Welcome to Freemasonry


Welcome to Freemasonry
Grand Lodge
of India
(A Brochure for the
newly Initiated Candidate)
Presented to
On the Occasion of his Initiation into Freemasonry in
Junior Warden
Senior Warden
Worshipful Master
Welcome to Freemasonry
n behalf of Most Worshipful the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of India, we welcome you to the Masonic Fraternity and
congratulate you on joining our ancient and honourable institution. Ancient undoubtedly
it is, having existed from times immemorial and as you were told during the ceremony of
your initiation, honourable it must be acknowledged to be, since it makes all those so, who
follow its precepts. We are all the more encouraged to welcome you in our midst because,
you freely and voluntarily offered yourself as a candidate for the privileges of
Freemasonry and also asserted that you did so, unbiased by improper solicitations from
friends against your own inclinations and uninfluenced by mercenary, or other unworthy
motives. You also assured us that you were prompted to seek those privileges, by a
favourable opinion of the Institution, a desire for knowledge and a sincere wish to be more
extensively serviceable to your fellowmen.
About Freemasonry
You must have gathered some information about Freemasonry, from your Proposer and
Seconder. You will also no doubt learn more about Freemasonry, as you get more
exposure to it. In the meanwhile, this brochure is intended to acquaint you with what
Freemasonry is and what Freemasons stand for.
By way of introduction the following general observations about Freemasonry will enable
you to further discover Freemasonry. This information is also available in the form of a
handy folded card entitled “Discover Freemasonry” which you can collect from the
Secretary of your Lodge, for being passed on to any non – Freemason, who enquires from
you, details about Freemasonry.
for the
Freemasonry is
v One of world’s largest and oldest secular fraternal organization
v A world–wide organization based on the principle of the Fatherhood of God and the
Brotherhood of Man
v Committed to its universal motto of “Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth”
v A unique society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values
v Involved in making good men better and thereby making the world a better place to
v Engaged in teaching its precepts through a series of rituals and symbolism, by using
stone masons’ tools and customs as allegorical guides
Freemasonry is
v Not a religion; it however, teaches respect and tolerance for all religions and a belief in
a Supreme Being, without reference to any religion
v Not a political party or organization
v Not a secret society; however, the mode of recognition amongst Freemasons, are kept
secret like the Passwords etc in wide use among internet and credit card users, to
prevent frauds and misuse
v Not a social club; its membership consists of a cross section of society, who meet on an
equal footing; it also involves family members on social occasions
Freemasonry encourages
v Charity as the predominant Characteristic of every Freemason’s heart
v The moral virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice
v Extending fellowship and providing relief to those in distress
Brief History
v Freemasonry traces its origin from King Solomon’s times, but its real origin is lost in
v Freemasonry in its present form originated in England, in1717; it came to India, at
Calcutta in 1729
v Freemasonry exists in over 190 countries in the World
for the
v There are over 5 million Freemasons in the world; in India we have about 20,000
8 Lodges in 1423 locations all over India, which are the basic
v There are as on date, 360
units for membership
v Prominent Indian Freemasons include Swami Vivekananda, Moti Lal Nehru C.
Rajagopalachary, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Fakhrudhin Ali Ahmed,
Actor Ashok Kumar, Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi etc., as also a wide variety of a cross
section of society and professionals, such as Doctors, Engineers, Industrialists,
Professors, Teachers Advocates, Chartered Accountants, Business Executives, Judges,
Officers of various ranks belonging to Armed Forces, Civil Service Officers etc.
How to Join Freemasonry?
v Freemasonry does not solicit or canvass for membership
v Those above 21 years of age and who believe in God, as a Supreme Being can join
v One has to be proposed and seconded by a Freemason to join a Lodge which is the
basic unit for admission of membership
v Every candidate to Freemasonry is invited to interact with a screening committee of the
Lodge which he proposes to join before he is balloted for initiation
For further details about Freemasonry you can visit our website: www.masonindia.org or
send E –mail to [email protected]
Organisational Set-up
Before we take you on a retrospect of the ceremony of your initiation, it is desirable that
you must know about our organizational set up. Freemasonry all over the world is
governed in each country, by a body called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons - Grand Lodge for short. The head of that body is called the Grand
Master who is respectfully called and addressed as Most Worshipful (M.W.) the Grand
for the
As you were informed earlier, Freemasonry in its present form had its origin in England in
1717 and that it came to India in 1729. You have also been told that the Lodge is the basic
unit of Freemasonry. The first such Lodge came into being in India at Calcutta. In due
course several such Lodges were set up in different parts of the country. These Lodges
functioned under the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland. When we became
independent in 1947 and later became a republic in 1956, need was felt for forming our own
Grand Lodge. Eventually after finalizing and working out the various details, it was
decided in 1961 to establish a Grand Lodge of India. By then, as many as 270 Lodges had
been set up in the country. An option was given to these Lodges, to either continue to
remain under the respective Grand Lodges of England, Scotland or Ireland, or to come over
to the Grand Lodge of India. On a majority of 145 Lodges opting to come over to the Grand
Lodge of India, the representatives of the three parent Grand Lodges of England, Scotland
and Ireland, got together and formally consecrated the Grand Lodge of India, as a
Sovereign Grand Lodge, over the territory of India, on 25th November 1961, at the
Convention Hall of Ashoka Hotel, Delhi, in a colourful and glittering ceremony. M.W.Bro.
Sir Syed Raza Ali Khan, the Nawab of Rampur, was installed as the first Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge of India. A Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of India was also
adopted. The 145 Lodges which opted to join the Grand Lodge of India are called
Foundation Lodges and as a token of their contribution to the formation of the Grand
Lodge of India, each such Lodge was presented a Foundation Lodge Jewel by M.W. the
First Grand Master. This jewel is presented to the incoming Worshipful Master of each
such Foundation Lodge on the occasion of his installation. In case you are a member of
such a Lodge we would like you to pay particular attention to its presentation on the
occasion of the next Installation Meeting of your Lodge.
In the last over 47 years since then, several Lodges were added to the original 145 Lodges,
and as of date, the number of Lodges stands at 360, in 142 locations, in different parts of
the country. The headquarters of the Grand Lodge of India is Delhi. M.W. the Grand
Master who is the head of the organization for the country as a whole, is elected by an
Electoral College and has a tenure of three years. For better administration of these
Lodges, the country has been divided into four Regions viz. North, East, West and South,
each headed by a Regional Grand Master, located respectively at Delhi, Kolkatta, Chennai
and Mumbai. The Head Quarters Office is headed by a Grand Secretary appointed by the
Grand Master, to assists him in administering the Lodges and the Regions. At the Regional
level, while the four Regional Grand Masters head the respective Regions, they are assisted
by a Regional Grand Secretary in each Region.
This brochure has the Logo or the emblem of the Grand Lodge of India on its cover. You
will observe that the emblem is in the form of a shield, which has been divided into four
quarters. Each quarter represents a Region. The Northern Region is represented by the
Qutab Minar, the Eastern Region by the Bengal Tiger, the Western by the Gateway of India
and the Southern by the Temple Gopuram. The shades of colours on the cover page viz.
Blue, Light Blue & Green which merge with each other are also significant. They represent
the colours of the three Parent Grand Lodges of England, Scotland & Ireland which took
part in the founding the Grand Lodge of India. The Square & Compasses on the border of
the cover page & elsewhere in this brochure are the universal symbol of Freemasonry
throughout the world. While the two points of the Compasses represent the limits of Good
& Evil as prescribed by God within which we as Freemasons are always expected to act,
the Square shows the square conduct expected of us as Freemasons while dealing with
each other in society.
for the
You may recall that your attention was drawn during the course of the ceremony of
Initiation, to a Warrant issued by the Grand Lodge of India, which is the authority under
which your Lodge and other such Lodges function all over the country. You might have
noticed that the Lodge, which you have joined, has a number attached to it. Whenever
there is a request for opening a Lodge, the members, who wish to found it, make a
petition to the Grand Lodge, with the recommendations of the Regional Grand Master
concerned and if the Grand Master approves the same, a Warrant for Consecrating such a
Lodge is issued by the Grand Lodge, indicating the Serial Number of the new Lodge, on
the Rolls of the Grand Lodge of India. Thereafter, the Lodge is Consecrated in an
impressive Ceremony by M.W. the Grand Master. If you get an opportunity you may also
become a Founding Member of a Lodge and witness the solemn and impressive manner in
which a Lodge is founded.
A Recap of your Initiation
Coming now to a recap of your initiation, we would like you to recall the manner in which
you were prepared for being initiated. The clothes you wore, were symbolic of your
indigent circumstances and your being deprived of all valuables, was to depict you as ‘poor
and penniless’, the significance of which was duly explained to you in the Charge that was
given to you in the North East part of the Lodge which is appropriately called the 'Charity
Charge'. You may remember that you were told that you represented the foundation stone
of a new building. On this foundation you were expected 'to raise a super structure perfect
in all parts'. The charity lecture also challenged "Have you anyting to give in the cause of
charity?" You were deliberately prevented from accepting the challenge, as you were
deprived of all valuables prior to your entering the Lodge. It demonstrated that charity
comes from the heart and is a way of life. It may take the form of your time, your energy,
your friendship or financial assistance as your circumstances in life may permit. As for your
being hoodwinked, it was intended to impress on you the need for being restored to the
blessings of material light, to enable you to discover the three great though emblematical
lights in Freemasonry, viz. the Volumes of the Sacred Law and the Square and the
Compasses, the significance of each of which was explained to you. The traditional
significance of the Cable Tow round your neck and your admission on the point of a sharp
instrument were also explained to you.
for the
Another significant aspect we would like you to recall is when soon after you were
admitted, you were asked to kneel and the blessings of heaven were invoked, in a prayer
on your behalf. Though you may not recall the actual wordings of the prayer, we had
prayed on your behalf to God, whom we call the Great Architect of the Universe, to grant
that you may so dedicate and devote your life to God’s service, so as to become a true and
faithful brother amongst us. You may also recall that you were significantly asked, in all
cases of dangers and difficulties in whom you put your trust and you were guided to reply
that you put such trust in God. You were then informed that we were indeed glad that
your faith was so well founded and that relying on such sure support, you may safely rise
and follow your leader, with a firm but humble confidence, because, where the name of
God is invoked, you will not face any dangers. This is symbolic of a fresh beginning of your
journey through life from that moment onwards, as a Freemason, based on such faith in
God and assisted by our Masonic principles.
You have been admitted to what is known as Craft Masonry and have undergone the first
of the three stages of that Degree, called the First Degree, or the Entered Apprentice Degree.
You will soon be passed to the Second Degree, called the Fellow-craft, after you have
proved your proficiency in the first degree, by answering certain questions and then
raised to the third Degree, called the Master Mason, after you have shown similar
proficiency in the second degree. These questions and answers will be given to you at the
respective stages and it is expected that you come fully prepared with the answers at the
time of your passing and raising. You may for this purpose take the assistance of your
proposer/seconder and/or the Secretary of your Lodge.
The Working Tools of the first Degree, viz. the Twenty four inch gauge, the common gavel
and the chisel were explained to you, indicating, how as Free and accepted or speculative
Masons, we apply these tools to our morals. The other two degrees also have similar
working tools, whose application to our morals, will be explained to you in due course.
Together, these working tools symbolically lay down for you as a Freemason and for all
Freemasons throughout the world, the principles and tenets of our conduct through life.
On your completing the third degree and becoming a Master Mason, your attention will
be called to a retrospect of the degrees through which you have passed, the better to
enable you to distinguish and appreciate the connection of our whole system and the
relative dependency of its several parts.
The ceremony of your Initiation, you may recall, ended with the Charge after Initiation,
which is considered as one of the most beautiful portions of our Masonic Ritual. It
explained to you the important duties, which as a Freemason, you owe to God, to your
for the
neighbour and to yourself. It pointed out your responsibilities as a Citizen of the world, as
also the duty you owe to your own country. As an individual, it recommended that
Prudence (meaning careful attitude) should direct you; Temperance (meaning exercise of
self control) should chasten (correct) you; Fortitude (meaning moral strength and enduring
courage) should support you and that Justice (fairness) should be the guide of all your
actions. You were also reminded of the other excellences of Character namely Secrecy,
Fidelity and Obedience. As a last general recommendation the Charge exhorted you to
dedicate yourself to such pursuits as to enable you to be respectable in life, useful to
mankind and an ornament to the Society of which you have become a member. On
another occasion you will be told that whenever you are to decide on any offence - a
situation which may arise quite often in our daily life- you should neither minimize it or
exaggerate it, but should judge such offence with candour (meaning without any bias or
reservation), admonish (meaning warn or scold) with friendship and reprehend (meaning
censure or punish) with mercy. You will also be told on yet another occasion that to
improve the morals and correct the manners of men in society must be your constant care.
For this you will be advised that you are always to recommend to inferiors, obedience and
submission; to equals courtesy and affability (friendliness) and to superiors kindness and
condescension (respect). Thus between the lessons of the Working tools of the three
degrees and the various principles and tenets of behaviour which are forcibly brought to
your notice, Freemasonry chalks out for you a Way of Life and hopefully fulfill its
objective of making the good man that you are, a better person
Such dear brother, has been the high light of the ceremony of your Initiation and the object
of Freemasonry and we do also hope that it has enabled you to appreciate the value of
Freemasonry and further that the importance of Truth, Honour and Virtue have been
indelibly imprinted in your heart.
Book of Rituals
You may be given a copy of the first Degree Ritual. It is strongly recommended that you
go through it, so that you may be able to appreciate the process of your initiation. In due
course when you see other candidates being initiated you will appreciate your own
initiation much better. After you have become a Master Mason you will be given the full
Book of Rituals, indicating the process by which candidates are initiated, passed and raised
in the three degrees of Freemasonry. By familiarizing yourself with the Ritual, you can
volunteer to do portions of it during initiation, passing and raising of Candidates and
thereby be better able to understand and appreciate it. This Book of Rituals will serve you
as a guide throughout your Masonic Career, as you progress in Freemasonry through
various offices.
Your duties & obligations as a Member of the Lodge
The Members of the Lodge which you have now joined are now your brethren as indeed
are all Freemasons throughout the world, without reference to Caste, Creed, Religion,
Language, or the Country to which they belong. You are particularly requested to
remember the Charge given to you when you were invested with the distinguishing badge
of a Freemason, which though simple in appearance, was said to be more ancient than any
other honour. The importance of love and harmony in the Lodge which should at all times
characterize Freemasonry, was also emphasized by asking you to settle differences if any
with any members amicably, outside the Lodge, so that the harmony within the Lodge is
not disturbed.
for the
Your Lodge meets on certain fixed days of the month, as specified in its Bye Laws, a copy
of which was also given to you. You will be receiving notice of such meetings, by what are
known as 'Summons'. You are expected to attend such meetings without fail, unless due to
unavoidable circumstances of your public or private avocations, you are unable to do so, in
which case you should communicate your apologies, through any brother, about your
inability to attend the meeting. You are to observe proper decorum during the meetings
and come appropriately dressed as per prescribed dress code and attend the Lodge in
appropriate regalia. You are not to discuss religion or politics in your Lodge at any time.
The Festive Board after the meeting is also so to say an extension of the meeting within the
Lodge Temple and requires observance of proper etiquette and decorum, as also modest
behaviour. If you are called upon to make a speech at the Festive Board, make it brief and
interesting and to the point. In case of doubts and difficulties feel free to consult senior
brethren of your Lodge. The meetings of the Lodge are conducted as per agenda as
indicated in the summons. Policy aspects of the Lodge are discussed in a Permanent
Committee of the Lodge, whose decisions as minuted, have to be approved in the Lodge,
before they can be given effect to. At all regular meetings of a Lodge, a collection is made
for Charity, where members make their contribution, according to their personal choice,
the total of which is counted, announced and recorded in the minutes. It is also usual for
Brethren to announce suitable amounts as their contribution to Charity on special
occasions such as their own birth days, or the birth days of their near and dear ones. It is
our tradition that all such contributions are thankfully received and faithfully applied.
Many Lodges involve the Ladies and family members in their outside the Lodge activities
such as charity projects, etc. In many locations Ladies Association of the Members of the
Lodge have also been formed to coordinate such activities. You may also find out details
in this regard and involve your family in such activities.
Your progress in the Lodge
In due time, after you have become a Master Mason, you may, based on your seniority in
the Lodge and regular attendance and the interest you take in the working of the Lodge,
be appointed to various offices, in your Lodge, commencing from the Office of Inner
Guard, which is the starting point in the ladder leading to the highest Office in the Lodge
–the Worshipful Master. The other Offices in the ladder as you ascend are, the Junior
Deacon, the Senior Deacon, the Chaplain, the Junior Warden and the Senior Warden. The
Worshipful Master of the Lodge is elected once a year, from amongst current and Past
Wardens, if any and the Past Masters of and in the Lodge. The Treasurer and the Tyler of
the Lodge are also elected every year, while the Secretary’s appointment is the choice of
the Worshipful Master.
Bye Laws of your Lodge and the Book of Constitutions
for the
The Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge, a copy of which has been given to you,
lays down the Rules & Regulations by which The Grand Lodge, the Regional Grand
Lodge, the Daughter Lodges & the Members are governed. You have also been given a
copy of your Lodge Bye Laws, which have been approved by the Grand Lodge, and
prescribes the various fees payable by the members and the manner in which these are
allocated. According to these Bye Laws and the provisions contained in the Book of
Constitutions, any member who is in default of his membership fees for one year, is liable
to be automatically excluded, after giving due notice. Each Lodge, is required to submit
various half yearly and annual returns to the Regional Grand Lodge and the Grand
Lodge, along with certain fees, based on its membership, as prescribed in the Bye Laws of
the Region and the Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge. The accounts of the Lodge
are also duly audited and passed annually in the Lodge. The Lodge Books and records are
also subject to inspection by the representatives of the Regional Grand Lodge.
Master Mason's Certificate
After you have been made a Master Mason, you will be awarded a Certificate by the
Grand Lodge of India. This certificate is in the nature of a Passport, which will on its
production, enable you to attend any Master Masons Lodge, anywhere within the country,
the details regarding their location and dates of their meeting etc can be accessed from the
Grand Lodge website: www.masonindia.org. You can also attend Lodges in other
Countries, subject to the Grand Lodges of those countries and the Grand Lodge of India
being in recognition with each other. Before doing so, you have to get in touch with the
Grand Lodge of India, through your Regional Office, who will issue a certificate of
introduction in your favour. Your actual admission into such a Lodge would however
depend on your ability to prove yourself, through the signs, tokens and words of the
three degrees, which were explained to you and which are to be guarded as secret, except
when you are asked to prove yourself for admission to Lodges of which you are not a
Charitable Projects
The importance of Charity as the predominant characteristics of a Freemason’s heart has
already been amply illustrated to you. All Lodges in the Country are engaged in some
charitable project, or the other, at their local level each according to its capacity and
capability. Likewise, the Regions and the Grand Lodge are also involved in some major
chartable projects. You are encouraged to learn more about these charitable activities, both
at the Lodge level and the Regional level and take an active part in them.
for the
It is desirable at this stage, that you should first acquaint yourself with the Charitable
Projects and other activities of the Grand Lodge. From out of the monies received as direct
donation and from the Lodges along with the returns, a portion is allocated to what is
known as the Grand Lodge Fund of Benevolence, which is intended for contribution to
various charitable causes all over the country and for providing relief on occasions like
floods, cyclone, earthquake, Tsunami etc. The Grand Lodge also has a Building Fund, to
help Lodges in the construction and maintenance of their Masonic Temples. Funds are also
earmarked for scholarships and bursaries to deserving children, including children of
Armed Forces and Police personnel killed in action. Specific appeal for donations is also
called on occasions of national disaster, and the amount so collected is thankfully received
and faithfully applied. Regional Grand Lodges also have such benovelent funds for
providing relief within the Region.
It will be of interest for you to know that Grand Lodge of India received substantial
donations from Grand Lodges all over the World and from Lodges and Brethren within
the country, for providing relief to the victims of Tsunami which hit the country in
December 2004. Out of these funds, the Grand Lodge of India constructed a Tsunami
Relief Community Centre in Pallam Village in Kanyakumari district, at a cost of Rs.45
lakhs and donated it for use by the villagers. Financial assistance of about Rs.40 lakhs is
also being provided by the Grand Lodge towards construction of tenements for about 40
villagers at Pallam. An Orphanage is also being managed by the Grand Lodge of India at
Karaikal near Pondichery, for children between the ages of 5 to 12 who have been
orphaned by Tsunami, by providing them shelter, clothing, food, medical care and
education. This brochure carries a photograph of the Grand Lodge of India Tsunami
Relief Community Centre, Pallam Village, Kanyakumari, Pallam District, Tamil Nadu on
the inner back cover.
Grand Master's Rupee Club
Apart from the above, collection is also made from the brethren, all over the country, to a
fund called the Grand Master’s Rupee Club. This is based on the premise that if the
Grand Master came knocking at your door every day of the year and appealed for
contribution to Charity, you would not hesitate to give at least one Rupee each day! Thus
every brother is encouraged to contribute at least Rs.365 in a year as a lump sum and
become a member of the Rupee Club. You could also become a life Member of the Club by
paying a lump sum of Rs.4000. The fund so collected is utilized for various charitable
purposes, by way of immediate relief at the discretion of the Grand Master. A form for
becoming a Member of the Grand Master's Rupee Club is attached to this brochure. You
may use it to become an Annual or Life Member. You will be given an attractive badge
which you can wear at all Masonic Functions.
Square & Compasses –
Quarterly Magazine of the Grand Lodge
for the
The Grand Lodge brings out a Quarterly Magazine aptly called the ’Square and
Compasses’, which is the universal sign of Freemasonry. This gives news of various
Masonic events that take place from time to time within the country and elsewhere in the
world, as also interesting Masonic information, besides erudite articles on various aspects
of Freemasonry. The Annual Subscription for this magazine, as of date is Rs150 for 4 issues
and Life Time Subscription is Rs.1500. A form for enrolment is included in this brochure. In
order to improve your Masonic knowledge we strongly recommend you to become an
annual or life time subscriber.
Joint Meetings/Area Meetings/Half yearly/Annual Meetings of
Regions/Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge etc.
Apart from the meetings of the Lodges regularly on the stated days, often Joint and Area
Meetings are also arranged by Lodges on occasions. All the Regions also hold their Half
yearly and Annual Meetings, in different parts of their respective Regions. The Grand
Lodge of India also holds Annual meetings called Annual Communication by turns in the
four Regions. We strongly recommend that you should avail of these opportunities for
interaction with senior brethren, as also brethren from other Regions, since attending such
meetings will give you better exposure and insight into Freemasonry.
The Annual Meetings of the Region/Grand Lodge are in the nature of General Body
meetings of which the Agenda includes passing of the Annual Audited Accounts of the
Regions/Grand Lodge.
From time to time special meetings called 'Devine Service' and 'Memorial Service' to mourn
the passing away of a brothren are held sometimes in the presence of ladies & non
Apart from these, 24th June is observed as Universal Brotherhood Day, throughout the
world. Lodges & the Regions organize special events or charity projects and also hold
Seminars/Workshops/Masonic Quiz etc. to commemorate the day. We strongly urge you
to take active part in such events.
Masonic Ranks and Long Term Service Jewels
for the
All that remains for us now is to satisfy your curiosity about Masonic Ranks. Both the
Regional Grand Master and the Grand Master confer annually, Regional and Grand Ranks
on deserving Past Masters, who show merit and ability and render valuable service in the
cause of Freemasonry. While some of these are called Active Ranks involving specific
work at the Regional and Grand Lodge level, others are called Past Ranks and are
honorary and decorative in nature and are conferred by way of recognition of merit.
There is also a hierarchical structure in these Ranks. Grand Ranks are conferred on
brethren after they reach a certain Rank in the Region. Brethren with Grand Ranks above
a certain level, both Active and Past, are called Very Worshipful Brethren and those
above still higher Ranks, are called Right Worshipful Brethren. Only the Grand Master
and those who have held that office in the past, are entitled to be called Most Worshipful
Commemorative Jewels and Certificates are also formally awarded in an impressive
Ceremony by the Grand Master or the Regional Grand Masters to brethren on their
completion of 70/60/50/40/25 years, of Service to Freemasonry, often in the presence of
the family members of the brethren and non- Masons, if the Lodges of which they are
members so desire. We encourage you to attend such event when an occasion presents
itself not only to witness the grandeur of the event, but also to appreciate the respect and
regard we pay to age and experience.
M.W. the Grand Master also recognizes outstanding contributions to Freemasonry, by
award of Order of Service to Masonry (OSM) which is the highest honour that a deserving
brother can receive.
Higher degrees in Freemasonry
By way of last general information we would like to bring to your notice that apart from
Craft Freemasonry, of which you have now become a member there are also other higher
degrees in Freemasonry called the Royal Arch Chapter, The Mark Master and the Royal
Ark Mariners which you can join, after you have become a Master Mason and have gained
some experience and knowledge of Craft Masonry. The senior brethren of your Lodge,
who are members of these higher degrees can guide you in this regard. You will, we are
sure benefit further and gain more insight and useful knowledge, if you become a member
of these degrees in due course.
Best wishes for a long fruitful Masonic Career
You are now a Freemason & a "Brothren" to all Freemasons in the world. Although there
are other members who are more experienced and of higher rank, you are their equal as a
man and their 'brother'. You enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other Freemasons,
except for the forms of recognition asociated with the higher degrees, which we have no
doubt will come to you in due time. You are now a valued member of your Lodge and we
would like you to make a real effort to get to know other members & join in various
activities of your Lodge and enjoy your Freemasonry in full.
for the
In the end we pray to the Great Architect of the Universe that the foundation laid today
will enable you to enjoy a long fruitful and satisfying Masonic career. We once again
congratulate you on your being admitted to our Masonic Fraternity and look forward to
your active association and involvement in the various activities of your Lodge as well as
that of your Region and the Grand Lodge. n
We would very much welcome your feedback on the contents of this Brochure as well as your
first impression on becoming a Freemason. Please therefore feel free to share your views with
us by writing to the Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of India, or by sending an e-mail to:
[email protected]
Application for Subscription to Square and Compasses
I am happy to renew my subscription/become new Subscribing Member of
“The Square and Compasses” commencing from
Annual Subscription
Life Time Subscription
Rs. 150/Rs. 1500/-
Cheque/Demand Draft may be made payable to “GRAND LODGE OF INDIA”
(For outstation Cheque please add Rs. 50/- as Bank Commission).
Lodge No
Application for Membership
I am happy to renew my annual membership/become new Subscribing Annual Member of
“GRAND MASTER'S RUPEE CLUB” for the Calendar Year………………………
Cheque/Demand Draft for Annual Subscription for Rs. 365/- (Rs. 366/- for leap year)
Or Cheque/Demand Draft for Life Subscription for Rs. 4000/In favour of “GRAND MASTER'S RUPEE CLUB” is attached.
Note: For outstation Cheque, please add Rs. 50/- as Bank Commission.
Lodge No
(Grand Master's Rupee Club is eligible for
Income Tax exemption under Section 80G of
Income Tax Act)
Grand Lodge of India, Tsunami Relief Community Centre
Pallam Village, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu
Grand Lodge of India
Freemasons' Hall, Janpath, New Delhi-110001
GALAXY • 9810573082
Tel.: 23321956, 23321949 • Telefax: 23320276
e-mail: [email protected]