Curriculum vitae


Curriculum vitae
Kristine Skarbø
Curriculum Vitae July 2015 Personal History
Position: Citizenship: Date of birth: Address: Postdoctoral Fellow, Norwegian University of Life Sciences Norwegian 19.09.1979 Department of International Environment and Development Studies/Noragric Norwegian University of Life Sciences P.O. Box 5003, NO-­‐1432 Ås, Norway kristineskarbo (at) +47 6723 1315, + 47 9078 1881 E-­‐mail: Tel: Key Qualifications
Topics: Links between climatic, agricultural and societal change; agricultural biodiversity; seed systems; food & farming systems; natural resource management; rural development 2005-­‐2012 PhD Anthropology, University of Georgia (UGA), Athens, GA, USA With Graduate Certificate in Latin American and Caribbean Studies Advisory committee: Virginia D. Nazarea, Robert E. Rhoades, Bram Tucker, J. Peter Brosius, Don R. Nelson 2002-­‐2005 MSc Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) Including course work at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda Advisor: Cary Fowler Fields: Geography: Environmental and Ecological Anthropology, Ethnoecology, Anthropology of Food, Agricultural Anthropology, Economic Anthropology, Political Ecology Has lived/studied/worked in Europe (Norway, Spain, Italy), Africa (Uganda), Asia (Japan), and the Americas (USA, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia) Education
2004 1999-­‐2002 1996-­‐1997 1995-­‐1999 Spanish Language Studies, University of Oslo BSc Ecology and Natural Resource Management, NMBU Including course work at Telemark University College Exchange Student, Keio Girls’ High School, Tokyo, Japan General Subjects, Stranda High School, Stranda, Norway Employment
2005-­‐2010 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, UGA 2014-­‐present 2012-­‐2014 2007 2001 1994-­‐present Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of International Development and Environmental Studies, NMBU Researcher, Western Norway Research Institute Program Assistant, Global Crop Diversity Trust, Rome, Italy Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry and Biology, NMBU Part time/Summer positions in social work, tourism and agriculture CV Skarbø 1 Grants, Awards And Fellowships
2015-­‐2016 Equality Grant, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (with Lutgart Lenaerts) 2011 Supplemental Grant to Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, US National Science Foundation 2008 Student Travel Award, UGA Graduate School 2005-­‐2008 Teaching Assistantship, Dept. of Anthropology, UGA 2015 International Travel Grant, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 2014-­‐2015 Equality Grant, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (with Lutgart Lenaerts) 2014-­‐2016 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 2013 Project Grant, Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre 2011 Project Grant, Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen (with K. VanderMolen and Unión de Organizaciones Campesinas e Indígenas de Cotacachi – UNORCAC) 2011 Small Grant for Collaborative Problem Solving, Anthropology & Environment Section of the American Anthropological Association (with K. VanderMolen and UNORCAC) 2010 Teaching Assistantship, Dept. of Anthropology, UGA 2010 Andrew E. and G. Norman Wigeland Fellowship, American-­‐Scandinavian Foundation 2009-­‐2010 Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, US National Science Foundation 2007 Janis Faith Steingruber Student Travel Award 2007 Student Travel Award, UGA Graduate School 2006 Fellowship, Field Methods Training Course in Cultural Anthopology, Bolivia, US National Science Foundation 2006 Ethnographic Research Training Grant, UGA, US National Science Foundation Project Experience
2012-­‐2013 Pilot Project for Development of a Methodology to Assess Cumulative Effects of Technical Environmental Incursions/Forprosjekt for utvikling av en metodikk for vurdering av sumeffekter av tekniske inngrep i utmark. Investigator. Funding: FRIFO Friluftslivets fellesorganisasjon, Finsefondet. 2013-­‐2014 Innovation in Rural Places – Conditions and Barriers. Investigator. Funding: Norwegian Research Council, Sogn og Fjordane County Council. 2012 Western Norway Agriculture and the Double Climate Impact: Possibilities and Challenges Following Climate Change and Stricter Climate Policy/Vestlandsjordbruket og den doble klimapåverknaden: Moglegheiter og utfordringar som fylgje av endra klima og strengare klimapolitikk. Principal Investigator. Funding: Western Norway Regional Research Fund. 2014-­‐2016 Seed Systems and Climate Change: Loss and Resilience in the Andes. Postdoctoral research project, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 2013 Fruits of Yore: Pilot Project for Documentation of Traditional Knowledge about Old Apple Varieties/Fordums frukter: Pilotprosjekt for dokumentasjon av tradisjonell kunnskap om eldre eplesortar. Project Leader. Funding: Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre. 2011 Of Hurricanes and Hot Peppers: Bringing Local Legends back to Cotacachi’s Children. Co-­‐
Project Leader. Funding: Anthropology & Environment Society, American Anthropological Association, Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen. 2009-­‐2012 2006 2006 Reindigenization and In Situ Conservation of Crop Diversity in the Andes. PhD research project. Funding: US National Science Foundation, American-­‐Scandinavian Foundation. Tsimane Amazonian Panel Study. Student Participant. Funding: US NSF. Local Interpretations of Key Concepts in the Regulation of Plant Genetic Resources in Pisaq, CV Skarbø 2 Peru. Principal Investigator. Funding: UGA, US National Science Foundation. 2003-­‐2004 Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program (SANREM CRSP) Andes. Investigator. Funding: USAID, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
2015 Skarbø, Kristine and Kristin VanderMolen. Maize migration: Key crop expands to higher altitudes under climate change in the Andes. Climate and Development. DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2015.1034234 2015 Skarbø, Kristine. From lost crop to lucrative commodity: Conservation implications of the quinoa renaissance. Human Organization 74 (1): 86-­‐99. 2014 2014 2014 2009 Skarbø, Kristine. The cooked is the kept: Factors shaping the maintenance of agro-­‐
biodiversity in the Andes. Human Ecology 42 (5): 711-­‐726. Skarbø, Kristine and Kristin VanderMolen. Irrigation access and vulnerability to climate-­‐
induced hydrological change in the Ecuadorian Andes. Culture, Agriculture, Food & Environment 36(1): 28-­‐44. Skarbø, Kristine, Ragnar Brevik and Carlo Aall. Sumverknader av tekniske inngrep i naturmiljøet: Kunnskapsstatus og forskningsbehov. Utmark 1-­‐2 2014. Veteto, James R. and Kristine Skarbø. Sowing the Seeds: Anthropological Contributions to Agrobiodiversity Studies. Culture & Agriculture 31(2): 73-­‐87. Book Chapters and Proceedings
2013 Aall, Carlo and Kristine Skarbø. When is change change? What can we learn regarding societal transformation in the face of climate change from the previous work of local authorities on promoting sustainable development? Pp. 53-­‐61. In: Proceedings of Transformation in a Changing Climate, 19-­‐21 June 2013, Oslo, Norway, University of Oslo. 2012 Skarbø, Kristine, Kristin VanderMolen, Rosa Ramos and Robert E. Rhoades. ‘The one who has changed is the person’: Observations and explanations of climate change in the Ecuadorian Andes. Pp. 119-­‐128. In: Brokensha, David, A. Peter Castro and Dan Taylor, (Eds.) Climate Change and Threatened Communities: Vulnerability, Capacity and Action. Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, U.K. 2006 Skarbø, Kristine. Living, Dwindling, Losing, Finding: Status and Changes in Agrobiodiversity of Cotacachi. Pp. 123-­‐139. In: Rhoades, Robert E. (Ed.) Development with Identity: Community, Culture, and Sustainability in the Andes. CAB International, Balfour, U.K. 2015 2013 2013 Skogseid, Ingjerd, Jon Gunnar Nesse, Øyvind Heimset Larsen, Kristine Skarbø, Frida Ekström and Kristin Løseth. Tango for tre: Korleis kan innovative nettverk vekse fram i rurale strøk? (Tango for three: How can innovative networks develop in rural areas?) Pp. 197-­‐239. In: Strand, Øyvind, Erik Nesset and Harald Yndestad (Red.) Fragmentering eller mobilisering? Regional utvikling i nordvest. Fjordantologien 2014. Forlag 1, Oslo. Skarbø, Kristine. Situated meanings of key concepts in the regulation of plant genetic resources. Pp. 214-­‐239. In: Nazarea, Virginia D., Robert E. Rhoades and Jenna Andrews-­‐
Swann (Eds.) Seeds of Resistance/Seeds of Hope: Place and Agency in the Conservation of Biodiversity. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. Skarbø, Kristine, Kristin VanderMolen and Rosa Ramos. Climate Change in Andean Cosmovision: An Indigenous Perspective on the Transformative Power of Worldview. Pp. 218-­‐226. In: Proceedings of Transformation in a Changing Climate, 19-­‐21 June 2013, Oslo, Norway, University of Oslo. CV Skarbø 3 Scientific Reports
2012 Skarbø, Kristine og Heidi Vinge. Vestlandsjordbruket og den doble klimapåverknaden: Perspektiv frå næringa på direkte og indirekte effektar av klimaendringane. (Western Norway Agriculture and the Double Climate Exposure: Perspectives from the Sector on Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate Change). WNRI Report 17/2012. Western Norway Research Institute, Sogndal, Norway. 53 pp. 2014 2014 2014 2013 Nesse, Jon Gunnar, Ingjerd Skogseid, Kristine Skarbø og Øyvind Heimset Larsen (eds.). Innovasjon i Sogn og Fjordane – Vilkår og barrierar (Innovation in Sogn og Fjordane County – Conditions and Barriers). WNRI Report 3/2014. Western Norway Research Institute, Sogndal, Norway. 205 pp. Kristine Skarbø, Ingjerd Skogseid, Jon Gunnar Nesse. 2014. Funksjonell analyse av frukt-­‐ og bærnettverket i Sogn og Fjordane (Functional analysis of the fruit and berry network in Sogn og Fjordane County). WNRI Brief Report 1/2014. Western Norway Research Institute, Sogndal, Norway. 41 pp. Skarbø, Kristine. Fordums frukter: Erfaringar frå dokumentasjon om tradisjonell kunnskap om eldre eplesortar (Fruits of Yore: Experiences from Documentation of Traditional Knowledge about Old Apple Varieties). WNRI Report 1/2014. Western Norway Research Institute, Sogndal, Norway. 38 pp. Brevik, Ragnar, Kristine Skarbø, Eli Heiberg and Carlo Aall. Sumvirkninger av tekniske inngrep i utmark – Kunnskapsstatus (Cumulative Effects of Technical Environmental Incursions – State of Knowledge). WNRI Report 7/2013. Western Norway Research Institute, Sogndal, Norway. 36 pp. Theses
2012 Skarbø, Kristine. Reconfiguration of Andean Fields: Culture, Climate and Agrobiodiversity. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. 487 pp. 2005 Skarbø, Kristine. Roots Returning? Andean Agrobiodiversity: Change and Continuity in the Case of Cotacachi. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway. 145 pp. Popular Publication
2011 VanderMolen, Kristin, Kristine Skarbø and Rosa Ramos (Eds.) La Creación de Nuestra Madre Naturaleza/Ñukanchik Pachamama Imashina Wiñarishkamanta (The Creation of Our Mother Earth). Imprenta Dikapsa, Otavalo, Ecuador. 53 pp. [Spanish-­‐Kichwa bilingual book incorporated into school curriculum in Cotacachi, Ecuador] Conference Presentations
2015 2014 2013 Skarbø, Kristine. Genetic erosion of quinoa – An Andean case. Paper presented at the Nordic Latin American Research Network (NOLAN) Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 12 June 2015. Skogseid, Ingjerd, Kristine Skarbø, Jon Gunnar Nesse, Øyvind Heimset Larsen, Frida Ekström and Kristin Løseth. Korleis kan innovative nettverk vekse fram i rurale strøk? (How can Innovative Networks Develop in Rural Areas?) Paper presented at the regional research conference Fjordkonferansen, Loen, Norway, 20 June 2014. Nesse, Jon Gunnar, Kristine Skarbø og Ingjerd Skogseid. Funksjonell analyse av innovative nettverk i Sogn og Fjordane (Functional Analysis of Innovative Networks in Sogn og Fjordane County). Paper presented at the national conference NEON (Norwegian Network for Organizational Research), Bergen, Norway, 28 Nov 2013. CV Skarbø 4 2013 Skarbø, Kristine. Satsing og suksess med frukt og bær i Sogn og Fjordane (Success with Fruits and Berries in Sogn og Fjordane County). Paper presented at the national conference Bygdeforskingsdagane (Rural Research Days), Trondheim, Norway, 5 Nov 2013. 2013 Skarbø, Kristine. Coping with Climate Change: Impacts and Adjustments in an Andean Agrarian Community. Paper presented in the plenary session “Climate Change and Ethnobiology” at the 36th Annual Meetings of the Society for Ethnobiology, Denton, TX, 16 May 2013. 2013 Skarbø, Kristine. The Role of Crop Diversity in Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study from the Ecuadorian Andes. Paper presented at the 1st European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 19 March 2013. 2012 Skarbø, Kristine. Maize Migrations: Climate Change and Agricultural Biodiversity in the Ecuadorian Andes. Paper presented at the 13th International Society for Ethnobiology Congress, Montpellier, France, 22 May 2012. 2007 Skarbø, Kristine. Bewildering Biodiversity: Three Views into the Regulation of Plant Genetic Resources in Peru. Paper presented at the Georgia Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Conference, Athens, Georgia, March 24 2007. 2004 Skarbø, Kristine. Cultivos en Cambio: Semillas de Antes, de Hoy y del Futuro. Paper presented at the SANREM Regional Research Synthesis Conference, Cotacachi, Ecuador, 20 Jan 2004. 2013 2013 2011 2010 2010 2008 2007 2007 2007 Skarbø, Kristine, Kristin VanderMolen and Rosa Ramos. Climate Change in Andean Cosmovision: An Indigenous Perspective on the Transformative Power of Worldview. Paper presented at the international conference Transformation in a Changing Climate, Oslo, Norway, 20 June 2013. Skarbø, Kristine. ‘But our Quinoa was Different’: Loss and Gain in a Crop Rescue Operation in Cotacachi, Ecuador”. Paper presented at the Agricultural History Society 2013 Annual Meeting, Banff, AL, Canada, 14 June 2013. Skarbø, Kristine. From Lost Crop to Lucrative Commodity: The Quinoa Renaissance. Paper presented at the 110th Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, Canada, 18 Nov 2011. Skarbø, Kristine and Kristin VanderMolen. Melted Mountain: Climate Change in Cotacachi, Ecuador. Paper presented at the 109th Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, 20 Nov 2010. Skarbø, Kristine. ‘Mother Earth Nourishes us’: the Development of an Alternative Farmers’ Market in Cotacachi, Ecuador. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Meetings of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Maynooth, Ireland, 25 Aug 2010. Skarbø, Kristine. Images and Imagination: Photographic Data Collection in Peru and the Philippines. Paper presented at the 107th Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, California, 22 Nov 2008. Skarbø, Kristine. Rights and Benefits in a Multi-­‐storied Landscape: Negotiating Biodiversity in Cuzco, Peru. Paper presented at the 106th Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, 1 Dec 2007. Skarbø, Kristine. Roots Returning? Change and Continuity in Andean Agrobiodiversity. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, Utah, 21 June 2007. Skarbø, Kristine. Situated Meanings of Key Concepts in the Regulation of Plant Genetic Resources. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa, Florida, 28 March 2007. Seminar and Session Organization
2015 Co-­‐organizer (with Lutgart Lenaerts) of the campus seminar “Career Development for CV Skarbø 5 Women Postdoctoral Fellows”, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 29 April 2015. 2014 Co-­‐organizer and chair (with Hans Jakob Walnum, Carlo Aall, Erik Kyrkjebø) of the campus seminar “Seminar om tverrfaglegheit”/“Seminar on Interdisciplinarity”, Western Norway Research Institute and Sogn og Fjordane University College, Sogndal, 6 March 2014. 2013 Co-­‐organizer and chair (with Ragnar Brevik, Carlo Aall, Hans E. Lerkelund) of the workshop “Arbeidsseminar -­‐ Sumvirkninger av tekniske inngrep i utmark”/ “Workshop on Cumulative Effects of Technical Environmental Incursions”, Western Norway Research Institute and FRIFO, Oslo, 13 March 2013. 2015 2013 2008 2007 Co-­‐organizer and chair (with Lutgart Lenaerts) of the departmental seminar “Gender Challenges in Academia”, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, 28 April 2015. Co-­‐organizer (with Virginia D. Nazarea) of the session “Crops, Cultures and the Curious Concept of Loss". Agricultural History Society Annual Meetings: Crops and Cultures – Cultivating Commodities and Communities, Banff, AL, Canada, 13-­‐15 June 2013. Co-­‐organizer (with Virginia D. Nazarea) of the session “‘Gathering Data’: Recuperation, Repatriation, and Reincarnation at the Margins” at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, 22 Nov 2008. Co-­‐organizer (with Virginia D. Nazarea and Lisa Chaudhari) of the session “Living Different Landscapes: Intersections and Inequalities in Biodiversity, Local Knowledge and Health” at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, 1 Dec 2007. Invited Guest and Popular Lectures
2013 Skarbø, Kristine. Frukt og grønt-­‐nettverket i Sogn og Fjordane/The Fruit and Vegetable Network in Sogn og Fjordane County. Seminar om innovasjon og innovasjonssystem i Sogn og Fjordane/Seminar on Innovation and Innovation Systems in Sogn og Fjordane County, Western Norway Research Institute/Sogn og Fjordane University College/Sogn og Fjordane County Council, Skei, Norway, 16 October 2013. 2013 Skarbø, Kristine. Kva er sumverknader og korleis kan dei analyserast?/What Are Cumulative Effects and How Can They Be Analyzed? Workshop on Cumulative Effects of Technical Environmental Incursions, Oslo, 13 March 2013. 2013 Små frø og store gryter: Glimt frå feltarbeid mellom fjellfolk i Ecuador/Small Seed and Large Pots: Snapshot from Fieldwork Among Mountain People in Ecuador. Lunch Seminar, Western Norway Research Institute, 4 March 2013. 2012 VanderMolen, Kristin and Kristine Skarbø. Of Hurricanes and Hot Peppers: Preserving Local Legends in Cotacachi, Ecuador. UGA Anthropology Society, University of Georgia, Athens, Feb 16 2012. 2014 2010 Skarbø, Kristine. Culture, Climate and Crop Diversity in the Andes: From Reconfiguration to Resilience. Noragric Brown Bag Seminar, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 13 November 2014. Skarbø, Kristine. The Green Revolution. UGA Department of Anthropology, Economic Anthropology course, Nov 9 2010. 2010 2008 2008 Skarbø, Kristine. Rights and Benefits in a Multi-­‐storied Landscape: Negotiating Biodiversity in Cuzco, Peru. UGA Department of Anthropology, Landscapes and Memories seminar, Jan 19 2010. Skarbø, Kristine. Andean Foods: Growing Roots and Winding Shoots. UGA Department of Anthropology, Anthropology of Roots and Rooting seminar, 2 Sept 2008. Skarbø, Kristine. Frozen Future: Global Seed Saving in the Norwegian Arctic. UGA Department of Anthropology, Political and Legal Dimensions of Biodiversity seminar, 6 March 2008. CV Skarbø 6 Newspaper articles and Media
2015 Interviewed in (national research news web site) 29 January 2015. Norske bønder kan lære klimatilpasning av bønder i Ecuador (Norwegian farmers can learn climate adaptation from farmers in Ecuador).­‐landbrukspolitikk-­‐
klima-­‐biologisk-­‐mangfold/2015/04/klimaendringene-­‐kan-­‐gi-­‐mer-­‐mais-­‐i 2013 Interviewed in Sogn Avis (regional newspaper) 21 January 2013. Regn uroar bøndene (Rain worries the farmers). 2009-­‐2010 Organizer and Instructor, English as a second language afternoon course for children aged 7-­‐16, Community of Turuco, Cotacachi, Ecuador (6 months) 2009 Instructor, English as a second language afternoon course for Ecuadorian immigrant children aged 7-­‐12, Asociación Rumiñahui, Valencia, Spain (2 months) 2002-­‐2004 Class Representative and Member of Student Parliament, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 2013 2013 2013 2013 Research featured in Firda (regional newspaper) 21 January 2013: Fryktar våte somrar (Fear wet summers). Research featured on web site of Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food 14 January 2013. Klimaendringane påverkar landbruket (Climate changes are influencing agriculture). Research featured in Nationen (national newspaper) web site. 11 January 2013. Klimaendringane påverkar landbruket (Climate changes influence agriculture).­‐paverkar-­‐landbruket/ Interviewed on NRK Sogn og Fjordane radio 08.01.2013. Other Workshop/Training Participation
2012 2006 ‘Brick by Brick’: Laying the Foundations for the Future of Biocultural Diversity Research, Workshop for emerging ethnobiologists, Montpellier, France, 17-­‐20 May 2012, International Society for Ethnobiology Summer Field Methods Research Training, 7-­‐week field course in structured household survey and anthropometric data collection and quantitative analysis, Beni, Bolivia, June-­‐
July 2006, National Science Foundation Teaching Experience
2005-­‐2010 2001 Teaching Assistant, University of Georgia, Dept. of Anthropology, for the following courses: Economic Anthropology, Indians of North America, Mexican Civilization: Cultural Identity of Mexican People, Introduction to Anthropology, Anthropology of Development, Anthropology of Consumption and Globalization Laboratory Teaching Assistant, General Chemistry, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry and Biology Elected and Appointed Positions
2013-­‐2014 2005-­‐2006 2002-­‐2004 2001-­‐2002 2000-­‐2001 1999-­‐2000 President, Tastaturlaget, Western Norway Research Institute’s Sport Association Manuscript Editor, Ecological and Environmental Anthropology, online journal housed at the University of Georgia’s Department of Anthropology. Student Representative in Departmental Board, Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences President, Oikos [Association for organic agriculture], Ås chapter Board member, Oikos, Ås chapter Board member, Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH), CV Skarbø 7 Bø i Telemark chapter 1998-­‐1999 Board member, Russestyret/Last Cohort’s Board, Stranda High School 1998-­‐1999 1994-­‐1995 1993-­‐1994 President, Russerevy/Annual Student Revue, Stranda High School President, Stranda Ungdomslag Board member, Stranda Ungdomslag Languages
Language Understand Speak Read Write English Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Kichwa Basic Basic Basic Basic Norwegian Spanish German Japanese Native Excellent Very good Good Native Excellent Good Good Native Excellent Very good Intermediate CV Skarbø 8 Native Very good Good Hiragana, katakana, 200 kanji