Compton Collection - University of Edinburgh


Compton Collection - University of Edinburgh
Compton Collection 2015
The Compton collection of American history books is located on the upper lever of the Student
Research room (2M.25) and is arranged in alphabetical order.
Aaron, D. c. and R. j. c. Bendiner (1970). The strenuous decade : a social and intellectual record of
the 1930's. Garden City, N.Y., Anchor Books.
Abraham, H. J. (1985). Justices and Presidents : a political history of appointments to the Supreme
Court. New York, Oxford University Press.
Abrams, R. M. and L. W. Levine (1971). The shaping of twentieth-century America : Interpretive
Essays. Boston, Little and Brown.
Acheson, D. (1970). Present at the creation : my years in the State Department. London, Hamilton.
Acheson, D. and D. P. a. t. c. Acheson (1971). The Korean war. New York, Norton.
Adams, A. and G. Rounds (1965). Trail drive : a true narrative of cowboy life from Andy Adams' Log
of a cowboy. New York, Holiday House.
Based on Log of a Cowboy, first published in 1903, it is an account of a trail drive from the
Mexican border to the Blackfoot Indian Agency in Montana in the 1880s.
Adams, A. D. (1908). The Neglected Period of Anti-Slavery in America, 1808-1831, pp. xi. 307. Ginn &
Co.: Boston & London.
Adams, H. (1899). John Randolph. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and company.
Adams, H. and H. Agar (1948). The formative years Volume 1. London, Collins.
Adams, H. and H. Agar (1948). The formative years volume 2. London, Collins.
Adams, H. and R. McColley (1996). John Randolph : a biography. Armonk, N.Y. ; London, M.E. Sharpe.
Adams, H., et al. (1983). Novels, Mont Saint Michel, The education. New York, N.Y.
Cambridge, Literary Classics of the United States
University of Cambridge Press.
Adams, J., et al. (1959). The Adams-Jefferson letters. Chapel Hill, N.C., Published for the Institute of
Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg Va. by the University of North Carolina Press.
Adams, S. and E. Lawson (1946). Samuel Adams : selections from his writings. New York,
International Publishers.
Adams, T. S., et al. (1914). Labor Problems, a text book, New York.
Adams, W. P., et al. (1980). The first American constitutions : republican ideology and the making of
the state constitutions in the revolutionary era. Chapel Hill, Published for the Institute of Early
American History and Culture by the University of North Carolina Press.
Addams, J. (1910). Twenty years at Hull-House : with autobiographical notes. New York, The
Macmillan Co.
Adler, S. (1957). The isolationist impulse : its twentieth-century reaction. London ; New York,
Adler, S. (1965). The uncertain giant, 1921-1941 : American foreign policy between the wars. New
York, Macmillan.
Agar, H. (1966). The price of union. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
Agee, J. and W. Evans (1960). Let us now praise famous men : three tenant families. Boston,
Houghton Mifflin.
Agresto, J. (1984). The Supreme Court and constitutional democracy. Ithaca, N.Y. ; London, Cornell
University Press.
Ahlstrom, S. E. (1972). A religious history of the American people volume 1. New Haven, Yale
University Press.
Aichele, G. J. (1989). Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.--soldier, scholar, judge. Boston, Twayne Publishers.
Aitken, H. G. J. (1971). Did slavery pay? : readings in the economics of black slavery in the United
States. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
Akers, C. W. (1980). Abigail Adams, an American woman. Boston, Little, Brown.
Albertson, D. (1963). Eisenhower as President, Hill and Wang.
Albion, R. G. and R. H. Connery (1962). Forrestal and the Navy, Columbia U,P.
Alden, J. R. (1954). The American Revolution, 1775-1783. New York,, Harper.
Alden, J. R. (1984). George Washington : a biography. Baton Rouge ; London, Louisiana.
Alexander, C. C. (1969). Nationalism in American thought 1930-1945, Rand.
Allen, F. L. (1931). Only yesterday : an informal history of the nineteen-twenties. New York ; London,
Harper & Brothers.
Allen, F. L. (1961). Since Yesterday, etc, pp. xii. 292. Bantam Books: New York.
Allen, F. L. (1965). Since yesterday : the Nineteen-Thirties in America, September 3,1929-September
3, 1939, Bantam; Transworld.
Allen, H. C. and C. P. Hill (1957). British essays in American history. London, E. Arnold.
Allen, H. C. and R. Thompson (1976). Contrast and connection : bicentennial essays in AngloAmerican history. London, G. Bell & Sons Ltd.
Allen, R. L. and P. P. Allen (1974). Reluctant reformers : racism and social reform movements in the
United States. Washington, D.C., Howard University Press.
Allen, T. B. (2010). Tories : fighting for the king in America's first civil war. New York, Harper.
A history of the Americans who chose to side with the British in the American Revolution
that sheds important new light on the little-known figures whose lives were forever changed
because they remained faithful to their mother country.
Alley, R. S. and United States. Supreme Court. (1988). The Supreme Court on church and state. New
York, Oxford University Press.
Allmendinger, B. (1992). The cowboy : representations of labor in an American work culture. New
York ; Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Allport, G. W. (1958). The nature of prejudice : abridged. New York, Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Allsop, K. (1961). The bootleggers : the story of Chicago's prohibition era. London, Hutchinson.
Allswang, J. M. (1977). Bosses, machines, and urban voters : an American symbiosis. Port
Washington ; London, Kennikat Press.
Allswang, J. M. (1978). The New Deal and American politics : a study in political change. New York ;
Chichester, Wiley.
Alperovitz, G. (1965). Atomic diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam : the use of the atomic bomb and
the American confrontation with Soviet power. New York, Simon and Schuster.
Alter, J. (2006). The defining moment : FDR's hundred days and the triumph of hope. New York ;
London, Simon & Schuster.
Alterman, E. M., Kevin. (2012). The cause: The fight for American liberalism, From Franklin Roosevelt
to Barack Obama Viking.
Altmeyer, A. J. (1966). The Formative years of social security. [With portraits.], pp. xi. 314. University
of Wisconsin Press: Madison.
Altschuler, G. C. (1982). Race, ethnicity, and class in American social thought 1865-1919. Arlington
Heights, Davidson ; London : Eurospan [distributor].
Amar, A. R. (1998). The Bill of Rights : creation and reconstruction. New Haven, Conn., Yale
University Press.
Ambrose, S. E. (1967). Eisenhower and Berlin, 1945 : The decision to halt at the Elbe, Norton.
Ambrose, S. E. (1985). Rise to globalism : American foreign policy since 1938. New York, Penguin
Ambrose, S. E. (1995). D-Day, June 6, 1944 : the climactic battle of World War II. New York ; London,
Ambrose, S. E. (1996). Undaunted courage : Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and the opening of
the American West. New York ; London, Simon & Schuster.
Ambrosius, L. E. (1988). Woodrow Wilson and the American diplomatic tradition : the treaty fight in
perspective. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
American Anti-Slavery, S. (1864). Proceedings of the American Anti-Slavery Society at its third
decade, held in the city of Philadelphia, Dec. 3rd and 4th, 1863, with an appendix and a catalogue of
Anti-Slavery publications in America from 1750 to 1863, New York.
Ammerman, D. (1974). In the common cause : American response to the Coercive Acts of 1774.
Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia.
Ammon, H. (1971). James Monroe: the quest for national identity. New York, McGraw-Hill.
Ammon, H. (1973). The Genet mission. New York, Norton.
Anderson, T. (1961). Jacobson's Development of American Political Thought, Appleton-Century.
Andrews, C. M. (1931). The colonial background of the American revolution : four essays in American
colonial history. New Haven
London, Yale university press
H. Milford, Oxford university press.
Appleby, J. O. (2000). Inheriting the revolution : the first generation of Americans. Cambridge,
Mass. ; London, Belknap Press.
Aptheker, H. (1960). The American Revolution, 1763-1783. New York,, International Publishers.
Aptheker, H. (1989). Abolitionism : a revolutionary movement. Boston, Twayne Publishers.
Arnesen, E., et al. (1998). Labor histories : class, politics, and the working class experience. Urbana,
Ill., University of Illinois Press.
Arnold, A. B. (2014). Fueling the Gilded Age : railroads, miners, and disorder in Pennsylvania coal
country. New York, New York University Press.
Arsenault, R. (2006). Freedom riders : 1961 and the struggle for racial justice. Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
Arthur, J. (1989). The unfinished constitution : philosophy and constitutional practice. Belmont,
Calif., Wadsworth Pub. Co.
Asinof, E. (1990). 1919 : America's loss of innocence. New York, Donald I. Fine Inc.
Athearn, R. G. (1960). High country empire : the high plains and Rockies. Lincoln, University of
Nebraska Press.
Atherton, L. (1954). Main Street on the Middle Border. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Auerbach, J. S. (1976). Unequal justice : lawyers and social change in modern America. New York,
Oxford University Press.
Auerbach, J. S. (1983). Justice without law? New York, Oxford University Press.
Auerbach, J. S. c. (1969). American labor: the twentieth century. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill.
Ayers, E. L. (1984). Vengeance and justice : crime and punishment in the 19th-century American
South. New York ; Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Ayers, E. L. (1992). The promise of the new South : life after Reconstruction. New York ; Oxford,
Oxford University Press.
Ayers, E. L. (1996). All over the map : rethinking American regions. Baltimore ; London, Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Ayers, E. L. and B. C. Mittendorf (1997). The Oxford book of the American South : testimony,
memory, and fiction. New York ; Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Bach, R. A. (2000). Colonial transformations : the cultural production of the New Atlantic World,
1580-1640. New York ; Basingstoke, Palgrave.
Badger, A. J. (1989). The new deal : the depression years, 1933-40. Basingstoke, Macmillan.
Baer, J. A. (1983). Equality under the constitution : reclaiming the Fourteenth Amendment. Ithaca
N.Y., Cornell University Press.
Bagwell, P. S. and G. E. Mingay (1970). Britain and America, 1850-1939 : a study of economic change.
London, Routledge and K. Paul.
Bailey, T. A. (1945). Woodrow Wilson and the great betrayal. New York, The Macmillan company.
Bailey, T. A. (1963). Woodrow Wilson and the lost peace. Chicago, Quadrangle Books.
Bailey, T. A. (1964). A diplomatic history of the American people. New York, Appleton-CenturyCrofts.
Bailey, T. A., et al. (1969). Essays, diplomatic and undiplomatic, of Thomas A. Bailey. Edited with a
preface and introduction by Alexander DeConde and Armin Rappaport, New York: AppletonCentury-Crofts.
Bailey, T. A. and P. B. Ryan (1979). Hitler vs. Roosevelt : the undeclared naval war. New York, Free
Bailyn, B. (1960). Education in the forming of American society : needs and opportunities for study.
Chapel Hill, published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, Va., by
the University of North Carolina Press.
Bailyn, B. (1964). The New England merchants in the seventeenth century. New York
Cambridge, Harper and Row,
Harvard University Press,
Harvard University.
Bailyn, B. (1967). The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge, Mass., Belknap
Press of Harvard University Press.
Bailyn, B. (1968). The origins of American politics. New York, Knopf.
Bailyn, B. (1993). The debate on the Constitution : Federalist and Antifederalist speeches, articles
and letters during the struggle over ratification. Part 1, Debates in the press and in private
correspondence, September 17, 1787-January 12, 1788 ; Debates in the State ratifying conventions,
Pennsylvania, November 20-December 15, 1787, Connecticut, January 3-9, 1788, Massachusetts,
January 9-February 7, 1788. New York, Library of America.
Bailyn, B. (1993). The debate on the Constitution : Federalist and Antifederalist speeches, articles
and letters during the struggle over ratification. Part 2, Debates in the press and in private
correspondence, January 14-August 9, 1788 ; Debates in the State ratifying conventions, South
Carolina, May 12-24, 1788, Virginia, June 2-27, 1788, New York, June 17-July 26, 1788, North
Carolina, July 21-August 4, 1788. New York, Library of America.
Bakeless, J. b. (1947). Lewis and Clark : partners in discovery. Mineola, N.Y., Dover Publications ;
London : Constable, 1996.
Baker, C. (1996). Emerson among the eccentrics : a group portrait. London, Viking.
Baker, D. G. and C. H. Sheldon (1969). Postwar America - the search for identity. Beverly Hills
London, Glencoe Press
Baker, L. (1974). John Marshall : a life in law. New York, Macmillan ; London : Collier Macmillan.
Baker, L. (1991). The justice from Beacon Hill : the life and times of Oliver Wendell Holmes. New
York, NY, HarperCollins.
Baker, P. R. (1976). The atomic bomb : the great decision. New York, Dryden Press.
Baldwin, G. C. (1973). Indians of the Southwest.
Baldwin, J. (1964). The fire next time. London, Penguin.
Baldwin, N. (2001). Edison : inventing the century. Chicago ; London, University of Chicago Press.
Ball, H. (1986). Justice downwind : America's atomic testing program in the 1950's. New York, Oxford
University Press.
Baltzell, E. D. c. (1968). The search for community in modern America. New York, Harper & Row.
Banks, A. E. (1980). First person America. NY, Knopf.
Banner, J. M. (1970). To the Hartford Convention : the Federalists and the origins of party politics in
Massachusetts, 1789-1815. New York, Knopf.
Banner, L. W. (1974). Women in modern America : a brief history. New York, Harcourt Brace
Barber, J. D. (1977). The Presidential character : predicting performance in the White House.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall.
Barck, O. T. (1965). A history of the United States since 1945. New York,, Dell Pub. Co.
Bardolph, R. (1970). The civil rights record : Black Americans and the law, 1849-1970. New York,
Baritz, L. (1964). City on a hill : a history of ideas and myths in America. New York ; London, Wiley.
Baritz, L. c. (1970). The culture of the twenties. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill.
Barnes, G. H. and W. G. McLoughlin (1964). The antislavery impulse, 1830-1844. New York, Harcourt,
Brace & World.
Barnes, H. E. (1980). Revisionism : A key to peace and other essays. San Fransisco, CATO Institute.
Barnet, R. J. (1972). Roots of war. New York, Atheneum.
Barney, W. L. (1972). The road to secession : a new perspective on the old South, Praeger.
Barney, W. L. (1987). The passage of the republic : an interdisciplinary history of nineteenth-century
America. Lexington, Mass., D.C. Heath.
Barney, W. L. (1990). Battleground for the Union : the era of the Civil War and Reconstruction, 18481877. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall ; London : Prentice-Hall International.
Barnum, D. G. (1993). The Supreme Court and American democracy. New York, St. Martin's Press.
Barrett, J. R. (1999). William Z. Foster and the tragedy of American radicalism. Urbana, University of
Ill. Press.
Barron, G. J. (1973). Leadership in crisis : FDR and the path to intervention. New York ; London,
Kennikat Press.
Barth, A. and Z. Chafee (1951). The Loyalty of Free Men. Foreword by Zechariah Chatee, Jr. [A study
of civil liberties.]. London, Victor Gollancz.
Barth, G. p. (1980). City People : The rise of modern city culture in nineteenth century America. NY,
Oxford UP.
Bartholomew, P. C. (1978). American constitutional law volume 1. Totowa, N.J., Littlefield, Adams.
Bartholomew, P. C. (1978). American constitutional law volume 2. Totowa, N.J., Littlefield, Adams.
Bartholomew, P. C. (1983). Summaries of leading cases on the constitution ... Twelfth edition, pp.
xxvi. 370. Littlefield.
Bartholomew, P. C. and J. F. Menez (1977). Summaries of leading cases on the Constitution 10th
edition. Totowa, N.J., Littlefield, Adams.
Bartlett, I. H. (1968). The American mind in the mid-nineteenth century. London, Routledge & K.Paul.
Bartlett, I. H. (1978). Daniel Webster. New York, W.W. Norton.
Bartlett, R. J. (1948). The record of American diplomacy : documents and readings in the history of
American foreign relations. New York, Knopf.
Bartlett, R. J. (1963). Policy and power : two centuries of American foreign relations. New York, Hill
and Wang.
Baxter, M. G. and D. A. Webster (1966). Daniel Webster & the Supreme Court, [Amherst:] University
of Massachusetts Press.
Bayley, E. R. (1982). Joe McCarthy and the press. New York, Pantheon Books.
Beale, H. K. (1956). Theodore Roosevelt and the rise of America to world power. Baltimore, Johns
Hopkins P.; Oxford U.P.
Bean, W. and A. Ruef (1967). Boss Ruef's San Francisco. The story of the Union Labor party, big
business, and the graft prosecution. [A reduced photographic reprint of the edition of 1952.], pp. xii.
345. University of California Press: Berkeley & Los Angeles.
Beaney, W. M. (1955). The right to counsel in American courts. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan
Beard, C. A. (1915). Economic origins of Jeffersonian democracy. New York, Macmillan.
Beard, C. A. (1941). An economic interpretation of the constitution of the United States. New York
London, Free Press ;
Beard, C. A. (1959). The Enduring Federalist, etc, pp. xvi. 396. Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.: New
Beard, C. A. and M. R. Beard (1937). The making of American civilization. [S.l.], Macmillan.
Beard, C. A. and G. H. E. Smith (1940). The old deal and the new. New York, Macmillan.
Beatty, J. (2007). Age of betrayal : the triumph of money in America, 1865-1900. New York, Alfred A.
Becker, C. L. (1918). The eve of the revolution : a chronicle of the breach with England. New Haven,
Yale U.P.
Becker, C. L. (1942). The Declaration of Independence : a study in the history of political ideas. New
York, N.Y., A.A. Knopf.
Beecher, L. and B. M. Cross (1961). The autobiography of Lyman Beecher. Cambridge, Mass., Belknap
Press of Harvard University Press.
Beeman, R. R. (2009). Plain, honest men : the making of the American Constitution. New York,
Random House.
Beisner, R. L. (1968). Twelve against empire : the anti-imperialists, 1898-1900. New York, McGrawHill.
Beisner, R. L. (1986). From the old diplomacy to the new, 1865-1900. Arlington Heights, Ill., Harlan
Bell, D. (1962). The end of ideology : on the exhaustion of political ideas in the fifties. New York
London, Free Press ;
Collier Macmillan.
Bell, D. (1964). The radical Right : the new American Rght expanded and updated. Garden City, N.Y.,.
Bellamy, E. (1996). Looking backward. New York, Dover Publications.
Bellush, B. (1968). He walked alone : A biography of John Gilbert Winant. The Hague ; Paris, Mouton.
Belz, H. (1978). Emancipation and equal rights : politics and constitutionalism in the Civil War era.
New York, Norton.
Bemis, S. F. (1949). John Quincy Adams and the foundations of American foreign policy. New York, A.
A. Knopf.
Bemis, S. F. (1955). A diplomatic history of the United States. New York, Holt.
Bemis, S. F. (1960). Pinckney's treaty : America's advantage from Europe's distress, 1783-1800. New
Haven, Yale University Press.
Bemis, S. F. (1962). Jay's treaty : a study in commerce and diplomacy. New Haven, Yale University
Bemis, S. F. and American Historical Association. (1935). The diplomacy of the American Revolution :
the foundations of American diplomacy, 1775-1823. New York ; London, D. Appleton-Century
Company, Incorporated.
Bemis, S. F. and Yale University. Institute of International Studies. (1943). The Latin American policy
of the United States : an historical interpretation. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company.
Bendiner, R. (1967). Just around the corner : a highly selective history of the thirties. New York, E.P.
Dutton, 1968.
Benedict, M. L. (1973). The impeachment and trial of Andrew Johnson. New York, Norton.
Benedict, M. L. (1975). The fruits of victory : alternatives in restoring the Union, 1865-1877.
Philadelphia, Lippincott.
Bennett, E. M. (1985). Franklin D. Roosevelt and the search for security : American-Soviet relations,
1933-1939. Wilmington, Del., Scholarly Resources.
Bennett, L. and M. L. King, Jr. (1966). What manner of man: a biography of Martin Luther King, Jr,
London: Allen & Unwin.
Benson, L. (1960). Turner and Beard : American historical writing reconsidered. New York, Free
Benson, L. (1961). The concept of Jacksonian democracy : New York as a test case. Princeton, N.J.,
Princeton University Press.
Beran, M. K. (2003). Jefferson's demons : portrait of a restless mind. New York, Free Press.
Berger, R. (1973). Impeachment : the constitutional problems. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University
Berger, R. (1974). Executive privilege : a constitutional myth. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University
Berger, R. (1977). Government by judiciary : the transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Cambridge, Mass. ; London, Harvard University Press.
Bergeron, P. H. (1987). The presidency of James K. Polk, University Press of Kansas.
Bergman, A. (1972). We're in the money : depression America and its films. New York ; London,
Harper and Row.
Berlin, I. (1990). Freedom : a documentary history of emancipation, 1861-1867 : selected from the
holdings of the National Archives of the United States. Series 1. Vol.3, The wartime genesis of free
labor. The lower south. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Berlin, I. (1998). Many thousands gone : the first two centuries of slavery in North America.
Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Berlin, I. (2010). The making of African America: The 4 great migrations. New York, Viking.
Berman, R. (1968). America in the sixties : an intellectual history. New York, Free Press.
Bernardo, C. J. and E. H. Bacon (1955). American military policy : its development since 1775.
Harrisburg, Pa., Military Service Pub. Co.
Bernhard, W. E. A., et al. (1974). Political parties in American history volume 1. New York,, Putnam.
Bernhard, W. E. A., et al. (1974). Political parties in American history volume 2. New York,, Putnam.
Bernheimer, C. S. (1905). The Russian Jew in the United States. Studies of social conditions in New
York, Philadelphia and Chicago, with a description of rural settlements. Planned and edited by C. S.
Bernheimer, pp. 426. J. C. Winston Co.: Philadelphia.
Bernstein, B. J. (1976). Atomic Bomb : the critical issues, Little, Brown.
Bernstein, B. J. and A. J. Matusow (1972). Twentieth-century America : recent interpretations.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ; London, San Diego.
Bernstein, B. J. e. (1970). Politics and policies of the Truman Administration. Chicago, Quadrangle
Bernstein, B. J. e. and A. J. j. e. Matusow (1968). The Truman administration : a documentary history.
New York, Harper & Row.
Bernstein, I. (1960). The lean years, 1920-1933. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
Bernstein, I. (1969). Turbulent years : a history of the American worker, 1933-1941. Boston,
Houghton Mifflin.
Bernstein, P. (1997). American work values : their origin and development. New York, State
University of New York Press.
Bernstein, P. L. (2005). Wedding of the waters : the Erie Canal and the making of a great nation. New
York, W.W. Norton.
Berthoff, R. T. (1971). An unsettled people : social order and disorder in American history. New York,
Harper & Row.
Beth, L. P. (1971). The development of the American constitution, 1877-1917, etc, New York, etc.:
Harper & Row.
Beth, L. P. (1992). John Marshall Harlan : the last Whig justice. Lexington, Ky., University Press of
Bickel, A. M. (1978). The Supreme Court and the idea of progress. New Haven, Conn ; London, Yale
University Press.
Bickford, C. B. and K. R. Bowling (1989). Birth of the nation : the first Federal Congress, 1789-1791.
Madison, Madison House.
Billington, M. L. and R. D. Hardaway (1998). African Americans on the western frontier. Niwot,
University Press of Colorado.
Billington, R. A. (1952). The protestant crusade, 1800-1860 : a study of the origins of American
nativism. New York, Rinehart & company, Inc.
Billington, R. A. (1956). The Far Western frontier, 1830-1860. London, Hamilton.
Billington, R. A. (1966). America's frontier heritage. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Billington, R. A. and J. E. Pomfret (1968). The Reinterpretation of early American history : essays in
honor of John Edwin Pomfret. New York, Norton.
Billington, R. A. and M. Ridge (1982). Westward expansion : a history of the American frontier. New
London, Macmillan ;
Collier Macmillan Publishers.
Binkley, W. E. (1945). American political parties : their natural history. New York, Knopf.
Bird, C. (1966). The invisible scar. New York,, D. McKay Co.
Black, G. D. (1997). The Catholic crusade against the movies, 1940-1975. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.
Blake, N. M. (1969). Novelists' America : fiction as history, 1910-1940. Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse
University Press.
Blassingame, J. W. (1972). The slave community : plantation life in the antebellum South. New York,
Oxford University Press.
Blassingame, J. W. (1979). The slave community : plantation life in the antebellum South. New York ;
Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Blight, D. W. (2001). Race and reunion : the Civil War in American memory. Cambridge, Mass. ;
London, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Bliss, H. and M. G. Johnson (1975). Beyond the water's edge : America's foreign policies.
Philadelphia, Lippincott.
Bloomfield, M. H. (1976). American lawyers in a changing society, 1776-1876. Cambridge, Mass.,
Harvard University Press.
Blum, J. M. (1956). Woodrow Wilson and the politics of morality. Boston, Little, Brown.
Blum, J. M. (1966). The promise of America; an historical inquiry. Boston,, Houghton Mifflin.
Blum, J. M. (1967). From the Morgenthau diaries / Vol. 3, Years of war, 1941-1945. Boston,
Houghton Mifflin.
Blum, J. M. (1968). The Republican Roosevelt. New York, Atheneum.
Blum, J. M. (1976). V was for victory : politics and American culture during World War II. New York ;
London, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Blum, J. M. (1977). The Republican Roosevelt. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.
Blum, J. M. (1980). The progressive presidents : Roosevelt, Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson. New York ;
London, Norton.
Blumenthal, H. (1959). A reappraisal of Franco-American relations, 1830-1871. Chapel Hill, University
of North Carolina Press.
Bodenhamer, D. J. (1992). Fair trial : rights of the accused in American history. New York ; Oxford,
Oxford University Press.
Bodnar, J. E. (1991). Remaking America : public memory, commemoration, and patriotism in the
twentieth century. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press ;.
Boles, J. B., et al. (1987). Interpreting southern history : historiographical essays in honor of Sanford
W. Higginbotham. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press.
Boller, P. F. (1969). American thought in transition : the impact of evolutionary naturalism, 18651900. Chicago, Rand McNally.
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century. Author Shlaes presents the neglected and moving stories of individual Americans, and
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