23rd Sunday Ordinary Time 4th September 2016


23rd Sunday Ordinary Time 4th September 2016
Responsorial Psalm:
O Lord, you have been our
refuge from one generation
to the next.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
I call you friends, says the Lord,
because I have made known to
you everything I have learnt
from my Father.
Candidacy Mass
13th September Tuesday 7pm
Mr. John Goggin will be formally
received as a candidate from our parish
to the ministry of the diaconate by Bishop Peter Brignall on 13th September at
the evening Mass at 7pm.
I would like to invite the whole parish
community to this special and joyful
occasion and the celebration with the
bishop and deacons of the diocese.
We would welcome offers of help in
setting up the Hall and with
Refreshments in the evening.
Calling current Altar Servers!!
Please make a special effort to attend
the Mass at 7pm on Tuesday 13th.
Servers are needed not only to support
the Bishop, but also with visiting Deacons, as Mr John Goggin is received as
a candidate for the Diaconate.
Mark Philpot
Money Matters :
Offertory Collection last weekend
£660.74 of which £351.95 was Gift Aided.
Flowers Collection :£141.14
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please
consider filling out the Gift Aid form which
is in the church porch to receive a box of
weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then please
use the Green envelopes. Please remember to write your name, address, sign and
date the green envelope.
Thank you for supporting our Parish.
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: [email protected]
Tele: 01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
4th September 2016
Let us pray for the Sick
Int. Michael & Maire Greaney
4th September Sunday
Mass 11am
For People of the Parish
We remember in our prayers
(3rd Sept) Ann Williams, Edward Claffey,
Cathleen Mullins, (4th Sept) John Belli,
Kathleen Meecham, Flora Allen, Liam
O’Connor, Rosaria Merola, Catherine
Droog, (5th Sept) John E.Jones, Elizabeth
Griffiths, Edward Dean Fryer, Mary Ann
Hughes, (6th Sept) Patrick Carroll(Sept 7th)
Margarita Brenan, (8th Sept) Una Johnson,
(9th Sept) Sarah Griffith, Catherine Kenny, Thomas Owens
The Prayer Group following the Life in the
Spirit Seminar will meet in the hall at 7pm
on Thursday 8th September. Steve
Monday :
5th Sep
6th Sep
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Int. Ashan: Sharmine Herath
Liturgy of the day
Mass 7pm
Joan Blackmore RIP (Alan&Mary McDonald)
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
7th Sep
Mass 9.15am
Rose Bryan RIP (Jim & Rose Hamill)
Feast: Nativity of BV Mary
8th Sep
Mass 9.15am
Int. Bea Towey
Liturgy of the day
9th Sep
Mass 9.15am
Int. Pat & Michael Reed (Anne Cheetham)
Altar Servers : Serving on the altar is a great privilege for girls and boys, and
adults too. Anyone interested in becoming an altar server is invited to give their name
to Fr Pius, Deacon Joy, or Mr Mark Philpot. Training will be arranged as convenient.
The lower age limit is to have made First Communion.
There is no upper age limit! A regular commitment is sought, not necessarily weekly,
but particularly an interest in enhancing the liturgical life of the parish. Mark Philpot
Year C
3rd September Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
Michael Jones, Anne Jones, Jim Hughes,
Margaret Carr, Judith Rowe, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen Jones,Joe Goggin,, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay McCornick,
Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne Turner,
Mary Rowe, Jenny Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe & Luisa Desena,
Shelagh Fulham, Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and Leo McManus.
Those whose anniversaries
Occur this week
23rd Sunday Ordinary Time
10th September Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
Patrick & Mary O’Brien RIP
(G. O’Brien)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
11th September Sunday
Mass 11am Sundays before
the Mass
For People of the Parish
t’s a marvellous sight to
watch a child’s face light
up when they see something that captures their
imagination. Their eyes
sparkle, their lips curl up-
can know what God’s mind
is or not. Can we fathom
God’s intentions? Can we
work out God’s will? The
answer, of course, is no.
God is so great, so beyond
our way of thinking, that we
can’t even come close. God
is so completely “other”,
quite different from anything we have ever experienced.
o how do we react to
God? Like the child
whose whole body shakes
with delight, or like some
tired being that is no longer
roused by anything? Faced
wards and their whole be- with the grandeur of God
ing shows their pleasure. do I respond with the enThey squeal with delight.
thusiasm of wonder or the
Adults too can have this indifference of “whatever”?
sense of glee, the sensahis
tion of being taken over by
whatever” mentality
the greatness, cleverness shows itself in the way we
or sheer delight of some- worship. If we come to worthing. But somehow as ship with a listening ear,
adults we find it harder to waiting to be fed by what
experience this enjoyment God has to say in his word,
than children do. Maybe we thankful for how God is
have become jaded and working in our daily lives,
thick-skinned in our old then we will respond with
praise. We will be full of
promises to keep doing. “O
Lord, my God, when I in
awesome wonder consider
all the worlds thy hand hast
made…How great thou art!”
Wonder produces worship.
But if we have let ourselves
become dulled to what God
is doing in our lives then
our attitude to worship will
be “whatever”. We’ll come
to church, listen to the
scriptures and the sermons,
sing the hymns and put our
Sacrament of Baptism
We welcome into our parish
Kelly who is
here today (2pm).
As Catherine and Shaune
Kelly give thanks to God for the gift of Edward, may he in turn bring many blessings
and much happiness to them.
Canonisation of Mother Teresa
Mass of Thanksgiving
There is to be a ‘Mass of Thanksgiving for the
Canonisation of Mother Teresa’ which will
take place in St. Patricks Church, 22 Park
Place, Toxteth L8 5RA Liverpool, on MONDAY 5th SEPTEMBER at 3pm.
There is also an exhibition taking place from
9am -5-30pm each day from 27th August –to
11th September (a film of Mother’s life will be
shown daily at 4-30pm). More details on the
has not called me to be
successful; He has called me to
be faithful”. Mother Teresa
Surplus Spectacles
money in the collection, but
our hearts will not be enthused by the wonders of
our God. We’ll endure
whatever is thrown at us.
hat about you? Are
you lost in awesome wonder or is the
Today we hear the scrip- wonder at what God has w h o l e t h i n g j u s t
tures asking us whether we done for us and what he “whatever”?
You may leave your unwanted/surplus spectacles in a box in the lobby of the church, and
either Mark Philpot or I take the box and arrange for the spectacles to be sent to Vision
Aid Overseas.
This is a useful work of charity, both in helping to alleviate illnesses of the eyes and in
reducing landfill, and Vision Aid is grateful for
the spectacles. However, they do not want
the glasses cases - nobody does. I would
ask therefore that parishioners should retain
the glasses cases or put them in their waste
collection. Allan Bayliss
St. David’s Golden Jubilee
Celebrations in September
Jubilee Concert
16th September Friday 7pm
Parish Picnic/ Barbecue
18th September Sunday after the Mass
September is
SVP awareness
(More information about
this, next week).
Meanwhile, please, if
you have a moment, just stop and read
the changing themes on our SVP notice board (above the green tub) in the
porch. Brian Cullen
Schools' Day, 28th September.
On Wednesday 28th, the parish will host
over 300 Year 6 children from Primary
schools of the Diocese, as they make a
pilgrimage to St David's. Any parishioner
who would like to assist (stewarding, supporting) is invited to let Fr Pius or Carole or
Mark Philpot know as soon as possible.
On Sunday 25th, about 6 strong
persons are requested to help move the
benches after 11am Mass. Please allow
about 30 minutes, maximum.
Calling all cake-makers!
Show your "Bake-Off" skills by baking
cakes for staff and helpers on the Schools'
Day. If you are able to make a contribution,
please add your name to the list at the
back of the church. If you prefer not to
bake, but can help in other ways, Mena
Kerslake will be very grateful. Please
add your name as a helper.
Mark and Carole Philpot
Cytun News: Prayer Service
A group from St David's will be leading the
Cytun service at Llys Jasmine on Sunday
4th (this weekend) at 3 pm in the lower
lounge, followed by refreshments. All are
welcome to join us.
Mena and Sue
We are still collecting tools and sewing
machines to send to Africa, any problems,
please contact Mena tel Mold 741413.