Advantages and disadvantages of root canal treatment


Advantages and disadvantages of root canal treatment
Advantages and disadvantages of root
canal treatment
Root canal is one of the treatment methods used to treat decaying tooth. During the tooth decay
treatment procedure, the nerve and pump are removed. The root canal is cleaned and then filled
using a special material. It is an alternative to tooth extraction.
Once a teeth has been infected with bacteria, it will continue to decay until it is managed
affectively. The dentist begins by assessing the condition. A severe dental infection has to either
be removed or go through root canal. The procedure involves removing the pulp tissue to prevent
further damage to the tooth. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of root canal
treatment Houston.
Benefits of root canal
In the past, it was inevitable to avoid the tooth extraction. Thus, one of the benefits you can
avoid the tooth extractions. You can save the tooth. The root canal treatment near me is done
under local anaesthetic. So you will not feel any pain during the procedure.
If you want to go for a root canal procedure, it is vital to know more about it. You need to know
what you will be up to. The advantages and disadvantages will help you make the best decision.
Relieves pain and discomfort
When you have a toothache, it will be impossible to sleep. It will be impossible to function like
you normally do. Root canal will help relieve the pain. You will get to keep your tooth and get
relief from pain.
Help to save tooth
Unlike with tooth extraction where you will have to lose your tooth, root canal wil help to save
it. Root canal enables you to keep your tooth. When you lose a tooth, it can affect the remaining
teeth. The other teeth may drift and affect the way you bite. Such changes in your teeth can lead
to occlusion problems.
There are disadvantages of having a root canal.
Tooth becomes brittle
The tooth that has undergone a root canal will become brittle. Such tooth will be prone to
fractures. The tooth will chip easily when exposed to pressure. However, there is something you
can do prevent it from getting fractured easily. You can opt for dental fillings Houston.
The root canal procedure is expensive compared to the tooth extraction. If you have a toothache,
an extraction will be an affordable choice to relieve you from the pain.
The preventive dentistry Houston is also complicated. You will need several sessions and it
will take a few hours to complete. A tooth extraction can be done in minutes.
Tooth becomes discolored
The tooth can become dark after the root canal. The discoloration occurs when there is some
little pulp left inside the tooth. You can correct the discoloration using teeth whitening methods.
When to have further treatments
There are times when you may have to go for further treatment. If your tooth chips or breaks,
then you may go to your dentist. The dentist will place a crown or tooth colored fillings to help
restore the tooth.