right-handed?
Darcy: What muscles help you to smile?
Mare: When you die, do you feel pain?
Daniel: Why does your heart beat?
Pearl: Which way are we formed?
Satyam: How does our body know which food is bad or good?
Joy: Why do you vomit?
Nivetha: Why do we call the funny bone, the funny bone?
Zoe: What causes your body to puke?
Tevita: What do acids do in your body?
Ryoma: Are animal digestive systems different to humans?
Carlo: Why do your eyes hurt when
you look at the sun?
Ziyad: What makes your stomach
At the end of the unit Years 3 and 4 invited their families
to a family breakfast where they shared their learning
and articulated very well the connection between the
brain and other parts of the body. When reflecting, most
Have a great fortnight everyone!
children said that they were proud with how they anKaren
swered questions and how knowledgeable they were
about their learning.
Aquatic Centre
Tuesday, March 26
9.00am - 1.00pm
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As part of our swimming program, each student was assessed and awarded a swimming achievement level. These levels range from level 1 to level 5. On Tuesday, March 26, Year 1 - Year 5 students will take part in our swimming carnival. Each student will participate in 3 or 4 events. The events are based on 25m freestyle, breast
stroke, backstroke, and swimming with a kickboard. All events will take place in the 25m pool. Reception will not
be attending and will remain at school.
From the swimming program assessments, and results from our swimming carnival, a team of swimmers will be
chosen to work towards the primary, Fiji-wide competitions later on in the year.
Parent Helpers Welcome
We would very much appreciate your help on the day, as too the PTFA with the sale of fruit ice blocks, juice and
fresh fruit. The PTFA would like at least 3 parent volunteers to spare an hour at lunchtime for this. Please contact
Christine Canton ([email protected] or 9351693) if you can spare that hour during lunch to sell iceblocks etc. Parent volunteers please note: we will allocate a task to you as place judges, timekeepers or marshals as needed on the day of the carnival. If you would like to help out with these tasks, please call me or email
me at [email protected].
Timing and Transport
The ISS competition will start at 9am and each child entered will participate in either 3 or 4 events according to
their age group and levels awarded. Students are expected to come to school as usual and will be transported by
bus to the pool. They will leave school at 8.15 am and will return by 2pm.
All students will need to bring their morning tea, lunch and a drink with them. If they wish to purchase the fruit ice
blocks, juice and fresh fruit, they will need a small amount of money.
What to Bring
Each ISS student participating in the competition or novelty events will need to bring the following items to take to
the pool:
Morning tea
One or two bottles of water
School PE uniform (house t-shirts optional)
Sunscreen lotion
A hat
Goggles (optional)
Swimming cap (optional)
Students may come to school in their swimmers with their PE uniform worn over the top.
We are looking forward to a great day. We hope to see you there, either as spectators or helping around the
pool. Should you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Karen Whittaker
Head of Primary
[email protected]
What’s on in PE and Sports?
Suvarain.Thesesportsincludesoccer,basketball,juniornetball,theCyclingclubandalittletabletennis.Mr.WaqahasstartedtheKajiRugbyBoystrainingandthosewhowishtodeveloptheir itnessfor
thesportstheyarespecializinginareabletoparticipatein itnesstrainingsessionsonTuesdaysand
27th.SuccessfulathletesatthiseventthenqualifytocompeteintheannualFijiSecondarySchoolsnationalFinals,theCoke-a-ColaGames.ThisyeartheGamesaretobethe irsteventtobeheldintheyet
Year10:MoanaSchuster,LouieS,,SophiaBrack,AnnikaAmin,SunHoLee,EmilyDrakeford,SamuBola,MathewCole,RuthFa,Sili inaPaelate,YeshayahImmanuel,GarethWekina,ValentinePons,Clara
afternoonswithinterestedgirlsinthisagegroup,buildinguptheirpersonal itnessandnetballskills.
SeniorstudentsinSportsStudiesthissemesterarestudyingSportsAdministrationandhavebeendevelopingtheirskillsinof iciatingbyvolunteeringasstrokejudges,starters,touchjudgesandtimekeepersattheFijiSwimming’sGrandPrixseriesswimmingcompetitions.Thispracticalexperiencehasbeen
valuabletothestudentsindevelopingprofessionalskillsinthis ieldandtheirattendancehasbeen
‘This Semester in ODE the topic of study is based on Rivers/Environmental recreation, and Risk
Management. Our first excursion for the year was a trip on the Navua River for white water rafting. The
river itself is 65 kilometers long, but this expedition was to cover 24km of the river that contained a
number of class 2 and 3 rapids through some stunning gorges. Accompanying us were a group of
tourists, wanting to experience the Fiji scenery through this challenging exploration of river. The trip was
organised with the experienced hardened guides from Rivers Fiji- an adventure tour company based in
Navua The trip took us a day to complete and we would recommend it to anyone seeking to explore
Fiji’s own ‘Green Canyons’.
ODE 2013 Class
Photos courtesy of: Rivers Fiji
Rivers Fiji contacts:345-0147/ www.riversfiji.com
Dear parents, guardians, teachers and friends,
Fun Day preparations are well underway with lots of great ideas of activities and stalls run by
our students, their teachers, and you parents! Thank you all for the support and help you have
shown so far! Please find below the first food stall coordinators who have volunteered to take
the lead and offer them your help if you have not done it yet. Some more food stalls are
coming up …. Please contact me as soon as possible!
InternaƟonal Food Stall
American stall
KrisƟn Sherard
krisƟ[email protected]
Beer Garden
Suzie Turner
[email protected]
Geraldine Quemeneur [email protected]
European Café
Dee McLean
[email protected]
BriƟsh High Tea
Mary Bythell
[email protected]
Cake Stall
Laura Lejeune
[email protected]
Indian stall
Rohini Hamid
[email protected].ł
Japanese stall
Megumi Noble
[email protected]
It is also the TIME TO EMPTY YOUR CUPBOARDS …. ! The famous class Fun Day
Competition is on for every class at ISS : for “THE MOST ITEMS BROUGHT IN’. YOU are
all encouraged to bring in your unwanted second hand or any new items that will help to
support the range of stalls this year. Don’t forget to mark each bag of donations with your
child’s class and name.
Did you know about the Fun Day poster competition? The painting which will be selected
will be the one used to advertise our big Fun Day everywhere in Fiji as well as being printed on
our Fun Day T-Shirt! So please encourage your child to enter the competition, it is open to
students from Junior Primary to Secondary Middle School students. (Year 1 to 8).
Finally, Mrs Tora is in need of small jars with lids to start making her delicious jams and
chutney as well as any fruits and some bula fabric.
Our next FUN DAY Meeting is Wednesday 20th March, from 2.40pm in the Secondary Staff
room. We need your ideas, we need your help! So do come along …
Warm regards,
Christine Canton-Lamousse
ISS FUN DAY Coordinator // Tel: 9351693 / [email protected]
from Junior PRIMARY to
Secondary Middle school !!!
Requirements :
1 poster only per student
The winning poster will be used for all FUN
Must be A4 in size, in full color
Only one winner for both Junior Primary and
Secondary Middle school (year1 to year 8)
Following words can be added on the
ing : FUN DAY , Saturday 18th May,
tional School Suva.
POSTERS, with artist’s name and
class at the back, MUST BE SUBMITTED to the PRIMARY or SECONDARY front OFFICES by
Wednesday 17th April Week 1
for the Winner !
This competition is organized
by your ISS PTFA
mc 2
Book and Magazine stall is one
of the largest fund raisers of
the day and is dependent on the
generous donations of books,
magazines and comics from ISS
So please have a look through
your shelves for items that your
family have finished with and
make some room for some new
bargains to be found on the
Pease mark each
bag of donations
with your child’s
class so that we
can tally the points
earned by each
class !
You can bring your donations to both Primary or Secondary offices any time or on
Mufti days!
Events Gallery
Year 10 Assembly & Seconday induction of Class Captains
Tuesday Activities - Visits to the Childrens Hospital.
For more photos visit gallery page : http://www.international.school.fj/1.5.7/index.php?
Events Gallery
Careers Expo
For more photos visit gallery page : http://www.international.school.fj/1.5.7/index.php?
celebrate Easter weekend at
The Pearl South Pacific Resort
54 holes stableford competition
Overall winner & runner up prizes
Daily events in grades
NTP’s & Longest Drives
Overall winner best 2 rounds out of 3!!!
Entry fee- F$150 pp includes Monday prize
presentation with canapés!
6 Course degustation
Flavours of South America
7pm at Mantarae
F$95 per person
Sunday 31st March
Easter long weekend Golf Carnival
Saturday 30th March
Easter Sunday BBQ
From 12pm
at Bistro
F$35 pp
with Laisa Vulakoro
Contact Tima on 7730022 or [email protected] for bookings and accommodation specials
This group started up last year in May, originally
tasked with coming up with a radio show on
education that could be listened to by students and
their parents in order to enhance awareness on the
importance of education and to encourage
communication between students and
parents on issues regarding education.
The original show contained a radio drama, a
song and several interviews with teachers and
members of UNICEF on the issue. After that show
finished, we were given the wonderful opportunity to have a permanent spot on Femlink radio. This new show will happen every Thursday
starting from April. It’s basically a voice for young
girls to talk about global issues and local issues.
We get to share experiences and opinions with a
large community.
Thanks to Femlink Pacific radio station. We hope
this show will continue running for a long time.
Hana Elias Year 12
Upcoming Events : Term 1
Week 09
Week 10
Monday 18 March
Model UN
Tuesday 26 March
Community Band Competitions Day 1
Primary Swimming Carnival
Tuesday 19 March
Model UN
Wednesday 27 March
Sec Zone Athletics
Wednesday 20 March
Year 4 Camp (20th - 22nd)
Thursday 28 March
ECH Easter Day Teddy Bear Picnic
Community Band Competitions Day 2
Thursday 21 March
Friday 29 March
Good Friday
Friday 22 March
World Water Day Assembly
Year 5 Swimming
The ‘Talanoa’ is a fortnightly issue and the next publication will be out on Friday 29 March 2013. All articles or advertisements are to be emailed to :
[email protected] by no later than 4pm, Wednesday 27 March 2013.
Talanoa Advertising Rates per 1/4 page:
ISS Members (Parents, Teachers & Students):
Non-ISS Members:

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