Complete Guide of Zircon Gemstone


Complete Guide of Zircon Gemstone
Complete Guide of Zircon Gemstone:
The gemstones also called as ornamental stones are obtained from stones and are
available in beads of all colors, sizes and shapes. They will fit perfectly into your
ethnic or baroque creations. They are available in the color of red, blue, yellow
etc. There are also violet gemstones available in the market.
Zircon stone: Zircon virtues
Zircon is a precious mineral including colored crystal. It appears in many colors:
sometimes green, sometimes dark red, yellow or orange yellow and colorless
zircon is also available. Aesthetically very beautiful, it is however difficult to wear
because it is one of the heaviest gems that exists.
Origin of the name: "Zirconium" derives from "Zircon", the name of the ore from
which it was extracted for the first time.
Group of belonging: Siliciate
Color(s): Green, red, blue, yellow or orange
Symbol: Light and materialization
Hardness: 6.5 to 7.5
Fields: USA, South Africa, India, Ceylon and Australia
Chemical composition: Zirconium silicate
Varieties of Zircon:
Blue zircon (from Ratanakiri): A particular variety of Zircon is Ratanakiri's Zircon,
after the name of the deposit in Cambodia. It provides one of the most beautiful
specimens of this blue zircon .
Zircon Hyacinth: It is also called hyacinth in its brown color.
Cubic Zircon: aaa cubic zirconia is a synthetic and natural gem.
Benefits and virtues of Zircon:
Zircon has great virtues in
lithotherapy. It must be kept in
mind that the stone releases
some radioactivity. You must
seek the advice of a specialist to
handle it safely. Calming stone,
it soothes pains, cramps and
blisters. Women
have painful menstruation may
find relief using a Zircon stone.
The stone would have several
cardiovascular system, for the
libido, for the various types of viral or microbial infections. People prone
to respiratory allergies that could help them overcome these ailments. On
the psychic and spiritual, Zircon calms the mind. It brings the moral
strength needed to overcome sadness and fears. A stone of courage and strength,
Zircon brings self-confidence. Spiritual harmony stone, Zircon would align the
The powerful energy properties of the stone help to regulate the body's various
energy flows. Zircon is one of the stones that stimulates and optimizes the
vibratory action of other stones that can be associated with it. Ideal for remedying
psychic and energy blockages. The fine stone could help solve the emotional and
emotional problems that hinder the development of the being.
Reloading and purification: The purification of Zircon is not often necessary
because of the stone's ability to repel negativity. But when necessary, simply
immerse the stone in the slightly salty distilled water. The zircon is recharged by
exposure to sunlight on a quartz pile.
Meaning and history of Zircon: Etymologically, the origin of the term Zircon is not
unanimous among specialists. For some, the term comes from the Arabic word
zarqun or "cinnabar". For others the term would originate from Persia zargun. Still
others suggest a Greek origin to the word. Zircon stone is often subject to some
depreciation. Indeed, due to its use as a diamond substitute stone. This use in
jewelry should not lose sight of the fantastic beauty of this stone that has a
resemblance to the Diamond.
Zircon Lab is specialized in high end zirconia.