April 2016 Trinity Topics


April 2016 Trinity Topics
Trinity Topics
April 2016
A Place to Worship. A Place to Belong!
Trinity Lutheran Church
600 South Water Street
Kent, Ohio 44240
330-673-5445 • www.TrinityKent.org
Sunday School
Thursdays 7:00 P.M.
8:15 A.M. & 10:45 A.M.
Christian Education for all ages
9:30 A.M. — 10:30 A.M.
Reverend Douglas E. Fidler
From the Pastor
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! What a grand and glorious day is Easter. We gather around the
cross, the font, the meal rejoicing in the new life we have in Christ Jesus our risen Lord and Savior. If you practiced any form of Lenten discipline (giving something up, or adding something) to deepen your Christian walk
then Easter is an awakening of the soul. Christian mystics and spiritual leaders have for centuries written about
the “dark night of the soul” of a ‘winter to spring’ revival at Easter. But Easter is more than a spring festival,
which in our culture is how it is often portrayed by retailers, civic organizations and others who either do not
know or avoid faith practices. If I type in “Easter” for a graphic all I get is colored eggs and bunnies. I’m sorry
but that’s not Easter!
The real questions is how do we grow in faith, how do we maintain a life of faith with a God we cannot see? We
catch a glimpse of God in something or someone and think, Yes, this is it. We draw close, but it doesn’t last.
We lose interest until something again piques our desire. This was the struggle of the early Church. This was
the question Thomas had, “Unless I see… Unless I touch… I will not believe.”
Here is where I think the empty tomb really speaks to us, at least it speaks to me in this way; I feel that my spiritual life is more empty than full. I don’t mean a lack of faith but a searching, a questioning, a struggling, a sorting
out, a loneliness in faith is more of the day to day journey for me than it is the ‘I’m on the mountain top’, emotional high sort of experience.
This loneliness is necessary and it is this that draws me forward. The empty tomb leads us forward in the journey. That is what the angels told the women at the end of Matthew’s Gospel. “indeed he is going ahead of you
to Galilee; there you will see him.” Or in Luke’s Gospel account the resurrection story is told as the two disciples
slowly trod from Jerusalem to Emmaus forlorn and lost in faith and there they encounter Jesus along the way.
The problem is that we don’t like the loneliness. We don’t want to walk the Emmaus road without Jesus. We’re
not at home with loneliness. We find it easier to create anything that will fill the holes, add to the excitement, the
energy, to be entertained. We fill the hole with moralism, practices that we think will entice God to return to us,
things that will make us feel good. We find means of artificial stimulation – we can think “spring” and have the
flood of chocolate and new clothes and fresh flowers. But the emptiness, the loneliness is still remains.
St. John of the Cross, a 16th century Spanish priest once said (loosely translated) God just waits for vacuums that
God can fill. Offer God that vacuum, and refuse to fill it yourself. So much in the Gospels and Paul we hear
things like; when I am weak then I am strong, when I’m low - I’m lifted up, when poor- I’m rich, when
dead- Alive. This is what God graciously does for us in the vacuums, the loneliness, the emptiness of our lives.
As we journey into this Easter season every Sunday is not going to be occupied with mass choirs, grand preaching
and filled pews. Most likely we will find ourselves with Thomas more often than not. [Hopefully not absent
from the rest of the gathered community – but in struggling with doubt and issues of faith.]
I think about that emptiness and loneliness here at Trinity. We’ve been very deliberate in our sorting out of our
vision and our staffing needs. We’ve had lots of discussions and we’re beginning to finalize that process. Yes, we
still need your voice to be a part of this so be sure to attend one of the cottage meetings! Some have said we just
need to hire a secretary and an associate pastor. Nothing would make me happier – but we must respect the process, experience the vacuum, the absence, the loneliness. In this time many of you have stepped up in various
roles within the congregational life. Many more have been engaged in the discussion process. We’re narrowing
down exactly what it is that we want as a congregation and taking this time of emptiness has allowed us also to listen to the direction of God.
Trinity has a wonderful ministry and it is filled throughout the week and on Sundays with wonderful people of
faith. This season of Easter as we journey to the empty tomb and discover the hole in our lives that only the Risen Lord can fill, let us also be open to the emptiness of our ministry together and be open, with prayer and meditation to allow God to fill the needs that are before us.
Pastor Fidler
AA 5:30pm
Worship 8:15am
Sunday School 9:30
Worship 10:45am
AA 5:30pm
Worship 8:15am
Sunday School 9:30
Worship 10:45am
Worship 8:15am
Sunday School 9:30
Worship 10:45am
Coffee Hour
Cottage Mtng 3p
AA 5:30pm
Yoga 6:30pm
Yoga 6:30pm
Finance Co 7pm
Yoga 6:30pm
Cottage Mtng 6;30p
Yoga 6:30pm
COUNCIL 6:30 pm
Worship 8:15am
Sunday School 9:30
Worship 10:45am
AA 5:30pm
Easter Monday
AA 5:30pm
Easter Day
Worship 8:30am
Worship 10:30am
ESL Class12:30pm
Lutheran Campus
Ministry Board
ESL Class12:30pm
ESL Class12:30pm
ESL Class12:30pm
ESL Class12:30pm
Bible Study 11am
Confirmation 5:30pm
Kid’s Choir 5:30pm
Bells 6:00p
Worship 7:00pm GH
Chancel 7:30pm
Confirmation 5:30pm
Kid’s Choir 5:30pm
Bells 6:00pm
Kid’s Club 6:00 pm
Chancel 7:30pm
Bible Study 11am
Confirmation 5:30pm
Kid’s Choir 5:30pm
Bells 6:00p
Chancel 7:30pm
Bible Study 11am
The Table 6:00pm
Worship 7:00 pm
Book Club at KSU 8pm
The Table 6:00pm
Worship 7:00 pm
ESL Class12:30pm
The Table 6:00pm
Worship 7:00 pm
Cottage Mtng 7p
ESL Class12:30pm
Bible Study 11am
Kent Hot Meals
11:30a & 3:45p
The Table 6:00p
Worship 7:00 pm
Confirmation 5:30pm
Kid’s Choir 5:30pm
Bells 6:00p
Chancel 7:30pm
Bible Study 11am
Confirmation 5:30pm
Kid’s Choir 5:30pm
Bells 6:00p
Cottage Mtng 7p
Chancel 7:30pm
ESL Class12:30pm
The Table 6:00p
Worship 7:00 pm
ESL Class12:30pm
AA 7:30pm
AA 7:30pm
Cottage Mtng 2:30p
Spaghetti Dinner
AA 7:30pm
AA 7:30pm
Trinitarian’s 6:00p
AA 7:30pm
April 2016
Cottage Meetings:
6th @ 7:00p
9th @ 3:00p
10th @ 3:00p
11th @ 6:30p
14th @ 7:00p
15th @ 2:30p
Bible Study 7:30am
Akron Food Bank 9-12
Lord’s Lunch 11:30am
Lord’s Lunch 11:30am
Bible Study 7:30am
Bible Study 7:30am
Lord’s Lunch 11:30am
Bible Study 7:30am
Lord’s Lunch 11:30am
Cottage Mtng 3p
Lord’s Lunch 11:30am
Bible Study 7:30am
Congregational Small Group “Cottage” Meetings
April 6: Wednesday - 7:00pm
Mike Schock
1423 Congress Lake Rd Mogadore
April 9: Saturday -
Dave and Jackie Lann
3155 Sandy Lake Rd., Ravenna
April 10: Sunday -
600 S. Water St., Kent
April 11: Monday -
Emily Myers
2005 Skyview Ln., Brimfield
April 14: Thursday -
Debbie Schinker
3017 Saybrooke Blvd, Stow
April 15: Friday -
Almuth Koby
637 Park Ave, Kent
The purpose of these small group gatherings is to develop a Vision for ministry here at Trinity.
The Staffing Committee has been working to fill the office administrator position but beyond that
we need to know exactly what it is we are about as a congregation, what defines us, what do we
do well, what are the resources we have to accomplish the mission. We are many members with
different gifts and talents, we are the church. As in the past, we need to call on our talents and
abilities as we move forward. Having defined our assets and vision, the Council can then determine the scope of additional staffing.
Plan to attend one of the small group meetings. If more are needed we will add additional times
and locations. The intent is to limit the time to 90 minutes but lively discussion can certainly continue longer if desired. Also the number at each gathering should be no more than 12 person so
that discussion can easily be shared as a group rather than multiple sub-groups. We hope that
more individuals will be willing to share their thoughts in the smaller groups. No idea is to small to
We are open to every idea on the direction the congregation should head. Share your thoughts at
a cottage meeting - or share your thoughts in the suggestion box in the church. Share your ideas
with Pastor Fidler, or share with Dave Lann (Council President) - Just be sure to share!
There is a sign-up sheet on the usher’s table in the narthex OR call the church office to register for
a specific location.
Growing from Christian Education, Worship, Music and Social Ministry we have identified areas of
growth with Youth (elementary, high school, campus), Leadership (both volunteer within the congregation and staffing) as well as with Stewardship (proportional giving financially to the ministry and stewardship of the resources and facilities we have). Thinking in broad terms how do you see this growth developing? What is needed to make it happen?
Hope to hear from you at a Cottage Meeting!
Pastor Fidler
Dave Lann, Council President
Congregational Forum No. 2, March 6, 2016
This forum had three parts:
Report of Staffing Committee
Report of Visioning Committee
Pastor Biermann from the NE Ohio Synod, and Questions and Answers
Staffing Committee:
Members: Larry and Sharon Emling, Ted and Kelly Linden, Dirk and Nancy Falther
Sharon Emling reported: The committee wrote a job description for the position of Administrative Secretary,
with the input of Pastor Fidler and Cindy Howard. An ad has been placed in various places (newspaper, online),
and so far, 24 applications have been received.
An interview committee of 4 will start interviewing in the near future, and make the decision on whom to hire.
Question was asked as to whether it is the committee, the council, or the pastor who has the authority to hire new
staff, according to our congregation’s constitution/by-laws. Answer: Probably the council will make the final decision, but committee was authorized by congregation at last forum.
Visioning Committee:
Members: Emily Myers, chair; Matt Breen, Nancy Falther, Rolan Harvey, Debbie Schinker, Mike Schock
Debbie Schinker reported: Committee chose “Appreciative Inquiry” as form to interview 30 people from the
congregation, across all diversity lines. Seven main categories were identified, and will be looked into and defined
further in the near future. They are Education, Leadership (both lay and staff), Music, Stewardship (both of finances and of property), Social Ministry (both inside and outside of our congregation), Worship, and Youth. The
committee prepared a handout which illustrates and explains this more fully.
The Question and Answer part for this committee brought out that we will have small-group gatherings (“Cottage
Meetings”), starting in the next few weeks and mostly in April; those will report back to Council at the May meeting. Another concern brought up was whether we have a deadline by which this discussion will be ended, or
whether it will drag on forever: The answer from Pastor Fidler was that we are moving along very well, and are
exactly where we are supposed to be. This process will take time, but will not go on forever. Another thought
brought in was that this is a great time to come to a plan that moves us along, but stay open for changes, so we
don’t box ourselves in.
Pastor Biermann:
Pastor Biermann introduced himself as a “matchmaker” between congregations and their needs for pastors or
other associates in ministry on one side, and the people that the Synod knows are available, and whose strengths
they know about. He loves visiting the congregations of the Synod, each of which is different, and getting to know
them more deeply. He explained that only half of his work is matching a congregation with an available pastor,
and that the other half of his time is spent facilitating cooperative ministries between congregations: Not so much
that they share a person, but rather share a ministry, and hire a person for that together.
Bishop Allende sees the connection of our congregation to the KSU campus as vital and important, and it is
much valued.
Q: What is the difference between pastors and other people we could call? A: He explained a bit about pastors
who are ordained, versus candidates who went through four years of seminary, but did not get ordained; as well as
deacons and deaconesses, who are in “word and service” ministry, and usually connect church and community.
Q: Are there candidates looking for part-time positions? A: Not often. There might be willingness to split time
between two calls, however.
Q: Are there women candidates available? A: More than half of seminarians are women. Also, there is a wide
variety: Black and white, older and younger, people in committed same-sex relationship, etc. Pastor Biermann
stressed that the young, white, male seminarian with wife and two children is rather rare these days!
Q: Are there congregations nearby who are currently looking to share a pastor? A: It is up to the congregations to
make those contacts and have those discussions with neighboring congregations, and no, he does not know of
Respectfully submitted, Almuth Koby, Council Secretary
Christian Education
Bible Study:
Thursday Morning 11:00 am The Gospel of Luke
Men’s Saturday morning 7:30 am Luther’s “Bondage of the Will”
Sunday School: Sunday mornings 9:30 am
Pre K- Kindergarten: Jason and Rebecca Hohenberger Whirl Winter series
1st – 3rd Grade class: Emily Schmidlin
Whirl Winter series
4 -6 Grade class: Gail Neubert & Mindy Uhrig
Bible games
7 -12 Grade class: PFid
Biblical Ancestors
6 -12 Hosanna Choir class: Cindy Howard
Adult class: Pastor George Gaiser & Radd Ehrman
The Bible
Adult class: Almuth Koby The Times of Martin Luther: Culture, Society,
Art, Family Life, and More"
Confirmation Classes:
Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm
First Year students (7th/8th grade) meet with Sharon Emling in the library for
a Bible survey.
Second Year students (9th grade) are assigned to mentors.
Confirmation is scheduled for
Sunday, May 15th
8:15 & 10:45 services
Please keep our confirmands and mentors in prayer
James Elmore with Michael Schock
Finn Kaine with John Sargent
Miriam Koby with Judy Gaiser
Benny Neubert with Kelly Linden
Corey Neubert with Tim Culver
Megan Schinker with Cindy Howard
PARENTS: Make sure your children are in class and ready by 5:30p.m.
Review with them after class what they learned.
A Sign from God…
Trinity has a lot of visibility on Rt. 43 and our sign is
an eye catcher. NEEDED: Sign changers, someone or group who is willing
to change the sign once a week. Sign up for a month or a season.
Kent State Theatre opportunity!
Bus Stop
April 21, 8 pm
Out book club, Endless Readers, wants to invite anyone interested in attending a
play at KSU on April 21st at 8p.m. . The play is Bus Stop, about a group of people on a bus being stranded by a blizzard overnight at a diner outside Kansas City.
The cost is $10 per person if we can get 10 people to commit. Deadline for reservations will be April 10th. Money must be paid with reservation. Contact Emily
Myers for further info or sign up on a sheet in the Narthax. You may contact
Emily at [email protected] or 330-606-4445.
Reserving Social Space
If you have any special dates that need to be marked off on our church calendar for the Great
Hall or the Gathering Room, please supply your dates to the church office or Sarah Royka at
[email protected]. This will secure your spot!
Coffee Hour 2016
Fellowship and Food
Immediately following the 8:15 and 10:45 services
April 10
May 15
June 12
Sarah Circle
July 10
Tabitha Circle
Mary Martha Circle
Rebecca Circle
Fae Darrow
Emily Myers
Kathy Fieger
Jo Lofland
Michelle Smith
Fae Darrow
Fae Darrow
Don Poyer
Dee Bowen
Nancy Myers
Fae Darrow
August 14
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11
Spaghetti Dinners
April 15, proceeds benefiting Freedom House
May 20, proceeds benefiting Freedom House
The Trinitarians
Pot Luck Dinner
Friday, April 8, 6pm
Meet in the Gathering Room for a pot luck dinner and a
travelogue. Pete Dahl will show pictures of his European
river cruise. Bring your table service and a dish to share.
Matt Breen
Lori Foldessy
Ron Craig &
Karen Burkey
Trish Saylor &
Gail Neubert
Gayle Simone
Radd Ehrman
Deb Scharlotte &
Marilyn Zeman
Jim Stroble &
Michelle Smith
April 24, 2016
Tere Hummel
Radd Ehrman &
Sue Taylor
Dawn & Jeff Blake
April 17, 2016
Bill Hildebrand
Joe Kocian
Steve Shanafelt &
Matt Johnson
Lori Foldessy &
Ted Linden
April 10, 2016
Deb Scharlotte
April 3, 2016
Debbie Schinker
Matt Johnson
Sarah Royka
Kaine family
Steve &
Debbe Webster
Ted Linden &
Dawn Begin
Deb Scharlotte
Kelly Linden
Kim Lemmon
Radd Ehrman
Sharon Emling
Roger &
Sue Martanovic
Michelle Faulstick &
Lynn Tausch
Sarah Royka & Lori
Dave Hall &
Fae Darrow
Ron Paskey &
Michelle Smith
April 2016
Tom Culver
Jesse Elmore
Sam Culver
Melaina Uhrig
Mason Casto
Gideon Kaine
Mathias Broyles
Jesse Elmore
Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank
Trinity serves as a distribution point for the Akron-Canton Regional
Food Bank. For more information, please contact Gayle Simone.
Feb 2016
Number of Households
Number of Seniors (60+)
Number of Adults (18-59)
Number of Children (birth-17)
Our pantry was awarded $25.00 for receiving
a score of 100 % on our “E” signature audit.
Thanks Gayle for your outstanding record keeping!
Kent Hot Meals
Trinity is serving the Kent Hot Meals on Thursdays—April 7, June 2, July 28 and September
22 this year. We arrive at Kent Social Services by 3:45 to serve the meal and clean up. We're
done by 6pm. 4-5 people are needed each time. See Pastor Fidler to be involved!
The Lord’s Lunches continue to grow and reach many. The Saturday
lunch time is becoming a place where people gather for fellowship and
know that they are cared for, receive a nutritious meal and are blessed
to be here. We are continuing to look for additional Church groups
and other organizations who would be willing to come and serve a Saturday meal. What is involved? Each group chooses a menu able to
serve about 40—45 people. (We offer take-home meals and seconds as
long as there is food available.) Preparation of the food can take place in Trinity’s kitchen, or
come ready to serve. Set-up of the place settings, serving the food and then clean-up of the dining area and dishes is also requested. A Trinity member is always present to assist with the operation. If you have friends in other congregations or are involved in organizations that might be
interested in serving, please pass the word about the “Lord’s Lunches” here at Trinity every Saturday. We serve from 11:30 a.m. until about 12:15 p.m.
It is always a blessing for both those working the meal and those who come to eat. See Margaret Meagher or Pastor Fidler for more information about the meals and how you can be involved!
Are you receiving the Weekly Youth News by Email or Facebook?
If not sign up today!
Send a request to [email protected] and keep up on all the Uth activities.
Friend us on Facebook at Trinity Youth Kent
Follow PFid on Twitter
Please sign up for events 2 weeks prior so preparations can be made.
Please pay any costs involved 1 week prior unless otherwise noted.
Lutheran Campus Ministry:
The Table—-Thursdays at Trinity 6-8 pm
Join us at the Table for food and fellowship – no rsvp needed, no dress code – just come.
Help prepare food or plan out next week’s meal.
 Join us at the Table for games, conversation, fellowship, study or whatever –no agenda,
just time to be with others
 Join us at the Table for worship. Campus folk gather for scripture, prayer, discussion,
song, and communion – together we determine the makeup of our time together
Friday evenings at Luther House 6:30pm- whenever
Chat and Chow.
Come help prepare a meal and join in lively discussions, meet new friends.
Luther house is on Luther Ave across from White Hall and behind Faith Lutheran Church.
Also with Lutheran Campus Ministries there will be Bible Studies,
service events, fun outings.
Make sure you’re on the email list at Trinity. Friend “Lutheran Student Fellowship” on Facebook for updates
on events.
Come and get a free pen!
Thank you to:
all who provided soup and salad and sandwiches for our Wednesday Lenten meals
all who helped with the spring cleaning [awesome!!]Sue Hardwick, Ron Craig, Cindy Howard, Benny Neubert,
Corey Neubert, Spencer Neubert, Gail Neubert, Russ Neubert, Dee Paskey, Pastor Fidler, Finn Kaine,
Sandy Wittenauer, Tracy Elmore, Deb Scharlotte
our staffing committee sorting through the applications for office administrator and to the interview committee
for their ongoing work
Cindy Howard and our choirs for the wonderful Holy Week and Easter music; Musicians: Tom and Jennifer
Culver, Gail Neubert, Jackie Lann, all our amazing choirs, Miriam Koby and Matt Johnson. Actors/
Readers for our Maundy Thursday tableaux: Ron Craig, Beth Dawson, Dee Paskey, Deb Scharlotte,
Julianne Dezort, George Gaiser, Miriam Koby, Matt Johnson, Mindy Uhrig, Geoff Koby, Pete Dahl, Jackie Lann, Jo Lofland, Joy Washburn.
The crafty folk who made the “Alleluia” pennants and banners for Easter out of the old assisting minister and
acolyte robes; Deb Scharlotte, Sue Hardwick, Gretchen Kaine, Julianne Dezort, Kay Downey, Beth
Dawson, Bridget Anthony,
Mindy Uhrig for putting together an awesome luncheon for the NE Ohio Synod and her crew in the kitchen;
Lori Foldessy, Sue Hardwick, Jimmy and Sandy Wittenauer, and to Cheryl Seymour and George Gaiser
for serving as ushers and greeters for the NEO Synod worship
Brahce family for the new sound system
And thanks to Julianne Dezort, Gail Neubert and the Mardi Gras crew—
Mardi Gras 2016 is just a memory and there were so many things that night to make memories. Our emcee, Steve Shanafelt, welcomed all to the evening festivities by dressing as the State Farm Agent in Khahis.
The royalty {randomly selected} were King Geoff Koby, Queen Jessica McRitchie, Prince Hendrix Gregory, Princess Keira Schock and Jester John Haren. New members of 2015 were reintroduced and welcomed. The Scout Troop #3266 from Longcoy School was also recognized. After a good meal {Lutherans
are good cooks}, we paraded around the "French Quarter" with our royalty leading the way. Needless to say
we were singing"When the Saints Go Marching In". Outback Ray entertained the children and the adults
with the animals he brought. The kids will probably always remember Sponge Bob the Boa Constrictor
and the chinchilla perched on top of Greta's head! The evening concluded with Pastor Fidler offering prayers and songs to enter the Lenten season.
My thanks for helping make this evening so much fun go to-- Emcee Steve, Greeter- Jo Lofland, cake bakers- Gretchen Kaine, Kelly Linden, Mindy Uhrig, Ellen Baggett and Debbie Schinker, cake cutters Dee
Paskey and Jo Lofland. If you received a baby in your piece of cake, may you have an entire year of good
luck and make sure the baby gets back to the festivities next year either in a cake or given back to me.
Needless to say there is much that goes into setting up and taking down of the decorations. Thanks to
Mike Uzl for setting up all the tables. Thanks to all those who helped make the Great Hall look so good!..
A new addition to the crew was Gail Neubert. She helped me with the planning and implementation for
this great party. What a help she was. Thanks to Pastor Fidler. The donation money received went to help
defray the cost of entertainment and some aside for next year's needs.
Mark the date for next year----February 28th. You will want to be a part of it!!!
April Birthdays at Trinity
Sheila Uzl
Ethan Marxen
Phoebe Hohenberger
Michelle Parrish
AnJean Poyer
Teresa Orr
Gideon Kaine
Brian Falther
Laura Hardwick
Ryan Parrish
Benjamin Elmore
Roger Martanovic
Bruce Traycoff
Mary Anne Kapper
Claudia Reisinger
Sandra Woolf
Finnegan Kaine
Don Johnson
Nicole Wright
Mark Makosky
Sara Falther
Michelle Smith
Brian Orr
Adam Porto
Nancy Falther
Ryan Webster
Joseph Criag
Tobias Brunner
If your birthdate is not listed here
please call the church office so that
we can make the correction.
Ted Linden
Treva Plank
I want to thank everyone for the get well wishes
and cards during my surgery and recovery.
Thank you!
Shelia Uzl
Trinity Lutheran Church
600 South Water Street
Kent, OH 44240
Trinity Topics