Smith, Constance BCUC:EX 1/27/2006


Smith, Constance BCUC:EX 1/27/2006
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Smith, Constance BCUC:EX
hans karow [[email protected]]
Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:11 PM
Commission Secretary BCUC:EX
[email protected]; Humphrey, Lavern; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Alan
wait'; 'Alberta Sevy'; 'B. Smith'; 'Bess Paleos'; 'Chris Scott'; 'Cindy Williams'; 'David Moffat'; 'Denis
Hull'; 'Diane Ball'; 'Dwayne & Debbie Gargus'; 'George McPherson'; 'H. wartenberg'; 'Hans Karow';
'Horst Schwerdtfeger'; 'Ian Legge'; [email protected]; 'Joan Willson'; 'John Slater'; 'Julie Turner'; 'Karen
White'; 'Michael Ryan'; 'Mike Oran'; 'Osoyoos Now Society'; 'Rex Marshall'; 'Rick Winchester';
'Stewart Wells'; 'Susan Wonch'; 'Terry Killough'; 'Tom Dolo'; 'Town of Osoyoos'; 'Town of Osoyoos';
'Wallace& Marilyn Murphy'
FORTISBC_Nk’Mip CPCN – Exhibit C1-64
Subject: Fortis Nk'Mip Substattion & Osoyoos Transmission Line CPCN Application
Hans Karow
Coalition to Reduce Electropollution (CORE)
M2 /C14
1215 Poplar Grove Road
Tel.: (250) 493-8507
E-mail: [email protected]
Commission Secretary
B.C. Utilities Commission
900 Howe Street, Box 250
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2N3
Phone: (604) 660-4700
Facsimile: (605) 660-1102
BC Toll Free: 1-800-663-1385
Email: [email protected]
January 26, 2006
Dear Mr. Pellatt,
Re: FortisBC Inc. Order No. G-114-05 / Project No. 3698407CPCN Application for Nk’Mip Substation
& Osoyoos Transmission Line
I kindly ask the Applicant to please have the answers provided to the still outstanding info request below.
Yours truly,
Hans Karow
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From: hans karow [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 10:50 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Cc: [email protected]; Humphrey, Lavern; [email protected]
Subject: Fortis Nk'Mip Substattion & Osoyoos Transmission Line CPCN Application
Hans Karow
1215 Poplar Grove Road
Penticton, BC, V2A 8T6
E-mail: [email protected]
Ron Pavlakovic
Lands West Property Services Inc.
518, 22 - 2475 Dobbin Road
Westbank, BC, V4T 2E9
Phone: 250 769 5571
250 769 5511
E-mail: [email protected]
Dear Mr. Pavlakovic
Re: Fortis Nk’Mip Substation & Osoyoos Transmission Line CPCN Application
Kindly be advised that I am a registerd intervenor in subject CPCN application before the British Columbia
Utilities Commission (BCUC1.
In a response to Intervenor Information Request to Fortis, your letter, dated December 15, 2005, was included as
attachment. May I ask you to assist in a few clarifications with regards of your letter, please.
In your letter you stated:
“Both US and Canadian studies involving the effects of high voltage transmission lines on
residential developments have indicated that the impact to value is negligible, if any.”
Could you please refer to all US and Canadian studies, from where you draw the conclusion as expressed
in your statement above.
Are you aware of any studies/papers that do indicate that proximities of power lines have an
association with reduced property values? If so, please state those.
Are you familiar of the power line frequency electromagnetic radiation’s (EMR) possible
impact of different natures in the environment, and EMR’s association of adverse biological
What is stated in section 3. , have you considered the EMR issue in your letter’s statement as
well? Please explain in more details and which of the EMR issues you have considered.
Have you made an assessment of other previous power line effects, if yes, could you give
more details, including locations.
Are you a certified appraiser?
May I kindly ask for your Curriculum Vitae.
Thank you very much in advance,
Hans Karow.