. BUI W()U Idraiseo tuitionfotextrau nits


. BUI W()U Idraiseo tuitionfotextrau nits
San Dlego~tate University", .
\ I
Tuesday, March 30, 1976
Volume 55 Number 92
.BUI W()U Idraise tuitionfotextrau nits
. . . .
by Jim Lawson,
that could go to someone who
A bill aimed at reducing the is serious abOut earning a
number" __of_ ,;, ,so-called degree..
professional students in the
"The bill would establish a
CaliforniaStateUniversityand' unit budget system. Each
. Colleges (CSUC) system has student upon entering college
been introduced in the would receive a unit budget
consisting of. the number' of
legishiture. ,
Authored by Assemblyman units J.:equiredto graduate for
Bob Wilson, D-LaMesa,' the . his or her particular degree,
bill" AB3304, woUld, require plus 12. Thestl!dent.could take,
" students to 'pay tuition for allnd 'moreunits without paying a
courses tbey .enr()ll in after. fee.
they exceed the number of- ,"One change of major would
units needed for-graduation, by be allowed without penaltY,
arid there are also provisions
"The bill' is aimed. at for independent study, dual
students who stay in college majors~- and' other special
year after year at taxpayers' arrangements which could bE:
expense with no intention of undertaken With the approval
graduating," said KayBaf-' of the department cJiairmen
.fone, administrative. assistant and the deans involved. .It
-to Wilson. '.'These students would not apply to postdraw ··oli < th~
limited graduate courses, or. to people
educational resources of the. such as teachers and nurses
university, and· take· up seats who. must take· continuing
education classes' to remain study in, January 1974. "I deterioration in thequafity of
proficient hi their freld.'~ .
aS5umethis meant formal education here in the last fiVe
The bill is currently in 'the ,buri~l, since I never heard years," he said. "We've had·
Educa~ion Committee,- and anYthing more about: it," he' whole departments at this
may be heard, 'by the full . said. '
' . university built on garbage,
legislature during the first
"Some of the reasons for my, and the people involved know
week in April, s~idMrs. pJ.:oposal have changed' sinc~ 'what . I,'in talking about.·
'myoriginal attempt, but mQS~ Students are taking the easy
,The content' of ,the-bill is- of them are still ,with us. We" way out, just to getth~ir piece
similar to a pro~~l mad~ ~o still have incompetent; teri~ed of-ipaper that says. they'v~
the CSUC Board of Trustees 10 . professors on ,campus" and graduated. This bill would be a
197;J by,. Clay M., Sharts, junior colleges who are ,not . significant step towards
professor of chemistry;
providing the. quality of 'changing this situation/'
. "In 1970 I became concerned . education necessary . to . Dr. Sharts said he does not
ov'ertheqseoftheuniversity!s prepare stUdents for upper believe ,the bill infringes on
resources,. and the problems division work.
'academic freedom, and would
freshmen have in not ~ing
"This bill. would force 'the not hurt'minorities. '
able to register for the classes junior coll~ges, students,"It Will hurt'the guy who has .
they need," said Dr: Sharts. counselors,· faculty and ad- two affluent pa!'ents that can
"The philosophy of my unit ministration to all clean up' afford..to keep him in school
budget proposal was. to give their act," "
indefinitely," he said.','.! look
each student the resources for
Dr. Sharts, said the unit at this bill as an insurance
his or her (,!ollege educatioq budget -would include all units polky· against" tuition·' in
-and the responsibility to use transfer~d in from other in- general."
these resources wisely. <
stitutions .. A student would be
Trevor Colbourn, vice.
"The student would deter- required to declare' a .·major president for academic affairs,
mine, the academic breadth . before starting his junior year, said he is opposed to the Wilson
and vigor of,-' his. or .her. an~" adequate "funds would. be hill.
,education' by the wisdom of ~ade< available to provide, "It's my opinion that'·we!re·
- ,expenditures from the unit students 'with counseling and tallting about a non-issue,"
advising in an attempt to said
was - assure'a wise expen~itureof "Professionalstudents are.nOt
referred by the trils, tees :to, the the' unit budget, he said: .
." a significant. problem- on this
Chancellor's Office for:further .
"Ther(c!'s··. i?een
. . : PIe.. etumtopal.5~
·o·rne·,t e'd' -Ito' r·,··.
Da I H
,,- t t d -, pan
re .. n S a e I ' .
. ' be,,g"',i n.s'·
reorganizi~o~u1dex.,tCOn1'OlOf';'eKissinger comment on,Cuba~ . .
~ Da~~~!~er~:~ho~'paper
reso~ved;-~-C'-a' II~e---a'-ls-I'lly~ ~y---'~F r~a nk~C:~hu rch~---'~tud.ents'
'" '
'needed to'be
'-1Datty Hornet at CaJi(ornia
The Associated.
State Unive~si~y, SacrameI.1to, Incorporated sUbSI
by Breta., RosS, , ' .
"We musn't let domestic do with President ~ord's _
,has been reinstated as editor newspaper $2<t,OOO, " Y "
,. .
,. 'l·t·' ,,-- , .. -" ·th· ur concern over ,Ronald 'Reagan--,
. t d St d nts Lastyeal' the paper' lost
Democratic '. presidential po I ICS run away WI
,by . ssocla e .
~ ef
th ASI 'had to hope(ul Senator Frank Church - foreign policy and that's The biggest issue, between
. e
h' h
"w with all Ford 'and Reagan seems to be
president John Glann~m, a ter $~I,OOO. w
Giannoni fired - him" last plckup,Arc.hibald S81~.
,(O-Idaho), said S~re~ary,
w . at s appen~~ no.
' ,,' who has the most machismo
,Giannoni said, ,he had State Henry KlsslDg~r s this saber. rat 109 go1Og. on,
' n 't conies to standi 'u' to
, Miner saiq he' receive~ a received a letter from some of refusaJ .to ~le out a· Umt~ , ~hurc~ said .last S~~y 10 an ~~eR~sians."
ng P.,
letter. last Tuesday from th~members of the board. of States 1Ovaslon' of, . Cuba if IOterVle~~tht ~~~~ ,Penner
There is little reason for,
GianD9niwhich said that his directors of the corporat~on ~ban'tr~ps ~ngage I~ further of ,~B.,.. .. a
.' .
on ern 'over' the Russian~
'ser.viceswereno:longer needed (the' Student Senate)?Jasking mtervention·m Africa, was
dThetpothliAcfy.reallYdhaS clihttlteo, ccu bCan' presence in' AngoI8,
. . 'and'that the busmess
. '
, '
" f tly silly"
to 0 w - rlca-an " m u<' 'Church- said.
as editor
PI ••s. turn to pa~8_2 •• ,per ec
, ,'
manager forthepa~~. ,-"ould
"Give <the Russians enough
• rope and they'll ~" ~7.
be giv~ the respons~b..btles pf
~e editor. ,I~ addition, the
selves," he said; "Mnea h~ a
camp~s, media board ,\Vas
hisiOry of overthrowing fQreign. .
, influence. It is, not eaSy to
, disbanded.
Gary Archibald, counsel for .
establish' a satellite 'in -Mrica. •
the AS EX;ecutive offices at "
The Russians tried in Algeria,
Sacramento, said there ~a~ a ' t h e y tried in Egypt~ and they
'failed;" ' .
plan. to' reorganize the entIre
operation' of the Hornet. He
Church said he was agamst
said problems in the p~st over
an . "indiscriminat~
, -----"-, --'-'. - ~--- ~',---~
terventionist policy" ,such as
the 'United States' policy in
' , " '-:'
, Angola.
"We' have no stakes suf·,
Weather today will be fair,
, ficient "enough to justify oUr
continuing 'through Wednesday'
involvetnent in .l\ngola,"" he
with sunny and warmer days.
said. "If there isa' vital in-'
Northeasterly winds will ,be".'
terest affecting our security,
locally strong in valleys and
then we should stand fast. But'
passes. ,Temperatures will
the third' world will be. iil
range iilth'e high 70s and low
upheaval from now until the
80s with
relatively low
end of thecent~y.1f we ~,to
humidity, according' to the
maintain the status quo,<we'n
be involved in warfare {'lIthe
Weather Station.. .
, . ",
A surface and upper level
President Ford's policy of
ridge- ..is, building over, ,t~e
, ,selling weapons to both Israel
w'estern United States an.d this
• and Egypt is also "pure follY,"
atmospheriC c;!irculation will
Church said.
.' ,
provi.de a mild Santa Ana
, "I support the, ,policy of '
giving Israel enough, armsiito.:,o
. California duririg the next two
. days.'····'··· ~' . ' . •
protect itself,", he said. .'~Ouri·
' .Arab friends are important,
The Daily Aztec wIll feature
Robort A,
. too, but we should corifine our
a weather' report for the
aid to them to economic '
remainder 'of the semester,
with forecasts by Dr', Donald Surroun~ed by Secret serYIccehagehnts'hs~n. a~ao~ the ~~~ate Select Committee on Intelligence which recently assistance and do everything
show Sunday. urc, c alrm
Pi.... tum to.pap3.
Eidemiller, pt~fessor o~ aftertapmga
completed investigations of the 'CIA. and FBI, is a U.S. preSidentl~1 candidate.
- ,g~Qgi'~p~y~'~ ,-'_ .. ,
2 -
TUESDAY, MARCH 30; 1976 -
Daily Aztec
Daily Hornet editor reinstafed~'
t n.'.'.
reorga n Izal.o
' ,.
A Mind and Body Awareness Workshop will be conducted
from 2 to 3 p.m. today iriPeterson Gym, room 242.
Co'ntlnuedlrompage 1.
ap{>eared, Gelssm~er said, but government
, The workshop's objective is to illustrate the relationship be- that he rectify the situation now the famrworkers group newspaper in the pas~.
-1w.een...tl"unind_aJJ~Ube bQ.dy. said Gretc,hen Burghart. Healt~tUhe Hornet. One of the, has .exhausted·' their funds,
~ast Thursday rught, an
, Services Advisory Board member.
". "
major points that needed to be mak~ng th~rrcession-a-arhcre-was-set-t~-rull-Oll-the- , Class size is limited t? 15.persons. Students may sign up at ',decided was who ~ould set hol1ow~ne.
fro~t ~age. of ,Ffld!1~'s ~?per
the Student Heal,th Services pharmacy.
rates for advertisements,
Archibald said It IS not ~hlch m Miller s ?plruon, was
Miller's ,place_ ~f!lake_slmply an outl~e ..of wh~t
overnmen careers- 0- ,e Iscusse,
A situation inv.olving prm- decisions on ffie fiscal happ~ned-to-me. -Mdler-sald-'M. Howard Wayne, deputy attorney general for the state of tiug of'the same Carlo Rossi operations of the paper. He the piece was lab~ed analysis,
Califo~nia, will speak on careers in government at 5 p.m. today advertisement. that caused said MiUermade the Farm- anq had a byhn~ .I>y--Rick
in LE503. .
. '.
' .
'problems on this campus was workers' Support Group pay H~lloway, assoclate, ,news
Th,e talk is one of a series by the Pre-Law Society set' up to ariother issue involving the only $20 for an advertisemenf edit?r.
acquaint students with the legal community.
firing of l'){iller, said Steve whic~ would normally cost $80.' .MIller said Glannoru, along
Le'd'ure to su' rve'ya'lole' n VloslOtatOIOnS'
Geissinger, Daily Hornet news . "Miller was not fired in the with two stu~ent senators;
·strictsense of the word" went to the site where the
"UFO's, A Survey of Extraterrestrial Visitations," is the topic
Geissinger said, Miller, after 'GianDon! said. "He was invit~ pape~ i~ prin~ed ~n~ pulled' the
ora lecture at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Aztec Center, Casa Real.
deciding previously not to print . to re-apply for thepositiori;" story, ~nsertmg. m Its place a
,.,Charlotte Blob, a lecturer speaking for the UFO Education. the advertisement, made Ule . .
,non-paidadvertisement for the
Center in Valley Center, will show slides and amin films of UFO' decision to give the FarmGiannoni saie! a compromise upcoming AS elections. In
workers Support Group a 50 ' was· created whicll would . addition, Miller said, a story
, The lecture costs $1.50 for students and $2 for the general per cent discount 'on . the cr~ate. a task force to .set up concerning the Journalism
public. . .
printing of a.cdunterad .. The gUidelInes that ~ould hopefully, Department faculty's support
had already paid for one create solutIons to. the of' him was pulled from the
, counter ad which has already problems that have faced the (to!1t page and inserted in the
'~';" , .. ~':~~~;... <.'
place of a story on another
Jeoffey Gordon, M.D., will give a presentation on "China and
Cub~: Alternative Medical Models," at 4:30 p_~oday in room
:-- ,,-.. -.:~~~ "r?:" . ' page which was acontinuatiOli
· 201, Student Health Services.
'..~: __ ,':",~ of a different page one ,story;
Dr.,Gordon has visited both China and Cuba. He will show
.~.. '.
Giannoni denies part of these
slides ami elaborate on hiS medical experiences both here and
,abroad . .
Giannoni said the article was
removed because if'an article
Computer series scheduled tonight·
is .not si~ed, it is assumed that
A serJes oflectures on computers will be presented at 8 p.m.
it is wrItten by the editor. He
tonight in SS247.
said that since Miller had been'
Guest speakers will include 'Harold K. Brown, Robert W.
removed as, editor,' arid
Swanson, David C. Shaw and Paul Etzel. Topics will concern
Giannoni assumed that Miller
. "Campus Information Systems and'How SDSU Interrelates in
had _~ritten "lpe article, the
the Cal State System," "Instructional Computing Services pn .
decision was made" to pull the
Campus," "360 Computer Operations," and "1130 Computer ApstOry. He said Miller's name
plications." '
also was removed from the
staff box.
, Lecture tq explore s.hling in~luences
Miller said' that the, staff
The Psychology Colloquium will present Charles Dicken, prodemanded an emergency
· fessor of psychology, at 4 p.m. tomorrow in LS284.
Student Senate which will' be
Dr. Dicken's topic will be·"Does a Relationship With Big Sisheld a~ 1 p.m .. todaM. Miller
ter and Big Brother Influence a Child?"
, said that it .js' impprtant to :
.. \ emphasize the, fact .that the
8\ack council announces positions
'I"'. ,:~<' paper did not recognize from '
. Applications may be picked up for positions on the Black
the beginning the actions of
Giannoni: He said the ,only •
Students'Council in Aztec Center, Organizations Center,
group'that has the authority to
Openings inClude the offices ofpl'esident, vice president, secretary; treasurer. -activities-chairman-and--public~relations
.::..:-'~,~''"-"7--'" removellim from office is the~...
,chairman. - . "
" '
···~"'ce~l~p~~n.r - Senate, and they had not made .
Elections will be held April 5 to 7. All forms are due tomor- Bark on trees in the courtyard near the old library provides a beautiful that decision ,as a group,
e~J1:Iple ~f abstract art in nature;
. ·G
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Daily Aztec -
Sen. Frank Church
Idaho), uses a variety of expres- .
sions and gestures when s'peaking. Church, a member
of., the, Senate ~oreign Relations -Committee for 11
years, said he is against an indiscriminate interventionist policy like the, United States policy regarding
the Angola War. He said he favors a "hands-off policy"
3 ,
unless there is a vital interest affecting national seeurily.
Kissinge,r comment called 'silly' by Frank Church
C!lnti~uedfrompalle 1:
Church said Governor Ed- political philosophy, he said he ' The tendency of large ~or- foreign government,' the
we can to move negotiations mund
was as conservative as.former pora'tl'ons to m'vest'm' -I'
'C l'r"favorite son
government pays
for, jt:"
, BroWn's
along to a final solution," "
campalgnm a bonna wou d Senator Sam Ervin when it countries, has, caused the
, Church Said his!7 years on
can lacy m cam~, 0 preser ~individual p,r'ese,'ot unemploym" en',t ,"
' candidateS '
' t h e Sta' t e '
t '
are not talking' about Jhese
,th e'Senate Foreign Relations,'
1 er y, 'as progressive as situation; Church said.' '
Committee' has been an in"It depends on whether the Teddy Roosevelt when it came
reason~ for unemployment,
"tensive tra,ining ground for the people of California turnover tobreaking-up-excessive' "'The amount 'oLforeign ro~~~,i~~~~largecorpo,rations
their bl.oc~ qf votes to him.to _,concentration of 'economic investments ,by large U.S.
Ptesiaent FO,rd's'program of
"Ifi,tweren't for the 20 years deal 'With as he sees 'fit; or, powel',as mOderate as most corpora tions" correia tes
of experience I have,gained in, whether they want to dec.de 'Ainericans ·when' it' came to directly "with', the amount of catastrophic health care for
the Senate, I wouldn't have the' for themselves who they would keeping the' country 'out of" unemployment in the U.S;, ... he the elderly ,is a :rip:off,.Cburch
lemerity'to ,run, for ., the like:" tos~ be the next foreign wars and as liberal as said, "We ha,ve exported said.,
preSidency,'" he said.
preSident," ,he said.
Franklin, Delano Roosevelt American jobs." ,
"The plan would only reach'
three'per c~rit of the elderly, '
Church' said his: late entry
Favorite son candidaCies are when it came, to giving
,Church said he would reform : now on me,dicare, and it would
into' the presidential race a mockery o~ efforts to reform, unemployed people jobs, "
would probably not hurt his the' Democratic' party and
The government should the tax lawswhlch,encourage cost; the elderly an additional
chanc~ at the Democratic elimi,nate
winner~take-all provide jobs,not welfare, t() companies to invest.overseas. $1.5' billion in out~f-pocltet
. nomination.
primaries, Church ~id.
the, 600,000 people' who' cannot· For:eignearnings are taxed expenses," he said,',
. "The ()dds are' that can- ' "The purpose of a favorite now find jobs in the .private . more favorably than earmngs
Ch~ch said he would join' the
didateswho entered the: race SOl) candidate is to give the~ .sectqr, Church said.
at home and taxes on foreign present
~-earlrmight have gained too favorite son a chance to control
' '''The work that 'I would earnings can be deferred 'medicaid programs" to give
much' momentuin to be a block of votes while the furnish would not come forever, if the money is left uniform ,comprehensive,
ov.ercOrrie f "he said., "But this purpose of a primary is to give, through a new federal abroad, he said."
coverage to "those who need it
isa strange year. The field is the people:a chanc!" to express bur~ucracy but. through the
"Companies don't need these most and have the least to
,thinning. I have hopes of their choice of ~aDllidates," he existing entities of municipal tax loopholes at all, because pay." Anyone who is part of the
'winning, the late .western ' said. "So they ~ in direct and county governmen~ untii the federal government, retirement pr.9gram under
, ,priinaries 'and coming into the. conflict." ,
, :
the ,private sector opens up provides them with .insurance social security. would be enconvention with 'a g9Qd deal of . Although Church said it was better work opporturiities," he to cover risks," he said. "!fa titled to use the program, ,he
momentum." '
'di~ficult to, pin 'a label on his: said.
plant gets expropriated by a sai~.
,Shops Bookstt;Jre.·
limited quantity
" speci~1 purch~se
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' .
4 -TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 197~ -, Daily Aztec
.John· Giannoni:: Mcin"of Mystery' . '
Take a California StateUn~versity,
Associated Stud'ents In-
port of Miller, were' pulled by John
Giannoni,' ASI . president
and two
fired, then rehired, a disbanded"
.-campusmedia boa~d'ahd a story.pul- _ ·~Giimnoni's·.justification for. his ac~ .
led from the paper's front-page.... . ·ti<~ns is'a bit convoluted. He said the
C~mfu~ed' Don't.~orr~ .. _~o is
'storydidn'tbave a byline. If.thestory
C.ahforma State UnIversIty, Sacdoesn't h;tve a bylin.e, the assump- .
tion is that the editor wrote it Miller
· Dave. Miller, indecisive ~~itor of-was no longer editor. The story must
the Dally Hornet, after decl,dmg not
be pulled. Got that?
to run a Carlo-Rossi advertisement,
Why Giannoni feels that ex-editors
changed his decision and gave the· should not have stories appear in a
Farm Workers Support Group (FSG) . student newspaper is a mystery. Why
a: 5O.per cent discount for counter- - Gjannoni assumes that stories that
. advertisement.. Unfortunately the
don'thave a byline are written by the
)fSG,hac:i no more money.
editor is a mystery. Why Giannoni
.cConsequEmtly~ he was fired,since ."
pulled the stories on that basis Is a
che did not have the authority to armystery.
. '.
cbitrarily decide ad rates. Actually,
Apparently the authority. to both' . %~.. ~
"fire" is not the right.term. He was
invited to reapply. Got that?
Miller then put a story on the front university. rests with their student
Senate. .
p~ge 9f the' Hornet's Thursday
It is suggested that thestudentSepaper.'!t was a commentary describ. ,/ .'
J ".. nate remove the veH of mystery sur• ing, in Miller's opinion, '''what had
r~unding Giannon,i's mind and exp-' .
happened." Miller said the
'" _
lain to him that editorial decisions" .
"analysis," along with another story
do not rest with ASI presidents.
describing journalism faculty sup~
Your reviews of their . per- . mus~c - when they played overloolsed t}Je key factoI: for D.·sa'L:.led studen.ts
forplances has continually simple rhyUuns and traditional evaluating the show. . .
our critiq' ues
bothered me'and~afterseeing harmonys.Just because
Relativ.ity, my dear Mr, .• rights ig' .nored
Anthony Braxton's second. Braxton was not com- Schultz!
Editor: .
show Monday night and munica~ing with Mr. Schultz . Having attended: the lat~ EditOr:
As jazz reaches another r.ea·qing the review. Wed~ !l~ not mean "he wasn't' show and experienced the
. The pictUre in the March 25,
semi-peak in popularity. the nesdaY,.H~ltit ti.me to express ., cotnmw.ncating. The generaL intensity . of ,the ,audience's : Daily Aztec showing a bicycle
_cc:l~!Ste.ll~ and,<!evoted jazz fan m~p-Ieasure with your crowd enthUsiasm sho~ed thi~ •. , atteri~io~ an~i~ponses,which. sec~ to the wheelchair ramp
rejOIces: because. th~ musIc critiques.
~-fo.lJn~-Mr.-Braxtol,l.S-lIlUSlC .~ere~pdlcatIve of_ .!he--..-:r~presents a blatant d.j.sregard
-becomes more accessible. both ~_~ Anthony Braxton's,_;whiCh_llltl:"lg~ng .. and .. \,!lr~._~\l~~-__ .algot s, .success,.T tieh~ve for'~the-figlitS'of~disabled­
live and recorded. 'Here in San has attracted the label of avant' seful."The. moodS· he created ,the -ton..e·and-amblvalence··~f·-.:-sti1dentsbY both a m\nority of,
Diego, live jazz performances garde, is not an artform which we~e trem~d~us~ I have ex- ~e r.eytew reflected ~chultz s . students and Campus Security.
are not yet everyday but their is available to all'or even most perlenced similar moodS only' mablhty ,to apprecIate the
We realize and accept the
consis'tency ~ is' incr.easing people. ircanolllyconF once befor;e,:at a Keith Jarrett--Braxto~performance._._. __ . ___ reality.thaLamong_33,OOOjn-.. '
conti~ually:. ' .
municate with a Y~" select . concert .•.• ' . '
H~ did ~ot~derstand the .. dividualsthere are bound to be.
Bemg a.Jazz lover 1;Ulder 21, " group and it maybe limited to
~r~xton s .' concer~. was mUSIC, ~hichlS DQ fault· of some people who. haye .no
C'Cthtn1'laJorityof the Jazz acts' those who have a fair amount· defmIteIYa..fhghtandlt IS tOQ~raxtons! and~x~ended-_t~~t'regard, for anyone's conwhi~ come to town are not of musical knowledge. It is bad most people .are r.est~icted mto a disappomhng. revle.w venience but their· own;
"avaIlable to me due to the totally"unfair-tohave'a-to theground.miles below. As ' t~~~ .could offe!· no .vah~
These people have had an
Catermaran's(theplacewhlcil reviewer who does not un- for Mr. Schultz's~ closing crlb~l~m..
. affinity for (!haining their
most consistently books jazz)derstand'the muSic..'
. cOJriment on aman remaining
It IS revlew~rs like our Mr. bicyCles to that 'Particular
.interest.in people only who will. Though my. own un~ : ~e same regardless of how his _Schultz tha~ wil~ keep Anthony wheelchair ramp since. its
buy dririks.
derstanding of, Braxton's. tItle changes. I s~ that ~~en .Bra:cton appeabng to a sel~t constr~ction two semeste~s
, Iamthor~';1ghly pleased With music was lacking at times, I o~e'<:h~g~s. their posI~lOn, audience ijnd from becommg ago. This prevents wheeichaIrbound students of access to and
SDSU'sabillty to attract· top· felt Mr. 'Schultz's un- ~rectIon. and goal. he IS a popular.
rate jazz acts. One .would think de~standing was nearly ~~Il-' . differe~t man..
. ' My advice to. Mr. SChultz~ in' .:from the D~ning <?otnmo~ ~nd
th~t a· schoo~ which ext~ndS eXistent. The. only posItIve
I was al~o very uns.~ttled by . hiIY-pursuit of being a credible, the ~ Administrat~on' Building ..
this effort. ~ould apprecltate acknowledgment of the musi~ the. Freddie Hubb~rdconcert responsible reviewer is to -'0 Wh~n our 'Office ~oDtacted
these m~lclans. who c~J!1e ~o he gave was when Br~xton and'. ~eVlew-Iast ~ebruary. ~ou~ht . tighten. up his~ combat boots, Security. about remoVI~' these
. share their musIc.
Company touched on concrete It wa.s m,,! first exPt;rlence tOstarclf up bis. Lynnard Skyn- two ,!heeled obstru~.ttons we
s~ ,him hv~, I have listened to .~ n~rd tee-shirt and stay out of .' were Informed that It was not
, him . extensively and he, pe~~ . uncharted territories!
legal to ~o so urness ~ere. was
. forme~ far beyond any .~f ~s' . .' ;
Linda Cinquemani a "No Bicycle" sIgn attached
recordings' I-have .come 10
senior histo
to the ramp. . .
contact with. I was amazed by .
'. With that in mind. we applied
.the'concertand.shockedat the
.•·cele·ss and
to the appropriate .Persons to
. r~view.' .Botli thekeyboardist
have some signs i~talled.It
Gordon Murray'·
. and .saxophon~st were lacking'
required. two semesters. of
contmually .and this' wasn't .vote ess mr,nor.ty : . constant application to finally
New.Edltor ........ : ....................... :·............,.. JonW.Daum ,.eyen men~lOned. I would, Editor:
.. get the signs affixed.
Assistants ..................... > ....... " Jan,!!t Engleman, Reggie Smith.. smcerely hke to see more
R f
th I tt
fK t
Apparently Campus SecUflty
, CopyEditors ............................... JanStevens.EIIZI\bethGray
Bem.bry Jr. on March 25
. . .. ,' th . th
./ .....·Assistants· ................................. Linda Williams. Gerry Braun.
U ure Jazz concer . ' .
wh~rein he' champions the' p~bhc Imag~ .' an:.. ey. are
. Editorial Editor .................... , .. ," .... : ....... : .... D.anlel McLean
Marty Wlsck?1 cause of.minoriti and t t
Editorial Cartoonist .........................
Steve Basay
. fr~shman, musIc " . .
. es. '. s ~ es, . regulations;
Entertainment Editor ........................................ Gary Kane
Don tlet the churCh contmue
AssI.tant .. ; .. ~ ....... :: ....... : ...... ; ........•......... ,.TammyJonei
Relativity in'
to force their concepts on the
On Mar
24, our.o Ice
'. .
rest of the cOuntry" d
n requested tha t t~e bicycle
. ~hoto Editor .......................... : ...................... Phil Hopkins
. Alilatant ........................ :............................Davld sandoz.d
oes e show!),. in the pIcture be'
Sports Editor ................................................. Dave. Segal
r. c U
not rea ze that 10 the battle of
. d W'
'nf' ed
· '.Aa.latant .......................... ; : ............. ; .. : ....... ~ .. Chuck Myers
ideologies that if his side wins . remove. e were I orm
· LaYou~ Editor .................... ~ ~ ....,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,, Tom Richter· Ed't . .
. their .concepts are likewise to that they wpuld not remoye the
·,Alllstant Advertising Managers ..::: .... Lynne Rasmuslen, Sandy Mazur r . I or.... . . ,
.. .. .. be:f . 00 . . 'h ? . . "
bicycle becausetbat particular
ClasllRed Ad Manager ............................... Marlene Oaterfeld
After reading the reView of
on ot ers. .1' or b' ,. r t h d"
t been
Asslltant Classified Ad Manager ....,' .................... Karen Stewart . the Anthony Braxton show at. e)(ample. ~e favors the curr~nt
ICY~ IS . a.. no.
SalesCoordloators .............. ,.: ........... SallyLong, J;tandy Scbultz,
the Backdoor of Monda last pro-abortIon law which . preViously v:arned. It ~eem.
I,.ayout Artilt ... :................................... "~'>I.:...... SUl8n Ruth
. Y .. '. rel-ateS a mill'"
'bo', to us that smce that bicyclist
'.7:, ~clvertialngArtiat ............. :.; .... :: ..;O':.... ::.. : .. ;~ •••• ~"DlickM~he~ol), by John:~chultz. Lt~ugh~.lt. .-!'t... . , . Ion ~ rn. : bad chained his / her bicyclelo·
" The Dally AztecpubJlshes Tuesday tlirough frid1iY when ¥hool Is io'
very necessary: to '~volce· bable.s ~ >:ear to the garbage· " "
. ' it .•.... " , " ' :
, selllo\1. The editorial office Is located 11;1 SS13rl (2IJ6.69711) and tlte advertls'another opinion
heap. Their. concept prevails . the No Blcycl~ Sign. that any
• 1111 oMce Is located' In ssm (286-69'17)'. . .
, - - F' t' f
ll··th . t...~
so . a voiceless and v tel s' further' warrungs .were not
Editorials are written by the edl~rlal editor and lire a consensus or .
. Irs 0 a, ~ Suu~ was
't .
. ~ tesd . warranted.
. .
-oplnlonorthe editorial board. . ... .,. ..,.. ......., . . . billed_as. '~a . Flight .. moo. _ m nort y Iii ulscrlmma e
The edlto~al board conslata or the edll!>r.ln-chler, managing editor. '. relatively uncharted' musical against.
John P. Schatz . Lanny Boddy j Va~ Scheduler .
new. editor and edlto~al editor.
territories, "sO the' revie~er
graduate~ mathematics
,Disabled St~dent Seryic~
Displeas. ure with
I··.. -
'M S Y liz . .'
Daily AZte~:-WESDAY; MARCH 30, 1976 -
Acupuncture point massage
.to be taught in Shiatsu fless
scientific tests have
ChriS Dameron
Shiatsu, a Japanese medical 'Pressure on these spots
,treatment, similar, ,to
'acupuncture,' Will be taught in', releases the energy, allowing it,
a class offered by the In-' to f~ow'to an organ to corre<;t
tersection ,House, said' Henri an-Imbalance.
--- Me(jIICllle--url(je:r-VI'~J:!iSI:el>an--p'eloquin, ,one of t~e teachers,
. Students will learn 300
'-'The-~reatment.' IS' b~~ed -on--'aciipunctute'points-iiiicfhowio' '" Ms:-Sfern-also'stuaiedwitli
.the ChlI~ese Tao~st ·behef that massage them to 'relieve "Dr: Madb'ava. She has studied
'. the ';1nlverse I~ made ?f specific 'ailments ,such as escalom and polarity massage,
po.larlzed e~ergy, Peloqum stomache or ba~ache, he said. physiology and anatomy,
sauL 'J.:he two p~les shoul~ be Seven.;. or' eight spinal, Peloquin said.
equally ptesentm .everyt,hmg. manipulations will be taught.
The class will be lecture and' ,
When the balance IS lost 10 an,
practical instruction, Peloquin'
organ, lie said, it can become
Similar to chiropractics, the . said. Students will pair off to '
' 'shiatsu manipulation!> pop practice, as they learn. They
- - - Shiatsu means . fing-er, vei-tebrea,which have gotten ,Will ~lso be asked to practice
pressure in Japanese. In, ollt of place, back into position.
practicing sh.iatsu, one uS,es ' The Shiatsu techniqu,e, is what· they .learn on others
between classes.
fingers"thumbs, palms, e bowS.better,'according to Peloquin,
/"'he SesSI'Ons wI'II'b' e held at
,and feet' to .bring pressure: to 'because, unlike chiropractics,
the body's acupuncture points, it works on.the muscles around noon, Thursdays at .,the· In"
the vertebra to keep them from tersection House until tQeend
Peloquin, saia: c
'.'BY manipulating these' pulling the bone baCK out ,of ofMay. Anyoniinteresfedmay
pomts, we can a~fe~t and place...
sign up for the class at the
house; located at 5717 Lindo
DenniS C.
restore balance ,wlthin ,the
organsnf thebody," lie;said. 'lIer\jfe~s to tteanmments - Paseo; 'The' class' will- be Rifka Stern massages the head of Randi Hawkins, a junior majoring in
, The acupuncture' points, will' be diSCUSsed, Peloquin ,limited to 20 students imd a anthropology. Ms. Stern will be teaching a class in Shiatsu, the art of
are located ineveryone;
virtually, . said.
on donation
be requested.
Japanese finger pressure, on Thursday afternoons.
skin color based
and body
- - -will
- -__________________________
heat will also be taugbt,he
U lllJ lIY~
}>eloquin saidl)e hopes-to
instill the ,Chinese idea of." ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT
r'a'·-'-.-S"'e~'barefoot doctors in Amedca. ~
Meeting at 2p.m. today In !'AI2II.
In 1955 the Chinese. began 'a 'Meeting at'll a.m. today In Aztec Center, , STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES
Meetlug at noon torilOrrow In Aztec Cenler,
pI:ogra~ to train peasants to, rooms B&G,
aliI a.m. today In lIenlth Services.
ecomeparame ICS eC,auseo
Bonrd meetingnt7:30 p.m. tonighl. Call Ken room 201. ,
a shor:tage .. of doctors. Upon "21164232.
ljpeoker at 7 p.m. tonight In Aztec Center,
Council Chambers, '
completion of his class,
' e x e 'e s s
Peloquin said, the students will m~~~~~t~~:: ~~~,::;;.onight allhe Black Com· Lectures at 12:30 p.m.;3:30 p.m.. ,7:30 p.m;
Meeting at'5 p.m, tonight In LES03. '
be able to practice ·shiatsu.
today in A.tec Center,Presidential SlIite.
:"Jntinuedfrom page 1:
M ti t 6 . t j h 'A C
Meeting at na.m, today In Scripps Cottage.
campus. Using the W, ilson pill
The' teachers . will be roo~eA,ng a p.m. on g ton .tcc. enter,
Program at B p.m. tonight In lou~ge.
' Peloquin and Rifka Stern.' The,
Svcaker at"" p.m~ to~orr~w ·nl Phi~l\ps.
as a solution is ike cutting off pair have conducted similar
Bake sale In Iront ot'Ubrary tomorrow.
' Meetinjl ,at 5:30p.m. tonight in Scripps qot.
and Ivy Streets.
___ "
, your arm to cure' a cut on your classes on:' the West Coast for
-- ,tuge.
the past year-and-one half, ro~.:;:tbn1 ~;3:30 Il.m, t,oday In Aztec: Center.
',"Wehave ~an obl@ltionto,~ Peloquin said. I~ San' ~iego.
'. "
,~~-=----provide academic flexibility'to th~yare leadmg. another ta~~~gr'-m at6IJ·m. tomorrow at Scrll'PS Cot·
------Ufe-students~Although·thisccan·~hlatsu-c~ass.,.and,an,anatomy---JEWISH'eT'IIn"IU'r.IIIUlnN-------~ ___'__,~
"-be~abused,c'rve-seen'~-no--and, phYSiology class. __ ,
___ ,Afeetiog,af7:30 p.m. ',,,.. unu',,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,~, , __ ~, _____ ",, ___ _
evidtmceto indicate that it has
studied ·anatomy ccntcsDSU\!;,:;~RSKI ASSOC.
been- and 'I don't think we and
for three years
Mcellngat6IJ.m,lomorrowIn AzlecCenter,
___. ----'i::ii1~a:~y-a~~ri~mi~s the' in
has been r~oD;mlsfCi&ffJ";g:fi:fi:i!i~~e!:i~~
are pO.ints on the skin where
.high electrical energy gathers,
Peloquin !>a!d. ,He .added that
.B-. II"to-
t • f .,'
u' n •t
Ramsey~ 31'~
sl'IJ\l' 1'.1, , ,
. "ll' "'l\.a~~
Dr:' Colbourn said the bill
would establish ,a precedent
which could make it easier to
'argue for general tuition in the
bureaucracy created by the
, bill is "frightening. ",--" As ':we approach our
maximum load, some hard,
decisions' may ,have ,to be,
made, and if things get tough,
'limits may have to be imposed," he s~id. "But ~, d?n't
think there should be restra10ts
unless. they 'are clearly
justified, aIidlhave no reason
to believe that' ,they_are
justified ~t this point."
graduating. class at SDSU done
by ,Robert L; McCornack,
associate director of campus
jnformation systems, institutional research, indicates
that the average number of,
total units taken by the 2,237
graduates, was. 135.6,' or 10.4
units' 'over' 'the minimum
number needed jfor each individual degree. The' average
number of Classroom units,
which excludes credit for
,:milltary ser~ice and'credit by
examination, was' 134.0. or 8.8
. units over the minimum,
~:'~.i:;,;:,+;,'~~~~dt~;1fl~,a~::::;,:f0r.:.,~a?t., in-, ,
, "'11nese 'figures do n,ot ~up­
. port the argument that the
- -- resources' of, the university are '
being abused,", said Dr.'
, Col bourn.
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I Make appointment at l:iealth I
Services Pharmacyor ' I
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Ticket Oillce ..
67" TUESDAY, MARCH 30,' 1976 -
Daily Aztec
Glenn Melvin
As itis'today, the Open Air Theatre has an antiquated stage and an abundance of wasted
space near the bottom of the bowl.
An artist's r4!n'dering shows the proPQsed $3 million improvements to the Open'Air Theatre,
includin~ an improved stage and orchestra pit ,and lIdditional seats near the bottom.
Campus planners loo.k anew at theater 'eyesore'
"You can't control access ,the committee's statement. the artist's renderiIlg creates the'commuriity,Iwoul~saythe'
During its 40 year existence, int~ the ~he.ater; . moving.
The Campus, Facilities an entrance, which ~e theater ,other 25 per ~ent could ,come"
the O~n Air Theater has been eqwpm~t IS Im,Poss.lble and . Committee, which must ap- ..doesn't have now, and makes . froin Aztec Center J,"eserYes,
called everything from a. although It doesn t ram much, prove' all changes, in the . crowd control and night Aztec Shops and the Associat¢.
Greek Bowl to an eyesore.
musicians's don't want to play university's 'master plan, security possible.
And like its name use of the on the uncovered stage at night recently voted un~mously to
- A compl~tely new stage
theater has varied ';eaUy over !>ecause . the dew ruins their accept the pr~ject pres~ted to 'structure, which will- be en- ' hI, know the . project will
the years.
them. by Mosher, Carruthers' closed to protect against work," Goodfriend said.. ,"It
At one time
"It's not makmg any money said.
dampness and vandalism.' An has such obvious benefits to the
graduating seruors' paraded and in my ,opinion, it's an
This project is' not: the first elevator is also provided to campus community. an~ -the
across the theater's stage ~y~~ore," Cal'ruthers said .. attempt at improving .the allow for easy moveability of entire San Diego region. .
during commencement It s not safe. The steps are theater's .condition, he said. sets and instruments.
"For an estimated $3 million
'awkward and there are no Two years ago, a plan to cover
Goodfriend said the plan, San Diego can have a ~,400 seat
Recently; exceptwr summer handrails. It's j~t ~ very the entiie theater was defeated estiinateCl ata cost of close to theater with a good a~concerts, the theater bas been uncomfortab~e sltuat1o~ for in
university.-wi~e, $3 million, will also add'400 new' mosphere and a stage that s
used for ar, occasional' high' anyone'to be m.'"
... . .... '. . seats, new restroom facilities,a .. the omy useab,le one of its ki!1d '.
~~ooI-~ai:lUiltioD ~eremo.ny,--"However, .a pr:oject{o~"!fhat-,-;referend';'ffi-told- qs~lobby-areaT:-~-convel'table....,.,.:southof.LOS,Apgeles;" he s~ld. .
orJentahon--of~1Dc0!llJng..:.-renovate,the theater-has,just. th.a~ st~dents do!!_t want the_.orchestr.a '. Pit and re-. Carruthers said that after
~tudent;;. as an lI~agl!1~ pass~ its first major hurdle th~at~~ co.v~ed, ,Carruthers Iandscapmg;,to preserve the-the' funds"are- secur~,-'con--'~­
Carnegie Hall for aspInng and 15 expected to change the saId. ,So m the new plan we. outdoor atmosphere.
th th t
h uld
~oung a~toJ."S,~n~ Illusicians or theater's , stagnant, condition. ' . left the r.oofoff. ': "
' . The project is now in the fuke f~~r;:~O t~ 15e~~tk~ ~
Just a qwet aeparture frorn.the~:'-~AZtec' Shops financed'tbe·---.. Goodfrlend,s.ald__tl1e>gljlJQ.r., __ han~s,of.li'.r~mt_~cQre~9' \V.~~.__,_." •.
. _'. . '.
,headaehes of a, crowded research that' went into areas cov~t:f;!~ ~n tJm. program ,a~ directo~ of uruversity,affamil
J pers0!lall~eelwe'~hoillduniversity.
developing the' plan, Car- statemellts .a.re:
. wI~I. be 10 charge o.f fund- ~o ~OI:nething With ~~ thing .or
"The theater' is an'atural ruthers s a i d . '
. - Th~,ablhty t,o get disabled ralsmg, Carruthers s~ld.
fdllt 10 and forget It, .he said.
resour~e with lots of potential
Goodfriend and Carruthers' people m and out'of the theater
"This has to be a community. ".If we can't get aU .the,mo~ey
. that isn't being,used," saic;i,Jim were on'acommitteefor~ed easily.; nue to the, lack of facility,". , Carruthers , said. nght ~way, the proJec~canbe
Ca~ru.ther,s, A~tec Center .to,o!ltiine all possible uses. handrails .and the, aWKwa~d "There isn"t enough money on done. m stages ,-,first '. th.e
coordInator. ' ,
the theater could have after' steps, ge.tt1Og the. ~sabled 10 , campus to fund a project like ~ecurlty and ~~~.the rest of It
"Therebavebeenomyniinor renovation.
and out-~s very dif~lcult now. this
thi~s. done t?, it sinc~ it"was. Th tat
. t t ' The architects proVld~ fel°lr an
"I' bell'eve there a' re'peopl'e l'n
Lo~king ahead, .. Carruthers
bwlt m 1936, .' he said. The-:
e s ~en was sen 0 elev~tor a~d a starrw
said once the theater is' com': .
last maj~r work done was Robert MoSher, of, Mosher, all~Wlate thi.s problem.
the commUnity who can, and pletely renovated, he fully
thre~ years ago by, the Drew, Watson Associates, the
, -:- Enclos1Og the theater 10 who will fund the project, ".he, . expects to get t~e 'same big
Starlight ?pera Compan~ an~ architects who designed Aztec . such a way tha~ acce,s,!Lc~n be said.. "Although, we're asking name acts that ~rform at such
that wasn t much of anyf,hing. . Center. The firtl.l then drew' up controlled easily. :rhe..fen~e fof'thewhole amount, if we can Los Angeles locations as the
• Carrt,lthers said the theater a schematic design, based on drawn around the faclhty 10 • get 75 per cent of the cost from Universal Amphitheater; the.
was a natm:al clU}yon before
Greek Theater and' the
. th~. Wo~ks Progres~ ~d-,
, Hollywood Bowt ,' .
. mmlstration'(WPA) decided to
fill it in so SDSU's seniors
"Once they see. our new
would' have a place 'to -,
facility they'll 'go for, it,'\ he
. '
said. ",It'll probably be used,
"It wasn't intended to be'
. three to four, nights a week
any~hing," said Harvey
.during ttie summer.
Goodfriend, 'Aztec Shops
"I'm' not' being"Overly--6p-manager. "It was constructed,
timistic: but after~ awhile we
with a shovel and it's outgrown
could be saying thanks but no
itselfforwbat it was' intended
thanks to some of the perfor be used for." 1...' '
, fort:D ers," he said.' .•
"Dtiring the 1950'§£and early'
th f
h d
The theater would' work to
1960 5, _ .e. raterru es a.
break even at first, but it could
Spring Sings in the theater and
those were" big co.!M'iunity,
eventually pay for its operation
events," Carruthers said. "But
and anything over that would
thepriJnaQ' use in the last few
be used to expand the facility's
years has been for summer,
service to"" the 'campus,
concel"ts by the San Diego
Carruthers said. ' .
"The· new .. theater . would
The last major event held in '
complement. the. 'general
.the'theater was a 'double bill of
area, " he" said: ' _"This .
..',-~Boz",Se~ggs.and ,the ~~o of
univer.sity doesn't have a
";'5'=:"C~cilio:"'i~:!) 'a~d~;' ' l { ; a p 0 " , O ( , f a c i l i t y ; to, bril)g,,: a "g~.eil,t;c.
Carruthers' said; .
num~r of people together for: . ,
. , "We'can'tgeta blrge-dollar
speakers, mQvies, ,g~Jjeral,
act to play ,in . thethe~ter
assemblies or: whatever; exbeCause the-facilities are so ... r.. new fence complete,with turnstiles will surround. the Open Air Tl:!eatre if a proposed $3 million in cept the gym - and that's like·
limited," he sald;" .
improve'\~nts i~ ,a~~ed to the complex. .
,' , '
", ' " ,'--' it ~laSs'r~m~'t he-said. ~~-,-'.-
Daily Aztec -
30, 1976 7.
, .......
rrhe First/:~acultyinform
review by
Rose Perius .
their street
It was expected that
lines formed outside the
. music by
. Faculty can repeat. A part-time facuIty
Theatre. . Crowd!) .. pushed member PatSandback is member and member 'of The
fo(Ward determinedly a's-an -creditea for'the choreography' -Company.' DancersiMs. Sandannouncement was made of ()f this fresh commencement. back showed again that this
four remaining chairS, .
Into" ,it quality of line is her emminent
Entering the Studio Theatre . choreography by'. George " domain.
presented a faniiliiu' scene: WilIis,showed, Ed Dime
"My Dear Mr •. Shilne," the
this dance practice studio·was mQving to a Bach composition.. ,second:humorous ~ffering by
in transformation. Bleachers Featuring tUrns and stillness, '. Day Power's trio, was ef, . were up, mats for festival reach-gathering attitude t~ fective, .but· would have had
seating' down,
mirrors and floor rolls, Mr. Done had more clout if offered later in
dovered, lush diaPery hugged the potential for showlng~s the program. Attired in ~'s
the upstage walls. As eyes purity of line: Costuming for Andrew. Sisters' garb, the trio'
. scoured the room, you: knew this piece was the least ,in'" hammed their' way through a
that this was not the most' novati,ve of the concert, the' medley of, songs, showing
elegant of performing spaces, dull beige of the garment too' shapely gams ,~ndbouncing
',put one in a state oT becoming. bland.
anatomy sure ,to elicit giggles
Due t(f the concern' of --the
The" call-of.hilarity~wasand.guffa\Vs. __ ~_ , __,......
GlennMoIlvin 'student~ who minor I major in
answered·. by Day Power' "Galope Economico" ,'and
Pat Sa~dback, me~.ber of The, dance, in~erested participants (Choreographer),
Mick "BIJ~inessman'.s.: Gamelin" George , Willis performs his own
~om~n~D~ncers,strl~es .anex- and supporters of. dance, and Laughlin, and Cra.ig ~ee1y., as :were the' choreography and work, "Entering Into," during
presslonlsttc pose durmg he~ per- espec'iany some"- faculty they gave • an hicredibly dances of George Willis. Saturday night's presentation of
formance of USweetFu~ctlon, " members' concerned with .. ~ghteous rendition of "Climb Be~ind 'a screen, lower, Iwdy . "The First," a faculty dance conone
the. danc~s which she giving the' SDSU community Every Mountain," adorned' in disguised, Mr. Willis offered cert sponsored by ~e Department
, choreographed..
. the dance artists that a' Nun:shabits, red· socks, and the noble macho, movements of ' of Physical Education and The
- '
pla. ···n·
tennis shc;tes - apt for the PE-~ the' Premier Da~eur~- ~The' Choreographers' Ensemble. -
'Univ'el1)ity Dance Depl\rtment
must offer to be salient and Dance COlllition. It was a .humoroussatireoftherttualof
. '.
enduring; this Studio/Theatre: chorus of 300 from the throats the ballet led into the ritual of score by Norbert Bach, with a
SI·,C. ·, was a~ intimate, exciting' of three as these cavorting the businessman's preparation skiUed offering of hard angles
spaceinw~ch to anticipate the nuns rocked the roof.
. for ~he day. ' .
evenings fare: The best,_un~er . "EPIC 1, 2, 3" were separate
With the donmng of white pressionism and technical
prevailing circumstance.
pieces in a trilogy,danced anti. shirt,tie, suit, the uniform prowess in de.1ivery., ,
Tbe SRO audience included choreographed by Pat Argo complete, a mask is added and, The closing offering, "Misa
Music studentS under the welcome new faces and dance and Pat Sandback, portraying the dance b~gins.· Special Cr~olla," choreographed by
direction of Paul V. Anderson,' afficianadoes of long-term .. two endearing. elderly ladies. lighting designed by' Amalia George Willis, was performed
of .the music' ·department They were cognizant of three With spastic bodies and much waf! effective,' the Balinese'~ by Rebecca Dunn, Jesse Lame,
. faculty will, present a string . students moving onstage in a 'warmth, the duo walked,danceauthentic, and Gamelin Denise Mench, and Willis.' A
chamber. musi~concert . at 8' pre-curtain entertainment that e'Xercised, ate candy,' and fell music with, its intriguing use of ritualistic dance done to
p,~ .. ,Friday. 10 the Music' flowed after the lights dim" asleep dependently,' 'making \ percussion and voice com- beautiful Ramirez music, the
- Building Recital Hall. ' , , ' med. Janice:Talro, red-skirted genuine social statement on pleted.the image.
Circular-armed offerijlgs of
The program selections will with peacock' blue feet, Mary the aged female and the in- ~. ,"Leyg. Dayn Kepele," one ,dancer to another.· gave'
inc!ude "Quintet"by Bernard MacMilla!1,. and .. Marta tensifi~d needs . of com- danced and choreographed by authenticity accompanied by .
Heiden, "Quintet" by Douglas Jiacoletti moved irito andpanionship as ag~ progresses 'Argo;-~'another .extremely the intellectual/emotional,
-Mooreand·uQuartet1'·by'Aaron~through , postures~oC~on- among h u m a n s . . . talented faculty member of the expt;ession of the modern '
'templ~tibn and boredom untlC'- Ms: SandoaCk's-s(llo;-eqtitled-part-time-status,--utiliied-a.~..dance legacY'i'':'_
t. .r. .·.ng·...m u'
f or'concert.
-j ..•
. - - - ,-
,..lls S!4-A4-A'
5an D.Iego ,.~~'
to buDQff. . ,~",::..
.' .~':\.\,' . 'Y . '
___' ".'::' >. ',. " ,
The best lower level&.floor seats ,
(inCluding f,ontrows) ••• for
, ·tog.ns&·M-'ssin.~.Chicajo~--':
,-.--.-~~-~ -.:~
a .deposit guarantees a GOOD seati' ,
Headed for northern
California (or LA, Burbank, \.,.
..'~ )..ong Beach, Ontario)? Call your,
.' " .. '
c\lmpus rep or P!,A.and tell them
. ----_' .. -:.---:-', .... you want
. to .buzz off, PSAgive.syou,afifl"-
I ~l~ 1'HE'KEy' 70
TI1I.lE "HAfOP,1I6S.s ·Oil "
1'"H~ S., (J. S. u'. CA I'f PI) S
Old·Fashion HalD.urgers
,5824 MONTEZUMA RD. ';"
Giant Burgers
,,(1/4 LB.)
8,:'- TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1976 -.,... Dnity Aztec'
Tale.s of Honk re~nion, or~ horning in on Kal(lpana
review by
Ra~dy Schultz
on drums, Ricky Stekol on lead . hottest band at the moment,
gUitar, Will Brady on b~~s. and gave them permission to apof course, Beth on rythym pear, and then let them use
. That's kind of
guitar. The 'only member not their
nrl>!::Plnt was Craig Buhler, the like
On . the whole, Kalapana One thing is c'ertai~ -a~ least
sounds too .. much like Cecilio . one island band 15 gomg ,to
and Kapona, .or . an~ , oth~r crack the mainland market,
Hawaiian band. But It s stIll and it could just as easily be
early. and they are growing. Kalapana as anyone else.
a previous and hoping that'you don
of money to unfortunately
regroup one of California's engagement. But five out of six ripped off.
premiere surfing groups, ain't bad and NOBODY was
Kalapana may' I:tave shown
--t!ight.'L.Unl~f..:;.co.urse, he complaining~
lots of class, but unfortunately
, was fortunate enough to extheyshowea.-m-e-little-els:e;;--::-~-'-~-:::-~'t-=-;--;:;:;;a.1.(iJ~-::c-~-:-__ peri~l'l~.ELthe ~!!n~-,,~~_apRight ofUhe bat, they turned Much of their material is the
. pearance of Honk at the Back-=:- ~nle-'burnefs-onan(rstartedto~sugar:-sweetened, "-middle-ofdoor Saturday night. Then a cook, with a rockin' boogie the-road filler which best suits
Honk rElunion sounds pretty number that featured Steve' AM radio or Las Vegas lounges
Wood's confidentl sure-fire where the 35-year-old, almostgood at any price.
Everything seemed normal vocals and Ricky Stekol's' hip set hangs out.
- at the outs.et.· .Beth Fitchet, sizzling leads. They touched a!l
Kalapana has progressed
former gUItarIst and lead the bases - rock, reggae, a bIt impressively in the few months
singl'lr for Honk, appeared of lighLja.~!Jd",~j.Ql:!<;.h..E.L,...:Si.ru:.e,.tbg.J:~~~...Qf their debut.
alone.onstage to open' the sho.w Jackie Wilson soul, Just to even' album. From. their beginningsfor . ~alap~na ... But after' a things out. .
as ;m' American like foursome
beautifuL rendItIon of, one of
they've added .a drummer and
Tom Wait's better songs, a few
But the highlight was a a horn player to flesh-out a
, Close friend.s emerged fr~m ~he superb version of a B. B. King continuing
wings unannounced. JudgIng blues classic .'which demon-· Hawaiian
by the reaction of the crowd, an strated perfectly bot~ the. highs Someday they may be the disco
introductio?~would have.-o~y and .the lows_ot- ..... hat would kings of Hawaii, .. but they've ..
. wasted time. Ju.st about have surely been ..Califorrua's . s.till got.a long way to go. And
everyone recogmzed the No.2 supergroup. Alas, if they their major obstacle is their
had only stayed together, they lack of direction.
. All the original membeI'S.. of .. would have showed (he 'Beach
Thefr--show Satiltday was a Kal~pana gives a sunshine performance Friday afternoon on the patio of
Honk were there-:-SteveWood. Boys what competition really. mixture' of conflicting styles. Monty's Den as a preview to their Backdoor appearance.
on keyboards, Chris Imboden m e a n s . '
Probably their strongest point
Honk's strongest feature had is a rich vocal harmonic blend,
always been their musical but at times' even this becomes
tightness coupled with their overbearing. Lead guitarist '0.
loose, casual stage presence.. J. Pratt plays like a Hawaiian
And after over a year of not' Frank Zappa, and at times his
performing together, nothing frenzied style is blatantly out
has changed. Stekol still turns' of place with the group's kickhis back. on the crowd during backed sunshine .mUsic: ..
some of his finest leads, so that
They have. their' moments,
. he can better communicate though. "When' the Morning,
with his fellow musicians, and Comes," a tune: from their
someone is always screwing up album, put it a,11 together, and
a lyric or two, but that just featured the finest vocals of the
makes them all the more ~evening.
appealing, and their breakup
all the more painfut Honk was
human. They were good-'
natured about an' inevitable
mistake or two. And' their
performance Saturday may
There are 90.000 summer jobs waiti"!9
for .'uden'. in fun place. like Yellow·
---well.be. the_JasUim.flw.~ ey.e.r
tone;Son Francisco, Honolulu, Alaska;
Glenn Me/oin See them .perform. as. a.group.
New England,·. Colorodo .Spring. 'ond
Ihe CalSkillsl The SUMMER EMPLOY·
The Backdoor crowd was- treated
But enough tear-ladened
MENT DIRECTORY lells you where Ihe
to the reunion of Honk Saturday sentimentality, The most
jobs orel 20B pages, 2SIh edilionl Send
-night--prior to a. concert by amazing part about the show
9S_H"cI~!les po.'. & hand.) 10:
. KaJapana. Beth Fitchet pro·vided--w;i's. riot 'thaCHonk-appearea;
O.E.I.S., 3920 E:''-;;di':''; Schooi, Phoenix;
Az. 8501.B..
some powe.rfullead v~cals.
but. that Kalapana" Hawaii's
M·Th 9:00 - 4:00
. . F 9:00 - 12:00.
QUAlITY PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Rea":'n. VWBUG60Needsso;"" work. $300. mu~\ . FEM ROOMMATE WANTED To'share House GOOD.JOB - Sand~ich shop Oow~lown ATTENTION ALL BUSINESS' ST\lDENTS:
able. Soulh Bay Secretarial SeIY",e. 50 sell. Cr~ig 286-4968 Nea'r Slale. Hurry! on Slate. Own ro,gm, $85. No pets. 286- . SO 11·3. Mosl days Some nlghls P,eler "Involvemenl Benetils.You"·Vole M,ke
c.ents per page. 423-4460.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3400.
21 or over. Call 232·3932 afler 2:90. . Sloff ior. A.~.S.C. PreSident.
'. VEG£TARIANS discover JAYS CAFE. i34
TOSHIBA 400 STEREO Receiver $100.
W. Oougl.s. EI Cajon, 442·133110' Inla. TYPING - PROfESSIOIW. 20 yrs ex p. All Wlntrop 8 trac.k recorder $90. If 10- FEM RMT Nan·Smoker. 3 bdim Hse 2', MODELS, Amateur. prot, men, women. ---.-~----------~LOST AND FOUND
formats. "m fast & a perlectionist in aU
leresled canlact Oanny 582·6204 ..
m,. lrom Slate. 5100 + 113 utililies. adv. opportumty. flrsl 20. 287·1970.
. HUGE GWG(fOR RENT. Secure. 2miles larms ollypi~. SC,", & IBM. Reg. wi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _
Year· round residence. 466-482~.
10 SOS. electric. $25. 583-5455. 583· SOSU USIU UCSD Theses RevIew 'GARRARO TURNTABtE 1170 wilh base & ---------.-----.----- . RESEARCH ASST: Jr·Sr 3·5 GPA Liberal FOUNDI~Maney '1rder.ldenIiIY 10 claim.
Boards. 50 Ft. OFF CAMPUS. Andre• cooer $45. Rossiginal sklis 20Ocm·Salo· FRMT Sh cule 2 bdrm 2 balh in OB! n, Arls Bac~graund. C.all 462·1730. Lee. . Call 789-2379. !
. mon bindtngs $35. Call 287·6087.
::~::~~ beaCh $105 + '/2 ·ulil. 225-8117 ;;;;; Wa':;;"d -=-RESTA_Ci;.n-up. ..,
wa,t. See Madeleine or 463-4535.
1969 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER. CIe.n. ---------------- Near SOSU·. 5 ntlesthru Sum",er, slart'
______________ new palhl. $850 Ii".,. 449-3259 eves.
!lEEO RESPONSIBLE liMn. Own room. 1) p.m. 287·3303.
____________ _
CASH 'PAIDI FOR MERCHANDISEII Call WOMEN'SDIAMONO WEDDING set $350. ----------------- ·$87.50, util.By end 01 March La Mesa.. -----------_____ _
284-'1272 before 10 p.m.
Call 582.64~1 ask lor Kieta .Iler~.
WANTED Will Trade New Tex.s Inslru· SergiO, 464·2490 or 465-1700 X.310.· HELP WANTED -·Restaurant. Exp. help- ALGEBRA, Trig, Analgeom. Calculus.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _______________ menl SR·52 Proir.mm.ble CALCULATOR --------.•- - - - - - - - .lui. 2:3 nites& weekend days, 2B7.3~03 .. Phys, SlalistiCs, GRE 287·9489 Ish.
GUITAR LESSONS: Rock, Blues. Jalt. SAllONAIIfDRADIOS.& STEREOS to State for SR.51. or H.P. 484·0646 Nlghls;
FURN RM ResllOn. 'Male $95 mo. All util.
-~-~-~~~--'------Folk. Bluegrass. Beginning Ihrough .d· College Siudents onlY
--'----------~- ____ _
pd. K,' .. phOne use. Nonsmokldrtnker ..
;'anced. Call Les PresIon. 281·0932.
AMIFM Stereo pUShbutton radio $59.95 1970' MERe MONTEGO wlAIC See at Provo home. Car neeess. 4/1av 286-1855.
---'__=-__c:;.::--"----'~ - AM/fj,fStereo Blrack'indash-. $69.90 ·SI?Su.:Call RlCk.286-6084. ·Good Buy .. -----.-----.;.~- ... MATH, PHYSICS, ENGINEERS_Earn$5OO_.:...__ _'''_ .____ .•. ': .
DAILY AZTEC CLASSIFIE.D ADS REALLY AMlfM.Slereo Cassette 10 d.Sh $74.95 $895.
ROOMMATE NEEDED 10 Share 2 bedroom amonthduringyoursenioryear.$40,ooO EUROPE-ISRAEL Student Flights year
OUR VERY BEST IN DASH UNITS: 2 YEAR ---------.------ Hause,IOmtnlromStale;$IOOamonlh Post.grad Education. Navy Olficer Piog· round,lSCA, 11687 San ViCenle Blvd,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - part. &I.bor warranly.
Adv. SAILING llSSONS Ihru MiSSion B.y. plus ulililies. 286-4605. Oebbie.
#4, L.A. Ca 90049, (213) 826-5669.
EXPERT TY~ING/Editing. II;IM Seleclric, ",AMlfM !.tereo Cassette Indash $109.00 . Aqualtc Cenler. Slarts 415 Mon. & Wed's
-------~~--------- -~
ThesesiThemeIManuscripts,461·8333. ·AMlFM Slereo 8 Ir.ck in dash . $98.00 2:5 p.m. $12. call Mary 270-6698.
M'RMMT To split $250 mo. MISSion B CAT' LOVERS-Help! I am leavi~g U.S. to
. ~--~_I_·~~­
AM/FM Siereo puShbutton .... $78.95'- ------________ ....: ___ _ ~ause. ResllOnSfble:Wall, 488<7004.
do Research and need loving hOf!l8 lor 2 . CIEE
M08111TUNE UP$18upbY"PllOintment. AMJFM PUShbulto~ radIO ...... , $49.90 JACK LA LAHNE 3yr. Membershlp$ioo&
neutered Cals. 461·2474 Nights.
Maintenance &repair al your'home _ CUSTOM SOUND .. SPEED 8971 La Mesa $15" mo. lor I year. Contacl M.rty 286- FRMMT NEEDED MiSSion BeaCh 2 bdrm ~-----~~---~----- weeks charters '& semester &academiC
Oupl.. $71 + 1/3 ul. Real Nice 488- to MY BRAT. ORrEIiARILLO"": Oon'l know it' . year IIlshls to Europe, tlckeling inlra
. Licensed Impor:t Specialist·287,3679.
Blo. 5min. lrom Slale· Take Hwy 8to La 0988.
Mesa Blvd. lurnollihen acrosslhe Streel ________________ _ 1542.
Europe, Asia, Israel. spe'cial summer
__________________ liiere .re White Roses in Palm Sprinp charIer 10 Tahiti. Direcl issuance Inler'al
UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED Perm.nently. lrom Food Baskei 11·6.466-4484...
69 HqSQY .250cc Excel Condo $300,' $1402 BEDROOM Unlurn'SI;e.~ No pels or" bul we can Itnd out; CATCH MY DRIFl7, .. sludenl 1.0: World Wide c.mplP8 &sl~.
by Electrofysis. Helen Matson RE 46G. TA;E~:-T-;;CK-;~;.CS~y~
Children, Near SOSU 282·3530 .lter 6. LOVE J.B.
dent lours. FREE sludenl guide 76.vall.
~ _ _~__.____ lepplin 10 Bealle!;. Byrds$l.50ea .. etc ...
- - -........ ------______ ~-.fci~Rfiili-;;SEO~MERA;;;"O~.ble. For more inlo Conlacl, Louise or
16" wood cabmet SP£AKER~ $50. Amp ROOMMATE NEEMD, I Bdrm ApI. $85 C.inera 5Iare ..4637 College.
,Bernard al 224·4878 or 225-1790.
RESUME .. TYPING SERVICE-IBM, Th~ ·--;.SON MASTERTONE BANJO $550: Aka, $75wJlh lape deck &recOrder 488-7165. mo., • 2 mile from State. tum, 287· 7729.
:--------;--------___ .:_
eses,elc. 286-2100. 28~2271. . . Oolby R10 R$250, W.lnut Uprighl Pi.no. --~--~--~-------- 287·3136.
.. ;AS;'ORT-;;;ilT'iiS-:Whil;;yOu W-;i'it EUROPE, ISRAEL;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - $200; Audoolab Spkrs. $100, Stereo coli 72 S1350 HONDA Excel eond $450. B,.si -------:--..:......---~--- . FOTOMA,T CA"l~RA STOR,E, 4637 Col: . COstjlig~b.A.. I.S.TI1436SO.
La Cenega
EYECAREPROGRAMIQr Sludenls.l.culty, ,$60, Mandolin $50. 460-030<1.
. PipeS 449-6143,
lege: ' : .
Blvd. Los IIngeles 90035, (7141 870.
'stal(& spouses. Eye eJl8l)ls, eyeglasS\ls,
1031 or (213)652·2727.
contact lenses. Drs. Kerinedy &W.yda. MEN'S 10.p BIKE French Mato""c,~ .•.
2 fULLER BRU$H raules available $4:50 DEAR CAROL 10 28 W•• r your Bikini over _________________ .
OptometriSts. 566-6262. .
Ekeellenl condo $85. 286-9871.
nekt "me. Love Guys In 3L
per hour. Car necessary·tf qua""ed. call
:~fi~;:;1'~~iit;rN~i{:.'io~I€~~Tf',;.i:;e;:.~eiJ~~n~N,4 D~~;eii~~I.;.~~-;;;;,,,,,,fOR"'llENTc'O!¥~,,=,ROOIJI-c.in . ti0euse.. 287:6:388...
. DEBB~8£Tjjru;_;;;~"~A;h;;:;~,; 10 501. Aprtl-Oci. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6' W:~~I~~
... IBM. Call Joan GIu,nl, 463·1130.
• 4_6_1._I07_5_~g_hIS:~·_.._·.~-_..-_~-_-_-_.. -·$68;7SlmOnth.Clalreinont. 272·9932~_ ... :~"'" . ':"'. - ,.-'.c ... );;i.,.~.~.~;<:~bI!~~l~! 1I.tt~.'!')dle~b~'I111!~"':I~Ii:'Y. 'p'L.~.~:2~,~ekJ.li8h~0Iten ..
-- - .. CASH PAIDI fOR MERCHANDISEll Call, down. Me.' ... , . . ............... .' "BUT, IImlled'spaceon long.&.summer
... --'-------------:.. SHAKLEEPRODUC)'Slorsale'LOOKINTOI ;;;;'-T~o~~h-are-'~-:~-PI""ne-a-r -S~-S~: ..2B4·0272 belare 10 p.m.
-.---.... -.""------.-----_ lliihls. PhOne your SAN DIEGO head .
.PLACJ YOUR CLASSIFIED AD TODAY! M· TH C.II 582·3194, ask lor Sue, rm. 104.
-----:----- -- ---.--..,..-- RESEARCH STUDY needs women WhO have quarters lor charlers smce 1961, n9
-g.4'and FRIDAHH2.-SS.137~-·-.-- .._=~~=~~~__
..~!l?50 m.o-'-urriISh.e<l~82·6019 eve!____ .. SAIID"GaJ~CEES NnQ.llelllV!'.II!£.IL"":.._~p~ed_'a tile Peace Corps andnol gone lower prICes Wllh sal ely (truslaceount"
; -~-------,-.--- • WAHTEDW~ltrade newTexa"'ns'rume~' . -------.--.,.-.-:-:--;----- . ral$lng Projects. Work 4·9:30 Sun"lIr~ 10. F,lIoulanonymousqueslionn.fre. Will"-WeareyourprofeSSiariaIC"'iit~r'&'Tiiivel
TYPING 01\ SeleclrlC II 01 papers &Iheses. SR52 Programmable CALCULATOR For RMMT HUOED SI,are 2 bdrm liause PB .Thu;S, GrUI pay lor greal peopie.~71. share results. Call Bruce or Lynn. 283· experls. Phone: 291:.1841. 9a:m .. 5".",.
Call 271.484'2 aller 5·p.m.
SR51 or H.P .. 484·0646 eves. .
. $175. Call Ed 21l7·0225 aller 9 p.m.
7352. Man·TIM 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
~~ .._.
:_...L_":' ___,----'-.:..-
tUES~AY, MARCH 30, 1976
Daily' Aztec
SDSU golferswinj
Worle 'stars a ain
by Paul De Bolt'
'. La
. rson led the tournament
Curt Worley .and the Aztec' after two roundS (71-71);bu't
done it ,faltered on Friday with a 75 ..
agcLWorley.an.d . strokes pff Larson's leacll.ng
his teammates won 'the in- pace after 36 holes and Worle) .
dividual and team'titles while (74-74) was six. .
h?sti~ the annual Aztec In-. . "I thought if Lennie could go
vltatlOnal, Tournament at o,ut and shoot even parthat last
. CarltOn Oaks Country Club.-. round, he co~ld win the tournaThen last Thursday· and . ment,".saic:l.J:)r~ Scott. "I was
Fri~y,SPSU won its third wrong. He,did shoot even par,'
major tournament of the.year but Worley was four under." .
After' successf1,1lly closing
and Worl~y bis s~nd in, a~
many weeks;. at the Pacific out Larson by one stroke, the
Coast Invitational Tournamerit ~o Aztec teammates turned
at Sandpiper Country Club in '. opponents, and battled ·each·
. .
'other' for the' individual
The Aztecs ran 'sway from championship,)Von by Worley(
the 2Heam --field, and beat . '·'They both laughed about. it
ruiUier;up-:USCby17·strok;es···· 1O . the.-carafterwards," ....said '
while establishing· a . ne~ . Dr. Scotti.who saidJhere was_
tournament total sttoke record .' no animOSIty between the. two.
of 879; The old 'mark· was 888. '-. F·OllLoth~.Aztec_s~()mpeted
Unit.ed States International 10 the t?urney" anc~ two of those
University arid. the University wer~, mvolved in the team
of Oregon tied for third at897, sconng.: , ....
followed by UQ.Santa Barbara
·Terry Raymer overcame a
906, California StateUniversiy badly brUised and swollen
908,. Stanford' ,thumb in the·final round and
University 910,
.. shot a 74 to finish seventh with
" ' , .. , .
. . . . , '. ".
University 915. '
a 54-hole,total-of222 (74-74-74).
Worley carded a four-underRaYIQer had-·a· car door
par 68 in
final round of the
on one of his thumbS
. . .'
. .
54-ho~e event~, tying teammate o~ Fr1dar .m~rning just before
at resulted
216. A hi~, ~s'
by Danie, I Lower
was caught in
play Volleyball Association and Machaoo's hopes of imin which Worley. won on the' the door," said Dr. Scott, "and
One month ago the volleYball'
, Both teams now have 4-4 provement.were·'realized. .
first hole, and clinched the .we couldn't get· it
team was soundly beaten by ,records.·
got it all' together
individual championship;" .'
. Atthat ~e,theAztecs had. defending national 'champion . At the start of league play, (agamst Long Beach'),'"
The. tea~ championship" Just a, slX-s.troke lea~,. and UCLA; By the .end of the' first Machado said,he didn't believe Machli.do ' said. _"We: j)8ssed,
established SDSU as one of the needed Raymer's serVices on round ofleague play the AZtecs ' UC14 was a step ahead of tpe set, hit and. played defense'
top teams ill the West, said ~~t fin~ll day fuinsure a high were struggling to discern . rest of .the, leilgue,~s p1any~tter than we,ever have;"
Aztec head coach Dr. Frank flmsh.
' .. " themsclvesfrom
coaches and observers . 'In
. the first -game
, 'of, the
. '
t ' th I the last 'place' league
cotto . . . .
,.'''The •thumb was really eamS 10 ,e eague.
' "
the Aztecscapitaiized
"We've'beiltenlillthe "top. ·swoll~n bad/'I?r.. Sco!ts~~~.'
. "The t~m t!Iat i~ most on eJ(tremely poor Long Beach
teams..injhe~.esLthese,~:'we t?ok him.mslde and put N~w, after ou~clas~1Og Cali- . prepared 1O.April will be the '. passing and defense to record
two weeks-except-B igham _.lCe-o~~lt,and-then.he-went-out ..Jorrua_Sta!e.J!myerslty, Long_team that WlDS ~e NCAA their biggest margin of yictory.
Young Universiiy'; ~:id. Dr. and . Jlla~ed: . From--a-- coach's ~ .. Beach,u 15-3! _15~1~,_15"r:lIlSL_finals;~:-::'l\1:llCIt_~cl.~~~~~·___ -'-- _ so~far-this-year,l5-3~.- - - - Scott
standpomt, that really brings Saturday mght III Peterson
.', .
.. . .. ' ' . "
. you up off your seat.". "
Gym, the AZtecs" are looking
S10ce then Machado a~d the
In . tI.t~ secon.d game," the
In wmn1Og-the-Aztec-tourna-- . _~_
.' ,._~.~. . .. _~e. other way -7 toward .. the ~ztecs, .have ~ WOrkIng .on Aztecs Jumped to a 9-1 lead;
me!1 , SDSUdefeated the.
.Dale Walker, the foUtlt~ upper-·end-·Of-t.he-..league:--:JmprO~g'-'theILgame_JoLll__I,.Q,~g,»~a_~:.~ould not direct
t golf powers of the South- Aztec scorer put· togethe~, standings..
ber~ m. the NCAA ~este~n.. thelr passes' anywtiere-near-west, Dr. Scott said.
rounds of 76-79-75, for a 225
RegIOnal play-offs. which will _. theIr setters,.
. . . ..
total. Also competing for SDSU·
"This win
really hclp our. be held at UCLA April 23. to 25. -.~...•.
. .
"This time alGoleta, we had were BilLSakas (77-79-75) "231, players'attitudes," said A,ztec,
The Aztecs'attacJt was ve,ry
many of .the schools from up . and Wayne Searle (79-80-74) head coach Ed.·MaC;hado. . In their ~ast home. game consistent. Captain' Ron
north,"hesaid. '
' 2 3 3 . ' "Maybe now they'llbeUeve.in : ~turday, m~t, the ~ztecS.--"McElanY;·RickJo~son,.Mike
.' . . . '
c10ched a spot m.the regIOnals
. Plililsetumio~1810
Th,e battlefor the individual
"We are play10g v~ry well,", ..,
.. .
' ',."
Aztec VO IIe'.y'b'a II',,·team· 'swe.eps.
An~eles ,.~na-Seattle
L0 n9 Be'a 'h
. . d. . ' n O,W,
. . . . '4'
c ,; ,rec'or
.. - "',
~~:le~W~JeyW"a~i:~!~~~~d ~~~;>~o~ti~\~r:ee~~~~~
.. ",UteThe~ztecsarenowtiedvii~
4gers for fourth place
UCSB's Brad ·Larson.
Please tum to page 12 . Southern California Intercol-
Ba' $''e' b'·a-·I·I·tea'·' m w:'·.·I·n·~s'··
tWOjUCLA js next, '
- '
. : . ,
, . . . .
by Tracy Tlicker
University, ,Fullel'ton was
improving its P"CAA markto 6It isn't often that a basebali Oby' sweeping the University of
t~~m. wins a game in the"Iast~--Pacific.
inning, ends up taking, two out
. "We had to win three"out of
of thfee,andth~wiilning cOllch, thi-ee to stay alive' in the
is left_uIlh~ppy. _ ' __ ' __
' conference -., that's aID there
However, due to ~~r~~--- (sIoH:' said Oiets;'''tbaf1liie
lOss was critical."
circumstances, Aztec coach
The loss· carrie iIi the 'ffrst .
Jim Dietz falls. into this" game. of Sat.utd.ay' 'so twinb.ill.
category, as th~ Aztecs take on
UCLA for a 4, p.m; double- Long Beach picked.·up three
h d
t S th F' eld oda
ru~ in the top of the third, one
1 ··t y.' run in. th.e· fifth,andSDSU:
ea er a o~
. Despite the fact that the never caught up. Aztec Chick . '
Aztecs beat California State.' Valley smashed .a two-run
University, Long Beach' last triple in the sixth, and Keviil
F 'd
McWhirter hit is fourth homer
rI ay,~0:-7,an split a doublein .the eighth withnbbody on·
header Saturday, losing 5-3 and
winning 4-3, Dietz knows that 'but another Long Bea~ run in
the Aztecs' chances of winning' the ninth made it 5-3, and,that's
the Pacific. C'osst Athletic the way it ended.' ,
Association title are slim. ,
"We just didn't hit iD lhe
'clutch in the first game," said
.. Whiie ttle;'Aztecs - w'ere; Dietz..
,win'ning~ '.their'fi~st 'l~~gue.·c;;: F..o~ ~Xrunpl~, SDSU.: b8(f;~::c~>:
_ .. _~_ . . '
. . . ' '.'
".'. .
, . . . ' "
Dennl;C.U.ota', gaJ!lesof the year to ~~kebasesloadedwiilioIily'oii4fout~"~
CSU (ong'Bellch's Lloyd Michaelson is safe before Aztec first baseman Chick Valley can apply the tag. SDSU. . theIr' league .reco~. 2-4, fltst in the bottom of the mnth, With
split ~aturdaY's·~oubleheader .. winning the nightcap 4-3, after d{opping the opener, 5-3;' place . Cahfor~la· ··State · - c · .. ·c· .... . C Pilalllturnto IIIle'lo--.
.....,...'iuEsDAv. MARC8 30-. 1976-: Daily Azt_e.c
ninetcikes twofro·m·
-tong Beach; to meet UCLA
,ContinUed from page 9
at the plate. Ellison's grounder It was Teteschuk's first win of
td second, though, .was turned ,the year~ against one loss. .
into a;game-endingdoubleFriday's Attec win was high--plaa~~'.~·.------------~--~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=
"0 .. k
. 1" .
t lighted by another comeback.
._ '. ur .. ey poop e are· n?
Kennedy drove in five runs in
_~h!~ti!lILthe_l>all:f()!,_usbod_I"-·_§!l}!L ___ SDSU_entered __ the_,eighth;~_the,game,.l:U'lCl:I~UI~~,III,"__ ""U'-LU~_, __
Dietz., '~We .have no y to trailing 7-3, but picked up four home run and a
in adblame but ou~elves.:r
runs'to tie'it. The big 'blow was djtion'to his triple."
,D~ve Smith took the loss, his
seventh -against one Win.
. 'Thesecondgame}Ookedlike _. ':().
it oUght be a repeat of the f i r s t , '
.with. Long:'Beach picking' up
,three runs in the sixth to erase
a 1:-0 Aztec lead. Up to that Continued from pap 9 .
time,." ·starier Valley had Dodd and Tim Meredith' tied the score the only time in
, allowed but three hits, but a provided blocking that stopped" the match, 6-6.' •
two,.runhomer followed, bya the 4gers' 'spikes nearly every .
.... .... . " "
double and a single did him in. time ,they could put a good -. But the Aztecs' defense
_..":'ll.ete._'!'~.!~s<:!t.!lk!!eldLong, enough play to set up a hit.
showed -definite signs of imBeach in the top of the seventh;
-"Even -- thoughwe~- pl~yed-' proveinent-andthe'4gernvere--'
so the Aztecs took their last very steady, there were t i m e s · '
, swings needing at least two. whe~ I cou"~Just see our ~n- outscore~ by 'their hosts 9-1 for
thuslasmdie, Machado. smd. the 15-7 fmaLgametally.
, With one out and the bases ,"For some reason in the
The sweep of Long Beach
loaded, Gary' Armstrong hit . middle of th~ second ga,me we 'was over in one hour and ten
what appeared to be a perfect just stopped pl~yingintense minutes.
double play ball. Walt Witzcak, volleyball."
who bad reaclied base on a'
The 4gers pulled as close to
The Aztecs have four
.~- fielder's choice, was forced at -the Aztecs as they ever were at remaining league games, all of
second, but the relay_t9 first 13-9 in the second galJ.le, but the them on the road .
. .' was wild, scoring Rod Brown Aztecs put the game away with
.The guestion no~ is, how
, •
Dennis C. LI1Dta
and ',Tom Vessey,who had two straight points after a
much better can the Aztecs SDSU volleyball player Ron McElhany misses a block on a spike byCSU_
, walked. Walks to Wayne'Steeletime-out.
. and Kevin Kennedy set the
Long' Beach stayed Within get? Can they beat league- Long Beach's Craig Warren. The Aztecs won the match last Sa~urday
. stage for Matt Orvick. who ran .two point!) of the Aztecs at the leading Pepperdine this Friday night in three straight games, 15-3, 15~lO, 15-7.
the count to, three and two, and start of .the third game, and night at Pepperdine?
V . 1'1ey.basqua
II .
d" - . -
.. ,
-I n' 0''n' e-sl- d'e!"d contest
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Dail~ Aztec -
TUE~~f'Y' MARCH 30, 1976 -
Aitec .sprinters ignore wind/sparkle in'R~lays
by Tim Haag
. "rated"category of mile relay pleased was Craig Robinson,
Johnson also expressed Cormance, but it didn't exactly.
At last,. Saturday's 38th an- -, teams.
who broke out of an early confidence in the Aztec thrill Mike Packer. 'Packer
In the seeded . distance season slump in the pole vault vaulter's possibilities as an'18- mentioned the wind gusts .and
nual Santa Ba'rbara Relays,
the wind was expected to slow medley relay, the Aztec team. and won his event,'clearing i6' foot vaulter. if Robinson' h,.is unfam.iFarity wiJh the ,.
of Madruaga, Huffman, Lord easily and just missing at corrected his takeoff technique tartan runway as distractio~
the runners down. It did.
But in the "seeded" (for the· and Mike Avrea placed third 16'7". Robinson attributed his from the ground toward the while he wa§ throwing, but he
faster. teams) 880. and mile behin<i-Washillgloll and Fx esno improvement to the correction crossbar.
failed to ~se these as excuses.
relays, another facJor seemed St.at~, 11:.4 seconds off the of afew t~hnicalpr~blems.
to "slow down" the runners. wlnnmg time. .
. One of. those' correctIOns, he
In the high jump, Jim
"I'm still working on my
Judging from Huffman's said, was having someone' Geddes cleared 6'8" for the height~llt Packer. who
Itwas~Aztec uaclrteam'~~~esplte:tneo6Serve him-at practtce. -Little third time this season to place eventually wound up .fifth in
- talented group' of sprinters. wind), it appears he may bedj€,l Robinson expect, however, third. He ~aid he felt he should the competition.
_TheY_W9I1JWJU;ly~tsj!U!~w~y..:. __r~~(fYJojQiI1JhIL44:relay_team~to_have __ the_ ..1972~.OIY.tnpiL_have_cleared_6~1~~- ___ ._~----..:..- .-------c-----.:-----.. -.:---'-.------that made their oppo~entl)~o~k .. in Philad.elpQia ~t. the NCAi:\ . bronze medalist in the, pol~'"
Packer's ~oach, Steve Dic~, .
like they were loc~ed m a futile Championships. .The vault watching him at last· Jean· Beaudry -'-garnered agreed in part but added that·
state of deceleration.
sophomore from New Jersey· Saturday's meet. But., sure another third for the Aztecs'as "Mike has to throw with a
In the half-mile relay, Duke needs a time of 1:49.8 or better enough, there. was yaulter Jan he put the shot· 52'9V4", well . faster' hand."
Fergerson, Harold Williams, t~ d~Jhat.
' . ' Johnson,telhng~e transfer- underhis season best of 54'9".
'and Quentin Wheeler gave
Tli~ Aztecs also fared well m from Trade TechDlcal College.
. Johnnie, Simpson,
Donnie Miller 'a comfortable the .fleld events, though after in Los Angeles th~t he. Triple-~un;tper 'Tom---n~h--cliinUnitive-sophomore out. of
lE~ad' Instead of relaxing
talkmg to the throwers and (Johnson) was, according to . came wlthm 3'h'.' of hiS Newport,. R.I., leape9 to a
how~ver, Miller sizzled in with . jump~r~,onemight thi~ they Robinson, "intrigued by my lifetime best ·with his fourth seasonal beSt (22'% in lhe long
an unofficial 19.6 clocking for had .flDlshed .at the bottom of explosion into the bOx (where. p!ace leap of, 48'1~ but he w~s , jump) as he placed: fift,h ..
his 220 leg. Theirwiniting time thehst. OJ:lefleld man who was the pole is thrust)."
dis~lea~ed .wIthhis ef~ort. 'I Simpson should provide some
was 1:25.3, less than five'
~ont~nkmy~xpecta,hons(to important depth in that event.
seconds slower than the wortd
.' ,
. 'Jump m th~ 4~,6, t~'50 range) in upcoming dual meets.
-,' .'
were too high, sa~d Bush. fie
. .',
said he looked for bett~r
Rounding out the' .medalThe quartets-top~ per-- -------results because-of the stronger . gathering--for-- SDSU--:-was--formance ~as no aCCident. .
competition, p,rovided. Hazard, whose 4:10.6 was good
Saturday by two UW jumpers enou/W togainhim third place
Wheeler said the four agreed.
there was a better chance .for _ . --_____•____ -:-_,' -who' took first and second with " honors in th~open mile..
victory in the 880 relay. than in
50'7.1;2 and 49'9% efforts.
the mile relay.
"I thought I was ready for a
As it was,Williams felt they _
'.. '"
. "I just didn't get it together . persorialrecord," said Hazard.
today," lamented Bush .. '
The wind; however, did Qim
could have 'prod~cf1d a quicker
wrong, as .he . missed his:
"We could've .run a faster
A two-hundred and twelve lifetime best by 2.9 seconds. He L
time but we weren't pushed,'.' .
foot throw in·. the javelin is said the wind cost him at least
better-th.an~average !l per- two seConds.
said the'senior sprinter.
The victory in,the mile relay
proved especially gratifying
for coach Dick Hill. After. the
race, he·was quick to point out.'
the fact that his foursome of
Odie Huffman, Williams,
Wheeler. and Miller had just
soundly- defeated last -year's
NCAA. champ in the .event.
Bob Kerr, suffering. a first
Kerr, Who saw ius record dip.
Williams and Wheeler ran
round knockdown in The ISO- t to 4-2. will only box in Amateur
the pIvotal legs;- The former'
pound class of the National Athletic' Union (AAU) fights
passed three. men through the
Intercollegiate Boxing _n~w.Itisthelastyearhew~s:
course of his -quarter
, Championships at Reno, N~v. ehgib.le to. compete In
while Wheeler, who:
Thursday night. 'l}ever qUI~e c<?UegJate boXl~.
. .
that Williams' effort
....:..lrec~ov'erE!d. from . the .bI?Y;'__a~d_ ..·.. 'At'.'-'~Reno,-'--"Ke~r..:;.....wa~'=::
.alai of work, turned ··r=-C=-,,: ..... - went on tq lose by a deciSIOn 10 representative of' the .West .
mile r~lay -rleg-.ever--( 46.8 -. -the-three-roun~' mat~;-.- ·~··--ieam-which-tri.llIiphed--over--­
Kerr, a senior majOring 10 the East 8-5 in the 13 different .
. The
.public administration, .c~uld. weight cias;es.
Washington runner' "gave me a
.' .'
_.... ,
havequalifiE!d fOr)l semI-fmal_
good pace -arid nUl'it :followed'"
tryout berthCor_.!!.§.p.!>t.!I! !l1 e
KerJ'_ r~c;:eivedbyes m 1fiS·
Olympics. but was simply out· first tworoun~sani:l~~u!dhave
him." saia Wheeler, Who then '~I~~~~:~~
started Miller off on his 46.9' !II
finessed by Stan O'Connor pf won his weight dlvlslon by:
anchor leg. The latter held off
'\,. the United St.ates Naval defeating O'Gonn~r. O'Conn.or,
Hiskie Pablo 'Franco, who has
Academy at Annapolis, Md. though, with more than' 40 .
".I ,thought! did good," Kerr . fights under his belt,pt:ovedto '
times' of 9.3 and· 20.5 to his
said. "I was. in the best shape be too experienced for . Kerr..
The SDSU, 'B' mile relay
Rick Maeiel . of my life, but he just had more
Kerr was sponsored on his
team of Geprge Manrique~,· Azt. ec triple Jumper Tom Bush takes off here in recent track ac!io~" Bush, boxing experien~e than ·me. He. trip by tho e Chicano' Athletic ..
Rick Lord, Jose Madruaga and
'umps' for the.SDS. Utrack team. poste.d a 48 11 triple was taller (6-foot-4 to 6-2). and
he had a 10ngeI' reach."
Allen Hazard also earned a who also long J
plaque as ~ey took third in the ~~Pin~~S~U~Q~Sa~aBa~arnR;e~~;y~s~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
. ,try for Olyrn pic berth
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.. 12.- TUESDAY, MA..RCH 30, 1976 ~ Daily Aztec
.Bcidrn intontedm,poI110na vie
The coed badminton team, theAztecs will take ten players
the' defending Southern to Pomona, six men and four
. California Wamens'
In- women, with, the lineups
tercollegiate Athletic Con~ beging the same as they have
ference champioDS.--will-~st of the year.
California State Polytechnic
Fred Koch, who· defeated
University, Pomona tonight in Mike Kelly, the defending state
a coDference match at the
. player froin
SUSU; now
in conference
Dietrich.play, is coming off of a'. con- spot for the AZtecs.
-. --:YlnciDgl4-1 win-over defendingThe remainingmen'ssingles-:--The" tbreeroixed-dolibles·
state champion California players will be .Larry Carton,' . teams will be Koch and Ms,
st;ate College Dominguez Hills, Miles Munson', and John· Dietrich, .Surya and Ms.
iira gaPIe that was played last Burnett. .
Turner, .and Smith and Ms.
In men's doubles Koch will Frucman.
7--~-Georgia· Tur~er .sa~d. tea~ withGeorgeS~ith,_amL_-··_-·:---~ME~·
-e--n--''!'"s-'' '!T'' !!!-!.''"e-n-n-··~is-----··
' hockey team taes
k· ·3. rd
Colorado e; San Dle.o Slale 3
'e Southwestern Col'..
d thir d (5D).
(5D). 11:3. 4-6. 6-4; Brawer(C) defeated Robins
The Aztecs fmlshe
6-3. 6-3; 5tandlee(SD).defeated Grant
legiate ·Hockey'League tour~ with a record of 1-2 with the (C). 7-6. 6-3; Smith (C) defeatedWciod(SD),6-3, .
nament last.
week was won for San Diego Junior. Mariners 7.5;DOUBLES
defeated Goch.
- Moezzl-Wood
the first time by a team other finishing the tournament win~ . Norcatron-Haddad(C;),6-:l,6-1;'Smlth-Brnwer
than the A,ztecs. Northern : less iil: three.games: '
(C) defeated Comar-Robblns (SD), 6-3, 6-3;
Arizona. Uni~ersity tied the
Grant-Goeh (C) defeated- StanClee-Darllng
C. lI10ta
Urifversity of Colo-tado for· - .1NALTolJRN.urENT 8TANDIN~S - ' (SD), ~:;:~~Ie '7; San DJe'~Stace%
DanaLee goes to her forehand shotto return a volley. in recent tennis
first, eacn with"~-O-I'records,
SINGLES=.~arker<SD) defeated Palm action. Miss Lee lost in l!ingles against CSU Long lJ~ach last seekend,
W L 1 II 18 5
(AS), 7-6, 5-7, 6-2; Cohen (AS) deCeated Toney dropping two straight sets, 6-1, 6-3. She also lost in doubles, 6-0, 7-5,
but NAU was··given the nod NAll
2 0
(SD),6-3,7-6;Holo)'lld(AS)defeatedBelln.ky Th Azt
t . t
h -11'- ,
,because it scored more totlfl Colorado'
I~. ~ .~. ~. : : : : . (5DJ..6,3,6-.4;MIII~rJSD) defeated Leamer
e. ec enDis eam, a - oser to ong Beac ,WI IDish out Its dual
~~Sy'. Mariners
0' 3 0 0 12 27
(AS), 4-6, 7-6, 6-4; Fineman (AS) deCeated· . match ·season·Friday againstUSC~-·
McDowell (SD), 6-4, 6-3; Blork (AS) deCeated
, . '
. Iose.
t 0 h·OS
- t USC. F'rl-day-'
Lachelt (SD), 6-4, 6-3.
DOUBLES-Cohen-Holoyad (AS) defeated
Toney-Belinsky (SD1,7-5,3-6,7-6; Palm-Bjork
(AS)deCeated Parker-MllIer(SD); 6-4,2-6,6-3;- . _.,.
I deCealed··
. ,,1
Druckman-McDowell (SD), 5-7, 7-6, 6-1,
San D'e,oSIAIe7,Nol1hrld,e'SIAIeZ
'. . .
Cort.Worfey>leads golf~arn
CGntillllld frillifpil~ 9
was a pleasure. to beat the,n.
"USC has a good· team this . s:;e~~~~:(N)," 6-4~~:;Z~r'::~:N)d::;e~~~~
makes me feel that this team
might be for real," .•.
'. year," Dr. Scott coritinued: Gams' (SD), 6-2, 6-4;' Sland~ee (SD) defeated"
Dr. Scott said he was qUite "But I think we're a better Brawley 00, 7-6, 6-2;. Shearer (N) defeated
team. Like last week (Aztec Robins (SD),6-4,O:3; Wood (SD) defeoted Bayhappy beating USC.
"They've been king of the toUrney), we didn't win at. les. -(N), 6.4, 6,4; ,Hartson (SD) dereated
hill in the West for some time Goleta· because our opponents' ~~~':..:)'~~~eO;zl Wood (SD) defeated
(N), 6-2, 6-7, 6-1; Gom~lnow," .. ,he said. "They're played badly, we lust played ' Shoemaker-lihearer
Darling(SDldefeated Brcok-Brawley(N),O:3,
alw~ys the team to beat, and it quite well," he sai~,
6-4; Standlee-Robins (SD) defeated Bayles..
. .
. '.
. "
. Losing singles matches' W~rE
. uli F' f
J e llko f, 6-0, 7-5; Dan~
Lee,-6-1, 6-3; Liz Dudash, 6-2, 62, a~d Patty, Plamer, ~, 6-2,
MISS Palmer .and MIss·· LeE
wee~end, 7-2"
lost in'doubles 6-0 7-5 as did
The Aztec'.nette'
..s 'Wl'll .
host M-ISS .F'Ik
ff ' d M'ISS
Freeman (N), 1>-7;6-2,6-2.
USC a~ 2 p.m, in hopes of im- 7-5, 4-6, 6-4, and Miss Dudast.
provi~g on their 2-7 conference 'imd Midd Edles, 4-6, 6-4; 7-5.
record. PSC is., currently· in: Aztec coach Joan Whitby
second' place behind 'UCLA.· said she·feels the Aztecs have a
Mel1's baseball - vs. UCLA, SDSU is in fifth place.
' .. chance to defeat USC'FridaY.
here, 4. p.m.;
"We can beat them (USC) if
(d?ubleh.eader)'Coed bad-·
. _SDSU's o~y \vips came in we're on (our game) that day,'.'
mmton. vs, Cal Poly smgles, as Kim Meyer (7-5, 6- she said..''If :we have a good
__J~~mon~,- ther~~p.m;~: _ _4) and Beck.y l£~es (3-6, 7-5,. 6-<h!)" and.~~~tl!J!t~. tol>, three
The women's tennis team
will inish its dual match
SeaSOn Friday against the USC
after losing to California State·
University, Long Beach ·last
Aztec Action -
Me~iSbli~~~8~Rf~team vs~)I~~e~ V~~~~~~Oii:~corifig--~~~t~;Jr:rs:h~~: ;~niMh~~i
Grossmont JV s, here, 7:30
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