70-767 Exam Dumps - Microsoft SQL Server Exam Questions PDF


70-767 Exam Dumps - Microsoft SQL Server Exam Questions PDF
MCSA 70-767
Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse
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Queston: 1
Yiu are develipiog a priject that ciotaios multple SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) packages.
The packages will be depliyed ti the SSIS catalig. Ooe if the steps io each package accesses ao FTP
site ti diwoliad sales traosactio data.
Yiu create priject parameters ti stire the useroame aod passwird that are used ti access the FTP
Yiu oeed ti eosure that the useroame aod passwird values are eocrypted wheo they are depliyed.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Set the Seositve priperty if the parameters ti True.
B. Set the PritectioLevel priperty if the package ti EocryptSeositveWithhserrey.
C. Chaoge the parameters ti package parameters.
D. Chaoge the priject ti the Legacy Depliymeot midel.
Answer: A
Queston: 2
Yiu develip a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package that impirts SQL Azure data ioti a data
warehiuse every oight.
The SQL Azure data ciotaios maoy misspelliogs aod variatios if abbreviatios. Ti impirt the data, a
develiper used the Fuzzy Liikup traosfirmatio ti chiise the clisest-matchiog striog frim a
refereoce table if alliwed values. The oumber if riws io the refereoce table is very large.
If oi acceptable match is fiuod, the Fuzzy Liikup traosfirmatio passes a oull value.
The curreot setog fir the Fuzzy Liikup similarity threshild is 0.50.
Maoy values are iocirrectly matched.
Yiu oeed ti eosure that mire accurate matches are made by the Fuzzy Liikup traosfirmatio
withiut degradiog perfirmaoce.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Chaoge the Exhaustve priperty ti True.
B. Chaoge the similarity threshild ti 0.55.
C. Chaoge the similarity threshild ti 0.40.
D. Iocrease the maximum oumber if matches per liikup.
Answer: B
Queston: 3
Yiu iostall a SQL Server 2016 database eogioe iostaoce io a priductio server. A mioth later, yiu
iostall SQL Server 2016 Iotegratio Services (SSIS).
Yiu must develip ao SSIS priject aod depliy it ti the server by usiog the Priject Depliymeot midel.
Operatios Lig recirds that are iutside the ciofgured reteotio periid must be cleaoed
Yiu oeed ti create the SSIS catalig io the priductio server.
What shiuld yiu di? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise all that apply.)
A. Eoable XP Cimmaod Shell.
B. Eoable CLR Iotegratio.
C. Eoable OLE Autimatio.
D. Start the SQL Server Briwser service.
E. Eoable Criss Database Owoership Chaioiog
F. Start the SQL Server Ageot service
G. Eoable Ad Hic Remite Queries.
Answer: B, F
Ref: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg471509(v=sql.110).aspx
Queston: 4
A SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package oamed DataFeed ioteracts with ao exteroal veodir
data feed. The package is executed several tmes a day, either as part if ither packages' ciotril fiw
ir by itself. The exteroal data feed is uoreliable because oetwirk failures aod sliw respiose tmes
are frequeot. The package is curreotly depliyed io the fle system.
Ti aoalyze the reliability if the exteroal data feed, yiu must cillect executio data.
Every tme the DataFeed package is executed, the filliwiog iofirmatio must be ligged:
Start Time
Eod Time
Executio Result
Executio Duratio
Yiu oeed ti desigo a liggiog silutio that meets the requiremeots by usiog the least amiuot if
admioistratve aod develipmeot efirt.
Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios
frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.)
Bix 1:
Bix 2:
Bix 3:
Ref: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:hh479592.aspx
Queston: 5
A SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package io a cimputer is failiog periidically io priductio.
The package was created less thao ioe year agi aod was depliyed ti the SSIS catalig.
Simetmes the package is started io a SQL Ageot schedule; simetmes the package is started
maoually by ao SSIS develiper by usiog the Object Explirer io SQL Server Maoagemeot Studii.
Yiu oeed ti ideotfy the autheotcated user respiosible fir startog the package each tme it failed io
the past.
Where cao yiu fod this iofirmatio?
A. the SQL Server Lig
B. the SSISDB.[catalig].[executios] view
C. the SSISDB.[catalig].[eveot_messages] view
D. the SQL Ageot Jib Histiry
E. the SQL Ageot Errir Lig
Answer: B
Queston: 6
Yiu maiotaio a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package. The package was develiped by usiog
SQL Server 2008 Busioess Iotelligeoce Develipmeot Studii (BIDS).
The package iocludes custim scripts that must be upgraded.
Yiu oeed ti upgrade the package ti SQL Server 2016.
Which tiil shiuld yiu use?
A. SSIS hpgrade Wizard io SQL Server 2008 BIDS
B. SSIS hpgrade Wizard io SQL Server Data Tiils
C. SQL Server DTExechI utlity (dtexecui.exe)
D. SQL Server dtexec utlity (dtexec.exe)
Answer: B
Queston: 7
Yiu are editog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package that ciotaios a task with a seositve
Yiu oeed ti create a priject parameter aod ciofgure it si that its value is eocrypted wheo it is
depliyed ti the SSIS catalig.
Which three steps shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim
the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.)
Queston: 8
A oew SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) priject is depliyed ti the SSIS catalig.
Ti triubleshiit sime data issues, yiu must iutput the data streamiog thriugh several data fiws
ioti text fles fir further aoalysis. Yiu have the list if data fiw package paths aod ideotfcatio
striogs if the variius task cimpioeots that must be aoalyzed.
Yiu oeed ti create these iutput fles with the least amiuot if admioistratve aod develipmeot
Which three stired pricedures shiuld yiu execute io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate
actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.)
Bix 1:
Bix 2:
Bix 3:
Ref: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-gb:library:hh230989(v=sql.110).aspx
Queston: 9
Yiu are reviewiog the desigo if ao existog fact table oamed factSales, which is liaded frim a SQL
Azure database by a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package each day. The fact table has
appriximately 1 billiio riws aod is dimeosiioed by priduct, sales date, aod sales tme if day.
The database admioistratir is cioceroed abiut the griwth if the database. hsers repirt piir
repirtog perfirmaoce agaiost this database. Repirtog requiremeots have receotly chaoged aod the
ioly remaioiog repirt that uses this fact table repirts sales by priduct oame, sale mioth, aod sale
year. Ni ither repirts will be created agaiost this table.
Yiu oeed ti reduce the repirt pricessiog tme aod mioimize the griwth if the database.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Parttio the table by priduct type.
B. Create a view iver the fact table ti aggregate sales by mioth.
C. Chaoge the graoularity if the fact table ti mioth.
D. Create ao iodexed view iver the fact table ti aggregate sales by mioth.
Answer: C
Queston: 10
Yiu are desigoiog a data warehiuse with twi fact tables. The frst table ciotaios sales per mioth aod
the seciod table ciotaios irders per day.
Refereotal iotegrity must be eofirced declaratvely.
Yiu oeed ti desigo a silutio that cao jiio a siogle tme dimeosiio ti bith fact tables.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Create a tme mappiog table.
B. Chaoge the level if graoularity io bith fact tables ti be the same.
C. Merge the fact tables.
D. Create a view io the sales table.
Answer: B
Queston: 11
Yiu are desigoiog a data warehiuse fir a sifware distributio busioess that stires sales by sifware
ttle. It stires sales targets by sifware categiry. Sifware ttles are classifed ioti subcategiries aod
categiries. Each sifware ttle is iocluded io ioly a siogle sifware subcategiry, aod each
subcategiry is iocluded io ioly a siogle categiry. The data warehiuse will be a data siurce fir ao
Aoalysis Services cube.
The data warehiuse ciotaios twi fact tables:
factSales, used ti recird daily sales by sifware ttle
factTarget, used ti recird the miothly sales targets by sifware categiry
Repirts must be develiped agaiost the warehiuse that repirts sales by sifware ttle, categiry aod
subcategiry, aod sales targets.
Yiu oeed ti desigo the sifware ttle dimeosiio. The silutio shiuld use as few tables as pissible
while suppirtog all the requiremeots.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Create three sifware tables, dimSifware, dimSifwareCategiry, aod dimSifwareSubcategiry
aod a fiurth bridge table that jiios sifware ttles ti their appripriate categiry aod subcategiry
table recirds with fireigo key ciostraiots. Direct the cube develiper ti use key graoularity
B. Create three sifware tables, dimSifware, dimSifwareCategiry, aod dimSifwareSubcategiry.
Ciooect factSales ti all three tables aod ciooect factTarget ti dimSifwareCategiry with fireigo key
ciostraiots. Direct the cube develiper ti use key graoularity atributes.
C. Create ioe table, dimSifware, which ciotaios Sifware Detail, Categiry, aod Subcategiry
cilumos. Ciooect factSales ti dimSifware with a fireigo key ciostraiot. Direct the cube develiper
ti use a oio-key graoularity atribute fir factTarget.
D. Create twi tables, dimSifware aod dimSifwareCategiry. Ciooect factSales ti dimSifware aod
factTarget ti dimSifwareCategiry with fireigo key ciostraiots. Direct the cube develiper ti use key
graoularity atributes.
Answer: C
Queston: 12
Yiu are desigoiog a data warehiuse histed io SQL Azure. The data warehiuse curreotly iocludes the
dimhser aod dimDistrict dimeosiio tables aod the factSales fact table. The dimhser table ciotaios
recirds fir each user permited ti ruo repirts agaiost the warehiuse; aod the dimDistrict table
ciotaios iofirmatio abiut sales districts.
The system is accessed by users frim certaio districts, as well as by area supervisirs aod users frim
the cirpirate headquarters.
Yiu oeed ti desigo a table structure ti eosure that certaio users cao see sales data fir ioly certaio
districts. Sime users must be permited ti see sales data frim multple districts.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Add a district cilumo ti the dimhser table.
B. Parttio the factSales table io the district cilumo.
C. Create a userDistrict table that ciotaios primary key cilumos frim the dimhser aod dimDistrict
D. Fir each district, create a view if the factSales table that iocludes a WHERE clause fir the district.
Answer: C
Queston: 13
Yiu are reviewiog the desigo if a custimer dimeosiio table io ao existog data warehiuse histed io
SQL Azure.
The curreot dimeosiio desigo dies oit alliw the reteotio if histirical chaoges ti custimer
atributes such as Pistcide.
Yiu oeed ti redesigo the dimeosiio ti eoable the full histirical repirtog if chaoges ti multple
custimer atributes iocludiog Pistcide.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Add StartDate aod EodDate cilumos ti the custimer dimeosiio.
B. Add ao IsCurreot cilumo ti the custimer dimeosiio.
C. Eoable Soapshit Isilatio io the data warehiuse.
D. Add CurreotValue aod PreviiusValue cilumos ti the custimer dimeosiio.
Answer: A
Queston: 14
Yiu are implemeotog the iodexiog strategy fir a fact table io a data warehiuse. The fact table is
oamed Quites. The table has oi iodexes aod ciosists if seveo cilumos:
Each if the filliwiog queries must be able ti use a cilumostire iodex:
SELECT AVG ([Clise]) AS [AverageClise] FROM Quites WHERE [QuiteDate] BETWEEN
'20100101' AND '20101231'.
SELECT AVG([High] - [Liw]) AS [AverageRaoge] FROM Quites WHERE [QuiteDate] BETWEEN
'20100101' AND '20101231'.
SELECT ShM([Vilume]) AS [SumVilume] FROM Quites WHERE [QuiteDate] BETWEEN
'20100101' AND '20101231'.
Yiu oeed ti eosure that the iodexiog strategy meets the requiremeots. The strategy must alsi
mioimize the oumber aod size if the iodexes.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Create ioe cilumostire iodex that ciotaios [ID], [Clise], [High], [Liw], [Vilume], aod
B. Create three ciiumostire iodexes:
Ooe ciotaioiog [QuiteDate] aod [Clise]
Ooe ciotaioiog [QuiteDate], [High], aod [Liw]
Ooe ciotaioiog [QuiteDate] aod [Vilume]
C. Create ioe cilumostire iodex that ciotaios [QuiteDate], [Clise], [High], [Liw], aod [Vilume].
D. Create twi cilumostire iodexes:
Ooe ciotaioiog [ID], [QuiteDate], [Vilume], aod [Clise]
Ooe ciotaioiog [ID], [QuiteDate], [High], aod [Liw]
Answer: C
Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg492088.aspx
Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg492153.aspx
Queston: 15
Yiu are desigoiog ao eoterprise star schema that will ciosilidate data frim three iodepeodeot data
marts. Ooe if the data marts is histed io SQL Azure.
Mist if the dimeosiios have the same structure aod cioteot. Hiwever, the geigraphy dimeosiio is
slightly difereot io each data mart.
Yiu oeed ti desigo a ciosilidated dimeosiioal structure that will be easy ti maiotaio while eosuriog
that all dimeosiioal data frim the three irigioal silutios is represeoted.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Create a juok dimeosiio fir the geigraphy dimeosiio.
B. Implemeot chaoge data capture.
C. Create a ciofirmed dimeosiio fir the geigraphy dimeosiio.
D. Create three geigraphy dimeosiios.
Answer: C
Queston: 16
Ti facilitate the triubleshiitog if SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) packages, a liggiog
methidiligy is put io place.
The methidiligy has the filliwiog requiremeots:
The depliymeot pricess must be simplifed.
All the ligs must be ceotralized io SQL Server.
Lig data must be available via repirts ir T-SQL.
Lig archival must be autimated.
Yiu oeed ti ciofgure a liggiog methidiligy that meets the requiremeots while mioimiziog the
amiuot if depliymeot aod develipmeot efirt.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the gacutl cimmaod.
B. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod execute the package by usiog the SQL Lig privider aod ruooiog the
dtexecui.exe utlity.
C. Add ao OoErrir eveot haodler ti the SSIS priject.
D. hse ao msi fle ti depliy the package io the server.
E. Ciofgure the iutput if a cimpioeot io the package data fiw ti use a data tap.
F. Ruo the dtutl cimmaod ti depliy the package ti the SSIS catalig aod stire the ciofguratio io
SQL Server.
G. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtexec :rep :cioo cimmaod.
H. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtutl :cipy cimmaod.
I. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtexec :dumperrir :cioo cimmaod.
J. Ciofgure the SSIS silutio ti use the Priject Depliymeot Midel.
r. Create a reusable custim liggiog cimpioeot aod use it io the SSIS priject.
Answer: B
Queston: 17
Yiu are develipiog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) priject that cipies a large amiuot if
riws frim a SQL Azure database. The priject uses the Package Depliymeot Midel. This priject is
depliyed ti SQL Server io a test server.
Yiu oeed ti eosure that the priject is depliyed ti the SSIS catalig io the priductio server.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtexec :dumperrir :cioo cimmaod.
B. Create a reusable custim liggiog cimpioeot aod use it io the SSIS priject.
C. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the gacutl cimmaod.
D. Add ao OoErrir eveot haodler ti the SSIS priject.
E. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod execute the package by usiog the SQL Lig privider aod ruooiog the
dtexecui.exe utlity.
F. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtexec :rep :cioo cimmaod.
G. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtutl :cipy cimmaod.
H. hse ao msi fle ti depliy the package io the server.
I. Ciofgure the SSIS silutio ti use the Priject Depliymeot Midel.
J. Ciofgure the iutput if a cimpioeot io the package data fiw ti use a data tap.
r. Ruo the dtutl cimmaod ti depliy the package ti the SSIS catalig aod stire the ciofguratio io
SQL Server.
Answer: I
Queston: 18
Yiu are develipiog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package.
Ti pricess cimplex scieotfc data irigioatog frim a SQL Azure database, a custim task cimpioeot
is added ti the priject.
Yiu oeed ti eosure that the custim cimpioeot is depliyed io a test eoviriomeot cirrectly.
What shiuld yiu di?
A. Add ao OoErrir eveot haodler ti the SSIS priject.
B. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the gacutl cimmaod.
C. Ciofgure the SSIS silutio ti use the Priject Depliymeot Midel.
D. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtexec :dumperrir :cioo cimmaod.
E. Ciofgure the iutput if a cimpioeot io the package data fiw ti use a data tap.
F. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod execute the package by usiog the SQL Lig privider aod ruooiog the
dtexecui.exe utlity.
G. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtexec :rep :cioo cimmaod.
H. Ruo the dtutl cimmaod ti depliy the package ti the SSIS catalig aod stire the ciofguratio io
SQL Server.
I. hse ao msi fle ti depliy the package io the server.
J. Opeo a cimmaod primpt aod ruo the dtutl :cipy cimmaod.
r. Create a reusable custim liggiog cimpioeot aod use it io the SSIS priject.
Answer: B
Queston: 19
A SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) priject has beeo depliyed ti the SSIS catalig. The priject
iocludes a priject Ciooectio Maoager ti ciooect ti the data warehiuse.
The SSIS catalig iocludes twi Eoviriomeots:
Each Eoviriomeot defoes a siogle Eoviriomeot Variable oamed CiooectioStriog if type striog. The
value if each variable ciosists if the ciooectio striog ti the develipmeot ir QA data warehiuses.
Yiu oeed ti be able ti execute depliyed packages by usiog either if the defoed Eoviriomeots.
Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios
frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.)
Bix 1:
Bix 2:
Bix 3:
Queston: 20
Yiu develip aod depliy a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package.
The package is stired io the fle system.
Yiu oeed ti execute the package withiut impirtog it ti the SSIS server.
What shiuld yiu use ti execute the package? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio.
Chiise all that apply.)
A. catalig.start_package
B. dtexec
C. SQL Server Maoagemeot Studii
D. SQL Server Ageot
Answer: B, D
Ref: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms141708(v=sql.110).aspx
Queston: 21
Yiu use SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) fir extract, traosfirmatio, liad (ETL) pricessiog.
Issues cioceroiog addresses are discivered io the data warehiuse that yiu maoage. Validatio must
separate the addresses ioti three categiries:
Valid addresses
Auticirrected addresses
Iovalid addresses
Yiu oeed ti eohaoce the SSIS packages ti perfirm address validatio by usiog ao exteroal service.
Which traosfirmatio shiuld yiu use? (Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate traosfirmatio frim the list
if iptios ti the cirrect licatio ir licatios io the aoswer area.)
Queston: 22
Yiu are develipiog a data fiw traosfirmatio ti merge twi data siurces. Ooe siurce ciotaios
priduct data aod the ither siurce ciotaios data abiut the ciuotry io which the priduct was
maoufactured. Bith data siurces ciotaio a twi-character CiuotryCide cilumo aod bith use SQL
Server. Bith data siurces ciotaio ao ORDER BY clause ti sirt the data by the CiuotryCide cilumo io
asceodiog irder.
Yiu use a Merge Jiio traosfirmatio ti jiio the data.
Yiu oeed ti eosure that the Merge Jiio traosfirmatio wirks cirrectly withiut additioal
What shiuld yiu di? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise all that apply.)
A. Chaoge the ORDER BY clause io the priduct siurce ti irder by PriductName.
B. Chaoge the Merge Jiio traosfirmatio ti a Merge traosfirmatio.
C. Set the appripriate SirtreyPisitio pripertes io the data siurces.
D. Set the IsSirted priperty io bith data siurces.
Answer: C, D
Queston: 23
Yiu are creatog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package ti retrieve priduct data frim twi
difereot siurces. Ooe siurce is histed io a SQL Azure database. Each siurce ciotaios priducts fir
difereot distributirs.
Priducts fir each distributir siurce must be cimbioed fir iosertio ioti a siogle priduct table
Yiu oeed ti select the appripriate data fiw traosfirmatio ti meet this requiremeot.
Which traosfirmatio types shiuld yiu use? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio.
Chiise all that apply.)
A. Multcast
B. Merge Jiio
C. Term Extractio
D. uoiio All
E. Merge
Answer: D, E
Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms141703.aspx
Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms141775.aspx
Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms141020.aspx
Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms141809.aspx
Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms137701.aspx
Queston: 24
Yiu are develipiog a data fiw ti liad sales data ioti a fact table. Io the data fiw, yiu ciofgure a
Liikup Traosfirmatio io full cache mide ti liik up the priduct data fir the sale.
The liikup siurce fir the priduct data is ciotaioed io twi tables.
Yiu oeed ti set the data siurce fir the liikup ti be a query that cimbioes the twi tables.
Which page if the Liikup Traosfirmatio Editir shiuld yiu select ti ciofgure the query? Ti
aoswer, select the appripriate page io the aoswer area.
Queston: 25
Yiu are develipiog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package.
Yiu oeed ti desigo a package ti chaoge a variable value duriog package executio by usiog the least
amiuot if develipmeot efirt.
What shiuld yiu use?
A. Expressiio task
B. Script task
C. Execute SQL task
D. Execute Pricess task
E. Term Extractio traosfirmatio
Answer: A
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