Novembar 2014


Novembar 2014
Pozdravljam vas dragi moji ~itaoci,
Još jedno izdanje magazina For You je u vašim
rukama, kao i uvek, nadamo se da }ete
u`ivati u temama koje smo odabrali da obradimo
u ovom broju. Me|utim, pre nego što nastavimo,
`elim da vas podsetim na naš vebsajt i da vas zamolim
da ga posetite. Razlog je to što }e naš vebsajt
uskoro izgledati druga~ije i biti pun inovacija,
zbog ~ega }e nadamo se postati jedan od vaših
omiljenih sajtova na Internetu. ^lanci koje bih vam
posebno preporu~ila su: „Nasilje u školama na
Kosovu, uzroci i mere spre~avanja“, „Oja~avanje
mira“ i „Bezbednost u saobra}aju“ – zajedni~ka
odgovornost celog društva.
Naravno, uklju~ene su i poslednje novosti iz
sveta filma i muzike. Rubrika za filmove je u ovom
izdanju posve}ena filmovima strane produkcije.
Ako `elite da saznate više o atmosferi i organizaciji
kulturnog festivala „Miredita, Dobar dan” u
Beogradu, pro~itajte rubriku posve}enu muzici.
Da li `alite zbog ne~ega u `ivotu? Ovo pitanje
smo postavili nekim vašim vršnjacima. Ako `elite
da saznate više o njihovim odgovorima pro~itajte
rubriku Upitnik. Uklju~ene su i najnovije vesti iz
sveta poznatih. U rubrici Moda }ete na}i ~lanak
„16 stvari koje svaka devojka treba da ima u svom
plakaru pre 18. godine“.
Na kraju, `elim da ka`em da ovo nije sve i
pozivam vas da prelistate naš magazin ako `elite
da saznate više, a ja vam obe}avam da }ete biti
zadovoljni sa onim što smo vam pripremili, jer }ete
pro~itati puno zanimljivih stvari. Jednom re~ju, naš
magazin vam nudi od svega pomalo.
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: [email protected];
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: [kola meseca:
Srpska i albanska {kola u
jednoj zgradi
6-7: Osna`ivanje mira
8-9: For you fashion:
16 stvari koje svaka
devojka treba da ima u
svom ormaru pre 18.
10-11: Music Box:
Miredita, dobar dan!
12-13: Nasilje u
kosovskim školama,
uzroci i preventivne
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: 25 `ivotinja sa
suludim adaptacijama za
16-17: Poster:
Raphael Varane
18-19: Moviemania:
Big Hero 6; The theory
of everything; Horrible
bosses 2 ; Wild
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Raphaël Varane – zvezda
u usponu
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Bezbednost u
saobra~aju – zajedni~ka
odgovornost ~itavog
26-27: Upitnik: Zbog
~ega se najvi{e kajete?
28-29: Verovali ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma ~italaca
Greetings my dear readers,
Another issue of the For You Magazine is found
in your hand and as always we hope that you will
enjoy the topics that we have selected to treat in
this number. However, before we proceed further, I
would kindly remind you about our website and ask you to visit
it. The reason for this is that in the near future, our
website would come before you with a new look and
full of innovations, which will hopefully make it one of
your favorite sites on the Internet. The articles that
I want to recommend in particular are: “Violence in
Kosovo’s School, causes and measures to prevent
it”¸ “Empowering Peace” and “Traffic Safety” –
common responsibility of the whole society.
Of course, the latest novelties from the world of film
and music are included. This issue’s movie corner is
dedicated to the newest films from foreign production.
Should you know more about the atmosphere and the
organisation of jazz music festival “Mirëdita, Dobar
dan” in Belgrade, please read the music sector.
Do you have any regret in your life? We have
asked this question to some of your peers. Should
you know more about their answer, please read
the questionnaire sector. The latest news from
the world of celebrities are included, too. In the
fashion corner you will find the following article
“16 things every girl should have in the closet
until they turn 18”.
In conclusion, I want to say that this is not all and
should you want to know more, I invite you to browse
the magazine and I promise you that you will be
pleased with what we have prepared as you will find
many other interesting things. With one word, our
magazine offers you a little of everything.
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: School of the
month: Serbian and
Albanian schools in one
6-7: Empowering peace
8-9: For you fashion:
16 things every girl should
have in her closet by the
time she’s 18
10-11: Music Box:
Mirëdita, Dobar dan!”
12-13: Violence in the
Kosovo schools, its
causes and preventive
14-15: Animal kingdom:
25 animals with insane
survival adaptations
16-17: Poster:
Raphaël Varane
18-19: Moviemania:
Big Hero 6; The theory
of everything; Horrible
bosses 2 ; Wild
20-21: Sports corner:
Raphaël Varane, the rising
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Traffic safety A joint responsibility of
the entire society
26-27: Questionnaire:
Do you have any regrets
throughout your life?
28-29: Did you know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: [email protected];
for you 3
škola meseca
sedimo. Stvarno ne mogu
da ka`em ni{ta lo{e kad
sve te~e normalno“.
Isto mi{ljenje deli i
direktorka albanske {kole,
Mevlude Graiqevci, koja
nam je objasnila da se
njihova mati~na {kola
nalazi u selu Hade, koja
ima dve paralelne: u
Crkvenoj Vodici/Palaj i
„Karakteristi~nost ove
{kole je to {to radimo sa
manjinama: pre podne rade
srpska zajednica i Romi,
a posle podne radimo mi
Albanci sa A{kalijama.
Odnosi su vi{e nego dobri,
nemamo probleme, trudimo
se, i dajemo maksimum
direktor srpske {kole Jovica Maksimovi}
da ta saradnja traje. Deca
se sre}u u dvori{tu, i na
ve {kole u jednom objektu,
sre}u nikada nismo imali
dve nacije pod istim krovom...
incidente. Ono {to mu~i i jedne i druge
klupe stolice, toalete, ~ak i
jesu te{ki uslovi za rad. Sve nam
direktorsku kancelariju dele Srbi i
nedostaje, po~ev{i od toaleta u {koli,
Albanci. Osnovne {kole „Dositej
do {kolskog dvori{ta. Malo imamo, a
Obradovi}“ i „Fazli Graiqevci“ u
to {to imamo delimo“.
Crkvenoj vodici/Palaj, op{tina Obili},
Gospodin Maksimovi},
bez ikakvih zastava i obele`ja na
koji je na mestu direktora od 1996.
{kolskoj zgradi, ve} 15 godina
godine, ka`e dokle god se radi po
funckioni{u kao jedna “du{a“.
zakonu, iskreno i po{teno, problema
„Dositej Obradovi}“ i „Fazli
ne}e ni biti. On je naglasio da je
Graiqevci“, najbolji su primer
saradnja sa roditeljima, u~enicima, i
tolerancije, me|usobnog po{tovanja, i
nastavnicima na najboljem mogu}em
su`ivota na Kosovu. Prema
re~ima direktora srpske
{kole, Jovice Maksimovi}a,
do sada nisu imali nijedan
incident, i jedini problem koji
imaju jesu lo{i uslovi rada.
[kola je veoma stara, kao
i sve u njoj i oko nje, po~ev
od klupa i stolica, pa do
ograde u dvori{tu. „[to se
ti~e odnosa sa Albancima,
mi se sa njima svakodnevno
sre}emo i pozdravljamo
jedni sa drugima. Radimo
pod istim krovom, koristimo
iste prostorije, isti {kolski
inventar, kao i nastavna
sredstva. Nemamo nikakvih
problema, uvek je sve na
svom mestu, dnevnici,
mati~ne knjige, i ostalo.
Koristimo istu kancelariju
mi direktori, na istoj stolici
4 for you
nivou. Me|usobno se po{tuju, rade
i pona{aju se u skladu sa planom i
programom, {to rezultira uspehom.
^injenica da Albanci i Srbi rade
pod istim krovom, dokazuje da su i
jedni i drugi itekako tolerantni, {to
ih ~ini dobrim primerom za sve ljude
na Kosovu. „Poru~io bih deci na
teritoriji Kosova, da je Kosovo njihova
domovina, njihovo rodno mesto,
da budu dobri, pametni, poslu{ni,
vredni, da u~e, i vaspitavaju se, kako
bi kasnije svojim radom doprineli za
dobrobit Kosova. A mojim u~enicima
bih poru~io da se iskreno nadamo
da }emo uskoro dobiti standardnu
{kolu, uz pomo} neke donacije.
Ova je veoma stara, sagra|ena je
1920. godine, i zaista joj je potrebno
Gospo|a Graiqevci se nadovezala,
i rekla da je cilj oba direktora isti –
bolji uslovi i nova nastavna sredstva,
za dobrobit u~enika. „U kakvim
uslovima radimo, odli~ni smo u
svakom smislu. I nastavnici i |aci su
veoma anga`ovani i posve}eni {koli,
tako da nam uspesi na takmi~enjima
ne nedostaju. Interesantno je to {to su
deca jako tolerantna i disciplinovana,
idu u {kolu i Srbi, i Albanci, Romi i
A{kalije, ali o tome ne pri~aju i ne
reaguju. Jednostavno, to je i njima,
a i nama odraslima najnormalnija
Oko 45 srpskih i romskih, i 60
albanskih i a{kalijskih u~enika deli isti
krov, zahvaljuju}i slo`nim me{tanima
u ovom selu. Direktori obe {kole
me|usobno sara|uju, kao i sa svima
onima koji su voljni pomo}i i podr`ati
ih da ostvare svoju viziju – da osvanu
u novoj {koli.
everything is running normally.”
The Principal of the
Albanian school, Mevlude
Graiqevci, shares the same
view, explaining that their
base school is located in the
village of Hade, which has
two satellite schools: one in
Crkvena vodica/Palaj, and
the other one in Leskovčić/
Lajthishte. “What distinguishes
this school from others is that
we work with minorities: Serb
and Roma communities work
in the morning shift, while
we, Albanians, work in the
afternoon with the Ashkali
minority. Relations among us
are more than good, we don’t
have any problems, and we
try and give our best for this
Principal of the Albanian school, Mevlude Graiqevci
cooperation to last. Children
meet each other in the school
wo schools in one building, two
yard, and luckily we’ve never had any
nations under the same roof...
incidents. What bothers both sides is
benches, chairs, toilets, even
difficult working conditions. We are in
the Principal’s office, are shared by
need of everything, starting from school
Serbs and Albanians. Elementary
toilets to a school yard. The little we
schools “Dositej Obradović“ and “Fazli
have, we share.”
Graiqevci“ in Crkvena vodica/Palaj,
Mr. Maksimovic, who has served as
municipality of Obilić/Obiliq, without
principal since 1996, says that as long
any flags or insignia on the school
as they work in line with law, honestly
building, have been functioning as one
and fairly, there will be no problems. He
„soul“ for 15 years.
underlined that cooperation between
“Dositej Obradović“ and “Fazli
parents, students and teachers is at the
Graiqevci“ are the best example of
best possible level. They respect one
tolerance, mutual respect and coanother, work and act in accordance
existence in Kosovo. According to the
Principal of the Serbian school,
Jovica Maksimović, they haven’t
had a single incident so far,
and their only problem is poor
working conditions. The school
is very old, as well as everything
inside and around it, starting
from benches and chairs, to
the schoolyard fence. “As for
relations with the Albanians, we
encounter and greet each other
every day. We work under the
same roof, we use the same
premises, the same school
inventory, as well as the same
teaching aids. We don’t have any
problems, everything is always
in its place, log books, registers,
and everything else. We, the
Principals, use the same office
and sit on the same chair. I really
cannot say anything bad when
school of the month
with the same curriculum, which brings
success. The fact that Albanians and
Serbs work under the same roof, proves
that both communities are indeed
tolerant, which makes them a good
example for all people in Kosovo. “My
message to children in Kosovo is that
as long as Kosovo is their homeland,
their native land, they should be good,
smart, obedient, hardworking, they
should learn, and educate themselves,
so that later, with their work, they can
give their contribution for the common
good of Kosovo. And my message to
my students is that I sincerely hope that
we will soon get a standard school, with
the help of a donation. This school is
very old, it was built in 1920, and it really
needs renovation.”
Ms. Graiqevci continued by saying
that the goal of both Principals is the
same - better working conditions and
new teaching tools for the benefit of
students. “Concerning the conditions
we work in, we are doing great in every
way. Both teachers and students are
very engaged and committed to the
school, and therefore we have a lot of
success in competitions. Interestingly,
the children are very tolerant and
disciplined, Serbs, Albanians, Roma and
Ashkali, all although of them attend the
same school, they don’t make comments
about it and don’t react. Simply, for both
the students, and us, the adults, this is
usual everyday routine.”
Around 45 Serbs and Roma, and 60
Albanian and Ashkali students, share
the same roof, thanks to united residents
in the village. The Principals of both
schools cooperate with each other and
with all those who are willing to help and
support them to achieve their vision – to
one day have a new school building.
for you 5
Rona Preteni
ada dete koje
jedva da je
završilo osnovnu
školu po~ne da pri~a
o anga`ovanju za mir,
vladavinu prava, ljudska
prava i o drugim sli~nim
ozbiljnim temama, to
uopšte ne zvu~i „kul”,
kako bi se reklo u `argonu
mladih. Me|utim, u
slu~aju Rone Preteni,
devoj~ice iz Vu~itrna,
ovo ne samo da deluje
„kul“, ve} je i primer
koji bi trebalo da slede
sva deca i tinejd`eri na
Kosovu. Ako ovo nije
dovoljno da vas ubedi
da se i sami anga`ujete,
da li bi vam bilo dovoljno
ubedljivo ako vam ka`emo
da kao rezultat vašeg
anga`ovanja zarad
ovih „dosadnih“ ciljeva,
imate priliku da putujete
u Sjedinjene Ameri~ke
Dr`ave (SAD) i posetite
Univerzitet Harvard?
Jer, Rona je upravo to i
uradila u avgustu 2014.
u sklopu me|unarodnog
programa za promociju
`enskog liderstva
Women2Women (W2W),
6 for you
u organizaciji neprofitne
organizacije Empower
Peace (Osna`ivanje mira).
Pored toga, konferencija
je organizovana u saradnji
sa partnerima kao što su
Wheelock College (Boston,
Massachusetts), Harvard
Univerzitet (Cambridge,
Massachusetts), zatim
Babson College (Wellesley,
Massachusetts), i škola
John F. Kennedy u sklopu
„Uvek sam
`elela da
u razli~itim
klubovima i
koji okupljaju
mlade, zbog
moje neiscrpne
`elje da nau~im
nove stvari i
da dam svoj
za dobrobit
~itavog društva.
Ove godine
sam dobila
priliku da
budem deo
koja je
organizovana u SAD
od strane organizacije
„Empower Peace“, u
okviru W2W programa.
Cilj ove konferencije je bio
unapre|enje uloge `ena
kako bi se njihov glas bolje
~uo”, ka`e Rona. Ona je
tako|e istakla da je jedan
od glavnih faktora koji ju
je motivisao da u~estvuje
na ovoj konferenciji bila
njena `elja da se izbliza
upozna sa ulogom `ena
i vidi kako one `ive u
razli~itim zemljama sveta.
Samim tim, s obzirom na
to da su na konferenciji
u~estvovale `ene iz SAD,
Nigerije, Egipta, Albanije,
^ada, itd, ovo je bila
odli~na prilika da vidi kako
su se `ene širom sveta
izborile za to da se njihov
glas bolje ~uje.
W2W me|unarodni
program liderstva je
pokrenut 2006. a okuplja
`ene lidere uzrasta od 15
do 19 godina iz ~itavog
sveta. Cilj ovog programa
je da uklju~i `ene u aktivnu
obuku o liderstvu, kao i
njihovo povezivanje sa
me|unarodnom mre`om
od preko 600 uticajnih
`ena lidera koje su
ve} u~estvovale u ovoj
godišnjoj konferenciji.
„U Americi su nas
obu~ili da se svojim
zajednicama vratimo sa
planom delovanja koji ima
za cilj da promeni stvari.
Pošto sam na Kosovu
videla mnogo mladih
ljudi koji puše, nemaju
dovoljno fizi~kih i kulturnih
aktivnosti, i samim tim
ne vode ra~una o svom
zdravlju na odgovaraju}
i na~in, odlu~ila sam da
pokušam da promenim
stvari oko sebe osnivanjem
kluba zdravlja u mojoj
školi koji }e biti otvoren za
sve u~enike. Svrha ovog
kluba bi}e podizanje svesti
mojih vršnjaka o va`nosti
zdravog `ivota. Ovaj
klub }e tako|e sara|ivati
sa drugim opštinskim
institucijama kao što su
policija, zdravstveni centri,
opštine, itd. Ve} sam
predstavila ovaj projekat
našem direktoru škole i
on je tako|e obe}ao svoju
punu podršku da ovaj
projekat za`ivi”, dodala
je Rona. Na kraju, Rona
je istakla da ona sanja o
tome da studira medicinu,
i da je njena poseta
Harvard Univerzitetu
samo pove}ala njenu
davnašnju `elju da tamo
studira, kao i da se nada
da }e joj se jednog dana
ta `elja i obistiniti. S druge
strane, Rona podse}a
sve devoj~ice i de~ake na
Kosovu koji su razmatrali
mogu}nost da postanu deo
ovih konferencija, da se
bez oklevanja odlu~e na
taj korak, jer }e im to biti
od velike pomo}i za njih
same i zauvek promeniti
njihov `ivot.
hen a kid that has
barely finished
junior high school
starts talking about engaging
for peace, rule of law, human
rights and other similar
serious topics it does not
sound ‘cool’ at all, as they
would say in today youth’s
jargon. However, Rona
Preteni, a fifteen year old
girl from Vushtrri/Vucitrn, not
only makes this seem ‘cool’
but is also an example for all
the children and teenagers
in Kosovo to follow. If this
does not convince you, would
you be convinced if as a
result of your engagement
for these “boring” goals you
get to go to the United States
of America (USA) and visit
Harvard University? Rona
has done just that during
August 2014 as part of the
Women2Women (W2W)
international women’s
leadership program,
organized by the non-profit
organization Empower
Peace. Moreover the
conference was organized
in cooperation with partners
such as Wheelock College
(Boston, Massachusetts),
Harvard University
(Cambridge, Massachusetts),
then Babson College
(Wellesley, Massachusetts)
and Harvard’s John F.
Kennedy School.
“I have always wanted to
participate in various youth
clubs and camps, because
of my continuous wish to
learn new things and give my
contribution for the common
good of society. This year I
got the unique opportunity to
be part of the conference that
was organized in the USA by
Empower Peace as part of
the W2W program. The goal
of this conference was to
improve the role of females
so that their voice is better
heard,” says Rona. She further
emphasized that one of the
main factors that motivated
her to participate in this
conference was the wish to get
a close look at the women’s
role and how they live in
various countries of the world.
Consequently, considering
that the conference was
attended by women from the
USA, Nigeria, Egypt, Albania,
Chad etc., this was a good
opportunity to understand how
women around the world have
managed to make their voices
be better heard.
The W2W International
Leadership Program was
launched in 2006 and it
brings together 15-19 year
old women leaders from
around the world. Its aim is
to engage women in active
leadership training and to
connecting them with an
international network of
over 600 influential women
leaders that also participate
in this annual conference.
“In America they trained
us to get back to our
communities with an action
plan that aims to make a
change. Due to the fact that
I have seen a lot of young
people in Kosovo that smoke,
do not have sufficient physical
and cultural activities and
that consequently do not take
proper care for their health, I
have decided to try and start
changing things around by
establishing a health club at
my school which in turn would
be open to all the students.
The goal of this club will be
raising the awareness of my
peers on the importance of
healthy living. This club will
also cooperate with other
municipal institutions such
as the police, health care
centers, the municipality etc.
I have already presented this
project to our school director
and he also has promised
his full support to make this
project work,” added Rona. In
the end she stressed that she
dreams of studying medicine.
Her trip to Harvard University
has only increased her long
life dream to study there and
she hopes that one day this
wish will come true. Whereas,
Rona reminded all the girls
and boys in Kosovo that have
thought of becoming part
of such conferences to not
hesitate and take that step
because it will be of great help
to them and will change their
lives forever.
for you 7
olite da dr`ite korak sa svim najnovijim trendovima,
ali kako se bli`i velika 18. godina, vreme je da
po~nete da ula`ete u neke osnovne komade koje
}ete nositi preko i zbog kojih }e obla~enje biti prosto k’o
pasulj. Ove garderobne „spajalice“ su gradivni blokovi u
garderobi svake moderne devojke.
Teksas jakna
Kao i vaš omiljeni par farmerki,
teksas jakna se sla`e sa svim, a to je
odli~an komad pri slojevitom obla~enju
za prohladne letnje no}i, hladne jesenje
dane, ili ~ak i kada vam je potreban
dodatni sloj u zimskom periodu.
Bela majica
kratkih rukava
Belu majicu
kratkih rukava mora da sadr`i svaka
garderoba. Nosi}ete je stalno, uz
farmerke, ispod d`empera, uz suknje,
uz šta god po`elite! Pronala`enje
Denim Jacket
Like your favorite pair of jeans,
a denim jacket goes with
everything, and it’s a great
layering piece for cool
summer nights, chilly fall
days, or even when you
need an extra layer in
the winter.
Ravne cipele su
imperativ kada vam treba nešto elegantnije
od patika, ali udobnije nego cipele sa
visokom petom. Slatki par baletanki ~ini
~ak i najiznošenije farmerke šik, a slatko
izgledaju i uz haljine.
Ballet Flats
Flats are a must
for when you need
something more polished than sneakers
but more comfy than heels. A cute pair
of ballet flats make even the most
distressed jeans look chic, and look
cute with dresses, too.
Svakodnevne min|ušice uz uvo
na iglicu i šraf
Male klasi~ne min|ušice uz uvo
na iglicu i šraf idu uz sve i malo
poboljšaju bilo koji stil. Male
veli~ine ih ~ini dovoljno le`ernim
za šas, ali ih kristali ~ine dovoljno
glamuroznim da idu uz haljinu za
class, but the
crystals make
them glam enough
to rock with a
party dress.
Crne ~izmice do
Crne ~izmice do
~lanaka od ko`e
ili antilopa }e i}
i sa svime što
i mogu se
nositi tokom
cele godine.
Savršene su
uz helanke
i haljinu
ili suknju
za hladnije
ili uz suknju
ili šorc i gole
noge za toplije
Crni sako
Na|ite sako po vašoj
meri u kome se ose}ate
sjajno, a ima}ete ga u svom
ormaru godinama i godinama.
To je komad suštinske va`nosti
pri sta`iranju i radu koji svaku
kombinaciju istog momenta
u~ini klasi~nom, i mo`e da
u~ini farmerke i belu majicu
elegantnijim i pogodnim za
izlazak ili da se nosi preko haljine
kada se ide na neku zabavu.
Black Blazer
Find a fitted blazer that you feel
great in, and you’ll have it in your
closet for years and years. It’s an
internship and work essential
that makes any outfit look
instantly more classic, and
can dress up jeans and
Everyday Studs
a tee for a night out or
Small classic studs go with everything
work over a dress
and take any look up a notch. The tiny
for a party.
size makes them laid-back enough for
8 for you
savršene bele majice mo`e da
bude malo te`e. Najbolje su
mekane sa opuštenim krojem,
ne previše uske niti previše
White Tee
A white tee is a must-have for every
wardrobe. You’ll wear it all the time, with
jeans, under sweaters, with skirts, you
name it! Finding the perfect white tee
can be a bit tricky. The best ones are
soft with a relaxed fit, not too tight or too
Teksas košulja
Mo`ete da uradite tako mnogo sa
teksas košuljom na kop~anje! Manje
je poslovna od bele oksford košulje, a
laganija od teksas
jakne, što je ~ini
Black Booties
savršenom za
Black ankle boots in
nanošenje slojeva.
leather or suede will
go with everything you
Chambray Shirt
own and can be worn
You can do SO
year-round. They’re
much with a denim
perfect with tights and a
button-down shirt!
dress or skirt in cooler
It’s less business-y
temps, or with a skirt or
than a white
shorts and bare legs for
oxford, and is more
warmer weather.
lightweight than
a denim jacket,
making it perfect for
Istaknuta ogrlica
Kada vam je
potrebno nešto što
}e odmah definisati
i poboljšati vaš stil,
istaknuta ogrlica
ulepšava sve od
male crne haljine do
bele majice.
Statement Necklace
When you need an instant outfit maker,
a statement necklace upgrades
everything from an LBD to a white tee.
Slatka tašnica
Investirajte u slatku kla~ tašnicu
neutralne boje koju mo`ete
da nosite svuda, na `urku,
sastanak sa de~kom
ili u bioskop sa svojim
drugaricama. Izaberite onu
koja ima kaiš koji se mo`e
skinuti, tako da mo`ete da je
nosite na ramenu tokom dana.
Cute Going-Out Bag
Invest in a cute clutch in a
neutral hue that you can take
everywhere from a party or date
to the movies with your girls.
Choose one that has a removable
strap so you can rock it handsfree during the day.
ou love to keep up with all the latest trends, but
as you near the big 18, it’s time to start investing
in some basics that you’ll wear over and will
make getting dressed a breeze. These wardrobe staples
are the building blocks of every stylish girl’s wardrobe.
Patike su
Crne helanke
nekada bile
U crnim helankama mo`ete oti}i direktno sa staze za tr~anje
rezervisane samo
na ~as joge, pa do kau~a na gledanje omiljenih serija.
za odlazak u
Udobne su koliko i trenerka,
teretanu, ali
ali u njima izgledate puno
vaša stopala
Klasi~ne farmerke
}e biti sreFarmerke pravih nogavica tamne boje
}na, jer je
Black Leggings
isti~u vašu figuru i mogu se kombinovati
sada u modi
You can go straight from a run
uz sve. Tamne nijanse izgledaju
da se patike
to yoga class to the couch for a
elegantnije tako da mogu da se nose
nose sve
Netflix binge in black leggings.
na milion razli~itih na~ina i izgleda}e
They’re just as comfortable as
dovoljno elegantno ako sta`irate ili radite
sweats, but look much more
u kancelariji gde je dozvoljeno
nositi farmerke.
Crne cipele sa visokom
Kupovina crnih cipela sa
višom petom ne spada u
najuzbudljivije, ali }ete one
klasi~nog oblika nositi veoma
dugo i ~esto. Nosite ih uz usku
suknju do kolena i bluzu kada
sta`irate, uz farmerke i majicu
za ro|endansku `urku, ili uz
haljinu za izlazak.
Black Pumps
They may not be the most
exciting purchase, but you’ll
get tons of wear out of black
pumps in a classic shape.
Rock them with a pencil skirt
and blouse for your internship,
jeans and a tee for a birthday
party, or a dress for a mixer.
Mala crna haljina
S laskavom crnom haljinom
mo`ete oti}i s posla pravo na
sastanak sa de~kom samo uz
izmenu dodatnih detalja! Neka
bude jednostavna i klasi~na,
du`ine tek malo iznad kolena
kako bi imale najviše koristi
od nje.
A flattering black dress will
take you from your job to a
date just by switching up the
accessories! Keep it simple
and classic with a style that
hits just above your knee to
get the most use out of it.
Classic Jeans
Straight leg jeans
in a dark wash are
ultra-flattering and
versatile and
will go with
everything. Dark
shades look
dressier so they
can be worn a
million different
ways and will
look polished
enough if you
intern or work
in a jeanfriendly office.
to be
only for
going to
the gym, but your feet
will be happy to know
that they are now
totally fashion-y to
wear all the time!
mo`e da stane
laptop i ode}a za
presvla~enje kad tr~iš
sa ~asa na posao.
Tašna „tote“
neutralne boje
Koliko god da je
Emoji ranac sladak
(ranac sa veselim
printom), ponekad
vam treba nešto više
profesionalno, kao
na primer za va`an
intervju, ili sta`iranje.
U prostranu tašna
„tote“ od
Neutral Tote
As cute as that emoji backpack
is, sometimes you need
something more profesh,
like for a big interview, or an
internship. A roomy tote in
a structured material will fit
your laptop and a change
of clothes when you’re
running from class to
your work study job.
Moto jakna
Crna moto jakna je bitan komad kod slojevitog
obla~enja zbog kojeg sve odjednom izgleda
opuštenije. Dodaje oštrinu šarma, vodi letnje
haljine u jesen, i izgleda odli~no sa
farmerkama i majicom.
Moto Jacket
A black moto jacket is an
essential layering piece that
makes everything looks
instantly cooler. It adds edge
to the prints, takes summer
dresses into fall, and looks
great with jeans and a tee.
for you 9
music box
cilju zbli`avanja
beogradske i
kosovske kulturne
scene, u Beogradu je
od 18. do 21. septembra
odr`an prvi kulturni festival „Miredita, dobar dan!“.
Kako stoji u saop{tenju
za medije koje smo dobili
od direktorke Gra|anskih
inicijativa u Beogradu,
Maje Stojanovi}, kao inspiracija za osnivanje i realizaciju festivala poslu`io
je Bekim Fehmiu, albanski, kosovski, beogradski,
jugoslovenski i svetski glumac – simbol zajedni~ke
pro{losti sa svim njenim
izazovima, dostignu}ima i
„Ovakvi susreti,
me|usobno upoznavanje i
razgovori su ono što zaista i istinski dovodi do normalizacije odnosa izme|u
Beograda i Prištine.
Kulturom i razgovorima
moramo menjati politi~ki
diskurs i širiti vrednosti
koje mi koji smo danas
okupljeni delimo, jedino
tako je mogu}e posti}i
me|usobno razumevanje i
normalizaciju odnosa kojoj
ipak svi na kraju te`imo“,
rekla je gospo|a Stojanovi}“.
Festival je u Beogradskoj filharmoniji otvorila
jazz peva~ica iz Pri{tine,
Rona Nishliu, uz klavirsku
pratnju Genta Rushija.
Gostima je, dva sata koliko je trajao njen koncert,
svojim prepoznatljivim,
zavodljivim glasom, pevala pesme sa Kosova i
Albanije, od izvornih do
modernih. A na kraju je,
na insistiranju publike,
izvela i numeru „Suus“ kojom je osvojila peto mesto
na Evroviziji 2012. godine
u Bakuu. 27-godi{nju
Ronu, skoro puna sala
Filharmonije, ispratila
je velikim aplauzom. A
zadovoljstvo i ushi}enje
na njenom licu povodom
svog prvog predstavljanja
u Beogardu, nije ostalo
10 for you
Beogradskoj publici predstavili su se i pobednica
Sundance i Sarajevo Film
Festivala Blerta Zeqiri,
pozori{ni re`iser Bekim
Lumi sa predstavom „The
Dealers“, kao i reditelj
mla|e generacije Kalterim
Balaj sa komadom „Oh,
Good Days“. Publika u
Srbiji je tako|e mogla
da u`iva u kosovskoj
poeziji, literaturi i drugim
vidovima umetni~kog
stvarala{tva. Festival
je zatvoren debatom
„Rekonstrukcija budu}
nosti“. Pored ostalih gostiju, festivalu su prisustvovali supruga pokojnog
glumca Bekima Fehmiu,
proslavljena glumica,
Branka Petri}, koja je bila
vi{e nego odu{evljena.
„Bekim bi bio presretan
da je mogao da prisustvuje ovim doga|ajima. Bio
bi jako ponosan sigurno
na njih. Svi su oni vrhunski umetnici”, rekla je
gospo|a Petri}.
Ovom kulturnom
doga|aju, svakako je
prisustvovao i direktor festivala, osniva~
Gra|anskih inicijativa,
Miljenko Dereta, koji
je tim povodom izjavio
slede}e: „To što sam
danas najstariji na ovom
skupu uliva mi nadu da }e
se nove generacije okrenuti budu}nosti, i da }e
umetnost uspeti ponovo
da spoji dva društva“.
Bila je ovo idealna prilika
da mladi umetnici sa
Kosova promovi{u svoj
rad srpskoj publici, u nadi
da }e ovakvih susreta biti
{to vi{e kako u u Beogradu, tako i u Pri{tini. Ova
manifestacija Mire-dita,
Dobar Dan, odr`an je
zahvaljuju}i organizatorima: Gra|anske inicijative
i Centar za prakti~nu
politiku iz Beogarda, kao
i Integra iz Pri{tine, u
podr{ku forum ZFD za
Zapadni Balkan i Fonda
za otvoreno dru{tvo iz
n order to bring together
the Belgrade and Kosovo
cultural scene, the first
edition of a cultural festival
dubbed “Miredita, dobar
dan!” took place in Belgrade
from 18 to 21
According to a
press release
we received
from the Director of the Civic
Initiative in
Belgrade, Maja Stojanović,
Bekim Fehmiu, Albanian,
Kosovar, Belgrade’s, Yugoslavian and world actor - a
symbol of a common past
with all its challenges, accomplishments and misunderstandings, was the inspiration
for the establishment and
realization of the festival.
“These meetings, getting to
know each other and mutual
talks are what really and truly
leads to the normalization of
relations between Belgrade
and Pristina. Through culture
and talks, we must change
the political discourse and
spread the values shared by
all of us gathered here today.
Only in this way can we
achieve mutual understanding and the normalization of
relations, which, at the end of
the day, we all aspire to,” said
Ms. Stojanovic.
The festival was opened
in the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra hall with the
performance of jazz singer
from Pristina, Rona Nishliu,
on piano by
Genta Rushija. She sang
in a two-hour
long concert
with her
voice, songs
from Kosovo
and Albania
ranging from
to popular
tunes. At
the end of
the concert,
upon the
insistence of
the audience,
she performed the
song “Suus”
which won
the fifth place
at the 2012
Song Contest in Baku.
Rona was
music box
greeted with a huge applause
of the nearly packed hall of
the Philharmonic Orchestra.
The satisfaction and the thrill
on her face over her first performance in Belgrade didn’t
remain unnoticed.
The winner of the Sundance
and Sarajevo film festivals,
Blerta Zeqiri, and theater
director Bekim Lumi also
presented themselves to the
Belgrade audience with the
theater piece “The Dealers.” A
younger generation director,
Kaltërim Balaj, also presented himself with the piece “Oh,
Good Days.” The audience in
Serbia also had the opportunity to enjoy the Kosovo
poetry, literature and other
forms of artistic creation. The
festival was closed with a
debate called “Reconstruction
of the Future.” In addition to
other guests, the festival was
attended by the late actor Bekim Fehmiu’s wife, renowned
actress Branka Petrić, who
was more than delighted
with the event. “Bekim would
have been more than happy
if he could have been able to
attend these events. It would
have made him very proud
for sure. These are all great
artists,” said Mrs. Petrić.
The event was, of course,
also attended by Miljenko
Dereta, festival director and
founder of the Civic Initiative,
who on this occasion said:
“The fact that I am today the
oldest person at the event
fills me with hope that new
generations will look to the
future, and that art will again
manage to bring together the
two societies.”
The event was an ideal opportunity for young artists
from Kosovo to promote
their work before the Serbian
audience, in the hope that
there will be many more such
gatherings both in Belgrade
and in Pristina.
The Miredita, Dobar Dan!
Festival was held thanks
to the organizers: Civic
Initiatives, Center for Practical Policy in Belgrade and
Integra from Pristina, supported by forumZFD Western
Balkans and Foundation for
Open Society in Pristina.
for you 11
profesor Emrush Thaçi
Nasilje nije ništa
drugo do upotreba
fizi~ke sile ili fizi~ki
pritisak razli~itim
metodama kako bi se
neko naterao da postupa
ili da ne postupa, bez
njegove `elje i volje.
asilje i huliganstvo
u obrazovnim i
školskim sredinama
na Kosovu je ve} postalo
zabrinjavaju}i fenomen.
12 for you
maltretiranje, proganjanje,
psihološko nasilje,
ošte}enje, uništavanje
vlasništva i fizi~ko
nasilje. Cilj nasilja mo`e
biti pojedinac ili grupa
pojedinaca. Koliko god da
takve postupke pokušavaju
da opravdaju oni koji
koriste nasilje ili oni koji ga
nare|uju, nasilje retko ima
pozitivne efekte. Ono seje
i izaziva strah, traume i
mr`nju, koja
je nasilje
neprihvatljivo u bilo
kom trenutku, još uvek
je deo ~ove~anstva.
Dimenzije i sredstva
sa kojima se odvija
zavise od vremena.
U društvu koje nema
mogu}nost da stvori
bilo kakve vrednosti,
proizvode, blagostanje,
pravila ponašanja postaju
“zakon d`ungle”. U tom
kontekstu se pojavljuje i
neguje kultura najja~eg,
koja se u to vreme smatra:
‘pravednom’, ‘~asnom’,
‘dobrom’, ‘moralnom’. U
takvim društvima, ~ovek je
uspešan i dominira silom
a ne vrednostima. Bez
obzira na to što društvo to
naziva vrednoš}u, nasilje
je ustvari jednostavno
potreba da se pre`ivi u
društvu gde ne postoji
civilizovano ponašanje,
koji je u prvim fazama
svog razvoja.
Psiholozi i sociolozi
uspevaju da otkriju
samo po~etne uzroke
na koje uti~u razli~iti
faktori, rezimiraju}i
slede}e kao najva`nije:
nedostatak civilizovanog
ponašanja, siromaštvo,
zloupotreba medija i
karakteristike starosti
protagonista. Nasilje u
celini, a posebno nasilje
u školama, tesno je
povezano i sa fenomenom
delikvencije mladih osoba,
~ije je širenje tako|e
u porastu u poslednjih
nekoliko godina i to u
zaista zabrinjavju}im
dimenzijama. Porast
nasilnih postupaka
u školama prati se
tendencijom za rešavanje
problema silom.
Le~enje takvog
asocijalnog i agresivnog
u~enika ~esto
ili disciplinskim
merama koje jo{ vi{e
izoluju individue, i u
ekstremnim slu~ajevima
zbrinjavanje u popravnim
institucijama. Ovakve
prakse nisu
proizvele nikakve
rezultate u pravcu
spre~avanja i smanjenja
nasilja u školama, ni u
najrazvijenijim zemljama.
Potrebno je bolje
rešenje koje se fokusira
na integraciju u~enika
u društvo odnosno
školama. Re{enje se
mora fokusirati na jednak
tretman svih bez obzira
na razli~itosti koje mogu
postojati me|u u~enicima
u pogledu pola, kulturne
i verske pripadnosti,
njihovih sposobnosti, bilo
intelektualnih ili fizi~kih.
Poštovanje svakog
pojedinca i pru`anje
mogu}nosti da ravnopravno u`ivaju u~eš}e u društvu i školi, kao
i institucionalna podrška
svakom u~eniku da
prevazi|e teško}e bilo
fizi~ke, akademske ili
~ak socijalne, predstavlja
dobru mogu}nost da
se odgovori na pojave
nasilja u školama i
društvu u celini.
Fenomen nasilja
u školama je tako|e
posledica slabih odnosa
nesposobnost i nedostatak
volje nastavnika da uti~u.
Mnogi nastavnici ne znaju
dovoljno svet tinejd`era
i nisu motivisani onoliko
koliko bi trebalo da bi imali
uticaj na ovaj uzrast.
Me|utim, više od
svega, nasilje je problem
civilizovanog ponašanja,
ne u smislu porekla, ve}
kulture porodice i svakog
pojedinca. Nasilje nad
decom je ogledalo onoga
što se dešava u društvu
i naj~eš}e je prisutno
tamo gde porodica nije
zdrava, jer deci prvi uzor
predstavlja porodica.
Autor je
Emrush Thaçi (kandidat
za doktorsku titulu),
koji je istovremeno
predsednik Udru`enja
psihologa kosovske
zajednice (“Shoqata e
Komunitetit Kosovar te
(Nastavak sledi u
narednom broju)
is successful and dominating with force and
not with values. Regardless that the society
brands it as a value, the fact is that violence
is simply a method of survival in a society
where there is no regulated citizen behavior,
which in fact is in the first stages of its
Psychologists and sociologists achieve
to discover only the initial causes with
diverse causes, by summarizing the most
important are: incompetence, the lack of citizen
behavior, poverty, media sins and the own features of
the protagonist age. Violence, in general, and
especially violence in schools, is closely
connected to the phenomenon of
delinquency of the young people,
the spreading of which is also
increasing at an alarming rate.
The increase of violent acts
in schools is followed by
the tendency to solve the
problems with force.
The treatment of such
asocial and aggressive
behavior of students often
results in expulsion or
disciplinary measures that
further isolate the individuals,
and in extreme cases,
placement into correction
institutions. These practices have
not produced significant positive
results in preventing and decreasing
violence in schools in the most developed
countries. A better solution is required that
focuses on the integrating students into society and
schools, respectively. The solution must focus on the
equal treatment of all, regardless of their diversities in
regards to gender, cultural and religious background,
their abilities, either intellectual, physical.
Respecting each individual and providing them
the opportunity to enjoy equal participation in society
and school, as well as allowing institutions to support
each student to overcome physical, academic or social
difficulties, presents a good possibility to respond to the
phenomena of violence in schools and society in general.
The phenomenon of violence in schools is a
consequence of weak teacher-student-parent
relations, and the inability and lack of will of
teachers to have any influence on the relationship.
Many teachers do not sufficiently know the world of
teenagers and are not motivated as much as they
should be to have an impact at this age.
However, more than anything, violence is a problem
of citizen behavior, not in the sense of origin, but of
the culture of the family and every individual. Violence
against children is the mirror of what happens in
society and most frequently it is present where the
family is not a healthy one, because the first model for
children is family.
Violence is nothing else but a use of physical
force or also physical pressure by different methods
to force someone to act or to not act without his
desire and will.
iolence and hooliganism in the
educational and schooling
environments in Kosovo are
a concerning phenomenon. The
most frequent types of violence
are harassment, bullying,
persecution, psychological
violence, damage, the
destroying of personal property
and physical violence. The
target of violence may be
an individual or a group of
individuals. As much as such an
action is attempted to be justified
by those that use violence or by
those who order it, violence never
can have positive effects. It causes
fear, trauma and hatred, which leave
incurable spiritual wounds.
Although, violence is unacceptable at any
time, it is still part of humanity. The dimensions
and means with which it unfolds depend on the time. In
a society that does not
generate any values,
products, or welfare,
the rules of behavior in
that society, in general,
can become the rules
of the “jungle”. In this
context, the culture of
the strongest emerges
and is cultivated,
which in other words is
called: ‘just’, ‘honor’,
‘good’, ‘moral’. In such
societies, the
(Author is Emrush Thaçi (PhD Candidate),
who at the same time is the Chairman of the
Association of Kosovar Psychologists Community
(“Shoqata e Komunitetit Kosovar të Psikologëve”)
(Continues in the next edition)
for you 13
životinjsko carstvo
25 životinja sa suludim adaptacijama za preživljavanje
d štrcanja krvi iz svojih o~iju do probijanja
svojih grudi izbacivanjem vlastitih rebara, ovo
je 25 `ivotinja sa suludim adaptacijama za
25. Štrcanje krvi
Kada teksaški
rogati gušter
smatra da je
ugro`en on
bukvalno puca krv
iz svojih o~iju.
25. Shooting Blood
When the Texas
Horned Lizard feels
threatened it literally shoots
blood out of its eyeballs.
sa toliko
bakterija na
24.Prljava usta
Usta divljeg komodo zmaja
su tako prljava da }e puno
puta ujesti svoj plen, a zatim
ga pratiti unaokolo ~ekaju}
i da ugine od posledica
infekcije. Ustvari, nau~nici
nisu u potpunosti sigurni
kako ovi divlji zmajevi
23.Udarni talas
mo`e tako brzo
da zatvori svoja
klešta da se
stvara talas
pritiska u okolnoj
vodi. Dobijeni
prasak je glasniji
od mlaznog
motora i topliji od
površine Sunca.
23. Shock Waves
The pistol shrimp can snap
its claw so quickly that it
14 for you
24. Dirty
The mouth of
a wild Komodo
dragon is
so filthy that
many times it will bite its
prey and then follow it
around until it dies from the
resulting infection. In fact,
scientists aren’t entirely sure
how wild dragons survive
with so much bacteria on
their tongues.
22. Lomljenje
Dlakava `aba lomi
sopstvene kosti na no`nim
prstima i probija svoju ko`u
na stopalima kako bi stvorila
oštre kand`e kada se oseti
21. Šiljci od rebara
Dlakava `aba nije jedino
stvorenje koje koristi
sopstvene kosti kao oru`je.
Španski rebrasti da`devnjak
probija svoje grudi svojim
rebrima kako bi oterao
predatore. Sre}om po njih,
da`devnjaci su poznati po
brzoj regeneraciji ko`e.
21. Rib spikes
The hairy frog isn’t the
only creature that uses its
own bones as weapons.
20. Samouništenje
Odre|ena vrsta
termita u francuskoj
Gvineji akumulira
toksine u `lezdi na
le|ima tokom svog
`ivota. Na kraju,
ukoliko je kolonija
pod napadom,
stariji termiti koji su
napunjeni toksinima }e
se di}i u vazduh u blizini
20. Self destruction
A certain species of French
Guinea termite accumulates
22. Breaking bones
The hairy frog, cracks its
own toe bones and shoves
them through its feet to
create sharp claws whenever
it feels threatened.
The Spanish ribbed newt
shoves its ribs through
its chest to ward off
predators. Fortunately for
them, newts are known for
quick healing skin.
toxins in a gland on its
back over the course of its
life. Eventually, should the
colony come under attack,
the older termites that are
stuffed with toxins will blow
themselves up near the
19. Napad slinom
Hagfish su morske `ivotinje u
obliku jegulje koje osloba|aju
gnjecavu ljigavu supstancu
kad god su pod napadom.
Mnogo puta supstanca u|e u
škrge predatora i udavi ih.
creates a pressure wave in
the surrounding water. The
resulting bang is louder
than a jet engine and
hotter than the surface of
the sun.
19. Slime attack
Hagfish are eel shaped
marine animals that release
a gooey slimy substance
whenever they come under
attack. Many times the
substance gets into the gills
of the predator and chokes
them to death.
(nastavlja se ...)
animal kingdom
25 animals with insane
survival adaptations
rom squirting blood out of their eyes to stabbing their
ribs through their owns chests these are 25 animals
with insane survival adaptations.
18. Bacanje svojih
Morski krastavci ne rade
mnogo osim što sede
na dnu okeana, ali kada
bi pokušali da pojedete
jedan imali bi usta puna
... njegovih organa.
O~igledno je njihova
unutrašnjost toksi~na i lošeg
ukusa, tako da kad god su
napadnuti jednostavno izbace
svoje unutrašnje organe na
18. Throwing your organs
Sea cucumbers don’t do
17. Pravi se mrtav
Svako zna da se
oposumi prave mrtvi,
ali da li ste znali da
je takvo ponašanje
potpuno nevoljno,
odnosno izazvano
intezivnim strahom?
Dok su u nesvesti
tako|e ispuštaju
smrdljiv miris koji doprinosi
17. Playing dead
Everyone knows opposums
play dead but did you know
16. Hod po vodi
Naravno, postoje
bube koje hodaju
po vodi, ali one
su male. Gušter
bazilisk je me|utim
veliki kao mali pas
i mo`e da tr~i du`
površine vode do
20m pre nego što
16. Walking on water
Sure, there are bugs that
walk on water, but those
15. Krvavi znoj
Ok, to nije stvarno
krv, ali tako se zove
(krvavi znoj). Jarko
crvena supstanca
štiti nilske konje od
sunca i infekcija.
15. Sweating blood
Ok, so its not really blood,
much besides sit on the
ocean floor, but should you
try to eat one you might get
a mouth full…of its organs.
Apparently their insides are
toxic and foul tasting so
whenever they are attacked
they simply expel them onto
the predator.
that the act is completely
involuntary and only
brought on by intense
fear? While unconscious
they also release a foul
smelling odor that adds to
the effect.
14. Uriniranje krvi
Do sada smo
videli pljuvanje
krvi, krvavi znoj, a
sada mokrenje krvi.
Bubamare to rade
kada su uplašene
i to navodno tera
14. Urinating blood
So far we’ve seen
spitting blood, sweating
blood, and now urinating
13. Besmrtnost
U toplim mediteranskim vodama
postoji meduza
koja mo`e da se
nepovratno vrati u
formu polipa. Koliko
god da putovanje
kroz vreme dobro
zvu~i, ve}ina ~esto
umire zbog grabljivaca ili
13. Immortality
Found in warm
Mediterranean waters
things are small. The
basilisk lizard, however, is
as big as a small dog and
it can run along the surface
of the water for up to 20m
before sinking.
but that’s what its called
(blood sweat). The bright red
substance protects hippos
from the sun and infections.
blood. Ladybugs do this
when they’re scared
and supposedly it keeps
predators away.
there is jellyfish that can
indefinitely revert itself
back to polyp form. As
cool as turning back time
sounds, most of often
they die from predation or
12. Pravljenje balona
U cilju privla~enja
partnera, mehurasta
foka }e zatvoriti jednu
nozdrvu i pove}ati nosnu
membranu roze boje
kroz drugu nozdrvu.
12. Making balloons
In order to attract a mate the
hooded seal will close one
nostril and inflate a pink nasal
membrane out of the other.
(to be continued ...)
for you 15
Uloge: T.J. Miller,
Jamie Chung and
Maya Rudolph.
Re`iser: Don Hall
& Chris Williams
@anr: Akcija/Animacija/Komedija
Studio: Walt
Disney Animation
olt Dizni Animejšn Studios
nam predstavlja „Velikog heroja 6“, akcionu
avanturisti~ku komediju o brilijantnom stru~njaku za robotiku
Hiru Hamadi koji se nalazi u
kand`ama kriminalne zavere
koja preti da }e uništiti brzi i
visoko-tehnološki grad San
Fransokio. Uz pomo} svog
najbli`eg saradnika, robota po
imenu Bajmaks, Hiro se udru`uje
sa nevoljnim timom pripravnikaboraca protiv krimanala u cilju
spasavanja svog grada.
Cast: T.J. Miller,
Jamie Chung
and Maya Rudolph.
Director: Don
Hall & Chris Williams
Genre: Action/
Studio: Walt
Disney Animation
rom Walt Disney Animation Studios comes Big
Hero 6, an action comedy adventure about brilliant
robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada,
who finds himself in the grips
of a criminal plot that
threatens to destroy the
fast-paced, high-tech
city of San Fransokyo. With the
help of his closest companion,
a robot named Baymax, Hiro
joins forces with a reluctant
team of first-time crime fighters
on a mission to save their city.
Uloge: Jason Bateman,
Charlie Day,
Jason Sudeikis,
Jamie Foxx,
Chris Pine,
Kevin Spacey,
Christoph Waltz
and Jennifer
Re`iser: Sean
@anr: Komedija
Studio: New
Line Cinema
ada im je
dozlogrdilo da odgovaraju
pretpostavljenima, Nik, Dejl
i Kurt odlu~uju da postanu
svoje gazde tako što osnivaju svoju firmu u filmu
„Grozni šefovi 2“. Me|utim,
namazani investitor im
18 for you
izvla~i tlo pod nogama. Nadigrani i o~ajni, bez pravnih
izlaza, ova tri nazovi preduzetnika smišljaju suludi
plan da kidnapuju investitorovog odraslog sina i da
tra`e otkup kako bi povratili
kontrolu nad svojom firmom.
Cast: Jason
Charlie Day,
Jason Sudeikis,
Jamie Foxx,
Chris Pine,
Kevin Spacey,
Christoph Waltz
and Jennifer
Director: Sean
Genre: Comedy
Studio: New
Line Cinema
ed up
with answering
to higher-ups,
Nick, Dale and
Kurt decide to
become their
own bosses by
launching their
own business
in “Horrible
Bosses 2.” But
a slick investor
soon pulls the
rug out from
under them.
Outplayed and
desperate, and
with no legal
recourse, the
three would-be
hatch a misguided plan to kidnap
the investor’s
adult son and
ransom him to
regain control of
their company.
Cast: Reese Witherspoon,
Laura Dern
and W. Earl
Studio: Fox
Gaby Hoffmann, Laura
Dern and W.
Earl Brown.
Re`iser: JeanMarc Vallée
@anr: Drama
Studio: Fox
Uloge: Eddie
Redmayne, Felicity
Jones, Emily Watson
and David Thewlis.
Re`iser: James
@anr: Drama/Romantika
Studio: Focus
vaj film
šezdesetih godina
prošlog veka, sa kojima se susre}e Stiven
dok studira na Univerzitetu u Kembrid`u. Na
po~etku brilijantnog
`ivotnog rada, on se
strasno zaljubljuje u
studentkinju umetnosti
D`ejn Vajld. Njihova
veza ga vodi pred
mnoge li~ne i nau~ne
izazove kao i otkri}a.
Dok se njegov svet
razotkriva tako i on
otkriva ~itavom svetu
nove poglede.
eril Strejd je izgubila
svaku nadu nakon
raspada svog braka
i smrti svoje majke. Nakon godina
nepromišljenog i destruktivnog
ponašanja, ona donosi brzopletu
odluku. Bez ikakvog iskustva i
vo|ena samo odlu~noš}u, Šeril
odlu~uje da sama prepeša~i
više od 1000 milja dugu Stazu
Pacifi~kog Grebena. Film „Divlji“
uspešno sna`no sa`ima u`ase i
zadovoljstva jedne mlade `ene
koja uprkos svemu uporno nastavlja putovanje koje je dovodi
do ludila, oja~anja i na kraju do
ith the dissolution of her marriage and the
death of her mother, Cheryl Strayed has lost
all hope. After years of reckless, destructive
behavior, she makes a rash decision. With absolutely
no experience, driven only by sheer determination,
Cheryl hikes more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, alone. Wild powerfully captures the
terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging
ahead against all odds on a journey that maddens,
strengthens, and ultimately heals her.
the THEORY of
he movie
explores the
of the 1960s for
Stephen as he
studies at Cambridge University.
At the dawn of a
brilliant life’s work,
he falls passionately in love with
arts student Jane
Wilde. Their relationship leads him
through personal
and scientific challenges and breakthroughs, and as
his world opens
up he opens up
the entire world
to new ways of
Cast: Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones,
Emily Watson and
David Thewlis.
Director: James Marsh
Genre: Drama/Romance
Studio: Focus Features
for you 19
sportski ugao
ostoji izreka u fudbalu
da strelci pobe|uju
na utakmicama, ali
branioci osvajaju titule. Ako
je to slu~aj onda Rafael
Varane otelovljuje modernog
fudbalskog štopera: visok,
tehni~ki i takti~ki nadaren,
brz, zreo i iznad svega
dovoljno smiren da sabotira
igra~a kao što je Mesi u njegovom kaznenom prostoru
bez izazivanja faula.
Iako je još uvek u veoma
ne`nom uzrastu od 21.
godine, Varane je ve} postigao stvari za koje drugim igra~ima treba ceo
`ivot da postignu. Prvo, on usavršava svoju
veštinu u Real Madridu, verovatno jednom od
najboljih i najpoznatijih klubova na svetu, i to radi
fantasti~no. Na kraju krajeva, mora da se bori za
svoje mesto u startnoj postavi u klasi odbrambenih
igra~a kao što su Sergio Ramos i Pepe. Drugo, on
je jedan od najtra`enijih igra~a kog `ele timovi kao
što su Manchester United, Chlesea i treneri kao što
je Jose Mourinho, a drugi fudbalski velikani, kao što
su Zinedin Zidane
i Jamie Carragher
su ga prozvali jednim od najboljih branilaca u današnjem
Nije ni ~udo
što nije prošlo
puno vremena pre nego što je
pozvan da igra za seniorsku
reprezentaciju Francuske. I
ponovo, Varane nije propustio
priliku da impresionira pošto je
tokom Svetskog kupa u Brazilu
bio jedan od trojice igra~a koji su ušli u u`i izbor za nagradu
turnira za najboljeg mladog košarkaša. Dok je za vreme kvalifikacione utakmice Francuske za EURO 2016, u utakmici koja se
završila rezultatom 3:0 protiv Jermenije sredinom oktobra, ovaj
štoper postao najmla|i francuski kapiten kada je preuzeo ovu
ulogu od Blaise Matuidi-ja u poluvremenu. To je neverovatna
~ast, jer je ipak postigao ovaj podvig nakon samo 15 nastupa i sa
samo 21-u godinu.
Sledi nekoliko zabavnih ~injenica koje vas pozivamo
da pro~itate o ovom izuzetno talentovanom igra~u koji ve}
ispunjava o~ekivanja da
postane najve}i odbrambeni igra~~ u današnjem
fudbalu; igra~~ oko kojeg
Real Madrid mo`e da
gradi svoj tim u godinama koje dolaze, u
svojoj te`nji ka doma}oj i
me|unarodnoj dominaciji.
20 for you
• Varane je ro|en
25. aprila 1993. godine
u gradu Lil, preko oca
poti~e sa Martinika, a
preko majke je dobio
francusko nasle|e.
• Zapo~eo je svoju
fudbalsku karijeru
igraju}i za lokalni klub
AS Hellemmes u
uzrastu od sedam
godina. U julu
2002. Pridru`io se
profesionalnom klubu
RC Lens.
• Brzo se peo kroz omladinske redove kluba i unapre|en
je u tim kluba mla|ih od 19 godina, uprkos tome što je dve
godine mla|i od nekoliko njegovih saigra~a.
• Odigrao je svoju prvu utakmicu u amaterskoj Ligi u
utakmici kluba na otvaranju lige u pobedi nad Drancyjem 2-0. Pojavio se u prvoj postavi kluba u narednih devet
me~eva od kojih je izgubljen samo jedan.
• Dana 7. novembra 2010. Imao je svoj profesionalni debi u
utakmici Lige protiv Montpellier-a.
• Dana 22. juna 2011. predsednik kluba Gervais Martel
je potvrdio da }e se Varane pridru`iti španskom klubu
Real Madrid.
• Debitovao je za Real Madrid u prvoj utakmici kluba pred
sezonu protiv ameri~kog tima Los Angeles Galaxy na 2011
World Football Challenge.
• Svoj takmi~arski debi za Real Madrid imao je 21.
septembra 2011. na utakmici Lige protiv Racing Santandera. U slede}oj utakmici Lige protiv Rayo Vallecano-a, po~eo
je utakmicu i postigao svoj prvi gol za klub. Sa ovim
golom postao je najmla|i strani igra~ sa 18 godina i 152 dana koji je u konkurentnoj utakmici
postigao gol za Real Madrid.
• 27. septembra 2011. je
debitovao u UEFA Ligi šampiona
u grupnoj fazi s pobedom 3-0 nad
holandskim klubom AFC Ajax.
• Dana 30. januara 2013. imao je svoj El Clasico debi protiv
FC Barcelona u 2012-13. Copa del Rei. On je zaustavio grupu
opasnih pokušaja iz Barselone, uklju~uju}i i udarac Xavi-ja
koji je po~istio sa linije gola. Krunisao je svoj nastup udarcem
glavom u utakmici koja je završena rezultatom 1-1. To ga je
u~inilo drugim najmla|im stranim igra~em koji je postigao
pogodak za Real Madrid u me~u El Clasico.
• U aprilu 2013. Marca ga je uvrstila u “najboljih jedanaest stranaca u istoriji Real Madrida”.
• Varane, 16. Aprila, ulazi u igru kao zamena za povre|enog Karim
Benzema u 2014 Copa del Rei Final na kom je Real Madrid pobedio
Barselonu rezultatom 2-1.
• On je odigrao svih 120 minuta utakmice na kojoj je Real Madrid
pobedio Atletico Madrid sa 4-1 u 2014 UEFA Ligi šampiona, umesto
iskusnijeg Pepea.
• Dana 18. septembra 2014. potpisao je novi ugovor na šest godina
koji }e ga dr`ati u Real Madridu do 2020.
• Omladinski trener Lens-a Eric Assadourian ga je opisao kao
“istinski prvoklasnog igra~a” koji je “dobar kako na takti~kom tako i na
tehni~kom nivou”. Bivši defanzivac Francuske Frank Leboeuf veruje
da Varane ima potencijal da bude bolji od legende Real Madrida
Fernando-a Hierro-a pošto je novinarima rekao “Mnogi ga porede sa
Hierro-m zbog njegove tehnike, ali na fizi~kom
nivou je ja~i i mnogo br`i”.
sports corner
here is a
saying in
that strikers win
matches but
defenders win
titles. If that is
the case than
Rafael Varane
epitomizes what
a modern football
central defender
should be like:
tall, technically and tactically
gifted, fast, mature and above all calm enough to manage
tackling a player like Messi within his penalty
area without causing a foul.
Although still at the very tender age of 21,
Varane has already achieved things that
take an entire carrier for other players
to achieve. First, he plies his trade at
Real Madrid, arguably one of the best
and most famous clubs in the world
and he does that in great fashion.
After all he only has to fight for
his place in the starting
eleven with class
defenders such as Sergio Ramos and Pepe.
Second, he is one of the most sought after
players by teams such as Manchester United,
Chelsea and coaches like Jose Mourinho and
other football greats such as Zinedin Zidane and
Jamie Carragher have earmarked him as one
of the best defenders in today’s game.
No wonder that it did not take too
long before Varane was called up for the
France’s senior national team. Again,
Varane did not fail to impress as
during the World Cup in Brazil
he was named on the threeman shortlist for the tournament’s Best Young Player award.
Whereas, during France’s qualification game for the
Euro 2016 in the 3:0 against Armenia in mid-October, the
central defender became France’s youngest ever captain
when he took the captains armband after Blaise Matuidi was
taken off at half-time. This is an incredible honor because after
all he did achieve this feat after just 15 caps and
while he is still just 21 years old.
Following is a few fun facts we invite you to
read about this extremely talented player who is
already fulfilling the expectations to become the
greatest defender in today’s game; a player
around who Real Madrid can build their
team in the years to come, in their quest
for domestic and international dominance.
• Varane was born on
25 April 1993 in the city of
Lille and he is of Martiniquais
heritage through his father and
French through his mother.
• Varane began his football
career playing for local club
AS Hellemmes at the age of
seven. In July 2002, he joined
professional club RC Lens.
• Varane quickly ascended
up the club’s youth ranks and
was promoted to the club’s
under-19 team, despite being
two years younger than
several of his teammates.
• Varane made his
amateur debut in the
club’s opening league
match of the campaign in a
2–0 victory over Drancy. He
appeared as a starter in the
club’s next nine matches with the team losing only one of them.
• On 7 November 2010, Varane made his professional debut in
a league match against Montpellier.
• On 22 June 2011, Lens president Gervais Martel confirmed
that Varane would be joining Spanish club Real Madrid.
• Varane made his club debut for Real Madrid in the club’s
opening pre-season fixture against American outfit Los
Angeles Galaxy in the 2011 World Football Challenge.
• Varane made his competitive debut for Real
Madrid on 21 September 2011 in the team’s league
match against Racing Santander. In the next
league match against Rayo Vallecano, Varane
started and scored his first goal for the club.
Varane’s goal made him the youngest foreign
player at 18 years and 152 days to score a
goal in a competitive match for Real Madrid.
• On 27 September 2011, he made his UEFA Champions
League debut in a 3–0 group stage win over Dutch club AFC Ajax.
• On 30 January 2013, Varane made his El Clásico debut
against FC Barcelona in the 2012–13 Copa del Rey. He stopped
a group of dangerous attempts from Barcelona, including a
shot from Xavi that he cleared from the goal line. He capped his
performance with a headed goal in the game, which ended 1–1.
This made him the second-youngest foreign player to score for
Real Madrid in a Clásico match.
• In April 2013, he was named by Marca as a member of the
“Best foreign eleven in Real Madrid’s history”.
• Varane came on as an injury-time substitute for Karim Benzema in the 2014 Copa del Rey Final which Real Madrid won 2–1
against FC Barcelona on 16 April.
• He played all 120 minutes of Real Madrid’s 4–1 win over
Atlético Madrid in the 2014 UEFA Champions League Final, in
place of the more experienced Pepe.
• On 18 September 2014, Varane signed a new six-year contract that will keep him at Real Madrid until 2020.
• Varane has been described by Lens youth
coach Eric Assadourian as a “truly first class player”
who is “comfortable on both the tactical and technical level”. Former France defender Frank Leboeuf
believes that Varane has the potential to be better
than Real Madrid legend Fernando Hierro as he
said to the reporters “Many compare him to Hierro
due to his technique, but on the physical level he is
stronger and he is much faster”.
for you 21
Hi - Tech
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120fps i 720p u 120fps. Ovaj model poseduje
be`i~ne i Bluetooth veze, kao i rad pri slabijem
osvetljenju. GoPro Hero4 Silver isporu~uje isti
profesionalni kvalitet slike kao Hero4 Black sa
nešto manje video kvaliteta snimanja u re`imu
viših performansi, uklju~uju}i 4K samo na 15fps, 2.7K
u 30fps, 1440p u 48fps, 1080p u 60fps, 960p u 100fps i 720p u
120fps, ali dolazi sa ekranom osetljivim na dodir koji omogu}ava
lakšu navigaciju u meniju kamere.
oPro Hero4 comes with two new versions, GoPro Hero4
Black and Hero4 Silver, which will be avaliable next
month. Hero4 Black delivers 2x the performance of its
best-selling predecessor and now captures cinema-quality 4K
video at 30 frames per second (fps), and considered as “GroPro
most advanced ever” camera with improved images from 15fps
je, ure|aj ima kameru od 5 megapiksela na zadnjem delu i VGA
kameru na prednjoj strani.
uawei have launched a new
tablet in Malaysia, the Huawei
Honor Tablet, which comes
with an 8 inch display. The Huawei Honor Tablet features a quad
Qualcomm Snapdragon 200
processor with a clock speed
of 1.2GHz, the device is also
equipped with 1GB of RAM.
The 8 inch display on this new
Huawei Android tablet comes
with a resolution of 1280 x
800 pixels, and the device
comes with 3G an HSPA+.
For storage the Huawei Honor
Tablet comes with 16GB of
RAM and a microSD card slot
for expansion,
the device
features a 5
camera on
the back
and a
on the
ovi 3D štampa~ je
pokrenut ove nedelje
u obliku novog italijanskog KTech Genesis koji
omogu}ava vlasnicima obim
štampe od 200 mm du`ine
puta 200 mm širine puta 194
mm visine ili 7760 cm kubika
prostora. Novi KTech Genesis 3D štampa~ je konstruisan pomo}u eloksiranog aluminijuma u unibodi dizajnu
i dostupan je u crnoj ili sivoj
boji. Genesis 3D štampa~
dolazi sa podrškom za Wi Fi povezivanje i omogu}ava
vam da pošaljete fajlove bez
potrebe za SD karticom ili
kablovskom vezom i veli~ine
je 37,9 x 38,9 x 60cm i
in 30fps for 4K 2.7k
videos. GoPro Hero4 Black resolution is 4k in
30fps, 2.7K in 50fps, 1440p in 80fps, 1080p in
120fps, 960p in 120fps, and 720p in 120fps. This
model has Wireless and Bluetooth connections as
well as low light performance. The GoPro Hero4 Silver delivers
the same professional image quality as Hero4 Black less some
of the higher performance video capture modes including 4K,
only at 15fps, 2.7K in 30fps, 1440p in 48fps, 1080p in 60fps,
960p in 100fps, and 720p in 120fps, but with touch screen display that enables easier navigation in camera’s menu.
22 for you
Hi - Tech
amsung je nedavno lansirao novi
dodatak koji vam omogu}ava prenos snage baterije od smart telefona
ili tableta na drugi ure|aj. To nije nešto
novo, jer postoje takvi ure|aji iz Lenova ili
drugih kompanija koje nude ovu funkciju,
ali za Samsung ovo je nešto novo u njegovoj ged`et
porodici jer se
te`i 16kg i podr`ava
zvani~no zove
Windows (7 +), Mac
OS X ( 10.7+ ) i Linux
kabl za podelu
(Ubuntu, Fedora).
energije”, a
mo`ete deliti bateriju sa
slede}ih proizvoda: Galaxy
S5, Galaxy Alpha, Galaxy
Note, Galaxy 4 Avant,
Galaxy Tab 10.5, S i S Tab
8.4. Što se ti~e ged`eta
koji se mogu puniti novim
kablom, oni uklju~uju bilo
koji ure|aj sa mogu}noš}u
new 3D printer has
punjenja preko microUSB
been launched this
porta. To uklju~uje smart
week in the form of
telefone i tablete, ali
the of the new Italian KTech
tako|e i prenosive BlueGenesis which provides
tooth slušalice ili bilo koji
owners with a print volume
drugi smart telefon.
of 200 mm length x 200 mm
width x 194 mm height or
7760 cm cubic space.
The new KTech Genesis
3D printer is constructed
using an anodised aluminum unibody design and
is available in either black
or grey. The Genesis 3D
printer comes with support
for Wi-Fi connectivity allowing you to send files without
the need for an SD cards
or cable connection and
measures 37.9 x 38.9
x H 60 cm in size and
PREDweighs 16kg and supSTAVIO
ports Windows (7 +)
, Mac OS X (10.7+)
and Linux (UbunTABLET
tu, Fedora).
enovo je pred-
stavio svoju
novo Miix
liniju Windows tableta
inicijalno pokrenutih u
Kini, ali Lenovo Miix 3 8
}e se verovatno uskoro
pojaviti u drugim zemljama. Lenovo Miix 3 ima 7,85
in~ni IPS displej sa rezolucijom 1024 x 768 piksela,
Intel Atom Z3735F quad-core procesor, Bai Trail 2GB
RAM radne memorije, 32GB skladišne memorije. Tablet ima 2 MP prednju i zadnju kameru i podr`ava Wi-Fi.
amsung has lately launched a new accessory that allows you to transfer battery power from a smartphone
or tablet to another device. This is not something new,
since there are such devices from Lenovo or other companies
offering this feature, but for Samsung this is something new
in its gadget family, because it is officially named “Samsung
Power Sharing Cable,” and that you can share power from
the following products: Galaxy S5, Galaxy Alpha, Galaxy Note
4, Galaxy Avant, Galaxy Tab S 10.5, and Tab S 8.4. As for
the gadgets that can be charged with the new cable, these
include any device with the ability to charge via microUSB.
That means smartphones and tablets, but also wearables and
Bluetooth headsets or any other smartphone.
enovo has presented its new Miix line of Windows tablets initially launched in China, but the
Lenovo Miix 3 8 is likely to show up in other
countries soon. The Lenovo Miix 3 features a 7.85
inch, 1024 x 768 pixel IPS display, an Intel Atom
Z3735F quad-core Bay Trail processor, 2GB of RAM,
and 32GB of storage. The tablet has 2MP front and
rear cameras, and supports WiFi.
for you 23
okom prve nedelje oktobra, Kosovska policija (KP)
je objavila statisti~ke podatke o broju saobra}ajnih
nezgoda, kao i o licima koja su bila umešana u ovim
nesre}ama na Kosovu za period januar - septembar 2014.
Najupe~atljivije je da su sve vrste saobra}ajnih nezgoda u
porastu u odnosu na isti period u 2013. Naime, ove godine
na Kosovu je došlo do 85 saobra}ajnih nesre}a sa smrtnim
ishodom, što zna~i da je bilo pet udesa više nego prošle
godine. Još više zabrinjava ~injenica da je broj `rtava u tom
periodu porastao sa 90 prošle godine na 99 ove godine.
Kosovska policija u cilju pove}anja nivoa bezbednosti
saobra}aja, preuzela je dodatne mere kako bi se oja~alo
po{tovanje saobra}ajnih pravila. Me|u tim merama je i
izvo|enje stalnih kontrola od strane jedinica saobra}ajne policije na gradskim i regionalnim putevima. Još jedna
inicijativa je pokrenuta 1. maja 2014. kada je po~elo
sprovo|enje policijskog plana “Nedelja bezbednosti” u
saobra}aju, a to je podrazumevalo nultu toleranciju protiv
prekršilaca zakona o saobra}aju na Kosovu, i ovaj plan se i
dalje sprovodi.
Portparol KP Baki Kelani, istakao je da kontinuirano
anga`ovanje policije, na ~itavoj teritoriji, ima jedan cilj pove}anje nivoa bezbednosti saobra}aja, o~uvanje `ivota
u~esnika u saobra}aju, predupre|enje svih vrsta nesre}a,
a posebno onih sa smrtnim ishodom”. Kosovska policija
nema za cilj ka`njavanje gra|ana, nego pove}anje
nivoa bezbednosti saobra}aja, tako da mi stalno tra`imo i
APELUJEMO na sve u~esnike u saobra}aju, uklju~uju}i tu i pešake, da poštuju pravila saobra}aja i da se
prilago|avaju uslovima na putu”, dodao je gospodin
Kelani. Ovu tvrdnju verovatno najbolje potvr|uje ~injenica
da je prošle godine u istom periodu policija napisala
ukupno 250,734 saobra}ajnih kazni, dok je broj izdatih
kazni ove godine bio ukupno 229,222.
Nema sumnje da bi se velika ve}ina saobra}ajnih
nezgoda mogla izbe}i ako bi u~esnici u saobra}aju bili
pa`ljiviji. Drugim re~ima, nepoštovanje saobra}ajnih
propisa i dalje je glavni uzrok saobra}ajnih nezgoda.
Trebalo bi napomenuti, kada se govori o saobra}ajnim
propisima, da oni ne va`e samo za voza~e automobila i
24 for you
drugih motornih vozila na našim putevima. Saobra}ajni propisi
va`e za sve i moraju biti strogo poštovani od strane pešaka i
biciklista, bez obzira na njihov uzrast . Zbog toga je izuzetno
va`no da ne zaboravimo da smo svi mi u~esnici u saobra}aju
i da to koliko poštujemo pravila bitno uti~e na izbegavanje ili
izazivanje nesre}a, koje mogu imati nepredvidive posledice,
kao što su materijalna šteta i ljudske `rtve.
Na primer, pešaci koji prelaze put van obele`enih peša~kih
prelaza, ozbiljno ugro`avaju svoju bezbednost. Osim toga,
motociklisti i voza~i skutera, u svojim nastojanjima da
izbegnu gu`ve ~esto pribegavaju izuzetno nerazumnim
manevrima i u~estvuju u saobra}aju protivno svim
prihvatljivim pravilima. Posledica toga je da se izla`u
nepotrebnim opasnostima. Pritom, kada uzmemo u obzir
da ve}ina njih ne nosi kacige na glavi, opasnost po njih
je još ve}a. Još jedna zabrinjavaju}a ~injenica, koja se
izdvaja kao jedan od naj~eš}ih uzroka svih vrsti nesre}a,
jeste upotreba telefona tokom vo`nje. Voza~i automobila
tada gube koncentraciju i ne vide šta se dešava oko njih,
ali istovremeno se tako|e smanjuje njihova sposobnost
reagovanja u slu~aju nadolaze}ih pretnji. Me|utim, telefoni
nisu opasnost po voza~e samo, ve} i po ve}inu mladih ljudi,
koji zahvaljuju}i mogu}nostima savremene tehnologije,
koriste svoje telefone u mnoge svrhe, a posebno za slušanje
muzike. Dakle, kada su vam slušalice na oba uha to
mo`e biti problemati~no, jer, izme|u ostalog, pešak nije u
potpunosti svestan prisustva vozila na putu, a tada su šanse
da se nesre}a dogodi prili~no visoke.
Dalje, gospodin Kelani, naglašava da Kosovska policija
ostaje posve}ena naporima da se smanji broj saobra}ajnih
nezgoda. Dakle, pored nov~anih kazni i stalnih aktivnosti,
poseban zna~aj daje se preventivi, u cilju podizanja svesti
javnosti o va`nosti poštovanja saobra}ajnih propisa. Shodno
tome, policija nastavlja pripreme, deli mnoge brošure i
objavljuje video spotove, organizuje mnoge kampanje koje
imaju za cilj bolju informisanost javnosti o bezbednosti u
saobra}aju. Na kraju, policija podse}a sve gra|ane da imaju
poverenja u kapacitete policije da se nosi sa svim mogu}im
situacijama koje ugro`avaju bezbednost gra|ana Kosova,
bez obzira na njihovu polnu, starosnu ili etni~ku pripadnost.
Me|utim, ne sme se zaboraviti da je saradnja gra|ana klju~na
u spre~avanju svih negativnih pojava.
Na linku ispod }ete na}i video spot sa video linkom, kao i
brošure koje obuhvataju pitanje koriš}enja telefona.,49,168
Upore|ivanje nesre}a na Kosovu tokom perioda od januara
do septembra 2013/2014
Od januara do septembra 2013 Od januara do septembra 2014 Razlika u %
Fatalne nesre}e¹
80 Fatalne nesre}e¹
90 @rtve
sa povredama¹
Povre|ene osobe
7439 Povre|ene osobe
Nesre}e sa materjalnom štetom¹
Nesre}e sa materjalnom štetom¹
sa povredama¹
Beg s mesta
Beg s mesta
Ukupan broj
Ukupan broj
Izre~ene kazne
229222 Izre~ene kazne
material and human damages.
For example, pedestrians
crossing the road away
from crosswalks represent
a serious threat to their
wellbeing. Furthermore, bikers
and scooter drivers, in their
attempts to avoid traffic jams
often undertake extremely
unreasonable maneuvers and
keep moving ahead in the
traffic against all acceptable
rules. As a consequence they
get exposed to unnecessary
danger. The threat against the
latter increases even further
when we consider that most
of them do not use helmets. The use of the telephone while on
the road is another disturbing trend that is singled out as one of
the most common causes to all types of accidents. Drivers lose
their concentration about what is happening around them and at
the same time their ability to react against any incoming threat
is reduced. However, telephones are not threatening only to car
drivers since most of the young people, thanks to the capabilities
of modern technology; use their telephones for many purposes,
and in particular to listen to music. So, when the headphones
are plugged into both ears it is a bit problematic because,
among other the pedestrian is not fully aware of the presence of
vehicles on the road and risk of accidents are quite high.
Further, Mr. Kelani, emphasized that the Kosovo Police
remains dedicated in its efforts to reduce the number of traffic
accidents. Therefore, in addition to the imposed fines and
continuous actions, they pay special importance to preventive
work by raising the public awareness on the importance of
respecting the traffic rules. Consequently, the police continue to
prepare and publish many brochures and video-spots as well as
organizing many campaigns that aim making the public aware
of traffic safety. Finally they reminded all the people in Kosovo
to trust in the capacities of the police to cope with all possible
situations that threaten the safety of the citizens of Kosovo
regardless of their gender, age or ethnic background. However,
it must not be forgotten that the cooperation of the population is
key to prevent all negative phenomena.
In the link below you will find a video-spot with a videolink as
well as brochures which includes the issue of phone use.,49,168
uring the first week of October, the Kosovo Police
(KP) published the statistics on the number of traffic
accidents as well as the persons involved in these
accidents in Kosovo for the period January-September 2014.
The most striking thing is that traffic accidents are on the rise
compared to the same period in 2013. In Kosovo this year, 85
fatal accidents occurred, respectively five more accidents of
this type than last year. Even more concerning is the fact that
the number of casualties during this period has risen from 90
last year to 99 this year.
The Kosovo Police, in order to increase the level of traffic
safety, are taking additional measures to enforce traffic
regulations. Among these measures is exercising continuous
controls by traffic police units in both urban and regional roads.
Another initiative was initiated on 01 May 2014, when the police
conducted a “Week of Safety” where zero tolerance controls
were implemented against the violators of the traffic law in
Kosovo. This plan continues to be implemented.
The spokesperson of KP Mr. Baki Kelani, emphasized that the
continuous engagement of the police, in its entire territory, has
the sole purpose to increase the level of traffic safety, preserve
the life of traffic participants, prevent all kinds of accidents, and
in particular those with fatal outcome. “The Kosovo Police
does not aim to punish people but, rather increasing the
Comparing Accidents in Kosovo during January-September 2013/2014
level of traffic safety, thus the latter continuously seeks and
APPEALS to all traffic participants, including pedestrians, to
January- September 2013
January- September 2014
Differnce in %
respect the traffic rules and adapt to the road conditions,”
Fatal accidents¹
80 Fatal accidents¹
added Mr. Kelani. This claim is probably best confirmed
by the fact that last year during the same period the police
90 Casualties
imposed a total of 250.734 traffic fines, whereas the number Casualties
of fines imposed this year was 229.222 in total.
Accidents with
Accidents with
There is no doubt that the vast majority of traffic
accidents could be avoided if drivers would be more
careful in traffic. The failure to respect traffic rules remains
Injured persons
7439 Injured persons
the main cause of accidents. It is worth mentioning that
Accidents with
Accidents with
when discussing the traffic rules, they applicable to the
car drivers and drivers of all other motorized vehicles. The
traffic rules apply to all and must also be respected just as
Hit & run¹
747 Hit & run¹
strictly by pedestrians or bikers as well, regardless of their
age. Therefore, it is extremely important that we do not
Total accidents¹
15226 Total accidents¹
forget that we are all traffic participants and our respect
the rules make the difference in avoiding or causing
Imposed fines
229222 Imposed fines
accidents with unpredictable consequences and both
for you 25
Stoli} (12)
Kajem se
zato {to
sam uvredila
svoju drugaricu. Bila je
jako ljuta na
mene. Jako
mi je bilo te{ko bez nje i to sebi
nisam mogla da oprostim. Onda
sam jednog dana oti{la do nje i
lepo joj se izvinila. I od tada smo
najbolje dfrugarice. I u dobru i u
zlu prijatelji su za tebe uvek tu.
Jelena Stolic (12)
I regret offending my friend. She
was very angry with me after that.
It was very difficult being without
her and I could not forgive myself
for it. Then, one day, I simply
went up to her and kindly apologised to her. Since then, we are
the best of friends. Yours friends
are always there for you, both in
the good and bad times.
Ja se kajem
zato {to
sam u nekim trenucima uvredila
svoju drugaricu. @ao mi je {to sam dozvolila da moja ljutnja rasturi na{e
prijateljstvo. Ali sada znam da nam
prijateljstvo puno zna~i, ne samo
meni nego svim ljudima na svetu.
I ovim putem se izvinjavam svojim
drugaricama {to sam ih povredila!
Anastasija Markovic (12)
I regret the times when I offended
my friend. I regret allowing my
anger to destroy the friendship we
had. However, now I know that
friendship means a whole lot to
us and to other people throughout
the world. I would like to take this
opportunity to apologise to all my
friends whom I have offended!
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
26 for you
Sanja Risti}
Jednom sam
moju najbolju
bila sam jako
besna i ljuta.
Nisam je
saslu{ala do kraja, da mi objasni
{ta se ta~no dogodilo, i samo
sam se okrenula i oti{la. Ubzo
sam se jako pokajala, i naravno
sutradan smo se pomirile, i opet
bile najbolje drugarice.
Sanja Ristic (12)
Once I offended my best friend,
I was very angry and cross with
her then. I did not listen to her and
did not allow her to explain what
exactly happened, I just turned
away and left. Very soon after that
I felt great remorse and of course
we made amends the next day
and once again became the best
of friends.
Desilo se
da sam
tog dana
bila besna
i sva{ta
sam rekla
najboljoj drugarici, a ona uop{te
nije imala veze s tim. Izgubila sam
drugaricu zbog gluposti. Me|utim,
kasnije smo sve sredile. Zbog toga
se jo{ jednom izvinjavam njoj i ostalim mojim drugaricama, ako sam ih
ikada uvredila.
Jelena Stankovic (12)
It so happened that I was angry on
that particular day and I said all sorts
of things to my best friend, although
she had nothing to do with the issue
I was angry about. I lost a friend
because of such nonsense. However, later on, we ironed things out.
I would like to apologise to her once
more and to all my other friends, if I
happened to have offended them.
Miti} (13)
Najvi{e se
kajem {to
sam uvredio
moju sestru. Zaista
nisam imao
nameru da
je uvredim, jer je ona poslednja
osoba na svetu kojoj bih naneo
zlo. Mnogo sam se pokajao zbog
toga, jer je ona neko koga volim
najvi{e na svetu.
Arandjel Mitic (13)
Offending my sister is what I
regret the most. I honestly did not
intend to offend her as she is the
last person in the world whom I
would harm. Najviše se kajem što
sam uvredio moju sestru. Zaista
nisam imao nameru da je uvredim, jer je ona poslednja osoba
na svetu kojoj bih naneo zlo. I repented so much for offending her,
as I love her more than anyone in
the world.
mo`e da se
desi da nekoga uvredi
re~ima, tako
sam i ja
jednom uvredila najbolju drugaricu. Izletela mi je iz usta jedna
pogrdna re~. U tom trenutku sam
se ose}ala veoma glupo. Ni ja
li~no ne bih volela da meni neko
ne{to tako ka`e. Izvinjavam se
svojoj drugarici za to!
Jovana Stankovic (8)
It can happen to everyone that
they verbally offend someone, it
happened to me as well when I
offended my best friend. A very
vulgar word left my mouth. At
the time I felt that I was very
stupid. I would not like it if
someone said something similar
to me. I apologise to my friend
for saying that!
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
for you 27
Da li `elite da znate koliko Lego kockica
se proizvede u minuti? Koliko Lego kockica je
proizvedeno u istoriji? Koji je najbolje prodavani
Lego set ikada? Koji je bio najgori? Da li recikliraju?
Koliko uspešan je MINDSTORMS? Kako se ustvari
zove svaki komad? Zašto ne postoje plavuše u Lego
setovima? Zašto ponekad ima više komada u setu?
Evo odgovora pravo iz Legoa.
Zašto sada postoji rupica
na glavama mini-figurica?
Ova rupa je dodana da bi
dete moglo da nastavi da
diše u slu~aju da mu se
jedna od glava zaglavi u
Zašto nema mini-figurica
plavuša u regularnim
Lego setovima?
Zato što ne bi lepo izgledale sa `utim glavama.
Me|utim, plavuša ima u
licenciranim setovima kao
što su Zvezdani ratovi i Hari
Kako se zovu razli~iti delovi u okviru jednog seta?
Da li postoji neko drugo
ime osim kockica (cigli),
kao „flets“ za ravne
površine ili nešto sli~no?
Standardne komade
zovemo cigle. Pljosnati
ravni komadi su ili plo~e
(ovi imaju dr`a~e debljine
su 1/3 visine Lego cigle)
ili plo~ice (ovo su ravni
komadi bez dr`a~a). Sve je
nazvano po broju dr`a~a,
tako da se klasi~na Lego
cigla naziva 2x4.
i transcendentalni kvalitet
de~je mašte. Godine 2002.
kako je asortimanu dodavano sve više licenciranih
osobina, doneta je odluka
da se više uvedu etni~ki
tonovi i tonovi ko`e u
skladu sa stvarnim likovima
i li~nostima koje predstavljaju. To je uklju~ivalo
uvo|enje crnih mini-figurica.
Koliko Lego kockica se
proizvede svake godine?
Oko 19 milijardi Lego
elemenata se proizvede
svake godine. 2,16 miliona
se oblikuje svakog sata, a
36.000 svakog minuta.
Koliko su pribli`no kockica napravili otkad je Lego
po~eo da ih proizvodi?
Proizvedeno je više od 400
milijardi Lego kockica od
1958. godine. Postoji oko
62 Lego kockice po osobi
na Zemlji.
Zašto se paleta boja promenila?
Paleta boja se menja sa
promenom teme Legoa.
Me|utim, osnovne boje
cigli – crvena, `uta, plava,
zelena, crna i bela – }e
uvek ostati kao spajalice u
Zašto je Lego tako skup?
Kvalitet i bezbednost su
prioriteti za Lego Grupu. Da
bi se obezbedili najbolji i
najsigurniji proizvodi, Lego
kockice se proizvode od
najkvalitetnijih materijala,
što uti~e na cenu. Upotreba vrhunskih materijala
osigurava da je proizvod
ne samo bezbedan ve}
i dovoljno izdr`ljiv da se
prenosi s generacije na
Zašto nema crnih minifigurica?
Kada je prvi put u proizvodnju uba~ena i mini-figurica,
pre 30 godina, data joj je
legendarna `uta boja ko`e
kao bi odrazila nespecifi~ni
U kojoj zemlji se kupuje
najviše Lego setova po
Nema~ka je tr`ište broj jedan za Lego, ustvari, Lego
je kompanija igra~aka broj
jedan u Nema~koj.
28 for you
Koji je najbolje prodavani
Lego set ikada?
Set „Lego Mindstorms
Robotics Invention System“
je najprodavaniji Lego set
ikada. Prodato je preko
milion setova na globalnom
nivou od lansiranja.
Šta se dešava sa svim
lošim komadima? Da li
postoji Lego raj? Da li ih
Zbog preciznosti cigle
mašina koje formiraju
kockice postoji veoma mali
broj “loših” komada - samo
18 elemenata u svakom
milionu proizvedenih ne
ispunjava visoke standarde
kompanije. Ekstra komade
ili komadi iz kutija koji su
uhva}eni na liniji, a identifikovani kao nestali komadi,
ili imaju kutije koje su malo
ošte}ene, koriste se za
donatorske kutije koje se
distribuiraju organizacijama
za siromašnu decu širom
Da li je odluka
da pravite lica
druga~ija od
nasmejanih izazvala probleme na
nekom od tr`išta?
Promena lica minifigiura se prvi put
desila 1989. godine
sa uvo|enjem linije
pirata. Od tada smo
imali veoma
malo pitanja od
potroša~a. A za Lego
puriste smo ostavili i
originalni smešak u asortimanu, tako da je poznato
lice uvek tu.
Koliko traje razvijanje
nove teme, svih setova,
od po~etka do kraja?
Tokom proteklih nekoliko
godina smo bili
u stanju da
potrebno da
razvije i
set. Prose~an period razvoja je sada oko 12 meseci
od po~etka do kraja, za
razliku od 2-3 godine koliko
je ranije bilo potrebno.
Zašto Lego kockice
izgledaju tako ukusno, a
imaju tako loš ukus?
Kao što su vam roditelji
verovatno rekli kada ste bili
mladi, postoje neke stvari
koje ne bi trebalo da se
jedu. Lego kockice su
jedna od njih. Dr`ite
ih dalje od usta.
Da li Lego ima planove za Wi-Fi veze
za „Mindstorm“?
„Mindstorms NXT“
obuhvata blutut
(Bluetooth) sposobnost za be`i~nu
komunikaciju i
Do you want to know how many Lego bricks
are produced per minute? How many Lego bricks have
been produced in history? What’s the best-selling Lego
set ever? What has been the worst? Do they recycle?
How successful is Mindstorms? What are the actual
names of each of the pieces? Why there are no blondes
in Lego sets? Why there are extra pieces sometimes?
Here’s the definitive mega-reference, straight from Lego.
Why is there a hole in the
head of the mini-figs now?
This hole is added on the top
of the head just in case any
kids got one of the heads
stuck on their throat. That way
they would be able to keep
Why there are no blonde
minifigs in the
regular Lego
Because they
will look bad
with the yellow
heads. There
are blondes,
however, in the
licensed lines,
like Star Wars or Harry Potter.
What do you call the different
pieces internally? Any other
name beyond bricks, like
“flats” for the flat pieces or
something similar?
We refer to the standard pieces
as bricks. Flat pieces are
either plates (these have
and are
1/3 the
height of a
Lego brick) or
tiles (these
are the flat
pieces with
no studs).
erything is referred to by its stud
count, so a classic Lego bricks
is referred to as a 2x4.
Why has changed the color
The color palette changes as
LEGO themes change. However, basic brick colors - red,
yellow, blue, green, black and
white - will always remain as
staples in the assortment.
Why there are no black minifigs?
When the minifigure was first
introduced 30 years ago, it was
given the iconic yellow skin
tone to reflect the non-specific
and transcendental quality of a
child’s imagination. In 2002, as
more licensed properties were
added to the assortment, the
decision was made to introduce
ethnic and skin tones more in
keeping with the actual characters and personalities who were
being replicated. This included
the introduction of black minifigures.
How many Lego bricks are
produced each year?
Approximately 19 billion Lego
elements are produced per year.
2.16 million are molded every
hour, 36,000 every minute.
Approximately, how many
bricks they’ve ever made
since Lego started to produce
More than 400 billion Lego
bricks have been produced
since 1958. There are about 62
Lego bricks per person of the
Earth’s population.
Why is Lego so expensive?
Quality and safety are the top
concerns for the Lego Group. To
ensure the best and safest
products, Lego bricks are
made with the highest quality
materials, which does factor
into the cost. Using premium
materials ensures that the
product is not only
safe, but that it is
durable enough
to hand down
from generation
to generation.
buys the
most Lego sets per
Germany is the number-one
Lego market, in fact, Lego is
the number-one toy company in
What is the best selling Lego
set ever made?
The Lego Mindstorms Robotics
Invention System set is the bestselling Lego set ever. Over 1
million of these have been sold
globally since their launch.
What happens to all the bad
pieces? Is there a Lego heaven? Do they recycle them?
Due to the precision of the brick
molding machines, there are
very few “bad” pieces - only
18 elements in every million
produced fail to meet the company’s high standards. Extra
pieces or pieces from boxes that
are caught on the line and identified as missing pieces or have
boxes that are slightly damaged
are used for donation boxes that
are distributed to underprivileged children’s organizations
around the world.
Has the decision to make
faces other than the smiley
face caused problems in any
Changing the minifigure faces
first happened in 1989 with
the introduction of the Pirates
line. Since that time, we have
had very few questions from
consumers. For those Lego purists out there, we have left the
original smiley in the assortment
so that a familiar face is always
How long do they take to
develop a theme, all the sets,
start to finish?
Over the past few years we
have been able to dramatically
decrease the time it takes to
develop and produce a new
set. The average development
period is now about 12 months
from start to finish, down from
2-3 years previously.
Why do Lego look so delicious but taste so bad?
As your parents probably told
you when you were young, there
are some things that shouldn’t
be eaten. Lego bricks are one of
them. Please keep them away
from your mouth.
Does Lego have plans for
Wi-Fi connections for Mindstorm?
Mindstorms NXT includes
Bluetooth capability for wireless
communication and downloads.
for you 29
Enigmatski ugao - Crossword puzzle
30 for you
Pisma citalaca
Draga redakcijo,
Moja omiljena peva~ica
je Ceca, a od glmaca mi
se najvi{e dopada Milo{
Bikovi}. Zamolio bih Vas da
u narednom broju objavite
poster najboljeg tenisera
sveta Novaka \okovi}a.
Omiljeni sport mi je ko{arka.
Slobodno vreme provodim
na laptopu. Tako|e, u
slobodno vreme volim da
u~im ili ~itam knjige.
An|ela ]uri}
O[ „Svetozar Markovi}“
Velika Ho~a
U slobodno vreme volim da
~itam lektire i slu{am muziku.
Omiljena peva~ica mi je
Ceca. Navijam za Partizan.
Igram folklor i pevam u horu
„Metohijski `ubori“. Najdra`i
film mi je „Tri metra iznad
neba“. Od glumaca mi se
najvi{e svi|a Milo{ Bigovi}, i
volela bih da objavite njegov
Jovana Nakalami}
O[ „Svetozar Markovi}“
Velika Ho~a
Najomiljeniji sportista mi je
Bogdan Bogdanovi}. Ina~e
navijam za Partizan. Mnogo
volim da slu{am muziku.
Magazin For You je predivan,
ima dosta zabavnih stvari.
U slobodno vreme volim da
~itam {kolske lektire. Kada je
sport u pitanju pomenula bih
ko{arku i odbojku.
An|ela Mili}
O[ „Svetozar Markovi}“
Velika Ho~a
Najvi{e volim da ~itam
knjige, navijam za Crvenu
zvezdu, slu{am muziku i da
pevam u horu „Metohijski
`ubori“. Najdra`a peva~ica
mi je Ceca, a film
„Troja“. Milo{ Bikovi}
mi je najomljeniji glumac,
volela bih da objavite njegov
poster u nekom od izdanja.
Ko{arka mi je omiljeni sport.
\ur|ica Mihajlovi}
O[ „Svetozar Markovi}“
Velika Ho~a
Ja volim da igram odbojku,
ina~e navijam za Crvenu
zvezdu. Igram u folkloru i
pevam u horu „Metohijski
`ubori“. Najomiljenija
muzika mi je rok, a od
na{ih peva~ica mi se
najvi{e dopada Severina.
Kada su filmovi u pitanju,
pomenula bih „Gas do
daske“. U slobodno vreme
~itam {kolske lektire, i igram
Kristina Nakalami}
O[ „Svetozar Markovi}“
Velika Ho~a
Dragana Mirkovi} mi je
najomiljenija folk peva~ica,
a od rokera mi se dopada
Bajaga. Glumac Sergej
Trifunovi} jednostavno je
neprevazi|en, najbolji je.
Voleo bih da objavite poster
Sa{e Ili}a. U slobodno vreme
volim da igram igrice. A
omiljeni sport mi je fudbal.
Adel Memi{i
O[ „25. maj“
for you 31
Readers’ letters
Dear editor,
My favorite singer is Ceca, and
the actor I like best is Milos
Bikovic. I would like to ask you
to in your next issue publish a
poster of the best tennis player
in the world Novak Djoković.
My favorite sport is basketball.
I spend my free time on my
laptop. Also, in my spare time I
like to study or read books.
Andjela Curic
Elementary School
„Svetozar Markovic“
Velika Hoca
Dear Sir or Madam,
In my free time I like to read
required-school-reading and
listen to music. My favorite
singer is Ceca. I support
Partizan. I play folk dance and
sing in the choir “Metohijski
zubori.” My favorite movie is
“Three Meters above the Sky.”
As for actors, I like Milos Bigovic
the most, and I’d like you to
publish a poster of him.
Jovana Nakalamic
Elementary School
“Svetozar Markovic“
Velika Hoca
My top favorite athlete is
Bogdan Bogdanovic. I support
Partizan. I like to listen to music
very much. Magazine For You is
great, there is plenty of fun stuff
inside. In my free time I like to
read required-school-reading.
When it comes to sports, I
would mention basketball and
Andjela Milic
Elementary School
“Svetozar Markovic“
Velika Hoca
What I love the most is to
read books, support Red Star,
listen to music and sing in the
choir “Metohijski zubori.” My
favorite singer is Ceca,
and movie “Troy.” Milos
Bikovic is my favorite
actor, and I would like you to
publish a poster of him in one
of the next editions. Basketball
is my favorite sport.
Djurdjica Mihajlovic
Elementary School
“Svetozar Markovic“
Velika Hoca
I like to play volleyball, and I
support Red Star. I play folk
dance and sing in the choir
“Metohijski zubori.” My favorite
music is rock, and as for our
singers, I like Severina the most.
When it comes to movies, I would
mention “Rush Hour.” In my
free time I read required-schoolreading and play volleyball.
Kristina Nakalamic
Elementary School
“Svetozar Markovic“
Velika Hoca
Dragana Mirkovic is my favorite
folk singer, and when it comes
to rock musicians, I like Bajaga
the most. Actor Sergej Trifunovic
is simply unparalleled, he is the
best. I would like you to publish
a poster of Sasa Ilic. In my free
time I like to play video games.
And my favorite sport is football.
Adel Memici
Elementary School “25. maj“