Press Review


Press Review
Press Review October 2013 Index •
Barche (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo 62 Steel” Motonutica (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo & OID” Motonautica (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo SD92 Minu” Showboats International (USA) – “Sanlorenzo 62 Steel” Southern Boating (USA) – “Sanlorenzo SL104 feature” Superyacht World (UK) – “Sanlorenzo 40Alloy” The Superyacht Report (UK) – “Sanlorenzo SD122 Therapy” Yachting Russia (RU) – “Sanlorenzo feature” Yachts Emirates (UAE) – “Sanlorenzo 62 Steel” Yachts Emirates (UAE) – “Sanlorenzo SD122 Therapy” Yachts France (FR) – “Sanlorenzo 62 Steel” Yachts International (USA) – “Sanlorenzo 46Steel Starling” 02.10.13 Il Sole 24 Ore (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo & Sundiro Holding” 02.10.13 La Stampa (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo quote” 02.10.13 La Nazione (ITA) – “Massimo Perotti Interview” 02.10.13 Il Tirreno (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo quote” 03.10.13 Il Sole 24 Ore (ITA) – “Massimo Perotti” 03.10.13 Il Tirreno (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo” 03.10.13 Il Tirreno (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo 62 Steel” 03.10.13 Milano Finanza (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo quote” 04.10.13 Il Mondo (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo quote” 04.10.13 Il Secolo XIX (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo” 06.10.13 Il Mattino (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo quote” 06.10.13 Il Sole 24 Ore (ITA) – “Massimo Perotti” 06.10.13 Il Tirreno (ITA) – “Massimo Perotti” 08.10.13 Il Tirreno (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo” 08.10.13 Il Tirreno (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo quote” 08.10.13 Il Tirreno (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo quote” 10.10.13 L’Espresso (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo quote” 25.10.13 Class (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo 40Alloy Liliya” 29.10.13 Il Secolo XIX (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd” 29.10.13 Il Tirreno (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd” 29.10.13 La Nazione (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd” 31.10.13 La Nazione (ITA) – “Massimo Perotti” 31.10.13 La Nazione (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd” Web •
04.10.13 (ITA) – “Sanlorenzo & Sundiro Holding” 14.10.13 (UK) – “Sanlorenzo & Sundiro Holding” 14.10.13 (UK) – “Sanlorenzo & Sundiro Holding” 21.10.13 (UK) – “Sanlorenzo sells SD92” 21.10.13 (NL) – “Sanlorenzo sells SD92” 28.10.13 (UK) – “Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd” 29.10.13 (UK) – “Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd” 29.10.13 (NL) – “Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd” 30.10.13 (UK) – “Sanlorenzo Holding Ltd” 31.10.13 (UK) – “Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd” barche
Bellezza senza tempo
Sanlorenzo e Officina Italiana
Design di Mauro Micheli e Sergio Beretta hanno firmato un accordo che vedrà lo studio di
progettazione impegnato nel design delle prossime imbarcazioni che il cantiere italiano introdurrà sul mercato
nautico mondiale
Lo studio di design
italiano firmerà i nuovi
progetti del cantiere
ligure, dal nuovo entry
level di 50/60 piedi in
Da sinistra, Mauro Micheli e Sergio Beretta di Officina Italiana
Design. In alto, il Sanlorenzo 62 Steel.
BARCHE ottobre 2013
vetroresina fino al Sanlorenzo
62 Steel già in avanzata fase
di studio e progettazione.
«Osservando il mercato nautico – dichiara Micheli – ci
siamo resi conto dell’esistenza di tante barche con linee
spesso confuse. La nostra
idea è nata proprio da lì: pensare a una barca senza esasperazioni, con la massima
pulizia formale, che fosse un
oggetto sobrio ed elegante.
Crediamo che la personalità
in generale non sia frutto dell’esagerazione ma dell’armonia e della proporzione… nel
rispetto della funzionalità e
della sicurezza».
«Sanlorenzo e Officina Italiana Design – dichiara Fulvio
Dodich, amministratore delegato del cantiere – hanno
avuto finora un cammino
parallelo al top della nautica
mondiale e sono sempre
stati accomunati dalla condivisione di valori come qualità
ed eleganza, che hanno permesso la realizzazione di
imbarcazioni dallo stile senza
tempo, lontano dalle effimere
mode del momento, come
da puro dna Sanlorenzo.
Sono sicuro che da questa
importante collaborazione
nasceranno gli yacht più belli
dei prossimi anni per il piacere di tutti quegli armatori
> La gamma
innamorati del mare e dell’eleganza senza compromessi. Essi rappresenteranno il
modello da seguire per molti
anni a venire e il nuovo 62
Steel ne è un esempio lampante».
«Questa collaborazione rappresenta un grande onore e
una grande sfida – continua
Micheli – e si è concretizzata
perché Sanlorenzo ha sempre fatto del design e dell’estetica un valore primario».
Oggi, la produzione Sanlorenzo si articola su una gamma di
14 modelli suddivisi per 3 diverse tipologie di imbarcazioni:
la linea SL di motoryacht plananti in vetroresina dai 62 ai
118 piedi (8 modelli: SL62, SL72, SL82, SL94, SL104, SL108
e SL118); la linea SD di imbarcazioni in vetroresina con
scafo semi-dislocante dai 92 ai 122 piedi (3 modelli: SD92,
SD110 e SD122) e la linea di superyacht in metallo che
parte dai 40 metri e che a oggi consiste in 3 modelli: 40
Alloy, 42 Explorer e 46 Steel.
Festival di Cannes apre la stagione in un
clima di ottimismo
Il Festival de la Plaisance, che si è tenuto dal 10 al 15 settembre 2013 nel golfo di Cannes, è
stato salutato come un gran successo da parte degli espositori, visitatori e delle società che
gestiscono l’evento. La 36a edizione dell’evento ha inaugurato il calendario internazionale della
nautica in stile spettacolare, con oltre 550 imbarcazioni esposte dai cantieri leader a livello
mondiale e 150 anteprime mondiali di cui tutti hanno potuto godere.
Frauscher presenta
l’858 Fantom
Sanlorenzo sigla l’accordo
con Officina Italiana Design
Sanlorenzo e Officina Italiana Design hanno recentemente firmato un accordo per il design delle prossime imbarcazioni. Dal nuovo entry level di 50/60 piedi in vetroresina fino all’ammiraglia, il
Sanlorenzo 62 Steel, un superyacht di 62 metri di lunghezza in
acciaio, i prossimi modelli Sanlorenzo, verranno realizzati dalla
matita di Mauro Micheli nell’assoluto rispetto del family feeling
che da oltre 50 anni distingue gli yacht tailor-made del cantiere
Verrà presentato ufficialmente al Salone Nautico di Genova 2013, il
nuovo 858 Fantom, è l’ultimo, fascinosissimo modello realizzato dal
cantiere austriaco. Otto metri e mezzo di lunghezza per un modello
che segna ancora una volta la capacità di Frauscher di coniugare la
bellezza, le prestazioni, il comfort e la sicurezza in navigazione.
Il Fantom raggiunge facilmente i 40 nodi e supera la barriera dei 48
nodi se equipaggiato con i motori opzionali da 8.2 litri e 430 hp. -
Luca Brancaleon nominato direttore,
International Yacht & Sport Yacht Sales,
Sea Ray & Meridian
Luca Brancaleon è stato nominato direttore di International Yacht & Sport Yacht Sales di Sea Ray e
Meridian. Da anni nel settore della nautica, Luca Brancaleon arriva da un’esperienza come direttore
International Sales per Hatteras Yachts e Cabo Yachts, in precedenza si è occupato di Boston Whaler e
ancora prima di Sessa Marine. Si occuperà nei prossimi mesi dell’introduzione di sei nuovi modelli della
gamma Yacht iniziando dal prossimo Salone di Fort Lauderdale.
Riva alla Maserati Blue Carpet Night
Riva e Maserati, due marchi italiani storici si incontrano a Venezia in occasione della 70° edizione
della Mostra del Cinema. Riva ha portato a Venezia il Riva Iseo, un open di 27 piedi eccezionalmente
esposto nella piscina dell’Hotel Excelsior sulla Terrazza Maserati. Iseo rappresenta un esempio di
eccellenza e artigianalità made in Italy concentrando in 8 metri lo stile inconfondibile del brand.
Riva durante la manifestazione ha sfilato con Iseo e con Aquariva Super, modello icona del brand e
naturale evoluzione stilistica del leggendario Aquarama, utilizzati come courtesy boat a disposizione
delle celebrities. Le linee morbide ed eleganti dei suoi 33 piedi racchiudono il sapore della tradizione,
i legni pregiati della coperta (mogano intarsiato in acero) lavorati ad arte e le preziose rifiniture in
pelle dell’elegante cruscotto e del timone, esaltano il piacere della navigazione in un classico senza
tempo, offrendo contemporaneamente emozioni e comfort impareggiabili.
Sanlorenzo vara il 28 metri MINU,
20° esemplare SD92
Marinella veste lo stile dei
gommoni Coastal
Il cantiere campano Coastal Boat presenta un nuovo allestimento
per i suoi gommoni Coastal 11 messo a punto in collaborazione
con la celebre griffe partenopea Marinella, marchio famoso in tutto il mondo per le sue cravatte “napoletane veraci” e allo stesso
tempo “very british”. La partnership dà vita ad un’imbarcazione
comoda che combina prestazioni eccellenti a un’estetica raffinata
ed esclusiva. L’allestimento prevede tubolare bianco “off white”
con fascia a contrasto blu su cui spicca il logo Marinella e bottazzo bianco, cuscineria per le zone di poppa e prua realizzata con
tessuti Marinella a pois (un classico della casa napoletana che
può essere scelto fra 4 fantasie: rosso, blu, sabbia o turchese),
pannello strumenti serigrafato color blu notte (il colore icona della
griffe), teck massello per la pedana di poppa, tientibene rivestiti e
rifiniti con cuciture a mano.
Grande festa in Sanlorenzo per il varo di MINU, ventesimo motoryacht
della linea SD92 che è stato consegnato al proprio armatore tedesco,
accorso con amici e parenti per celebrare, insieme allo staff Sanlorenzo e a tutti i lavoratori che hanno contribuito alla sua realizzazione,
questo importante debutto in mare. MINU è un motoryacht dalle linee eleganti e raffinate, in grado di mantenere al contempo uno stile
moderno ed una caratteristica forma evocativa che richiama i grandi
transatlantici da crociera degli Anni 30, tipico tratto distintivo delle navette Sanlorenzo. Questo yacht è stato realizzato secondo le richieste
e le esigenze del suo armatore, il quale ha voluto utilizzare un pregiato
rovere chiaro per il decòr interno di arredi e mobili su misura, così come
per i pavimenti mentre, per i bagni, ha preferito il prezioso marmo Calacatta a fondo bianco con importanti venature beige.
Ferruccio Luppi nuovo AD gruppo Azimut Benetti
Ferruccio Luppi è il nuovo AD del Gruppo Azimut Benetti. La nomina, avvenuta per volontà del Presidente Paolo Vitelli con
pieno sostegno del Consiglio di Amministrazione, si inserisce nel contesto del Piano Strategico di Sviluppo, ormai avviato
da tempo. Luppi, tra i più stretti collaboratori dell’Ing. Sergio Marchionne in FIAT, implementerà il Piano Strategico attraverso il coordinamento, la coesione e il controllo delle tre Business Line del Gruppo: Yachts, Megayachts e Yachtique. “Sono
convinto - ha dichiarato il Presidente Paolo Vitelli - che le qualità umane e professionali del Dott. Luppi, unite all’impegno
e alla passione di tutti i miei collaboratori, in primis gli AD delle Business Line, e la continuità della mia presenza come
Presidente e azionista della società, permetteranno di esprimere al meglio le enormi capacità del nostro Gruppo, che deve
continuare a mantenere quella leadership di mercato che le è propria dalla nascita”.
MCP Yachts splashed its f1agship and the largest all-aluminum yacht
yet built in 50uth America at its faciUty located in Guarujà. near 5ao
Paulo, Brazil The shipyard's In-house design and engineering team
worked with Dutch fìrm Vripack during the development phasè of the
144-foot Raffaella /I (fonnerly known as Hemisphere).
Construction of the semi-displacement yacht, built in ac.çordance
with the rules of Lloyd's Register, took two-and-a-half years. The
order coincided with boom times in the Brazilian economy, fueled in
part by Chinese demand boosting the commodities market. MCP's
flagshlp, built for a Brazilian owner, completed sea trials in July.
With her large fuel capacity (6,446 U.s. gallons) she has
transatlantic range. Accommodations are divided among three
interior decks, with four spacious guest cabins on the lower deck,
a full-beam master suite fOlWard on the main deck, and a large
captain's cabin aft of the bridge. The captain is aided by up to nine
crew, who cater to 12 guests. Large al fresco dining areas on the
flybridge and bridge deck complement a fonnal indoor dining salon
on the main deck.; +55 (O) 13 33542356
Tecnomar, a name aimost synonymous with speed, has not been idle oflate. The builder,
now part of the ltalian Sea Group, has added surprising new models te its f1eet of go-fast
yachts and semi-displacement tri-deck yachts. Envy 5, an innovative 164-foot motor
yacht, is to be the f1agship of a new series featuring a semi-displacement hull designed
by Dutch design and engineering finn Vripack.
In fact, the film developed a whole family ofnew yachts (98 feet, 131 feet and 164
feet) with features such as a f1ybridge, beach club and a centrai atrium to blend interior
arid exterior spaces. The Envy design debuts at the Monaco Yacht Show. www.admiral; +39 0585 5062. (O) 51543 66ÒO
Mauro Micheli of Officina Italiana Design has penned the
lines of what will be 5anlorenzo's new 203-foot flagship, the
625teel. Currently 5anlorenzo's largest yacht is the 465teel.
Discussing the design, Micheli sa,id: "Looking at the nautical
...._..:....--......000-';:::= __ market we realized that there are with chaotic
exterior lines. 50 we had the idea to think about a yacht
without exaggerations....We think that personality in generai
does not come from exaggeration but from harmony and
proportion instead."
in addition to the 625teel, Micheli's new association with
5anlorenzo indudes a full range of new models, starting with
50- to 6D-footers to be built in composite. www.sanlorenzo or; (954) 376-4794
Boat Review: Sanlorenzo 104
Chameleon Character
The Sanlorenzo 104 adapts to any and all,
with surprisingly little effort.
When a spec yacht is built for a yet-to-find future
Its malleable characteristics are immediately recognizable
owner, the builder can—with the choice of interior design,
upon entering the saloon from the aft deck. Just inside,
number of staterooms, deck layout, and accoutrements—
a wet bar (or sink for washing sticky little hands) made of
unintentionally exclude certain clients. It’s just as risky
Fossil Grey Italian stone juts out from cabinets for glassware
to stylize a yacht as a swanky South Beach bachelor
and bar supplies, but they could just as easily accommodate
pad as it is a kid-friendly rumpus room, but surprisingly,
coloring books and Lego building blocks. Contemporary
the Sanlorenzo 104⎯originally debuted at the 2011 Fort
sofas are cloaked with washable—and easily replaceable—
Lauderdale International Boat Show but sold earlier this
slipcovers that can be changed as frequently as the guest
year⎯could simultaneously be both and so much more. With
roster. South Florida-based interior designer Marty Lowe
enough beds to accommodate kids and their friends on
applies her design philosophy of “livable luxury” on all
spring break and the Super Bowl-sized TV on the sundeck
Sanlorenzo yachts customized for the American market, yet
with enough seating for all the guys, the 104 is a chameleon
each one has its own distinctive palette, unique look and
of sorts, adapting easily to its owners, their guests and the
50 • SOUTHERN BOATING • N ovember 2013
By Liz Pasch
inimitable feel. Swaths of material from the ceiling create an
forward stairwell appears to be open, but upon closer look it
illusion in the saloon so that one cannot easily tell where the
is enclosed in lightly smoked and opalescent glass, another
fabric starts or stops. Pale leather walls, when combined
curious illusion. The day head, with georgetti stone counter
with the dark Wenge floor and bleached Aniegre ceiling
and sink and alligator wall panels, has an ornately carved
dotted with LED lights, create a sharp contrast that on
Wenge door that breaks up the hallway, which at first glance
other yachts might seem too formal. While there’s no indoor
appears nondescript. Behind the hardware-free walls are
dining area big enough for sit-down meals, with multiple
cubbies, drawers and cabinets for every type of knick and
saloon seating areas the environment encourages casual
knack. Every possible space has been used for storage.
living and time together for a relaxed lifestyle, which, says
Marty’s emphasis on livable luxury is repeated in the
Marty, is what time on the water is meant to be. Two pop-up
main-level master suite. No unusable heavy bedspreads or
TVs, one for each main seating area, enable simultaneous
decorative pillows here. Instead, a washable white duvet
movie-watching on one screen while video games are
splashed with a spray of blue coral, matching pillows and
played on the other. Crocodile-leather accent chairs with
shams invite an afternoon nap. The king bed is situated
side consoles fashioned in a cantilevered shape combined
head forward under a large sloping window equipped
with bronze-toned mirror doors add to the room’s interest. A
with powered sunshades. Instead of the traditional flat-
N ovember 2013 • SOUTHERN BOATING • 51
Clockwise from left: Cockpit furniture can be arranged to suit; stone fixtures
and washable white linens in the master exude luxury; there’s room for the
whole gang on the sundeck; the saloon is bright, airy and transitions from
family-friendly to swanky-chic at a moment’s notice.
screen at the foot of the bed, a mirrored wall electronically transforms
into a TV with a remote control. On the other side of the mirror awaits
an enormous shower with glass on the hallway side that switches to
opaque for privacy.
Lest guests suspect having sub-par accommodations below, all four
staterooms—two VIPs and two twins, one with an extra Pullman—boast
ensuite bathrooms, silk and cashmere carpeting, practical but beautiful
bed-dressings, and the same mirrored/TV walls as in the master suite.
While there’s not a huge amount of closet space in any of the four
guestrooms, a custom yacht affords one the option to use available
space for extra staterooms or extra storage. But even on this yacht
LOA: 104'
Beam: 23'
Draft: 6' 6"
Weight: 126 t (US) (Displacement, half load)
with the maximum number of staterooms, space behind the walls at the
bottom of the stairs conceals a washer/dryer and cabinet cubbies to
store laundry needs and cleaning supplies for sopping up guest room
spills right away.
Marty designed the galley with fossilized stone under the requirement
that “it must be beautiful but also function well.” Increasing the depth of
the countertop to accommodate 10 plates for serving guests all at once
Fuel/Water: 3,302/739.68 U.S. gals.
incorporates common sense use of space. Additional space under the
Power: 2 x MTU 16V2000M93
pilothouse holds top-of-the-line Miele ovens, steamer and microwave.
Cruise/Top Speed: 25/29 knots
Outside living spaces are just as practical and adaptable. On both the
aft deck and sundeck, modular furniture can be moved at will on teak
Range: 600 nm @ cruise
decking accented with clay-tinted grout, which affords myriad seating
MSRP: $12 million
arrangements. On the sundeck, the countertop on a large console
(Base price with American Edition package)
slides to reveal a sink and storage compartments, the back of which
holds a large-screen TV. A family can watch a bedtime Disney movie
from modular and moveable lounge chairs under a canopy of stars,
while forward, couples can gather for dinner al fresco at a table for 10
[email protected]
with foldable Roda chairs. An upper helm with bench seat is forward to
starboard with a matching settee opposite. Forward and down from the
galley, crew quarters provide sleeping accommodations for five. There’s
no scrimping on materials here though; the same Italian fossilized stone
52 • SOUTHERN BOATING • N ovember 2013
is used on the crew’s counters along with solid-core
wood doors for the cabins.
While I made my way through the staterooms I barely
noticed the motors or generator start and was surprised
I was told that the new owner of this 104' moved up
to discover we had already pulled away from the dock.
in size from his previous yacht and wanted a unique,
With a ride this quiet and smooth, depending on the
tailor-made, one-off, safe in the knowledge that since
guest list, toddlers’ blocks will stay stacked, martinis
1958 there has never been another Sanlorenzo that has
won’t spill, babies will sleep, and a couple will dance on
been built the same. From what I’ve seen of the new
their wedding anniversary without losing balance. With
104 (and 94) making their debuts at the 2014 Miami
or without kids, family or friends, a Sanlorenzo can be
Boat Show, their future owners will feel much the same.
what you want, what you need, what you enjoy. For me,
With models starting at 62 feet, stepping up to a luxury,
it’s best on the top deck with a steaming cup of coffee,
custom-made Italian yacht is within reach.
Italian-style. Come perfetto!
The New
Fort Lauderdale
Boat Show
Booth 464
Headhunter is pleased to present an updated style and function to the proven and patented Royal Flush lineup of
floor and bulkhead mounted marine toilets. With a revised aesthetic presentation incorporating feedback from
installers and designers, these toilets are perfect for updating an existing interior or incorporating into modern
N ovember 2013 • SOUTHERN BOATING • 53
Heesen Qtiai des Etats-U"ù EOI
Why is she so special? This yacht's high
speeds and breathtaking performance
reinforce the faet tMat in superyachting.
anything 15 possible. Heesen's revolutionary
new 65~metre Fast Displacernent Hull Farm is
highly developed when it comes to redudng
environmental impact. featuring a hybrid hull
form created in house in conjunction with Van
Gassanen Naval Architects that emptoys
advanced hydrodynamics to keep the wave
profile low and improve seakeeping ability. The
yard says it offers 30% greater efficiency than
the traditional round-bilge formo The exterior
design comes trom Frank Laupman al Omega
Archìtects with ao interior by Bannenberg &
Rowell, and special features include a duplex
beach club spanning the mai n and lovJer
decks with sauna, hammam, shower and bar.
Look out for The glass-bottomed swimming
pool on the main deck. as well as the foredeck
sunbathing area doubling as a helideck.
DATA LOA: 65.0m. Beam: l1.5m. Top speed:
28 knots. Range: 4.200nm@12 knots.
Guests: 12. Contact:
. - - " , l!
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--- -- --•
Launched in Aprii, Hakvoort's
imposing 39.7-metre. designed
by Reymond Langton, has
striking curved windows and a
finely detailed Art Oeco interior.
Don't miss her spectacular
main entrance with crystal
See her at T Centrai T20
The first white-hulled model in Sanlorenzo's popular 40Alloy range is o
display along with the yard's flagship 46Steel. The 40-metre features
five decks (with opening terraces on four) and sleeps ten.
See her at T Centrai Tl4 Contact
LOA: 38m/125ft
Gross tons: 180g1
Draught: 1.6m
Rig type: Schooner
Builder: c.N.r.
launch Date: July 2013
Naval Architect: Silverio Della Rosa
Exterior Designer: Studio Faggioni
Interior Designer: Nauta Yachts
Hull Material: Wo~d
Superstructure Material: Wood
Engine: 2 x MAN 2866 LX40 296kW
Class: Not known
FlaglCompliance: Italy/CISR - MCA -lY2
- unlimited
Cruising Speed/Max Speed: 10 knotsl
12 knats
lDA: 38m/125ft
Gro5s tons: 31 Og1
Draught: 23m
Builder: Sanlorenzo
Launch Date: July 2013
Naval Architect: Francesco Paszkowski
Exterior Designer: Sanlorenzo
Interior Designer: Not known
Hull Material: GRP
Superstructure Material: GRP
Engine: 2 x CAT C32 Acert 1,193kW
Class: Not known
Flag/Compliance: Not known
Cruising Speed/Max Speed: 11 knotsl
17 knots
Julem 1
lDA: 35m/115ft
Gross tons: 341gt
Draught: 2.3
Builder: Vicem Yachts
Launch Date: July 2013
Naval Architect: Mulder Design BV
Exterior Designer: Mulder Design BV
Interior Designer: Art·Line interiors
Hull Material: Epoxy composite
Superstructure Material: Epoxy composite
Engine: 2 x CAT C32 Acert 1,417kW
Cla,,: RINA, C ffi ; HUllo MACH Ych, HP
Flag/Co,mpliance: Turkeyrrurkey - RINAshort range
Cruising Speed/Max Speed: 18 knots!
21 knots
Happy Days
lDA: 34m/112ft
Gross tons: 2139t
Beam: 7.1m
Steely Sanlorenzo
62m is Italian yard's largest ever
Wilh naval archileclure by Sanlorenzo and an exlemal design by Officina Ilallana Design, lhe new Sanloreno 62 Sleel design concepl represenls a
major expansion for lhls Ilalian powerhouse inlo megayachl design and conslruclion. Already recognlsed as lhe lhlrd largesl producer of yachls
more lhan 24m in lenglh, sanlorenzo's parlnership wllh Officina Ilaliana Design will also see lhe conslruclion of lhe new 50 lo 60-fool enlry leveI
fibreglass yachls. Looklng allhe new 62 Sleel concepl, one is immedialely slruck by lhe 'limeless' nalure of her lines, according to Officina Italiana
designer Mauro Milchel,lhey wanted to creale a yachl "wlth an extreme formai slmpliclty".
NoI much additlonal informallonhad been released regarding interior layout al the time of writing, buI her wide-body hull going forward from
amidships will give her greal volume for guesl accommodalion and if lhe currenl flagshlp, lhe 46 Sleel, is anylhing lo go by, she will boasl
impressive speed and elflciency. Sanlorenzo are famous for lheir seml-cuslomisalion capabililles and so each new 62 Sleel will no doubl feature an
Internai arrangement suited to her owner.
Debut for 52
Princess unveils new flybridge
The Princess 52, Ihe UK yard's lalesl mid·sile
launch in Iheir Iiybridge range, will make her ollicial
debut al Ihe aulumn boat shows in Cannes, fori
lauderdale and Soulhamplon. Bui we've managed
lo gel hold 01 some imagery Ihal shows ayachl
IO 111
wilh remarkable inlerior volume and naluralllghi
provision Ihanks lo expansive windows on Ihe main
deck and amidships in Ihe hull.
By placing Ihe galley art of Ihe salon, Princess have
ensured Ihal Ihe 52 is aversalile yacht. capable 01
meeting a range of enlerlainlng scenarios. Those
large windows eilher side ai Ihe hull enable greal
views from Ihe midships owner's suile, while a Iwin
guesl cabin is localed forward, wilh a VIP in Ihe bow.
38m Sanlorenzo launched for Turkish owner
The 38m Therapy is Sanlorenzo's eighth SO 122 modellaunched by the yard The
semi displacement super yacht was put in the water in front of her satisfied Turkish
owner to the applause of ali the shipyard's workers that personally contributed to
her production during the past year.
Azimut gears up far Cannes
New 80' flybridge to be premiered
at yacht show
Azimu!'s lirst yacht 01 more than 71' to be desiQned
enlireiy al Azimu!'s headquarters in AviQliana. Italy. t'he
Azimut 80 is buill in CE class "A". Her layput includes
4cabins, ali with en-suite, IncludinQ the full-beam
owner's suite The yacht can aecommodate 8Quests
and has an enormous IlybridQe, desiQned far maximum
versatility 01 use. Her interior by Achilie SalvaQni
Architetti, can be proposed on four different styies:
from the more classie Dolcevita and Firenze. to the
more contemporary Portofino and Riviera. the main
differences layinQ in the chromatic solutions and in the
furniture arrangement.
28 l 29
Highly anticipated 60' launched in
New Hampshire
NISI successlully launched ils highly
anlicipaled 1700 XPRESSO yachl, wilh lhe
60~foot vesseI currently excelling on her sea
lrials. The 17m 1700 is lhe lirsl modello be
released in NISl's XPRESSO series. Sea-lrials
yielded a 41-knollop and 33-knol cruise
speed. She is driven by lwin UllraJels, maled
lo 1,150hp CAT C-la englnes.
Une usine pour la recherche
MTU, spécialiste des motours marlns pour yachts, annonco la
créatlon pour lo mais d'avrit d'une nouvello usine sur le site d'Alkon
dont l'oblot prlncipal sora lo dévoloppement tochniquo et écologlquo
dos sérles 2000 ot 4000, L'ouvorture d'un contre d'essai est
programmée dans lo mais sulvant et Il sera complètoment torminé
pour Mars 2015, En plus do nouvellos ombauches, cotto usino
roprésento un invostissoment d'onvlron 40 milltons d'ouros.
Un 62 mètres en acier
Vicem 35 m
Inspiré du 46 m
Grosse année pour le chantier turc Vicem qui juste après le lancernent
de san 46 mètres annonce déjà la sortie d'un 35 mètres aux
caractéristiques assez proches. L'architecture navale est signée par le
hollandais Frank Mulder, bien connu pour avoir conçu quelques carènes
très rapides. La décoration est réalisée par le cabinet hollandais Art
Line qui s'était déjà fait remarquer par ses brillantes réalisations
comme le Baglietto Ancora. L'intérieur du bateau est aménagé avec 5
cabines mais une version 6 cabines est envisageable. Certifié Rina et
MCA pour le charter, le Vicem35 mètres dispose d'une autonomie de
1600 milles à 12 nceuds. Ce
confirme que la Turquie est un
pays qui compte sérieusement dans l'industrie mondiale du yachting.
Longueur: 38,38 m. Largeur: 8,21 m. Déplacement: 210 t . Carburant: 30 400 I
Eau : 5500 I- Motorisation : 2 x2400 eh MTU . Vitesse maxi : 20 nds
Vitesse de croisière : 16 nds . Autonomie: 950 milles à 16 nds
Architecture navale et design: Frank Mulder' Constructeur : Vicem (Turquie)
Un nouveau direc!eur
commerciai Europe
Nè en 1985, le canslructeur iialien
Overmanne adiiiusè plus de 300
unitès de 72 à 205 pieds. Alin de
relancer sa présence en Europe, le
prèsident Maurizio Balducci a
embauché un nouveau directeur
commerciai, Danilo Magnisi qui
épaulera Francesco Frediani et dont le
cursus rassure quant à une expérience
certaine du macchè du yachiing.
Sanlorenzo, qui se positionne parmi les vingt plus grands
constructeurs de bateaux au-delà de 24 mètres, annonce la
signature d'un nouveau partenariat avec Mauro Michelli directeur
de Officina Italiana Design pour la réalisation d'un 62 mètres en
acier Ce studio, dont le nom est souvent apparu chez Riva et
Dominator, fait san entrée dans le monde du méga yacht avecun
navire fluide et homogène au style plutàt spartiI pour une unité
de ce gabarit Très heureux de cette nouvelle collaboration, Fulvio
Dodich, directeur de Sanlorenzo, est sOr que l'ADN de la marque
sera parfaitement respecté pour le plus grand plaisir des
armateurs qui apprécient de naviguer àbord d'un yacht élégant
Mondo Marine's 41-meter Nameless
Mondo Marine's 134-foot (40.8-meter) Nomeless splashed this past summer The builder handled the naval architecture in-house, with exterior styling by
Cor D. Rover and interior design by Luca Dini. Rover's inspiration was the owner's sports cars.The yacht features a combination of convex and concave
5unaces. Inside, Dini's design utilizes mahogany, white marble, leather and stainiess steel. Dini describes it as "a 50ft, contemporary-c1assic atmosphere,
cool, smart, eclectic and delightfully vain."The six suites, including the owner's forward on the mai n deck, will accommodate 12 guests. Nameless will make
her debut in Monaco this year. Mondo Marine already has thl-ee new builds under construction at its yard.
For more information:
----------------.---------------------------------------------- ------------------------<
Sanlorenzo's Starling Flies
Built in Sanlorenzo's Massa Carrara shipyard, the 151-foot (46-meter)
Starling launched this past summer. The fìfth hull in the 46 Steel line,
Storling is a fìve-deck steel displacement yacht with an aluminum
superstructul-e and a 3,SOO-nautical-mile range. In addition to the
lower deck that houses the guest and crew accommodations, Starling
has a deck below where the yard placed functional places lìke storage
and laundry to save space on the main decks. The interior décor
features Alcantara fabrics, Lalique decorated glass, mahogany floors
and furniture, and accents in precious stones and honey onyx marble.
Aiso of note is the spacious beach area that includes gym, bathroom
and large platform ali on a single level, making it simple to spend the
entire day at the water's edge.
For more information:
24 I OCTOBER 20 13
mercoledì 02 ottobre 2013
mercoledì 02 ottobre 2013
mercoledì 02 ottobre 2013
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n° 40 - giovedì 10 ottobre 2013
n° 40 - giovedì 10 ottobre 2013
n° 330 - mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013
martedì 29 ottobre 2013
martedì 29 ottobre 2013
martedì 29 ottobre 2013
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giovedì 31 ottobre 2013
A ritmo di export - Salone nautico: Sanlorenzo, scommessa industriale e...
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Commenti (0) 4 ottobre 2013 - 9:49
Massimo Perotti, presidente dei cantieri Sanlorenzo, l’azienda spezzina specializzata nella costruzione di grandi yacht, da lui acquisita quasi dieci anni fa, mentre parla
degli avvenimenti che hanno segnato gli ultimi mesi della societa' - un gioiello da 170 milioni di fatturato, 200 dipendenti, neanche un'ora di Cig e nessuna riduzione di
personale - da' l'impressione di essere un combattente uscito di trincea. Ma non per mostrare bandiera bianca e arrendersi, bensi' con le mani ben strette a quella della sua
patria per sventolarla in segno di vittoria.
"Siamo una delle pochissime aziende di livello internazionale ad aver mantenuto il fatturato pre-crisi. Ho preso l'azienda portandola dai 40 milioni di fatturato del 2005 ai
quasi 200 del 2008, poi è sopraggiunta la grande crisi che ha cambiato le sorti del mercato nautico in tutto il mondo. Molti cantieri di dimensioni e prestigio considerevole
sono usciti dal mercato e hanno ridotto drasticamente il fatturato al di sotto del 50 per cento”. “All’origine della nostra performance - spiega Perotti - ci sono alcune scelte
strategiche fondamentali. Ad esempio, l’approccio made-to-measure, della totale personalizzazione dell'imbarcazione per i clienti, ma anche il rapporto diretto con loro
tramite una rete commerciale di cosiddetti brand representative, cioè società di Sanlorenzo nel mondo che commercializzano il prodotto direttamente, senza intermediari o
dealer. Inoltre, c’è stata una graduale e costante espansione in tutti i mercati del mondo: inizialmente in Nord Europa ed in Russia, nel Nord e Sud America.
Successivamente – prosegue il presidente - a partire dal 2011, abbiamo dato vita al Sanlorenzo Gulf in Medio Oriente, grazie alla spinta derivata dalla vendita di un
40Alloy, 40 metri, all'Emiro Al Makthum, reggente di Dubai, che ha dato un grande impulso a Sanlorenzo nel mercato locale. Infine, ci siamo espansi nel grande mercato
Asia-Pacific, mediante l'accordo che abbiamo recentemente sottoscritto con i cinesi della Sundiro Holding”.
Un accordo che per Sanlorenzo (con headquarter alla Spezia e cantieri a Viareggio e Massa Carrara) non nasce, dunque, come segno di resa. La sofferenza c'e' stata, non e'
stato un gioco, ma la barra è rimasta dritta. In un contesto nel quale si assiste a un diffuso shopping dei cinesi sul mercato italiano, con acquisizioni per controllare,
l’accordo tra Sanlorenzo e Sundiro prevede un aumento di capitale del valore di 30 milioni di euro, da sottoscrivere in parte dai cinesi e in parte dai soci del cantiere, che
non intaccherà però la maggioranza italiana dell’azienda che rimarrà di proprietà di Massimo Perotti quale maggior azionista. “Alla fine dell’operazione – rileva il
presidente – la quota societaria in mio possesso sarà compresa tra il 55 e il 56 %, così che il controllo di Sanlorenzo resterà assolutamente italiano, come anche la
produzione; io rimarrò presidente e Fulvio Dodich amministratore delegato”.
Tre gli step di avvicinamento all’obiettivo industriale e commerciale. Il primo: joint venture cinese a maggioranza di Sundiro che si chiamerà Sundiro-Sanlorenzo yacht
manufacturing Co., che costruirà imbarcazioni su design Sanlorenzo dai 10 ai 20 metri di lunghezza che saranno prodotte in Cina e avranno marchio Sundiro. Il secondo:
una joint venture italiana a maggioranza Sanlorenzo che si chiamerà Sundiro-Sanlorenzo yacht International Srl, con il compito di distribuire in tutto il mondo le barche
prodotte in Cina. Il terzo: la creazione di una società con sede ad Hong Kong, la Sanlorenzo Hong Kong, che attraverso l’organizzazione di Sundiro Holding distribuirà nei
territori della “Great China” (Cina, Hong Kong, Macao e Taiwan) le imbarcazioni dai 22 ai 62 metri prodotte da Sanlorenzo in Italia. L’intesa prevede l’acquisto di
imbarcazioni “a stock” per la vendita nei territori della Great China. “L’accordo firmato – conclude Perotti – consiste in un contratto di 10 anni che prevede target di
vendita annuali su un obiettivo totale del decennio che ammonta a oltre 450 milioni di euro”.
Il sito dei cantieri Sanlorenzo
La photogallery
07/10/2013 10.28
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The agreement, announced last September, will not change the Italian majority
The agreement between Italian superyacht builder Sanlorenzo and Chinese group
Sundiro Holding, announced last September 18th, was formally signed last Saturday,
October 12th in Haikou on the island of Hainan in China. The event took place at the
Shangri-La Hotel and was attended by Sanlorenzo chairman Massimo Perotti and Mr
Zao, chairman of Sundiro Holding.
The partnership is to produce boats from 10m-20m (32ft-65ft) in China, and to sell
yachts from 22m-62m (72ft-203ft), entirely produced in Italy, in China, Hong Kong,
Macao and Taiwan.
The joint venture, which also foresees a capital increase of €30m, will not change the
Italian majority shareholding of the company, with Sanlorenzo chairman Massimo Perotti
remaining as primary shareholder with 56 per cent of the total shares. The agreement is
expected to open significant business opportunities in the greater Chinese market for
Italian-built yachts.
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14/10/2013 17.10
Sanlorenzo signs deal with Sundiro Holding - from Superyacht Busines...
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Sanlorenzo signs deal with Sundiro Holding
The agreement between Italian superyacht builder Sanlorenzo and Chinese group
Sundiro Holding, announced last September 18th, was formally signed last Saturday,
October 12th in Haikou on the island of Hainan in China. The event took place at the
Shangri-La Hotel and was attended by Sanlorenzo chairman Massimo Perotti and Mr
Zao, chairman of Sundiro Holding.
The partnership is to produce boats from 10m-20m (32ft-65ft) in China, and to sell
yachts from 22m-62m (72ft-203ft), entirely produced in Italy, in China, Hong Kong,
Macao and Taiwan.
The joint venture, which also foresees a capital increase of €30m, will not change the
Italian majority shareholding of the company, with Sanlorenzo chairman Massimo
Perotti remaining as primary shareholder with 56 per cent of the total shares. The
agreement is expected to open significant business opportunities in the greater
Chinese market for Italian-built yachts.
Fulvia Venturi, 14 October 2013
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17/10/2013 11.52
New-build Sanlorenzo SD92 motor yacht sold by Yacht Moments
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Home News New-build Sanlorenzo SD92 motor yacht sold by Yacht Moments
21 October 2013 by Malcolm MacLean
Good news from Johannes Brechmann at Yacht Moments as he confirms that he’s sold a new-build 27.6m
Sanlorenzo SD92 motor yacht to a new client for delivery in April 2014.
Sanlorenzo SD92 – yacht sold by Yacht Moments
Featuring a neutral interior in natural oak and limestone, she has accommodation for eight guests in four
staterooms and also has a gym. She’s powered by twin MTU 1,224hp engines giving her a cruising speed of 13
knots, a maximum speed of 17 knots and a range of 2,000 nautical miles at 11 knots and is fitted with zero speed
For more information contact:
Yacht Moments
22/10/2013 15.43
New-build Sanlorenzo SD92 motor yacht sold by Yacht Moments
6 di 16
Johannes Brechmann
T: +34 971 679 406
E: [email protected]
See more Sanlorenzo yachts for sale
Tags: Sanlorenzo, SD92, Yacht Moments
Categories: Brokerage news, Motor yachts, News, Yacht sales
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22/10/2013 15.43
Yacht Moments sells new built Sanlorenzo SD 92-33 - Yacht Sales - Su...
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Yacht Moments sells new built Sanlorenzo SD
Friday, 18 October 2013
Yacht Moments proudly announce the sale of the new built Sanlorenzo SD 92-33 to a new direct client.
The sales has been carried out successfully by Johannes Brechmann, CEO of Yacht Moments S.L.
Spain in Majorca. The yacht will be delivered in April 2014.
SuperYacht Of The Week
Project Ketos
For more than 50 years Sanlorenzo shipyards are known for its “Made-to-Measure” range of products that offers
quality, customization and performance. Each yacht is different and is customized accordingly to each owner’s
She features 4 guest staterooms and Gym, with additional space for up to 4 crew, powerful twin MTU 900kW
engines, zero speed stabilizers.
Yacht Moments
Johannes Brechmann
+ 34 971 67 94 06
[email protected]
Last February, Italian shipyard Rossi Navi launched
the spectacular superyacht Ketos from their
Viareggio facilities. At 48 metres LOA, this powerful
and sportive superyacht boasts two and a half
Yacht Moments -
decks of glossy luxury, contemporary Italian design
and a rich, glamorous ambiance that invites guests
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to relished, enjoy and simply relax. Read More
SanLorenzo -
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21/10/2013 16.43
New Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited to distribute Sanlorenzo yachts ...
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October 28, 2013
In partnership with Sundiro Holding, Sanlorenzo Spa, the third shipyard in the world ranking of the top 20 manufacturers over 24 metres, is
proud to announce the opening of a new office in the centre of the Asia-Pacific region and the establishment of Sanlorenzo China Holding
Limited. This represents a Hong Kong-based company that will distribute the Italian-built Sanlorenzo motoryachts from 22 to 62 meters to
the Great China market, including China, Hong Kong, Macau, as well as Taiwan.
Sanlorenzo China Holding Ltd - M. Perotti and T. Kaminski
The Chinese nautical business is expected to reach 100.000 units sold by 2020 and it will absorb 1/3 of the global yachting demand like Europe and
Americas. Therefore Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited represents a very important reference point for the Italian shipyard with the aim of winning
the large and emerging Chinese market, thanks to two main strategic factors:
1. The support of the Sundiro Holding organization on the Chinese territory, following the joint venture agreement with this big local group;
2. The appointment as CEO of Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited of Mr. Traugott Kaminski, a true expert of the Chinese nautical sector with more
than 25 years of experience in the luxury market in Asia. Kaminski is a relevant protagonist in the Eastern yachting scenario where, more than 10
years ago, he sold as a pioneer the first luxury yachts to Mainland China owners.
30/10/2013 17.06
New Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited to distribute Sanlorenzo yachts ...
2 di 5
SL China Holding Ltd - Perotti and Kaminski
“I am very happy for this new important opportunity,” – says Mr. Kaminski – “both Sanlorenzo shipyard in Italy and Sundiro Holding in China
trusted me in this innovative operation, and I am sure that together we will reach significant achievements. Sanlorenzo has a solid management team
and thanks to the new SL96 and SL106 models, specially designed according to the requests of their Chinese customers, we have the best products
for the Great China market needs.”
Besides the distribution of the exclusive Italian-built Sanlorenzo yachts, Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited will also provide in the whole Chinese
- after sales service, to guarantee the most professional assistance to customers, captains and crews;
- yacht maintenance, yacht management and charter to better protect and optimize the investment of its owners;
- yacht finance and leasing service;
- consulting services for transport, import and registration of the yachts in the Great China territories.
SL China Holding Ltd - Zao, Perotti and Kaminski
With this well-structured joint venture, Sanlorenzo enters decisively in a market with a great potential. The opening of Sanlorenzo China Holding
Limited in Hong Kong represents a central step of the recent agreement with the Chinese group Sundiro Holding, in which Sanlorenzo maintained the
Italian ownership and the identity of a Made in Italy icon worldwide, with the advantage of a powerful and strategic local Chinese partner.
Below is a choice of the beautiful charter yachts built by Sanlorenzo.
SANLORENZO Charter Yacht Images
30/10/2013 17.06
Sanlorenzo opens new Hong Kong based office to distribute Italian built...
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Sanlorenzo opens new Hong Kong based office to
distribute Italian built yachts
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By Fulvia Venturi
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Traugott Kaminski appointed as CEO of the new
Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited
Italian shipyard Sanlorenzo in cooperation with Chinese
Group Sundiro Holding, has opened a new office in Hong
Kong and established Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited, a
Hong Kong based company that will distribute the Italian-built
Sanlorenzo motoryachts from 22 to 62 meters to the Great
China market (China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan).
The company has appointed Traugott Kaminski as new CEO
1 Image(s)
of Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited, a pioneer on the
Chinese nautical market, with over 25 years in the luxury market and accounting for the
first sales of luxury yachts in Mainland China over 10 years ago. “Both Sanlorenzo in
Italy and Sundiro Holding in China have trusted me with this innovative operation, and I
am sure that together we will reach significant achievements," Kaminski said.
"Sanlorenzo has a solid management team and thanks to the new SL96 and SL106
models, specially designed according to the requests of their Chinese customers, we
have the best products to meet the Great China market needs."
Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited will also deal with after-sales service, yachts
maintenance, management and charter, as well as yacht finance and leasing service and
consulting activity for transport, import and registration of yachts in Great China.
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29/10/2013 17.44
Sanlorenzo China opens in Hong Kong - Shipyard News - SuperyachtT...
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Sanlorenzo China opens in Hong Kong
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Sanlorenzo, in collaboration with Sundiro Holding, opens a new office in the heart of the Asia-Pacific
region and establishes Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited, a Hong Kong based company that will
distribute the Italian-built Sanlorenzo motoryachts from 22 to 62 meters to the Great China market
(China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan).
The Chinese nautical business is expected to reach 100.000 units sold by 2020 and it will absorb 1/3 of the
global yachting demand like Europe and Americas. Therefore Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited represents a
very important reference point for the Italian shipyard with the aim of winning the large and emerging Chinese
market, thanks to two main strategic factors:
1. The support of the Sundiro Holding organization on the Chinese territory, following the joint venture
agreement with this big local group
2. The appointment as CEO of Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited of Mr. Traugott Kaminski, a true expert of the
Chinese nautical sector with more than 25 years of experience in the luxury market in Asia. Kaminski is a
relevant protagonist in the Eastern yachting scenario where, more than 10 years ago, he sold as a pioneer the
first luxury yachts to Mainland China owners.
“I am very happy for this new important opportunity.” - says Mr. Kaminski - “Both Sanlorenzo shipyard in Italy
and Sundiro Holding in China trusted me in this innovative operation, and I am sure that together we will reach
significant achievements. Sanlorenzo has a solid management team and thanks to the new SL96 and SL106
models, specially designed according to the requests of their Chinese customers, we have the best products
for the Great China market needs ”.
SuperYacht Of The Week
Galactica Plus
Besides the distribution of the exclusive Italian-built Sanlorenzo yachts, Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited will
also provide in the whole Chinese area:c - after sales service, to guarantee the most professional assistance to
customers, captains and crews;
- yacht maintenance, yacht management and charter to better protect and optimize the investment of its owners;
- yacht finance and leasing service;
- consulting services for transport, import and registration of the yachts in the Great China territories.
With this well-structured joint venture, Sanlorenzo enters decisively in a market with a great potential. The
opening of Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited in Hong Kong represents a central step of the recent agreement
with the Chinese group Sundiro Holding, in which Sanlorenzo maintained the Italian ownership and the identity
of a Made in Italy icon worldwide, with the advantage of a powerful and strategic local Chinese partner.
SanLorenzo Spa
+39 0187 618 413
[email protected]
Just recently, Heesen Yachts launched the elegant
35 meter superyacht Galactica Plus. Designed by
Frank Laupman from the Netherlands-based Omega
Architects, her exterior look shows off sleek, curvy
SanLorenzo -
lines and a sportive, slender silhouette with plenty
of personality. Read More
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30/10/2013 16.39
Sanlorenzo Sundiro Holding
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Posted Tuesday, October 29th, 2013
Traugott Kaminski with
Sanlorenzo boss Massimo Perotti
By Fulvia Venturi
Italian shipyard Sanlorenzo in cooperation with Chinese Group Sundiro Holding, has opened a new office
in Hong Kong and established Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited, a Hong Kong based company that will
distribute the Italian-built Sanlorenzo motoryachts from 22 to 62 meters to the Great China market (China,
Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan).
31/10/2013 9.33
Sanlorenzo Sundiro Holding
2 di 5
The company has appointed Traugott Kaminski as new CEO of Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited, a
pioneer on the Chinese nautical market, with over 25 years in the luxury market and accounting for the
first sales of luxury yachts in Mainland China over 10 years ago. “Both Sanlorenzo in Italy and Sundiro
Holding in China have trusted me with this innovative operation, and I am sure that together we will reach
significant achievements,” Kaminski said. “Sanlorenzo has a solid management team and thanks to the
new SL96 and SL106 models, specially designed according to the requests of their Chinese customers, we
have the best products to meet the Great China market needs.”
Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited will also deal with after-sales service, yachts maintenance,
management and charter, as well as yacht finance and leasing service and consulting activity for transport,
import and registration of yachts in Great China.
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Sanlorenzo Open China Holding Ltd
Italian shipyard Sanlorenzo Spa has opened a new Hong Kong-based company that will
distribute its motoryachts across the Asia-Pacific.
Sanlorenzo China Holding Limited will distribute motoryachts from
22 to 62 metres to the Great China market – a egion that includes
China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.
San Lorenzo hope that its Hong Kong operation will become an
important reference point for the Italian shipyard with the aim of
capitalising the emerging Chinese market. The Chinese nautical
business is projected to reach 100,000 units sold by 2020 – a
total that would represent 1/3rd of the global demand for luxury
“I am very happy for this new important opportunity,” said
Traugott Kaminski, newly appointed CEO of Sanlorenzo China
Holding Limited.
“Both Sanlorenzo shipyard in Italy and Sundiro Holding in China
trusted me in this innovative operation, and I am sure that
together we will reach significant achievements.
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By: Ben Roberts
Published: 30th Oct 2013
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Sanlorenzo has a solid management team and thanks to the new
SL96 and SL106 models, specially designed according to the
requests of their Chinese customers, we have the best products
for the Great China market needs.”
Besides the distribution of Sanlorenzo yachts, Sanlorenzo China
Holding Limited will also provide an after sales service, yacht
maintenance, management and charter, yacht finance and
leasing, and consulting services for transport, import and
registration of yachts in the Great China territories.
Sanlorenzo was established in Viareggio, Italy in 1958.
Photo Gallery:
Sanlorenzo Spa
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