COCA News July 2006


COCA News July 2006
Editors • Denis McMullen & Ina Thiessen • Volume 5 •
C r o m w e l l
C o l l e g e
Within the University of Queensland
2 0 0 6
Issue 2
N ew s
at the
Before… and after the event (inset)
“A leader is like an onion…”
(Profound words uttered at the Forum
opening by Dr Stuart Bade)
During the mid semester holidays, seven
current Crommie residents (and a plethora
of old-boys and old-girls) embarked on the
Queensland Student Leadership Forum on
faith and values. For four surreal days we
laughed, we cried… we got emotional and
philosophical… we felt inspired and we were
challenged... and more importantly we had
the opportunity to contemplate the role our
personal faith and values have in influencing
our leadership and shaping our outlook on
The Forum involved a combination of
small group discussions, community service,
seminars and key note addresses from a
number of political, business and community
leaders centered on the theme of “servant
leadership”. Highlights of the forum included
Continued page 4
A Magazine for Old Collegians, Friends of Cromwell, Current Residents and their Families
I n s ide
Dear COCA Member
From the Principal
College Sport and Voluntary Student Unionism
Upcoming Events
Cyclone Larry
ICC Reports
Guest Speakers at Formal Dinners
What’s Happening in Chapel?
Chronicles of Cromwell
Development Manager
As you can gather from the outcome
of the meeting, the future structure
of COCA will be centred on the role
of the Development Manager. At this
point it may be useful to outline my
role in regards to COCA. This role
• Reconnecting Old Collegians
• Organising COCA events
You may wonder where the heading “President’s Report” has gone. As you probably
read in the last COCA NEWS, Cromwell hosted a COCA meeting on the 21st June
2006, the last in its traditional form. The meeting resolved to wind up COCA as an
official organisation but retain its informal status as a fellowship of ex-Cromwellians.
In accordance with this resolution, the bank accounts are to be closed with 50% of the
proceeds going as part retirement of the Student’s Association debt in relation to the
Lion’s Den, and half invested in the Foundation for the purpose of the COCA academic
prize. Both these are in accordance with the objectives of COCA that includes ‘providing
a means to improve the facilities of the College’ and ‘the establishment of prizes,
bursaries and scholarships.’
COCA will now exist as an extended friendship network with the key centre of data
management and organisation being the Development Manager of the College. The
Development Manager will, in turn, seek members from various years in the College
history to assist in networking and to provide advice and ideas for the Development
Further, the role of the COCA President has ceased to exist. On behalf of COCA and
the College, we would like to thank Dr Stuart Bade who did a great and faithful job as
COCA President for the last seven years.
As of the next edition, the editorials in COCA News will be written by different COCA
members. The title for the editorial will be “Report from a CEO” (C=Cromwell,
E=enthusiastic, O=“Oldie” as short for Old Collegian).
Although COCA does not exist in its formal entity, it continues to be a strong network
of friends connecting Old Collegians with the College and its current students. The
interest and enthusiasm shown by many Old Collegians means that COCA is very much
alive. Three major COCA events for Old Collegians are being organised this year, with
much input and support by Old Collegians and current students. There are more events
planned for the next few years.
Since starting work at Cromwell, I have been surprised by the many contacts made with
ex-Cromwellians in such a short amount of time, their generosity in time and finances
and their active engagement in College affairs in so many ways. At this point I would like
to thank you for your interest and support. I am looking forward to the future, meeting
interesting Cromwellians, hearing amazing stories and attending great events.
COCA News 2006 • Page • Compiling and editing COCA
• Maintaining the Alumni database
• Establishing a mentoring program
• Being the initial contact point
within the College for COCA
members for all questions, concerns
and ideas.
As COCA Member you can help by
• Updating your contact details
when they change to ensure that
you receive the COCA NEWS and
invitations to upcoming events.
This also allows us to help Old
Collegians to reconnect with you.
• Updating us on how you are going
and what you are up to (career,
family, travel, special achievements
• Assisting us to find lost Old
• Volunteering to be a representative
for Old Collegians from your
year to advise the Development
Manager of ideas for possible
COCA events that suits the
needs of Collegians from your
era; networking, and advertising
upcoming events through your
contacts with Old Collegians
and, if you wish, helping organise
• Mentoring current students.
• Writing articles for the COCA
• Assisting with the organisation of
COCA or fundraising events,
• Supporting the College by making
a donation or leaving a bequest to
the Cromwell College Foundation.
If you want to change your address or
support the College in any way, please
call Ina Thiessen on (07) 3377 1300 or
send an email to i.thiessen@cromwell.
From the
Risk Management and Marriage.
The Board recently had a retreat and
one of the issues discussed was risk
management. It seems everywhere we
turn there are articles on risk management
and consultants offering their wares. The
College, like every other organisation,
has to do what it has to do. But I have a
view (perhaps a lonely view) that we are
being suffocated by risk management.
As I reflected on the increasing tendency
for legislation to entangle our lives
with kilometres of bureaucratic red
tape, I wonder what would happen if I
had applied the same principles to my
I had a wonderful marriage. It was not
perfect but Helen and I were best friends.
Like all marriages there were differences
and therefore relational risks involved.
However, as in all good marriages, any
‘risk management’ occurred in a relational
context. For Helen and me the aim was
to discuss (or negotiate) in the context of
a committed, loving relationship. That
is to say, the relationship was based on a
promise not on successful performance
and it understood the reality of failure and
the place of forgiveness and renewal. Once
we made the commitment, it was seen to
be for life and this promise became the
foundation on which all problems were
resolved. What would have happened if
Helen and I had taken on the assumptions
that lie behind the modern approach to
risk management and applied them to our
We live in a culture that is a product
of a period of history known as the
Enlightenment. In this world, revelation
was rejected, faith and reason split apart
and human reason became the arbiter
of truth. At its heart, thinkers such as
Voltaire and Hulme were arguing for
human autonomy with freedom as the
chief virtue and progress in this world its
deepest hope. Unfortunately, the rampant
individualism that is the logical outcome
of this view of truth and authority has led
to spiritual and moral confusion (these too
have been personalised and relativised), a
denial of sin and personal responsibility
(notice how what was once a sin, became
a crime then a sickness and, in some
cases, then acceptable) and a situation
where the following logic applies: I have
a right to a long, happy life. I have a right
to have my needs met. I have a right to
feel good about things. All my wants
are needs and it is my right to consume
and choose what I want. If these rights
are not met, then I will blame you and
perhaps sue you. This outcome is both
judgmental and adversarial. It generates
fear and is ultimately socially destructive.
In the name of ‘freedom’, we all end up
becoming slaves to fear and red tape.
The biblical view of freedom, however,
is very different. Firstly, it presupposes
the reality of sin, evil, suffering, pain and
death. In other words, it has a thoroughly
realistic understanding of risk. Secondly,
it teaches that human autonomy against
God is fundamental to the problem and
leads only to exclusion from God and
division amongst human beings. Thirdly,
the Bible places its hope not in human
success but in God’s action that flows
from his loving commitment to creation.
In fact, the commitment of the husband
to the wife in marriage in the Bible is
modelled on the commitment of God to
his creation as revealed in and through
Jesus (Eph 5:25). Fourthly, in the Bible
there is no absolute autonomy. We are
all servants (or slaves) of something or
someone. If it is not God, it is something
that is not God (and consequently not
good) that rules our life. True freedom
is not autonomy as defined by the
Enlightenment but life that is found in
proper relationship with God, with others
and ultimately with the created order.
In a good marriage, joy is found through
mutual submission and service. Each
gives themselves in love to the other.
Autonomy in the Enlightenment sense
will blow marriage apart. If we pursue
our own rights to the exclusion of the
other or require too much in the way of
‘risk management’ red tape (eg checking
up on each other all the time) we inject
selfishness or distrust and judgment into
the relationship and destroy it. If this is so
in marriage, why should it not be so in the
wider community? Am I alone in thinking
these things? Am I naive in suggesting
that it might be time to rediscover some
of the wisdom of Scripture and start
criticising some of the Enlightenment
assumptions? We belong together. We
are not individuals alone but individuals
in community. Approaching each other
in judgment and with adversarial intent
is destructive. Surely our society needs
to rediscover that destroying trust and
creating fear in work and in society is as
damaging as it is in marriage. It is time we
put the horse and carriage back together
again, both in marriage and in the wider
world. In the end it is not more rules we
need, but a greater willingness to love and
care for each other in a dangerous world.
to our donors
Much has been achieved at Cromwell
over the years but many challenges
remain. The Board and I wish to
express our deep gratitude to all those
who have given to the College or
considered the College in their will.
As Principal I have many hopes for
this place and every gift from you
goes towards the goal of turning those
dreams into reality. Thank you.
Hugh Begbie.
Continued from page 1
dinner at Parliament House where we
“mixed it with the pollies”, an inspiring
speech by Rev Tim Costello (CEO of
World Vision) and an equally moving
keynote address by Nick Vujicic (a man
who has overcome disability to motivate
others through public speaking).
When we weren’t deep in thought
reflecting on the big issues, we snuck off to
“have fun and get amongst it” in the form
of a spirited beach volleyball tournament
at Kedron...There were tears, and
tantrums... displays of cat-like agility and
the occasional belly flop on the sand as we
strutted from court to court attempting to
demonstrate our sporting prowess. In the
end, only one team emerged triumphant
to bask in glory, whilst the rest of us learnt
to embrace a valuable leadership quality
– “humility in defeat”.
Saturday afternoon saw us descend on
Murarrie to put our words into actions
in the form of community service. In
a hands-on demonstration of “servant
leadership” we got dirty and messy and
in the process, managed to put “Backyard
Blitz” to shame! Furthermore we reaped
the personal satisfaction of knowing that
in some small way we were helping others.
Tired and overwhelmed from three solid
days of thinking, we let our hair down
on the final night for an evening of toetapping frivolity at the infamous QSLF
Bush Dance. A huge congrats to Farmer
for winning the “best-dressed” award
(would we have expected anything less?!)
and a special mention must go to Stuart
Bade- although lacking in the technical
aspects of bush dancing, he more than
compensated for his lack of ability with
copious amounts of enthusiasm!
We left the forum feeling inspired,
enthusiastic and a little over-awed.
“Post-forum blues” aside (ask Texas!),
the experience was truly unique and
personally rewarding.
On behalf of everyone who was fortunate
enough to attend the forum – thank you
to all of the organizers and facilitators who
made the experience unforgettable!
Written by Kobi Haworth
This year’s participants: Kobi Haworth,
Damon Judges, Daniel Moran, Luke
Moran, Emily Goldsmith, Daniel Faux,
Matthew Palmer
Daniel Faux with guest speaker Tim
Mander, Rugby League Referee and CEO of
Scripture Union Queensland
Everyone gave their best...
Current resident Emily Goldsmith and Old
Collegian Michael Davis got involved in
community service
About the
Queensland Student
Leadership Forum
Every year the Board sponsors some of
our most able residents to attend the
Queensland Student Leadership Forum.
Kobi has outlined the importance of
this forum as a life changing experience
for many young people. I can only
endorse her enthusiasm and say how
much the Board appreciates being able
to contribute in this way. The key value
of this conference is that it re-awakens
in those who attend the fact, mostly
forgotten in our culture, that the
output of a person’s life is inextricably
linked with their values and their
values are founded on their beliefs. We
all have faith in life. The question is,
on what. The answer we give to that
question deeply influences the priorities
and quality of the life we live. So to the
organizers of the forum, well done and
keep it up.
Hugh Begbie
Farewell to George McPherson
George McPherson came to College soon
after I was appointed in 1995. He was
an applicant who had the benefit of a
recommendation by the then secretary, Miss
Pam Dalrymple. George resigned at the end
of 2005 due to ill health.
George McPherson with Yvonne Rogers,
Board Member (left) and Ben de Jong,
Chairman of the Board (right)
COCA News 2006 • Page In the ten years George spent in Cromwell
he dedicated himself to its well being.
In a very real sense it became his home
and many positive things were achieved
through his role as Operations Manager. I
am personally grateful for all that George
has done and know that resigning from
the College was not easy for him.
To honour George’s contribution, the
board hosted a lunch for him and his
wife Pamela after the retreat on the 3rd
June. It was great to see them both and to
be able to say thank you for 10 years of
faithful service. Well done George and we
wish you well.
Hugh Begbie
College Sport & Voluntary Student Unionism
A personal view
College sport has been an essential part of
the experience of College for generations of
students. The opportunity to play a favourite
sport, try out a new sport or simply turn
up and cheer on your College has enriched
the lives of thousands of residents over the
years and often is the source for the best
remembered memories of this significant
period in young peoples’ lives.
The introduction of “Voluntary” Student
Unionism by the Commonwealth
Government in December 2005 has
thrown much of this on its head. In
seeking to diminish the impact of student
political activism, the Government has
prohibited fees that support student life
at Uni.
The Student Union facilities, which
provide meeting rooms, have lost
subsidies. Catering has to survive on sales,
despite operating fully for 2/3 of the year.
Clubs and societies, ranging from the
frivolous to the most serious, are now
not subsidised, the Schonell Theatre has
closed, and sporting facilities and activities
have now to work on a ‘user-pays’ basis.
UQ Sport, facing a deficit of $1.1 million
for 2007, is cutting back many of its
activities and removing grants to sporting
The impact on the Colleges is, potentially,
profound. UQ Sport estimates that the
cost of running the inter-Collegiate
sporting program (the ”ICC”) for 2007
will be $90,000. This does not include
the costs of Rowing ($6,864 for a full
Cromwell College program). The costs of
hiring sports fields and venues for training
or recreational activities (assessed at
$33,000 pa) is included in that amount.
UQ Sport are now proposing that every
College resident in 2007 be charged $44
to cover inter-collegiate sport. How long
this level of cost can be maintained is
It seems that the likely outcome is that
College sport will continue, but at a
greater cost to residents. The Cromwell
Rowing program was first cut back
then cancelled this year because of the
costs involved. This was a pity as the
opportunity to row for your College is one
that has been taken up by hundreds of
College residents in the past and provided
good exercise, strong competition and
lasting memories of early mornings on the
Brisbane River.
College residents who want to play
University sport will be required to join
UQ Sport as individuals and pay the
full registration fees to their sporting
association. But, without the $2.2 million
grant, how long can facilities and venues
be maintained? As staff are cut, all aspects
of UQ Sport will wither and the job
of attracting new students/clients will
become harder.
VSU will mean that university life will
be drabber and harder. Student Unionfunded entertainment and challenging
activities will be lost and students in strife
will have no-one to assist them. At least, at
College, residents are given opportunities
to hear from challenging guest speakers
and meet a range of people from other
cultures and with widely varying life
experience. College staff provide support
and advice to students who have to
deal with University regulations and
The College is working with UQ Sport
to develop group discounts by which
Cromwell residents can have access to all
facilities and which will provide a good
level of service at an affordable cost.
Denis McMullen
Dean of Students
The Story of Bronwyn Healy –
8th August 2006
You are invited to hear Bronwyn Healy tell
her story, Tuesday, 8th August 7.30 pm in
the Cromwell College Dining Hall. Free
Bronwyn was a Brisbane schoolgirl
and studied at Griffith University. She
was involved with drugs and, later,
prostitution, was a heroin addict and went
through abortions. Help from a doctor
and Christian faith transformed her life.
Today, Bronwyn is a sought after public
speaker, married and mother of two.
If you are interested in hearing Bronwyn’s
story you are most welcome. It would
be helpful for us organizing this event if
you could let us know if you are coming.
Please send an email to friends@cromwell.
“Crommie Come Home” Dinner Friday, 18th August 2006
Cromwell is organising a ‘Back to
Cromwell’ day and invites all ExCollegians who left Cromwell in 2004,
2005 and first semester 2006 to come
back for dinner and a great night of
entertainment with current students. We
will send out a separate invitation shortly.
Did you leave Cromwell in 2004, 2005 or
2006? Then pencil in your diary Friday,
18th August 2006. Please make sure that
we have your current postal and email
address. You can update your address by
sending an email to friends@cromwell. or calling (07) 3377 1300.
If you are still in contact with others who
left Cromwell in those years, please let
them know about this event and remind
them about updating their contact details.
If you would like to contribute to the
program on that night (musical items,
stories, power-point presentation) please
contact Ina Thiessen on (07) 3377 1232
or email [email protected].
Cromwell is looking forward to seeing you
COCA News 2006 • Page Cyclone ‘Larry’
Cromwell College Family
affected by Cyclone ‘Larry’
Those of us who were not affected by
Cyclone Larry may have already forgotten
about the disastrous effect of the storm.
However, people in the areas immediately
affected by the disaster are still struggling to
come to terms with its consequences.
Shortly after the storm, Cromwell College
contacted the families of current students
and Old Collegians to see how they were
faring. Here are some of the responses:
Hi Ina
Thanks for the email. Cyclone Larry
has had devastating effects on our
community. My house is fine, however
the high school where I teach was
partly destroyed and is a mess!!
We were sent back to school by the
Education Department much to our
dismay as the school is still quite
dangerous, however we are getting back
in to the swing of things and making
the most of what we have. We still
have a number of teaching blocks that
are out of action and most blocks do
not have any electricity. Our staffroom was water damaged
and we are now housed in the welding
room of the manual arts block!! It will
be a long rebuilding process and, for
many, a long healing process. Thank you for the email and your
Ann ‘Oliver’ More (2000-2002) from
COCA News 2006 • Page Lisa Keto, mother of Heidi Keto (1996)
We are cane farmers in Tully – this is the
second Cyclone that we have experienced.
We came to Australia (from Finland) in
1968. The day before the Cyclone hit we
spend two hours in the shops to stock up
on food and batteries, as did many more
We still had vegetables and meat in the
freezer. Luckily we had a generator so
we were able to keep the freezer running
as the power was off for one week. We
were not starving! Our Crops are down.
It is still like a bad dream that we haven’t
woken up from yet.
the roots. We had a historical crop storage
building; during the storm, the roof came
off and almost fell on top of a caravan.
We are still in shock. Initially, we could
not even clean up because of the rain.
It was too dangerous. We have spent all
week cleaning up branches and dumping
rubbish. Luckily – there was no loss of life.
In 1987, when the children were little, we
had mattresses around a solid table, so the
children spent the time under the table.
This time, we prepared everything, but
luckily did not have to use it.
The other cyclone we experienced, in
1987, was worse, we lost ¾ of our crops.
This time the sugar cane is not cut off at
The Rainforest in Tully has changed – the
forest is brown, no leaves are left on the
trees and the bark is ripped off the trunks.
We fared extremely well compared with
areas an hour or so up the road.
Anne Walsh here. Thank-you for your
phone call checking if we were okay after
Cyclone Larry. It was lovely to be thought
We are fine. We live at Forrest Beach,
which is near Ingham and during the
afternoon and night there were serious
concerns that we would bear the brunt
of the winds. We live on the beachfront
and had to carefully consider whether or
not we would evacuate. We sent our boys
elsewhere, but still at Forrest Beach, and
decided to stay ourselves. Fortunately, the
tides were quite small and even with a
surge, did not present any problems to
I work at the school at Lucinda and the
subsequent rain led to the area being cut
off for a couple of days.
Admin damage
We have been involved with Operation
Happy Easter, being organised by 96.5FM
and are going up with the truck on
Wednesday, as well, delivering “personal
care” packs to families in the outer lying
Once again, thank-you for thinking of us.
Anne Walsh (nee Wood) 1979-1981
Hi Ina
We were on the edge of the big
winds in Gordonvale but damage
was restricted mostly to crops and
vegetation. My family and property
are fine. I had a lot of vegetation
damage, which I had cleaned up by
last weekend. I’ve just got back to work
as I volunteered for some Red Cross
work in Innisfail this week. The scale
of the damage there and particularly
surrounding areas is actually too much
to comprehend.
Daryl Bergin (1973-1977 from Lake
Eacham) had some house damage but
storm damage was mainly caused by
vegetation falling on fence lines. But
apart from that, they came through
virtually unscathed compared to some
in that district.
Thanks for your concern
Tony Anderson (1974-1975)
Rob Jones, Guidance Officer
Innisfail State High School
“One of our Year 12 students’ dream was
to go to the University of Queensland
in Brisbane to study either science or
engineering. He is a very popular student.
His family home was destroyed, crops on
the farm (banana and sugar cane) were also
destroyed. His parents will not be able to
support him at University in 2007 – he
may instead have to work on their farm.
“Another year 12 student, very popular
and hard working, has a large extended
family. Her dream was to be the first
family member to gain a university degree.
Her intention is to study Business or
Law in Brisbane. Her parents’ home was
destroyed along with her grandparents’
home. Her parents may lose their jobs due
to the destruction of their work places.
“Many students fear they will not be
able to pursue their dream of going to
university due to the long-term financial
impact of the Cyclone. Many farms and
businesses will have no, or only limited,
income this year and hence many students
will have to work longer hours on their
farms or in their family businesses.
Cromwell College’s initiative to raise funds
in order to offer more scholarships to these
students has certainly helped raise the
spirits of our staff and students.”
Cromwell College responds to the needs of North Queensland students
A guidance officer at a High School in Innisfail
said just a few weeks after the storm, “This
morning we had to give (a grade 12 boy
and potential UQ student) shoes. He and his
family have lost everything.” Not only did
this student lose all material possessions but
also his dream of studying at the University
of Queensland. He is not the only one whose
dream is brutally damaged by Cyclone Larry”.
Cromwell College would like to rebuild
these dreams through offering the support
of the Cromwell College Foundation.
However, since the Cromwell College
Foundation depends entirely on
donations, its resources are very limited.
appeal. A quick way to reach the target
of $60 000 is to have ten individuals or
businesses who can give $6 000 or 20
individuals or businesses who can give
$3 000. Another way for you to help is to
give whatever you are able. It is a great
investment in young people’s lives.
Please support these young people
whose lives have been just as uprooted
as the cane crops and trees of their
farms and homes.
Information: (07) 3377 1300
[email protected]
Our goal is to rebuild the dream of at least
three students from the disaster-stricken
area who are experiencing financial
hardship, the dream of studying at the
University of Queensland. Cromwell
would like to show that we do care about
the future of those who experienced
material, financial and emotional
hardship. We would like to give hope and
support to those who have lost so much.
Or use the credit card facility on the
Donation Slip in this publication for
Cyclone Larry donations.
You can help by approaching organisations
for whom you are working to consider this
The parents of Melanie Feldmuller
(1986-1987) spent the time during the
Cyclone in a neighbour’s cyclone shelter
only to find out after the storm that
the house above the shelter had been
completely destroyed. Luckily, their
own home had only minor damage and
they still have a roof over their heads.
The donors will be publicly recognised
and have the opportunity to participate in
the presentation of those scholarships.
Ideally, we would like to support these
young peoples’ dreams of studying at the
University of Queensland, especially those
who come from the worst disaster-ridden
area. Whilst they have the competence
and the drive necessary for success at
university, their situation means that their
parents are no longer able to support them
away from home whilst they study.
Cromwell is committed to supporting
three students from the disaster-stricken
area for a total of three years, starting in
2007. A target of $60 000 is needed to be
able to support three students for the next
three years.
Classroom damage
Please send you tax-deductible donations
The Cromwell College Foundation,
Cromwell College,
Walcott St,
St Lucia Qld 4067.
Ina Thiessen, Development Manager
Cromwell College spoke to Rob Jones,
Guidance Counsellor Innisfail State High
School and two year 12 students, affected by
cyclone Larry and potential applicants for
the Helen Begbie Memorial Bursary
The Helen Begbie Memorial Bursary was
established in 2004 in order to support a
new student who would not otherwise be
able to live in College while studying at
the University of Queensland.
The Cromwell College Foundation has
so far supported four students who have
experienced financial hardship. We would
like to extend the capacity of the Helen
Begbie Memorial Bursary to support more
new students to come and live at College.
Those who have experienced the
benefits of living in College will know
how much the academic, pastoral and
social support offered by the College
can assist those who have to come from
distant places and who have to make
massive adjustments when they come
to the City to study at University.
Without that support, the experience
of country students can be marked by
isolation, homesickness and alienation
as they struggle with the sheer size of
the University as well as try to come
to terms with completely new ways
of learning. When they also have to
manage every aspect of their lives on
their own for the first time, then the
task becomes almost unbearable.
COCA News 2006 • Page ICC Reports
Cultural Report - Semester One
Semester One 2006 has been an absolute
success for Crommie Cultural life. It has
been fun, exciting and jam-packed with
new talent proudly on display.
The Crommie Cultural Calendar kicked
off this year with the Inter-College
Debating competition. The competition
ran every Monday night and each week
saw a different team of three battle it out
for the title of ICC Debating champions.
It was encouraging to see so many first
year students step up to the challenge
of College style short-prep debates – a
daunting task no matter how many times
you do it! While not finishing at the top of
the ladder, our debaters did an admirable
job and deserve our congratulations.
The next major cultural event to take
Cromwell by storm was the annual
Cromwell Idol competition. Always a
favourite event, nearly the whole College
turned out to see who would be our
next resident star. As usual there were
some fantastic performances and notable
mention must go to the hilarious novelty
acts including: Lance & Cabbage’s
performance of the Numa Numa dance;
Pow’s impressive rendition of ‘It’s not
unusual’ by Tom Jones and last, but not
least, 409’s hilarious original number
entitled ‘Care Account, My Lord.’ The
competition was extremely close and our
winner this year was Flang, with Sucre and
Gonzo tied for second place.
Bandfest was a highlight of the cultural
calendar this semester with our band
‘Maax Damage’ bringing down the house
with their 20-minute presentation. In
their tight-fitting leopard-print attire,
Maax Damage dressed to impress and well
COCA News 2006 • Page and truly won the hearts of the crowd.
The band’s amazing performance of the
timeless classic “Bohemian Rhapsody” had
the crowd in cheers and Cromwell ended
up taking home 3rd place on the night.
Well done guys!
Boat Cruise was the next event on the
Cultural Calendar and thankfully, went
off without a hitch. This year we opted
for a bigger boat, “The Island Party Boat”
that could comfortably hold everyone onboard. It was a fantastic night with just
under 300 people in attendance. I think
all will agree that that the unlimited pizza
was a hit!
Choralfest was the final cultural event held
this semester. This year, we had a large
number of talented freshers join the ranks
to produce a vocal group of substantial size.
The choir performed excellently on the
night with the unconventional piece ‘Golddigger’ being a real crowd pleaser and a
favourite amongst the singers themselves.
Thanks for all your hard work guys.
Finally, at the first OGM of this year an
overwhelming majority of the student
body passed the motion to introduce an
annual Cultural Awards Evening, as a
separate function from the Sportsman’s
dinner. Hopefully in the future this night
will become an important event on the
annual calendar, where we recognise and
properly award those residents who have
distinguished themselves culturally. It is
great to see that so many residents are
willing to make some important positive
changes to better the cultural scene here
at Cromwell. Plans are already underway
to make Cromwell’s first ever Cultural
Award’s Evening a night to remember.
Sport Report - Semester 1
Cromwell Girls Score ICC Volleyball
The winning Team
“Crommie ticker” was the key to the
College’s first ICC win of the sporting
year, according to Michelle “Biltong”
Salter, the Captain-Coach of the successful
Women’s Volleyball team.
The team of Michelle Salter, Karen
“Sporsey” Powroznick, Angela “Soogie”
Day, Shoko “Cracker” Satake, Bridget
“Sunny” McNee, Sheree “Cha Chi”
O’Dwyer, Diana “Puddles” Potter, and
Kathryn “Dato” Brooks went through the
competition undefeated, only losing three
sets throughout the whole competition.
“The team trained hard twice a week,
with the aims of developing good
skills, but, more importantly, effective
communication, team bonding and
promoting celebration after playing
well, and thus enjoying the experience,”
reported Michelle.
Matches were marked by excellent
teamwork, high level of skill and game
play and great support by other College
members. The highlight set was wining
25-3 against Emmanuel.
Thanks to all those who have helped
to make Semester One a huge success
culturally. It has been exciting and
rewarding and I look forward to an even
better Semester Two.
“What we learnt from this,” said Michelle,
“was that determination, passion and
commitment lead to success.” And
training sessions that start at 6.00 in the
morning don’t hurt either!
Cassie Aprile
Cultural Convenor.
ICC Sports Results - Semester 1
Men’s Sports
Cross Country
6th Overall
2nd Weighted
Cross Country
7th Overall
6th Weighted
Success in the Great Court race – Again!
The Inter-College Relay has become a very important part of the Great Court Race
program at UQ each year. This year the Cromwell Men’s Team of Gareth Davies, Daniel
Moran, Zenan Franks and Adam Bartels scored another great success on Wednesday
17th May in a dominant performance coming in first at 1 minute 17.9 seconds, ahead of
a very determined finish by King’s College.
This was Gareth’s third race, Daniel’s second and Adam and Zenan are both freshers
The Women’s team of Sarah Van Dyke, Kimberly Ciranni, Charlotte Skidmore and
Michelle Salter came a creditable 4th in their event
Because of the narrow width of the Colonnades, the start, even with only four Men’s
Colleges, Cromwell, King’s, Emanuel and St John’s, competing, was always going to
be difficult and congested. Gareth described the start as, “Intense, with a lot of people
gathered around. Each lane is only about 60 cm, so you are standing shoulder to
shoulder with your opponents. There is bound to be a lot of pushing and shoving as
runners try to get some space to run.”
from left to right: Michelle Salter, Sarah Van
Dyke, Kimberlee Ciranni and Charlotte
Spectators saw the crush and the jostling, then Gareth burst out of the pack and shot to
the lead. By halfway through his leg, he had established a 10 metre lead and left the pack
floundering behind. “I was just trying to give the next guy the best chance possible, so I
just tried to power away.”
“In the second leg, “ Daniel said, “you have to run about 30 metres to the corner, a 90°
turn. I thought that I would almost have to stop to get around. The biggest worry is
slipping when you make the side step to turn. Then there is almost 100 metres to the
next change, so it is just go as fast as you can.”
Zenan picks up the story: “I got a nice lead from the boys. Just after the changeover, you
have to run through the doorways on each side of the open space below the bell tower.
As I was in front, I could pick the track through, so it wasn’t so bad. Then you come to
the next 90° turn. I had not gone so far that I was at full pace. The run from there to the
last change was straight.
“Because you are enclosed inside the columns, you are not aware of there being a crowd
– it is just running one-on-one. At the change, the lead had been reduced to 5-7 metres.”
Adam: “The change took place on a tiled section of the floor where my feet slipped –so it
was like a cartoon start, where my feet were spinning madly then, zoom, off I went.
Daniel Moran, Zenan Franks, Gareth
Davies and Adam Bartels
“The crowd ran the race for me, there
were people on both sides in places. The
King’s runner was behind me, but I had
such a good lead. I could see the tape and
all the cameras at the end, so I just went as
hard as I could.”
Gareth: “ Cromwell is not a big sporty
College with lots of wins, we didn’t want
to disappoint everyone. With two freshers
on the team, we hope that we will be able
to repeat the success next year.”
Fresher Rugby
Fresher Rugby is not an official Inter
Collegiate Cup (ICC) sport. A strong
Fresher team with a core of Zimbabwean
players performed very well, winning
three out of five games and holding the
two strongest teams, King’s and Leo’s,
to lose by a narrow margin in each case.
This is the best that Cromwell has done in
Fresher rugby for a long time.
The team was built around a strong pack,
which took on the other teams, forcing
turnovers and driving strongly in mauls.
The uncontested scrums mandatory in
this competition did not give the Freshers
the opportunity to really dominate their
opponents’ packs, but by using ‘pick and
drive’ and very strong defence, Cromwell
was able to put pressure on some very slick
backlines, forcing errors and pushed passes.
The result was some great Rugby, very much
enjoyed by enthusiastic Crommie supporters.
Fresher Rugby 10th May 06
COCA News 2006 • Page Guest Speakers atFormal Dinners
Semester 1 2006
Formal Dinners during the first semester
presented a good mix of entertainment
and challenge from current students and
staff as well as external speakers and Old
New staff, Ina Thiessen, Development
Manager, and Denis McMullen, Dean
of Students, had the opportunity to
share their life stories. Andrew Yorkston
(guitar) and Kimberly McGregor (vocal)
entertained. The Cromwell “Barber
Shop Quartet” (Andrew Yorkston, Adam
Bartels, Sam Eldridge and Edward Israel)
performed some well-rehearsed ensemble
pieces. Rev. Dr. Hugh Begbie read the
Easter Story from the Gospel of Mark 1516:8 and explained the story and meaning
of Easter.
intervention and about others who
are regular callers, depending on their
counsellor’s support over periods of years.
Michael Davis: 2nd May
(see textbox on the right)
Reg Gully: 16th May
On the 16 May 2006, Reg Gully,
Cromwell Resident 1988-1990 spoke
on the topic of “success” tracing the lives
of 10 men in his corridor. Reg covered
the area of profession, relationship, and
spirituality. Whilst many funny, impressive
and interesting stories came out, Reg
asked the question, “ What is success?”
Reg is married to Jodi, has three girls:
Tabitha, Cassia and Esther. Reg is a
Financial Controller and pursuing a
political career.
Special Guest Speakers
Kath Ellerman-Bull: 4th April
Kath is the Director of Counselling at
Kids Help Line, a nation-wide telephone
counselling service for children from 8
to 18, which takes over 350,000 calls per
year from young people. Many of them
are at risk, and more calls are coming
from young people suffering from mental
illness. The service deals on a daily basis
with children and young people who are
self-harming or contemplating suicide.
Kath spoke movingly about cases of
children who had been abandoned, of
others who were saved from suicide at
the last minute by a KHL counsellor’s
Michael Davis (left) with Old Collegian
Richard Shannon (2001-2003)
Que onda guey,
I recently went to Mexico for a
semester of university. Why Mexico?
Many reasons…something different,
a chance to learn Spanish, a chance to
talk with a Mexican accent, a chance
to eat lots of tacos, enchiladas, and
burritos, great beer, great beaches and
beautiful women, what more could
you want!
One great experience included going
to Pamplonada. This event is based
on the running of the bulls in Spain
(Pamplona), however it is done in
Mexican style.
Kath with American exchange students
of Psychology (from left to right: Kathryn
Moyer, Kayce Thompson, Kath EllermanBull and Sara Levin)
University was quite different. Being
more family orientated and highly
religious, things were quite strict,
roll call was taken in every class and
professors were constantly making sure
that you had done your ‘homework’.
My regular clothes of boardies and
pluggers were constantly commented
on, with uni being a place to dress
and impress for most people, meaning
my bogan Australian style was rather
Overall, I had a fantastic time. I got
to meet a lot of great people and have
some really unbelievable experiences
with locals and other international
students alike. For anyone who has the
time in their degree, I would highly
recommend doing a semester overseas
as it is a great way to learn the culture
and get to understand what living in
another country is all about.
from left to right: Old Collegian David Wildermuth (1988-1991), Reg’s father Rev Bruce
Gulley and Reg Gulley
COCA News 2006 • Page 10
Michael (Texas) Davis
Yearof thecontinues!
What’s Happening
In Chapel?
In accordance with the College ethos, a chapel
program is offered to all interested students.
This semester has seen a variety of different
things happen on the chapel front, which has
kept things fresh and interesting for those
who have attended.
Early in the semester we were fortunate to
enjoy two evenings with Michael Knight,
who is heavily involved in the well known
Peer Support Program in high schools
around the state. Michael facilitated two
evenings of dialogue around spiritual
things that encouraged those who
attended to explore their own thoughts
about Christianity and spirituality
generally. These evenings held a great
appeal for the wider College community
and were well-attended.
Cromwell joined with Grace College
for the remainder of the Chapel services
throughout the semester. We were
thankful for the organisation of the music
and musicians by Grace College students.
Across the course of the semester, the
content followed a DVD series by well
know American Pastor, Rick Warren,
called ‘Forty Days of Community’. In
this series, some of the key aspects
in generating and building Christian
community, such as love, forgiveness and
openness, were examined through the
DVD presentation and also through small
group times, which were facilitated by
students. These small groups were times
of fruitful discussion and were a great
opportunity for some of the students to
lead their peers in exploring the ideas
presented and to work towards personal
applications in their own communities.
Out of a desire to encourage the wider
college community, King’s College hosted
a BBQ followed by a combined chapel
service for all the Uniting Church colleges
on campus. Andy Goulay, the coordinator
of the Hotel Chaplaincy (Red Frogs)
ministry, was the guest speaker for this
service and his message was both inspiring
and encouraging.
It has been an encouraging and enjoyable
semester on the chapel front, and we
are looking forward to next semester
and some of the exciting things that are
planned, such as more discussion evenings
and some special guest speakers. Our
thanks go to all those who were involved
in chapel this semester and we look
forward to joining with you all to worship
God again next semester.
David & Kristy Richards
at Cromwell
at Cromwell
Are you planning to come to Brisbane
for business matters or simply to have a
holiday and need a place to stay?
During University Vacation Period
Cromwell offers:
• Casual Single Room Accommodation
including three meals daily.
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(year long depending on availability.)
If you or your business are planning a
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University Vacation 2006-2007
Summer 2006/2007:
22nd November – 12th February
Mid Year 2007:
23rd June 2007 – 23rd July 2007
Summer 2007:
from 19th November 2007
Please request our prices and availability!
We look forward to any enquiries. Please
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Cromwell College, Walcott St., St. Lucia
QLD 4067, Australia.
Ph: +61 7 3377 1300
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Email: [email protected]
Everybody’s favourite Cromwell and IH old
boys’ rugby team marches on with a club
record four game winning streak aided by the
arrival of some even older old boys!
Home games for the rest of the season
follow, matches are played on Friday
nights at Wests RUC on Sylvan Road in
Toowong. For up-to-date info, check out Hope to
see you all there!
Chook, Grug, Eftpos & Texas
28 July
8:30 PM
v. Sunnybank Firestarters
4 Aug
7:15 PM
v. Lawlords
11 Aug
7:15 PM v. Wests
18 Aug
7:15 PM v. Souths Rebels
Finals (?)
Lawyers Wanted
Cromwell College is looking for lawyers
who are Old Collegians and would like to
support the Cromwell College Foundation
with occasional legal services and advice.
This would be in the form of advising
potential donors on bequests or ensuring
that their donations are in a form that is
eligible for tax concessions.
When potential donors or persons
wishing to make a bequest contact
the Foundation, they may need legal
advice on this matter. If so, they could
be referred to a lawyer who is an Old
Collegian on our contact register.
Are you an Old Collegian who is a
practising solicitor/barrister or do you
know one who would be interested
to offer support? Please contact Ina
Thiessen on (07) 3377 1232 or email
to [email protected].
Your support is greatly needed and
COCA News 2006 • Page 11
Round Up
Kirsten Dick nee Grinter (1993-1995)
We moved to the Sunshine coast in
January as my husband is working at
Nambour Hospital this year – but we will
be returning to Brisbane at the beginning
of next year for two years while he
completes his training as an orthopaedic
surgeon. We welcomed our second
daughter, Chloe Amelia to the family on
the 27th January 2006 – a sister for Emily
Rose who will turn 2 on 17th June. I am
currently on maternity leave from my
job with the Physiotherapy Department
at RBH (and have been since Emily
was born) and am thoroughly enjoying
looking after our little two girls.
Jon Grayson (1978-1983)
I was at Cromwell for 6 years - from
1978 to 1983. No, it didn’t take me that
long to complete my degree! After my
undergraduate degree, I completed my
Commerce honours degree part time (198182) and was a tutor in the Commerce
Department as well as at Cromwell, and
then in my first year of work at Queensland
Treasury (1983) I was a live-in tutor at
Heidi Richardson (2001-2003)
Hi everyone
Hello to all. For all of you who know me,
and those of you don’t. I just wanted to
share with all my fellow Cromwellians
my exciting news. I am getting married in
March next year.
My name is Heidi Richardson and I
resided at Cromwell College from 2001
to 2003 and have since been working
at ENERGEX in the area of Process
Development and Training.
I met my fiancé, Simon Hackwood, a little
over a year ago now at my current church
home in Woolloongabba and all I can say
is that it has been the best year of my life.
For our one year anniversary (Saturday
the 10th June), Simon took me to the
Treetops at Montville to celebrate, as it so
perfectly fell on the Queen’s birthday long
weekend. It was sooo beautiful up there.
I would recommend the accommodation
to anyone. It’s so romantic and peaceful.
COCA News 2006 • Page 12
Cromwell. After 17 years in Treasury and
Queensland Treasury Corporation, I joined
the investment bank, Babcock & Brown in
2000, and I am still there.
My sister Jenny-Lea Grayson (1982-1983)
is married (now Charlier) and living in
Sydney, and working at NSW Treasury.
Melissa Grayson (1991-1992) is my niece.
She is married (now Hatherall) and living
in Brisbane.
Peter Kidd (Cromwell 1997-2000)
With the support of the school that I
have been teaching at for the last four
years (King’s Christian College), I am
a volunteer teacher for the Education
Department in Banda Aceh for 12
months. At present I am teaching English
as a Second Language to five classes in a
boarding school, two classes of teachers at
a university and also doing a few tutoring
sessions. It is an enjoyable challenge as
English teachers are highly valued here due
to the great desire to learn English and also
teachers are well-respected in the culture.
Teaching is keeping me quite busy but
I am finding the time to explore the
Saturday came and went and he had not
yet asked me so I assumed that he was
not going to ask that weekend. However,
whilst we were bushwalking around Lake
Baroon on the Sunday, he asked me to
climb up on a rock with him overlooking
a beautiful gorge called the Narrows. It
was there that he proposed because it
was such a gorgeous view. It was perfect.
I couldn’t have asked for a better day, or
man. I am so excited to see what our life
will bring together.
Now I know all you women are
wondering about the ring. I know that’s
the first thing my friends asked to see
*grin*. Seeing as though the engagement
ring he had organised to be designed
especially for me was not going to be
ready until our return to Brisbane two
days later, Simon purchased a surrogate
ring from a store at Montville for me to
wear until we could pick up the ring.
How cute is he? *grin* It was only a $1
aluminium ring but it holds memories
that I will never forget. Nevertheless, I
area which evokes a variety of emotions.
The kilometers of tsunami devastated
landscape make you realise the fragility of
life - over 100 000 people were killed by
the tsunami in this city alone, snatched
from their normal Sunday morning
activities. Slowly, the reconstruction
is replacing houses, shops and farms
that were totally destroyed. It is heartwarming to see the international effort
of reconstruction - I have seen 36
countries represented as well as numerous
independent charity organisations. The
other end of the spectrum of scenery are
the tropical islands, beautiful beaches
and lush mountains that surround the
city. The food is very tasty, the people are
extremely friendly and the constant heat is
It is great to be able to help out in a
country with such huge needs. I am
hoping that some of the students I teach
will be proficient enough at English to be
able to qualify for the scholarships to study
in English speaking countries in order to
improve their skills. They will then be able
to return to Banda Aceh to help in the
long-term development of the area.
Feel free to email me if you want to know
more or if you are thinking of visiting this
part of the world. petekidd@optusnet.
Peter Kidd
must say my actual engagement ring is
all I ever dreamt of. All I can say is that I
am very spoilt, especially since one of my
friends remarked “that’s not a ring… its
hand luggage”.
So yeah I just wanted to share with you all
my wonderful news.
Heidi Richardson
Kylie van der Beek (nee Smyth) (1994
- 1995)
and confident woman. Our lives are
made up of firsts, no matter how old we
are, there will always be a first time for
something. Cromwell was a period, as it
was for many others, that provided many
firsts – also many lasts – that will forever
be part of who we are. But those firsts
aren’t just related to Bunker Parties, Balls
and the variety of other colourful social
occasions. There are firsts that made us
realise the values and beliefs we hold make
us who we are.
past 10 years I have finished my degree,
taught at Beerwah State High School and
Bell State School, I married a wonderful
man (in the College Chapel by Dr Krohn
in 1999) and had two beautiful children.
It doesn’t sound like much to fill 10 years
when written like that, but I know I have
made the most of every moment in those
10 years and not one of them would I
I believe that what makes us the people
we are today, is a combination of the
experiences and moments in time that
have passed us by and those yet to come.
We are who our parents have shaped us
to be over many years, we are further
moulded by the friendships we make,
the environment we place ourselves in
and the choices we face. We eventually
grow into our own unique persona and
we become who we want to be. For me,
Cromwell was the start of my adult life
and the beginning of who I am today. You
enter an excited, naive teenager and leave a
confident young adult.
Even though I only spent two years at
Cromwell, it was a big part of my life.
I worked hard to stay there, as it gave
me the independence I craved, with the
security of a “home environment” – oh,
how I long for three meals a day, without
having to shop and clean up after! I
often feel guilty that over the years I have
allowed life to take over and never really
stayed in contact with those who I classed
as friends. I read the issues of COCA and
love to find out what became of those I
lived so closely with. I guess this is what
has lead me to share my life over the past
10 years since leaving the college.
My husband Andrew van der Beek works
as the Marketing Manager at Brisbane
North Institute of TAFE. I have two
gorgeous boys, Jacob 3 ½ and Toby 1.
At present I am not teaching in a school,
but learning everyday. Since going on
Maternity leave in 2002 and moving back
to Brisbane, I have managed to keep busy
as the bookkeeper for my brother’s (Troy
Smyth) architectural company and am
now the administration officer on a casual
basis for the independent daycare centre
that the boys attend in Sinnamon Park. I
would love to get back into the classroom,
but that involves a transfer and I am still
waiting 4 years on.
10 years on, I still reflect on my time
at Cromwell and the experiences I was
provided with and believe strongly that
it has shaped much of who I am today.
Without the opportunities that Cromwell
allowed me, I believe I wouldn’t have
started my growth as an independent
Who have I become today? No longer am
I just the teacher that I wanted to become,
I am now, a time manager, an organiser,
a negotiator, a cleaner, a crisis councillor,
a nurse, a chef, a financial advisor, a
mediator, a physic, a taxi driver, a fashion
coordinator. . . yes, I am a Mother! In the
So for the next 10 years, who knows what
lies ahead, another move, career change,
anything is possible. However, one thing
I do know, is that with a household full of
males, I am sure that it will be one full of
surprises each and every day – who could
ask for more!
Shannon Rosenberg (nee Lanseigne) (2000)
Warm Regards
How Yue WONG
Kirsten Machan nee Jones (1996-1998)
Hi Cromwell Friends,
I was in Australia in 1996 for a semester
abroad. I now live in New Hampshire
with my husband and three year old
daughter. My married name is Shannon
Rosenberg. I truly enjoyed my time at
Cromwell and my experience in Australia.
Thanks for tracking me down.
Shuo Yue Howey Wong (2000)
Writing from Singapore
It’s been almost 6 years since I’ve left
Australia. My work has brought me to
places in Norway, Sweden, England
and Israel. Only recently I settled down
in Singapore. Cromwell is a place of
memories and my biggest regrets are being
focus too much with studies and missing
out of the fun with the rest. And I didn’t
even get myself a “Cromwell Shirt”! I
will want to visit Cromwell, you, and our
family one day. I wish you good health
and peace.
P.S. I’ve changed my name legally to:
WONG Shuo Yue Howey, as given by my
Also, after my graduation I received the
“Best Thesis Award (Undergraduate) for
Queensland” 2000.
Bevan Koopman (1999-2000).
I am currently working as a Software
Engineer for a company in Brisbane called
Mincom. I will likely be here until the
end of the year before flying to Dubai in
the United Arab Emirates. From there I
plan to leave with my family on a 42 ft
sailing yacht for a trip through the Indian
ocean. Not sure how long I plan to be at
sea, probably a couple of years or until the
money runs out. Not sure when / if I’ll
return to Australia.
I’m still in contact with Paul and Amanda
Guard, Dai Abe and Robert O’Donnel
from Cromwell.
Hi Ina, Just read the coca news and
thought I would drop you a line.
My name was Kirstin Jones (96-98) Top
Thatcher girl but have recently married
and changed my last name to Machan.
Also realised have never updated my
address from my parents (only stable
one for a long time due to traveling) but
have now settled down into a house my
husband Brad and I own in Chapel Hill.
Love getting the magazine. Keep up the
good work.
COCA News 2006 • Page 13
Rachael Truscott (2004-2005)
Hi Cromwell,
I just wanted to keep in touch and let you
know what I’m doing at the moment.
I’m still studying business at QUT and
looking to start my honours in 2007.
I work as a research assistant at QUT’s
Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit
Studies. I’m also Managing Director of
QUT Initiate, an organisation that aims
to foster engagement both within the
university and wider community through
collaborative projects.
As one of these projects, I am involved
in running a large-scale entrepreneurial
competition called ‘Business Icon’ at the
end of this year. It’s open for all young
entrepreneurs in Queensland to enter, so I
will send more information about it later
on in the year in case some Cromwellians
are interested.
I’m also looking into funding
opportunities to support a trip to
Argentina over the 2006/2007 summer
vacation to study the microfinance
projects that are being run there with
disadvantaged communities.
That’s all for now. I look forward to
keeping in touch.
Rachael Truscott
week to work and travel. I caught up with
Wendy Nielson (1997-1999) (who is now
married and living up here), and also Cath
Wildermuth (1995-1997) who is working
as a physio up here.
My brother is in the UK and we will
be traveling around Ireland for 10 days
together with his girl friend before they
return to Brisbane in June. I’m also
hoping to catch up with Tim Porter and
Irene Chan in London. It is all getting
exciting, but also I’m a bit nervous about
all the changes that will be in store!
I hope things have been going well for you
and for Cromwell – I expect there will be
many people from there who will turn up
in unexpected places overseas!
God Bless,
Catherine Fitzgerald
Stuart Bade (1993-1998)
G’day everyone
Just in case you haven’t caught up on the
news yet... There is a new little addition
to the Bade family...Andrew David Bade,
born 8 May 2006 at 7.48am, 9lb 1 oz.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
Take care
Stu, Tach, Danielle... and Andrew!!
Catherine Fitzgerald (1996-1998)
Hi Mr Begbie
Thanks for the little note on the last letter.
I have finished up in Victoria where I was
working and have been in Townsville for
the last 3 month, working as a locum vet.
I am heading off to the UK in about a
Dr. R.S. (Bob) Anderssen (1957-1963)
Congratulations to Dr. R.S. (Bob)
Anderssen (1957-1963) who was
awarded the Joe Moyal Medal in 2005.
The Moyal Medal is awarded annually
by Macquarie University for research
contributions to mathematics, physics or
statistics. Bob is an Applied and Industrial
Mathematician at CSIRO Mathematical
and Information Sciences., Canberra,
Bob delivered the 2005 Moyal Lecture,
titled “Mathematics in Action”, on
Friday, 28th October 2005. You can find
an abstract and power presentation on
his project on
Dr. R.S. (Bob) Anderssen)
COCA News 2006 • Page 14
Well done Bob!
Lost Collegians
We have many requests from Old
Collegians to help them to get in touch
with their peers. It is always great to
see Cromwellians keeping in touch.
Unfortunately, we have lost contact details
for the following Old Collegians. Please
help us to find them.
Years at Cromwell
Dr Terrance Bull
Graeme Brown
Dr. John Clift
James Argyros
Bruce Zimmer
Vicki McKain
Dr. Jeffrey Hassall
Dr. Christopher Alroe
Helena Parkington
Margot Armstrong
Dr. Rosemary Booth
Ian Mannion
Alan Bradley
Dr. Mark Westaway
Tiffany Muller
Craig Pullen
Dr. Vicki Cramer
Klaus Michalowitz
Suzanne Patino nee Cox
Susan Dean
Charles Thornhill-Cole
Peter Murphy
Cameron Dean
Kathryn Reed
Peter Nicholson
Karina Waterman nee Lipp 1993-1994
Jonathan Johnson
Fleur Fisher
Michael Guilfoyle
Simone Craig
Natalie Smith
Michael Henderson
Erika Loder
Kimberley Taylor
Susannah Lovegrove
If you know their whereabouts, please let
them know that we are looking for them.
They can update their contact details by
calling (07) 3377 1300 or sending an
email to [email protected].
Should you have lost touch with past
students from Cromwell, please ring or
email us and we will do our best to enable
you to make contact.
The second in a series of articles on people after whom the residential wings were named.
By Barbara Merefield
(honorary College archivist)
If you have anecdotes or historical
information which might be included
in this section please contact Ina on
(07) 3377 1232 or
[email protected].
Hands up if you thought North Wing was
named after the direction it faced? Wrong!
home state, indeed near his home town,
ministering to the people of Booval and
Amberley. Moving to Brisbane in 1915, he
held pastorates at Eagle Junction, Yeronga,
and Annerley, for much of this time
also acting as Principal of the College,
lecturing to Methodist and Presbyterian
students as well as his own. A building
behind the Annerley Church in Cracknell
Road served as a lecture hall and residence
for the students.
At the end of 1927 he resigned as
Principal of the College and shortly
afterwards, while he and his family were
enjoying a much-needed holiday in the
Glasshouse Mountains, an attack of
appendicitis quickly turned to peritonitis,
leading to his untimely death.
It was named after the Rev Frederick
North, MA, Principal of the Queensland
Congregational (Theological) College
from 1917 to 1927, a man noted for his
scholarship and ecumenical outlook.
One of many glowing obituaries paid
tribute to ‘his personal character and
worth, displayed in the virtues of humility,
godliness and vision’ and ‘his disposition
of peaceableness and friendliness’, together
with ‘the great service he rendered to the
Kingdom of God as Minister, Teacher and
Counsellor …’.
North was an Ipswich man, born there in
1881 and educated at the local Grammar
School. After leaving school, he followed
family tradition by working in Cribb
& Foote’s store for a number of years.
In 1904 he entered Camden College in
Sydney to train for the Christian ministry
and was ordained in 1907 in the Waverley
Congregational Church, where he served
for four years. In 1912, he returned to his
When Cromwell College was founded,
the land on which the College now stands
was purchased from Emmanuel College,
the purchase being made possible,
at least in part, by the fact that the
Principal of Emmanuel, the Rev Mervyn
Henderson, held Fred North in such
high regard. Mr North’s widow and her
family subsequently donated the chair to
be used by the Principal at High Table
Congratulations, Kimberly Ciranni for
being selected for your new role as
Student Ambassador for the University of
Queensland! In taking this role, Kimberly
continues a distinguished line of service to
the University from members of Cromwell
Kimberly Ciranni
As a new Student Ambassador, Kimberly
will support UQ staff by representing
the ‘face of UQ’ in different marketing
Rev Frederick North, MA
(though this is no longer in use). They
also endowed The Frederick North Prize
in New Testament studies, now given for
spiritual leadership within the College.
Mr North’s younger daughter, Nancy,
served on the Board of Governors for a
number of years and continues, as Mrs
Nancy Lockley, to take a great interest in
Cromwell College.
activities such as Open Days, School
Visits, Campus Visits and careers expos.
This is an important role, which helps
prospective UQ students to relate to
the University and its people, through
answering questions and sharing her own
This is all the more notable as Kimberly
is a first year student. It very hard to
get these positions as they are very
popular and usually “older students” are
Well done Kimberly, and all the best in
your new job!
COCA News 2006 • Page 15
‘At Home’
with a
Circus Theme
Hot Dogs
Mime Ar
Lion Tamer with Lion
Injured Lion Feeders
Juggling Balls
At home
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