Kurslitteratur Internationella relationer 1, HT2015


Kurslitteratur Internationella relationer 1, HT2015
Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet, HT 2015
Obs! Artiklar kommer att tillkomma nästan samtliga kurser i denna lista
Delkurs 1
The Globalization of World Politics, Oxford: Oxford University
Press (2011)
de los Reyes, Paulina, Eduards, Maud & Sundevall, Fia (red.), Internationella relationer: – könskritiska
perspektiv. Liber (2013)
The Cold War. London: Penguin Books (2007[2006])
Gustavsson, Jakob & Tallberg, Jonas (red.), Internationella Relationer, Studentlitteratur (2014)
Delkurs 2
The Globalization of World Politics: An
Introduction to International Relations, Fifth Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2011)
New and Old Wars, Second Edition, Cambridge: Polity Press (2012)
The New Military Humanism, London: Pluto Press (1999)
Paulina de los Reyes, Maud Eduards, and Fia Sundevall, editors, Internationella Relationer: Könskritiska
Perspektiv, Stockholm (2013)
The State in Capitalist Society, Pontypool, Wales: Merlin Press (2009)
Delkurs 3
al., The Globalization of World Politics: An introduction to international relations,
Oxford University Press, Oxford (2011)
Gustavsson, Jakob & Tallberg, Jonas (red.), Internationella Relationer, Studentlitteratur (2014)
Globalization in World History, Primilco (2002)
Delkurs 4
McMillan & Weyers, Studera smart: så lyckas du med essäer och inlämningsuppgifter. Harlow: Prentice
Hall (2010)
Genus i IR:
Sexual decoys: gender, race and war in imperial democracy. London: Zed (2007)
The force of domesticity: Filipina migrants and globalization. New York: New
York University Press (2008)
Global gender issues in the new millenium. Boulder, Colo.: Westview,
cop (2009 eller 2010)
New Approaches to European Security Cooperation:
Klimat och utveckling:
Governing Climate Change, Rotledge, London. (2010)
Why we disagree about climate change, Cambridge University Press (2009)
Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet, HT 2015
Introduction to Security Policy:
The Power Elite, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press (1999)
mael Hossein-Zadeh, The Political Economy of U.S. Militarism, New York: Palgrave McMillan (2006)
- New editions are acceptable.
The Demilitarized Society: Disarmament and Conversion, Nottingham: Spokesman
Books (1988)
Global Migration
The age of migration : international population movements in the modern world.
Guilford Press. 5th ed (2013)
Global Migration and the World Economy. Two centuries of policy and
performance. MIT Press (2008)
Kamp, motståd och ekonomisk omvandling
de los Reyes, Paulina (red.), Postkolonial feminism. 1, Stockholm: Tankekraft (2011)
Weapons of the Weak. Everyday Forms of Resistance, New Haven: Yale University
Press (1985)
verly, Forces of labour. Workers’ Movements and Globalization since 1870,Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press (2003)
Social Change and Development: Modernization, Dependency and World-System Theories.
Sage Publications (1990)