AP Purim Zimanim 5776 [Compatibility Mode]


AP Purim Zimanim 5776 [Compatibility Mode]
Rabbi Eli Weiss ‫שליט"א‬
Anshei Pennington
5 Pasadena Way, New Hempstead NY 10977
‫תשע"ו‬- ‫פרייליכען פורים‬
Thursday– ‫( פורים‬March 24th)
Wednesday – ‫אסתר‬
‫( תענית‬March 23rd)
8:00 AM
5:31 AM
Fast Begins
Approx 8:35 AM
7:53 PM
Fast Ends
10:00 AM
II ‫מגילה‬
* Many opinions exist as to the ending time of the
fast; this time represents the view of 40 minutes.
Men are cordially invited to a
Purim Chaggiga
At Rabbi Weiss
17 Skylark Dr
Wednesday Evening 9:45 P.M.
Wednesday Evening - ‫( פורים‬March 23rd )
7:33 PM
Approx. 7:53 PM
9:20 PM
II ‫מגילה‬
A Freilichen ‫!!פורים‬