Say Goodbye to wrinkles Botox a best skin treatment


Say Goodbye to wrinkles Botox a best skin treatment
Say Goodbye to wrinkles: Botox a best skin treatment
Many times we confuse in between Botox and hyaluronic acid treatments when looking
for a solution. In this note, we tell you exactly what Botox treatment is, how it is applied
and what are effect of Botox treatment.
More and more women (and men) come to the surgeon's office wanting to look better.
And there are more and more, too, those who prefer to perform a minimally invasive
treatment and not expose themselves to the rigor of the operating room and the scalpel.
Both Botox Boston and hyaluronic acid are the most popular substances and practices
chosen by doctors and patients. They have the same effect - rejuvenating the appearance
of the face - but there are many differences between them. We present about Botox
Treatment Boston.
Everything about Botox
Botox Near Me is the registered trademark of Botulinum Toxin Type A most studied and
most used in the whole world. Botulinum Toxin Type A is a protein that temporarily
relaxes the muscle in which it is applied, attenuating wrinkles of expression, those that
form with the face in movement. Every time we express ourselves, laugh or cry, the
muscles of the face contract and, over time, the activity of these muscles produces
wrinkles such as the lines of the forehead, between the eyebrows and the crow's feet,
among others. This treatment can be done only by expert Doctor For Botox.
How does it apply?
Botox Treatment in Boston is a minimally invasive, fast and painless process that does
not require an allergy test, it takes a few minutes and patients can continue with their
usual rhythm of life without inconvenience. Botox In Boston is applied by means of
micro-injections directly in the muscle responsible for the formation of the wrinkle and,
by temporarily relaxing it, prevents the formation of new lines of expression, since its
effect prevents the deepening of existing wrinkles and the formation of new wrinkles.
The initial effects are visible between 48 to 72 hours after Botox Boston treatment, and
the maximum results after 15 days.
Is there an age from which you can begin to apply?
The medical professional is the one who will determine, according to each patient, what
is the right time to start treatment. Anyway, we can say that the average age is from 30
In what areas does it apply?
It is commonly applied by Doctor For Botox Near Me in the upper area of the face,
forehead, between the eyebrows and crow's feet, but it can also be used for wrinkles of
the nose (those that form on the sides of the nose when one laughs), some areas of the
nose. Neck, the corners of the lips and to outline the contour of the face and reposition
the eyebrows.
Botox from Best Place for Botox in Boston is often confused with some filler
substances, and when you see a blunt and even deformed mouth is believed to be because
of the application of Botox. But it is worth noting that Botox does not apply to the lips,
nor does it confer volume on the treated areas.