Prep Cut Color


Prep Cut Color
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Poly Textured Haircut and Color
C ategory: CUT & COLOR
Hair/Pelo: Paul C hambers, Tifany C onstantine
Makeup/Maquillaje: Krystyn Johnson
Photo/Foto: Jean Sweet
1 Blow-dry natural te x ture with large round brush.
2 Sm ooth the hair in se ctions. Shown: 5/8” Artize n Midi Flat Iron.
3 C re ate a parting from the right and le ft te m ple to the ce nte r of the occipital are a. Starting with a ve rtical se ction in the
ce nte r/back , com b the hair from the occipital part line down to the nape . C hoose a point in the m iddle of the hair shaft to
e stablish a we ight line at the occipital. C ut the se ction, e le vating the hair as shown. C ut from the m iddle of the shaft to the
e nds of the hair.
4 Following the guide , cut the e ntire back se ction in the sam e m anne r. O nce you re ach the side of the he ad, lightly ove r-dire ct
the hair toward the pre vious guide line , using the sam e 45 o angle as the first se ction, causing round laye rs to m aintain le ngth
with a soft we ight at the top of the angle .
5 In pre paration for cutting the shape in the crown are a, use the top of the hair from the m iddle ve rtical occipital se ction as a
guide and com b the hair in a ve rtical position, slante d up toward the top of the crown.
6 Hold the ve rtical se ction of hair at the m iddle of the crown and re ve rse the 45 o scissor angle toward the top of the he ad. C ut
the hair from the occipital guide to a longe r le ngth toward the top.
7 Se ction the hair at the parie tal ridge line as shown. Using a slight ove rdire ction, com b the hair to the guide at the top of the
crown are a and cut in a straight horizontal line .
8 Tak e the top pane l of the hair, ove rdire ct the se ction toward the front and cut the hair.
9 Afte r cutting the hair in the sam e m anne r on both side s using ste ps 1-9, finish the cut with te x turizing te chnique s whe re
ne e de d to re m ove any e x ce ss bulk .
10 Apply base color from scalp to e nds. Form ula: 1½ 4R O (re d-orange ) and ½ part 4G (gold) + 25-volum e de ve lope r.
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11 Afte r proce ssing the base color for 10 m inute s, apply a cre am -base d lighte ne r + 10-volum e cre am de ve lope r from m idshafts to e nds on se le ct strands to cre ate highlights.
Proce ss for an additional 20 m inute s, rinse , acidify, and condition the hair.
12 Blow-dry the hair and use a flat iron, se ction by se ction, to sm ooth the hair. Shown: Artize n 5/8” Midi Flat Iron.
View some of the best technical processes for you to use today! Find some suggestions for short, medium, long, gala, wedding hairstyles