קרנות צדקה באנגלית


קרנות צדקה באנגלית
Subject: Search for charities.
Dear MRS AND Mr.
In recent years, I have been involved
in the struggle for the disabled in the
State of Israel - the struggle that is
widely known in the media as well.
However, even after many years of
struggle, it became clear that there is
still no reasonable solution in the
housing sector for the disabled and
other disadvantaged populations in
the State of Israel.
Of course, the Corona epidemic,
which has been hurting in recent
months (I write these words on
Sunday, July 12, 2020), has led to a
considerable worsening of the
situation - and not just the disabled
population: many people who have
lost the ability to earn a living have
literally become hungry for bread.
I ask you this: Do you know
charities, or business people who
can help in order to alleviate the
plight of these population groups —
and given that no one knows how
long the situation will last?
Later in my letter I describe about
the difficulties of the public to which
I belong - the disabled public.
1) My I.D. no.: 02947403
2)My emails: [email protected]
or [email protected] or
[email protected] or
[email protected] or
[email protected] or:
[email protected]
My caregiving organization:
Reuth –
Hostel 6
Menachem, Jerusalem
Hostel office telephone no.:
+972-2-6432551 or +9722-5428351 Hostel email:
[email protected]
At a meeting with the Avivit Hostel
social worker at 13:30 on 12
December 2017, I was explicitly
forbidden to disclose any of her
particulars and/or other employees
of Avivit Hostel or of Reuth.
My family doctor:
Dr. Michael Halav
Clalit Healthcare
Services, Ir Ganim
branch 63
Borochov St.
Kiryat Yovel, Jerusalem 9678150.
Clinic telephone no.: +972-26440777, fax: +972-2-6438217.
6)Below is my correspondent with a
social worker from Reuth in late
January 2020:
Dear Ms. Tal Lotan,
re: Apartment at 115 Costa Rica St.
I wish to notify you that the blinds
in the living room are stuck and
cannot be moved. Is it possible for a
member of the hostel staff to fix it?
(I do not know how to
fix this or if I have to call the
apartment owner to do so). What
do you think? Sincerely,
Assaf Benyamini,
resident at the Avivit
assisted living hostel PS
I recently sent you the attached
letter by regular mail via Israel
Postal Company. I would
appreciate it if you could respond
to the question I raised in it.
Ms. Tal
The lease to my apartment expires
on 14 July 2020. I believe that
there is room to consider asking
the apartment owner to clarify
whether she agrees to extend the
lease. I note that I wish to
continuing living in the apartment,
but if the apartment owner does
not want to extend the lease, I
must prepare accordingly and start
looking for another apartment.
Assaf Benyamini,
resident at the Avivit
assisted living hostel PS
My I.D. no.:
My letter to the
social worker Tal
Lotan 10
ini 15
at 15:50
Assaf Benyamini
I do not understand. When do you
intend to ask the apartment owner
the question? WHEN? It is not
possible understand from the
answer "Three months in advance
is the common practice" when you
intend to ask her this question. (I
prefer as soon as possible, because,
in contrast to previous occasions
when I moved, this time my health
is worse and I cannot personally
pack my belongings. If I have to
move apartments, this time, it will
be much harder for me physically,
and the whole process will
therefore take much longer.
However, it would be much easier
emotionally. I therefore ask again,
if my remarks were not understood:
when do you intend to ask the
apartment owner on this matter?
Assaf Benyamini, resident at the
Avivit assisted living hostel
GMT+2 10:46:27
com wrote 26
January 12:28
[email protected]
ni 26
at 14:09
We will contact you next month.
Just take into account that, under the
contract, you or she may give three
months advance notice.
On Sunday, 26 January 2020, at 12:29
from Assaf Benyamini
<[email protected]>
Show the original message
Assaf Benyamini
<[email protected]>
To: Tal Lotan
26 January
2020, at
14:09:58 GMT+2
TAL LOTAN [email protected]
Hide original message
We will contact you next month.
Just take into account that, under the
contract, you or she may give three
months advance notice.
On Sunday, 26 January 2020, at 12:29
from Assaf Benyamini
<[email protected]>
I do not understand. When do you
intend to ask the apartment owner
the question? WHEN? It is not
possible understand from the
answer "Three months in advance
is the common practice" when you
intend to ask her this question. (I
prefer as soon as possible, because,
in contrast to previous occasions
when I moved, this time my health
is worse and I cannot personally
pack my belongings. If I have to
move apartments, this time, it will
be much harder for me physically,
and the whole process will
therefore take much longer.
However, it would be much easier
emotionally. I therefore ask again,
if my remarks were not understood:
when do you intend to ask the
apartment owner on this matter?
Assaf Benyamini, resident at the
Avivit assisted living hostel
On Sunday, 26 January 2020, at
14:09:58 GMT+2
TAL LOTAN [email protected]
Hi, it is customary to give three
months prior notice, but it is also
possible sooner.
Saturday, 25 January 2020 at 20:00
from Assaf Benyamini
<[email protected]>
I understand, but when
do you intend to ask this
question? Saturday, 25
January 2020, at
19:46:52 GMT+2
TAL LOTAN [email protected]
It is too soon, even if you say that,
hypothetically, you want to
extend, but she is obliged.
In short, it's too soon.
Saturday, 25 January 2020 at 19:07
from Assaf Benyamini
<[email protected]>
--- Message sent ---From: Assaf Benyamini
<[email protected]>
To: TAL LOTAN [email protected]
Sent on: Saturday, Saturday,
25 January 2020, at
16:31:35 GMT+2 Re: My
letter to the social worker,
Tal Lotan
Fine. What is your opinion about the
second question I asked (asking the
apartment owner if she intends to
renew the lease or not)? Naturally, if
the apartment owners does not agree
to renew the lease after 14 July 2020,
I will have to find another residential
solution (and this time, packing my
personal belongings will take much
longer because of my worsening
health, which will not allow to pack
by myself).
Assaf Benyamini
Saturday, 25 January 2020, at
16:22:17 GMT+2
TAL LOTAN [email protected]
Hi Assaf. With respect to the blinds,
I'll ask Baruch to take a look, and if
it's a bigger malfunction, I'll contact
Assaf as goals that must be achieved.
7)This Following is a 17-page Social
Report, which was written about me on
* I would like to point out that I arrived
for rehabilitation at the Kfar Shaul
Psychiatric Hospital in Jerusalem on
3/8/1994 and not during 2004, as was
mistakenly written in this report.
REUT Community Mental Health
Registered Society “Avivit” Hostel
Avivit Hostel, 6 Avivit St., Jerusalem
96508, Telefax: 02-6432551
Email: [email protected]
June 28, 2011
The M.G.A.R. Company
Re: Assaf Binyamini, Id. No. 29547403 –
Psychosocial Report
General background: Assaf was born in
1972, bachelor, lives alone in an
apartment on HaRakefet St. under the
status of protected accommodation
(sheltered housing) on behalf of a
rehabilitation basket, he subsists by
means of a disability allowance on the
background of a mental disability.
Assaf is the eldest son in a family
comprising four people. His parents
divorced when he was eight years old,
the relationships between his parents
during their marriage are described as
harsh. The father remarried and Assaf
had three half-siblings from this
marriage. After the divorce, Assaf
remained with his mother and his sister.
Since his childhood, Assaf suffered from
emotional and motor difficulties.
Following a change of residence at the
age of 4, he stopped talking. He was
referred to psychotherapy in a
therapeutic kindergarten. Assaf was a
quiet child who used to seclude himself,
he spent the afternoon hours reading
history books, working on computers, his
only social activity was within the
framework of chess games.
During his adolescence, his mental
health condition deteriorated severely,
he developed persecutory delusions
(Illegible), among others against his
father´s wife. A suicide attempt was
exhibited and he was hospitalized
several times at the Geha Mental Health
Center. An attempt to rehabilitate him
was carried out at a hostel in Petah
Tikva, yet it failed. From this age, he was
no longer integrated within any
framework, he was a socially-rejected
child, his strange behavior also caused
great aggression from his surroundings
towards him, and this worsened his
condition even more.
In his early 20’s, Assaf suffered from
diverse symptoms, the main ones being
obsessive-compulsive, which included
self-harm as well – such manifestations
of physical self-harm never returned in
this manner, but currently, Assaf hurts
himself, by means of the manner he
utilizes in order to cope with society, and
the reality that surrounds him (and
regarding this issue – further information
will be provided in the sequel).
In 2004, Assaf was hospitalized in the
Rehabilitation Department in Kfar Shaul
and from there he moved to a protected
accommodation (sheltered housing)
with the escort of the Enosh Mental
Health Association. Over the years in
which he was treated at the
Rehabilitation Department, his condition
improved, the obsessive-compulsive
symptoms weakened significantly, and
no psychotic content such as delusions
or hallucinations were observed. Assaf
was escorted by the rehabilitation team
of the Kfar Shaul Psychiatric Hospital, he
continued receiving escort at his
residence through the Enosh Mental
Health Association, he received
psychiatric treatment, his mental health
condition has stabilized and he lives
independently within the community.
Assaf worked voluntarily for several years
at the National Library of Israel yet he
left due to a deterioration in his physical
condition. Afterwards, Assaf worked for
about a year and a half at the
Ha’Meshakem Sheltered Company (2005
– 2006). He left due to difficulties with
the staff, according to him. Subsequently,
he worked in a sheltered production
plant on HaOman St., and he left due to
transportation difficulties while trying to
arrive to this workplace. During 2006 –
2007, a gradual decline in his physical
and mental condition has taken place,
and since then he suffers from an
accumulation of mental and physical
problems – back problems, digestive
problems, deterioration of his psoriatic
condition, joint problems, more severe
and more frequent anxiety attacks. Assaf
has lost faith in the public services, he
claims that there is a deterioration in the
quality of service and the
professionalism of the employees. He
has terminated his connection and
relationships with the Enosh Mental
Health Association, attempted an
accommodation escort by means of
the Kidum
REUT Community Mental Health
Registered Society “Avivit” Hostel
Avivit Hostel, 6 Avivit St., Jerusalem
96508, Telefax: 02-6432551
Email: [email protected]
Association, which has not succeeded. In
April 2007, he approached the Tzohar
Association, a private association that
engages in rehabilitation and
In November 2007, he was referred to
the Reut Community Mental Health
Registered Society and was admitted
under the status of protected
accommodation (sheltered housing) at
the Avivit Hostel, and he is escorted by
the Hostel’s staff.
During our escort, provided during the
last three years, a deterioration in Assaf’s
mental health condition can be
observed, and following are several
indices regarding this deterioration:
A. Assaf’s level of suspicion is
increasing, a suspicion that intensifies by
a pessimistic world-view, an absolute
lack of trust and faith in any therapeutic
factor, whether medical, psychiatric or
professional. The relationship that he
maintains with the Hostel’s staff is very
partial, he refuses to accept guides
(instructors) from the Hostel and he is
willing to maintain contact solely with
the social worker, whom he also regards
as a representative of a system that does
not seek his well-being.
B. A tendency to seclusion which
worsens. Assaf is not connected to any
social framework. He does not maintain
any friendly human relationship, not
with the Hostel’s residents, and as
stated-above, neither with guides
(instructors) from the Hostel, not with
his family, whom he also distances
himself from, almost up to a complete
detachment (the word “almost” is
utilized since his mother insists on
maintaining the connection despite his
resistance). He does not partake in any
community life, finds himself secluded in
complete solitude on Saturdays and
Holidays, he does not respond to any
offer to join a certain framework, an
event, Holiday eves and the like.
C. Entanglements and encounters with
therapeutic factors: over the three years,
during which we have been escorting
Assaf, he managed to swap between
several Family Physicians at the HMO,
some of them clearly sought his wellbeing, yet he did not know how to
identify this. He quarreled and argued
with the staff at the Mental Health
Community Clinic in Kiryat Yovel and
outright refused to continue his
psychiatric surveillance there. There too,
the staff tried to come towards him, yet
he did not notice it. Despite the fact that
he is the main sufferer from this story, he
appealed to every entity related to
mental health in order to obtain an
alternate psychiatric surveillance. Finally,
following our appeal to the Ir Ganim
HMO, a certain arrangement was
achieved, beyond the letter of the law,
allowing the required surveillance at the
HMO. His encounters are always
accompanied by writing dozens of
complaint letters, including appeals to
the media, with regard to all the factors
that treat him: the rehabilitation basket,
the Reut Community Mental Health
Registered Society, the National
Insurance Institute, the HMO’s and
D. Boycott of the Hostel and the
escorting Association: although he keeps
receiving an escort on behalf of the Reut
Community Mental Health Registered
Society, he refuses to arrive by himself to
the Hostel, and the encounters are
carried out solely as house calls. His
suspicion and hostility are directed
towards the Hostel’s staff and residents
and he even writes complaints and
greatly complains about the escort itself.
Nonetheless, a certain level of normal
reality judgement does exist, and despite
the anger and the complaints, he has
refrained so far from disconnecting the
relation with us as well.
E. An increasing level of anxiety: Assaf
is very anxious about his upcoming
future, both in terms of his psychiatric
health and his accommodation options
as well as financially and existentially.
This level of anxiety makes him live in
unbearable scarcity and austerity.
F. Abstinence and austerity during his
daily life: Assaf is convinced that in the
not-so-distant future he will become
homeless, and out of his own
considerations, he saves electric power
and saves on any other expense, and
therefore, he does not heat his
apartment during the winter, does not
heat his food and he does not allow
himself to experience any pleasure or
contentment. He also economizes when
it comes to his health matters, such as
dental treatments or medications that
might alleviate the physical suffering and
pains he suffers from.
REUT Community Mental Health
“Avivit” Hostel
Avivit Hostel, 6 Avivit St., Jerusalem
96508, Telefax: 02-6432551
Email: [email protected]
G. An obsessive engagement in
correspondence and writing to every
possible factor that he thinks that his
story may touch his heart, thus making
him provide assistance within extensive
correspondence has become his lifepractice, he writes, photographs and
sometimes distributes in dozens of
copies, to Government Offices, Knesset
Members, periodicals and magazines,
associations, law firms, private bodies
and entities, places of business and
more. In most cases, he does not receive
any replies, in certain cases he receives
some attention – this practice awarded
meaning and content to his life.
According to him, as long as he is alive,
he will continue and this is his way of
fighting for the rights that he deserves.
H. Difficulties in adjusting to places of
employment: along the entire time
period, Assaf exchanged several places
of employment, each time on the basis
of difficulties or accessibility or
complaints regarding his terms of
employment. However, it should be
noted that recently he found by himself
a place of business that employs him
three times a week, and so far, they are
pleased with him. Assaf himself does not
have a lot of faith in this place, yet as of
today, and for the past two months, he
has managed to persevere.
In summary: there is no doubt that his
psychiatric image is not common, there
are several capabilities that are relatively
preserved, such as: the cognitive
capability, his oral and writing expression
capabilities, and on the other hand, a
severe mental injury. He is situated
within an enclosed circle of loneliness
and despair. The nature of his symptoms
does not allow him to receive any
assistance or support, he is convinced
that the entire world is against him, that
there is no way out, and that the
situation will only get worse. There are
no psychotic outbursts in the customary
sense, yet there exist tantrums and
severe aggression, which currently, are
mainly directed towards his mother
when she dares to visit him (this was
much worse when he lived with a
partner who suffered from his severe
tantrums, and as a result we were forced
to discontinue their apartment
partnership). With regard to Assaf, the
sensation is that the entire structure is a
hermetic paranoid structure, his reality
judgement is very defective and
inadequate and this is particularly
obvious when he does not identify the
people who want to assist him and he
pushes everyone away. It is possible to
notice the decline of the effect, up to the
absence of any human emotion, even
with regard to close people or
caregivers/therapists, with whom he is in
daily contact. The dominant emotion
that controls him is despair, which keeps
worsening. This influences his life quality,
not to mention the extremely low level
of life in which he subsists.
As the person who has been escorting
him for the past two years, and from the
conversations he held with the
Psychiatrist who treated him, there is no
doubt that his behavioral difficulties, his
mental problems, the tantrums and the
like, pertain and emanate from his
mental disorder, and therefore, his blunt,
insulting and outrageous behavior
should also be regarded as a symptom of
his problems and not as a separate part
of them.
Naomi Harpaz
Social Worker
The Avivit Hostel
Ir Ganim.
8)Below are some
explanations/details about the
housing condition of the
Problem of financing/paying rent
– many years ago, (and it is not
clear by whom, but apparently
some government official) it was
decided that handicapped
persons living in the community
were eligible for NIS 770 per
month to pay rent. As is known,
home prices have soared in
Israel in recent years, naturally
pulling up rent as well. But the
figure of NIS 770, completely
arbitrarily set many years ago
without any explanation or logic,
has not been updated.
Regrettably, even after extensive
correspondence (thousands or
even tens of thousands of letters,
and to the regret of this author,
these figures are no
exaggeration), sent to every
possible party – various desks at
the Ministry of Housing and
Construction, other ministries,
such as the Ministry of Finance
and the Prime Minister's Office,
numerous journalists, many of
whom this author has spoken
with personally, numerous
attorneys, and even investigation
firms and the embassies of
foreign countries – nothing has
helped. The result is that the
amount of aid has not been
updated and many handicapped
are ejected to the streets to die
there of hunger, thirst, or cold in
winter or heat
stroke and dehydration in
It should be noted that rights
organizations, such as Yedid:
The Association for Community
Empowerment and universities
and colleges' legal aid clinics
with which this author
corresponds, are never able to
help, for a simple reason: the
amount of aid of NIS 770 is
prescribed by law, and rights
organizations can help pursuant
to current law. The only address
where there is a need for
legislative amendments is the
But matters only get more
complicated: as is known, for a
long time (these lines were
written on Friday, 17 January
2020) Israel has been in one
election campaign after another,
and even the third elections,
scheduled for six weeks hence,
will not necessarily herald the
establishment of a functioning
government. It should be noted
that even when the Knesset and
government responded to the
inquiries of this author and the
handicapped organizations and
many others in the matter of the
aid, Members of Knesset
automatically directed the
inquiries to the rights
organizations, even though the
Members of Knesset are fully
aware that, in this case, the
organizations are not the address;
they themselves are.
Communications with apartment
owners: there are many cases in
which the handicapped struggle
to negotiate with apartment
owners, because of their
disability or illness. Under these
circumstances, social workers
must serve as mediators, and
most social workers cannot really
assume this role in every case.
Moreover, deep cuts in recent
years in the number of social
worker positions, together with
difficult work conditions, low
pay, frequent improper treatment
on the part of the patients'
families – who often
unjustifiably consider the social
workers as responsible for the
faulty care their relatives receive
– combined with the impossible
workload that sometimes forces
them to neglect urgent or
hazardous cases, add to the
difficulties of the handicapped in
finding a suitable apartment and
for the social worker to help him.
Patients' means of payment –
there are cases in which a person
moves to live in the community
after a long period in hospital and
lacks the normal habits of life,
such as going to work or taking
responsibility for managing his
life. Frequently, the conditions
for signing a lease, such as a
guarantee check, are unattainable
for people in this stage of their
lives. Previous treatment and
rehabilitation structures (one of
which this author used 25 years
ago when he was discharged
from hospital to an assisted
living facility) have been closed
or have slashed their operations
in recent years, thereby
preventing rehabilitation by
people in this stage of their lives,
who cannot make progress
without these critical treatment
and rehabilitation structures.
Regulatory problems – currently,
there is a complete imbalance
with respect to rights and duties
of apartment owners on the one
hand and lessees on the other
hand. Many laws protect
apartment owners against
possible abuse of the lease period
on the part of the lessees;
conversely, there are no laws to
protect tenants against abuse by
the apartment owners.
Consequently, leases include
many scandalous, draconian, and
sometimes even illegal clauses,
and there are no laws to protect
the lessees, who are compelled to
sign the leases. In many
cases, lessees have no legal
right to object to the harmful
clauses that they must sign as
a condition for renting the
property, and they are utterly
exposed to the capriciousness
of the apartment owners,
sometimes even during the
lease period. This is obviously
a problem for the general
population, but thought should
be given it is naturally more
difficulty for disadvantaged
groups, such as the
handicapped or sick to deal
with apartment owners under
these circumstances.
Difficulties in explanations –
there are substantial difficulties
with respect to the difficulties
raised and their disclosure in
the public arena for the
purpose of making the
necessary amendments. The
current priorities of the various
media, which are not interested
in the subject, division
between the handicapped
organizations, disinterest of a
great many parties in the
society in which we live to
take an active role in efforts to
correct and improve the
situation weigh and greatly
hinder the efforts to raise
public awareness about these
problems in a way that will
force Members of Knesset to
amend the laws rather than to
continue ignoring them and do
nothing. There is another
difficulty with respect to
launching an advertising
campaign: handicapped people
living on a disability pension
cannot pay the huge sums
advertising agencies demand
for managing a campaign to
deal with this issue, and the
great many efforts by this
author to bypass this obstacle
by joining a student advertising
project have not helped,
because the students have
shown no interest and
considered the issue to be
9) Link to the channelyoutube I
opened on 28 April 2020:
10) On August 10, 2018, I joined a
social movement called "We Shall
Overcome" - a movement that
seeks to represent the interests of
the transparent disabled, namely:
people who suffer from serious
health problems that are not
conspicuously external to invisibility
that deny civil and social rights on a
very wide scale.
Its director and founder of the
movement is Tatiana Kadochkin,
whom it is possible to reach in
phone number 972-52-3708001
Sunday to Thursday from 11 am to 8
pm - except for Jewish and Israeli
I hereby attach a link to our
movement's website:
11)my phone numbers:
at home-972-2-6427757.
12) More personal details:
Birthdate: Nov 11, 1972
Marital status: Single.