pageant 600 - Maryknoll Taiwanese Dictionary


pageant 600 - Maryknoll Taiwanese Dictionary
package room, parcel toom pau-ko2-pa5ng 包
package, baggage, luggage he5ng-li2 行李
P.M., p.m., afternoon ngo2+-hi7o, ha7-ngo2+ 午後,
package, packet, little package si2o-pau 小包
package, wrap pau 包
P.O. Box, post office box iu5-che3ng si3n-siu* 郵
packaged lunch for traveling pn7g-pau 便當,
pace, speed sok-to7+ 速度
- at a snail's pace u5n-u5n-a2 so5 慢慢的移動
packed tight, crowded cha8t-tho2ng-tho2ng 擠滿
- to keep pace with someone kha-po7+ it-ti3,
kha-po7+ u7 ho5 腳步一致
packet si2o-pau, pau-ko2 小包, 包裹
pace, footstep kha-po7+ 腳步
packing or wrapping paper pau-chong-cho2a
pace, one step chi8t po7+ 一步
packing, to pack pau-chong 包裝
pacemaker sim-lu8t tia5u-che2ng-khi3 心律調整器
pact, protocol hia8p-te7ng 協定
- to make a pact phah tia5u-iok 訂條約
pachyderm pho5e ka7u e5 to7ng-bu8t 厚皮動物
Pacific Ocean Tha3i-pe5ng-iu5* 太平洋
pact, contract, agreement ha8p-iok 合約
pacific, peaceful, calm ho5-pe5ng e5, pe5ngche7ng e5 和平的,平靜的
pact, treaty tia5u-iok 條約
pacifier for a child, nipple leng-chhu3i-a2 奶嘴
pad, inkpad, stamp, seal i3n-sek 印泥
pacifism ho5-pe5ng chu2-gi7 和平主義
pad, to cushion, to pad chu7 舖
pacifist ho5-pe5ng-pha3i 和平派
padded jacket, cotton padded jacket,
quilted coat mi5-hi5u, pho+ mi5-hi5u 棉襖
pad, a cushion, a mat chu7-a2 墊子
pacify one's anger ho7+ la5ng tha2u-khu3i, ho7+
la5ng siau-khi3 使人消氣
pacify, comfort, console an-u3i 安慰
paddies without dependable irrigation water kho3a*-thi*-chha5n 看天田
pacify, reconcile ho5-ka2i 和解
paddle, oar chu5n-chi2u* 船槳
pacify, tranquilize, put down, to calm pe5ngte7ng 平定
paddle, row a boat, boating ko3-chu5n 划船
paddy field, rice field chu2i-chha5n 水田
pack baggage, clean up, parcel, package
kho2an 收拾
- rice paddy chha5n 稻田
padlock, to lock up so2-tha5u, so2 鎖
pack clothes kho2an sa* 收拾整理衣服
pack in a box chest, to box chng-siu* 裝箱
pagan pilgrimage with incense koah-ho2e,
koah-hiu* 進香
pack luggage kho2an he5ng-li2 打包行李
pagan, non-Christian hui Ki-tok-to5+ 非基督徒
pack merchandise, load cargo chng-ho3e 裝
pagan, person of no religion go7a-ka3u-la5ng 外
pack of cards chi8t hu3 pa5i 一副牌
paganism, heresy i7-ka3u 異教
pack of cigarettes chi8t pau hun 一包煙
page of a book iah 頁
pack of wolves lo5ng-ti7n 狼群
- to look up only two pages chha5 nn7g ia8h
ni7a-ni7a 查兩頁而已
pack or deck of 112 cards, consisting of
seven suits in four colors su3-sek-pa5i 四
- to put between pages nge8h ti7 chheh-ni8h 夾
pack, group, crowd, flock, herd ti7n 群
- Turn to page nine. Hian te7 ka2u ia8h. 翻到第
pack, load, install, put in place chng 裝
page layout pa2n-bi7n 版面
pack, packet, bag, package pau 包
pack, wrap a package, a package pau-ko2 包
page someone, someone is looking for you,
you have a phone call go7a-chho7e 外找
package pau-ko2 包裹
page two, line three te7 ji7 phi*, te7 sa* cho7a 第二
package carried on back pha7i*-a2 背包
pageant ho3a-chong iu5-he5ng 化裝遊行
package room, luggage office, luggage
room he5ng-li2-pa5ng 行李房
pageant, pageantry ngi5a ge7-koh 花車遊行
pageantry cho3ng-koan, la7u-jia8t koh ho2 kho3a*
paint a portrait, draw a likeness oe7-sio3ng,
oe7-sio7ng 畫像
pager hu-chi2au-khi2 (phonetic), tho5an-ho+-ki 呼
paint with a spray gun phu3n-chhat 噴漆
paint, paint a building chhat 漆
pagoda po2-thah 寶塔
paint, paint a building, water-base paint
chu2i-chhat 水漆
pagoda, seven story tower, stupa, minaret
thah 塔
painted landscape hong-ke2ng-oe7 風景畫
pagoda, tower for bones of deceased la8pkut-thah 納骨塔
painter, any kind of artisan bi2-su8t-ka 美術家
- house painter iu5-chhat sai-hu7 油漆師傅
pagoda-tree, a legendary tree that sheds
coins when shaken, a prostitute io5-chi5*chhi7u 搖錢樹
painter of pictures, artist o7e-ka 畫家
painting, art o7e-hoat 畫法
paid political broadcast che3ng-to2ng hu3-hu3i e5
tia7n-si7 ko2ng-po3+ 政黨付費電視廣播
- a large painting chi8t pak to5+ 一幅圖
pail, barrel tha2ng 桶
- water color painting chu2i-chha2i-o7e 水彩畫
- oil painting iu5-o7e 油畫
pail, bucket ko7a*-tha2ng 提桶
painting brush oe7-pit 畫筆
- a pail of water chi8t tha2ng chu2i 一桶水
painting done with ink and water chu2i-ba8koe7 水墨畫
pain, hard, difficult, tough kan-kho2+ 艱苦
painting exhibition, art show oe7-tia2n 畫展
- eternal pains of hell te7-ga8k e5 e2ng-kho2+ 地獄
painting, art, a picture, a chart to5+ 圖
- to take pains chhau-sim 操心
paints, varnishes, oil paint, to paint iu5-chhat
- to relieve pain kia2m-chi2o tho3ng-kho2+ 減少痛
pair after pair chi8t tu3i chi8t tu3i 一對一對
pain in the bowels pak-to2+ thi3a* 肚子痛
pain, hurt thi3a* 疼痛
pair of candlesticks chi8t tu3i la8h-chek-ta5i 一對
pain, suffering tho3ng-kho2+ 痛苦
pair of chopsticks chi8t siang ti7 一雙筷子
painful illness kan-kho2+ e5 pe7* 痛苦的病
pair of clogs chi8t siang chha5-kia8h 一雙木屐
painful menstruation keng-thi3a* 經痛
pair of divining blocks chi8t hu3 si7u*-poe 一副
painful, hard, difficult, tough kan-kho2+ 艱苦
pair of mustache, like down strokes in writing nn7g phiat chhu3i-chhiu 兩撇鬍子
painful, suffering tho3ng-kho2+ 痛苦
painfully sad pi-tho3ng 悲痛
pair of pillows given to a young couple as
symbol of love oan-iu*-chi2m 鴛鴦枕
painstaking, diligence, industrious kut-la8t,
phah-pi3a* 勤勉
pair of scissors chi8t ki ka-to 一把剪刀
painstaking, hard sin-kho2+ 辛苦
pair of scrolls chi8t tu3i lia5n-tu3i 一幅對聯
painstaking, toil worn lo5-lo8k 勞碌
pair of shoes chi8t siang e5 一雙鞋子
paint a building, oil-base paint iu5-chhat 油漆
pair of trousers tn5g-kho3+, chi8t ni2a kho2+ 長褲,一
- a coat of paint chi8t te5ng iu5-chhat 一層油漆
paint a landscape o7e hong-ke2ng 畫風景
paint a picture o7e to5+ 畫
pair, a couple, an antithesis chi8t siang, chi8t
tu3i, chi8t hu3 一雙,一對,一副
paint at random lo7an-o7e 亂畫
pair, couple, two, double, even siang 雙
paint brush chhat-chhe2ng 油漆刷
pair, husband and wife kho3ng-le7 (polite expression) 伉儷
paint brush for drawing or sketching o7e-pit
pair, to join, to fit, to mate, to mix, to match
pho3e 配
paint has come off chhat hiauh khi2-la5i 油漆剝
pajamas, nightgown khu3n-sa* 睡衣
Paint has peeled off table top. Toh-bi7n e5
chhat hiauh-khak. 桌面的漆脫落了.
- to sleep in pajamas chhe7ng khu3n-sa* khu3n
paint or draw, painting, drawing, picture oe7,
u7i 畫
Pakistan Pa-ki-su-tha2n 巴基斯坦
pal, familiar person pe5ng-iu2 朋友
pal, partner pho7a* 伴
pallor, pale bi7n pe8h-si2-sat 臉色蒼白
pal, relatives and friends chhin-iu2 親友
palm of the hand chhi2u-te5-a2, chi2u* 手掌
palace hu2 府
palm leaf chang-hio8h 棕櫚葉
- Chinese palace lantern kiong-teng 宮燈
Palm Sunday Se3ng-ki Chu2-ji8t 聖枝主日
- in the palace kiong la7i 宮內
palm tree chang, chang-chhi7u 棕樹
- National Palace Museum Kok-li8p ko3+-kiong
phok-bu8t-ko2an 國立故宮博物館
- blessed palm se3ng-ki (Catholic) 聖枝
palmist chhi2u-sio3ng-ka 手相家
- Presidential Palace Cho2ng-tho2ng-hu2 總統
palmistry chhi2u-sio3ng-su8t 手相術
palms of the hand always perspiring ga5u la5u
chhi2u-sio8h 手很會冒汗
palace in the moon goa8t-kiong 月宮
palace of the sea god lio5ng-kiong 龍宮
palmtop chia2ng-sio7ng he5ng bi5-tia7n-na2u 掌上型
palace to confine the emperor's concubines
after they lost his favors le2ng-kiong 冷宮
palpable error be5ng-hia2n e5 chho3-go7+ 明顯的錯
palace, palaces and halls kiong-tia7n 宮殿
palace, residence of the king o5ng-hu2 王府
palpable, clear, obvious, apparent, significant be5ng-hia2n e5 明顯的
palace, royal palace o5ng-kiong 王宮
palpable, clear, obvious, concise, straightforward be5ng-lia5u e 明瞭的
palace, temple, ancestral temple kiong 宮
palatable, close to a person's preferences
or tastes in food chin ha8h-chhu3i, ha8h
kha2u-bi7 合口味的
palpitate sim-thia3u, sim-koa* pho8k-pho8k-thia3u,
palpitate very fast po8k-po8k-chhe2ng 形容心臟
palate te2ng-kiu* 上顎
palate, tastes, preferences kha2u-bi7 口味
palpitate with fear kia* kah sim-koa* pho8kpho8k thi3au 嚇得心臟砰砰跳
pale bi7n-sek pe8h-pe8h 臉色蒼白
pale ale, light ale po8h be8h-a2-chi2u 淡啤酒
palpitate, to jump up and down noisily
chhia8k-chhia8k-ti5o, pho8k-pho8k-ti5o 蹦蹦跳
pale and emaciated n5g-sng tha2ng 病夫
pale and thin n5g-sng 體弱多病
palpitation sim-cho7ng pho8k-pho8k-chha2i* 心臟
pale as death bi7n pe8h-si2-sat, bi7n bo5 hoeh-sek
palsy, paralysis po3an-su7i, ba5-pi3 癱瘓,麻痺
pale as one sick bi7n chhe*-su2n-su2n 臉色蒼白
paltry, despicable, dirty, vile pi-phi2 卑鄙的
paleography ko2+ bu5n-ha8k 古文學
paleolithic ku7 chio8h-khi3 si5-ta7i e5 舊石器時代的
paltry, negligible, insignificant bo5-su7-sa2i 微不
paleontology ko2+-seng-bu8t-ha8k 古生物學
paltry, no value bo5 ke3-ta8t 沒價值的
pamper se7ng, the2ng, the2ng-se7ng 縱容
paleontology, study of fossils ho3a-chio8h-ha8k
Paleozoic era ko2+-seng-ta7i 古生代
pamphlet, booklet, leaflet, information
sheet soan-tho5an-toa* 小冊子
Palestine Pa-le8k-su-tha2n 巴勒斯坦
pan ti2a* 平鍋
palisade chha5 khi8t-a2 樁
- edge of a pan ti2a*-ki5* 鍋邊
pall bearer kng koa*-chha5 e5 la5ng 扛棺的人
- handles on a pan ti2a*-hi7* 鍋柄
pall, coffin covering koan-ta3u 棺罩
- lid of a pan ti2a*-ko3a 鍋蓋
pall, coffin covering se3ng-ko3a, se3ng-ka3i
(Catholic) 聖蓋
- small pan ti2a*-a2 鍋子
panacea ba7n-le5ng-io8h 萬靈藥
palliate faults kia2m-khin cho7e-ko3 減輕罪過
Panama Pa-na2-ma2 巴拿馬
palliate, lighten, ease, mitigate kia2m-khin 減
Panama Canal Pa-na2-ma2 u7n-ho5 巴拿馬運河
Pan-American cho5an Bi2-chiu e5 全美洲的
palliate, make excuses for, answer in self
defense pia7n-ka2i 辯解
pancake chian-pi2a* 煎餅
pancreas io-chhioh, i5-cho7ng 胰臟
pallid, pale, no color bo5 hoeh-sek ,chhe*-su2nsu2n, chhi*-su2n-su2n 無血色,蒼白
pancreatitis i5-cho7ng-ia7m, io-chhioh hoat-ia7m
pantheism i5-si5n-lu7n, u5i-si5n-lu7n, ho3an-si5n-lu7n,
to-si5n chu2-gi7 唯神論,汎神論,多神主義
Panda, Pandas niau-hi5m, hi5m-niau 貓熊,熊貓
pantheon ba7n-si5n-tia7n 萬神殿
pandanus tree, screw pine tree na5-ta5u 林投
panther kim-chi5*-pa3, pa3 金錢豹
pandemonium, a hell away from hell ji5n-kan
te7-ga8k 人間地獄
pantomime, act without talking e2-ka2u-hi3 啞戲
pantomime, gesticulate, act with gestures
e7ng pi2 e5 打手勢
pandemonium, great disturbance ke-khia2nput-le5ng 雞犬不寧
pantomime, sign language chhi2u-gi2 手語
pandemonium, noise hoa8h-ho8ah-ki3o 喧嘩
pantry si8t-phi2n-sek 食品室
pandemonium, riot, disturbance lo7ng-lo7ngku2n 騷亂
pants kho3+ 褲子
pants that young kid wears with hole in
seat to facilitate going to bathroom
khui-kha-kho3+-a2 為方便小孩子小便,將褲子
pandemonium, wild disorder or confusion,
hopeless situation, out of control putkho2 siu-si8p, be7-ta3ng siu-si8p 不可收拾
pane of glass chi8t phi3* po-le5 一片玻璃
PAP smear hun-pi3-bu8t kia2m-cha 分泌物檢查
panegyric cha3n-su5, o-lo2 e5 o7e 讚詞,稱讚的話
Papa a-pa, a-pa5, a-tia 阿爸
panel of jurists, jury panel po5e-si2m-oa5n e5
mi5a-toa* 陪審員的名單
Papacy, office or responsibilities of the
Pope Ka3u-chong chit-u7i 教宗職位
panel, grid chi8t keh chi8t keh 方格
Papacy, Pope's authority Ka3u-chong chitko5an 教宗職權
panel, thin wooden board, slab po8h pang-a2
Papal Ka3u-chong e5 教宗的
panful chi8t ti2a*, chi8t ti2a* ti7*-ti7* 滿鍋
Papal blessing Ka3u-chong e5 ka3ng-hok 教宗的
- to pour a panful of oil to3 chi8t ti2a* iu5 倒一鍋
Papal bull Ka3u-chong ju7-chi2 教宗諭旨
pang, hard, tough, difficult kan-kho2+ 艱苦
pangolin chhoan-san-kah, la5-li2 穿山甲
Papal infallibility Ka3u-chong ti7 si3n-tek hongbi7n u7 be7 ho7an-chho3 e5 si5n-in 教宗在信德方
pangs of death si2-bo5ng e5 tho3ng-kho2+ 死亡的痛
paparazzo ko5-cha5i-to2e (phonetic), thau hipsio3ng e5 狗仔隊
pangs of hunger pak-to2+ iau e5 kan-kho2+ 饑餓的
papaya bo8k-koe 木瓜
pang, painful, suffering tho3ng-kho2+ 痛苦
paper cho2a 紙
panic, consternation, be panic-stricken
khio2ng-ho5ng 恐慌,惶恐
- a ream of paper chi8t to cho2a 一令紙
- a sheet of paper chi8t tiu* cho2a 一張紙
- financial panic keng-che3 e5 khio2ng-ho5ng 經
- a pack of toilet paper chi8t hong o7e-sengcho2a 一包衛生紙
panic stricken crowd kia*-hi5a* e5 ku5n-chio3ng
- carbon paper ho8k-si2a-cho2a 複寫紙
- daily paper ji8t-po3 日報
panic, fear kia*, kia*-hi5a* 驚嚇,驚惶
- to burn paper money sio kim-cho2a* 燒紙錢
panic-stricken khi2 khio2ng-ho5ng 起恐慌
- waste paper ho3e-cho2a 廢紙
panorama cho5an-ke2ng 全景
paper ash cho2a-hu 紙灰
pansy cha-bo2+-the2 (slang) 脂粉氣的男子
paper bag cho2a-te7-a2, cho2a-lok-a2 紙袋子
pansy, gay, homosexual (cha-po+ e5) to5ngse3ng-lo5an, ko3ng-kha*-a2 (slang) 同性戀
paper clip cho2a-giap-a2, ho5e-bu5n-chiam 紙夾,
pant chho2an 喘氣
paper cup cho2a-poe 紙杯
- to pant for breath chho2an-khu3i 呼吸
paper currency, banknotes cho2a-phi3o 紙鈔,
pant hard like when running or carrying a
heavy load phe7*-phe7*-chho2an 急喘
paper cutter koah-cho2a-to 割紙刀
pant, asthma he5-ku-pe7* 哮喘
paper fan cho2a khoe-si3*, cho2a-si3* 紙扇
pant, to gasp, asthma khi3-chho2an 氣喘
paper fastener te3ng-su-teng 釘書釘
paper figures of male and female attendants of the deceased kim-to5ng gio8k-li2
parachute, to parachute thia3u-so3a* 跳傘
parachutist so3a*-peng 傘兵
paper flowers cho2a-hoe 紙花
Paraclete Se3ng-si5n (Catholic), Se3ng-le5ng
(Protestant) 聖神,聖靈
paper house to be burned at funerals cho2achhu3 紙做的房子
parade ground ia8t-peng-ti5u* 閱兵場
parade in a festive procession ngi5a la7u-jia8t
paper industry or enterprise cho2a-gia8p 紙業
paper mill cho7-cho2a-chhi2u* 造紙廠
parade in demonstration, form a procession pa5i-tu7i iu5-he5ng 排隊遊行
paper money to be burned for the dead kimcho2a 金紙
paper napkin cho2a-kin 紙巾
parade, military parade, review troops ia8tpeng 閱兵
paper pulp cho2a-chiu* 紙漿
parade, procession iu5-he5ng 遊行
paper seal hong-tia5u 封條
- to hold a parade ki2-he5ng ia8t-peng-sek 舉行
paper shop, a shop selling paper cho2a-ha5ng
paradigm, example, model case ho7an-le7,
cho3 bo5+-ho7an e5 le7 範例
paper umbrella cho2a ho7+-so3a* 紙傘
paradigm, inflection or conjugation table
bu5n-hoat su5-he5ng pia3n-ho3a-pi2o 詞形變化
paper with words written or printed upon it,
writing paper ji7-cho2a 字紙
paper, document, writing bu5n-ki7a* 文件
paradise, heaven thian-to5ng (Catholic) 天堂
paper, exam, examination papers kho2-ko3an
- Garden of Eden te7-to5ng (Catholic) 伊甸園
paradise, land of ultimate bliss ke8k-lo8k-se3-ka3i
(Buddhist) 極樂世界
paper, newspaper po3-cho2a 報紙
paper, treatise, thesis lu7n-bu5n 論文
paradise, park, theme park lo8k-hn5g 樂園
paperback pe5ng-chong e5 chheh 平裝書
paradox na2 tio8h na2 m7-tio8h e5 o7e, chhin-chhi7u*
ma5u-tu2n e5 o7e 是非難分的話,似有矛盾的話
paperweight bu5n-ti3n, teh chheh e5 mi8h 文鎮
paper-mache cho2a-pang 厚紙板
paraffin, paraffin wax chio8h-la8h 石蠟
paprika ta e5 hiam-chio-a2, hiam-chio-a2-hu2n 乾
辣椒, 辣椒粉
paragon bo5+-ho7an, iu-si3u e5 la5ng 模範,優秀的人
- paragon of honesty la2u-si8t e5 bo5+-ho7an 誠實
papyrus cho2a-chha2u, ko2+-ta7i e5 bu5n-su 紙草,古
- paragon of virtue bi2-tek e5 tia2n-he5ng 美德的
par excellence, most outstanding sio7ng
chhut-thoat 最卓越
paragon or model worthy of emulation supia2u 師表
par excellence, superior, surpassing, preeminent chhiau-ku5n 超群
paragraph chi8t to7a* 一段
par excellence, the best, the finest cho3e iusi3u 最優秀
paragraph, verse chi8t chiat 一節
Paraguay Pa-la-kui 巴拉圭
par value, face value phi3o-bi7n e5 ke3-ta8t 票面價
parakeet tn5g bo2e e5 eng-ko 長尾鸚鵡
par, equal, the same, equivalent to5ng-te2ng
Paralipomenon, Chronicles Phian-lia5n-ki2
(Catholic) 編年紀
par, official standard, norm, criterion phiauchu2n 標準
parallel, run parallel, on the same footing
pe5ng-he5ng 平行
par, same, similar, equivalent ka7ng-kho2an 同
parallel, identical, same ka7ng-kho2an 相同
parable phi3-ju7, pi2-ju7 譬喻
parallel, line of latitude hu7i-so3a* 緯線
parabola, geometric parabola phau-bu8t-so3a*
parallel, opponent, adversary, match tu3ichhi2u 對手
- parallel lines pe5ng-he5ng-so3a* 平行線
parachute ka3ng-lo8h-so3a* 降落傘
parallel, to compare pi2-ka3u 比較
parachute troop khong-ka3ng po7+-tu7i 空降部隊
parallelogram pe5ng-he5ng si3-pi*-he5ng 平行四邊
- parboiled by the sun, exposed to excessive sun pha8k-ji8t ko3e-to7+ 日曬過度
paralysis, hemiplegia po3an-su7i, po3an-sin putsu7i 癱瘓,半身不遂
parcel, a piece chi8t te3 一塊
- a parcel of land chi8t te3 tho2+-te7 一塊土地
- infantile paralysis sia2u-ji5 ba5-pi3 小兒麻痺
- to pack a parcel pau chi8t pau si2o-pau 包裝
paralysis of the limbs kha-chhi2u ba5-pi3 手腳麻
parcel post si2o-pau iu5-pia7n 郵包
paralysis, palsy, numbness ba5-pi3 麻痺
parcel room pau-ko2-pa5ng 包裹房
paralytic poa3n-su7i e5 la5ng 麻痺患者
parcel, large package pau-ko2 包裹
paralytic skin si2-pho5e 死皮膚,無感覺的皮膚
parcel, small package si2o-pau 小包
paralyze ho7+…ba5-pi3 使…麻痺
parched with thirst chin chhu3i-ta 很口渴
paralyzed arm kho5e-chhi2u 手癱瘓
parched, dry by weather like paint or cement, desiccation, dull, uninteresting
ta-so3 乾燥
paralyzed with terror kia* kah ba5-pi3 嚇得麻痺
paralyzed, numbed, palsied ba5-bo8k 麻木
parched, to dry over a stove hang-ta 烘乾
paramount, most important cho3e tio7ng-ia3u e5
parchment iu5*-pho5e-cho2a 羊皮紙
paramount, senior official, head of the organization si2u-ti2u* 首長
pardon, clemency khoan-si3a 寬赦
- general pardon ta7i-si3a 大赦
paramount, the top, highest cho3e ko e5 最高
- gracious pardon in-si3a 恩赦
- I beg your pardon. Sit-le2. Tu3i-put-chu7.
Chhi2a* li2 go5an-lio7ng. 對不起.請你原諒.
paramour of a married woman che5ng-hu 情
paramour, female ho2e-ki3 姦婦
pardon a criminal, forgive an offender, absolution from sin si3a-cho7e 赦罪
paramour, male khe3-hia* 情夫
pardon an offender si3a-bia2n 赦免
paranoia cheng-si5n chho3-lo7an 精神錯亂
pardon, forgive, excuse go5an-lio7ng 原諒
parapet, balcony railing io5ng-ta5i e5 la5n-kan 陽
pardonable, excusable, under extenuating
circumstances che5ng iu2 kho2-go7an 情有可
parapet, handrail, armrest hu5-chhi2u, ho7a*-a2
pare siah, chhiat 削,切
paraphernalia, accessory, affiliated material
hu3-sio8k-phi2n 附屬品
pare a budget, reduce, decrease kia2m-chi2o
paraphernalia, things for personal use su5isin io7ng-phi2n 隨身用品
pare a budget, to cut down on, use sparingly chiat-se2ng 節省
- too much paraphernalia siu* che7 mi8h-ki7a*
pare sweet potatoes siah han-chi5 削地瓜
pare the expenses down chiat-se2ng hu3i-io7ng
paraphrase, explanation, to explain, to interpret i3-e8k, ka2i-soeh i3-su3 意譯,解釋意思
parent, origin kin-go5an 根源
parasite insect ki3a-seng-tha5ng, ki3a-se*-a2 寄生
- great grand parent a-cho2+ 曾祖父
- our first parents go5an-cho2+ 元祖
parasite plant or animal ki3a-seng si8t-bu8t, ki3aseng to7ng-bu8t 寄生植物,寄生動物
- to respect one's parents ha3u-ke3ng pe7-bu2
parasol, sun umbrella ho7+-so3a* jia-ji8t io7ng e5 陽
parent teacher association, P.T.A. ka-ti2u*ho7e 家長會
parathion, insecticide pa-la-song 巴拉松
parentage, birth, to be born of, to come
from, class origin chhut-sin 出身
paratroop so3a*-peng po7+-tu7i 傘兵部隊
paratroopers so3a*-peng 傘兵
parentage, family background ka-se3 家世
paratyphoid hu3-siong-ha5n 副傷寒
parentage, lineage, origin, descent hiattho2ng 血統
parboil chu2 kah po3a*-se8k 煮成半熟
parentage, parent-child relationship chhinchu2 koan-he7 親子關係
park, park the car or vehicle the5ng, the5ngchhia 停,停車
parental pe7-bu2 e5 父母的
- no parking ki3m-chi2 the5ng-chhia 禁止停車
parental authority pe7-bu2 e5 ko5an-ui 父母的權
park area, one noted for scenic beauty
hong-ke2ng-khu 風景區
parental home of a married woman go7a-ke
park, garden, flower garden hoe-hn5g 花園
parenthesis, brakets koat-ho5+ 括弧
parking lot the5ng-chhia-ti5u* 停車場
parenthesis, brakets, inserted characters
chhah-ji8p-khi3 e5 ji7 插入的字等等
Parkinson's disease chhi2u-hong 手抖不停的
parenthood obligations pe7-bu2 e5 sin-hu7n 父母
parley ta5m-pho3a* 談判
parenthood, parent-child relationship chhinchu2 koan-he7 親子關係
parliament, assembly, council gi7-ho7e 議會
park, public park kong-hn5g 公園
parliament kok-ho7e 國會
- member of the parliament kok-ho7e gi7-oa5n
parenting education, family education
chhin-chit-ka3u-io8k, ka-te5ng-ka3u-io8k 親職教
- to dissolve the parliament ka2i-sa3n kok-ho7e
parents pe7-bu2, hu7-bo2, hu7-bi2o, si7-to7a-la5ng 父母
parliament, legislature gi7-i7* 議院
parents and children pe7-bu2 kap ki2a*-ji5 父母和
parliamentary kok-ho7e e5, kok-ho7e che3-te7ng e5
parents and their equals in genealogical
rank te2ng-po3e 上輩
parliamentary regime gi7-ho7e che3-to7+ 議會制度
parlor, reception room ho7e-kheh-sek 會客室
parents both dead siang-bo5ng 雙亡
- beauty parlor bi2-io5ng-i7* 美容院
parents in their old age moving from home
to home of their children so that their
children can support them ho2e-khau 輪
parlor, living room, sitting room kheh-thia*
parochial, belonging to the parish pu2n-tn5g e5
parents or guardians of the bride and
groom chu2-hun-ji5n 主婚人
parochial, local te7-hng-se3ng e5 地方性的
pariah, beggar khit-chia8h 乞丐
parochialism, localism te7-hng koan-lia7m 地方
pariah, low ranking, low level, an underclass people ha7-kip ji5n-bi5n 下級人民
parochialism, no vision bo5 ga2n-kong 沒眼光
pari-mutual ticket, sweepstakes be2-phi3o 馬
parody, to satirize, to mock khau-se2 la5ng e5
bu5n-chiu*, o8h la5ng e5 gia5n-he5ng la5i ka7 i
khau-se2 諷刺人的文章,學他人的言行以諷
paring, cut, scrape, peel siah, siah-pho5e 削,削
paring, peel, to skin, to shell, to shuck pak
parole, bail po2-sek 保釋
- prisoner on parole po2-sek-ji5n 保釋人
Paris Pa-le5 巴黎
- to release on parole po2-sek 保釋
parish tn5g-khu (Catholic) 堂區
parole, conditional release ka2-sek 假釋
parish church pu2n-khu se3ng-tn5g 本區聖堂
paroxysm of rage to7a si7u-khi3 e5 si5 憤怒的時候
parish priest, local priest, pastor pu2n-tn5g
si5n-hu7 本堂神父
paroxysm, seizure, suddenly flare up hoatchoh 發作
parishioner tn5g-khu-la7i e5 ka3u-iu2 堂區內的教友
parricide tha5i chhin-ji5n e5 la5ng, sat-chhin 殺親
parity, cheap, cut-price, par value pe5ng-ke3
parrot eng-ko 鸚鵡,鸚哥
parity, identical to, the same ka7ng-kho2an 相
parsimonious kia8t, kho8k, ta3ng-sng 吝嗇
parsimony, stingy, mean, miserly kho8k, kia8t,
te7ng, khi5u, khia7m kah be7-ko2ng-tit 吝嗇,極
parity, to convert into, to amount to chiat…
chi5* 折合…數目
parsley, coriander ia5n-sui 香菜,芫荽
part, section, local sectional, the diseased
part kio8k-po7+ 局部
parsnip ho5ng-hong-chha2u 防風草
part, separate, break off relations hun-chhi2u
parson ko2an tn5g-khu e5 bo8k-su 管堂區的牧師
part, piece or section of the product po7+hu7n-phi2n 部份品
partake of the meal following funeral ceremonies chia8h so3a*-ia5n 參加喪筵
- a small part si2o po7+-hu7n 小部份
partake, participate, to take part in chhamka 參加
- lower part e7-bi7n 下面
- northern part pak-po7+ 北部
partake, to have part of, to share u7 hu7n 有份
- the first part of the month goe8h-chhe,
sio7ng-su5n 月初,上旬
parted by death si2-pia8t 死別
partial payment po7+-hu7n e5 hu3-kho2an 部份付款
- most, in large part, the greater part, the
majority to7a-po7+-hu7n 大部份
partial to… te8k-pia8t a3i… 特別愛…
partial view phian-kia3n 偏見
part, to depart, to leave li7, li7-khui, li7-pia8t 離,離
partial, be unfair bo5 kong-pe5* 不公平
part, to divide, to seperate hun-khui 分開
partial, give improper protection to, to
screen, partial and unfair phian-tha2n 偏
part, role, persona, character in a novel kaksek 角色
- both parts siong-hong 雙方
partial, part of chi8t po7+-hu7n 一部份
- to do one's part chi7n pu2n-hu7n 盡本份
partial, practice favoritism, biased, not fair
phian-sim, phian-su 偏心,偏私
- to take part in chham-ka 參加
partial, show partiality, favor one party
more than another, partiality a5* kui pe5ng
- to play the part of a king on stage cho3
kok-o5ng e5 kak-sek 扮演國王的角色
part from a friend kah pe5ng-i2u hun-pia8t 跟朋
partiality for worldly things phian-a3i se3-bu8t
part from, bid goodbye, to separate li7-pia8t 離
partiality,be partial, bias, being selfish
phian-sim, phian-su, to7a-se3-sim 偏心,偏私
part of beach which is only flooded at high
tide ha2i-po+ 海埔
partiality, preference, favoritism phian-a3i 偏
part of body above waist te2ng-io 上腰
partiality, prejudice phian-kia3n 偏見
part of a domestic fowl where the tail feathers of attached bo2e-chui 尾椎,尻
participate in a ceremony chham-ka tia2n-le2
part of salary paid with rice bi2-thiap 食物配給
part of speech su5-lu7i, su5-se3ng 詞類,詞性
participate in an examination, sit for an examination e3ng-chhi3, e3ng-kho2 應試,應考
part of the back between the shoulders kachiah-phia* 背,脊背
participate in God's life hun-hio2ng Sio7ng-chu2
e5 se3*-mi7a 分享上主的生命
part of the body just below the waist e7-io 下
participate in a Money club to3e ho7e-a2 搭會
participate in a mutual money loaning
group hu7n-ho7e-a2 搭會
part of the coupon or voucher that remains
in the book, the stub la7i-kin 內根,原始傳
participate in, to take part in chham-i2,
chham-u2 參與
part of the deck remaining after the hands
are dealt, a hand held by a player pa5i-te2
participate, join, take part in chham-ka 參加
participate, sharing, share kio7ng-hio2ng, hunhio2ng 共享,分享
part on a journey, go separate ways hun-lo7+
participation in the government chhamche3ng 參政
part, component le5ng-ki7a* 零件
participation in war, enter or join a war
chham-chia3n 參戰
part, ministry, department, section po7+, po7+hu7n 部,部份
participation, sharing kio7ng-hio2ng 共享
part, one item, one part it-toan, chi8t hu7n 一端,
participation, taking part in chham-ka 參加
participators coming one by one lio8k-sio8k la5i
parting or farewell gift, give a farewell party
chia2n-pia8t 餞別
participle, a grammatical part of speech
hun-su5 分詞
parting the hair of the head tha5u-mn5g pho3ape5ng 頭髮分邊
- past participle ko3e-khi3 hun-su5 過去分詞
parting, fork in the road, branching siangchhe lo7+-kha2u 岔路口,分岔處
- present participle hia7n-cha7i hun-su5 現在分
particle, molecule, element hun-chu2 分子
partisan, clique, of the same party ka7ng-to2ng
e5, ka7ng-ti7n e5 幫夥
particle, a small piece chi8t hun-a2 少量
partisan, guerrilla group iu5-kek-tu7i 游擊隊
particle, a little bit chi8t sut-a2 一點點
partisans, henchmen, of the same bunch
to2ng-u2 黨羽
particle, a little dab chi8t lia8p-a2 微粒
partition, compartment, cubicle keh-keng 隔
particular, individual ko3-pia8t 個別
- in particular te8k-pia8t 特別
- folding partition oa8h-ta7ng keh-pang 活動隔
- to be particular about food chin ke2ng
chia8h 挑食
partition a house into several rooms chhu3
keh-cho3 ku2i-na7 keng pa5ng-keng 房子隔成
- to be very particular in dressing chhe7ngsa* chin te2ng-chin, chhe7ng-sa* chin ka2ngki3u 穿著很講究
partition a room into two compartments keh
cho3 nn7g keng 隔成兩間
particular about food tu3i chia8h-mi8h u7 ka2ngki3u 對食物很講究
partition, divider keng-keh 間隔
particular about loyalty to friends tio7ng gi7khi3 重義氣
partition, split, segmentation hun-koah 分割
partition, to separate keh-khui 隔開
particular about, careful about ka2ng-ki3u,
te2ng-chin 講究,仔細
Partly by industry partly by good luck he
became rich. I hoat-cha5i chi8t po3a* si7
phah-pi3a* chi8t po3a* si7 ho2-u7n. 他發財一半是
particular course or field of study choankho 專科
particular examen su-se2ng-chhat (Catholic) 私
partly, one part chi8t po7+-hu7n 一部份
partly, one-half… one-half… chi8t po3a*…chi8t
po3a* 一半…一半
particular friendship, personal friendship
su-kau 私交
partner in business ko2+-tong 股東
particular friendship, special friendship te8kpia8t e5 iu2-gi7 特別的友誼
partner, associate ta5ng-pho7a* 同伴
particular judgment su-si2m-pho3a* (Catholic)
partner, dancing partner bu2-pho7a* 舞伴
particular year, vintage, age, time ni5-hu7n 年
partnership, cooperation, work together
ha8p-chok 合作
particular, detail, detailed sio5ng-se3 詳細
partnership, go into partnership ha8p-ko2+,
ta5u-chu 合股,投資
partners, forming partners ha8p-ko2+ 合夥
particularity, detail sio5ng-se3 詳細
partridge chi3a-ko+ 鷓鴣
particularity, specially te8k-pia8t, te8k-su5 特別,特
parts cannot maintain connection, cannot
work together ta3u be7-tia5u 連接不上
particularize, explain in detail sio5ng-se3 ko2ng
parts of an instrument or machine not assembled correctly ta3u bo5 ho2-se3 沒接好,沒
particularize, one by one narrative chi8t-tia5u
chi8t-tia5u ko2ng 逐一敘述
particularly, especially, above all, in particular iu5-ki5 尤其
part-time kiam e5, kiam-ji7m e5 兼的,兼任的
parties to a contract siang-hong e5 ha8p-to5ng
parturient teh boeh se* e5, teh beh se* e5 快要生
parting, leave on a long journey, to part
from somebody li7-pia8t 離別
parturition seng-sa2n 生產
part-time teacher kiam-kho3 兼課
party, political party to2ng 黨
- Democratic Party Bi5n-chu2-to2ng 民主黨
pass each other on the way sio-sia2m 錯身而
- member of a party to2ng-oa5n 黨員
pass or go from house to house gossiping
ko3e-ke 串門子
- Republican Party Kio7ng-ho5-to2ng 共和黨
party, entertainment ia3n-ho7e 宴會
pass in a flash ho2a* le to7 ko3e 一晃就過去
- birthday party se*-ji8t chi2u-ho7e 生日酒會
pass one's days ko3e-ji8t 度日
- evening party bo2an-ho7e 晚會
pass or celebrate a festival ko3e-cheh 過節
- to attend a wedding party khi3 chia8h hi2chi2u 去喝喜酒
pass over by mistake la3u-kau 遺漏
party, group tho5an 團
pass over the border ko3e-ka3i 過界
party affiliation, party register to2ng-che8k 黨
pass over, exceed, transgress, encroach,
all the more, to turn the head oa8t 越,轉
party and the government administration
to2ng-che3ng 黨政
pass sentence on someone pho3a*-he5ng 判刑
party and the nation, party government
to2ng-kok 黨國
pass the buck sak-la5i sak-khi3, the-la5i the-khi3 互
party chairperson to2ng-chu2-se8k 黨主席
pass the customs inspection thong-koan 通
party chieftain to2ng-kho5e 黨魁
pass the day, make a living usually with
poorly paid job to7+-ji8t 度日
party concerned, those directly involved
tong-su7-chi2a, tong-su7-ji5n 當事者,當事人
pass the death sentence soan-ko3 si2-he5ng 宣
party discipline to2ng-ki2 黨紀
party in power, the administration party
chip-che3ng-to2ng 執政黨
pass the examination ki8p-keh 及格
pass the night ke3-me5 過夜
party line, communist party line kio7ng-sa2nto2ng e5 che3ng-chhek 共產黨的政策
pass the proper time, out of season, outdated ko3e-si5, ke3-si5 過時
party out of office cha7i-ia2-to2ng 在野黨
pass the times, to be temporarily out of
work chia7m-to7+ 暫渡
party platform to2ng-kang 黨綱
party politics or government, a form of democracy wherein the majority party
forms the cabinet with the opposition
acting as watchdog che3ng-to2ng che3ng-ti7
pass through like in boring a hole, a liquid
soaking through tha3u-ko3e 透過,穿過
pass through the hand so keng-chhi2u 經手
pass through the throat, be swallowed ko3ea5u, ke3-a5u 吞下喉
party, association ho7e 會
pass through, a motion or bill is passed, a
nomination or appointment is confirmed or approved thong-ko3e 通過
Pasch Pa-su-ko3a, Ju5-oa8t-chiat, Po5a*-ko3e-cheh
paschal ho8k-hoa8t e5 復活的
pass through, go by way of keng-iu5 經由
Paschal candle Ngo2+-siong la8h-chek 五傷蠟燭
pass through, in transit ko3e-ke2ng 過境
paschal fire ho8k-hoa8t e5 se3ng-ho2e 復活的聖火
pass unanimously bo5 i7-gi7 thong-ko3e 無異議通
Paschal Lamb Pa-su-ko3a ko-iu5* 巴斯卦羔羊
paschal vigil ho8k-hoa8t che5ng-ia7 復活前夕
pass water, urination, urine sia2u-pia7n, si2opia7n 小便
pass ko3e, keng-ko3e 過,經過
pass an exam kho2-chhi3 ki8p-keh 考試及格
pass, authorization through a checkpoint
thong-he5ng-che3ng 通行證
pass another car chhiau-chhia 超車
pass, mountain pass soa*-lo7+ 山路
pass away the time siau-khia2n, siau-khia2n si5kan 消磨時間
pass, mountain pass for entry into mountain area ji8p-soa*-che3ng 入山證
pass away, to die ko3e-sin, khi3-se3 過逝,去逝
pass, pass a test kho2-tia5u 考上
pass each other on the road without knowing it, miss each other on the road siosut-lo7+ 互相錯過
pass, succeed, do something successfully,
to go smoothly, to come off ko3e-chhi2u,
ke3-chhi2u 過手
pass, the past, past tense, in the past, former, previous, to go over, to pass by
ko3e-khi3 過去
passing phenomenon chi8t si5 e5 hia7n-sio7ng 一
passing, transit, traffic, commonly practiced thong-he5ng 通行
passable, usable thong-io7ng e5 通用的
passable, walkable e7 ki5a* tit 可通行的
passion of Our Lord Ia5-so+ e5 kho2+-la7n 耶穌的
passable, workable, will work e7 tit ko3e 行得
- to meditate on the passion be8k-sio2ng Ia5so+ kho2+-la7n 默想耶穌苦難
passage boat, ferry boat to7+-chu5n 渡船
passage from the Bible Se3ng-keng e5 chi8t
chiat 聖經裡的一段經節
passion and concupiscence su-io8k phianche5ng 私慾偏情
passage of a bill gi7-a3n thong-ko3e 議案通過
passion fruit si5-ke3-ko2, si5-kiat-ko2 百香果
passage, a short quote, paragraph or verse
to7a*, chiat 段,節
Passion Sunday Kho2+-la7n Chu2-ji8t (Catholic) 苦
passage, narrow path or road lo7+, si2o-lo7+ 路,
passion, aspire jia8t-bo7ng 熱望
- impure passion si5a-che5ng 邪情
passage, passed, adopted, approved thongko3e 通過
- to fly into a passion of anger hut-jia5n-kan
hoat pi5-khi3 突然間發脾氣
passage, way, through road thong-lo7+ 通路
- to have a passion for gambling chin a3i
poa8h-kia2u 很愛賭博
- to block up a passage to3ng-lo7+ 擋路
- to force a passage through the crowd
kheh-ko3e 擠過去
passion, fervor, warm-hearted jia8t-sim 熱心
- underground passage te7-ha7-to7 地下道
passion, passionate, arder, zeal, ardent
love jia8t-che5ng 熱情
passion, lust, desires che5ng-io8k 情慾
passageway, corridor cha2u-lo5ng 走廊
passageway, entrance and exit chhut-ji8pkha2u 出入口
passion, suffering, misery kho2+-la7n 苦難
passageway, narrow hallway or pathway
thong-lo7+ 通路
passionate, interested in, very popular chinhang 很夯
passed down from father to son hu7-chu2
siong-tho5an 父子相傳
Passionists Kho2+-siu-ho7e (Catholic) 苦修會
passed the exam, have qualifications u7 ki8pkeh 有及格
passions phian-che5ng 偏情
passionate jia8t-che5ng 熱情
passionless bo5 che5ng, le2ng-ta7m 無情,冷淡
passive pi7-to7ng e5 被動的
passed the examination kho2-tio8h, kho2 u7 tia5u
passive resistance siau-ke8k e5 ti2-kho3ng, siauke8k e5 ho2an-tu3i 消極的抵抗,消極的反對
passenger, traveler li2-kheh, se5ng-kheh 旅客,
passive voice pi7-to7ng gi2-tha3i 被動語態
passive, negative siau-ke8k 消極
- to carry passengers cha3i li2-kheh 載旅客
passive, without resistance bo5 ti2-kho3ng e5 無
passenger car or train kheh-chhia 客車
passenger limit cha3i-kheh-lu8t 載客率
passivity pi7-to7ng 被動
passenger plane, airliner kheh-ki 客機
passivity, no resistance bo5 ti2-kho3ng 無抵抗
passenger service, passenger transportation kheh-u7n 客運
passivity, tolerance io5ng-ji2m 容忍
passkey ba7n-le5ng so2-si5 萬能鑰匙
passenger ship, liner kheh-chu5n 客船
Passover Ju5-oa8t-chiat (Catholic), po5a*-ko3echeh 逾越節
passerby, pedestrians ko3e-lo7+-la5ng 過路人
passes the eliminating stage i7-sa3i u7 ji8p-so2an,
i7-sa3i u7 thong-ko3e 預賽入選了,預賽通過了
passport ho7+-chia3u 護照
- to check passports kia2m-cha ho7+-chia3u 檢
passing chia7m-si5 e5, chi8t-si5 e5 暫時的,一時的
passing joy chi8t-si5 e5 kho3ai-lo8k 一時的快樂
password, number kha2u-ho7 口號
passing of time si5-kan e5 keng-ko3e 時間的經過
password, word of command, watchword
kha2u-le7ng 口令
past ages ko3e-khi3 e5 si5-ta7i 過去的時代
past events khah cha2 e5 ta7i-chi3 往事
pasteurization ke7-un sat-khu2n-hoat 低溫殺菌
past experience ko3e-khi3 e5 keng-gia7m 過去的
pasteurize, low-temperature sterilization ke7un sat-khu2n 低溫殺菌
past four o'clock si3-tia2m-go7a 四點多
pasteurize, sterilize sat-khu2n 殺菌
past mid-night e7 po3a*-me5 下半夜
pasteurized milk ke7-un sat-khu2n e5 gu5-leng 低
past or beyond remedy or treatment, incurable, incorrigible, beyond redemption
ko3e-che3ng 逾醫,無可救藥
pastime, recreation, pass away the time go7+lo8k, siau-khia2n 娛樂,消遣
past participle ko3e-khi3 hun-su5 過去分詞
pastor of sheep, sheepherder bo8k-to5ng 牧童
past perfect tense ko3e-khi3 oa5n-se5ng-sek 過去
pastor of a parish pu2n-tn5g si5n-hu7 (Catholic)
past tense ko3e-khi3-sek 過去式
pastor, minister bo8k-su (Protestant) 牧師
past week te2ng le2-pa3i 上禮拜
pastoral age thiok-bo8k si5-ta7i 畜牧時代
past, after, through keng-ko3e 經過
pastoral industry, stock farming, ranching
thiok-bo8k-gia8p 畜牧業
past, over ko3e 過
pastoral letter chu2-ka3u kong-ha5m 主教公函
- in the past ko3e-khi3, i2-che5ng 過去,以前
pastoral theology bo8k-le5ng si5n-ha8k 牧靈神學
- to get rid of past hatred ka2i-ti5 ko3e-khi3 e5
oa3n-hi7n 解除過去的怨恨
pastoral work bo8k-le5ng kang-chok 牧靈工作
- to reverence the past si2u-ku7 守舊
pastoral, having to do with shepherds bo8kji5n e5 牧人的
past, what is gone or done, the former
standing or condition ki3-o2ng 既往
pastoral, religious affairs bo8k-le5ng e5 牧靈的
paste, affix tah-khit-khi3 貼上
pastries and sweetmeats, snacks si3-si3u, si3si3u-a2 零食
paste or glue ko5+-a2 漿糊
pastry stuffing pi2a*-a7* 餅餡
paste, sauce chi3u*, ko 醬,膏
pastry's model ko2e-i3n 做糕類的印模
- tomato paste tho-ma-toh-chi3u* 蕃茄醬
pasturage, to pasture ho3ng-bo8k 放牧
- tooth paste khi2-ko 牙膏
pasture grounds, grazing places bo8k-ti5u* 牧
paste, to apply paste, to paste on boah 抹
- to paste stamps on the envelope phoelo5ng tah iu5-phi3o 信封貼郵票
pasture, forage grass bo8k-chha2u 牧草
pasture, put out to pasture pa3ng…chia8h
chha2u 放…吃草
paste does not stick ko5+ be7 tia5u 貼不住
paste on the wall tah piah-cho2a 貼壁紙
pasture, to feed chhi7 飼
paste on, to stick up, attached, close to tah
pasty, paly, livid tn2g-chhe* 發青的
pasty, paste-like, glue ko5+-ko5+ 漿糊似的
paste paper ko5+-cho2a 糊紙
pat a child's head so tha5u-khak 撫摸頭
paste paper together po3e-cho2a 裱紙
pat a person on the shoulder tah keng-tha5u
paste revenue stamp tah i3n-hoe 貼印花
paste up a decree or edict on the wall, door,
bulletin board, put up a proclamation
tah ko3-si7 貼告示
pat on mortar, to slap koah 刮,割
pat reply ho5e-tap lia2u chin ha8h 回答得很恰當
pat, stroking, softly tpuching so 輕撫
paste up promotion posters, put up advertisements tah ko2ng-ko3 貼廣告
pat, timely, appropriate, fitting tu2-ho2 e5, chin
ha8h 適時的,合適
paste up with something sticky, attach to,
stick up, glutinous, sticky lia5m 粘,黏
pasteboard cho2a-pang 厚紙板
pat, to stroke lightly, to caress tah, khinkhin-a2 phah 輕輕的打
pasteboard, made of pasteboard cho2a-pang
cho3 e5 厚紙板做的
patch, a piece of cloth used to mend chothes po2+ 補
pastel chhia2n-sek 淺色
patch, mend clothes po2+-sa* 補衣服
patch, small plot of land chi8t te3 se3 te3 te7 一小
paternity, fatherhood, affiliation hu7-chit 父職
paternity, origin, to originate, to come from
khi2-go5an 起源
patch, to mend, repeat a course for a second time po2+-siu 補修
paternity leave po5e sa2n-ka2 陪產假
paten se3ng-po5a* (Catholic) 聖盤
path, access road, through road thong-lo7+ 通
patent medicine se5ng-io8h 成藥
patent right choan-li7-ko5an 專利權
- mountain path soa*-lo7+ 山路
patent, apparent, obvious, evident be5nghia2n e5 明顯的
- to follow the same path ki5a* ka7ng-kho2an e5
lo7+ 走一樣的路
patent, exclusive control over choan-li7,
choan-li7 e5 專利,專利的
path ahead, one's career, prospects chia5nthe5ng 前程
patent, monopoly products to sell choan-be7phi2n 專賣品
path of error, lose one's way, be at fault, in
error be5-lo7+ 迷路
patent, monopoly right choan-be7-koa5n 專賣
path of retreat the3-lo7+ 退路
patent, novel sin-ki5 e5 新奇的
pathetic story kho2+-lia5n e5 ko3+-su7 可憐的故事
patent, patented article, exclusive right to
use choan-li7-phi2n 專利品
pathetic, poor kho2+-lia5n e5 可憐的
path, small walking path si2o-lo7+-a2 小路
pathetic, tragic, sad, miserable pi-chha2m 悲
Pater Noster, Our Father, Lord's Prayer
Thian-chu2-keng 天主經
paternal aunt a-ko+ 姑媽
pathetically beautiful, showing melancholy
beauty iu-bi2 幽美
paternal female cousins ko+-pia2u chi2-mo7e 姑
Pathfinder, Explorer tha3m-lo7+ 探路
pathological pe7*-li2-ha8k e5 病理學的
paternal grandfather la7i-kong, a-kong 內祖父
pathology pe7*-li2-ha8k 病理學
paternal grandfather's elder brother pehkong 伯祖父,伯公
pathos, pitiful, poor kho2+-lia5n 可憐
- to speak with pathos ko2ng khi2 chin pisiong 談起很悲傷
paternal grandfather's sister ko+-po5 姑婆
paternal grandmother la7i-ma2, a-ma2 內祖母
paternal great grandparent la7i-cho2+ 曾祖母
pathos, moved touched by ka2m-to7ng-le8k 感
paternal male cousins, patrilineal cousins
ko+-pia2u hia*-ti7 姑表兄弟
pathos, sad, grief, sorrow pi-siong 悲傷
patience, perseverance, persistence he5ngsim 恆心
paternal rights hu7-ko5an 父權
paternal uncle, father's elder brother a-peh
- to bear sufferings with patience ji2m-si7u
tho3ng-kho2+ 忍受痛苦
paternal uncle, father's younger brother achek 叔父
- to have great patience kian-ji2m, chin u7 na7isim 堅忍,很有耐心
paternal uncles in general and all cousins
of father having the same surname
chek-peh 伯叔
- to lose patience khi2 ge5-sia5u, ji2m-be7-tia5u 不
patience, endurance, tolerance ji2m-na7i 忍耐
paternal, belonging to the father la7u-pe7 e5 父
patience, patiently na7i-sim 耐心
patience, tolerance, tolerate thun-lu2n 容忍
paternal, the male line la7u-pe7 chit pe5ng e5 父
patient, show restraint u7 na7i-se3ng, chin ga5u
ji2m-na7i 有耐性,很會忍耐
paternalism, head of the family rule and
controls ka-ti2u* ko2an-ti7 chu2-gi7 家長管治主
patient disposition, perseverance na7i-se3ng
paternalism, sentimentalism, emotionalism
ka2m-che5ng chu2-gi7 感情主義
Patient is progressing favorably. Pe7*-la5ng e5
chi3n-tia2n chin ho2. 病人的進展很好.
paternity, paternal authority,patriarchal hu7kho5an 父權
Patient must be isolated. Hit e5 pe7*-la5ng tio8h
keh-li7. 那個病人必須隔離.
patient, sick person pe7*-la5ng, pho3a-pe7*-la5ng,
ho7an-chi2a 病人,生病者,患者
patrolman, watchman, to patrol su5n-ho5ng 巡
- to examine a patient chi2n-chhat pe7*-la5ng
patron of brothel, frequenter of brothels,
whoremonger phia5u-kheh 嫖客
patient, to bear patiently pau-io5ng 包容
patron Saint chu2-po2 (Catholic) 主保
patiently ji2m-na7i 忍耐
patron Saint of a parish pu2n-tn5g chu2-po2
(Catholic) 本堂主保
- to bear or endure patiently thun-lu2n 忍耐
patron saint, founder of a sect, originator of
a craft or trade cho2+-su 祖師
patient's body pe7*-the2 病人的身體,病體
patient's condition pe7*-che5ng 病情
patron, assistant, sponsor cha3n-cho7+-ji5n 贊助
patio thian-che2* 天井
patriarch, ancient patriarchs ko2+-se3ng-cho2+
(Catholic) 古聖祖
patron, client, customer chu2-ko3+ 主顧
patron, protector po2-ho7+-chi2a 保護者
patriarch, chief, head of the clan cho8k-ti2u* 族
patron, supporter, a person from whom one
draws his influence, a supporter in
high position, someone to lean on kho3soa* 靠山
patriarch, parents ka-ti2u* 家長
patriarchal, head of the clan cho8k-ti2u* e5 族長
patronage chia3u-ko3+, po2-ho7+, cha3n-cho7+ 照顧,
patriarchal, parental ka-ti2u* e5 家長的
patriarchy hu7-he7-che3-to7+ 父系制度
patronize, sponsor, support, protect, po2-ho7+,
cha3n-cho7+, hu7i-ko3+ 保護,贊助,惠顧
patrimonial tradition, inherited, handed
down from ancestors like property,
trade secrets or medical knowledge
cho2+-tho5an 祖傳
- to patronize a store, patronage kau-koan
patronize or favor, dote on, love the2ng-se7ng
patrimony cho2+-tho5an e5 sa2n-gia8p 祖傳的產業
- to divide one's patrimony pun cho2+-sa2n 分
patter, sound of raindrops pi7-pia8k-ki3o, pi-pi
pia8k-pia8k 霹霹啪啪之聲
patriot a3i-kok-chi2a 愛國者
patter, to prattle, to chatter, talkative, garrulous, to nag se7-se7-lia7m 嘮叨
Patriot Missiles A3i-kok-chi2a hui-to5a* 愛國者飛
pattern bo5+-sek 模式
patriot, noble statesman, hero, martyrs lia8tsu7 烈士
pattern, sample kia3n-pu2n, iu7*-phi2n 樣品
- a good pattern of patience ji2m-na7i e5 ho2
bo5+-ho7an 忍耐的好典範
patriotic a3i-kok 愛國
patriotic and loyal to the throne tiong-kun a3ikok 忠君愛國
pattern after, to copy, in the old manner
chia3u-iu7* 照樣
patriotic movement ai3-kok u7n-to7ng 愛國運動
pattern family bo5+-ho7an ka-te5ng 模範家庭
patriotism a3i-kok-sim, a3i-kok chu2-gi7 愛國心,愛
pattern for reference chham-kho2 kia3n-pu2n 參
patristic ka3u-hu7 e5 教父的
pattern or copy, form, specification, format
keh-sek 格式
patrol su5n-sa3u, su5n, su5n-si7, su5n-lo5, su5n-ho5e 巡
pattern sentences ku3-he5ng 句型
- military patrol su5n-lo5-tu7i 巡邏隊
pattern, form kho2an-sek 款式
- on patrol su5n-si7 tiong 巡視中
pattern, model bo5+-ho7an 模範
patrol and investigate, policeman su5n-cha,
ke2ng-chhat 巡查,警察
pattern, sample, manner, form pa7n 樣,式,形
pattern, style, design he5ng, iu7*, kho2an, iu7*sek 型,樣,款式,樣式
patrol at night su5n-ke* 巡更
patrol boat su5n-lo5-the2ng 巡邏艇
pattern, style, model iu7*-sek, hoe-iu7* 樣式,花
patrol man su5n-lo5 e5 la5ng, su5n-lo5 ke2ng-chhat 巡
patty se3 te3 mi7-pi2a* 小麵餅
Paul Po2-lo8k (Catholic), Po2-lo5 (Protestant) 保祿
Pauline privilege Po2-lo8k te8k-ko5an 保祿特權
pay, wages of workers kang-chi5* 薪水,工錢
pauper sa3n-chhiah-la5ng, sa3n-hiong-la5ng 窮人,
- monthly pay goe8h-kip 月薪
- retirement pay the3-hiu-kim 退休金
pause for a short time the5ng-khu3n 休息
pause in the rain ho7+-pha7ng 雨停之間,雨縫
pay a debt, pay back, return he5ng, he5ng-che3
pause, stop, halt, park a car the5ng, the5ng-chi2
pay a visit to a person pa3i-ho2ng (polite term)
pause, to cease, to suspend, break off, to
stop, to discontinue tiong-chi2 中止
pay a visit to an institution chham-koan 參觀
pause, to have a rest, to stay for the night,
to go to bed, to sleep hioh-khu3n 歇息
pay an affirmation fund at the betrothals,
give presents to a girl as the symbol of
betrothal teh-ti7a* 訂婚
pause, to stop, wait a while, setback, stagnation, deadlock the5ng-tu3n, tu3n-ta2u 停頓
pay and allowances for soldiers, military
payroll kun-hio3ng 軍餉
pave a road kho7ng, pho+-lo7+ 鋪路
pay attention to chu3-i3 注意
pave the way for peace chu2n-pi7 ko2ng-ho5 準備
pay a bill he5ng-sia3u 還賬
pave with bricks, brick pavement pho+ chnga2 鋪磚塊
pay by installment hu5n-ki5 hu3-kho2an 分期付款
pay business tax la8p e5ng-gia8p-so3e 繳營業稅
pay by installments thoa*-la8p 分期繳納,攤還
pave with cement kho7ng a5ng-mo5+-tho5+ 鋪水泥
pave with stones pho+ chio8h-a2 鋪石子
pay cash for something e7ng hia7n-kim be2, hu3
hia7n-kim 用現金買,付現金
paved or unpaved courtyard at a house or
school ti5a* 庭,院子
pay damages, make reparations for killing a
man tha5i-la5ng po5e-mi7a 殺人賠命
pavement, blacktop road ta2m-a2-ka lo7+ 柏油路
pay day hu3-kho2an-ji8t 付款日
pavement, concrete road kho7ng ho2 e5 lo7+ 鋪好
pay fees kia2u-hu3i 繳費
pavement, crushed rock or gravel road pho+
chio8h-a2 e5 lo7+ 鋪石子的路
pay for one's board thiap la5ng chia8h 搭伙
pay for another ta7i-hu3 代付
pay for one's own food chia8h ka-ti7 膳食自備,
pavement, highway, public road kong-lo7+ 公
pay for the newspaper la8p po3-cho2a-hu3i 繳報
pavement, sidewalk ji5n-he5ng-to7 人行道
pavilion, tent, cotton-cloth sail po3+-pha5ng 帳
pay house rent la8p chhu3-so3e 繳房租
pay in advance ti7a*-chi5*, ti7a*-kim 定金
- Spring and Autumn pavilion Chhun-chhiukoh 春秋閣
- to collect payment siu-sia3u 收賬
- to demand payment tho2-sia3u 催賬
pavilion, booth, kiosk te5ng 亭
pavilion, Chinese style pavilion koh 閣
pay in advance, advancement i7-hu3 預付
pavilion, spectators' stand kho3a*-ta5i 觀眾台
pay in full kia2u-oa5n, hu3-chheng 繳完,付清
paw the ground jia3u tho5+-kha 抓地面
pay income tax la8p so2+-tek-so3e 繳所得稅
paw, to paw kha-jia2u 腳爪
pay interest la8p li7-sek 付息
pawn in Chinese chess peng, chut 兵,卒
pay land-tax la8p te7-cho+ 繳地租
pay money kia2u-chi5*, la8p-chi5*, chhut-chi5* 繳錢,
- redeem a pawned article the8h chi5* khi3 tho2
tn2g-la5i, the8h chi5* khi3 tn3g-tia3m tho2 mi8h-ki7a*
tn2g-la5i 拿錢去當鋪把東西贖回來
pay money, deliver goods, consign hu3, hu3chi5*, hu3-kho2an 付,付錢,付款
pawn ticket tn3g-toa*, tn3g-phi3o 當票
pawn, security, property held against a loan,
mortgaged property ti2-ah-phi2n 抵押品
pawn, to mortgage ti2-ah 抵押
pay New year visits pa3i-ni5, ki5a*-chhun 拜年
pay off all one's debt, settle all one's accounts chheng-sia3u 清賬
pay one's own expenses chu7-hu3i 自費
pawn, to pawn tn3g 當
pay or handover benefits kip-hu3 給付
pawnshop tn3g-tia3m 當鋪
pay out hu3-chhut 付出
PDA, personal digital assistant, pocket PC
PDA, chhi2u-tiong tia7n-na2u PDA,掌上電腦
pay out wages hoat-chi5* 發錢,發工資,發薪水
PDF, Portable document Format PDF PDF,可
pay out, retaliate, take revenge po3-ho8k 報復
pay respects chham-kia3n 參見
pea ho5+-lia5n-ta7u, ho5+-li5n-ta7u 豌豆
pay respects to one's ancestor at his grave,
sweep the tomb sa3u-bo7ng 掃墓
pea jacket iu5*-mo5+ e5 te2 go7a-sa* 羊毛短外衣
peace, quiet, calm an-che7ng 安靜
pay respects, inquire after an elder chhe2ngan 請安
- public peace ti7-an 治安
pay robber gangs for protection on journey
be2-lo7+-chi5*, be2-lo7+-so3e 買路錢
- to be at peace with each other ho7+-siong
ho5-ho2 互相和好
pay roll sin-su2i-pho7+, sin-su2i-pi2o, sin-su2i-toa* 薪
- to make peace ko2ng-ho5 談和
- to wish peace chhe2ng-an 請安
pay taxes kia2u so3e-kim, la8p-so3e 繳稅金,納稅
peace and quiet pe5ng-che7ng 平靜
pay taxes, tuition kia2u-la8p 繳納
peace and safety an-u2n 安穩
pay the balance, give the change due on a
purchase, make change cha7u, sio-cha7u
Peace be to you. Go7an li2 pe5ng-an. 願你平安.
peace conference ho5-pe5ng ho7e-gi7 和平會議
Peace Corps Ho5-pe5ng kang-chok-tho5an 和平
pay the bill, be responsible for sn3g-ta3i 算
pay the principal upon the maturity of
bonds, loans, etc ho5an-pu2n 還本
peace maker ho5-ka2i-ji5n 和解人
peace march ho5-pe5ng-si7-ui 和平示威
pay the rent la8p-cho+ 納租
peace of heart sim-la7i pe5ng-an 心裡平安
pay the water bill, to urinate la8p chu2i-cho+ 繳
peace of mind, calmness of emotions, carefree sim-an 心安
pay the whole debt he5ng chheng che3-bu7 還清
peace offering si7a-in a2-si7 si7a-cho7e e5 che3-phi2n
pay tuition kia2u ha8k-hu3i 繳學費
peace prize ho5-pe5ng-chio2ng 和平獎
pay wages ho7+, hoat 給,發
peace talks ho5-ta5m 和談
pay what is owed chi-hu3 支付
peace treaty ho5-pe5ng-tia5u-iok 和平條約
pay, disbursements khai-chi 開支
peace, ease, calmness of mind, put oneself
at ease an-sim 安心,放心
pay, salary of employee sin-su2i 薪水,工錢
pay, to compensate for loss, to indemnify,
to suffer a financial loss po5e 賠
peace, harmony, peaceful, mild, harmonious, mildly pe5ng-ho5 平和
pay, to hand over hu3 付
peace, repose, calm, tranquility an-le5ng 安寧
payable, deals with, must be paid a3i ho7+ la5ng
e5, e3ng-kai hu3 e5 chi5* 應付的
peace, safe, peaceful pe5ng-an, ho5-pe5ng, tha3ipe5ng 平安,和平,太平
payable, may pay, can pay e7 hu3 tit 可付的
peaceful and good people an-hu7n e5 lio5ng-bi5n
payable, to have the profit u7 li7-su5n e5 有利潤
peaceful and happy an-ho5-lo8k-li7 安和樂利
paying no regard to any consideration, will
accept no further responsibility putko2an tha 不管他
peaceful and serene an-an-che7ng-che7ng 安安
peaceful death sia7n-chiong 善終
payment chi-hu3 支付
peaceful heart pe5ng-an e5 sim 平安的心
payment, account, debt, bill sia3u 賬
peaceful man un-ho5 e5 la5ng 溫和的人
payment, pay money hu3-kho2an 付款
peaceful secure life an-u2n e5 seng-oa8h 安穩的
payment, wages, salary kang-chi5* 工錢
PBS, Public Broadcasting System PBS, Bi2kok kong-si7 PBS,美國公視
peaceful, at ease an-lo8k 安樂
- to live peacefully and work happily an-ki
lo8k-gia8p 安居樂業
PC power source tia7n-go5an kio2ng-e3ng-khi3 電
peaceful, at peace, tranquil, safe pe5ng-an,
tha3i-pe5ng 平安,太平
pearls and other very costly things, jewelry
chu-po2 珠寶
peaceful, law-abiding an-hu7n 安分
pearls, beads chu-a2 珠子
peacefully, amicable, friendly, harmony ho5pe5ng 和平
- students peasants workmen and merchants su7 lo5ng kong siong 士農工商
peach blossom tho5-hoe 桃花
peach branch, used much for divination
tho5-ki 桃枝
peasant family lo5ng-ho7+ 農戶
peach orchard tho5-a2-hn5g 桃子園
peach stone tho5-a2-chi2 桃子的果核
peasant, farmer, peasantry lo5ng-bi5n, chngkha-la5ng, choh-sit-la5ng 農民,鄉下人,農人
peach tree tho5-a2-chhi7u 桃樹
pebble chio8h-tha5u-a2, chio8h-a2 小石頭
peasant life lo5ng-bi5n seng-oa8h 農民生活
peach, a peach tho5, tho5-a2, chu2i-bi8t-tho5 桃,桃
- to pick up pebbles khioh chio8h-tha5u-a2 撿小
peaches and plums, pupils, students tho5-a2
li2-a2 桃李
pebbles, sandstone, sand and pebbles soachio8h-a2 砂石
peaches of immortality, divine peach siantho5 仙桃
pecan o5+-tho5 胡桃
peacock kho2ng-chhiok 孔雀
peck, a measure of dry grain, 1 decalitre ta2u
peccadillo khin-cho7e 輕罪,小過失
peacock feathers kho2ng-chhiok-mo+ 孔雀羽毛
peacock's tail kho2ng-chhiok-bo2e 孔雀尾巴
- a peck of troubles chin che7 khu3n-la5n 很多
peahen bo2 e5 kho2ng-chhiok 雌孔雀
peck, to pick tok, tho2ng 啄
peak of a mountain soa*-chiam, soa*-bo2e-liu
- to peck at one's food bo5 che3ng-keng chia8h
peak period, busy, high season o7ng-ku3i 旺季
peak season for flu li5u-ka2m ko-hong-ki5 流感
peck and steelyard, weights and measures,
a Roman balance ta2u-chhi3n 斗秤
peak, mountain peak soa*-te2ng 山頂
peck like a duck or goose, dabble in mud lo
peak, summit, culmination, climax ko-hong
peck on, to pick on chho3ng-ti7 la5ng 捉弄人
pecked by chicken ho7+ ke-a2 tho2ng-tio8h 被雞啄
peal, to ring bells ta5n 聲,響
- a peal of bells cheng-sia* 鐘聲
pectoral cross ko3a ti7 heng-che5ng e5 si8p-ji7-ke3 掛
peal of thunder, close thunder chhe3-lu5i 響雷,
pectoral, chest heng-kha2m e5 胸膛的
peal, sound of bells sia*, hia2ng 聲,響
pectoral, coming from the heart tu3i sim-la7i
hoat-chhut-la5i e5 從內心發出的
peanut tho5+-ta7u 花生,落花生,土豆
- to grow peanuts che3ng tho5+-ta7u 種花生
peculiar likes and dislikes se3ng-phiah 癖性
peanut butter tho5+-ta7u-chi3u* 花生醬
peculiar person ko3ai-ji5n 怪人
peanut candy, peanut brittle tho5+-ta7u-thn5g 花
peculiar temper or disposition, eccentric
behavior ko3ai-phiah 怪癖
peanut oil tho5+-ta7u-iu5, ho2e-iu5, he2-iu5 花生油
peculiar, special te8k-pia8t 特別
peanuts in the shell tho5+-ta7u-ngeh 花生莢,土
peculiar, strange ki5-ko3ai 奇怪
peculiarity te8k-tia2m, te8k-se3ng, te8k-sek 特點,特
pear la5i-a2 梨子
pearl chin-chu 珍珠
pecuniary kim-chi5* e5, kim-chi5*-sio7ng e5 金錢的,
- a string of pearls chi8t ko7a* chin-chu pho7alia7n 一串珍珠項鍊
pecuniary losses kim-chi5* e5 su2n-sit, kim-chi5*sio7ng e5 su2n-sit 金錢上的損失
Pearl Harbor Chin-chu-ka2ng, Chin-chu-oan 真
pedagogue la7u-su 老師
pearl necklace chin-chu phoa8h-lia7n 真珠項鍊
pedagogy, teaching method ka3u-ha8k-hoat 教
peel the skin off sugar cane before eating it
la5n kam-chi3a 削甘蔗
pedal a bicycle ta8h thih-be2 踩腳踏車
pedal, footboard kha-ta8h-a2 踏板
peel vegetables or fruit with a knife siahpho5e 削皮
pedal, tread, step on ta8h 踏
peel with the fingers peh 剝,削
pedantic, show off knowledge a3i tia2n u7 ha8kbu7n e5 好賣弄學問的
peel, to molt, skin is peeling pho5e hiauh-khi2la5i 脫皮
pedants ha8k-ki3u-pha3i 學究派
peeling ko2e-chi2-pho5e 果皮
peddle, street selling hoah-lin-long 沿街叫賣
peep through a hole tu3i khang thau-kho3a* 從
peddler goes bankrupt to2-ta3* 倒閉
peep through the crack of the door tu3i mn5gpha7ng kho3a* ji8p-khi3 從門縫看進去
peddler, pedlar, hawker hoa3n-a2 小販
peddler, stall or mat on which goods are
displayed for sale thoa*-ho3an 攤販
peep, chirp chiu8h-chiu8h ki3o 啾啾叫
peep, peek, to steal a glance thau-kho3a*,
thau-khu2i, thau-bi5 偷看,偷窺,偷微
pedestal ta5i, cho7 台,座
- to be on a pedestal si7u la5ng cho5ng-pa3i 受人
peephole teh thau-kho3a* e5 khang 窺視的孔
peer into a person's face it-ti8t kho3a* la5ng e5
bi7n 凝視他人的臉
pedestal for a statue sio7ng-ta5i 雕像座台
pedestal of a Buddha statue lia5n-cho7, lia5nhoe-cho7 蓮座
peer, contemporary ka7ng-po3e 同輩
peer, gaze it-ti8t kho3a* 凝視
pedestrian ki5a*-lo7+ e5, ki5a*-lo7+ e5 la5ng 徒步的,步
peer, lord, nobility, aristocrat, aristocracy
ku3i-cho8k 貴族
pedestrian, common, ordinary, general, average pho2-thong e5 普通的
peer, opponent, adversary tu3i-chhi2u 對手
pedestrian crossing, zebra stripe crossing,
pedestrian walkway pan-be2-so3a*, panma2-so3a* 斑馬線
peer, peek thau-kho3a* 偷看
pediatrician si2o-ji5-kho-i, sia2u-ji5-kho-i 小兒科醫
peerless, matchless, unique choa8t-se3 絕世
pediatrics si2o-ji5-kho, sia2u-ji5-kho 小兒科
peeved, hostile phu3i-bi7n, bo5 hoa*-hi2 翻臉,不高
peerless, incomparable, matchless bo5-pi2,
bu5-pi2 無比
pedicab sa*-lia2n-chhia 三輪車
peevish, discontented, bellicose, aggressive ga5u-oan 好鬥
pedicab driver sa*-lia2n-chhia-hu 三輪車伕
pedicure, cut toenails siu kha-chn2g-kah 修腳
peevish, discontented, stubborn ga5u-tiu* 好
- to give a pedicure ka7 la5ng siu chn2g-kah 幫
peevish, fastidious, difficult to please, difficult to serve or entertain pha2i* kho2antha7i 難侍候
pedicure, foot disease treatment kha-pe7* ti7lia5u 腳病治療
peevish, ill-humored pha2i* pi5-khi3, pha2i*
phiah-phi7* 壞脾氣
pedigree, genealogy, family tree cho8k-pho2+
peg, stakes chha5 khi8t-a2 木樁
- a family pedigree ka-pho2+ 家譜
- bamboo peg tek khi8t-a2 竹樁
pedigree, etymology gi2-go5an 語源
- coat peg tia3u-sa*-teng 吊衣釘
pedigree, lineage, ancestry hiat-tho2ng 血統
peg, dowel, wooden peg chha5 teng 木釘
pedlar, peddler, hawker hoa3n-a2 小販
peg, wooden cork chha5 chi*-a2 木塞
peek thau-kho3a* 偷看
Peking (Beijing) Pak-kia* 北京
peel an orange peh kam-a2 剝橘子
Peking duck Pak-pe5ng-ah 北平鴉
peel off or open the nutshells with the
hands peh-khak 剝殼
Peking opera, Chinese opera Pak-kia*-hi3,
kia*-hi3, pe5ng-ke8k, kok-ke8k 北京戲,京戲,平
peel potatoes siah ma2-le5ng-chi5 e5 pho5e 削馬鈴
Pekingese dog, pug ha-pa-ka2u, pak-kia*-ka2u
Pekingese, person from Peking Pak-pe5ng e5
la5ng 北平人
penance, repent, confess, be penitent
chha3m-ho3e 懺悔
pelican to5ng-go5 塘鵝
- sacrament of penance ko3-ka2i se3ng-su7,
chha3m-ho3e se3ng-su7 告解聖事,懺悔聖事
pell-mell, hastly, rush hiong-ko5ng 倉促地
- life of penance kho2+-siu seng-oa8h 苦修生活
- to run pell-mell lo7an cha2u 亂跑
- to do penance po2+-sio8k 補贖
pell-mell, confused, messy lo7an-chhauchhau 亂糟糟
pelt with stones ti3m chio8h-tha5u 擲石頭
- to give a penance in confession hoa8t po2+sio8k-keng 罰補贖經
pelt with rain ho7+ lo8h chin to7a 雨下很大
- works of penance kho2+-he5ng 苦刑
pelt, animal skin, leather pho5e 皮
penance, torture kho2+-he5ng 苦刑
pelvic bones kut-phu5n 骨盆
penchant, interest, hobbies, tendency he3ngchhu3, la5ng e5 chhu3-bi7 興趣,嗜好
pelvis kut-po5a* 骨盤
penchant, tendency, inclination kheng-hio3ng
pen, pencil or brush for writing pit 筆
- Chinese pen mo5+-pit 毛筆
pencil ia5n-pit 鉛筆
- fountain pen ba7n-lia5n-pit, chu7-la5i chu2i-pit 鋼
- to sharpen a pencil siah ia5n-pit 削鉛筆
pencil drawing ia5n-pit-o7e 鉛筆畫
- pen and ink pit kap ba8k-chu2i 筆和墨水
pencil sharpener ia5n-pit-ka2-a2 削鉛筆機
- penmanship pit-chek 筆跡
pendant, sinker, to weigh down tu7i-a2 墜子
- pen point pit-bo2e, pit-chiam 筆尖
pendent law suit ia2u-bo7e ka2i-koat e5 a3n-ki7a* 尚
- to hold a pen gia8h pit 握筆
pen, fencing, railings tia5u, cha3n 寮,圍欄
pendent, projecting, protruding, budging
pho3ng-chhut-la5i e5 凸出來的
- a pen of sheep chi8t tia5u iu5* 一舍的羊
- pig pen ti-tia5u 豬舍
pen name, nom de plume pit-mi5a 筆名
pendent, to suspend, to hang out tia3u e5 懸掛
pen pals, friends among fellow writers pit-iu2
pendent, undetermined ia2u-bo7e koat-te7ng e5,
ia2u-bo7e ka2i-koat e5 尚未決定的,尚未解決的
pen rack pit-ke3 筆架
pending question hia5n-a3n, bo5 ka2i-koat e5 bu7nte5 懸案,尚未解決的問題
PEN, International Association of Poets
Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and
Novelists pit-ho7e 筆會
pending the discussions of this affair chit e5
ta7i-chi3 ia2u teh tho2-lu7n 這個問題還在討論
pending, about to come or arrive teh boeh
la5i-li5m e5 快來臨的
penal case he5ng-su7 a3n-ki7a* 刑事案件
penal code he5ng-hoa8t 刑罰
pending, about to happen teh boeh hoatseng e5 快發生的
penal law he5ng-hoat 刑法
penal, criminal he5ng-su7 e5 刑事的
pendulum cheng-tu7i-a2 鐘擺子
penal, penalty, punishment he5ng-hoa8t e5 刑罰
penetrability si3m-tha3u-se3ng 滲透性
penetrate into the bones, exceedingly ji8pkut 入骨
penalize, convicted, condemned soan-ko3 u7
cho7e 宣告有罪
penetrate, go through tha3u-ko3e, tha3ng-ko3e 透
penalize, punish a3i chhu3-hoa8t 應處罰
penalty, punishment he5ng-hoa8t, chhu3-hoa8t 刑
penetrate, pierce through chn3g-tha3ng,
chhng-tha3u 穿透
penalty, fine hoa8t-kim, hoa8t-kho2an 罰金,罰款
penetrate, pierce through, understand
thoroughly ko3an-chhoan 貫穿
- rewards and penalties si2u*-hoa8t 賞罰
- to pay the penalty of one's own deeds
chu7-chok chu7-si7u 自作自受
penetrate, to comprehend, to see kho3a*chhut-la5i 看出來
- under the penalty of death chhu3 si2-he5ng
penetrate, to drill, perforate chn3g-ji8p 鑽入
penetrated with hatred hu7n kah ji8p-kut, hi7n
kah ji8p-kut 恨得入骨
penance po2+-sio8k 補贖
penetrating coolness like cold drinks tha3usim-lia5ng 透心涼
- to be retired on pension u7 the3-hiu-kim 有
penetrating, running through chha8k tha3ngko3e 貫穿的
- to give a pension hoat po2+-cho7+-khoa2n 發補
penetrating, visionary u7 ga2n-kong e5 有眼光的
pension benefits bu2-sut-kim 撫恤金
penetrating, smart chhong-be5ng e5 聰明的
pension for the aged, endowment io2ng-lo2 養
Penghu, the Pescadores in the Taiwan
Straits Phe5*-o5+ 澎湖
pension plan the3-hiu che3-to7+ 退休制度
penguin khi7a-go5, khi3-gi5a, khi3-go5 企鵝
pension, boarding house siok-si3a 宿舍
penholder pit-ke3-a2 筆架
pension, old-age endowment io2ng-lo2-kim 養
penicillin phe-ni-si-li2n 盤尼西林
pensioner ni2a seng-oa8h po2+-cho7+-hu3i e5 la5ng 領
peninsula po3an-to2 半島
penis io5ng-bu8t, im-keng, la7n-chia2u (vulgar) 陽
pensive, sad iu-bu7n, iu-chhi5u, ut-chut 憂悶,憂
penis glands, glands ku-tha5u 龜頭
- a pensive face iu-chhi5u e5 bi7n 憂愁的臉孔
penis of stag lo8k-pian 鹿鞭
pentagon shape go7+-kak-he5ng 五角形
penitence tho3ng-ho3e, ho3e-go7+, ho2an-ho2e 痛悔,
Pentagon Go7+-kak ta7i-ha7 五角大廈
penitent Saints kho2+-siu e5 se3ng-ji5n 苦修的聖人
Pentateuch Mo5e-sek ngo2+-su 梅瑟五書
penitent, confessing person ko3-ka2i e5 la5ng 告
Pentecost Se3ng-si5n ka3ng-li5m (Catholic), Ngo2+su5n-chiat 聖神降臨,五旬節
penitent, contrite person tho3ng-ho3e e5 la5ng 痛
Pentecostal Se3ng-si5n e5 聖神的
penitential order kho2+-siu-ho7e 苦修會
pentecostal movement Se3ng-si5n ki5-to2 u7n-to7ng
penitential psalms chha3m-ho3e se3ng-e7ng 懺悔
pentecostals Se3ng-si5n ka3ng-li5m tho5an-the2 聖
Penitential Rite of the Mass Chha3m-ho3e-su5
(Catholic) 懺悔詞
Pentium bi5 chhu2-li2-ki 微處理機
penitential, confession chha3m-ho3e e5 懺悔的
penitential, repentance kho2+-siu e5 苦修的
penurious times pi5n-kho2+ e5 si5-chu7n 在貧苦的
penitentiary, inquisition chong-ka3u chha5ipho3a*-so2+ 宗教裁判所
penurious, deficiency, be short of khi3amkhoeh 欠缺
penitentiary, prison, jail ka3m-ga8k 監獄
penurious, poor, extreme proverty pi5n-kho2+
e5, sa3n-chhiah e5 貧苦的,赤貧的
penurious person kho8k-a2-tha5u 吝嗇鬼
penitentiary, reformatory school ka2m-ho3a-i7*
penurious, stingy,parsimonious kia8t, kho8k
penknife se3 ki to-a2 小刀
penury, provisions are exhausted, out of
food choa8t-ni5u 絕糧
penmanship, style of handwriting, calligraphic style pit-hoat 筆法
penury, shortage, be lacking, to be short of,
scarcity, deficiency khi3am-khoeh, khoathoa8t 缺乏
pennant, flag, banner ki5-a2 旗子
pennant, silk banner ki2m-ki5 錦旗
pennant, spin flag, rotating flag soa5n-ki5 旋旗
penury, very poor, inadequate, garrulous
sa3n-chhiah 赤貧
pennant, three cornered flag sa*-kak-ki5 三角
peony bo2+-tan 牡丹
penniless bo5 po3a* sia2n e5 無分文的
people, the common people la5ng, ji5n-bi5n,
peh-se3* 人,人民,百姓
penny chi8t sia2n 一分
pension, living subsidies seng-oa8h po2+-cho7+hui3 生活補助費
- all classes of people kok kai-cha5n e5 la5ng
- old age pension io2ng-lo2-kim 養老金
- all the people che3ng-la5ng, bi5n-chio3ng 眾人,
- among the people bi5n-kan 民間
People's Liberation Army Ka2i-ho3ng-kun 解放
- country people chha5n-chng-la5ng 鄉下人
people's representative body bi5n-i3 ki-koan 民
- good people lio5ng-bi5n 良民
- lazy people pi7n-to7a*-la5ng 懶惰的人
people's representatives bi5n-i3 ta7i-pia2u 民意代
- people of the city chhi7-bi5n 市民
- people in general it-poa* e5 la5ng 一般的人
people's rights kok-bi5n-ko5an 國民權
- people in distress la7n-bi5n 難民
people's will public opinion bi5n-i3 民意
- poor people sa3n-chhiah-la5ng 貧窮人
people-to-people diplomacy kok-bi5n go7a-kau
- rich people ho2-gia8h-la5ng 有錢人
- sinful people cho7e-bi5n 罪民
pep cheng-le8k, goa5n-khi3, khu3i-la8t, cheng-si5n 精
- this class of people chit pa7n la5ng 這一類的
pep talk cheng-si5n hu3n-o7e 精神訓話
- to circulate among the people li5u-tho5an 流
pepper ho5+-chio 胡椒
- red pepper hiam-chio8h-a2, hoan-kiu*-a2 紅辣
- young people sia3u-lia5n-la5ng 年輕人
- a thickly peopled area ji5n-ka2u chin ba8t e5
so2+-cha7i 人口很密集的地方
pepper box ho5+-chio ko3an-a2 胡椒罐
peppermint po8h-ho5 薄荷
people and place both strange to us ji5n-te7
chhe*-so+ 人地生疏
peppermint oil po8h-ho5-iu5 薄荷油
peppery e7 hiam e5, chhin-chhi7u* ho5+-chio e5 會
people are agitated ji5n-sim to7ng-ia5u 人心動搖
People First Party Chhin-bi5n-to2ng 親民黨
pepsin u7i-e8k-so3+, siau-ho3a-e8k 胃液素,消化液
people from all parts ngo2+-lo7+-la5ng 各地的人
peptic ulcer siau-ho3a-se3ng hu3i-io5ng, siau-ho3ase3ng khu3i-io5ng 消化性潰瘍
people from the same province, county,
town to5ng-hiong 同鄉
per, use e7ng 用
people in the news, VIPs sin-bu5n ji5n-bu8t 新聞
per, each, every ta8k, mu2i 各,每一
- interest at six percent la8k hun li7 六分利
people other than Buddhist monks and
nuns se3-sio8k-la5ng 世俗人
- ten cents per dollar mu2i cha8p kak si7 chi8t
kho+ 每十角是一塊
people who argue fallaciously chha7i-che3*on5g 強辯者
- 70 km per hour mu2i chi8t tia2m-cheng chhitcha8p kong-li2 每一小時七十公里
people who live in the plains pe5*-te7-la5ng 平
per air mail e7ng ho5ng-khong 寄航空
per capita ta8k e5 la5ng, mu2i chi8t la5ng 每一個人
people, masses, public, crowd ta7i-chio3ng 大
people, multitude bi5n-chio3ng 民眾
per capita income kok-bi5n pe5ng-kin so2+-tek 國
people, nationality, ethnic group bi5n-cho8k 民
perambulate, go on an inspection tour su5nsi7 巡視
people, population teng-kha2u 丁口
perceive, feel, feeling, impression ka2m-si7u
people, public, subjects, citizens la7u peh-se3*
perceive, interview, to see, meet with, appear to be ki3* 見,謁見
people, the public se3-kan-la5ng 世人,世上的人,
perceive, to feel, to sense ka2m-kak 感覺
people, to populate, to increase in population cheng-ka ji5n-kha2u 增加人口
perceive, to find, to detect, to discover hoatkak 發覺
people's basic instincts are food and sex
i2m-si8t la5m-li2 飲食男女,食色性也
perceive, to know, to understand chai-ia2* 知
percent, …out of 100 pah-hun chi… 百分之…
people's commune in Communist China ji5nbi5n kong-si7a 人民公社
- sixty percent are boys la8k si5a* si7 cha-po+ e5,
pah-hun chi la8k-cha8p si7 cha-po+ e5 六成是
- ninety five percent ka2u si5a* po3a*, pah-hun
chi ka2u-cha8p-go7+ 九成半,百分之九十五
peremptory, enforce, enforcement, forcibly,
compulsory kio5ng-che3 強制
- ten percent chi8t si5a*, pah-hun chi cha8p 一成,
peremptory, strict, stringent, tight, rigorous
gia5m e5 嚴格的
percentage pah-hun-hoat, pah-hun-lu8t, pahhun-pi2 百分法,百分率,百分比
perennial plants to-ni5-seng si8t-bu8t 多年生植物
perennial youth e2ng-oa2n chheng-chhun 永遠
- a large percentage of the population ji5nkha2u e5 to7a-po7+-hu7n 人口的大部份
perennial youth and longevity tio5ng-seng
put-lo2 長生不老
percentage of people who voted ta5u-phi3o-lu8t
perennial, everlasting, perpetual, lasting,
forever, permanent e2ng-ki2u 永久
perceptible, can feel, to become aware of
ka2m-kak e7 tio8h e5 感覺得到的
perennial, whole year unceasingly chi8t-ni5
tha3ng-thi*, kui ni5 tha3ng-thi* 一整年,全年不
perceptible, can see, can figure out kho3a* e7
chhut-la5i e5 看得出來的
perception ti-kak, ti-kak-le8k 知覺,知覺力
- a man of keen perception ti-kak chin la7i e5
la5ng 知覺很敏銳的人
perfect, complete and beautiful oa5n-sia7n, si8pcho5an, cha8p-chn5g, si8p-cho5an si8p-bi2 完善,
- to be of very narrow perception ko2+-che2*
chu2i-ke, ko2+-chi2* chu2i-ke 井底之蛙
perfect attendance cho5an-the2 chhut-se8k 全體
perfect contrition sio7ng-te2ng tho3ng-ho3e
(Catholic) 上等痛悔
perch hioh 歇
perch on the tree heh* to3a chhi7u-a2-te2ng 棲息
perfect obedience oa5n-cho5an ho8k-chio5ng 完
perch, seaperch, bass lo5+-hi5 鱸魚
perfect one's skill ka2i-chi3n ka-ti7 e5 ki-su8t 改進
percolate, seepage, to permeate, to infiltrate, to pervade, osmosis sia8p 滲透
perfect oneself in virtue siu-io2ng, siu-he7ng 修
percolate, to be contaminated, to be gradually influenced to3+ 浸染
perfect score, full marks mo2a-hun 滿分
percolate, to strain, to filter li7 濾
perfect tranquility, in peace, freedom from
anxiety, safe and without any mishaps
pe5ng-an bu5-su7 平安無事
percolator ka-pi-o5+ 咖啡壺
percussion cap, detonator lu5i-kn2g, lu5i-koa2n
perfect virtue oa5n-cho5an e5 tek-he7ng 完全的德
percussion, to beat or strike something
ko3ng, kha3 敲打
perfect, harmonious, peaceful bi2-bo2an, bi2mo2a 美滿
perdition, damnation cho5an-bia8t, bia8t-bo5ng
perdition, go to hell lo8h te7-ge8k 下地獄
perfect, to improve, to make better ka2i-chi3n,
ka2i-sia7n 改進,改善
peregrinate, march, parade, demonstration
li2-he5ng 遊行
perfect, to improve, to make better oa5n-se5ng
peregrinate, to drift about, to wander, to
roam, nomadic, homeless, unsettled
population, vagrant li5u-lo7ng 流浪
perfect, without defects oa5n-cho5an, oa5n-bi2,
chia5u-chn5g, bo5 khoat-tia2m 完全,完美,齊全,
peregrinate, to live far away from one's native place, to reside in a foreign country to3a ti7 go7a-kok 僑居外國
perfection, complete, whole, totally, entirely
oa5n-cho5an 完全
perfection, irreproachability bo5 khoat-tia2m,
oa5n-bi2, bi2-sia7n 無缺點,完美,美善
peregrinate, to tour, to travel iu5-le8k 遊歷
peremptory order chin gia5m e5 be7ng-le7ng 很嚴
perfection, to complete, to accomplish oa5nse5ng 完成
peremptory, absolute, unconditional choa8ttu3i e5 絕對的
perfections of God Thian-chu2 e5 bi2-sia7n 天主的
peremptory, despotic, imperious a3-pa3 專橫
perfectly oa5n-cho5an, cho5an-jia5n 完全,全然
perfectly dry ta li7-li7 乾極了
perform rites and make presents to the
parents a month after childbirth cho3
mo2a-goe8h 做彌月,做滿月
perfectly level, very level, in the same plain,
equal, equally, simple, plain pe5*-pe5* 平
perform rites before building or repairing a
house or grave, sorcerer’s shouts
when performing rites to drive away
demons hoah-tho2+ 驅邪
perfectly right oa5n-cho5an tio8h 完全對
perfectly round i5*-i5*-i5* 圓極了
perfectly satisfactory, perfectly good, flawless, perfect, best of all possible
worlds, as good as it gets chi7n-sia7nchi7n-bi2 盡善盡美
perform rites on the first anniversary of
death cho3 tu3i-ni5 週年忌祀
perform some act, skill or magic ia2n-ge7 演藝
perform superstitious rites, exorcize cho3
khia3n-sn2g 做迷信
perfectly satisfied sim bo2an i3 chiok 心滿意足
perfectly willing sim-kam che5ng-go7an 心甘情
perform superstitious worship pa3i-pa3i 拜拜
perfectly willing, voluntarily che5ng-goa7n 情
perform a surgical operation, operate ta7ng
chhi2u-su8t 動手術,開刀
perfidious, deceitful, treacherous, devious,
rogue kan-cha3 奸詐
perform a task by division of labor, division
of labor hun-kang ha8p-chok 分工合作
perfidious, disloyal, unjust put-gi7, put-tiong
perform, present a play ia2n-chhut 演出
perform, to hold a meeting or ceremonies
ki2-he5ng 舉行
perfidy, Infidelity, unjust put-tiong, put-gi7 不
perforate by drilling lak-khang 鑽孔
perform, to implement, carry out, put into
practice si8t-he5ng, chip-he5ng 實行,執行
perforation, hole khang 孔
perform, to walk, to do ki5a*, cho3 行
perforator lak-khang-ki 鑽孔機
performance, acting pia2u-ia2n 表演
perform a ceremony ki2-he5ng tia2n-le2 舉行典禮
performance, action, conduct, behavior,
activity he5ng-u5i 行為
perform a miracle hia2n se3ng-chek, hia2n ki5chek, hia2n si5n-chek 顯聖蹟,顯奇蹟,顯神蹟
performance, play musical instruments ia2ncha3u 演奏
perform a play poa*-hi3 演戲
performance, to implement, carry out, put
into practice chip-he5ng, si8t-he5ng 執行,實
perform ceremonies, perform in a theater
poa*, pia2u-ia2n 演,表演
perform certain Taoist incantations for calling spirits koan 關,扶乩
performance, to work, operate a machine,
job, task kang-chok 工作
perform for entertainment, to act, to play,
exercise, to practice, expound, evolve,
develop ia2n 演
performer, a player, a magician ia2n-ge7-ji5noa5n
5 演藝人員
perfume one's hair tha5u-mo+ hi3u phang-chu2i
perform for you pia2u-ia2n ho7+ li2 kho3a* 表演給你
perfume, cologne phang-chu2i 香水
perform a great exploit tit-tio8h kong-be5ng 得
perfume, fragrance, bouquet, sweet smell
phang-bi7 香味
perform incantation to call the spirit to the
medium or sorcerer koan-ta5ng 扶乩
perfume, spice, flavoring, condiment phanglia7u 香料
perform meritorious acts, give to charitable
causes he5ng-sia7n 行善
perfumed oil, balsam hiang-iu5 香油
perform music, play a musical instrument,
performance ia2n-cha3u 演奏
perfumed soap, toilet soap phang-te5-kho+,
phang-cho5 香皂
perform music, play music, play a tune
cha3u-ga8k 奏樂
perfumery, fragrances phang-chu2i, phangchu2i-lu7i 香水,香水類
perform or undergo an operation for appendicitis koah bo5ng-tn5g 割盲腸
perfumery, perfume shop phang-chu2i-tia3m 香
perform penance cho3 po2+-sio8k 做補贖
perfunctory pia2u-bi7n e5, he5ng-sek e5, e3ng-hu3
e3ng-hu3 表面的,形式的,敷衍
perfunctory courtesy kan-na pia2u-bi7n-sio7ng
kheh-khi3 只有表面上客氣
period term ni5-ha7n 年限
period, a cycle, time of a revolution or rotation chiu-ki5 週期
perhaps, might happen, possible, probable,
possibility, maybe kia2m-chha2i 也許,可能
period, date, limit of time, to expect ki5 期
perhaps, uncertain, not necessarily bo5 tekkhak, bo5 ti7a*-tio8h 不確定,不一定
periodic evaluation of employees' work, to
grade the service of an employee kho2chek 考績
pericardium sim-lo5ng 心囊
peril gu5i-hia2m 危險
perilous gu5i-hia2m e5 危險的
periodic examinations te7ng-ki5 kho2-chhi3 定期
perilous journey gu5i-hia2m e5 li2-he5ng 危險的旅
periodic inspection te7ng-ki5 kia2m-cha 定期檢
perimeter chiu-u5i, si3-pi*, si3-kho+ lia2n-tn2g 周圍,
periodic table, statistical entry made on a
weekly basis chiu-ki5-pi2o 週期表
perimeter, encircle, circles hui-chi8t-lia3n 繞一
periodic, frequently, usually, often put-si5 e5
period, age, era, epoch si5-ta7i 時代
periodic, to fix a time, fixed time te7ng-si5 e5,
chiu-ki5 e5 定時的,週期的
- a period of a year ni5-to7+ 年度
periodical publication, publication at fixed
times te7ng-ki5 khan-bu8t 定期刊物
- at this period chit e5 si5-chu7n 這個時候
- after a period of keng-ko3e 經過
periodical, magazine cha8p-chi3 雜誌
- for a long period chin tn5g e5 ki5-kan 很長的
periodical, regularly, at regular intervals
te7ng-ki5 e5, te7ng-si5 e5 定期的,定時的
period, section, segment, a part chi8t chiat 一
periodicity, periodic, cyclic, cyclicity chiuki5-se3ng 週期性
period, a part, one phase or stage chi8t ki5 一
periods of festivals cheh-ki5 節期
periosteum, part of the bone that generates
new bone kut-mo8+h 骨膜
- monthly period of women goe8h-keng,
goe8h-keng-ki5 月經,經期
periostitis, inflammation of the periosteum
kut-mo8+h-ia7m 骨膜炎
- the first period ti7 it chiat 第一節
period at the end of a sentence ku3-tia2m 句點
peripatetic, tour, travel for pleasure iu5-le8k 遊
period during which martial law is in force
ka3i-gia5m si5-ki5 戒嚴時期
peripatetic, to tour, to go roam around su5nho5e 巡迴的
period from 1 to 3 a.m. thi2u*-si5 丑時
period of insurance po2-hia2m ki5-kan 保險期間
period of isolationism pi3-koan si5-ta7i 閉關時代
peripatetic, walk back and forth ki5a*-la5i ki5a*khi3 走來走去的
period of political tutelage hu3n-che3ng si5-ki5 訓
peripheral equipment chiu-pi* siat-pi7 周邊設
period of prohibition ki3m-chi2 ki5-ha7n,ki3m-chi2
ki5-kan 禁止期限,禁止期間
peripheral nervous system boa8t-siau si5nkeng 末稍神經
period of suppressing a riot kham-lo7an si5-ki5
periphery chiu-u5i, go7a-u5i 周圍,外圍
period of ten days, period of ten years, period of seven days in mourning su5n 旬
perish from a disease pe7*-si2 病死
periscope chia5m-bo7ng-ki3a* 潛望鏡
perish from the cold ko5a*-si2 冷死
period of the war kho3ng-chia3n si5-ki5 抗戰時期
perish, death, to die si2, si2-khi3 死,死去
period of time, an hour si5-chu7n 時辰
perish, deconstruction, ruin, destroy hu2ibia8t 毀滅
period of time, era ki5-kan, si5-ki5 期間,時期
period of transition ko3e-to7+ si5-ta7i, ko3e-to7+-ki5 過
perish, demise, be destroyed, become extinct, die out, exterminate bia8t-bo5ng 滅
period of twelve years chi8t-ki2-ni5, chi8t-khi2-ni5 一
perishable, dies easily kho3ai si2 e5 易死的
perishable, easily destroyed, fragile kho3ai
bia8t e5 易滅的
permutation, combination pa5i-lia8t cho+-ha8p
perishable, spoils easily, not durable kho3ai
pha2i*-khi3 e5, bo5 na7i-io7ng e5 易壞的,不耐用的
permutation, exchange, switch, swap kauo7a* 交換
peritoneum, the membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera
hok-mo8+h, ho8k-mo8+h 腹膜
permutation, to change, to vary pia3n-ho3a 變
pernicious anemia ok-se3ng e5 pi5n-hiat, ok-se3ng
e5 pi5n-hiat-che3ng 惡性的貧血症
peritonitis hok-mo8+h-ia7m, ho8k-mo8+h-ia7m 腹膜
pernicious, harmful iu2-ha7i e5 有害的
perjure cho3 gu7i-che3ng 做偽證
pernicious, malignant ok-se3ng e5 惡性的
perjury, false oath hi-se3 虛誓
pernicious, toxic u7 to8k e5 有毒的
- to commit perjury ho7an gu7i-che3ng cho7e 犯
peroration, conclusion, verdict kiat-lu7n 結論
peroration, the end chiong-kiat 終結
perjury, false witness gu7i-che3ng 偽證
peroxide, hydrogen peroxide ku2n-io8h 雙氧水
perjury, guilty of purjury gu7i-che3ng-cho7e 偽
perpendicular bars in a window, for keeping out thieves thang-a2-chi2 窗骨架
perky oa8t-phoat e5, u7 cheng-si5n e5 活潑的,有精
perpendicular cliff choa8t-piah 絕壁
perpendicular line, vertical line su5i-ti8t-so3a* 垂
permanence e2ng-ki2u, e2ng-ki2u-se3ng 永久,永久
perpendicular, straight, upright, erect ti8t e5,
tha2n-khi7a e5 直的,直立的
permanent e2ng-ki2u e5, put-pia3n e5, ko3+-te7ng 永久
perpetrate a crime ho7an-cho7e, ho7an-hoat 犯
- to get a permanent wave tia7n tha5u-mo+,
tia7n tha5u-chang 燙髮,燙頭髮
perpetrate, violate, offend, assault ho7an,
chok ok 犯(罪),作(惡)
permanent job ko3+-te7ng e5 tha5u-lo7+ 固定的工作
permanent, perpetual ki2u-oa2n 久遠
perpetrator of violence si-po8k-chi2a 施暴者
permanently fixed e2ng-ko3+ 永固
perpetual leasehold e2ng-oa2n cho+-chioh 永遠
permanently imprinted on the mind, deepfelt gratitude, unforgettable khek-kut
be5ng-sim 刻骨銘心
perpetual vows chiong-sin-goa7n (Catholic) 終
permeability, absorb, to assimilate, to ingest tha3u-ko3e-se3ng, e7 tha3u-ko3e 透過性
perpetual, life time, life-long chiong-sin e5 終
permeability, absorb, to assimilate, to ingest khip-siu-se3ng 吸收性
perpetual, permanent, always e2ng-ki2u, e2ngoa2n 永久,永遠
permeate, absorb, assimilate, ingest khipsiu 吸收
perpetual, without interruption bo5 tn7g e5 無間
permeate, pass through tha3u-ko3e 透過
perpetually a virgin chut-se3 to5ng-cheng
(Catholic) 卒世童貞
permissible e7 i2n-chu2n e5 可允許的
permission i2n-chu2n, hi2-kho2 准許,許可
perpetuate one's name li5u-be5ng, la5u-mi5a, li5ube5ng hi7o-se3 留名,留名後世
- to give permission chu2n, i2n-chu2n 准,允許
- written permission hi2-kho2-che3ng 許可證
perpetuate, make … last forever ho7+… e2ngchu5n, ho7+… li5u-hong ba7n-se3 使…永存,使…
permissive, allow, to grant, to permit u7 i2nchu2n e5, u7 hi2-kho2 e5 准許的,許可的
perpetuity, eternal, lasting forever e2ng-ki2u
chu5n-cha7i 永存
permissive, free to, at liberty chu7-iu5 e5 自由的
permit, a license hi2-kho2-che3ng 許可證
perpetuity, permanent, everlasting e2ng-ki2u
permit, a permit chip-chia3u 執照
permit, to allow i2n-chu2n, chu2n 准許,准
perplex, cause complications ho7+ ho8k-cha8p
permitted to do thang cho3, e7-e7ng-tit cho3, e7sa2i-tit cho3, kho2-i2 cho3 可以做
perplex, cause confusion, chaos, disorder
ho7+ lo7an-chhau-chhau 使混亂
persevere, peresist, remain committed to
kian-chhi5 堅持
perplex, feel embarrassed or awkward ho7+
u5i-la5n 使為難
persevere, to act patiently u7 na7i-sim cho3 耐心
perplex, make things obscure, hard to
solve ho7+ oh-ka2i 使難解
persevere, to show restraint, to repress anger etc, to exercise patience ji2m-na7i 忍
perplex, to disturb, to cause complications
khu3n-jia2u 困擾
Persia Pho-su 波斯
perplexed, awkward u5i-la5n 為難
Persian Pho-su-kok e5 波斯國的
perplexed, chaotic, confusion, disorder
lo7an-chhau-chhau, hu7n-lo7an 混亂
Persian Gulf Pho-su-oan 波斯灣
persimmon khi7, khi7-a2, an5g-khi7 柿子
perplexed, complicated, complex ho8k-cha8p
- dried persimmon khi7-ko2e 柿餅
persist kian-chhi5, ko3+-chip 堅持,固執
perplexed, utterly confused sim-la7i lo7anchhau-chhau, sim-ho5an i3-lo7an 心亂如麻,心
persist in a refusal kian-koat ki7-choa8t 堅決拒
persist in one's idea kian-chhi5 ka-ti7 e5 i3-kia3n 堅
perplexity, disorder, chaos hu7n-lo7an, lo7anchhau-chhau 混亂
persistency, insistence, tenacious kian-chhi5,
ko3+-chip 堅持,固執
perplexity, inconvenience, difficulty khu3nla5n 困難
persistency, lasting, enduring, permanent,
protracted, to last long u7 to3ng-tha5u 持久
perplexity, worried, distressed, worries
ho5an-lo2 煩惱
persistent bother, tangled thread or cord ti5*la5i ti5*-khi3 糾纏不休,纏來纏去
persecute, oppress cruelly pek-ha7i, ge8k-tha7i,
tiau-la5n, thiau-la5n 迫害,虐待,刁難
persistent efforts put-to7an e5 lo2+-le8k 不斷的努
persecution pek-ha7i, tiau-la5n 迫害,刁難
- the time of religious persecution Se3ngka3u-ho7e si7u pek-ha7i e5 si5-ki5 聖教會受迫害的
persistent, persevering, tenacious iu2-he5ng
persistent, stubbornly adhere to ko3+-chip,
kian-chhi5 e5 固執,堅持的
persecution complex, paranoia pi7-ha7i bo7ngsio2ng-che3ng 被害妄想症
persistent, sustained, constantly ke3-sio8k e5,
put-to7an e5 持續的,不斷的
persecution mania pi7-ha7i bo7ng-sio2ng-ko5ng 被
person, man, people, human being la5ng 人
persecutor pek-ha7i-chi2a 迫害者
- in person chhin-sin 親身
perseverance he5ng-sim 恆心
- mean person sia2u-ji5n 小人
perseverance, tolerance, patience, fortitude
ji2m-na7i-le8k 忍耐力
- middle age person tiong-lia5n-la5ng 中年人
- the very person pu2n-la5ng 本人
- gift of final perseverance sia7n-chiong chi
in 善終之恩
- to mistake a person for another ji7n m7-tio8h
la5ng 認錯人
- with perseverance till the end ji2m-na7i ka3u
te2 忍耐到底
person conversant with the state of affairs
in Taiwan la2u Ta5i-oa5n 老台灣
perseverance, enduring patiently, to show
restraint, to repress anger ji2m-na7i 忍耐
person dedicated to the cause of justice,
fairness by fighting for the poor and
oppressed kiap-kheh 俠客
perseverance, patient, patience na7i-sim 耐心
persevere in one's efforts lo2+-le8k ka3u te2 努力
person from another province go7a-se2ng-la5ng
persevere in prayer u7 he5ng-sim ki5-to2 有恆心祈
person from the same home district, fellow
citizen of the same district hiong-chhin,
hiang-chhin 鄉親
persevere to the end kian-chhi5 ka3u si2 堅持到
persevere, be persistent u7 he5ng-sim cho3,
kian-sim cho3 有恆心做,堅心做
person good-for-nothing but still take official title ti3n-tia7n 形容一個人已經沒用了,但
person who likes to direct things and tell
other people what to do hoah-khi2 hoahto2 指揮,控制
person in charge chu2-ji7m 主任
person who really exists as distinct from a
factious character u7 mi5a u7 se3* 有名有姓
person like a puppet na2-ka-le2 像傀儡
person who supplies a private gambling
party with room, cards and food, receiving a percentage of the winnings
tong-koa* 莊家
person making introduction ka3i-sia7u-ji5n 介紹
person of ability, talent ji5n-cha5i 人才
person of Chinese descent Ho5a-i 華裔
person with a certain kind of attitude chit
pa7n e5 這種型態的人
person of foresight or forethought, prophet
sian-ti 先知
person with an aquiline, hook nose, foreigner tok-phi7*-a2, a-tok-a2 大鼻子,洋人
person of great ability i2u-u5i e5 la5ng 有為的人
person of high moral standing hia5n-su7 賢士
person of a high social level u7 sin-hu7n e5 la5ng,
sin-hu7n ko5an e5 la5ng 有身份的人,身份高的
person of importance, a VIP ia3u-ji5n 要人
person with a good sense of smell ho2+-phi7*sai 嗅覺好
person, moral standing, moral quality,
character, personality ji5n-phi2n 人品
person, position, location, place, seat, honorific classifier for people u7i 位
person of leisure, rich, elderly, or occupying an honorary position e5ng-sin 閒身
personable, attractive la5ng su2i 漂亮的
person of much muscle but little refinement,
person of little education chho+-la5ng 粗
personable, elegance, elegant demeanor,
grace, poise hong-to7+ ho2 風度好
Person of the Year hong-hu5n-ji5n-bu8t 風雲人物
personable, extraordinary manner or bearing ji5n-cha5i chin ho2 氣宇不凡
person out of luck soe-a2-la5ng 倒霉的人
personable, graceful iu-nga2 e5 優雅的
person superior to others in excellence or
in skill chhut-tioh 出人頭地
personage or figure, usually referring to
famous persons ji5n-bu8t, kak-sek 人物,角
person through whose hands money is
paid, goods, sent or business transacted keng-chhi2u-ji5n 經手人
personage or figure, usually referring to
famous persons ko-ku3i e5 la5ng 高貴的人
person who canvases, solicits ki3o-kheh-a2 招
personal su-ji5n e5, ka-ti7 e5, ko3-ji5n e5 私人的,自己
person who doesn't know how to flatter bo5chhu3i-chu2i 不太愛講話
personal affairs, private affairs su-su7 私事
personal effects su-iu2-bu8t 私有物品
person who has a black, thin appearance
o+-ta-sa2n 形容瘦又黑之人
personal friendship as distinct from official
association su-kau 私交
person who has good eyesight vision ba8kkim e5 la5ng 好眼力
personal grudge su-oa3n, su-si5u 私怨,私仇
personal income, individual income ko3-ji5nso2+-tit 個人所得
person who has learned to be sly, a sleazy
fellow, a smoothie la7u-iu5-tia5u 老油條
personal or private property, for personal
or private use chu7-io7ng 自用
person who is always hungry or doesn't
have any manners ka*-si5u 比喻餓鬼
personal pronoun ji5n-chheng ta7i-be5ng-su5 人稱
person who is difficult to get along with
pha2i*-kha 很難合作的人
personal reputation ko3-ji5n be5ng-i7 個人名譽
person who knows but little of the world
chi8ah bi2 m7-chai bi2-ke3 不知天高地厚
personal seal, private chop su-chiong, i3n-a2
person who likes and admires Japan and
Japanese people or things Ha-ji8t-cho8k
personal secretary, private secretary su-ji5n
pi3-su 私人秘書
personal stereo so5e-sng-theng (phonetic), su5isin-thia* 隨身聽
person who likes sophism khi7a-che3*-o5ng 強
person who likes to boast ka3i-sian 蓋仙
personal use, illegal use of public property
su-io7ng 私用
perspiration on the palms of the hand
chhi2u-sio8h 手汗
personality ji5n-keh, ko3-se3ng 人格,個性
perspire la5u-ko7a* 流汗
- pleasing personality oa5n-bi2 e5 ji5n-keh 完美
persuade khn3g, ko2ng ho7+ la5ng sim e7 ho8k, soatho8k, so3e-ho8k 勸,說得令人心服,說服
personally, with one's own ears chhin-hi7* 親
persuade, advise a person to keep the
peace, to patch up a quarrel khn3g-ho5 勸
personally, by oneself, itself chhin-chhu3i,
chhin-sin, pu2n-sin 親口,親身,本身
persuasion, confidence, to be convinced, to
be sure, to firmly believe khak-si3n 確信
personally, direct, immediate ti8t-chiap 直接
- power of persuasion soat-ho8k-le8k 說服力
personate, play the role of, to act cho3, chngcho3 扮演
persuasion, faith, belief, conviction si3n-lia7m
personate, to feign, pretend to be, pass
oneself off as… ke2-cho3… 冒充…
persuasive chin ga5u khn3g-la5ng, chin ho2
chhu3i-su2i 善於勸誘的,善於言語的
personification, incarnation, reincarnation,
embodiment of abstract idea, exemplification ho3a-sin 化身
pertain to, to have a relationship with u7
koan-he7 有關係
personification, to personalize, personified,
anthropomorphism ji5n-keh-ho3a, gi2-ji5nhoat 人格化,擬人法
pertinacious ku2-tn5g e5 持久的
personification, typical, representative tia2nhe5ng 典型
pertinacious efforts ke3-sio8k put-to7an e5 lo2+-le8k
personify, impersonate gi2-ji5n 擬人
pertinacious, stubbornly adhere to ko3+-chip,
kian-chhi5 固執,堅持
pertain, to be classified as, to belong to, to
be part of sio8k-ti7 屬於
personify, is the incarnation of si7…e5 ho3a-sin
pertinacious, tenacious, hard to defeat
khut-kio5ng e5, nge7 boeh a3i 頑強的
personnel ji5n-su7, ji5n-oa5n 人事,人員
- to use personnel e7ng la5ng 雇用人
personnel administration ji5n-su7 ko2an-li2 人事
pertinence, appropriate, consistent, to the
point sek-to3ng, u7 ha8h, tu3i-te5 適當,吻合,切
personnel changes ji5n-su7 i7-to7ng, ji5n-su7 tia3uto7ng 人事異動,調動
pertinence, to have a relationship u7 koan-he7
personnel connections ji5n-su7 koan-he7 人事關
pertinent, suitable, appropriate sek-to3ng e5,
chin ha8h 適當的,合適的
personnel manager ji5n-su7 chu2-ji7m 人事主任
pertinent, to have a relationship u7 koan-he7 e5
personnel section ji5n-su7-kho3 人事課
perturb jia2u-lo7an, ho7+…sim-ho5an i3-lo7an, ho7+
la5ng bo5 sim-si5n 擾亂,使…心煩意亂
persons of the same family chi8t ke la5ng 一家
perturbation sim-ho5an i3-lo7an, bo5 sim-chi5a*,
hu7n-lo7an 心煩意亂,混亂
perspective in drawings tha3u-si7-hoat 透視法
perspective in drawings pho3e-ke2ng-hoat 配
Peru Pi3-lo2+ 秘魯
perusal, read carefully chim-chiok tha8k, tha8k
kah chin sio5ng-se3 仔細讀
perspective, gaze, insight, foresight, vision,
way of looking at things ga2n-kong 眼光
perusal, inspect, to read ia8t-la2m 閱覽
perspective, prospects, future outlook
chia5n-to5+ 前途
pervade, have an impact on, leaven hoatseng e2ng-hio2ng 發生影響
perspicuous, understanding be5ng-pe8k,
be5ng-lia5u 明白,明瞭
pervade, world-wide, full chi8t si3-ke3 lo2ng si7,
chhiong-mo2a 遍及,充滿
perspiration ko7a*, la5u-ko7a* 汗,流汗
pervading benevolence of the ruler in-te8k 恩
- to smell of perspiration chha3u-ko7a*-sng 汗
perverse and tyrannical ruler ho5ai*-pa3 橫霸
perverse ways, ways which are not normally or ordinarily followed, artful device, trap thau-chia8h-po7+ 詭計
pest, bubonic plague, Black Death o+-si2-pe7*
pest, injurious insect ha7i-tha5ng 害蟲
perverse, outrageous, stubborn, rude and
unreasonable, fussy disposition chin
ho5ai* 蠻橫
pest, troublesome person, thing tho2-ia3 e5
la5ng, tho2-ia3 e5 mi8h-ki7a* 討厭的東西
pester, annoying ho7+…tho2-ia3, chak-si2, khi5*
perverse, sinister, treacherous, crafty imhia2m 陰險
pestered by flies ho7+ ho5+-si5n chak-si2 被蒼蠅煩
perverse, stubborn, rude and unreasonable
chin hoan 倔強的
pestilence, infectious disease, contagious
disease tho5an-jia2m-pe7* 傳染病
perversion of justice khiok-ka2i che3ng-gi7 曲解
pestilence, infectious disease, contagious
disease un-e8k 瘟疫
perversion, abnormal, unusual pia3n-kho2an
pestilence, the plague nia2u-chhi2-che3ng 鼠疫
perversion, distortion, deterioration, exacerbation, degeneration, depravation okho3a 惡化
pestle for a large rice mortar worked by
hand cheng-chhi2 舂槌,舂杵
PET bottle, polyethylene terephthalate bottle sok-ka-ko3an-a2 寶特瓶
perversion, inversion, turned upside-down,
reversed, confused, deranged tian-to3 顛
pet name given to children leng-mi5a 乳名
perversion, misinterpreted, twisted khiokka2i 曲解
pet shop thio2ng-bu8t-tia3m 寵物店
perversion, pervert, sexual perversion se3ngpia3n-tha3i 性變態
pet, love, embrace, caress sioh, la2m, so 疼愛,
pervert others tho7a-pha2i* pa8t-la5ng 帶壞別人
petals of flowers hoe-pa7n, hoe-ia8p, hoe-ia8p-a2
pet, house pet thio2ng-bu8t 寵物
pervert the truth khiok-ka2i chin-li2 曲解真理
Peter Pek-to-lo8k, Pi2-tek 伯多祿,彼得
pervert, do harm to, cause trouble to, harm,
evil, calamity ha7i, ho7+…hu2-pa7i 害,使…腐
peter out, gradually fade away ti8t-ti8t bo5 khi3,
chia7m-chia7m se3 khi3, siau-mo5+ 逐漸消失,漸
pervert, misinterpret, twist khiok-ka2i 曲解
petition, appeal a judicial case sio7ng-so3+ 上訴
pervert, misuse, misapply go7+-io7ng, io7ng m7tio8h 誤用
- to present a petition the8h-chhut chhe2ngki5u-su 提出請求書
pervious, easy to permeate, infiltrate, pervade, osmosis e7 sia8p-chu2i e5, e7 tha3u-ko3e e5
- to refuse a petition chhe2ng-go7an pok-ho5e
pervious, semsibility, strong feeling of
power u7 ka2m-si7u-le8k e5 有感受力的
petition, request, beseech chhe2ng-go7an,
chhe2ng-ki5u, ia3u-ki5u 請願,請求,要求
Pescadores Phe5*-o5+ 澎湖
petition, solicit answers or opinions, to
look for hired help tin-ki5u 徵求
pessimism, negativism, passiveness siauke8k chu2-gi7, pi-koan chu2-gi7, ia3m-se3 chu2-gi7
petrifaction, petrification, fossil ho3a-chio8h
pessimism, to look on the dark side of, in
despair pi-koan 悲觀
petrifaction, petrification, fossilization pia3n
cho3 ho3a-chio8h 變為化石
pessimist pi-koan e5 la5ng, ia3m-se3-chi2a, ia3m-se3pha3i 悲觀者,厭世者,厭世派
petrifactology, paleontology ho3a-chio8h-ha8k
pessimistic pi-koan e5, pi-koan chu2-gi7 e5 悲觀的,
petrify, daydream, daze, dumbfounded
ga7ng-khi3 發愣
pessimistic view of life, pessimism ia3m-se3koan 厭世觀
petrify, turn to rock, become fossils pia3n
cho3 chio8h-tha5u 變為石頭
pessimistic, depressed, dejected, lowspirited i3-chi3 siau-ti5m 意志消沉
petrochemical industry chio8h-iu5 ho3a-ha8k
kang-gia8p 石油化學工業
pessimists ia3m-se3-pha3i 厭世派
petrol khi3-iu5 汽油
phantom, ghosts and goblins, demons iaumo5+ ku2i-ko3ai 妖魔鬼怪
petroleum chio8h-iu5 石油
phantom, illusion, ghost ho3an-sio7ng 幻象
petroleum company chio8h-iu5 kong-si 石油公
phantom, illusion, wrong impression, misconception chho3-kak 錯覺
petroleum, kerosene chio8h-iu5, hoan-na2-iu5,
chu2i-iu5 石油,煤油
Pharaoh Hoat-lo2-o5ng 法老王
petroleum, oil and lubricant, POL iu5-lia7u 油
Pharisee Hoat-li7-sa3i-la5ng 法利賽人
petrology ga5m-chio8h-ha8k 岩石學
petticoat, underskirt tho3-ku5n 襯裙
pharmaceutical company che3-io8h kong-si 製
pettish, bad temper pha2i* se3ng-te7 壞脾氣的
pharmaceutical factory io8h-chhi2u* 藥廠
pettish, impatient kip-se3ng e5 性急的
pharmaceutics, dispensing method kap-io8hhoat 配藥法
pharisee, hypocrite gu7i-sia7n-chi2a 偽善者
pettish, tends to be fussy, critical, picky ga5u
khiau-khi 好挑剔的
pharmaceutics, prescription, medication
io8h-hng 藥方
petty businessman, traveling around peddling things cha2u-chu2i-a2 跑單幫
pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical sciences
che3-io8h-ha8k 製藥學
petty cash lan-san chi5* 零錢
pharmacist io8h-che-su 藥劑師
petty minded, mean spirited sia2u-khi3, si2o-khi3
pharmacology, study of medicine io8h-li2-ha8k,
io8h-bu8t-ha8k 藥理學,藥物學
petty or junior official ha7-kip koa*-oa5n 下級官
petty thief, pilferer si2o-chha8t 小偷,小賊
pharmacy, drugs manufacturing factory
che3-io8h-chhi2u* 製藥廠
petty, bored, boring, senseless bo5-lia5u e5 無
pharmacy, drugstore, dispensary io8h-pa5ng,
io8h-kio8k 藥房,藥局
petty, tiny, small chin se3 e5 細小的
pharmacy, prescription io8h-hng 處方
petty, trivial, frivolous li-li khok-khok e5 瑣碎
phase, aspect, respect, side, field hong-bi7n
petulant, frustration so3-se3ng 暴燥的
phase, situation, period, stage kio8k-bi7n, si5-ki5,
kai-to7a* 局面,時期,階段
petulant, ill temper, crossness pha2i* se3ng-te7
phase, status, state, situation, circumstances cho7ng-tha3i, che5ng-he5ng 狀態,情
petulant, impatient kip-se3ng e5 急性子的
petunia, deep or dark purple chhim chi2-sek
PhD, doctor of philosophy thiat-ha8k phok-su7,
tiat-ha8k phok-su7 哲學博士
petunia, morning glory khan-gu5-hoe, ko2+chhoe-hoe 牽牛花,喇叭花
pheasant soa*-ke, thi5-ke 山雞,雉雞
phenomenal, appearance hia7n-sio7ng e5 現象
pew ku7i-i2 跪椅
pewter siah, siah-la8h, siah kap ia5n e5 ha8p-kim 錫
phenomenal, astonishing, amazing, stunning kia*-si2-la5ng e5 驚人的
phalanx, bones of the hand and feet chn2gtha5u-a2-ba8k 指骨,趾骨
phenomenon of nature chu7-jia5n-ka3i e5 hia7nsio7ng 自然界的現象
phalanx, military formation hong-ti7n 方陣
- celestial phenomenon thian-bu5n, thiansio7ng 天文,天象
phantasm, dream, fantasy, imagination, escapism, reverie khong-sio2ng 空想
- strange phenomenon i7-sio7ng 異象
phantasm, dreamm, mirage ba7ng e5 ho3an-ia2*
phenomenon, phenomena hia7n-sio7ng 現象
phial, vial, small medicine bottle se3 ki io8hkan-a2 小玻璃藥瓶
phantasm, illusion, fancy, phantasy, bubble
ho3an-sio2ng 幻想
philanthropic acts, auspicious matters like
births and marriage ho2-su7, ho2-ta7i-chi3 好
phantasm, wishful thinking, vain hope,
pipedream bo7ng-sio2ng 妄想
philanthropic works chu5-sia7n su7-gia8p 慈善事
phlegmatic, slow, dull, retarded tu7n e5 遲鈍的
phobia khio2ng-khu7-pe7*, kia*-hi5a* e5 pe7* 恐懼病
philanthropic, benevolent and loving ji5n-a3i e5
- hydro phobia sia2u-ka2u-pe7*, khio2ng-chu2i-pe7*
philanthropic, charity, charitable chu5-sia7n e5
phoenix ho7ng-ho5ng 鳳凰
phoenix cock tn5g-bo2e-ke 長尾雞
philanthropic, fraternity, brotherhood phoka3i e5 博愛的
phone call reservations, voice booking gi2im-te7ng-phi3o 語音訂票
philanthropism phok-a3i chu2-gi7 博愛主義
philanthropist chu5-sia7n-ka 慈善家
phone card, electronic phone card tia7n-o7ekhah, tia7n-o7e tia7n-chu2-khah 電話電子卡
philanthropy, benevolent, charitable chu5sia7n 慈善
phone, to telephone kha3 tia7n-o7e 打電話
phone-tapping chhiap-thia*, thau-thia* tia7n-o7e
philanthropy, universal fraternity, universal
love phok-a3i 博愛
phonetic hoat-im e5, gi2-im e5 發音的,語音的
philatelist chi8p-iu5-chi2a 集郵者
- international phonetic signs kok-che3 imphiau 國際音標
philately, stamp-collecting chi8p-iu5 集郵
philippic, speech eliciting attach on enemy
kong-kek e5 ia2n-soat 攻擊的演說
phonetic symbols or alphabet im-phiau, kokgi2 chu3-im hu5-ho7 音標,國語注音符號
Philippine Archipelago Hui-lu8t-pin Ku5n-to2+ 菲
phonetic signs im-phiau 音標
Philippines Hui-hu8t-pin 菲律賓
phonetic transcription im-phiau bu5n-ji7 音標文
Philippines, Luzon Li7-so3ng 呂宋
phonetician gi2-im ha8k-ka 語音學家
Philistine Hui-li7-su7-ji5n 非利士人
phonograph li5u-seng-ki (archaic) 留聲機
philology, linguistics gia5n-gi2-ha8k, gi2-gia5n-ha8k
phonograph tia7n-chhi3u*-ki 電唱機
phonograph record chhi3u*-phi3*, khek-po5a* 唱
philosopher tiat-ha8k-ka, tiat-ha8k-chi2a, thiatha8k-ka 哲學家,哲學者
phonology im-u7n-ha8k 音韻學
philosophy, doctrine, principles tiat-ha8k,
thiat-ha8k, tiat-li2 哲學,哲理
phonology, phonetics gi2-im-ha8k 語音學
phony, cheater, impostor phia3n-to5+ 騙徒
- moral philosophy lu7n-li2-ha8k 倫理學
phosphate li5n-sng-ia5m 磷酸鹽
- scholastic philosophy ka3u-io8k tiat-ha8k, su7li5m tiat-ha8k 教育哲學,士林哲學
phosphatic manure, phosphates li5n-sng pu5ilia7u 燐酸肥料
philosophy of life ji5n-seng tiat-ha8k, ji5n-sengkoan 人生哲學,人生觀
phosphorescence li5n-kong, li5n-kng, ku2i-a2-ho2e
philosophy of the pulse me8h-li2 脈理
phosphoric li5n e5 磷的
phlebitis, vein inflamation che7ng-me8h-ia7m 靜
phosphoric acid li5n-sng 燐酸
phosphorus li5n, li5n-so3+, li5n-chit 磷,磷素,燐質
phlegm, mucus from the throat tha5m-no7a,
tha5m 痰
phosphorus fertilizer, phosphorite li5n-pu5i 燐
- to bring up phlegm phu3i tha5m 吐痰
phlegm contains blood tha5m ka5* hoeh 痰含
photo enlargement ho3ng-toa7 hip-si3ong 放大照
phlegmatic temperament, lazy, sluggish
no7a-se3ng 個性懶散
photo studio hip-sio3ng-ko2an, chia3u-sio3ngko2an 照相館
phlegmatic, cool, calm, sober le2ng-che7ng e5
photochemistry si8t-bu8t ho3a-ha8k 植物化學
photogenic, taking a good photo, be on
camera chi7u* ki3a*-tha5u 上鏡頭
phlegmatic, indifferent, apathy le2ng-ta7m e5 冷
photogenic, to shine, glow hoat-kng e5, hoatli5n-kng e5 發光的,發磷光的
phlegmatic, ruthless, uncharitable bo5 che5ng
e5 無情的
photograph sio3ng, sio3ng-phi3* 相,相片
photograph plates or film sio3ng-phi3* 相片
phylogenetics, study of the evolution or
development of a kind or type of animal
or plant, racial history he7-tho2ng hun-lu7iha8k 系統分類學
photograph shop hip-sio3ng-ko2an 照相館
photograph, to photograph, to take a picture hip, hip-sio3ng 照,照相
photographer chia3u-sio3ng-su, hip-sio3ng e5 la5ng,
liap-ia2*-ka 照相師,照相的人,攝影家
photographic, photo sio3ng-phi3* e5, hip-sio3ng e5
physical abnormality, eg, limp, cross-eyes,
buck teeth ko3-iu7* 異樣,毛病,殘缺
physical agility, stamina the2-le5ng 體能
physical appearance the2-he5ng 體形
photographic album sio3ng-pho7+ 相簿
physical body, the flesh jio8k-sin 肉身
photographic camera hip-sio3ng-ki 照相機
physical changes bu8t-li2 pia3n-ho3a 物理變化
photographic developer hia2n-sio7ng-e8k 顯像液
physical chemistry, physics and chemistry
bu8t-li2 ho3a-ha8k 物理化學
photographic equipment hip-sio3ng khi3-cha5i
physical constitution the2-chit 體質
photographic equipment shop hip-sio3ng khi3cha5i-ha5ng 照相器材行
physical development of a community,
country bu8t-chit kia3n-siat 物質建設
photographic exhibition, film festival, international film festival international exhibition of photography ia2*-tia2n 影展
physical drill the2-chhau 體操
physical education the2-io8k 體育
physical evidence che3ng-bu8t, bu8t-che3ng 證物,
photographic film exposed accidentally
cha2u-kng 走光,漏光
physical examination sin-the2 kia2m-cha 身體
photographic lighting chi3au-be5ng, chi3o-be5ng
physical examination, health checkup the2keh kia2m-cha 體格檢查
photographic negative te2-phi3* 底片
photographic studio hip-sio3ng-ko2an 照相館
physical examination, medical exam the2ki2am 體檢
photography hip-sio3ng-su8t 照相術
physical height of a person the2-koa5n, sinkoa5n 身高
photogravure printing plates pe5*-pa2n 平版
photogravure, lithograph plates hip-sio3ng
che3-pa2n 照相製版
physical life bu8t-chit seng-oa8h 物質生活
photogravure, photocopying ia2*-i3n 影印
physical strength the2-le8k, khu3i-la8t 體力,力氣
photolithographic edition or copy ia2*-i3n-pu2n
physical tests the2-keh chhek-gia7m 體格測驗
physical therapy bu8t-li2 lia5u-hoat, ho8k-kia7n 物
photomontage ho8k-ha8p hip-si3ong, te5ng-te5ng
tha8h-tha8h e5 hip-sio3ng-su8t 複合照相
physical, human body seng-khu e5 身體的
phototherapy tia7n-kong ti7-lia5u, kng-so3a* lia5uhoat 電光治療,光線療法
physical, material, substantial, corporeal
bu8t-chit e5 物質的
phrase book se5ng-gi2-chi8p 成語集
physical, physics bu8t-li2-ha8k e5 物理學的
phrase, idiom, proverb se5ng-gi2 成語
physically jio8k-the2-sio7ng 肉體上
phrase, linguistic object, clause si7u-su5 受詞
physician i-seng, i-su, ta7i-hu 醫生,醫師,大夫
phrase, statement, sentence gi2-ku3 語句
- to call a physician ki3o i-seng, chhi2a* i-seng
phrase, words, expressions, writing ji7-ku3 字
physician, internal medicine doctor la7i-kho iseng 內科醫生
phraseology, grammar gi2-hoat 語法
physicist bu8t-li2-ha8k-chi2a 物理學者
phraseology, special terminology, choice of
words te8k-su5 io7ng-gi2 特殊用語
physicists and chemists li2-ho3a ha8k-ka 理化學
phrenetic, crazy, wacky, goofy sia2u-sia2u 瘋瘋
physics bu8t-li2, bu8t-li2-ha8k 物理,物理學
phrenology kut-sio3ng-ha8k 骨相學
physics society bu8t-li2 ha8k-ho7e 物理學會
phychoanalysis cheng-si5n hun-sek 精神分析
physiognomist bi7n-sio3ng su8t-su, ji5n-sio3ng ha8kchi2a 面相術師,人相學者
physiognomy ji5n-sio3ng-ha8k 人相學
pick fruit ba2n ko2e-chi2 摘水果
physiognomy, tell fortune by reading the
subject's facial features sio3ng-su8t, kho3a*sio3ng-hoat 相術,看相法
pick off scabs kha3ng-phi2 揭痂疤
physiognomy, looks, appearance, outlook
sio3ng-ma7u, bi7n-ma7u 相貌,面貌
pick out a lucky day ke2ng ho2-ji8t 選吉日
pick one's nose oe2 phi7*-sa2i, kha3ng phi7*-sa2i 挖
pick out a better one tiak chi8t e5 khah ho2 e5 選
- to practice physiognomy kho3a*-sio3ng 看相
physiognomy, terrain, topography relief te7se3 地勢
pick out, to select, to elect so2an-chhu2, so2anchhut 選取,選出
physiological seng-li2-ha8k e5, seng-li2 e5 生理學的,
pick tea leaves chha2i-te5, ba2n-te5 採茶
pick a thorn out ngia2u-chhi3 挑刺
physiological botany si8t-bu8t seng-li2-ha8k 植物
pick up an object khioh khi2-la5i 撿起來
pick up or find money on the ground khiohtio8h chi5* 拾到錢
physiological functions and processes
seng-li2 生理
pick up pebbles khioh chio8h-tha5u-a2 撿石子
physiologically seng-li2-sio7ng 生理上
pick up secretly thau-khioh 偷撿
physiologist seng-li2 ha8k-chi2a 生理學者
pick up a splinter, get a splinter chha8k-tio8h
chhoa* 刺到芒刺
physiology seng-li2-ha8k 生理學
physiology and hygienics seng-li2 o7e-seng 生
pick up the books chheh khioh-khi2-la5i 書撿起
physiotherapy bu8t-li2 ti7-lia5u 物理治療
pick up with a fork chhe khi2-la5i 叉起來
physique, bodily health, one's physical
state ha3n-chha2u 體格
pick up with pincers gia8p khi2-la5i 夾起來
pick up with pincers, chopsticks ngeh 夾
physique, stature, build, height and weight
the2-keh, sin-cha5i 體格,身材
pick up with pincers, chopsticks or fire
tongs ngeh khi2-la5i 夾起來
- a man of strong physique chi8t e5 the2-keh
kio5ng-cho3ng e5 la5ng 一個體格強壯的人
pick up, pull out a nail ngia2u khi2-la5i 挑出來,剔
physique, position, posture the2-u7i 體位
pick up, to gather khioh 拾,撿
phytopathology si8t-bu8t pe7*-li2-ha8k 植物病理學
pick vegetables ba2n-chha3i 摘菜
pianist kn3g-khi5m-ka 鋼琴家
pick, a tool ku8t-a2 鶴嘴鋤
piano kn3g-khi5m 鋼琴
pick, gather up sugar or sand with your
hand me khi2-la5i 抓起來
- to play the piano to5a* kn3g-khi5m 彈鋼琴
piano accompaniment kn3g-khi5m pho7a*-cha3u
pick, peck like a bird tho2ng, thok 啄
pick, pluck flowers or fruits ba2n, tiah 摘
piano concert kn3g-khi5m ia2n-cha3u-ho7e 鋼琴演
pick, select, collect, choose ke2ng, khioh,
so2an-te8k 選,揀,撿,選擇
piazza, corridor, aisle, hallway, colonnade
cha2u-lo5ng, ha7ng-lo7+-a2 走廊
pickaxe ku8t-a2 鶴嘴鋤
piazza, public square, plaza ko2ng-ti5u*,
kha3ng-te7-a2 廣場
picket, military sentry, sentinel kun-tu7i e5 po7+sa3u 步哨
piazza, market place chhi7-ti5u* 市場
picket, protect, be alert for ke2ng-ka3i 警戒
picayune, inconsequential, minute details
soa-soa-sap-sap 零零碎碎,囉囉嗦嗦
picket, stake khi8t-a2 樁
piccalilli pha3u-chha3i 泡菜
pickets, demonstrators si7-ui e5 ku5n-chio3ng 示
picket, to surround, protect u5i-le3 圍住
piccolo phi2n-a2 高音小笛
picking fault at what a man says lia8h-pau 捉
pick one's teeth thok-ge5, thuh chhu3i-khi2 剔牙
- tooth pick khi2-thok-a2 牙籤,剔牙
pickle chi3u*-chha3i, sng-chha3i 醃菜,醃漬菜
pick and choose ke2ng tang ke2ng sai 挑東挑西
pickle fish or shellfish si7*-ke5, si7*-ko5e 醬醃
pick a flower ba2n-hoe 摘花,挽花
pickle vegetables si7*-chha3i 醃菜
pickled chi3u*-kia5m 醬類
picture showing large numbers of beautiful
women pah-bi2-to5+ 百美圖
pickled bamboo shoots sng-su2n 酸筍
picture tube is burned out, there is sound
but no picture. Ia2*-sio7ng-ko2an ha7i-khi3,
tia7n-si7 u7 sia* bo5 ia2*. 影像管壞了,電視只有聲
pickled cucumbers chi3u*-koe 醬瓜
pickled duck eggs kia5m-ah-nn7g 鹹鴨蛋
pickled fish hi5-a2-ke5 魚醬
pickled ginger chi3u*-kiu* 醬薑
picturesque language seng-to7ng e5 o7e-gi2 生動
pickled pig liver ta2m-koa* 膽肝
picturesque, interesting, fascinating, amusing su2i kah be7-ko3+-tit, u7 chhu3-bi7 e5 有趣的
pickled shrimp he5-a2-ke5 蝦醬
pickled vegetables chi3u*-chha3i 醬菜
picturesque, pretty as a picture chhin-chhi7u*
oe7 e5 如畫的
pickled vegetables Chinese style pha3uchha3i 泡菜
picturesque, vivid, lively seng-to7ng e5 生動的
pickled vegetables, salted vegetables, pickles kia5m-chha3i 鹹菜
picul chi8t ta3*, chi8t pah kin 一擔,一百斤
picul of rice chi8t chio8h bi2 一石米
pickled vegetables, Szechwan cooking cha3chha3i, Su3-chhoan-Chha3i 榨菜,四川菜
pidgin bo5 chi3a*-tho2ng e5 o7e, hu7n-cha8p e5 o7e, bo5
su5n e5 o7e 不正統的話,混雜的話,不純的話
pickled wild pig meat soa*-ti-ke5 山豬肉醬
pidgin English bo5-chi3a* e5 Eng-gi2 不正統的英
pickpocket chia2n-li2u-a2 扒手
picnic in the country ia2-chhan 野餐
pie pha2i (phonetic), ko2e-chi2-pi2a* 派,果子餅
- to go to the country for a picnic khi3 ia2-go7a
ia2-chhan 去野外野餐
- to stick a finger into someone's pie kansia8p pa8t la5ng e5 ta7i-chi3 干涉別人的事情
picnic, outing kau-iu5 郊遊
pie, lentil jam pie le8k-ta7u-pi2a* 綠豆餅
pictorial ang-a2-to5+ e5, to5+-o7e e5 圖畫的
piece, slice, fragment, chip, strip, slip, flake
chi8t te3, chi8t phi3* 一塊,一片
pictorial magazine oe7-khan, o7e-po3 畫刊,畫報
pictorial, story in series, comics, comic
strip lia5n-kho5an to5+-oe7 連環圖畫
- to break into pieces chhu3i-ko5+-ko5+ 粉碎的
- to divide into two pieces peh cho3 nn7g te3
picture, diagram, drawing, chart, map, to
plan, to scheme, to attempt, to pursue,
to seek to5+, ang-a2-to5+ 圖,圖畫
- to do piece work sn3g-ki7a* 計件
- to speak one's piece pia2u-si7 i3-kia3n 表示意
- erotic pictures chhun-kiong-to5+ 春宮圖
- motion pictures tia7n-ia2* 電影
- picture postcard hong-ke2ng be5ng-si3n-phi3*
- to cut into pieces chhiat cho3 chi8t te3 chi8t te3
- to hang a picture ko3a-to5+ 掛圖
- to smash to pieces ko3ng-pho3a 打破
- to tear to pieces thiah-pho3a, li3-pho3a 撕破
picture, photo sio3ng-phi3* 相片
- to trample into pieces ta8h ho7+ chhu3i 踩碎
- holy picture se3ng-sio7ng 聖像
piece goods merchants, dry goods dealers
po3+-siong 布商
- picture of an idol pu8t-chhat-a2 佛像
- picture frame sio3ng-kheng 相框
piece goods, bolt of cloth po3+-phit 布匹,布疋
- to take pictures hip-sio3ng 照相
piece of baggage chi8t ki7a* he5ng-li2 一件行李
picture, scenery, scene, landscape, view
ke2ng-sek 景色
piece of bread chi8t te3 mi7-pau 一塊麵包
piece of bread, bread crumbs mi7-pau-iu3-a2 麵
picture, portrait, likeness sia3u-sio7ng 肖像
- He is a picture of his father. I chin se5ng in
la7u-pe7. 他很像他爸爸.
piece of charcoal tho3a*-iu3-a2 碎炭
piece of fertile land, rich rice fields pu5ichha5n 肥田
- pictures of the Stations of the Cross
Kho2+-lo7+-sio7ng (Catholic) 苦路像
picture bia5u-si2a 描寫
piece of land chi8t te3 te7 一塊地
picture art gallery oe7-lo5ng 畫廊
piece of land, a lot, a plot chi8t-phia3n 一遍
piece of meat chi8t te3 bah 一塊肉
piece of music, a tune, a song, crooked,
bent khek, khiok 曲
pig plague ti-che, ti-un 豬疫,豬瘟
piece of paper chi8t tiu* cho2a 一張紙
pig stomach, pork tripe ti-to7+ 豬肚
piece of rope chi8t chat soh-a2 一截繩子
pig sty, pig pen ti-tia5u 豬舍,豬寮
piece of silver go5an-po2 元寶
pig sty, room in a mess ti-si7u, ti-tia5u 豬舍,豬
pig lung ti-hi3 豬肺
piece of split bamboo for chasing animals
ke-chhe2ng 雞筅
pig tongue ti-chi8h 豬舌
piece of string, ribbon, shoe lace to3a-a2 帶子
pig trough ti-cho5 豬槽
piece of writing, chapter, an elegant literary
composition chiu*, chiong 章
pigeon hu2n-chia2u 鴿子
- carrier pigeon thong-si3n-chia2u 通信鴿
piece work system pau-kang-che3 包工制
pigeon hole hu2n-chia2u-tu5-a2-mn5g, toh-a2-te2ng e5
keh-a2 鴿舍的門,桌上的架子
piecemeal, crush, smash, shatter chhu3i-ko5+ko5+ 粉碎的
pigeon house hu2n-chia2u-tu5 鴿舍
piecemeal, fragmentary, bits and pieces of
lan-lan san-san 零零碎碎的
pigeon-toed phoat-kha, ki5a*-lo7+ kha poat-poat,
neh kha-bo2e ki5a*-lo7+ 拐腳,跛腳,用足尖走路
piecemeal, piece by piece chi8t-ha7ng chi8tha7ng 一件一件
piggish chhin-chhi7u* ti, lah-sap, iau-ku2i 似豬的,
pier, breakwater, seawall ho5ng-pho-the5 防波
piggy ti-a2-ki2a* 小豬
pig-headed ko3+-chip 固執
pier, bridge ki5o-thia7u 橋墩
piglets ti-a2-ki2a* 豬仔,小豬
pier, wharf, dock be2-tha5u 碼頭
pigment sek-lia7u, sek-so3+ 顏料,色素
pierce chha8k-tha3ng-ko3e, tu8h-tha3ng-ko3e 刺透,
pilaster, pilar, columns piah-thia7u 壁柱
pierce and burst open tu8h-pho3a 刺破
Pilate Pi2-la-to 比拉多
pierce the ears kn3g hi7* 穿耳洞
pile, heap, stack thia8p, tha8h 堆,疊
pierce through chhi3-tha3u 刺透
- grass pile chha2u-pu5 草叢
pierce to the bone, offend somebody
deeply chha8k-tio8h kut-pha7ng 刺進骨子裡
- wood pile chha5-tui 木材堆
pierce, puncture chha8k-pho3a 刺破
pile of books chi8t tha8h chheh, chi8t tho7ng
chheh 一疊書
pierced, punctured chha8k-tio8h 刺到
pile of books chi8t tui chheh 一堆書
piercing cold, bone chilling, penetrate to
the bones tha3u-kut 透骨
pile of dung chi8t pu5 sa2i 一脬大便,一脬屎
piercing sound, high-pitched, shrill voice
sia* chin kiat 聲音結實
pile straw into stacks thia8p chha2u 堆草堆
piety, obedient, dutiful, filial piety ha3u-su7n
pile up gih 砌
pile of soil, small hill tho5+-lu7n-a2 土丘
pile things up in a pile tho7ng 堆,疊
pile up, books, bricks thia8p khi2-la5i 疊起來
piety, respectfully kiong-ke3ng 恭敬
pile up bricks thia8p chng-a2 堆磚塊
piety, sincerity khia5n-se5ng 虔誠
pile up money chek-chi5*, thia8p-chi5* 積蓄
pig ti 豬
pile up stones gih chio8h-tha5u 砌石頭
pig backbone phia*-lia5u-kut 背脊骨
pile up, pile things one on top of another,
stack up tha8h 疊
pig blood ti-hoeh 豬血
pig blood soup ti-hoeh-thng 豬血湯
pile, a pile, heap, clamp tui 堆
pig brains ti-tha5u-chho2e 豬腦
pile, arrange, put in order pa5i 排
pig feet raw or cooked ti-kha-te5 豬蹄
pig head ti-tha5u 豬頭
piled on one another, crowded together
densely te5ng-te5ng tha8h-tha8h 重重疊疊
pig intestines ti-tn5g-a2 豬腸
piles, hemorrhoids ti7, ti7-chhng 痔,痔瘡
pig iron, type of cast iron, pot metal se*-a2,
si*-a2, chhe*-thih 生鐵
pilfer thau-the8h 偷拿
pilgrim hiu*-kheh (Buddhist) 香客
pig leg ti-kha 豬腳
pilgrim tia5u-se3ng-chi2a 朝聖者
pin head chiam-tha5u 針頭
pilgrimage, journey, trip li2-to5+ 旅途
pin money sai-khia-chi5* 私房錢
- to make a pilgrimage tia5u-se3ng 朝聖
pin point chiam-bo2e 針的尾端
pilgrimage group tia5u-se3ng-tho5an 朝聖團
pin prick chha8k-chha8k 刺刺的
pilgrimage, to burn incense, make a pilgrimage koah-hiu* (Buddhist) 進香
pin worms pu3n-kha2u-tha5ng 蟯蟲
Pilgrims to the West Se-iu5-ki3 西遊記
pill, round pill io8h-oa5n 藥丸
PIN, personal identification number ko3-ji5n
bi8t-ma2 個人密碼,PIN
pill, tablets io8h-pi2a 藥錠
pin, safety pin pi2n-chiam 別針
pin, drawing pin to5+-teng 圖釘
- to take sleeping pills chia8h an-bi5n-io8h,
chia8h a3i-khu3n io8h-a2 吃安眠藥
pin, thumbtack to7a-tha5u-chiam 大頭針
pinball game chu-a2-ta5i 彈珠台
- contraceptive pill pi7-i7n-io8h 避孕藥
pincers ngeh-a2, giap-a2 鉗子,夾子
pill or drug of immortality sian-tan 仙丹
- to pick up with pincers giap 夾
pillage, robbery, plunder chhi2u*-kiap 搶劫
- to be in a pinch ti7 khu3n-la5n tiong 在困難中
pillage loot chhi2u*-la5i e5 mi8h-ki7a* 掠奪物
pinch and bruise severely lia3m kah o+-chhe*
kek-hoeh 擰得烏青瘀血
pillar thia7u-a2 柱子
- wooden pillar chha5-thia7u 木柱子
pinch of hunger iau-go7 e5 tho3ng-kho2+ 饑餓的痛
pillar of a house chhu3-thia7u 屋樑
pinch of salt chi8t mi ia5m, chi8t me ia5m 一把鹽
pillars having dragons carved on them le5ngthia7u 龍柱
pinch of something chi8t chhok-a2 一些,微量,一
pillow chi2m-tha5u 枕頭
pinch off and throw away lia3m hiat-ka8k 捏掉
- foam rubber pillow ha2i-mi5 e5 chi2m-tha5u 海
pinch off the central shoot of a growing
plant do that it grows wider rather than
taller tn2g-sim 植物為了不讓它長高,將芽折
- to like a hard pillow a3i khu3n te7ng e5 chi2mtha5u 喜歡睡硬的枕頭
- wooden pillow chha5 e5 chi2m-tha5u 木枕頭
pinch one's finger in the door chn2g-tha5u-a2
ho7+ mn5g nge8h-tio8h 手指被門箝到
pillow case chi2m-tha5u-lo5ng 枕頭套
pilot, driver chi3a* ka3-su2, ka3-su2-oa5n 正駕駛,駕駛
pinch pennies chin khia7m 很節儉
pinch someone secretly thau-lia3m 偷掐
pilot boat le2ng-ka2ng-chu5n, ni2a-ka2ng-chu5n 領航
pinch the cheek when a child tells a lie lia3m
chhu3i-phe2 擰嘴巴
pilot of a plane sa2i hui-ki e5, hui-he5ng-oa5n 駕駛
pinch with a pincers giap 夾
pinch with the fingers lia3m 捏
pilot, direction, advising, guide, direct, instruct chi2-to7 指導
pincushion chiam-pau-a2, chhah chiam io7ng e5
pilot, harbor pilot le2ng-ka2ng, ni2a-ka2ng e5 領港,
pine away, to waste away, to become thin
siau-sa2n 消瘦
pilot, lead the way, show the way, act as a
guide to3a-lo7+, chho7a-lo7+ 帶路
pine for the opposite sex, usually said of
girls su-chhun 思春
pilot, leader, conductor, protagonist le2ng-to7chi2a 領導者
pimp o+-kui-tha5u 妓院主人,龜公
pine tree chhe5ng-peh-a2, chhe5ng-a2, sio5ngchhi7u 松柏,松樹
pimple thia7u-a2, thia7u-a2-chi2 面皰,青春痘
pine wood boards or planks sio5ng-bo8k 松木
- to have a pimpled face bi7n se* thia7u-a2-chi2
pine, aspire jia8t-bo7ng 熱望
- to have goose pimples gi5a ke-bo2-pho5e 起
ping pong, table tennis toh-ki5u, phi2n-pho2ng
pineapple o5ng-la5i 鳳梨
pin, to fasten with a pin pi2n 別,釘
pinhole chiam-khang, se3 e5 khang 針孔,小孔
- hair pin tha5u-mo+ giap-a2 髮夾
pink hu2n-a5ng-a2-sek, tho5-hoe-sek 粉紅色,桃花色
- in the pink of health chiok kia7n-khong 很健
pirated edition thau-i3n-pu2n, hui-hoat hoan-i3npu2n 盜印本
- pinking shears, scissors u7 khi2 e5 ka-to 有齒
pirated software soa*-che7-pa2n, san-sa2i-pa5n 山
pink color hu2n-a5ng, hu2n-a5ng-a2-sek 粉紅,淡紅
pirates ha2i-chha8t, ha2i-to7 海盜
pinnacle chiam-thah, cho3e-ko-tia2m 尖塔,最高
piss pa3ng-ji7o (slang), si2o-pia7n 解尿,小便
piss pot ji7o-o5+, ji7o-tha2ng 尿壺,尿桶
pint chin 升
pistils bo2-hoe 雌蕊,母花
pinup, attractive young lady su2i si2o-chi2a 漂亮
pistol, flare gun si3n-ho7-chhe3ng 信號槍
pistol chhi2u-chhe3ng, te2-chhe3ng 手槍,短槍
pinup, photos of beautiful women hanging
on the wall tia3u ti7 piah-ni8h su2i si2o-chi2a e5
sio3ng-phi3* 掛在牆上的美女照片
piston phi-su2-to2ng (phonetic), oa8h-sa2i 活塞
piston ring phi-su2-to2ng-li2n-gu3 (phonetic), oa8hsa3i-kho5an 活塞環
pioneer, lead, take the lead chho7a-tha5u 領頭,
pit of the stomach sim-koa*-khut-a2 心窩
pioneer, initiator sio7ng ta7i-seng the8h-chhio3ng
e5 la5ng 首倡者
pit, arm pit koh-e7-lang, ko3e-lang-kha 腋窩
pioneer, open up the path sian-hong, khui-lo7+
pit, ditch, hole khe* 坑
pit, cellar, basement tho5+-khang 地窖
pit, pitfall, trap, pit for trapping animals tho5+ha7m 陷阱
pious, devout, sincere and earnest se5ng-sim
pit, small hole in the ground, small animal's
lair khut-a2 窟
pious, enthusiastic, zealous, ardent jia8t-sim
pit, tomb kho3ng 壙
pipe, tube ko2ng 管
pitch a ball ti3m-ki5u, ta3n-ki5u 擲球,丟球
- water pipe chu2i-ko2ng 水管
pitch a strike, a good ball ho2-ki5u 好球
pipe dream bo7ng-sio2ng 妄想
pitch a tent, put up an awning tah po3+-pha5ng
pipe for smoking tobacco hun-chhoe 煙斗
pipe made of bamboo, hollow piece of
bamboo tek-ko2ng 竹管
pitch dark o+-so5-so5, o+-ma3-ma3 黑漆漆
pitch of voice, high or low, pitch of a musical note, tone im-tia7u, im-lu8t 音調,音律
pipe organ hong-khi5m 風琴
pipe, flute phi2n-a2, siau 笛子,簫
pitch, bob up and down phu5-chi8t-e7 ti5m-chi8t-e7
pipeline for transporting petroleum su-iu5ko2ng 輸油管
pitch, bump, jolt, toss ti5o 顛簸
pipeline: go through channels tha3u-ko3e
koa2n-to7 透過管道
pitch, degree, extent, level the5ng-to7+ 程度
pitch, height, altitude ko5an-to7+ 高度
pipeline, conduit, tubing, tract, trough koa2nto7 管道
pitch, tar, asphalt ta2m-a2-ka, pek-iu5 瀝青,柏油
pitch, throw ta3n, kiat, ti3m 擲
pipeline, tubing, oil pipe iu5-ko2ng 油管
pitch, tilt, bias khi, phian-hio3ng 傾斜,偏向
piquant, hot and spicy hiam 辣的
pitched battle, military land operations lio8kchia3n 陸戰
piquant, interesting chin chhu3-bi7 e5 有趣的
piquant, stimulation chhi3-kek e5 刺激的
pitcher, water pitcher chu2i-pa5n 水瓶
piracy, maritime robbery ha2i-sio7ng chhi2u*kiap 海上搶劫
pitcher, baseball pitcher ta5u-chhi2u 投手
pitcher, jug, bottle, vase pa5n 瓶
piracy of copyright, infringement of copyright chhim-ha7i pa2n-ko5an 侵害版權
pitcher, water jar or jug chu2i-ko3an 水壺
pirate printer thau-i3n-chi2a 偷印者,盜印者
pitchfork thih-chhia2m 長柄叉
pirate ship chha8t-chu5n, ha2i-chha8t-chu5n 賊船,
piteous, wretched kho2-li5n e5, ho7+ la5ng e7 to5ngche5ng e5 可憐的,使人同情的
pirate, sea rover ha2i-chha8t, ha2i-to7 海盜,海賊
piteous, I'm sorry to say… hiau-he7ng 可憐
pitfall ha7m-che2* 陷阱
pithy, marrow, pith, quintessence, essence
u7 chho2e e5, u7 tio7ng-tia2m 精髓的
placation, pacify, to cool one's temper sekno7+, khi3 siau-khi3 息怒,使消氣
pithy, straightforward, plain ka2n-tan e5 簡單的
place, arrange for, find a place, help to settle down pa5i 安置
pithy, strong, powerful u7 khu3i-la8t e5 有力量的
pitiable kho2-li5n 可憐
- another place pa8t u7i 別處
pitiable condition kho2-li5n e5 che5ng-he5ng 可憐
- an open place ko2ng-ti5u*, kha3ng-te7-a2 廣場,空
pitiful, miserable chhi-chha2m 悽慘
- guarded place ho5ng-khu 防區
pitiful, poor, pathetic, to have pity on kho2-li5n
- in every place si3-ke3 四處,到處
- native or birth place ko3+-hiong, pu2n-chek
pitiful, unfortunately, too bad kho2-sioh, bo5chha2i 可惜
- out of place bo5 sek-ha8p 不適合
pitiless bo5 che5ng e5, cha5n-ji2m 無情的,殘忍
place confidence in somebody si3n-ji7m chi8t e5
la5ng 信任一個人
pittance chi8t-sut-a2 少量
place for barter kau-o7a*-so2+ 交換所
pity, have compassion li5n-bi2n, kho2-li5n, to5ngche5ng 憐憫,可憐,同情
place for counting ballots khui-phi3o-so2+ 開票
- to take pity on someone to5ng-che5ng la5ng,
kho2-li5n la5ng 同情別人,可憐他人
place for meeting, gathering place chu7-ho7eso2+ 聚會所
- What a pity. Chin bo5-chha2i. 很可惜!
pity oneself, to regret, to sigh to oneself
chu7-tha3n 自歎
place for transaction of public business
pa7n-kong-thia* 辦公廳
pityriasis, skin disease cho5a-pho5e-sia2n 蛇皮
place in a proper way an-ti3 安置
pivot of a Chinese door, door mortise mn5gsu2n 門榫
place name te7-mi5a 地名
place in the sun to dry pha8k 曬
pivot, axis chhia-sim 車軸
place of amusement, recreation center,
playground iu5-hi3-ti5u* 遊戲場
pivot, main point, essential ia3u-tia2m 要點
place of business e5ng-gia8p-so2+ 營業所
pivotal point of the discussion tho2-lu7n e5 ia3utia2m 討論的要點
place of exile pho3e-siau-so2+ 配銷所
pivotal, axis, axial, turning point chhia-sim e5
place of production, production center sa2nte7 產地
pivotal, essential tio7ng-ia3u e5 重要的
place of residence ki-li5u-te7 居留地
pizza phi-sah (phonetic) 披薩,比薩
place of the departed im-kan 陰間
placable, easy to calm down, cool one's
temper kho3ai lo8h-nn2g 易消氣的
place of worship, church, chapel le2-pa3i-tn5g
place of origin hoat-go5an-te7 發源地
placable, inclusive, tolerant pau-io5ng e5 包容
placable, mild, gentle, moderate un-su5n e5 溫
place or territory occupied by usurpation or
force, region under one's sphere of influence, foundation of a building or
house te7-po5a* 地盤
placard, advertisement, commercial ko2ng-ko3
place other than where you live, other
places go7a-te7 外地
placard, notices, classifieds ko3-si7, kong-ko3
place to buy up a tobacco hun-keng 收購菸
placard, place an advertisement tah ko2ng-ko3
place together cho3-tui 在一塊
place where Taoist ceremonies for delivering a soul from purgatory are performed, exercise hall to7-ti5u* 道場
placate, calm people ti3n-te7ng 鎮定
placate, comfort, console people an-u3i 安慰
place, corner, local kak-tha5u 角落,地方
placate, help people calm down ho7+ la5ng lo8hnn2g 使人軟化
place, land, location te7, te7-hng, so2+-cha7i, te7tia2m, u7i 地,地方,所在,地點,位
placate, reconciliation ho5-ka2i 和解
place, location within an area kak-lo8h 角落
plain, flat, flat piece of land pe5*-te7 平地
place, location, arena ti5u*-so2+ 場所
plain, flat, mediocre pe5*-pe5* e5 平平的
place, location, position so2+-cha7i 所在,地方
plain, flatland pe5ng-go5an 平原
place, office, department, manage, handle
chhu3 處
plain, not ornamented, plain looking so3+-so3+
place, site te7-tha5u 地方
plain, simple ka2n-tan 簡單
place, to put, to place, release khn3g 放
plainclothes mobsters pia7n-i e5 po8k-bi5n 便衣
placebo an-u3i-che 安慰劑
plains, piece of level ground pe5*-te7 平地
placed on the selected list, accepted ji8pso2an 入選
plaint, complaint, grumble ko3-so3+, pha7u-oa3n
placed on top of another object tha8h ti7 te2ngbi7n 疊在上面
plaintiff go5an-ko3, ko3-so3+-ji5n 原告,控訴人
placed with the wrong end up, hand upside
down to3-tia3u 倒吊
plaintiff and defendant go5an-ko3 kap pi7-ko3 原
placement, find a place for, to put in a
proper place, to help settle people in
need of emplayment an-ti3, chit-gia8p ka3isia7u 安置,職業介紹
plait in clothes khioh-ke2ng, sa* e5 ke2ng 摺褶,褶
plait the hair pi7* tha5u-chang 編髮辮
plait, part, braid in the hair tha5u-chang-bo2e,
pi7* 髮辮,編
placenta thai-po5a*, thai-ui, the-po5a*, the-ui 胎
plaited skirt u7 ke2ng e5 ku5n 有褶的裙子
plan and execute administrative measures
siat-si 設施
places of debauchery or sensuality, world
of carnal pleasure hong-goa8t-ti5u*-so2+ 風
plan and sponsor a show, sports event,
school ti5u-pa7n 籌辦
places where people seek casual pleasure,
place of amusement hoan-lo8k-ti5u*-so2+ 歡
plan beforehand, premeditate already tho3ho2-ho2 已經預謀好了
plan of battle, map showing the deployment
of troops ti7n-to5+ 陣圖
placid pe5ng-che7ng, an-che7ng 平靜,安靜
placid place an-che7ng e5 so2+-cha7i 安靜的地方
plan of one's journey, an itinerary, distance
to be covered, a traveler's route from
one place to another li2-the5ng 旅程
plagiarism thau-chhau pa8t-la5ng e5, chhau la5ng
e5 抄襲別人的,抄襲
plagiarize chhau, thau-chhau 抄襲
plan or basis of operations chok-chia3n ke3-oe7
plague, disaster, catastrophe, calamity, suffering chai-la7n 災難
plan secretly, to plot, secret scheme bi8t-bo5+
plague, infectious disease, pestilence
tho5an-jia2m-pe7* 傳染病
plan something well ta7i-chi3 tio8h ke3-o7e ho7+ ho2se3 得把事情計劃妥當
plague, natural disasters thian-chai 天災
plague, pestilence, epidemic un-e8k 瘟疫
plan thoroughly chhian-sn3g ba7n-sn3g 千算萬算
plagued by frequent ills, dogged by bad
luck to-chai to-la7n 多災多難
plan to deceive phia3n-kio8k 騙局
plan to make a living, consider how to
make a livelihood bo5+-seng 謀生
plain phok-so3+ 樸素
plain boiled water pe8h-ku2n-chu2i 白開水
plan, design, to plan, to draw up a design
for the construction of something siatke3 設計
plain clothes phok-so3+ e5 sa*, so3+-sek e5 sa* 樸素
plain clothes, cives pia7n-i 便衣
plain color so3+-sek 素色
plan, device, a scheme, a trick, a trap ke3chhek 計策
plain dishes or food si2o-chha3i 小菜
plan, drawing, blueprint to5+-bi7n 圖面
plain language pe8h-o7e 白話
plan, intend, to calculate phah-sn3g 打算
plain meal pia7n-pn7g 家常飯
plan, pattern, diagram, blueprint to5+-iu7* 圖樣
plain, clear chheng-chho2, be5ng-lia5u 清楚,明瞭
plan, project, map out ke3-o7e 計劃
plan, scheme ke3-ti3 計策
plan, a scheme, to plot ke3-bo5+ 計謀
planning is not as important as luck nn3gchn3g m7-ta8t-tio8h tu2-tn7g 鑽營比不上機遇
plan, stratagem, method po7+-so3+, hoat-to7+ 計
plans for expansion khok-tiong ke3-oe7 擴張計
plan, to plot, to scheme, to bring about, to
engineer chhek-oe7 策劃
plant, to plant, to grow che3ng, chai 種,栽
plan, try, to think of a way to accomplish
something siat-hoat 設法
- water plants chu2i-chha2u 水草
plant, factory kang-chhi2u* 工廠
plane, airplane hui-ki 飛機
- power plant hoat-tia7n-so2+ 發電所
- to go by plane che7 hui-ki khi3 坐飛機去
plant and manure, patronize, bring up and
train carefully chai-po5e 栽培
plane crash hui-ki-tu7i-hu2i 飛機墜毀
plane geometry pe5*-bi7n ki2-ho5 平面幾何
plant and nourish tree seedlings hoa8t chhi7uchai 培植樹苗
plane mirror pe5*-bi7n-ki3a* 平面鏡
plant and nourish vegetable seedlings hoa8t
chha3i-chai 培植菜苗
plane surface pe5*-bi7n 平面
plane trigonometry pe5*-bi7n sa*-kak 平面三角
plant buds, shoot up tho2+-ho5ng 萌芽
plane with a plane e7ng khau-to khau 用刨刀刨
plant closer together che3ng khah ba8t le3 種密
plane, a tool khau-to, khau 刨刀,刨
plane, chartered plane choan-ki 專機
plant a flag chhah-ki5-a2 插旗子
plane, flat pe5* e5, pi5* e5 平的
plant flower seeds tia7m hoe-chi2 種花苗
plane, flat side pe5*-bi7n, pe5*-bi7n e5 平面,平面的
plane, horizontal, level chu2i-chu2n 水準
plant flowers, cultivate flowers che3ng-hoe 種
plane, plane until smooth khau ho7+…pe5*
plant out young rice plants po3+ ng-a2, ia7 ng-a2
planer, electric planer tia7n-to7ng thi3-to 電動剃
plant a pillar chha7i thia7u-a2 豎柱子,豎桿子
plant potatoes che3ng ma2-le5ng-chi5 種馬鈴薯
planet he5ng-seng, chhe* 行星
plant rice po3+-chha5n 插秧
planet Jupiter Bo8k-seng 木星
planet Neptune Ha2i-o5ng-chhe* 海王星
plant stakes five feet apart la3ng go7+ chhioh
chha7i chi8t ki thia7u-a2 隔五尺豎一根柱子
planet Pluto Be5ng-o5ng-chhe* 冥王星
plant sugar cane po7e kam-chi3a 種甘蔗
planet Saturn Tho2+-chhe* 土星
planet Uranus Thian-o5ng-seng 天王星
plant sugar cane slips chhah kam-chi3a 種甘
planetary he5ng-seng e5 行星的
plant trees che3ng chhi7u-a2 種樹
planetary motion he5ng-seng e5 u7n-cho2an 行星
plant trees in a city, beautification program
to+-chhi7 le8k-ho3a 都市綠化
plant young rice, sprouts po3+ ti7u-a2 插秧
planetary system tha3i-io5ng-he7 太陽系
planets, celestial body, planet, satellite,
heavenly body seng-ki5u, chhe*-ki5u 星球
plant, grass chha2u 草
plank, board chha5-pang 木板
plant, to plant, to grow chai-che3ng, po5e-si8t 栽
plank, slab ka7u-pang 厚板
plant, trees chhi7u-a2, chhi7u-bo8k 樹木
plank, to arrange planks pho+ chha5-pang 鋪
plant, vegetation si8t-bu8t 植物
plantation, cultivated fields chha5n-hn5g 農田
planks, wooden blocks bo8k-pa2n 木板
- sugar cane fields kam-chi3a-hn5g 甘蔗園
plankton phu5-iu5 seng-bu8t 浮游生物
plantation, farmland lo5ng-ti5u* 農場
planned economy ke3-e8k keng-che3, ke3-he8k
keng-che3 計劃經濟
plants or animals distributed or scattered
over an area hun-po3+ 分布,分佈
planned economy, controlled economy
tho2ng-che3 keng-che3 (archaic) 統制經濟
plants, vegetation si8t-bu8t 植物
plaque, memorial ki2-lia7m-pa5i, ki2-lia7m-chiong
planned parenthood, production according
to plan ke3-e8k seng-sa2n 計劃生產
plasma screen or display tia7n-chiu* e5ng-bo7+,
LCD 電漿螢幕,LCD
platform for contests in martial arts lu5i-ta5i 擂
plasma TV, PDP TV tia7n-chiu* tia7n-si7 電漿電視
platform for sacrificial rites, altar to5a* 壇
plasma, blood plasma hoeh-chiu*, hiat-chiu*
platform of a political party to2ng-kong 黨綱
plaster cast chio8h-ko-bo5+ 石膏模
plaster of Paris, gypsum chio8h-ko 石膏
platform, podium, speaker's platform ka2ngta5i 講台
plaster paste po3e-ko5+-a2 塗漿糊
platform, station platform goe8h-ta5i 月台
plaster statue chio8h-ko-sio7ng 石膏像
plating, electroplating tia7n-to7+ 電鍍
plaster a wall boah-piah 刷牆
plating, gilting method, technique to7+-kim-su8t
platform ticket goe8h-ta5i-phi3o 月台票
plaster, adhesive tape lia5m-po3+, the2-puh 膠布,
platinum pe8h-kim 白金
plaster, herbal plaster applied to a wound
tia3u-ko, io8h-ko 膏藥
platitude, boredom, ordinary, trite words
ti5n-hu2 e5 oe7, ko2ng kah chha3u-sng 陳腐的話
plaster, lime hoe, chio8h-hoe 灰,石灰
platoon si2o-tu7i, hun-tu7i, pa5i 小隊,分隊,排
plaster, salve, ointment io8h-ko 藥膏
platoon leader si2o-tu7i-ti2u*, pa5i-ti2u* 小隊長,排長
plaster, to plaster, to smear on, to apply ko5+,
boah 敷,塗抹
platter, large plate to7a te3 po5a*-a2 大盤子
plastic sok-ka 塑膠的
platter, phonograph record, LP chhi3u*-phi3*
plastic bags, vinyl bags sok-ka-te7-a2, sok-ka
lok-a2 塑膠袋
plaudit, applauded, applause phah-phok-a2
plastic cloth sok-ka-po3+ 塑膠布
plausible, seems fair, seems equitable na2
kong-pe5* e5 似公平的
plastic paper, vinyl paper, cellophane sokka-cho2a 塑膠紙
plastic surgeon che2ng-io5ng i-seng 整容醫生
plausible, seems real, seems true na2 chin e5
le3, na2 u7-ia2* le3 煞有其事的
plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery department che2ng-he5ng go7a-kho2 整型外科
plausible, seems reasonable na2 ha8p-li2 e5 似合
plastic surgery of the nose, rhinophasty,
rhinoplastic operation lio5ng-phi7* chhi2usu8t 隆鼻手術
play, theater presentation hi3, hi3-ke8k 戲,戲劇
plastic wrap, preservative film or wrapping
to keep food fresh pa5u-sian-mo5+ (phonetic), po2-sia2n-mo8h 保鮮膜
play around noisily like children ku2n-ka2 喧鬧
- to go to see a play khi3 kho3a* hi3 去看戲
play a flute pu5n ta8t-a2 吹笛
play badminton phah u2-mo5+-ki5u 打羽毛球
play ball phah-ki5u 打球
plasticizer, DEHP, plasticizing agent sokho3a-che 塑化劑
play baseball phah pa7ng-ki5u 打棒球
plate of food chi8t po5a* chha3i 一盤菜
play basketball phah-na5-ki5u 打籃球
plate of iron, iron plate thih-pang 鐵板
play billiards, play pool to7ng-ki5u 打撞球
plate with copper to7+-ta5ng 鍍銅
play both ends against the middle lo7ng ka2u
sio ka7 挑撥是非
plate with gold, spend some time abroad to
add to the impressiveness of one's
background to7+-kim 鍍金
play cards i7 pa5i-a2, sn2g pa5i-a2 玩牌
plate with silver to7+-gi5n 鍍銀
play cards, to gamble with cards poa8h-pa5i-a2
plate, dish, saucer phiat-a2 盤
play chess, game of chess ki5a*-ki5 下棋
plate, dish, tray, calculate, discuss po5a* 盤
play Chinese chess ki5a* chhi7u*-ki5 玩象棋
plate, electroplate tia7n-to7+ 電鍍
play Chinese fiddle e hia5n-a2 拉胡琴
plate, small plate po5a*-a2, ti8h-a2 盤,碟子
play Chinese trumpet, play a wind instrument pu5n-chhoe 吹喇叭
plateau ko-go5an, ta5i-te7 高原,台地
play dice poa8h ta7u-ka2u 擲骰子
platform at a meeting ta5i 台
play doubles in tennis, doubles siang-ta2* 雙
play for money, to gamble poa8h-kia2u 賭博
play, entertainment, recreation, pastime go7+lo8k, siau-khia2n 娛樂,消遣
play funeral music cha3u ai-ga8k 奏哀樂
play, relax, recreate chhit-tho5, sn2g 玩耍,玩
play gongs and drums phah-lo5-ko2+ 打鑼鼓,敲
playbook, written drama, a scenario, libretto kio8k-pu2n 劇本
play house, playing at house keeping pa7nke-ho2e-a2, pa7n kong-ho2e-a2 辦家家酒
playboy, lady's man hoa-hoa kong-chu2, lia2ubo2e-a2-ki2a* 花花公子
play mahjong phah ba5-chhiok, phah ma5chhiok, phah-mo5a-chhiok 打麻將
playboy, rogue, hoodlum, hooligan, ruffian,
tramp, vagabond, riff-raff, loafer, gangster, rascal, blighter, bad lot, bad egg
chhit-tho5-a2, chhit-tho5-la5ng 流氓
play music at solemn ceremonies cha3u-ga8k
play musical instruments in harmony ha8pcha3u 合奏
player of a ball team ki5u-oa5n 球員
play ping pong phah toh-ki5u 打桌球,打乒乓球
player, actor or actress, performer ia2n-oa5n
play a practical joke, to jest sn2g-chhi3o, pi3*ka5u-la7ng 開玩笑,戲弄
player, athlete, contestant soa2n-chhi2u 選手
player, athlete, sportsman, activist u7n-to7ngka 運動家
play soccer that kha-ki5u 踢足球
play string instruments with a plucking action, play the piano or organ, play the
harp to5a*-khi5m 彈琴
player, musician cha3u-ga8k-chi2a 奏樂者
play string instruments with bow e, oe 拉,奏
playful words, a joke chhi3o-khoe e5 o7e 滑稽的
play a stringed instrument with the fingers,
to fillip, oppress, to suppress to5a* 彈
playful, a joke, teasing sn2g-chhi3o e5 開玩笑,戲
play tennis phah ba7ng-ki5u 打網球
playful, fun loving, loves to play a3i chhit-tho5
e5 愛玩的
play the fingers' or drinking game hoah-ku5n
playful, funny, amusing, ludicrous, hilarious, farcical, clownish, silly chhi3o-khoe
e5 滑稽的
play the flute pu5n phi2n-a2, pu5n-siau 吹笛子,吹
playground, play areas, recreational areas
chhit-tho5 e5 so2+-cha7i 玩的地方
play Go, the game of Go ki5a* u5i-ki5 下圍棋
play the piano to5a* kn3g-khi5m 彈鋼琴
playground, athletic field, exercise yard u7nto7ng-ti5u* 運動場
play the pipe organ chhi8h hong-khi5m, ji8h
hong-khi5m 彈風琴
playground, stadium, court, pitch, field, golf
course ki5u-ti5u* 球場
play the tambourine la7ng chi5*-ko2+ 舞手鼓,弄錢
playing cards cho2a-pa5i-a2, phok-khek-pa5i 紙牌,
play the trumpet pu5n lah-pah 吹喇叭
play the violin e si2o-the5-khi5m 拉小提琴
playmate, buddy chhit-tho5-pho7a* 玩伴
play tricks, to juggle no5a-tha5u 耍花樣
playroom chhit-tho5 sek, go7+-lo8k-sek, khong-lo8ksek 遊戲室,娛樂室,康樂室
play tricks, to make mischief, to play dirty
tricks pi3*-ku2i 搞鬼
plaything, a toy chhit-tho5-mi8h-a2 玩具
play tricks on, to tease, demon possesses
or injures chok-lo7ng 作弄
playwright, scenario writer phian-kio8k-chi2a,
phian-kio8k-ka 編劇者,編劇家
play truant to5-ha8k, thau-cha2u-chu 逃學
plaza, the town common, the city square
ko2ng-ti5u* 廣場
play up to somebody with power tha3u-ko3e
koan-he7 透過關係
play with cymbals la7ng na5-poa8h 舞鈸,弄鐃鈸
plea, beseech, plea in court khu2n-ki5u, pia7nka2i 懇求,辯解
play with fire chia7n-ho2e, sn2g-ho2e 玩火
plead a cause pia7n-ho7+ 辯護
play with water sn2g-chu2i 玩水
plead for mercy ki5u-che5ng 求情
play with, make sport of, brandish, gesticulate, make fun of, to mock la7ng 弄
plead for peace chu2-tiu* ho5-pe5ng 主張和平
plead guilty ji7n-cho7e 伏罪,認罪
play, acting, play a role, part poa*-hi3 演戲
plead ignorance ke2 m7-chai 假裝不知道
plead, defense, debate pia7n-ho7+, pia7n-lu7n 辯
pleasures of married life khi5m-sek chi lo8k 琴
pleading, complaint, petition so3+-chn7g, tappia7n-chn7g 訴狀,答辯狀
pleat, fold cloth in pleats ke2ng, khioh-ke2ng 褶,
pleading, beg earnestly khu2n-ki5u 懇求
pleated skirt pah-ke2ng-ku5n 百襉裙,百摺裙
pleasant sim-sek, ho2, so2ng-kho3ai, kho3ai-lo8k e5,
u7 chhu3-bi7 e5 有趣的,好,爽快,快樂的,有趣的
plebeian, same, ordinary, so-so, common,
in general it-poa* e5, pho2+-thong e5 一般的,
pleasant for amusement, pleasant to play at
or to amuse one's self with ho2 thit-tho5
- noble and plebeian, rich and poor pi5n hu3
ku3i chia7n 貧富貴賤
pleasant looking, handsome, nice-looking
facial features ngo2+-koan toan-che3ng 五
plebeian, civilian, common people pe5ng-bi5n
plebiscite, citizen resolution kong-bi5n ta5uphi3o, kong-bi5n koat-gi7 公民投票,公民決議
pleasant manner chhin-chhiat e5 tha7i-to7+ 親切
plebiscite, national self-determination, national referendum kok-bi5n chu7-koat, kokbi5n ta5u-phi3o 國民自決,國民投票
pleasant to hear, pleasant sound, music ho2thia* 好聽
pleasant to the eyes su7n-ga2n 順眼
pledge po2-che3ng, tam-po2-phi2n, ti2-ah, se3-gia5n,
chi3u-cho7a, iok-sok, e7ng…cho3 ti2-ah, hoat-se3
pleasant, agreeable, comfortable, refreshing khi-mo+ giang (slang) 高興,舒服
pleasantly cool chheng-lia5ng 清涼
- to break one's pledge sit-iok 失約
pleasantly cool weather, wind or place
chhiu-chhi3n 涼爽
pledge in sworn brotherhood or sisterhood
kiat-pa3i 結拜
pleasantly warm weather or food, uneasy
feeling due to excessive expenditure of
money sio-lo7, sio-lo8h 暖和,心痛,過度花費
pledge in writing chi3-goa7n-su 志願書
pledge of Everlasting Life sio5ng-seng e5 pi5n-ki3
pleasantry ko2ng sn2g-chhi3o, chhu3-bi7, chhi3okhoe 開玩笑,風趣,幽默
pledge of love a3i-che5ng e5 po2-che3ng 愛情的保
please, pleased with, happy with hoa*-hi2,
ho7+…hoa*-hi2 高興,使…高興
plenary indulgence cho5an-si3a, cho5an ta7i-si3a
(Catholic) 全大赦
- as you please su5i-cha7i li2, chhut-cha7i li 隨便
plenary indulgence received at the hour of
death li5m-chiong ta7i-si3a 臨終大赦
please, satisfy, to meet the needs of, satisfied, content bo2an-chiok 滿足
plenary meeting cho5an-the2 ta7i-ho7e 全體大會
please, to ask, to invite, please do
somethong, to treat to a meal etc, to
request chhi2a* 請
plenary, all, entire cho5an-the2 e5 全體的
please, to one's liking, to one's fancy te3ng-i3
plenipotentiary ambassador cho5an-ko5an ta7isa3i, u7 cho5an-ko5an e5 全權大使,有全權的
plenary, complete, absolute oa5n-cho5an e5,
choa8t-tu3i e5 完全的,絕對的
pleased, joy, glad hoa*, hoan 歡
plenipotentiary, absolute, unconditional
choa8t-tu3i e5 絕對的
pleasingly plump pu5i-su2i 肥美
pleasure kho3ai-lo8k, lio8k-thio3ng 快樂,暢快
plenitude, adequate, sufficient, ample,
abundant chhiong-chiok 充足
- business before pleasure sian-kho2+ hi7okam 先苦後甘
plenitude, entirely, totally, absolutely oa5ncho5an 完全
- carnal pleasure jio8k-che5ng e5 kho3ai-lo8k 情慾
plenitude, rich, abundant, vast, great, ample, affluent hong-hu3 豐富
- to take pleasure in hoa*-hi2 歡喜
pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy hi2-lo7+ ai-lo8k
plenteous, adequate, sufficient, ample,
abundant chhiong-chiok 充足的
pleasure, joy hi2-lo8k 喜樂
plenteous, rich, abundant, vast, great, ample, affluent hong-hu3 豐富的
plentiful, ample, enough, sufficient chin che7
e5, chhiong-hun e5 很多的,充分的
plot a rebellion bo5+-ho2an 謀反
plot a crime or some evil against another
bo5+-ha7i 謀害
plentiful, rich, abundant, vast, great, ample,
affluent hong-hu3 豐富的
plot murder bo5+-sat 謀殺
plenty, ample, enough, sufficient chin che7,
chhiong-hun, ka3u-gia8h 很多,充分,足夠
plot, story line ke8k-che5ng, kio8k-che5ng 劇情
plot of land chi8t te3 te7 一塊地
- years of plenty hong-lia5n 豐年
plot or plan, to scheme ke3-bo5+ 計謀
plenty of food hong-hu3 e5 chia8h-ni5u 豐富的糧
plot together kio7ng-bo5+ 共謀
plot together, conspire together, collude
with, make secret arrangement for
making profit ta3u-khang, ta3u-khang-a2 串
plenty of room pa5ng-keng u7 ka3u to7a, pa5ngkeng u7 ka3u che7 房間夠大,房間夠多
plenty, abundance, sufficient, sufficient
chhiong-chiok 充足
plot, circumstances, details of an affair or
event che5ng-chiat 情節
plenty, rich, abundant, vast, great, ample,
affluent hong-hu3 豐富
plot, region, area, district te7-khu 地區
plethora siu*-che7, ko3e-to 太多,過多
plotter, conspirator im-bo5+-ka 陰謀家
pleura, rib, membrane le8k-mo8+h 肋膜
plough, plow sa2i-le5, le5, le5-chha5n 操犁,駛犁
pleurisy le8k-mo8+h-ia7m, heng-mo8+h-ia7m 肋膜炎,
plough and harrow chhi2u-pe7 犁耙
plough the fields, cultivated fields or land
keng-tia5n, keng-te7 耕田,耕地
pliability, easily bent ho2 au2-oan 易彎曲
pliability, easy to handle or manage ho2 ko2an
plough, to till, cultivate keng 耕
ploughshare, coulter of a plough le5-tha5u 犁
pliability, software, softness nn2g, nn2g-se3ng
plow a field, to till, plough rice fields le5chha5n 犁田
pliable, bendable, flexible e7-a2u-tit, e7 au2-oan e5
plow, mechanical plow, garden tractor thihgu5 鐵牛
pliable, soft nn2g e5, nn2g-kau8h-kau8h e5 軟的,軟綿
plow, plough sa2i-le5, le5, le5-chha5n 犁,駕犁,犁田
pliancy, femininity, gentleness, softness ji5use3ng 柔性
pluck feathers chhoah mo5+ 拔毛
pliant, variable, volatile, mutable, fickle
kho3ai-pia3n 易變的
pluck flowers, gather, to collect, select, to
pick chha2i 採
pliant, very soft chin nn2g 柔軟的
pluck fruit, pick fruit ba2n ko2e-chi2 摘水果
pliant, weak-willed, gossamer, frail i3-chi3 po8kjio8k e5 意志薄弱的
pluck off a flower with the finger nail ta3ng
ho7+ tn7g 用指甲摳斷
pliers ngeh-a2, giap-a2 鉗子,夾子
pluck out hair from a woman's face ba2n-bi7n
plight, ensure, guarantee, assure, warrant
po2-che3ng 保證
pluck up courage the8h-khi2 io2ng-khi3 提起勇氣
pluck up, draw out, to extract a thorn poe8h
chhut-la5i 拔出來
plight, oath, promise, pledge se3-gia5n 誓言
plight, predicament, in difficulty che5ng-he5ng
ba2i, che5ng-se3 ba2i, khu3n-ke2ng 情形糟透了,
pluck, pluck out, pick ba2n, chhoah 摘,拔
pluck, to pick, take off, to select tiah 摘,點,選
plight, swear an oath, make a vow soan-se3
plug chhah-tha5u 插頭
plod, walk slowly, gradually ba7n-ba7n-a2 ki5a*
plug a hole that khang 把洞塞起來
plot, conspiracy, tricks, plan, scheme ke3-ti3,
im-bo5+, ku2i-ke3, a3m-so3an 計謀,陰謀,詭計,暗
plum li2-a2, bo5e-a2, mu5i-a2 李子,梅子
- spark plug ho2e-chhu3i-a2 火星塞
plug, stopper, cork, spigot that-a2 塞子
plum flower mu5i-hoe 梅花
plum tea bo5e-a2-te5 酸梅湯,梅仔茶
- to fall into a plot tio3ng la5ng e5 ke3-ti3 中了別人
plumage chia2u-mn5g 羽毛
plumb, measure vertical, perpendicular tu7iti8t 垂直
pneumatic tire chhia-thai, chhi7u-leng-lia2n 車
plumb, measure with a plumb bob e7ng ia5ntu7i ni5u 用鉛錘測量
pneumatology le5ng-hu5n-ha8k 靈魂學
pneumonia, pulmonary meningitis hi3-mo8+hia7m 肺膜炎
plumb, plumb bob, plummet ia5n-tu7i, tu7i-chi5n,
tu7i-a2 鉛錘,測錘,錘子
plumb, probe, survey tha3m-chhek 探測
pneumonia, inflammation of the lungs hi3ia7m, hu3i-ia7m 肺炎
plumber chu2i-tia7n e5 水電的
poach eggs chu2 nn7g-pau 煮荷包蛋
plumbing khan chu2i-ko2ng 裝水管
plume u2-mo5+, chia2u-a2-mo+ 羽毛
poach on other people's rights chhim-ho7an
pa8t la5ng e5 ko5an-li7 侵犯他人的權利
plump pu5i 肥胖
poach, boil chu2 煮
plump cheeks chhu3i-phe2 i5*-ku3n-ku3n 臉頰圓嘟
poach, intrude, to infringe upon chhim-ho7an
plunder chhi2u*, chhi2u*-kiap 搶,搶劫
pock marked face niau-bi7n 麻臉,花臉
plunder the rich and help the poor kiap-hu3
cho7+-pi5n 劫富助貧
pocket lak-te7-a2, te7-a2 口袋,袋子
- to pick pockets chia2n-chi5* 扒錢
plunge, dive or jump into the water thia3uchu2i, chha3ng-chu2i-bi7 跳水,潛水
- to look for in a pocket ji5m lak-te7-a2 掏口袋
pocket book phi3o-pau-a2 皮包
plunge into, throw something into ta5u-ji8p 投
pocket dictionary si7u-tin ji7-tia2n 袖珍字典
pocket edition si7u-tin-pu2n 袖珍本
plural ho8k-so3+, ho8k-so3+ e5 複數的
pocket money la5n-san-chi5*, si3-si3u-a2-chi5* 零用
pluralism, complex to-go5an-lu7n 多元論
plurality to-so3+, to7a-to-so3+ 多數,大多數
pocket profit without sharing it with anyone
else to8k-thun 獨吞
plus ke, che3ng-ho7 加,正號
plus and minus ke-kia2m 加減
pocket, to pocket something te7-lo8h-khi3 裝入
plus sign che3ng-ho7 正號
pocketful te7-a2 ti7*-ti7*, chi8t e5 te7-a2 pho3ng-pho3ngpho3ng 滿口袋
plutocracy cha5i-hoa8t che3ng-ti7 財閥政治
plutocracy, financial clique, giant family
trust cha5i-hoa8t 財閥
pockmarked niau-bi7n e5, bi7n niau-niau 麻臉
- badly pockmarked niau pi3-pa3 臉長滿痘瘡
plutocrat hu3-ong, ho2-gia8h-la5ng 富翁
pod ta7u-ngeh 豆莢
ply, layer, stratum, laminated te5ng 層
- double ply siang-te5ng 雙層
podium ka2ng-ta5i, chi2-hui-ta5i 講台,指揮台
- single ply toa*-te5ng 單層
pods of beans or peas ta7u-ngeh 豆莢
poem si 詩
ply, threads ko2+ 股,線的單位
- a collection of poems si-chi8p 詩集
- a three ply thread sa* ko2+ e5 so3a* 三股線
- prose poem sa3n-bu5n-si 散文詩
ply, to go back and forth, to go to and fro
o2ng-ho5e 往返
- to write a poem cho3 si 作詩
- a ship plying between Taiwan and Japan
ki5a* Ta5i-oa5n kap Ji8t-pu2n e5 chu5n 往返臺灣
poems and songs, collectively si-koa 詩歌
poet si-ji5n 詩人
poetess li2 si-ji5n 女詩人
ply, to use, to employ, to apply, to make
use of su2-io7ng 使用
poetry si, si e5 cho2ng-chheng 詩
poetry of the Tang Dynasty To5ng-si 唐詩
plywood sam-kiap-pa2n, ha8p-pa2n 三夾板,合板
Poets Day Si-ji5n-chiat 詩人節
PM e5 po+, ha7-ngo2+, ngo2+-hi7o 下午,午後
poinsettia se3ng-ta3n-ho5ng 聖誕紅
pneumatic khong-khi3 e5, khi3-the2 e5 空氣的,氣體
point, to point out ki2, pi2, chi2-chhut, chi2-si7 指,
pneumatic drill khi3-ap chn3g-khang-ki 氣壓鑽
- a weak point jio8k-tia2m 弱點
- chief points ia3u-le2ng, ia3u-tia2m 要領,要點
- from his point of view i e5 kho3a*-hoat, tu3i i
e5 kho3a*-hoat 他的看法,從他的看法
points of meditation be8k-sio2ng e5 ia3u-tia2m 默
- from this point tu3i chia 從這裏
poise, cool and collected, showing no sign
of nerves, perfectly composed sim-tha5u
chin-cha7i 泰然自若
- starting point chhut-hoat-tia2m 出發點
- strategic point ia3u-sa3i 要塞
poison, to poison tha7u-si2 毒死
- to be to the point ia3u-le2ng chin ho2 好要領
- to administer poison secretly he7-to8k,
pa3ng-to8k 下毒
point at someone, abuse or curse ki2 kah
thok 指而罵人
- to take poison intentionally chia8h to8k-io8h
point downwards ta3m lo8h-la5i 低垂下來
point of death li5m-chiong 臨終
- to take poison accidentally tio3ng-to8k 中毒
point of emphasis, important point, lay emphasis on, attach importance to tio7ngtia2m 重點
- to poison a dog tha7u ka2u 毒狗
poison fangs to8k-ge5 毒牙
poison a man's mind against another, delude into a quarrel with another sa2i-lo7ng
point of a needle chiam-bo2e 針尖,針尾
point of nose phi7*-tha5u 鼻頭
point of saturation pa2u-ho5-tia2m 飽和點
point of the compass, direction hong-u7i 方位
poison medicine to8k, to8k-io8h, to8k-bu8t 毒,毒藥,
point of the nose turned down and pointed
phi7* tok-tok 鷹鉤鼻子
poison or drug fish in order to catch them
tha7u-hi5 毒殺魚,毒魚
point of view, one's view on a certain matter koan-tia2m 觀點
poison people tha7u-la5ng 毒死人
poison preventive ho5ng-to8k 防毒
point one's finger at ki2, chi2 指
poison rats tha7u nia2u-chhi2 毒殺老鼠
point out ki2-chhut 舉出
point out clearly chi2-be5ng 指明
poison to death, kill by poisoning to8k-sat 毒
point out faults chi2-thek 指斥
poison, to poison tha7u, to8k 毒
point out the essential point chi2-chhut ia3utia2m 指出要點
poisoned, food poisoning auto-intoxication
tio3ng-to8k 中毒
point out, call to notice chi2-chhut 指出
poisoning effects of opium-smoking ian-to88k
point out, indicate chi2-si7 指示
point the finger of scorn, to insult ki2-ki2 tu8htu8h 譏諷,指責
poisonous u7 to8k e5 有毒的
point to, direct to chi2-hio3ng 指向
poisonous drug to8k-io8h 毒藥
point, main point, essential ia3u-tia2m 要點
poisonous gas to8k-khi3 毒氣
point, special characteristic te8k-tia2m 特點
poisonous herbs to8k-chha2u 毒草
pointblank, aimed directly at ti8t-chiap sio3ng,
bia5u-chu2n e5 直接瞄準的
poisonous influence pha2i* e5 e2ng-hio2ng 壞的
pointblank, frank, heart-to-heart chin tha2npe8k 坦白的
poisonous matter, toxin to8k-so3+ 毒素
poisonous arrow to8k-chi3* 毒箭
poisonous mushrooms growing on trees,
toadstools chha5-ko+ 菰,藫
pointblank, straight forward shot pe5*-pe5* si7achhut-khi3 平射出去
poisonous reptile to8k-tha5ng 毒蟲
pointed chiam e5 尖的
poisonous serpent to8k-cho5a 毒蛇
pointed remarks chiam tu3i bo2+-la5ng ko2ng e5 針
poisonous thorn to8k-chhi3 毒刺
poisonous wine to8k-chi2u 毒酒
pointed shape chiam-he5ng 尖型
poke a hole, punctured to7ng-pho3a 撞破,刺破
pointer or rod used by a teacher, teaching
career ka3u-pian 教鞭
poke fun at somebody thi2-chhi3o la5ng 譏笑別
pointless, blunt bo5 chiam, thu5i 鈍的
poke into la7, tu8h, to7ng 撥,刺,撞
pointless, meaningless bo5 i3-gi7 e5 無意義的
pointless, did not score bo5 hun-so3+ 沒得分的
poke one's nose into another's affairs ke-po5,
chin a3i kan-sia8p pa8t la5ng e5 ta7i-chi3 雞婆,很
poke the fire la7 ho2e 撥火
poke with a pole tha3, tha3-tha3-le3 撥,撥一撥
poles for electric wires tia7n-thia7u, tia7n-ho2ethia7u 電線桿,電火柱
poles, the two poles, the north and south
poles, both ends of something, electric
or magnetic poles lio2ng-ke8k 兩極
police ke2ng-chhat, ke3ng-chhat 警察
poke, loitering, lounging around lo7a-lo7a-so5
poke, slow poke, lazy pi7n-to7a*-la5ng 懶惰的人
- branch police station ke2ng-chhat hun-kio8k
poked with something long to7ng-tio8h 撞到
- military police hia3n-peng 憲兵
poker cards khe-ji2-ba2ng 撲克牌
- group of police detectives he5ng-ke2ng-tu7i
poker face chhi3n-bi7n, bi7n bo5 pia2u-che5ng 陰沉
- one police detective he5ng-su7 刑警
- small police station pha3i-chhut-so2+ 派出所
poker, stick to stoke the fire ho2e-chho5e 撥火
- provincial police department ke2ng-bu7chhu3 警務處
Poland Pho-la5n 波蘭
polar bear pak-ke8k-hi5m, pe8h-hi5m 北極熊,白熊
police academy ke2ng-koa* ha8k-ha7u 警官學校
polar regions La5m-pak-ke8k te7-khu 南北極地區
police administration ke2ng-che3ng 警政
Polar Star, North Star Pak-ke8k-chhe* 北極星
police affairs ke2ng-bu7 警務
polar, Antarctica, Arctic La5m-pak-ke8k, La5mke8k e5, Pak-ke8k e5 南北極,南極的,北極的
Police came to inquire about crime. Ke2ngchhat la5i teh mn7g-cho7e. 警察來問罪.
pole, pillar, post thia7u-a2 柱子
police car, police van ke2ng-chhat-chhia 警車
- bamboo pole tek-ko 竹竿
police detective ke2ng-tha3m 警探
- flag pole ki5-ko 旗桿
police dog ke2ng-khia2n, kun-io7ng-ka2u 警犬,狼
- fishing pole ti3o-koa* 釣竿
police guards at a school ha7u-ke3ng, ha7uke2ng 校警
- electric pole tia7n-thia7u, tia7n-ho2e thia7u-a2 電
police handling criminal matters he5ng-ke2ng,
he5ng-ke3ng 刑警
- two people carrying with a pole kng 抬,扛
- one man carrying with a pole ta* 挑,擔
police inspector su5n-koa* 巡官
- to pole a boat the* chu5n 撐船
police officer ke2ng-koa* 警官
Pole, Polish person Pho-la5n-la5ng 波蘭人
police precinct headquarters ke2ng-chhat
hun-kio8k 警察分局
- North and south poles Pak-ke8k, La5m-ke8k
police station ke2ng-chhat-kio8k 警察局
- positive and negative poles io5ng-ke8k kap
im-ke8k 陽極與陰極
police station, police substations pha3ichhut-so2+, chhut-so2+ 派出所
pole for punting a boat, a boat pole chu5n-ko
police whistle, alarm siren, a horn ke2ng-te8k
pole, bamboo pole ko 篙
policeman ke2ng-oa5n, ke2ng-chhat 警員,警察
pole, draw, stroke, row, scratch, paddle,
pull, divide ko3 划
policemen patrolling railways or highways
lo7+-ke2ng 路警
pole, wooden or bamboo shoulder carrying
pole pi2n-ta* 扁擔
policy, government policy che3ng-chhek 政策
policy, guidelines, system hong-chiam, che3to7+ 方針,制度
polecat chha3u-niau 臭貓
polemic cheng-lu7n, sio-che3*, sio-jio2ng, pia7nlu7n 爭論,辯論
policy, insurance policy po2-hia2m-toa* 保險單
- policy holder ta5u-po2-ji5n 投保人
poles apart, be far apart, distant places, all
over the country, to talk about this and
that thian-la5m te7-pak 天南地北
Policy of government meets hopes of people. Che3ng-hu2 e5 che3ng-chhek u7 hu5-ha8p
tio8h bi5n-bo7ng. 政府的政策符合了民望.
poles apart, entirely different ta7i iu2 hun-pia8t
policy of keeping the people in ignorance
under a dictatorship, obscurantism gu5bi5n che3ng-chhek 愚民政策
political change, change of government,
overthrow of the administration che3ngpia3n 政變
polio, poliomyelitis, infantile paralysis si2o-ji5
ba5-pi3 小兒麻痺
political condition che3ng-kio8k 政局
polish bright by rubbing lu3 ho7+ kim 擦亮
political dissident che3ng-ti7 i7-gi7 hu7n-chu2 政治
political criminal che3ng-ti7-ho7an 政治犯
polish shoes lu3 pho5e-e5, chhat pho5e-e5 擦皮鞋
polish smooth, brighten, burnish bo5a ho7+
kim 磨亮
political division of an area for administrative purposes he5ng-che3ng-khu-he8k 行政
polish the floor lu3 te7-pa2n 擦地板
polish, make bright, chafe, burnish, smooth,
file, scrape, rub, brush, scour or rub,
scratch lu3 磨,擦,刷
political equality che3ng-ti7-sio7ng pe5ng-te2ng 政
polish, smooth, glossy, sleek kng-ku8t, kngse* 光滑
political history che3ng-ti7-su2 政治史
political geography ji5n-bu5n te7-li2 人文地理
political machinery, organ of government
che3ng-ti7 ki-koan 政治機關
polished person, cultured people su-bu5nla5ng 斯文人
polished rice pe8h-bi2 白米
political offense, political prisoner su-sio2ngho7an 思想犯
polite address for one's senior or aged person la7u chia5n-po3e 老前輩
political organization che3ng-ti7 cho+-chit 政治
polite and refined in appearance, genteel,
rather thin, elegant, and nice looking
chheng-si3u 清秀
political parties of Taiwan: KMT(blue camp),
DDP (green), PFP (orange) Kok-bi5n-to2ng
(na5-ia5*), Bi5n-chi3n-to2ng (le8k), Chhin-bi5nto2ng (kam-a2-sek) 國民黨(藍營), 民進黨
(綠), 親民黨(橘)
polite designation for another's son kongchu2 公子
polite expression for accompany you, keep
you company ho7ng-po5e 奉陪
political party che3ng-to2ng 政黨
polite expression in asking another's vote
pa3i-phi3o 拜票
political reform che3ng-ti7 kek-sin 政治革新
political party worker to2ng-kang 黨工
political relations of a country or party
che3ng-ti7 koan-he7 政治關係
polite remarks kheh-khi3 o7e 客氣話
polite respectful way to ask a girl's name
hong-mi5a 芳名
political science che3ng-ti7-ha8k 政治學
political staff officers che3ng-kang ji5n-oa5n 政
polite term when referring to another person's home ku3i-hu2 貴府
political system under which the legislative
and executive branches are independent of each other lio2ng-ko5an hun-li8p 兩權
polite, courteous, civil, show sincere regard
for u7-le2, u7 le2-so3+, kheh-khi3, ho2-le2, u7 le2-ma7u,
se3-ji7 客氣,有禮,有禮貌,客氣
politeness le2-so3+, le2-ma7u 禮貌
political system under which the president
is the chief executive cho2ng-tho2ng-che3
- according to Chinese politeness chia3u
Tiong-kok e5 le2-so3+ 按照中國的禮數
Political University Che3ng-ti7 ta7i-ha8k 政治大學
- Pardon my lack of politeness. Sit-le2. 對不
political view or opinion che3ng-kia3n 政見
politeness, to be polite ho2-le2 有禮貌
political world, government circles, realm
of politics che3ng-ka3i 政界
politic, smart, shrewd, savvy, astute chin
cheng e5 精明的
politician in the bad sense che3ng-kheh 政客
politic, strategy, policy u7 chhek-lio8k e5 有策略
politician, statesman che3ng-ti7-ka 政治家
politic, treacherous, fraudulent, crafty kancha3 奸詐
politics, political science che3ng-ti7-ha8k 政治學
politics che3ng-ti7 政治
politics, political strategy che3ng-ti7 chhek-lio8k
political che3ng-ti7 e5 政治的
political activities che3ng-ti7 oa8h-to7ng 政治活動
politics, political view che3ng-kia3n 政見
polytheist to-si5n ka3u-to5+ 多神教徒
poll taking, public opinion survey bi5n-i3
chhek-gia7m 民意測驗
pomade, hair oil tha5u-mo5+-iu5 髮油
poll tax ji5n-tha5u-so3e 人頭稅
pomelo, pumele iu7-a2 柚子
poll, elect, election so2an-ki2 選舉
pomp se7ng-chong, chng kah chin su2i, ho5a-le7,
chin ho2 kho3a* 盛裝,華麗
pomegranate sia8h-li5u, chio8h-li5u 石榴
poll, election returns so2an-ki2 ta5u-phi3o 選舉投
pompous, ostentatious, boasting of chu7khoa e5 自誇的
poll, number of voters ta5u-phi3o e5 so3+-bo8k 投
pompous, gorgous, splendor, magnificence,
flamboyance ho5a-le7 華麗
pollen hoe-hu2n 花粉
pollen flower kang-hoe 雄花
pompous, ostentatious, exaggerate, overstate, magnify khoa-ta7i 誇大
polling place, place where voters cast their
ballots ta5u-phi3o-so2+ 投票所
pond ti5 池
pollute phah lah-sap, bak la5-sa5m 玷污
- fish pond hi5-ti5 魚池
pollute, pollution u3-jia2m 污染
ponder kho2-li7, chim-chiok 考慮,斟酌
polluted ko7-tio8h 污染到
ponder over seriously sam su, sa3m su 三思
pollution, air polution khong-khi3 u3-jia2m 空氣
ponder, contemplate, think, rumination,
contemplation su-kho2 思考
- to induce seminal pollution phah chhi2uchhe3ng (vulgar) 手淫
ponderous mass of iron chi8t te3 chin ta7ng e5
thih 一塊很重的鐵
- involuntary pollution bo7ng-siat 夢洩
ponderous, heavy, cumbersome, unwieldy
pu7n-chhia5ng, chin ta7ng 身體笨重的,很重
polo khiok-ku3n-ki5u 曲棍球
Pontiff Chu2-ka3u (Catholic), to7a-su-che3 主教,大
polyandry it chhe to hu chu2-gi7 一妻多夫主義
polychromatic, multicolored to sek e5 多色的
- Supreme Pontiff Ka3u-chong, Ka3u-ho5ng 教
polychrome ngo2+-chha2i, ngo2+-chha2i-sek 五彩,
Pontifical Chu2-ka3u e5, Ka3u-chong e5 主教的,教
polyclinic hospital, general hospital chongha8p pe7*-i7* 綜合醫院
Pontifical Book Chu2-ka3u le2-chiat-su 主教禮節
polygamous it hu to chhe e5, it chhe to hu e5 一
Pontifical Mass Chu2-ka3u ta7i-le2 Mi5-sat 主教大
polygamy to-chhe-che3, to chhe chu2-gi7, it hu to
chhe, to-hu-che3, to hu chu2-gi7, it chhe to
hu 多妻制,多夫制
Pontifical Representative Chong-cho7 ta7i-pia2u
polyglot e7-hia2u ko2ng chin che7 chio2ng o7e, e7ng
chin che7 chio2ng gi2-gia5n e5 能說數國語言的,
pontificate Ka3u-chong chit-u7i, Ka3u-chong e5
ji7m-ki5 教宗職位,教宗的任期
polyglot Bible e7ng chin che7 chio2ng gi2-gia5n si2a
e5 Se3ng-keng 用很多種語言寫的聖經
pontoon pe5*-te2-chu5n 平底船
polygon to-kak-he5ng 多角形
pony se3 chiah be2 小馬
polylon pa5u-li2-lo5ng (phonetic), po2-li2-lo2ng 保麗
pooh-pooh thi2-chhi3o 恥笑
pontoon bridge phu5-ki5o 浮橋
pool, pond ti5, chu2i-ti5, chu2i-khut 池,水池,水窟
polymorphism to-he5ng hia7n-sio7ng 多形現象
- swimming pool iu5-e2ng-ti5 游泳池
polyphony, character with two or more
readings pho3-im-ji7 破音字
pool capital for a business ha8p-chu kenge5ng 合資經營
polyphony, polyphonic song ho8k-im-khek 複
pool of blood hiat li5u se5ng ti5, la5u kah cho5ancho5an hoeh 血流成池
polysyllable to-im-chiat e5 ji7 多音節的字
pool of water, chuck hole in the road, a
puddle chu2i-khut 水堀
polytechnic school ki-ge7 ha8k-ha7u 技藝學校
polytheism to-si5n-ka3u 多神教
pool in a stream, a small lake or pond tha5ma2 小水潭
pool, joint venture, under joint management
lia5n-e5ng 聯營
poor visual memory, lack of visual acuity
go7ng-ba8k 笨眼
pools of blood, blood stains hoeh-jiah, huihjiah 血跡
poor wages kang-chi5* chin boa8t 工資極少
poor, meager, very small lia7u-sia2u 簡陋的,不
poor and miserable sa3n-chhiah, sa3n, pi5nkio5ng, pi5n-ha5n 赤貧,窮,貧窮
poor, needy sa3n-hiong 貧窮
- to give alms to the poor ki3u-che3 sa3nchhiah-la5ng 救濟窮人
poor, piteous kho2-lia5n, kho2-li5n 可憐的
poorhouse ki3u-che3-i7* 救濟院
poor and miserable devil sa3n-ku2i (a curse) 窮
poor-looking person, deformed ugly, deformed person, You beast. m7-chi5a*-la5ng
(scolding) 不像樣,不成器
poor and miserable person sa3n-chhiah-la5ng
poorly paid by the company kong-si e5 tha7i-gu7
ba2i 公司的待遇差
poor and rich pi5n hu3 貧富
poor and unfortunate, affairs going wrong,
distressed appearance of countenance
when all is going wrong chha2m-ta7m 慘
poorly paid job, a lack pha2i*-khoeh 不好的缺
poorly printed i3n bo5 be5ng 沒印清楚
pop pi7-po8k-ki3o, po9ng chi8t sia*, hut-jia5n-kan ti2nta7ng khi2-la5i 劈啪聲,砰!一聲,忽然動起來
poor and virtuous chheng-pi5n 清貧
pop music, contemporary music li5u-he5ng
im-ga8k, hia7n-ta7i im-ga8k 流行音樂,現代音樂
poor at recognizing pha2i* ba8k-sek 眼力差
poor at singing han-ba7n chhi3u*-koa 不會唱歌
popcorn po7ng-hoan-be8h 爆玉米花
poor box hia3n-kim-siu* 獻金箱
Pope Ka3u-chong, Ka3u-ho5ng 教宗,教皇
poor boy kho2-li5n e5 gi2n-a2 可憐的小孩
poplar tree iu5*, io5ng 楊
poor but clean, cold and crisp weather,
cold and bright moonlight chheng-ha5n
poppy a-phi3an-hoe, eng-chhek-hoe 罌粟花
populace bi5n-chio3ng, ta7i-chio3ng, la7u-peh-se3*
poor drainage chu2i be7 siau 水不通
popular edition pho2+-thong-pa2n 普通版
poor family, destitute household, family
pi5n-ho7+ 貧戶
popular election, elected by the people bi5nso2an 民選
poor harvest, deficient kia2m-siu, pha2i* siuse5ng 欠收,收成不好
popular fashion pha7* 拉風
poor harvest, bad winter pha2i*-ni5-tang 欠收成,
popular government bi5n-chu2 che3ng-ti7 民主政
poor health bo5 kia7n-khong 不健康
popular national movement kok-bi5n u7n-to7ng
poor health, weak body la2m sin-mi7a 體弱多病
popular novel thong-sio8k sia2u-soat 通俗小說
poor land sa2n-te7, te7 chin sa2n 瘦地,地貧瘠
popular opinion bi5n-i3 民意
poor land, sterile field sa2n-chha5n 瘦田,瘠田
popular opposition i5-lu7n kong-kek 輿論攻擊
poor man like a beggar khit-chia8h-mi7a 當乞丐
popular person ji5n-ia5n ho2, u7 ji5n-ia5n, tit bi5n-sim
poor man, poor people pi5n-bi5n 貧民
popular prices lia5m-ke3 廉價
poor memory ki3-se3ng ba2i 記性壞
popular sentiments, the public mind, the
hearts and minds of the people bi5n-sim
poor of hearing hi7*-khang ta7ng 重聽
poor peasant family pi5n-khu3n-lo5ng-ho7+ 貧困農
popular song li5u-he5ng-koa 流行歌
poor person kan-kho2+-la5ng, sa3n-la5ng 窮人
popular, has prestige u7 ji5n-bo7ng e5 有人望的
poor quality mi8h-ki7a* ba2i 欠佳
popular, in vogue, fashionable li5u-he5ng e5, si5ki5a* e5 流行的
poor quality, very poor quality ok-loat 惡劣
poor speaker ko2ng-oe7 han-ba7n 不會講話
popular, pertaining to the common people
pe5ng-bi5n e5, bi5n-chio3ng e5 平民的,民眾的
poor talker kha2u-cha5i ba2i 口才不好
poor treatment ge8k-tha7i, kho2+-to8k 虐待
popular, well liked thong-sio8k, u7 ji5n-khi3 e5 通俗,
pork having fat and lean in alternate layers
sam-cha5n-bah 五花肉
popularity, good luck in adventures with
women tho5-hoe-u7n 桃花運
pork liver ti-koa* 豬肝
popularity, in vogue, fashionable li5u-he5ng 流
pork simmered in soybean sauce and sugar
a5ng-sio-bah 紅燒肉
popularity, prestige ji5n-bo7ng, ji5n-khi3 人望,人
pork tongue ti-chi8h 豬舌
pork rind bah-pho5e 豬皮
pork vender's stall or stand ti-tiam 豬肉攤
popularity, well liked thong-sio8k 通俗
pornographic drawings chhun-kiong-to5+ 春宮
popularize, make popular, universal, wellknown ho7+…pho2+-phi3an, ho7+ li5u-he5ng,
ho7+…thong-sio8k 使…普及,使流行,使…通俗
pornographic shop e3ng-ti3au-cha7m, sek-che5ng
ti5u*-so2+ 應召站,色情場所
popularize, mass-oriented, cater for the
masses ta7i-chio3ng-ho3a 大眾化
pornography chhun-kiong-to5+, n5g-sek e5 to5+,
sia2u-soat, sek-che5ng khan-bu8t 春宮圖,黃色
popularize, popularization thong-sio8k-ho3a 通
pornography film sek-che5ng-phi3* 色情片,A 片
populate, population increase, people moving in ho7+ la5ng to3a to3a… 使人居住於…
porosity to-khang-se3ng 多孔性
porous chin che7 khang e5, u7 khi3-khang e5 多孔
- densely populated ji5n-ian ti5u-bi8t e5 so2+-cha7i,
la5ng to3a chin che7 e5 so2+-cha7i 人煙稠密的地
porous type of stone pha3*-chio8h 鬆石頭
porpoise ha2i-tu5n, ha2i-ti 海豚
population ji5n-kha2u 人口
porridge, gruel mo5e 粥
- American population Bi2-kok e5 ji5n-kha2u 美
port ka2ng, ka2ng-kha2u 港,港口
population explosion ji5n-kha2u phe5ng-tio3ng 人
- commercial port siong-ka2ng 商港
population problem ji5n-kha2u bu7n-te5 人口問題
- free port chu7-iu5-ka2ng 自由港
- fishing port hi5-ka2ng 漁港
populous ji5n-kha2u chin che7 e5 人口多的
port city ka2ng-to+ 港都
porcelain hu5i-a2, hu5i e5 瓷器
port side cho2-hi5an 左舷
porch, corridor, aisle, veranda cha2u-lo5ng 走
port wine phu5-to5-chi2u 葡萄酒
portable io7ng chhi2u ko7a* e5, khin-pia7n e5 手提的,
porch, doorway mn5g-kha2u 門口
porch, entrance ji8p-kha2u 入口
portable TV set chhi2u-the5 tia7n-si7-ki 手提電視
porcupine chi3*-ti, ho5-ti 箭豬,豪豬
pore of skin, stoma on a leaf, spiracle or
blowhole of a whale, vesicle of igneous
rock khi3-khang 氣孔
portend, to predict, become a precursor,
give warning seng chai-ia2*, chi5a*-cho3…e5
chia5n-tia7u, ho7+…ke3ng-ko3 預知,成為…的前
pores mo5+-kn2g-khang, mn5g-kn2g-khang 毛孔,氣
portent, miracle ki5-chek 奇蹟
pork ti-bah 豬肉
portent, omen, warning chha2i-tha5u, chia5ntia7u 彩頭,預兆
- fried and dried pork bah-koa* 肉干
porter, doorman ko3+-mn5g-e5 守門的
- sweet and sour pork thn5g-chho3+ pa5i-kut 糖
porter, one who does heavy lifting ku-li2 搬運
pork bone bah-kut 豬骨,肉骨
porter, red cap gia8h he5ng-li2 e5, a5ng-bo7-a2 掮行
pork chops pa5i-kut, ti-pa5i 排骨,豬排
pork stew, bouillon bah-ke* 肉羹
porter, to convey, pass on, transmit tho5anta8t-e5 傳達的
pork cooked with a red salt thick sauce
condiment made of rice and leaven an5g
chau-bah 紅糟肉
porter's lodge tho5an-ta8t-sek 傳達室
portfolio, paper folder, paper clip cho2a giapa2 紙夾子
position in a list of names be5ng-chhu3, mi5achhu3 名次
portfolio, post, position, job, duties chit-bu7
position in space, location, position in an
organization u7i-ti3 位置
- minister without portfolio be5ng-i7 po7+-ti2u*
position one is in, circumstances one faces
chhu2-ke2ng 處境
portfolio, briefcase kong-su7-pau 公事包
position vacant ki5u-cha5i 求才
porthole, loading hatch chng-ho3e e5 mn5gchhu3i, chu5n e5 thang-a2-mn5g 裝貨的艙口,舷
position wanted ki5u-chit 求職
position, circumstances, public office, a
game, an inning kio8k 局
porthole, cannon muzzle phah-chhe3ng e5
khang 射擊孔,炮口
position, employment chit-gia8p 職業
position, place so2+-cha7i, te7-tia2m 位置,地點
portico te5ng-a2-kha, cha2u-lo5ng 騎樓,走廊
portion hu7n, po7+-hu7n, ko2+, hun-pho3e 份,部份,股,
position, situation cho7ng-ho2ng, che5ng-he5ng
- lower portion e7-tha5u 下方,下部份
positive (+) electricity, negative (-) electricity io5ng-tia7n, im-tia7n 陽電,陰電
- to portion property hun-pho3e cha5i-sa2n 分
positive and negative che3ng-hu7 正負
positive attitude chek-ke8k e5 tha7i-to7+ 積極的態
portion set apart for one's old age la7u-pu2n
positive electricity chi3a*-tia7n 正電
portly to7a-kho+, to7a-siak 肥胖的
positive electricity, male, masculine, sun,
solar, bright, brilliant, pertaining to this
world io5ng 陽
portly fellow to7a-kho+-pe2 胖傢伙
portmanteau, suitcase chhi2u-the5-siu* 手提箱
portrait, painting of a person ji5n-bu8t-oe7 人物
positive number che3ng-so3+ 正數
portrait of a living person sio7ng, sia3u-sio7ng 像,
portrait of a deceased person u5i-sio7ng 遺像
- to paint a portrait o7e sio7ng 畫像
positive policy chek-ke8k che3ng-chhek 積極政
positive proof khak-khak si8t-si8t e5 che3ng-ki3 確
positive reaction io5ng-se3ng ho2an-e3ng 陽性反
portrait, painted or carved likeness of a
person sia3u-sio7ng 肖像
positive, absolute, indeed, actual, explicite
choa8t-tu3i 絕對
portray o7e, bia5u-si2a 畫,描寫
ports or cities outside of one's own go7a-po+
positive, absolutely, totally tek-khak, khak-si8t
Portugal Phu5-to5-ge5, Pho5-to5-ga5 葡萄牙
positive, clear, distinct, understand chhengchho2 清楚
Portuguese language Phu5-to5-ge5-gi2 葡萄牙語
positive, masculine io5ng-se3ng e5 陽性的
Portuguese person Phu5-to5-ge5-la5ng 葡萄牙人
positive, okay, no problem bo5 bu7n-te5 e5 沒問
pose for the audience's admiration onstage
chha2i-ke 亮相
positive, right side chek-ke8k, chi3a*-bi7n e5 積極,
pose, attitude, approach, manner, bearing
tha7i-to7+ 態度
positively it-te7ng, khak-si8t, choa8t-tu3i 一定,確實,
pose, posture chu-se3, kek chu-se3 姿勢,擺姿勢
position, status, rank, identity te7-u7i, kai-kip,
sin-hu7n 地位,階級,身份
positively against another's demands
choa8t-tu3i ho2an-tu3i 絕對反對
- economical position keng-che3 te7-u7i 經濟地
positively cannot choa8t-tu3i bo5 hoat-to7+ 絕對沒
- man of position u7 te7-u7i e5 la5ng 有地位的人
positively, active, energetic, vigorous, positive outlook chek-ke8k 積極
position, post, office chit-u7i 職位
- to have a good position u7 ho2 e5 chit-gia8p 有
positivism chek-ke8k chu2-gi7 積極主義
possess by an evil spirit hu7-sin, hu7-the2 附身,
- not possible be7-sa2i-tit, bo5 kho2-le5ng 不可以,
possess land u7 tho2+-te7 有土地
possible, impossible u7 kho2-le5ng, bo5 kho2-le5ng
possess money and power u7-chi5* u7-se3 有錢
possibly not bo5 it-te7ng 不一定
possess originally, what one had before,
what was here or there originally go5aniu2 原有
possibly, by chance, probably, maybe, on
the spur of the moment, by some
chance ho7an-se3, ho7an-se3 ho7an-se3 也許,說
possess, dominate, allocate, administrate
chi-pho3e 支配
possess, have in possession hia2ng-iu2 享有
possibly, perhaps kho2-le5ng, kia2m-chha2i, ta7ikha3i 可能,也許,大概
possess, occupy, to hold chia3m-iu2 佔有
possum animal te7-chhi2 袋鼠
- play possum, pretending to be dead, play
dead ke2-si2 裝死
possess, to have, to own u7, so2+-iu2 有,所有
possessed by an idea ho7+ chi8t e5 koan-lia7m
be5-tio8h, ho7+ chi8t e5 li2-lia7m khip-i2n 被某種觀
- play possum, pretending to be ill ke2-pe7*
possessed by demons ku2i hu7-sin 鬼附身
- play possum, pretending to be asleep ke2khu3n 裝睡
possessed by the devil ho7an-tio8h ku2i 犯沖到
post, pillar thia7u-a2 柱子
post, office chit-u7i 職位
possessed by a spirit like a medium khi2ta5ng, chi7u*-ta5ng 起乩
- vacant post khang e5 u7i, u7 khoeh 空位,有空
possessed, bewitched tio8h-mo5+, tio8h-iau 著魔
possessing marvelous abilities si5n-thong
ko2ng-ta7i 神通廣大
post a letter ki3a-phoe 寄信
possessing wealth and influence u7 chi5* u7 se3
post box, letter box si3n-siu* 信箱
possession of property or industry cha5i-sa2n,
cha5i-bu8t, sa2n-gia8p 財產,財物,產業
Post office payment collection service iu5kio8k ta7i-siu ho3e-kho2an 郵局代收貨款
post a notice tah po3-ko3 貼佈告
post office iu5-kio8k, iu5-pia7n-kio8k 郵局,郵政局
- family possessions ka-sa2n 家產
post script, P.S. chu3-ka2i 註解
- to get or take possession of goods, to
hold goods chia3m-iu2 佔有
post, mail, postal iu5-ki7a*, iu5-che3ng 郵件,郵政
post, to mail ki3a 寄
possession by the devil ho7an-tio8h mo5+-ku2i 魔
postage iu5-hu3i, iu5-chu 郵費,郵資
- insufficient postage iu5-chu put chiok 郵資
possession, to own goods so2+-iu2 所有
possessive so2+-iu2 e5 所有的
postage free bia2n-hu3i ki3a-sa3ng 免費寄送
possessive case so2+-iu2-keh 所有格
postage stamp iu5-phi3o 郵票
possessive particle, classifier for persons e5
postal iu5-che3ng e5, iu5-pia7n e5 郵政的
postal administration iu5-che3ng 郵政
possessor of a house chhu3-chu2 屋主
possessor of land te7-chu2 地主
postal cancellation, postmark iu5-chho8k 郵戳
possessor, owner bu8t-chu2, so2+-iu2-chi2a, so2+-iu2ji5n 物主,所有者,所有人
postal card be5ng-si3n-phi3* 明信片
postal charges, postage iu5-hu3i 郵費
possibility, possible, probable kho2-le5ng,
kho2-le5ng-se3ng 可能,可能性
Postal Convention Iu5-che3ng tia5u-iok 郵政條約
postal display case iu5-che3ng tia2n-si7-ke3 郵政展
possible kho2-le5ng e5, e7-sa2i-tit 可能的,可以的
- as soon as possible chi7n-lio7ng khah ki2n le3
postal life insurance iu5-che3ng ka2n-i7 ji5n-si7u 郵
- by every possible means chi7n-lio7ng, chi7n
so2+-u7 e5 pa7n-hoat 儘量,盡所有的辦法
postal money order iu5-kio8k ho7e-phi3o 郵局匯
postal parcel iu5-pau 郵包
postal receiving platform iu5-kio8k siu-kia7*chhu3 郵局收件處
postmark iu5-chho8k, iu5-kio8k tn3g e5 i3n-a2 郵戳
postmaster iu5-che3ng-kio8k-ti2u*, iu5-pia7n-kio8kti2u* 郵政局長
postal savings deposit iu5-che3ng thu2-kim, iu5che3ng thu2-thiok 郵政儲金,郵政儲蓄
postmortem si2-au7 e5 死後的
postal service occupation, work iu5-bu7 郵務
postal stamps iu5-phi3o 郵票
postmortem arrangements si2 au7 e5 ta7i-chi3 死
postal stamps selling machine chu7-to7ng be7iu5-phi3o-ki 郵政票品出售機
postmortem criminal examination gia7m-si,
pho3a-pak gia7m-si 驗屍,剖腹驗屍
postal vehicles iu5-bu7-chhia 郵務車
postmortem, medical autopsy si-the2 ka2i-pho2+
postal workers iu5-bu7-su7 郵務士,郵政職工
postbox, mailbox, for receiving mail si3n-siu*
postnatal hi7o-thian 後天
postbox, mailbox, for sending letters phoeta5ng, iu5-ta5ng 郵筒
postpone a meeting ho7e-gi7 ia5n-ki5 會議延期
postpone a date, rain check oa7n-ki5 緩期
postcard be5ng-si3n-phi3* 明信片
postpone, procrastinate su7n-ia5n 順延
poster, announcement pasted on the wall
piah-po3 壁報
postponed until an undetermined date bu5-ki5
ia5n-ki5 無期延期
postpone ia5n-ki5 延期
- to put up a poster tah piah-po3 貼壁報
postscript hu3-chu3, phoe-ni8h hu3-ka e5 o7e 附註,
poster, advertise, publicize, ad, advertisement ko2ng-ko3 廣告
postulant bo7ng-siu-chi2a, chi3-go7an-chi2a 望修者,
poster, announcement, bulletin, proclamation kong-ko3 公告
poster, playbill ha2i-po3 海報
postulate, assume, suppose, supposed,
assumption, hypothesis ka2-te7ng 假定
posterior, butt, hips kha-chhng 臀部,屁股
postulate, conditions tia5u-ki7a* 條件
posterior, rear view, back, behind, later, afterwards au7-bi7n e5 後面的
postulate, requirements ki5u, ia3u-ki5u 求,要求
postulator lia8t-phi2n a3n-ki7a* chhu2-li2-ji5n (Catholic) 列品案件處理人
posterity au7-ta7i, hi7o-ta7i, hi7o-su5, ki2a*-sun 後代,
posture, body posture chu-se3 姿勢
- without posterity choa8t-su5, bo5 ki2a*-sun 絕
- bad posture ku-ku 駝背
posture, attitude tha7i-to7+ 態度
posterity cut off, without an heir, without
male posterity choa8t-su5, choa8t-hi7o-su5 絕
posture, situation, circumstance cho7ng-tha7i,
che5ng-se3 狀態,情勢
pot, earthen pot, crucible phu5n, kha*-a2 盆,坩
posterity for some generations ki2a*-ki2a* sunsun 子子孫孫
- chamber pot ji7o-tha2ng 尿桶
posterity, after ages, the next life, after-life,
future life a7u-se3, a7u-si3 後世,來世
- flower pot hoe-phu5n, hoe-kha* 花盆
- tea pot te5-ko3an 茶壺
posterity, descendants ki2a*-sun, ho7+-e3 子孫,
pot for cooking oe-a2 鍋子
postgraduate gia2n-ki3u-seng 研究生
pot for cooking in casserole bu7n-oe 燜燒鍋
postgraduate class gia2n-ki3u-pan 研究班
pot of flowers chi8t phu5n hoe 一盆花
posthaste, urgent, quickly hui-sok 飛速
potash tha3n-sng-kah 碳酸鉀
posthumous u5i-li5u e5, si2-au7 e5 遺留的,死後的
potassium kah 鉀
posthumous child u5i-ho8k-chu2, ia2u-ti7 la7u-bu2 e5
pak-to2+ la7i chhin-se* la7u-pe7 to7 si2-khi3 e5 gi2n-a2
potassium carbonate tho3a*-sng-kah 碳酸鉀
potato ma2-le5ng-chi5 馬鈴薯
- sweet potato han-chi5 地瓜
posthumous fame si2-au7 e5 mi5a-sia* 死後的名聲
potato chips ia5ng-i2-phia2n (phonetic) 洋芋片
Post-it, Sticky notes chu7-lia5m-piau-chhiam 便
potatoes ma2-le5ng-chi5 馬鈴薯
postman the8h-phoe-e5, iu5-chhai 送信的,郵差
potatoes preserved in sugar han-chi5-thn5g 月
pounce cho8k khi3 lia8h-le7, ko2a*-ki2n lia8h-le7 撲過
potbellied person to7a pak-to2+-tha2ng-a2 e5 la5ng,
pak-to2+ lu7-su7 lu7-su7 e5 la5ng 腹部肥胖的人,腹
pound, kg kin (Chinese), po7ng (English) 斤,磅
pound fine cheng ho7+ iu3 舂成細末
potbelly stove i5*-he5ng e5 ho2e-lo5+ 圓火爐
pound in a mortar to3a cheng-khu7 la7i cheng 在
potency, ability to influence se3-le8k, kho5an-se3
pound or polish rice in a mortar cheng-bi2 舂
potency or power of a drug io8h-la8t 藥力
pound, with a pestle or hammer cheng, tu5i
potency, efficacy, effectiveness kong-ha7u,
ha7u-le5ng 功效,效能
potent remedy u7 ha7u e5 io8h-a2 有效的藥
pour boiling water on, pour hot water to
make tea or coffee chhiong ku2n-chu2i 沖
potentate, powerful influential people u7
kho5an-se3 e5 la5ng 有權勢的人
pour cold water on the idea phoah le2ng-chu2i
potentate, ruler, governor, politician tho2ngti7-chi2a 統治者
pour on or into, force to drink, irrigate ko3an
potential energy, potentiality, capacity
chia5m-cha7i-le8k 潛力
pour or serve spirituous liquor thi5n-chi2u 倒
potential energy, latent energy chia5m-le5ng
pour or serve tea thi5n-te5 倒茶
potential, latent kho2-le5ng e5, chia5m-cha7i e5, u2nchio5ng e5 可能的,潛在的,隱藏的
pour out gently in small quantity from a
spout thi5n 斟,倒
potentiality kho2-le5ng-se3ng, chia5m-cha7i le5ngle8k 可能性,潛在能力
pour out till quite empty pi3a* ho7+ ta 倒乾
pothole chhim khut-a2, chin chhim e5 khang 深
pour out, throw away to3-tia7u, to3-hiat-ka8k, to3hi3*-sak 倒掉
potion chi8t ho8k, chi8t thiap 一服,一劑
pour upon, soak with water, to drip drench
cha5ng, la5m 淋
potent u7 la8t e5, u7 ha7u e5 有力的,有用的,有效的
pour out to3-chhut 倒出
pour out water to3 chu2i 倒水
potluck meal chi8t-ke chi8t-chha3i, pia7n-chha3ipn7g 一家一菜,現成的飯菜
pour water into another liquid, to mix in water tha3u-chu2i 攙水,掺水
potshot, indiscriminate shooting o+-pe8h
phah 亂打
pour water on one's self while bathing la5m
seng-khu 淋浴
potshot, make cirtical remarks kong-kek 抨
pour water upon oneself or on some one or
something cha5ng-chu2i 淋水
potted plant, miniture tree, dwarf tree, bonsai phu5n-ke2ng 盆景
pour wine, tea, oil thi5n chi2u, thi5n te5, thi5n iu5 倒
potted plant, plant in a pot phu5n-chai 盆栽
potter sio-hu5i-e5 陶匠
pour, irrigate, splash thi5n, to3, ko3an, la5m,
phoah 斟,倒,灌,淋,潑
pottery hu5i-a2 陶器
pouring rain lo8h to7a ho7+ 下大雨
- to make pottery sio hu5i 燒陶
pottery kiln hu5i-a2-io5 磁窯
pout khia3u-chhu3i, chhu3i tu8h-tu8h 噘嘴
pottery shop hu5i-a2-tia3m 陶器店
pout the lips as a signal or sign khia3u-chhu3i
pouch, small tiny bag se3 e5 te7-a2 小袋子
pout the lips, about to cry bih-chhu3i 噘嘴,快
- tobacco pouch hun te7-a2, hun-chha2u te7-a2 裝
poverty sa3n-chhiah, sa3n-hiong, pi5n-kio5ng 赤貧,
pouch, postbag, mailbag carried by postman phoe te7-a2, iu5-chhe te2 phoe io7ng e5 郵
- in great poverty lo5ng-po7e 狼狽
- to take the vow of poverty hoat si5n-pi5n 發
poultry ka-khi5m, cheng-se*-a2 家禽
poultry farm io2ng-ke-ti5u* 養雞場
poverty and hardship, poor, destitute pi5nkho2+ 貧苦
power of observation, insight koan-chhat-le8k
poverty and wealth, relative wealth, rich
and poor pi5n-hu3 貧富
power of persuasion soat-ho8k-le8k 說服力
poverty of spirit si5n-pi5n (Catholic) 神貧
power to defend against adversities ti2kho3ng-le8k 抵抗力
poverty, unpresentable dress or gifts ha5nsan 寒酸
power, immunity or resistance to disease
pe7*-pu2n 身體的抗病力
POW, prisoner-of-war chia3n-hu, chia3n-hu5 戰
power of the Sacraments Se3ng-su7 e5 ha7u-le5ng
Powchong tea Pau-chio2ng-te5 包種茶
power of wind hong-se3 風勢
powder magazine, arsenal ho2e-io8h-kho3+ 火藥
power or authority chio2ng-koa5n 掌權
power or force of riches or money cha5i-le8k
powder room ho3a-chong-sek 化妝室
powder the face boah hu2n 擦粉
power position and good reputation u7-tha5u
u7-bi7n 有頭有臉,有地位有名聲
powder, dental floss, tooth powder khi2-hu2n
power rate, electric bill tia7n-hu3i 電費
powder, dust tho5+-soa-hu2n 灰塵
power station or plant hoat-tia7n-so2+ 發電所
powder, explosive ho2e-io8h 火藥
power struggle eruption po8k-hoat kho5an-ta3u
powder, face makeup ho3a-chong-hu2n 化粧粉
power struggle, to fight for selfish gains, to
scramble for personal gains chengkho5an-to8at-li7 爭權奪利
powder, flour, corn meal, face powder, to
make up, to whitewash hu2n 粉
powdered incense hiu*-boa8h, ju2-hiu* boa8h 香
power substation pia3n-tia7n-so2+ 變電所
powdered medicine io8h-hu2n 藥粉
power tiller, cultivator le5-chha5n-ki 耕耘機
powdered milk gu5-leng-hu2n 奶粉
power to absolve sins si3a-cho7e e5 ko5an-pe3ng
powdered mustard ka3i-loa8h-hu2n 芥末粉
power to impeach ta5n-ha7i-ko5an 彈劾權
powdered soap sat-bu5n-hu2n 肥皂粉
power to think, analyze and speculate sukho2-le8k 思考力
power, strength la8t, le8k-lio7ng 力,力量
- horse power be2-la8t 馬力
power, ability, energy, faculty, potency, capacity le5ng-le8k 能力
- full power cho5an-ko5an 全權
- lacking power bo5 le5ng-le8k 沒能力
power, authority, competence ko5an-le5ng 權
- military power peng-le8k, kun-le8k 兵力,軍力
power, authority, influence ko5an, ko5an-se3,
ko5an-le8k, ko5an-pe3ng 權,權勢,權力,權柄
power cut, outage, failure sit-tia7n 停電
power failure, blackout, cut off the power
supply the5ng-tia7n 停電
power, authority, right kho5an-li7 權利
power mechanics, action goa5n-to7ng-le8k 原動
power, hold the reins of government chipche3ng 執政
power of attraction, gravitation khip-i2n-le8k 吸
power, influence se3-le8k 勢力
power of calculating or recognizing at a
glance ba8k-sek 眼力
powered by electricity tia7n-to7ng 電動
power, machine power to7ng-le8k 動力
powerful kio5ng, u7 la8t, u7 se3, u7 se3-le8k 強,有力,有
power of compulsion or coercion kio5ng-che3ko5an 強制權
powerful and efficacious, miraculous si3a* 靈
power of concentration, attentiveness chu3-i3le8k 注意力
powerful and flourishing nation kio5ng-se7ng
power of judgment pho3a*-to3an-le8k 判斷力
powerful bully, local bandit leader ok-pa3 惡
power of life and death seng-sat chi ko5an 生
powerful countries kio5ng kok, kio5ng e5 kok 強
powerful drugs, strong medicine ke8k-io8h 劇
practice asceticism, cultivate one's physical and mental capabilities according
to Taoist rules siu-lia7n 修鍊
powerful memory ki3-se3ng ho2 記性好
practice astrology or astronomy koan thianbu5n 觀天文
powerful remedy, powerful medicine, very
strong and rather dangerous medicine
ta7ng-io8h 重藥,烈藥
practice birth control, birth control chiat-che3
seng-io8k 節制生育
powerful, influential u77 ko5an-le8k 有權力
powerless bo5 se3-le8k, bo5 la8t, bo5 le5ng, bo5 hoatto7+ e5, bo5 ko5an-pe3ng e5 無力,無能,無法的,沒
practice boxing lia7n-ku5n 練拳
PowerPoint PowerPoint, che3-chok ka2n-po3
nn2g-the2 PowerPoint,製作簡報軟體
practice Chinese boxing phah ku5n-tha5u 打拳
practice breathing, imbibe energy lia7n khi3kong 練氣功
powers and functions kho5an-le5ng 權能
practice deception mo5a-se*-la5ng-ba8k 騙人耳
powers and influence kho5an-se3 權勢
practice fraud chok-pe3 作弊
practicable e7-ta3ng si8t-he5ng e5, e7-ta3ng si8t-hia7n e5
practice geomancy kho3a* te7-li2, kho3a* hongsu2i 勘察地理,看風水
practicable idea u7 kho2-le5ng si8t-hia7n e5 ke3-o7e 有
practice gymnastics or fencing, toy with bu2la7ng 舞弄
practical si8t-io7ng, si8t-te7 e5, si8t-che3 e5 實用,實地的,
practice hand writing o8h si2a-ji7 學寫字
- articles for practical use si8t-io7ng e5 mi8h-ki7a*
practice medicine he5ng-i 行醫
practice mortification si8t-he5ng khek-ki2 實行克
practical application si8t-te7 e3ng-io7ng 實地應用
practice superstition cho3 i7-toan 行異端
practical dynamics kang-the5ng le8k-ha8k 工程
practice teaching chhi3-ka3 試教
practice the piano lia7n-si8p kn3g-khi5m 練習鋼琴
practical English si8t-io7ng eng-gi2 實用英語
practice virtue siu tek-he7ng 修德行
practical ethics si8t-chia7n lu5n-li2-ha8k 實踐倫理
practice what one has been taught, internship si8t-si8p 實習
practical experience si8t-che3 e5 keng-gia7m, si8tte7 e5 keng-gia7m 實際的經驗,實地的經驗
practice what one preaches sin-the2 le8k-he5ng
practical methods of managing ku7-the2 pa7nhoat 具體辦法
practice, actual condition, real state, practical si8t-che3 實際
practical nurse cho7+-li2 ho7+-su7 助理護士
practice, exerecise, training, drill lia7n-si8p 練
practical results si8t-che3-sio7ng e5 ha7u-ko2 實際上
practice, implement, carry out, put into
practice si8t-he5ng 實行
practical sociology si8t-chia7n si7a-ho7e-ha8k 實踐
practice, occupation gia8p-bu7, khai-gia8p 業務,
practical use, functional, pragmatic si8t-io7ng
practice, to practice a principle, put a theory into practice si8t-chia7n 實踐
practical use, put knowledge to practical
use, utilize oa8h-io7ng 活用
practice, train, exercise, discipline, drill,
condition hu3n-lia7n 訓練
practically, in fact, in reality, actually, as a
matter of fact, de facto, ipso facto su7-si8tsio7ng, si8t-che3-sio7ng 事實上,實際上
practiced swordsman kiap-su7 俠士
practiced, experienced se8k-li3u-li3u 精通,精湛
practice, habit si8p-ko3an 習慣
practitioner khai-gia8p e5 開業者
- illegal practice u5i-hoat e5 si8p-ko3an 違法的習
Praesidium of the legion of Mary Se3ng-bo2kun chi-tho5an (Catholic) 聖母軍支團
- in practice su7-si8t-sio7ng 事實上
pragmatic si8t-gia7m chu2-gi7 e5, ho3+*-su7 e5, si8t-che3 e5
practice asceticism siu kho2+-he7ng 修苦行
pragmatism si8t-io7ng chu2-gi7 實用主義
prairie chicken sio5ng-ke 松雞
- distracted at prayer lia7m-keng hun-sim,
lia7m-keng bo5 choan-sim 唸經分心,唸經不
prairie, grassland, steppe chha2u-goa5n 草原
praise cha3n-bi2, o-lo2, po, po-chio2ng, cha3n-sio7ng,
chheng-cha3n, cha3n-io5ng, sio7ng-io5ng 讚頌,
- short prayers te2-keng 短經
- mental prayer be8k-to2, be8k-sio2ng 默禱,默想
- like to be praised a3i la5ng po 需要別人的讚
- morning and evening prayers cha2-a3m kho3
- song of praise cha3n-bi2-koa 讚美歌
praise and award each other sio-po 互相褒揚
- public prayer kong-chio3ng e5 ki5-to2 公眾的祈
praise and declare something to be wondrous, strange o-lo2 kah tak chi8h 嘖嘖稱讚
- to recite prayers sio7ng-keng (Buddhist),
lia7m-keng (Catholic) 誦經,唸經
praise and encourage po-chio2ng 褒獎
prayer book keng-pu2n 經本
praise God cha3n-bi2 Thian-chu2 讚美天主
prayer in a set form or formula, litany to2bu5n (Catholic) 禱文
praise in public, to cite for all to know, to
commend pia2u-io5ng 表揚
prayer meeting to2-ko3-ho7e 禱告會
prayer of obligation, breviary pu2n-hu7n-keng,
(Catholic) 本份經
praise one's own effort or achievement, do
something all by oneself chu7-chhi3u*
chu7-to5a* 自彈自唱
Prayer over the Gifts at Mass Hia3n-le2-keng
(Catholic) 獻禮經
praise or acclaim, spread someone's merits
abroad, commend hia2n-io5ng 顯揚
prayers for a person in the last agony,
prayer for the dying li5m-chiong-keng 臨
praise yourself, for lack of others' praise,
you praise yourself ka-ti7 po khah be7
chha3u-chho 自己臭美
praying mantis chha2u-ka5u 螳螂
praiseworthy e7 o-lo2 tit, ka2m-sim e5 可稱讚,令人
preach tho5an-ka3u, ka2ng-to7, ko2ng to7-li2 傳教,講
prance, to rear, to leap, to jump, skip, to
mount, ascend phut-phut-thia3u 跳躍
preach everywhere tho5an-pia3n 傳遍
preach the doctrine ka2ng-to7 講道
prank sn2g-chhi3o 開玩笑
preach the gospel tho5an hok-im 傳福音
prattle thi8h-thi8h-ki3o 牙牙學語
preach the Gospel, evangelize po3+-to7 佈道
prawn to7a chiah he5, to7a chiah ha2i-he5 大蝦,大
preach, deliver a speech, orate soan-ka2ng 宣
pray ki5u, ki5-ki5u, ki5-to2, lia7m-keng, to2-ko3 求,祈求,
preach, make known everywhere tho5an-io5ng
pray again, request again cha3i-ki5u 再求
preach, proclaim a religion soan-ka3u 宣教
pray and vow to the spirits and Buddhist
idols he7-si5n thok-pu8t 求神拜佛
preach, to give moral instruction to, give a
person a good talking to soat-ka3u 說教,
pray beseech, implore ki5-ki5u 祈求
pray earnestly khu2n-ki5u 懇求
pray for good luck ki5-hok 祈福
preacher ko2ng to7-li2 e5, soan-ka3u-su, li2 tho5anka3u-su 講道理的,宣教師,女傳教師
pray for peace he7 pe5ng-an, ki5u ho5-pe5ng 求平
preacher, evangelist, missionary tho5an-to7-su
pray for rain ki5u-ho7+, khit-ho7+ 求雨,乞雨
preacher, priest su-to8k 司鐸
pray in anguish kho2+-ki5u 苦求
preaching, sermon, mission work, preach
the gospel, engage in mission work,
transmit doctrine tho5an-to7 傳道
pray in secret or silently be8k-to2 默禱
pray to God ki5-to2 Sio7ng-chu2 祈禱上主
preamble su7-gia5n, chia5n-bu5n 序言,前文
pray to God, prayer ki5-to2 祈禱
precarious livelihood bo5 an-te7ng e5 seng-oa8h
pray to the gods ki5u-si5n 求神
prayer ki5-to2, keng, keng-bu5n 祈禱,經,經文
precarious, uncertain, exposed to risk bo5
an-te7ng e, gu5i-hia2m e5 不安定的,危險的
precaution, prevent, protect, safeguard i7ho5ng 預防
precious goods tin-po2 珍寶
precious jade po2-gio8k, po2-ge8k 寶玉
- to take precautions against the5-ho5ng 提防
precious stone especially jade ge8k, gio8k 玉
precaution, alert, caution, warn, admonish,
tip off, forestall, forewarn ke2ng-ka3i 警戒
precious stone, gem, jewel po2-chio8h 寶石
precious words kim-gia5n 金言
precaution, careful, lookout si2o-sim 小心
precious, cherish, treasure tin-a3i 珍愛
precautionary measures i7-ho5ng chho3+-si 預防
precious, noble, grandeur ko-ku3i 高貴
precious, rare, valuable tin-ku3i, po2-ku3i, ku3itio7ng 珍貴,寶貴,貴重
precautionary, alert, caution, warn, admonish, tip off, forestall, forewarn ke2ng-ka3i e5
precious, treasures po2-po3e 寶貝
precipice, cliff soa*-kha3m, choa8t-piah, to7anga5i 山崖,絕壁,斷崖
precautionary, prevent, protect, safeguard
i7-ho5ng e5 預防的
- on the brink of a precipice ti7 soa*-kha3m pi*,
ti7 gu5i-ki che5ng 在山崖邊,在危機前
precautions should be taken, very formidable, hard to deal with m7-si7-khang 很利害,
precipice, crisis gu5i-ki 危機
precede, go ahead, go before seng ki5a* 先走
precede, higher than te7-u7i khah ko5an 高於
precipitate, in a panic, helter-skelter hiongko5ng 倉惶的
precede, the former ti7…che5ng 在…前
precipitate, instigation lo7ng 唆使
precedence, the more significant, the more
important khah ia3u-ki2n 較重要
precipitate, sudden fall tu8t-jia5n-kan lak-lo8h-la5i
precipitate, to settle, to sink chhe7-te2, ti5m 沉
- order of precedence che7-u7i e5 su7n-su7 座位
precedence, priority, prior to iu-sian, iu-sianko5an 優先,優先權
precipitate, to toss, to throw dice ta3n 擲
precedent, antecedent, in front of chia5n-le7,
sian-le7, che5ng-bi7n e5 前例,先例,前面的
precipitates, solid sediment ti5m-tia7n-bu8t 沉澱
precipitated, deposited ti5m-te2 沉澱
- to establish a precedent li8p sian-le7 成立先
precipitation, dregs, sediment ta2i, ti5m-te2,
chhe7-te2 e5 mi8h-ki7a* 滓渣,沉澱的東西
precedent, authority, classics, scriptures
keng-tia2n 經典
precipitation, flurried panic hiong-ko5ng 倉惶
preceding generation sian-po3e, chia5n-po3e 前
precipitous, helter-skelter, in a panic, desperately hiong-ko5ng 倉惶
precipitous cliff soa*-kha3m 山崖
preceding lesson che5ng kho3 前一課
precipitous, hurriedly kip-se3ng e5 急性的
preceding night che5ng a3m 前晚
precipitous, risky ki7a 峻峭
preceding years che5ng ku2i ni5 前幾年
precise, correct, exact che3ng-khak, tu2-tu2 ho2
precept ka3u-hu3n, chim-gia5n 教訓,箴言
precept, commandment, warn, prohibit ka3i
- at that precise moment tu2-tu2 hit e5 si5 剛好那
preceptor, moderator, disciplinarian ka3uhu3n-chi2a 教訓者
precise instrument or machine cheng-bi8t e5
ki-khi3 精密機器
preceptor, teacher ka3u-su 教師
precise, strict, stringent, tight, rigorous
gia5m-keh 嚴格
precepts of the Church Se3ng-ka3u su3-kui
(Catholic) 聖教四規
precepts, counsels hu3n-gia5n 訓言
precision manufacture cheng-bi8t kang-gia8p
precinct, area, region, range, scope khu,
khu-he8k, ho7an-u5i 區,區域,範圍
precision, accuracy, rigor, exactness chengbi8t 精密
precision, corect, properly, orderly che3ngkhak 正確
- within the school precincts ti7 ha8k-ha7u e5
khu-he8k la7i, ti7 ha8k-khu la7i 在學校的區域內,
preclude pa5i-ti5, ho5ng-chi2 排除,防止
precocious cha2-sek e5 早熟的
prediction, efficacious, effective, accurate
prophecy le5ng-gia7m 靈驗
precocious child cha2-sek e5 gi2n-a2 早熟的孩子
predilection, preference, favor, favoritism
phian-a3i, khah a3i 偏愛
precognition i7-ti, bi7-pok sian-ti 預知,未卜先知
preconceive, to anticipate, to expect, to envision i7-sio2ng 預想
predispose, easily contract an illness kho3ai
tio8h pe7* 易害病
preconceived views, bias, impression,
prejudice se5ng-kia3n 成見
predispose, naturally fond of chu7-jia5n ho7+
khah a3i… 自然使愛好…
preconception, stereotypes, prejudice, preconceived views se5ng-kia3n, phian-kia3n,
sian-ji8p chi kia3n 成見,偏見,先入為主之見
predisposition, proclivity, propensity se3ngphiah 癖性
predisposition, quality so3+-chit 素質
precursor, predecessors, pioneer, senior,
elder chia5n-po3e 前輩
predisposition, tendency, trend, inclination,
deviation, aptness kheng-hio3ng 傾向
precursor, omen, to foreshadow chia5n-tia7u
predominance, excellence, superior chhutthoat, iu-oa8t, chhut-chio3ng 卓越,優越,出眾
precursor, predecessors, pioneer, vanguard sian-hong, sian-khu 先鋒,先驅
predominant factor chu2-ia3u e5 in-so3+ 主要的因
predatory, carnivorous animals chia8h-bah e5,
chia8h-bah e5 to7ng-bu8t 肉食的
predominant, advantage, superiority iu-se3 e5
predatory, robbery, looting chhi2u*-kiap e5 搶
predominant, key, master, foremost chu2-ia3u
e5 主要的
predecessor chia5n-ji7m-chi2a, chia5n-ji7m e5 la5ng,
chia5n-po3e, 前任者,前輩
predominate, dominant chia3m iu-se3 佔優勢
predecessor in office che5ng-ji7m, chia5n-ji7m 前
predominate, rule, dominate, control tho2ngti7, chi-pho3e 統治,支配
predecessors, forebears sian-ji5n 先人
preeminence, excellence, outstanding, distinguished chhut-thoat, kia8t-chhut 卓越,
predecessors, seniors sian-chi3n 先進
predestination u7n-mi7a, mi7a-tiong chu3-te7ng 命
preeminent, outstanding, surpassing, distinguished, splendid iu-si3u e5, chiok cha2n
e5 優秀的,卓越的
predestine, fore-ordained chu3-te7ng 注定
predestined failure chu3-pa7i 註定失敗
predestined ties che5ng-ia5n, chia5n-ia5n 前緣
preempt seng-be2, seng-the8h, seng ho7 le7, seng
chia3m le3 先買,先拿,先預購,先霸佔著
predestined to good chu3-ho2-ho2 冥冥之中註定
preexist ta7i-seng ti7 le7, ta7i-seng chu5n-cha7i 先前
predestined tragedy or disaster thian-so3+ 天
preexistence che5ng-se3 (Buddhist) 前世
prefabricate i7-sian kia3n-cho7, ha8p-se5ng, ji5nkang che3-cho7 預先建造,合成,人工製造
predetermination su7-sian koat-te7ng, i7-te7ng 事
preface, forward sia2u-i2n, si2o-i2n 小引
predetermine i7-sian koat-te7ng, ta7i-seng koatte7ng, u7 phian-kia3n 預先決定,存有偏見
preface, forward, introduction chia5n-gia5n 前
predicament, danger, dangerous situation
hia2m-ke2ng 險境
Preface of the Mass Sio7ng-si7a-su5 (Catholic) 頌
predicament, hell, grievance, dire straits
kho2+-ke2ng 苦境
preface, preamble su7-bu5n 序文
preface, foreword, introduction i2n-gia5n, su7,
su7-gia5n, khai-si2 引言,序,序言,開端
predicament, plight, unfavorable situation
chhu3-ke2ng 處境
Prefect Apostolic Chong-cho7 ka3m-bo8k
(Catholic), ta7i-li2 chu2-ka3u 宗座監牧
predicate su8t-gi2 述語
predict, prophecy i7-gia5n, chha3m 預言,讖
prefect of discipline hu3n-to7 chu2-ji7m 訓導主任
predict, to surmise, anticipate, expect i7-lia7u
prefect of police ke2ng-chhat-kio8k-ti2u* 警察局
prefect of studies ka3u-bu7 chu2-ji7m 教務主任
prefect, county magistrate ko7an-ti2u* 縣長
pregnant womb, fetus, embryo, begin,
commence thai, the 胎
prefect, regional governors te7-hng ti2u*-koa*
pregnant, be pregnant, be big with child
to7a-pak-to2+ 大肚子,懷孕
prefectural city hu2-si5a* 府城
pregnant, child in the womb sin-i7n 身孕
prefecture, area, region, district khu-he8k 區
pregnant, conceive si7u-thai 受胎
- Apostolic prefecture Chong-cho7 ka3m-bo8k
(Catholic) 宗座監牧
pregnant, have meaning, have significance,
meaningful, significant u7 i3-gi7 e5 有意義的
prefecture assembly ko7an-gi7-ho7e 縣議會
prehistoric su2-che5ng e5, tha3i-ko2+ e5 史前的,太古
prefecture governor, a mandarin ko7an-ti2u*
prehistoric age su2-chia5n si5-ta7i 史前時代
prefecture hospital, county hospital ko7an-li8p
pe7*-i7* 縣立醫院
prehistoric men tha3i-ko2+ ji5n-bi5n 太古人民
prefecture, county, district ko7an 縣
prefer charges against another a3i ko3 la5ng 喜
prejudge bo5 sio5ng-se3 kia2m-cha so2+ cho3 e5
pho3a*-to3an, bo5 si2m-mn7g to7 pho3a*-koat 未
prefer death to disgrace le5ng su2 put jio8k 寧死
prejudice, bias, partial view phian-kia3n, u7
se5ng-kia3n, phian-sim 偏見,成見,偏心
prehistoric times tha3i-ko2+ si5-ki5 太古時期
prefer, be willing to, willingly, readily kamgo7an 甘願
- race prejudice ji5n-chio2ng e5 phian-kia3n 人種
prefer, like, love or want more khah a3i 較愛
- to have prejudice against the Church u7
ho2an-tu3i Se3ng-ka3u-ho7e e5 phian-kia3n 懷有
preferable khah ho2 比較好
preferably, more pleasing than koh khah e7
ho7+ la5ng kah-i3 更加合人意的
- to remove prejudice siau-ti5 se5ng-kia3n 消除
preferably, rather than kam-goa7n 寧可
prejudiced phian-tha2n e5, phian-sim e5, u7 phiankia3n e5 偏袒的,有偏見的
preference khah a3i, khah kah-i3, phian-a3i 比較
prejudicial, biased, eccentric ho7+ u7 phiankia3n, u7 phian-sim 使有偏見的,偏心的
preferential iu-sian e5 優先的
preferential right iu-sian-ko5an 優先權
prejudicial, unfavorable, harmful put-li7 e5, iu2ha7i e5 不利的,有害的
preferential treatment iu-tha7i 優待
preferentially iu-sian 優先
prefiguration i7-sio7ng 預像
prelate u7 ko5an chit-u7i e5 ka3u-su7, ko-cheng
(Buddhist) 職位甚高的教士,高僧
prefiguration of the Blessed Sacrament
Se3ng-the2 e5 i7-sio7ng 聖體的預像
preliminary chho+-po7+ e5, khai-si2 e5, i7-pi7 e5 初步的,
prefigure i7-sio2ng 預想
preliminary competition, elimination contest i7-sa3i 預賽
prefigure the Blessed Sacrament i7-sio2ng
Se3ng-the2 預想聖體
preliminary election chho+-so2an 初選
prefix ji7-si2u 字首
preliminary examination chho+-chhi3 初試
pregnancy to7a-to7+ 有身孕,大肚
preliminary hearing i7-si2m 預審
pregnancy rates ho5ai-i7n-lu8t 懷孕率
preliminary measures chho+-po7+ ko2+-ke3,
chho+-po7+ chhek-lio7ng 初步估計,初步測量
pregnant u7-sin, u7 sin-i7n, ho5ai-i7n, ho5ai-thai, u7-hi2,
sin ho5ai lio8k-kah 懷孕,有身,懷胎,有喜,身懷
preliminary performance before a play, in
honor of the genii pa7n-sian 扮仙,開場戲
preliminary selection or contest, primaries
in U.S. elections i7-so2an 預選
pregnant animal ko3a-ku7i 有身孕,懷孕
pregnant as result of love affair chu-thai a3mkiat 珠胎暗結
prelude, musical prelude chia5n-cha3u-khek 前
pregnant teachers i7n-su 孕師
prelude, omen, prognosis in medicine i7-tia7u
pregnant woman i7n-hu7 孕婦
prelude, preface, introductory remarks,
preamble su7-gia5n, khai-si2, sian-khu 序言,
premonition, precursor, omen chia5n-tia7u 前
premonition, warning, admonition, notification ke2ng-ko3 警告
prelude, prologue, opening scene su7-bo7+,
pa7n-sian 序幕,開場戲
prenatal sa2n-chia5n e5 產前的
premature birth, miscarriage la3u-the 流產
prenatal betrothal, betrothing children before they are born chi2-pak u5i-hun 指腹為
premature birth, preterm birth, premature
labor cha2-sa2n 早產
premature death cha2-si2 早死
prenatal education, antenatal training, prenatal influences thai-ka3u 胎教
premature decision siu* cha2 koat-te7ng 太早決
prenatal hygiene sa2n-chia5n o7e-seng 產前衛生
premature ejaculation cha2-sia8p, ke-he5ng 早洩
premature infant cha2-sa2n-ji5 早產兒
preoccupation, preemption, first mover ta7iseng chia3m 先佔
premature, hasty, in a panic, flurried hiongko5ng 倉惶
preoccupation, stereotypes, bias, prejudice
se5ng-kia3n, phian-kia3n 成見,偏見
premature, untimely, over-hasty conclusion
ko3e-cha2 e5 過早的
preoccupied, apprehensive, guilty conscience sim-hi e5 心虛的
prematurely senile bi7-lo2-sian-soe 未老先衰
preoccupied, depressed, unhappy, sullen
bu7n-bu7n put lo8k 悶悶不樂
premeditate, deliberate i7-bi5o, i7-bo5+ 預謀
preoccupied, restless, uneasy sim-si5n bo5 ti7a*
e5 心神不定的
premeditate, envisioned, expected, anticipated ta7i-seng si7u* 預想
preoccupy, at heart, being concerned about,
bear in mind kho3a ti7 sim-tha5u 掛在心上
premeditated murder i7-bo5+ sat-ji5n 預謀殺人
premeditated murder, to murder, rub out,
plan to kill bo5+-sat 謀殺
preoccupy, take prior concern or possession ta7i-seng chia3m le3 先佔著
premier, Executive Yuan president He5ngche3ng-i7*-ti2u* 行政院長
pre-paid mailing containers iu5-kio8k be7 e5
cho2a-siu*-a2 郵局便利箱
premier, prime minister si2u-sio3ng 首相
pre-paid phone card thu2-ti8t-kha3, chhu5-chu5kha5 (phonetic) 儲值卡
premiere performance chho+-chhu3 pia2u-ia2n
preparation i7-pi7, chu2n-pi7 預備,準備
premiere, for the first time si2u-chhu3 kong-ia2n,
chho+-chhu3 kong-ia2n, te7 it pa2i kong-ia2n 首
preparation day i7-pi7-ji8t 預備日
preparation of a medicine kap io8h-a2 抓藥,配
premise, assume, suppose, assumption,
hypothesis, postulate ka2-te7ng 假定
preparatory funds, reserve, contingency
fund chu2n-pi7-kim 準備金
premise, assumption, hypothesis, precondition, presupposition chia5n-the5 前提
preparatory meeting, committee ti5u-pi7-ho7e
premise, house, building pa5ng-ok, chhu3 房屋
preparatory office, Bureau of Preparation
ti5u-pi7-chhu3 籌備處
premises, place, location so2+-cha7i 地方
premium for fire insurance ho2e-chai po2hia2m-hu3i 火災保險費
preparatory, get ready i7-pi7 e5, chu2n-pi7 e5 預備
premium, insurance premium po2-hia2m-hu3i
preparatory, preliminary, initial chho+-po7+ e5
premium, interest on a loan li7-sek 利息
premium, reward, remuneration, compensation po3-si5u, si2u*-kim, chio2ng-kim 報酬,賞金,
premonition of a disaster u7 chai-la7n e5 i7-ka2m
prepare chu2n-pi7, i7-pi7, pi7-pa7n 準備,預備,備辦
prepare a place for provisionary or alternate use thiu-the3 進退的餘地,交替
prepare and plan, prepare for ti5u-pi7 籌備
prepare a coffin for oneself during life khi7asi7u 未逝前先備好的棺木
premonition, hunch i7-ka2m 預感
prepare a feast pa7n-toh 辦酒席,辦桌
premonition, notice, preview i7-ko3 預告
prepare food chu2-pn7g 煮飯
Presbytery, Elder association Ti2u*-lo2 tho5anthe2 (Protestant) 長老團體
prepare food or medicine of high nutritious
value in a double boiler ti7m-po2+ 燉補品
presbytery, rectory si5n-hu7 siok-si3a (Catholic)
prepare for action, prepare for war pi7-chia3n
prescience sian-kia3n, ta7i-seng chai-ia2* 先見,預
prepare for death, go on an expedition that
may prove fatal, take unnecessary
chances, at the risk of one's life chhu5npa7n-si2 孤注一擲
prescribe a medicine kap io8h-a2, khui io8h-toa*,
khui io8h-hng 抓藥配藥, 開藥單,開藥方
prescribe, command, order, mandate, dictate, behest be7ng-le7ng 命令
prepare for a rainy day bi7-u2 ti5u-bi7u 未雨綢繆
prepare for the worst i7-ho5ng ba7n-it 預防萬一
prescribe, provide, stipulate, set, formulate,
fix kui-te7ng 規定
prepare a foundation thu7n te7-ki 填地基
prescribe, specified, assign, appoint, earmark chi2-te7ng 指定
prepare in expectation ki5-tha7i 期待
prepare lessons before class i7-si8p 預習
prescription slip io8h-toa*, chhu3-hong, io8h-hng
prepare marriage outfit given to a daughter
chho5an ke3-chng 準備嫁妝
- to write a prescription khui io8h-hng, khui
io8h-toa* 開藥方,開藥單
prepare a rough sketch, to draft, start writing khi2-ko2 起稿
prescription, duration of validity, effectiveness for a given period of time, aging
si5-ha7u 時效
prepare soil or ground che2ng-te7 整地
prepare the baggage kho2an he5ng-li2 收拾行李
prepare the construction of ti5u-kia3n 籌建
prescription, regulation, provide, provisions, stipulations, prescribe, ordain
kui-te7ng 規定
prepare the things for sacrifice to the ancestors pi7-pa7n seng-le2 la5i pa3i kong-ma2 預
presence, exist, to be, existence chu5n-cha7i
prepare, arrange hoa8t-lo8h 安排
- real presence si8t-the2 chu5n-cha7i (Catholic)
prepared, be ready for pia7n-pia7n 現成的
prepay i7-hu3, ta7i-seng kia2u-hu3i, ta7i-seng la8p-chi5*
presence, in front of, facing bi7n-che5ng 面前
preponderant khah ta7ng e5, khah kio5ng e5, khah
che7 e5 較重的,較強的,較多的
- in one's presence tng-bi7n 當面
- in the presence of God ti7 Thian-chu2 e5 ta5iche5ng 在天主的台前
preposition chia5n-ti3-su5, ka3i-he7-su5 前置詞,介系
- man of noble presence sio3ng-ma7u kosio2ng e5 la5ng 相貌高尚的人
prepossess ho7+ ta7i-seng hoat-seng, ho7+ u7
phian-kia3n 使先發生,使懷偏見
presence of mind sim-sin u2n-te7ng 心身穩定
preposterous ho2an-sio5ng e5, bo5 ha8p-li2 e5, ha3mko2+ 反常的,不合理的,荒謬
presence, attend, participate, present chhutse8k 出席
prepuce, foreskin of the penis pau-sui, paupho5e 包皮
presence, grace with one's presence, your
gracious presence ta7i-ka3-kong-li5m 大駕
prerequisite pit-ia3u e5 mi8h-ki7a*, pit-ia3u tia5u-ki7a*,
sian-koat tia5u-ki7a* 必要的東西,必要的條件
prerogative te8k-ko5an 特權
presence, manner, bearing, attitude, approach tha7i-to7+ 態度
- royal prerogative te3-o5ng e5 te8k-ko5an 帝王的
present, give, deliver, offer, introduce sa3ng,
hia3n 送,獻
presage, premonition, prognosis chha2i-tha5u,
i7-tia7u, i7-ka2m 預兆,預兆,預感
- to give a farewell present sa3ng su7n-hong
present, to attend, to participate chhut-se8k
presbyter, minister ti2u*-lo2, bo8k-su 長老,牧師
Presbyterian Church Ti2u*-lo2-ka3u-ho7e, Tio2nglo2 ka3u-ho7e 長老教會
- to be present at a meeting chhut-se8k khuiho7e 出席開會
Presbyterians Ti2u*-lo2-ho7e 長老會
present a gift sa3ng le2-bu8t 送禮物
present age or time, modern, current, the
present world hia7n-ta7i 現代
presentable, suitable to give as gifts e7-ta3ng
sa3ng la5ng e5 可送人的
present aspect of affairs bo8k-chia5n e5 hia7nsio7ng 目前的現象
present at gathering cha7i-cho7 在座
presentation of a new plan the5-chhut chi8t e5
sin ke3-o7e, ka3i-sia7u chi8t e5 sin ke3-o7e 提出一
present at the deathbed of… sa3ng-chiong 送
presentation of Our Lord in the temple ti7
Chu2-tn5g hia3n Ia5-so+ 在主堂獻耶穌
present a complaint, air a grievance sin-so3+
presentation, donate, given as a gift che7ngsa3ng 贈送
present condition hia7n-cha7i e5 che5ng-he5ng,
tong-kim e5 che5ng-he5ng 現在的情形,當今的
presentation, perform on the stage, to lecture kong-ia2n 公演
presentation, put forward, introduced the5chhut, ka3i-sia7u 提出,介紹
present condition, the situation, the existing state of things hia7n-cho7ng 現狀
presented respectfully by…, Yours sincerely ki2n-sio7ng 謹上
present flowers hia3n-hoe 獻花
presentiment i7-ka2m 預感
present a good front ho2 bi7n-che5ng-khi7a 表面
preservation po2-chu5n, po2-chhi5, po2-ho7+, po2ko2an 保存,保持,保護,保管
present incumbent hia7n-ji7m 現任
preservation from decay ho5ng-hu2 防腐
present job, current post or position, present employment hia7n-chit 現職
present life chit-si3, hia7n-se3 這世,此世,現世
preservation of peace po2-chhi5 ho5-pe5ng 保持
present money as a gift, a grant che7ngkho2an 贈款
preservationist po2-ho7+ chu7-jia5n seng-tha3i e5
la5ng 保護自然生態者
present or report expenses for reimbursement po3-sia3u 報賬
preservative, antiseptic, formaldehyde
ho5ng-hu2-che 防腐劑
present participle hia7n-cha7i hun-su5 現在分詞
preserve po2-chu5n, po2-chhi5, po2-chiong, po2-iu7,
po2-pi3, po2-ho7+ 保存,保持,保障,保佑,保護
present perfect tense in English grammar
hia7n-cha7i oa5n-se5ng-sek 現在完成式
preserve by means of refrigeration le2ngcho5ng 冷藏
present sent as token of gratitude, a return
present si7a-gi5 謝儀
preserve food, prevent decay ho5ng-hu2 防腐
preserve in salt, to pickle, salt food like
sauerkraut, pig's feet si7*-kia5m, si7*-ia5m 以
present stage hia7n-kai-to7a* 現階段
present tense hia7n-cha7i-sek 現在式
present time, nowadays hia7n-si5 此刻
preserve one's life po2-chu5n se3*-mi7a 保存生命
- up to the present time ka3u ta* 到現在
preserve order i5-chhi5 ti7-an 維持治安
present time, the present tense, at present,
now hia7n-cha7i 現在
preserve purity po2-chu5n cheng-kiat 保存貞潔
preserve strict secrecy gia5m si2u pi3-bi8t 嚴守秘
present time, today tong-kim 當今
present to a superior the5ng-hia3n 呈獻
preserve territorial integrity po2-cho5an le2ngtho2+ 保全領土
present tribute chi3n-ko3ng 進貢
present with respect ke3ng-sa3ng 敬送
present writer, this author pit-chi2a 筆者
preserve, to reserve, retain officials, to reserve a decision po2-li5u 保留
present, gift in a red envelop a5ng-pau 紅包
preserved meat bah-po2+ 肉脯
present, present a gift che7ng-sa3ng 贈送
preserved plums li2-a2-ko 李子糕
present, now chit-chu7n, hia7n-cha7i 現在
preserved vegetables chha3i-koa* 菜乾
present, on the spot cha7i-ti5u* 在場
preside at a sacrifice chu2-che3 主祭
presentable, good outward appearance go7apia2u chin ho2 e5 外表很好的
preside over a meeting khui-ho7e cho3 chu2-se8k
presentable, prepared to meet people e7-ta3ng
ki3* la5ng e5 可見人的
preside over one's destiny chi-pho3e la5ng e5
u7n-mi7a 支配人的命運
preside over a wedding ceremony chu2-hun
press down with the hand, to impose the
hands on the head of the ordained in
an ordination ceremony a3n-chhi2u
(Catholic) 按手
preside, be chairperson cho3 chu2-se8k 當主席
preside, manage, management, dominate
ko2an-li2, chi-pho3e 管理,支配
press flat teh-pi2* 壓扁
preside, uphold, direct, take charge of,
manage chu2-chhi5 主持
press flat with the hand chhi8h-pi2* 壓扁
presidency chu2-se8k 主席
press oil out of seeds, or peanuts kheh-iu5 搾
press for payment of taxes chhui-kia2u 催繳
president of a nation or government cho2ngtho2ng 總統
press or crush out oil chi*-iu5 搾油
president elect cho2ng-tho2ng to3ng-soa2n-ji5n 總
press out juice ka2-chiap 榨汁
press or news releases sin-bu5n-ko2, sin-bu5n
hoat-pia2u 新聞稿,新聞發表
president of a school ha7u-ti2u* 校長
president of a society, chairman chu2-se8k 主
press secretary sin-bu5n pi3-si 新聞秘書
press somebody to do something kio5ng-pek
la5ng cho3 強迫人家做
president of KMT Kok-bi5n-to2ng Cho2ng-chha5i
press sugar-cane kheh kam-chi3a 搾甘蔗
president of a society, chairman ho7e-ti2u* 會
press the door bell, press the button ji8h
tia7n-le5ng, chhi8h tia7n-le5ng 按電鈴
president or director of an association,
newspaper, Japanese company si7a-ti2u*
press urgently for payment of a debt pek
kah chin a5n 逼得很緊
press, a printing press, printing machine i3nsoat-ki 印刷機
president, head of a bank or company ta2ngsu7-ti2u* 董事長
press, hug, embrace, cuddle, grasp la2m 摟
presidential candidate cho2ng-tho2ng ha7usoa2n-ji5n 總統候選人
press, media, mass media sin-bu5n-ka3i 新聞界
presidential chief military aide chham-kunti2u* 參軍長
- freedom of the press chhut-pa2n chu7-iu5 出
presidential election, general election for
congress ta7i-so2an 大選
press, newspaper office, general office of a
newspaper po3-si7a 報社
presidential office cho2ng-tho2ng-hu2 總統府
press, newspaper, newsprint po3-cho2a 報紙
Presidential Secretary General Cho2ngtho2ng-hu2 pi3-su-ti2u* 總統府秘書長
press, oppress, pressure, repress, crush,
close in ap 壓
president's villa cho2ng-tho2ng e5 he5ng-ko2an 總
press, printing plant or factory i3n-soat-chhi2u*
presidium chu2-se8k-tho5an 主席團
press between pages of book nge8h 挾
press, smash, grind, polish, abrade ge2ng 研
press by the crowd, crowded kheh 擠
press, to press ji8h, chhi8h 壓,按
press circle, journalist circle sin-bu5n-ka3i, po3ka3i 新聞界,報界
pressing invitation nge7 boeh chhi2a* la5ng,
kho2+ boeh chhi2a* la5ng 硬要請客
press close, as on a person chhek-o2a 擠近,
pressing, urgent ki2n-kip, pek-chhiat 緊急,迫切
pressure ap-le8k 壓力
press conference ki3-chi2a chiau-tha7i-ho7e 記者
- atmospheric pressure khi3-ap 氣壓
- blood pressure hiat-ap 血壓
press correspondent, reporter thong-si3n-oa5n
pressure, difficulties, suffering khu3n-la5n,
kho2+-la7n 困難,苦難
press down ji8h-lo8h-khi3 壓下去
- financial pressure keng-che3 khu3n-la5n 經濟
press down and make it flat, squash,
squeeze ji8h ho7+ pi2* 壓扁
pressure cooker khoa3i-ko 壓力鍋
press down by heavy weight teh 壓
pressure from above si7u sio7ng-si e5 ap-le8k 受
pretend not to pay attention to kek-phi5-phi5
pressure gauge ap-le8k-ke3, ap-le8k-pi2o 壓力計,
pretend not to pay attention to, purposely
not pay attention to kek-sip-sip 不理不睬
pressure, hard-pressed, oppression, constraint ap-pek 壓迫
pretend not to recognize, pretend not to
know te3* m7 bat 假裝不認識,裝不懂
prestige, force, power, influence se3-tha5u 勢
pretend not to see te3* bo5 kho3a*-ki3* 假裝沒有
- protect and maintain prestige ko3+ the2-bia7n,
ko3+ mi5a-sia* 顧慮體面,顧慮名聲
pretend not to see, let it go pa3ng bo5 kho3a*ki3* 假裝看不見
- lose prestige sit the2-bi7n 失體面
pretend not to see or hear ke2 bo5 kho3a*-ki3*, ke2
bo5 thia*-ki3* 假裝沒看見, 假裝沒有聽見
prestige, honorable reputation the2-bia7n, mi5asia* 體面,名譽
pretend one has a stomach ache ke2 pak-to2+thi3a*, ke2-ia2* pak-to2+ thi3a* 假裝肚子痛
prestige, impressive, imposing, aweinspiring ui-hong 威風
pretend something didn't happen or doesn't
know anything about it kek-si3a*-si3a* 假裝
presumably phah-sn3g si7 大概是
presume thui-chhek, phah-sn3g, ka2*… 推測,大
presumption, wishful thinking bo7ng-sio2ng 妄
presumption, bold, take the liberty of,
usurp, overstep one's authority ho3ng-su3,
a2u-ba5n 放肆,專橫
pretend to be an ignoramus, make a fool of
oneself, play the fool, act in a foolish
way, making people laugh te3*-khong te3*go7ng 詼諧滑稽,裝瘋賣傻
pretend to be dead, feign death ke2-si2 裝死
pretend to be ill, malinger ke2 pho3a-pe7* 裝病
presumption, bold, take the liberty of,
usurp, overstep one's authority bo2ngto2ng 冒昧
pretend to be industrious ke2 kut-la8t 假裝勤勉
presumption, speculate, conjecture, surmise chhui-chhek 推測
pretend to be a learned person ke2-phok, be7phok ke2-phok 假裝有學問
presumptive, assumed ka2-te7ng e5 推定的,假定
pretend to be naive or stupid ke2-sian 假裝
pretend to be insolent overbearing kek to7apha3i 裝架子大
pretend to be naive, stupid chng sia2u e5 裝傻
- the heir presumptive ka2-te7ng ke3-se5ng-ji5n 假
pretend to be a newsman mo7+-chhiong ki3chi2a 冒充記者
presumptuous, audacious in the extreme,
daring ta2* to7a pau-thi* e5 膽大包天的
pretend to be rich kek to7a-khang 裝有錢,偽大
presumptuous, be proud of kiau-ngo7+ e5 驕傲
pretend to be sick ke2-pe7* 假裝有病
pretend to be smart kek-si3a* 自以為聰明
presumptuous, inordinate, egregious, unmerited ko3e-hu7n e5 過份的
pretend to be stupid kek-thian-thian 對任何事
presumptuous, unkind, tactless bo5 kheh-khi3
e5 不客氣的
pretend to be, assume mo7+-chhiong 冒充
pretend to have a strong body ke2-io2ng 假裝
presuppose ta7i-seng ka2-te7ng, thui-chhek, tio8h
ta7i-seng u7…, tio8h u7… cho3 sian-koat e5 tia5uki7a* 先假定,推測,須先有…,須有…做先決條
pretend to sleep ke2-khu3n 裝睡
pretend to understand ke2-bat 假裝懂
pretence of affection ke2-che5ng 假情
pretend, to feign ke2, ke2-ku2i, ti3*, te3*, ke2-cho3 假,
pretend not to hear te3* bo5 thia*-ki3* 假裝沒有
pretended kindness and goodness ke2-ji5n ke2gi7 假仁假義
pretend not to know te3* m7 chai 假裝不知道,裝
pretended sympathy and grief ke2-chu5-pi 假
pretend not to know about a matter te3*chhe*, ti3*-chhi* 裝糊塗
pretending to be wise, act on one's own
judgment, act as if one were an expert,
presumptuous, pretentious chu7-chok
chhong-be5ng 自作聰明
prevail, popular, fashionable, dominate li5uhe5ng, chia3m iu-se3 流行,佔優勢
pretense, cover, conceal, disguise, gloss,
dissemble am-kha3m 掩飾
prevailing, now popular or fashionable,
dominating li5u-he5ng e5, chia3m iu-se3 e5 流行
prevailing kind of dress li5u-he5ng e5 sa* 流行的
pretense, false, fake, bogus, sham, artificial,
phony ke2 e5 虛假
pretense, on the pretext of chioh-kha2u 藉口
prevalent li5u-he5ng e5, it-poa* e5 流行的,一般的
prevalent habits it-poa* e5 si8p-ko3an 一般的習
pretension, arrogance, conceited, proud of
something kiau-ngo7+ 驕傲
prevaricate, evasive, try to shirk, impute i*-i*
n7g-n7g, the 支吾其詞,推諉
pretension, aspiration, ambition pha7u-hu7 抱
prevent calamities, avert calamity siau-chai
- man of no pretensions bo5 si2m-mih pha7uhu7 e5 la5ng 沒甚麼抱負的人
prevent future troubles ho5ng-chi2 a7u-la5i e5 ma5hoa5n 防止後來的麻煩
pretension, claim, proposition, stand, position, assertion, view chu2-tiu* 主張
pretension, conceited, conceited, responsible ka-ti7 si7u* ko2ng… 自負
prevent smoke damage, advocate nosmoking ho5ng ian-ha7i, the8h-chhi3ong ka2ihun 防煙害,提倡戒烟
pretension, disguise, feint, affectation,
simulation ke2-cho3 假裝
prevent, forestall, hinder ho5ng-chi2, i7-ho5ng 防
pretension, requirements, request, stake a
claim, to ask, demand ia3u-ki5u 要求
prevent, obstruction, obstacle, retard, obstructive, clog, encumbrance, embarrassment cho2+-ga7i 阻礙
pretension, shirking responsibilities, impute the-si5 推諉
prevention i7-ho5ng, ho5ng-chi2 預防,防止
pretentious, act with affected manners
chong-bo5+ chok-iu7* 裝模作樣
prevention of burglary, guard against burglary ho5ng-to7 防盜
preternatural chhiau-chu7-jia5n e5, chin ki5-ko3ai e5,
la5ng si7u*-be7-ka3u e5 超自然的,奇異的,不可思
prevention of drought ho5ng-ha7n 防旱
prevention of epidemics ho5ng-e8k 防疫
preventive, prevention i7-ho5ng e5 預防的
pretext chi3a-kha2u, chioh-kha2u 藉口
preventive medicine i7-ho5ng-io8h 預防藥
- on some pretext or other the-tang the-sai
preview i7-tia2n, i7-ia2n, tia7n-ia2* chhi3-phi3* chhi3io3ng 預展,預演,電影試片,電影試映
- to use as a pretext cho3 the-si5 e5 chi3a-kha2u
preview, reconnoiter, explore, survey ta7iseng kha3m-cha 預先勘察
pretty su2i, ho2 kho3a*, bi2-le7, kho2-a3i 美,好看,美麗,
previews of coming attractions i7-ko3-phi3* 預
pretty cold chia2m-jia5n ko5a* 相當冷
previous che5ng e5, sian e5, i2-che5ng e5 前的,先的,
pretty girl, beautiful girl, lovely bi2-li2, bi2-lu2, bi2ji5n, su2i cha-bo2+ gi2n-a2 美女,美人,美,好看,美
previous criminal record chia5n-kho 前科
previous debt, loan before ku7-khia3m-sia3u 舊
pretty good, not bad put-chi2-a2-ho2 頗好
pretty, beautiful or handsome person piau-ti3
previous evening che5ng a3m 前晚
previous generation te2ng-ta7i 上一代
pretty, very, quite, rather, fairly, considerably chia2m-jia5n, siong-tong 頗,相當
previous generation, previous life, previous
incarnations che5ng-si3, che5ng-se3, chia5n-se3
(Buddhism) 前世
prevail against, resist, withstand te2-kho3ng,
ti2-kho3ng 抵抗
previous holder of office che5ng-ji7m e5 前任的
prevail over enemies chia3n-se3ng si5u-ji5n 戰勝
previous remarks, words of past thinkers, a
foreword, a preface chia5n-gia5n 前言
prevail, excel, to surpass khah-ia5* 勝過
previous time te2ng pa2i 上次
price tag, listed price, indicate the price of a
commodity on a tag pio-ke3 標價
previous to one's marriage ia2u-bo7e kiat-hun
i2-che5ng 還沒結婚以前
price, cost, equivalent price, money paid
for an article ta7i-ke3 代價
previously done by another, substitute
te2ng-chhi2u 上盤
price, quotations ke3-bo8k 價目
previously, in the past cheng-keng 曾經
priceless ku3i-tio7ng 貴重
prevision sian-kia3n, i7-ti, i7-ka2m 先見,預知,預感
priceless jewels ku3i-tio7ng e5 po2-chio8h 貴重的
pre-vocational training chit-che5ng-hu3n-lia7n
priceless treasure bu5-ke3 chi po2 無價之寶
prewar, before the war chia3n-che5ng 戰前
prices go up or rise, to rise, inundate, expand tio3ng, ti3u* 漲
prey upon, catch and feed upon lia8h la5i
chia8h 捕食
prices of various articles, commodity
prices bu8t-ke3 物價
- beast of prey be2ng-si3u 猛獸
prey upon, persecute, torment chiat-bo5a 折
prick of conscience lio5ng-sim e5 khi3an-chek 良
prey upon, plunder, pillage, forcibly take
chhi2u*-toa8t e5 mi8h-ki7a*, chia3n-li7-phi2n 搶奪
prick, ears stand up, catch attention khi7akhi2-la5i, hi7*-a2 khi7a-khi2-la5i 豎立來,耳朵豎起來
prick, pierce, stick a needle into chha8k, tu8h
prey upon, snatch, seize, wrest chhi2u*-toa8t
prickly e7 chha8k e5 會刺的
price ke3, ke3-chi5*, ke3-kek, ke3-sia3u, ke3-ta8t, ta7i-ke3
prickly heat powder pu3i-a2-hu2n 痱子粉
prickly heat, heat rash, heat spots pu3i-a2 痱
- at any price bo5-lu7n si2m-mih ta7i-ke3 無論甚麼
prickly-ash, angelica-tree chhi3-chhang 莿蔥
- beyond price bu5 ke3 chi po2 無價之寶
pride, self-esteem chu7-chun-sim 自尊心
- fixed price te7ng-ke3 定價
- to take pride in… ui7… ka2m-kak kong-e5ng
- market price chhi7-ke3 市價
- to fall in price lak-ke3 跌價
pride, proud of kiau-go7, kiau-ngo7+, ka2m-kak
kong-e5ng 驕傲,覺得光榮
- to discuss the price ko2ng-ke3, chhut-ke3 殺
pride, put on airs kek-sa2i 擺架子
- to lower the price lo8h-ke3 降價
priest si5n-hu7 (Catholic), su-to8k 神父,司鐸
- to rise the price khi2-ke3 漲價
- main celebrant priest chu2-che3 主祭
price control bu8t-ke3 tho2ng-che3 物價統制
- parish priest pu2n-tn5g si5n-hu7 本堂神父
price difference ke3-chha 差價
priest, chief priests su-che3 (Jewish) 司祭
price fluctuations bu8t-ke3 pho-to7ng 物價波動
- high priest su-che3-ti2u* 司祭長
price index bu8t-ke3 chi2-so3+ 物價指數
price limit ha7n-ke3 限價
priest or minister who offers sacrifice suche3, che3-si 司祭,祭司
price list, quotation list ke3-bo8k-pi2o, ke3-bo8ktoa* 價目表,價目單
priest, Buddhist monk ho5e-si7u* (Buddhist) 和
price of commodities bu8t-ke3 物價
priest, Taoist priest to7-su7 (Taoist) 道士
price of a commodity ho3e-ke3 貨價
priesthood, Buddhist monk cheng-chit
(Buddhist) 僧職
price of gold kim-ke3, kim-a2-ke3 金價
priesthood, priestly ministry su-che3-chit 司祭
price of live pig ti-pho+ 毛豬的價錢
price of rice bi2-ke3 米價
priesthood, priests positions to8k-phi2n
(Catholic), su-to8k chit-u7i 鐸品,司鐸職位
price or quotation which is kept from public
knowledge but made known to a selected few a3m-po5a* 暗盤
prim kui-kui ki2-ki2, chin che3ng-keng 規規矩矩,一
price tag phiau-chhiam 標籤
primacy si2u-u7i, te7 it u7i 首位,第一位
- a position of primacy cho3e-ko e5 te7-u7i 最高
primitive go5an-si2 e5, sio7ng-cha2 e5, tha3i-ko2+ e5 原始
primacy of Peter chong-cho7 chit-u7i (Catholic)
primitive arts go5an-si2 ge7-su8t 原始藝術
primadonna si2u-se8k li2-koa-chhi2u 首席女歌手
primitive Church go5an-si2 e5 ka3u-ho7e 原始的教
primarily, initially cho3e-chho+ 最初地
primitive life go5an-si2 seng-oa8h 原始生活
primarily, key, master, foremost, governing
chu2-ia3u 主要的
primitive men go5an-si2-ji5n 原始人
primary character, its original character
go5an-se3ng 原性
primitive society go5an-si2 si7a-ho7e 原始社會
primitive races go5an-si2 bi5n-cho8k 原始民族
primitive sugar crushing establishment
thn5g-pho7+ 糖坊,早期製黑糖的地方
primary colors go5an-sek 原色
primary education chho+-te2ng ka3u-io8k 初級教
primitives, indigenous or original inhabitants of a place or country tho2+-hoan 土
primary intention, one's original purpose or
intention, one's real will, motive pu2n-i3
primordial go5an-si2 e5, tha3i-ko2+ e5 原始的,太古的
primrose eng-chha2u, eng-chha2u-hoe, chhi2an
n5g-sek 櫻草,櫻草花,淡黃色
primary meaning of a word ji7 e5 go5an-i3 字的原
prince tha3i-chu2, o5ng-chu2 太子,王子
primary or elementary grade chho+-te2ng 初等
- crown prince tha3i-chu2 太子
primary school kok-si2o, kok-bi5n-si2o-ha8k, kokha7u, si2o-ha8k, kok-bi5n ha8k-ha7u 國小,國民小
- hereditary prince chhin-o5ng 親王
- prince of darkness mo5+-ku2i, Sat-ta3n 魔鬼,撒
primary sounds or vowels go5an-im 原音
prince of the devils, tyrant, fiend mo5+-o5ng 魔
primary, first, original, fundamental cho3echho+ e5, go5an-la5i e5, kin-pu2n e5 最初的,原來
prince or ruler of demons ku2i-o5ng 鬼王
primate, archbishop cho2ng-chu2-ka3u 總主教
Prince Regent Liap-che3ng-o5ng 攝政王
prime te7 it e5, sio7ng khi2-seng, cho3e-chho+ e5,
chho+-ki5, sio7ng khi2-tha5u, chu2-ia3u e5, cho3e
sio7ng-te2ng e5 第一的,最初的,主要的,最上等
prince, king, ruler, rule over, royal, regal
o5ng 王
princely, aristocracy, nobilities o5ng-ho5+ e5 王
prime importance sio7ng tio7ng-ia3u e5 最重要的
princely, noble, grandeur ko-ku3i e5 高貴的
prime minister of Japan and England si2usio3ng 首相
princely, solemn, stately chong-gia5m e5 莊嚴
prime minister or imperial chancellor cha2i*sio3ng 宰相
princely, son of a king o5ng-chu2 e5 王子的
prime minister, a young gentleman, a catamite sio3ng-kong (slang) 相公
principal and interest bo2-la7i, bo2 kah la7i 本息
princess kong-chu2 公主
principal cause chu2-ia3u e5 go5an-in 主要的原因
prime minister, premier, chairman of a political party cho2ng-li2 總理
principal food items, staples chu2-si8t 主食
prime mover chu2-to7ng-chi2a 主動者
principal guest at an entertainment chu2-pin
prime mover, the mastermind chu2-bo5+-chi2a
principal offender chu2-ho7an 主犯
principal or chief seat, seat of honor, as at
a feast, large place to7a-u7i 上座,大位
prime of life cho3ng-lia5n 壯年
prime quality sio7ng-te2ng-phi2n 最上品
principal or main subject at school chu2-kho
primer, elementary, introduction chho+-kai
principal person concerned in any matter,
client, victim in a criminal case su7-chu2
primeval go5an-si2 si5-ta7i e5, chho+-ki5 e5, ko2+-cha2
ko2+-cha2 e5 原始時代的,初期的,太古的
primeval times or ages go5an-si2 si5-ta7i 原始時代
principal, capital, a sum of money pu2n-kim,
bo2-chi5*, bo2-kim 本金,母金
printed matter i3n-soat-bu8t, i3n-soat-phi2n 印刷物,
principal, boss, business proprietor tha5u-ke
printer, mechanical printer, press i3n-pi2o-ki
principal, director chu2-ji7m 主任
printer, publisher i3n-soat-so2+ 印刷所
principal, head of a school or university
ha7u-ti2u* 校長
printer, publisher, printing industry i3n-soatchi2a, i3n-soat-gia8p-chi2a 印刷者,印刷業者
principal, main, major, primary chu2-ia3u e5, ti7
it e5 主要的,第一的
printer, type layout workers pa5i-pa2n kangla5ng 排版工人
principality chu-ho5+ e5 kok-tho2+ 諸侯的國土
printing i3n-soat 印刷
Principality of Monaco Mo5+-la8p-ko kong-kok
printing expenses i3n-soat-hu3i 印刷費
principal's office ha7u-ti2u*-sek 校長室
printing ink iu5-ba8k 油墨
principle, creed, ideology si3n-tia5u, chu2-gi7 信
printing paper i3n-soat-cho2a 印刷紙
printing factory i3n-soat-chhi2u* 承印廠
- in principle thong-sio5ng, go5an-chek-sio7ng
printing plant, printing house, printer, a
press i3n-soat-chhi22u*, i3n-soat-tia3m 印刷廠,
- three principles of the people Sam-bi5n
chu2-gi7 三民主義
printing press or machine i3n-soat-ki 印刷機
principle of casuality in-ko2 go5an-li2 因果原理
printing, movable type, typography, letterpress oa8h-pa2n 活版
principle of democracy Bi5n-ko5an-chu2-gi7 民權
printing, the art of printing i3n-soat-su8t 印刷術
prior tn5g-chu2 (Buddhist) 堂主
principle of filial piety ha3u-to7 孝道
prior, head of the monastery siu-ho7e e5 i7*-ti2u*
(Catholic) 修會的院長
principle of handling or doing something
go5an-chek 原則
prior to…, previous to… ta7i-seng… 先…
principle of life si3*-mi7a e5 kin-go5an 生命的根源
principle or theory of law hoat-li2 法理
prioress, head of the convent li2-siu-ho7e i7*ti2u* (Catholic) 女修會院長
principles of Heaven's justice, especially in
reference to vengeance thi*-li2 天理
prioress ni5-ko+-am-chu2 (Buddhist) 尼姑庵長
priority, right of priority iu-sian, iu-sian-ko5an
principles of human relationships, morality
ji5n-lu5n 人倫
- according to priority chia3u su7n-si7 按順序
principles or person's understanding of
medicine i-li2 醫理
priory si2o siu-to7-i7* 小修道院
prism sam-le5ng-ki3a* 三稜鏡
principles, theory, fundamental truth go5an-li2
prison, detention center khu-li5u-so2+ 拘留所
- in the prison lo5ng-a2 la7i 監牢裡
print i3n, i3n-soat 印,印刷
- to cast into prison koai* lo8h ka* 關入監牢
- finger print chhi2u-i3n 手印
- to escape from prison to5-ga8k 逃獄
print, trace jiah 痕跡
prison cell ka*-pa5ng 監房
- foot print kha-jiah, kha-i3n 腳痕跡,腳印
prison guard, prison official tia2n-ga8k-koa* 典
print and publish chhut-pa2n 出版
print books i3n-chheh 印書
prison pastoral work ka3m-ga8k bo8k-le5ng
(Catholic) 監獄牧靈
print in a newspaper khan po3-cho2a 登報
print preview i7-la2m lia8t-i3n, boeh-i3n seng kho3a*
prison police, prison guards ga8k-ke2ng, kha3nsi2u 獄警
print, printing i3n-soat 印刷
prison term, imprisonment to5+-he5ng 徒刑
print, typeset and print, print from a webpage lia8t-i3n 列印
prison, go to prision, being in prison che7ka* 坐牢
printed cotton cloth hoe-a2-po3+ 花布
prison, jail, behind bars lo5ng-a2, ka*-lo5, ka*,
ka3m-ga8k, ka*-ga8k 監牢,監獄
prisoner ho7an-la5ng 犯人
prisoner of conscience che3ng-ti7-ho7an 政治犯
private, established by private agencies suli8p e5 私立的
prisoner of war camp chi8p-tiong-ia5 集中營
privately operated, private run su-e5ng 私營
prisoners of war chia3n-hu, hu-lo2+ 戰俘,俘虜
privately owned su-iu2 私有
pristine go5an-si2 e5, ko2+-cha2 e5, go5an-la5i e5, su5n
koh chi3a* e5 原始的,原來的,純正的
privately run bi5n-e5ng 民營
privately owned forest or woodland su-iu2li5m 私有林
privacy, live in seclusion, live like a hermit
u2n-ki 隱居
privately owned power station bi5n-e5ng hoattia7n-chhia2ng 民營發電廠
privacy, secret, confidential, undercover pi3bi8t 秘密
privately, secretly su-ha7 私下
private, one's pwn, individual, personal ka-ti7
e5, ko3-ji5n e5, su-ji5n e5 自己的,個人的,私人的
privates, genitals ha7-the2 下體
privation khi3am-khoeh, khoat-hoa8t, pi5n-kho2+,
pi5n-khu3n 缺乏,貧苦,貧困
- both public and private kong-su 公私
Private Auto Boarding Area Si2o-kheh-chhia
Chi7u*-chhia-chhu3 小客車上車處
- to suffer privation si7u kho2+-la7n 受苦難
privilege te8k-ko5an, te8k-kho5an, kong-e5ng 特權,
private banking cooperative, mutual loan
group ho7e, ho7e-a2 會,標會
- by a privilege in-u7i te8k-ko5an 因為特權
private business, private matters su-su7 私事
- Pauline privilege Po2-lo8k te8k-ko5an 保祿特權
private car pia7n-chhia 便車
privileged te8k-ko5an e5, u7 te8k-pia8t li7-ek e5 特權的,
private clinics su-ji5n-chi2n-so2+ 私人診所
privileged class te8k-ko5an kai-kip 特權階級
private dwelling, public office, hall, inn, hotel, lodging place ko2an 館
prize cup chio2ng-poe 獎杯
private enterprises su-ji5n khi3-gia8p 私人企業
prize liberty more than life se3*-mi7a put-ju5
chu7-iu5, kho3a*-ta7ng chu7-iu5 ia5*-ko3e se3*-mi7a
private first class, PFC sio7ng-te2ng-peng 上等
private house, civilian house bi5n-pa5ng 民房
prize, premium, award money, monetary
bonus chio2ng-kim, si2u*-kim 賞金,獎金
private institutions, private organizations
su-ji5n-ki-koan 私人機關
prize, non-monetary award chio2ng-phi2n 獎品
private land su-iu2 tho2+-te7 私有土地
- to win a prize tio8h-chio2ng, pi2-sa3i ia5*, pi2-sa3i
koan-kun 得獎,贏,冠軍
private or domestic affairs ka-bu7 家務
private parts of the body e7-sin, ha7-the2 下體
prize, to value something kho3a*-ta7ng 看重
private person or individual, personal, private su-ji5n 私人
prizes or rewards chio2ng-phi2n 獎品
private post office bi5n-e5ng iu5-kio8k 民營郵局
pro and con cha3n-se5ng kap ho2an-tu3i 贊成與反
prize-winning tit-chio2ng-e5 獲獎的
private primary or elementary school su-li8p
e5 si2o-ha8k 私立小學
Pro vicar Hu3 chu2-ka3u 副主教
private property su-sa2n 私有財產
probability, the chances, the odds ki-lu8t 機
private residence su-the8h 私宅
private savings of a girl or married woman
su-khia, sai-khia 私房錢
probability, possibility kho2-le5ng-se3ng 可能性
private school su-li8p ha8k-ha7u, su-ha7u 私立學
probably ta7i-kha3i, phah-sn3g, bo5 ti7a*-tio8h, kia2mchha2i 大概,可能,不一定,也許
private school, class conducted at a temple
to learn Chinese ha3n-o8h-a2 私塾
probate i5-chiok cha-gia7m 遺囑查驗
private secretary su-ji5n pi3-su 私人秘書
probation chhi3-gia7m 試驗
private tutoring to supplement regular
schooling po2+-si8p 補習
probationary period kia3n-si8p ki5-kan 見習期間
- in all probability kho2-le5ng 可能
probate duty u5i-sa2n-so3e 遺產稅
probe sio5ng-se3 kia2m-cha, chho7e 詳細檢查,找
private vehicle chu7-io7ng-chhia 自用車
probe with a needle tu8h kho3a* ba7i le3 扎看看
probiotic e8k-seng-khu2n 益生菌
probity, upright, upstanding, honest che3ngti8t, chheng-lia5m 正直,廉潔
- to take legal proceedings against a person ko3-la5ng 控訴,控告人
- a man of strict probity chin che3ng-ti8t e5
la5ng 很正直的人
proceedings, formalities chhi2u-sio8k 手續
process, after, program, course of events
ko3e-the5ng, keng-ko3e, the5ng-su7 過程,經過,
problem bu7n-te5 問題
- a difficult problem la5n-te5 難題
- in process of construction kia3n-tiok tiong
- to solve a problem ka2i-koat bu7n-te5 解決問
process documents chhu3-li2 kong-bu5n 處理公
problem child bu7n-te5 ji5-to5ng 問題兒童
problem of nationalities bi5n-cho8k bu7n-te5 民族
process of digestion siau-ho3a e5 ko3e-the5ng 消
problem of parties to2ng-pha3i bu7n-te5 黨派問題
process, carry on, carry out, conduct chi3nhe5ng 進行
problem of the people's livelihood bi5n-seng
bu7n-te5 民生問題
process, course of, just when, as tng-teh 正
problematic marriage hun-pia3n 婚變
problems entangled, incapable of ready solution, a person who is a constant pest
ji5-ka3-ka3 糾纏不清
process, formalities, procedures, program
chhi2u-sio8k 手續
process, litigation, lawsuit so3+-sio7ng 訴訟
problems of finance and economics cha5ikeng hong-bi7n e5 bu7n-te5 財經方面的問題
process, method hoat-to7+ 方法
problems of livelihood seng-oa8h bu7n-te5 生活
process, processing, working of machinery
ka-kang chhu2-li2 加工處理
problems on the school grounds ha7u-hn5gbu7n-te5 校園問題
process, to impact, to act on chok-io7ng 作用
processed goods ka-kang-phi2n 加工品
problems relating to hygiene, sanitation oe7seng bu7n-te5 衛生問題
processing industry ka-kang-gia8p 加工業
problems to be worked out in the course of
study, exercises si8p-te5 習題
procession, parade iu5-he5ng, iu5-ke 遊行,遊街
procession, line, row ha5ng-lia8t 行列
proboscis, elephant trunk chhi7u*-phi7* 象鼻
- lantern procession ngi5a teng, ngi5a hoeteng 迎花燈
procedure, method, way, means, modus
hong-hoat 方法
- to carry in procession ngi5a… 迎…
procession of the Blessed Sacrament ngi5a
Se3ng-the2, Se3ng-the2 iu5-he5ng (Catholic) 迎
- legal procedure so3+-sio7ng the5ng-su7 訴訟程
procedure is simple chhi2u-sio8k ka2n-pia7n 手續
procession of the gods ngi5a si5n, ngi5a si5nbe5ng 迎神
procedures, formalities chhi2u-sio88k 手續
processional iu5-he5ng e5, iu5-he5ng e5 si5 chhi3u* e5
procedures, order, sequence the5ng-su7 程序
proceeds, income, revenue siu-ji8p, so2+-tit 收
proclaim martial law ka3i-gia5m 戒嚴
proclaim oneself guiltless seng-be5ng ka-ti7 bo5
cho7e 聲明自己無罪
- net proceeds che7ng-li7, si8t-tha3n 淨利,淨賺
proceed as planned and without a hitch
khi5n-kho3ai 勤快
proclaim the gospel soan-ka2ng hok-im 宣講福
proceed northward, go north pak-sio7ng 北上
proclaim the law soan-po3+ hoat-lu8t 宣佈法律
proceed, continue ke3-sio8k, chi3n-he5ng 繼續,進
proclaim to all the world pho2+-tho5an thian-ha7
proceed, issued to hoat-chhut-la5i 發出來
proceedings, action, operation he5ng-to7ng 行
proclaim, announce, publish, state, preach
soan-po3+, kong-po3+, seng-be5ng, soan-ka2ng
proceedings, conduct the court case chi3nhe5ng e5 che5ng-he5ng 進行情形
proclaim, certify, give witness to che3ngbe5ng 證明
proclamation bu5n-ko3, soan-gia5n, po3+-ko3, kongko3, seng-be5ng 文告,宣言,佈告,公告,聲明
prodigal, luxury, extravagant chhia-chhi2 奢
proclamation of neutrality tiong-li8p e5 soangia5n 中立的宣言
prodigal, waste, spoil lo7ng-hu3i e5, tho2-che3 浪
proclamation, to make public, public display kong-khai tia2n-si7 公開展示
prodigious, appalling, shocking, horrible
kia* la5ng e5 嚇人的
proclivity, eccentric character phiah, se3ngphiah 僻性
prodigious, great chin to7a e5 很大的
proclivity, temperament, qualities, disposition khi3-chit 氣質
prodigy, marvels, wonders, miracle ki5-su7, ki5chek 奇事,奇蹟
prodigy, child prodigy si5n-to5ng 神童
proclivity, tendency, trend, inclination
kheng-hio3ng 傾向
- great prodigy u2i-chek 偉蹟
prodigy, a capable individual, sly, crafty ku2icha5i 鬼才
procrastinate, to neglect, to delay, postpone ia5n-chhi5an, ia5n-ki5, thoa, thoa-soa 延
produce, produced, production, output,
childbirth, parturition, manufacture
chhut-sa2n, seng-sa2n 出產,生產
procrastination ia5n-chhia5n, thoa si5-kan 延緩,
- local produce tho2+-sa2n 土產
procreate se*, seng-sa2n 生,生產
produce a profound impression u7 chhimkhek e5 i3n-sio7ng 有深刻的印象
procreate offspring seng-io8k hi7o-ta7i, seng-io8k
ki2a*-sun 生育後代
produce evidence in court, prove chi2-che3ng
procreation seng-io8k, seng-sa2n, seng-si8t 生育,
produce flowers kiat hoe-lu2i 結花朵
procreative power ho5an-si8t-le8k 繁殖力
produce good children, give birth to good
children chhut ho2-chu2-te7 出好子弟
proctor an examination, to invigilate ka3mkho2 監考
produce interest by deposit or loan se*-la7i,
se* li7-sek 生利息
proctor for an examination ka3m-kho2-oa5n 監
produce many small lice se*-ta5i 長蝨子
procuration, acquisition tit-tio8h, he8k-tit 獲得
procuration, agency, power of attorney ta7i-li2,
ta7i-li2-ko5an 代理,代理權
procuration, appointed, commission u2i-ji7m,
u2i-ji7m-chn7g 委任,委任狀
produce wealth, make money seng-cha5i 生財
produce, fresh fruits and vegetables hia7nba2n-e5 現採的
produce, give birth to se*-chhut, hoat 生出,發,
procurator, agent, proxy, deputy ta7i-li2-ji5n 代
produce, give rise to, to cause, bring about
sa2n-seng 產生
- public procurator kia2m-chhat-koa* 檢察官
produce, goods, output sa2n-phi2n 產品
procure tit-tio8h, ji8p-chhi2u, chhiok-se5ng, ho7+…,
ti3-su2 得到,到手,入手,促成,使,招致
produced by, to produce a movie or documentary liap-che3 攝製
procuress, the Madame of a brothel la7uchhang, la7u-chhang-tha5u 老鴇,鴇母
producer, moviemaker, filmmaker che3-phi3*ji5n 製片人
prod, thorn, sting, stab to7ng, chha8k 撞,刺
producer, producer of a product, manufacturer seng-sa2n-chi2a 生產者
prod, to urge on tok-chhiok 督促
prod, to provoke, to irritate, to upset, to
stimulate, to excite, irritant ka7 chhi3-kek
producers' guild, production cooperatives
seng-sa2n ha8p-chok-si7a 生產合作社
product chhut-sa2n, chhut-sa2n-bu8t, sa2n-bu8t,
chhut-phi2n 出產,出產物,產物,出品
prodigal of expenditure lo7ng-hu3i kim-chi5* 浪
- agricultural products lo5ng-sa2n 農產
prodigal son lia2u-bo2e-a2-ki2a* 敗家子
- famous products be5ng-sa2n 名產
prodigal, coversion of the prodigal son
lo7ng-chu2 ho5e-tha5u 浪子回頭
- farm products lo5ng-chok-bu8t 農作物
- marine products ha2i-sa2n 海產
prodigal, debauchee, loafer lo7ng-chu2, lo7ngto7ng-chu2, pha2i*-ki2a* 浪子,浪蕩子
- mountain products soa*-sa2n 山產
product coming out of the factory chhutchhi2u* 出廠
production, to manufacture products che3cho7, seng-sa2n 製造,生產
profession, to explain, to illustrate, to indicate, to show, to prove, to declare soanpo3+, soeh-be5ng, kong-khai ko2ng-chhut-la5i e5
o7e 宣佈,說明,公開說出來的話
production, works, merchandise chok-phi2n,
seng-sa2n-phi2n 作品,生產品
profession, vocation, occupation chit-gia8p
production and marketing sa2n-siau 產銷
professional choan-bu5n e5, la7i-ha5ng e5, chitgia8p e5 專門的,內行的,職業的
production line se5ng-sa2n-so3a* 生產線
- to do professional studies cho3 choan-bu5n
gia2n-ki3u 作專門研究
production on a large scale, mass production ta7i-lio7ng seng-sa2n 大量生產
professional athlete chit-gia8p soa2n-chhi2u 職
productive seng-sa2n e5 生產的
productive farm tho5+-bah chin pu5i e5 lo5ng-ti5u*
professional female match maker mo5e-la5ngpo5, hm5-la5ng-po5 媒婆,媒人婆
productive, fertile pu5i e5 肥沃的
professions that do not require fixed office
hours such as doctors, writers, lawyers
chu7-iu5 gia8p, chu7-iu5 chit-gia8p 自由職業
productivity seng-sa2n-le8k 生產力
products sa2n-phi2n, sa2n-bu8t 產品,產物
products for export chhut-kha2u ho3e, go7a-siau
ho3e 出口貨,外銷貨
professor ka3u-si7u 教授
products imported intact, assembled and
then inported go5an-chong-ho3e 原裝貨
proffer, suggestion, motion, propose, suggest the5-gi7, the8h-gi7 提議
products of a culture bu5n-bu8t 文物
proffer, proposals, suggestion, contribution
the5-chhut, the8h-chhut, ko3ng-hia3n, the8hkio2ng, the5-kio2ng 提出,貢獻,提供
- assistant professor hu3-ka3u-si7u 副教授
products peculiar to any place, unique
products te8k-sa2n 特產
proficiency chin la2u, cheng-thong 熟練,精通
products, natural products, to produce
chhut-sa2n 出產
proficient cheng-thong, chin ga5u…, chin la2u
profanation, desecration siat-to8k si5n-se3ng 褻
profanation, abuse loa7n-io7ng 濫用
profile of, a brief case file or study, fact
files si2o-to3ng-a3n 小檔案
profane chhek-o3+, siat-to8k, put-ke3ng e5, se3-sio8k
e5 可惡,褻瀆,不敬的,世俗的
profile, shape, appearance, figure, conformation go7a-he5ng 外形
profane a church siat-to8k ka3u-tn5g 褻瀆教堂
profile, side view, aspect, contour chhekbi7n-sio3ng 側面像
profane language chhek-o3+ e5 o7e 可惡的話
profit li7-ek, ho2 chhu3, li7-su5n 利益,好處,利潤
profanity put-ke3ng, siat-to8k 不敬,褻瀆
profess regret pia2u-si7 m7-tio8h 表示不對
- fame and profit be5ng-li7 名利
profess the Catholic religion ho7ng Thianchu2-ka3u 信奉天主教
- to lose profit sit-li7 失利
- to make a profit tha3n chi5* 賺錢
profess, declare pia2u-si7, pia2u-be5ng, sengbe5ng 表示,表明,申明
professed, one's own profession pu2n-ha5ng
e5 本行的
profit both parties or attain two objectives
by a single act, arrange a matter so that
both sides profit lio2ng-cho5an ki5 bi2 兩全其
professed, openly recognized kong-khai
se5ng-ji7n 公然承認
profit from a misfortune in-ho7 tit-hok 因禍得
professed, to call oneself, to claim to be, to
claim a title chu7-chheng 自稱
profit making enterprise e5ng-li7-su7-gia8p 營利
profession, religious vows se3ng-go7an 聖願
profitable advice tiong-gia5n, iu2-ek e5 tiong-ko3
- ceremony of profession hoat-go7an gi5-sek,
hoat-go7an-le2 發願儀式,發願禮
profitable business ho2 tha3n e5 seng-li2 好賺的
profession of faith si3n-tek soan-se3 信德宣誓
profitable work, investment e7-tha3n 會賺
profession, occupation, vocation, business,
trade chit-gia8p, su7-gia8p 職業,事業
profitable, advantageous, favorabled iu2-li7 有
prognostic, prediction, prejudge i7-chhek 預
profitable, advantageous, helpful phi*-tha5u
prognosticate i7-gia5n, i7-chhek, chha3m 預言,預
profitable, cost-effective sn3g-e7-ho5 划算
program files te5ng-sek to3ng-a3n 程式檔案
profitable, easy to profit u7 li7-ek e5, ho2 tha3n e5
program, form, pattern, formula te5ng-sek 程
profitable, making large profits, earning big
wages nn2g-lo7+ 輕易賺取的
program, plan, policy, guidelines ke3-o7e,
hong-chiam 計劃,方針
profiteer serving as arbitrator or liaison between a judge and a defendant su-hoat
n5g-gu5 司法黃牛
program, program table, program list chiatbo8k-pi2o, chiat-bo8k-toa* 節目表,節目單
program, show, item chiat-bo8k 節目
profiteering, undue profits po8k-li7 暴利
programmer, computer programmer te5ngsek siat-ke3-su 程式設計師
profligate, dissipated, waste ho3ng-to7ng, tho2che3 放蕩,浪費
programming te5ng-sek siat-ke3 程式設計
profligate, loves life of comfort ai3 hio2ng-lo8k
e5 la5ng 愛享樂的人
progress chi3n-po7+, chia5n-chi3n, chi3n-tia2n, hoatta8t, hoat-tia2n 進步,前進,進展,發達,發展
profound, deep chhim, chhim-khek, chhim-o3
progress of the illness pe7*-che5ng e5 keng-ko3e
- from the shallow to the profound tu3i
chhia2n ji8p chhim 由淺入深
progressive changes, develop and change,
evolve ia2n-pia3n 演變
profound book chhim e5 chheh 深奧的書
progressive taxation, progressivity lu2i-chi3nso3e 累進稅
profound knowledge chhim e5 ha8k-bu7n 深奧的
progressive tense chi3n-he5ng-sek 進行式
profound sleep khu3n chin lo8h-bi5n 睡得很沉
progressive, advancement, forward motion
chi3n-po7+ e5, chi3n-he5ng e5, chia5n-chi3n e5 進步
profoundly chhim-khek 深刻
- to know oneself profoundly chhim-khek
ji7n-sek ka-ti7 深刻認識自己,自知之明
progressive, more and more serious lu2 la5i lu2
gia5m-tio7ng 越來越嚴重
profoundly happy hui-sio5ng kho3ai-lo8k 非常快
progressive, progressive method lu2i-chi3nhoat 累進法
profundity, abstruse, recondite chhim-o3 深
progressively chia7m-chia7m, tu3i chhia2n ji8p
chhim, chi8t-po7+ chi8t-po7+ 逐漸,由淺入深,一
profundity, deep chhim-khek 深刻
profuse in ordinary expenditure chin ga5u
khai chi5* 很會花錢
prohibit ki3m, ki3m-chi2 禁,禁止
prohibit gambling ki3m-to2+ 禁賭
profuse with thanks it-ti8t soeh-si7a 一直道謝
prohibit strictly gia5m-ki3m 嚴禁
profuse, great quantity chin che7 很多
prohibit the slaughter of animals ki3m-to5+ 禁
profuse, spend money indiscriminately ga5u
khai chi5* e5 亂花錢的
prohibit to sell ki3m-be7 禁止出售
profusion, abundance, a large number,
many ta7i-lio7ng, chin che7 大量,很多
prohibit, punish the violator of a police
regulation, to ban chhu2-the5 取締
profusion, luxurious, extravagant, sumptuous chhia-hoa 奢華
prohibited book, banned book ki3m-chheh 禁
progenitor cho2+-sian, te2ng-po3e, sian-po3e 祖先,
prohibited books ki3m-su, ki3m-chheh 禁書
prohibited goods ki3m-che3-phi2n 禁制品
progeny ki2a*-sun, hi7o-su5, hi7o-ta7i 子孫,後嗣,後
prohibition against smoking ki3m chia8h hun
prognostic, precursor, omen, sign chia5ntia7u, i7-tia7u, tia7u-tha5u 前兆,預兆,兆頭
prohibition of sales ki3m-chi2 ho3an-be7 禁止販
prohibition of transport, to embargo ki3m-u7n
prolong one's life, long life, extend life ia5nsi7u 延壽
prohibition, ban, forbid, inhibit, proscribe,
interdict, debar ki3m-chi2 禁止
prolong the time ia5n-tio5ng si5-kan 延長時間
prolong, elongate, stretch out, draw out
thiu-tn5g 拉長
prohibition, proscription, taboo, veto ki3mle7ng 禁令
prohibitive ki3m-chi2 e5 禁止的
prolonged illness ku2-ni5-pe7*, ku2-tn5g pe7* 久病,
prohibitive laws ki3m-le7ng 禁令
prolonged sound, long vowel tn5g-im 長音
prohibitive prices ku3i kah be7-bong-tit 貴得不
promenade, walking area sa3m-po7+, sa3m-po7+ e5
so2+-cha7i 散步,散步的地方
project a missile hoat-si7a hui-to5a*, hoat-si7a
hui-ta5n 發射飛彈
promenade, dance bu2-ho7e 舞會
project a new railway ke3-o7e cho3 sin e5 thih-lo7+
prominence, famous, excellence, outstanding chhut-mi5a, chhut-thoat, kia8tchhut 著名,卓越,傑出
project on a screen ho3ng-ia2* 放映
prominence, protruding phok-khi2-la5i 突起
project teacher, ad hoc teacher choan-a3n
ka3u-su 專案教師
prominent chin e7-ta2u ho3+-ho3+, ho3+-ta2u 下顎突
project, case choan-a3n 專案
prominent eyes tho3+-ba8k 凸眼
project, design, stratagem ke3-o7e, ke3-chhek,
ke3-e8k, siat-ke3 計劃,計策,計劃,設計
prominent nose chiam phi7* 尖鼻子
prominent politician chhut-mi5a e5 che3ng-ti7-ka
project, jut out, to swell, expand pho3ng khi2la5i 膨脹,凸起
prominent teeth ti-kong ge5 暴牙
project, to launch, to emit a particle, to discharge hoat-si7a 發射
prominent, eminent, distinguished, outstanding ko-chhiau 卓越
projectile, launch something, projection,
launch hoat-si7a e5 mi8h-ki7a*, ta5u-si7a e5, hoatsi7a e5 發射的東西,投射的,發射的
prominent, to stand out phok-chhut-la5i 凸出
projectile, shells, bullets pha3u-to5a*, pha3u-ta5n,
chhe3ng-chi2 砲彈,子彈
promiscuity chhap-cha8p, lo7an-chhau-chhau,
la5m-li2 cha8p-kau 雜亂,混淆的,雜交
projecting forth, to bulge, to stick out phok
khi2-la5i 凸起來
promiscuous chhap-cha8p e5, hu7n-cha8p e5,
lo7an…, la5m-li2 hu7n-cha8p e5, lo7an-chhauchhau 混雜的,亂…,男女混雜的,亂糟糟
projection on a screen ta5u-si7a, ta5u-ia2*-to5+ 投射,
promiscuous use kong-ke e7ng 大家共用
projection, plan ke3-o7e 計劃
projection, to stick out tho2ng-chhut-la5i e5 mi8hki7a* 凸出來的東西
promise, agreement, commitment iok-te7ng,
iok-sok, i2n la5ng, tap-e3ng, tah-e3ng 約定,承
- to break a promise bo5 si2u iok-sok, sit-iok 不
projector ho3ng-ia2*-ki 放映機
- movie projector tia7n-ia2*-ki 電影機
- to make a promise iok-sok 約束
- slide projector ho3an-teng-ki 幻燈機
- to make good a promise he5ng-go7an 還願
proletarian bu5-sa2n kai-kip e5, bu5-sa2n-chi2a 無產
- man of great promise u7 chia5n-to5+ e5 la5ng 有
proletarian classes bu5-sa2n kai-kip 無產階級
promise formally, make an agreement phi2nbe5ng 約明
proletariat bu5-sa2n kai-kip, lo5-to7ng kai-kip 無產
promise plainly, to make a verbal bargain
be5ng-phi2n, be5ng-ho+ 明言,明約
prolific chin che7 e5, to-sa2n e5, chin ga5u se* 眾多
promise somebody money tah-e3ng chi5* ho7+
la5ng 答應錢給人
prologue su7-gia5n, su7-bo7+, chiat-bo8k ka3i-sia7u,
khui-ti5u*-pe8h 序言,序幕,節目介紹,開場白
promise verbally i7-hi2 預許
prolong ia5n-tn5g, ia5n-tio5ng 延長
promise verbally, to grant tah-e3ng 答應
promise, agree to…, to consent se5ng-lo8k 承
promoted to section chief ko-seng cho3 kho3ti2u* 高陞為課長
promise, give one's word hi2-lo8k 許諾
promoted two or more grades at once thia3ukip 跳級
promise, a pledge, a covenant be5ng-iok 盟約
promoter thui-he5ng-ji5n 推行人
promise, show promise, hopeful, prospective u7 hi-bo7ng, u7 hi-ba7ng 有希望
promotion, be promoted, have one's salary
increased seng-kip 升級
promised to go to see him kah i iok-sok boeh
khi3 和他約好要去
promising u7 hi-bo7ng e5, u7 chia5n-to5+ e5 有希望的,
promotion, projection, proposal, suggestion, give birth to an idea, initiate,
originate hoat-khi2 發起
promising child e7 chhut-sek e5 gi2n-a2 有出息的
promotion, promoted to high office, soaring
ko-seng 高陞,高升
promising person, man or woman chhut-sek
promotion, to promote an idea or cause, to
advance, boost chhiok-chi3n 促進
promising young man iu2-u5i e5 chheng-lia5n 有
promotion, to promote sales phah-be7,
chhiok-siau 促銷
promising youth hi7o-khi2-chi-si3u 後起之秀
prompt decision su5i-si5 koat-te7ng 馬上決定
promissory u7 iok-sok e5, u7 te7ng-iok e5, iok-te7ng
e5 有約束的,有訂約的,約定的
prompt delivery ha7n-si5 choan-sa3ng 限時專送
prompt payment su5i-si5 khi3 kia2u chi5*, su5i khi3
kia2u chi5* 立即繳款
promissory note pu2n-phi3o, gi5n-ha5ng pu2n-phi3o
prompt reply ma2-sio7ng ho5e-tap, lia5m-pi* ho5etap 馬上回答
promissory note that is difficult to collect
siu-be7-tn2g-la5i e5 sia3u-toa* 難以兌現的欠據
prompt somebody ko2+-le7 la5ng 鼓勵人家
promote, enhance, advance a cause chengchi3n, chhiok-chi3n 增進,促進
prompt, instantly, immediately, chek-khek,
lia5m-pi*, chek-si5, ma2-sio7ng, su5i-si5 即刻,立刻,
- not be promoted li5u-kip 留級
promote a company or business, establish,
to found, to launch chho3ng-pa7n 創辦
prompt, to hint, tip, encourage the5-si7, ko2+-le7
promote a person to an important position
or a position of trust tio7ng-io7ng 重用
promptness, nimble, quick, shrewd bi2nchia8t, ki-bi2n, ho2an-e3ng chin ki2n 敏捷,機敏
promote a person, promote to a higher job,
to select for promotion the5-poa8t 提拔
promulgation, announcement, dissemination soan-po3+, kong-po3+, tho5an-po3+ 宣佈,公
promote a scheme, carry into operation
what has already been decided thuihe5ng, chhui-he5ng 推行
promulgation, release, to issue, to announce, distribute hoat-po3+ 發佈
prone, trend, tendency, orientation a3* e5,
phak e5, u7…e5 phiah, a3i ka7 la5ng… 俯的,伏的,
promote health chhiok-chi3n kia7n-khong 促進
promote sales, to sell chhui-siau 推銷
- to lie prone phak le3 趴著
promote the sales network or the method of
cultivation, extend, to spread, to popularize chhui-ko2ng 推廣
pronged chiam-bo2e pit-chhe, u7 chiam-tha5u e5
promote, to advance the5-seng 提升
pronoun ta7i-be5ng-su5 代名詞
promote, to advocate, propose, take the
lead in urging forward a matter the5chhio3ng 提倡
pronounce a sentence of death soan-ko3 si2he5ng 宣告死刑
pronounce clearly hoat-im chheng-chho2 發音
promote, upgrade, escalate in intensity,
step up seng-kip, ko-seng 升級,高昇
pronounce, declare soan-ko3, to3an-te7ng 宣告,
promoted from one position to another, rise
step by step lu2i-chi3n 累進
pronounce, emit sound, articulate, enunciate hoat-im 發音
promoted in office seng-koa* 升官
pronounced chin be5ng-hia2n, chin be5ng-pe8k
pia2u-si7, chin khak-si8t 很明顯,很明白的表示,
propaganda, publicity bu5n-soan 文宣,宣傳
propagandize, preach, to evangelize, lecture on doctrine, expound the wisdom
of ancient sages tho5an-ka3u, tho5an-to7 傳
pronunciation, to pronounce, articulate
hoat-im 發音
- a character reading or pronunciation ji7-im
propagandize, publicize, disseminate,
propagate soan-tho5an 宣傳
pronunciation is not accurate hoat-im bo5
che3ng-khak 發音不正確
propagate the species, have sons and
grandsons to carry on the family name
tho5an-che2ng 傳種
pronunciation of a word, ways of reading,
studying tha8k-hoat 讀法
propagate, extend, promote sales chhuiko2ng 推廣
pronunciation, voice, accent kha2u-im, khiu*kha2u 口音,腔調
propagate, proclaim, preach, to summon,
transmit, hand down, perpetuate tho5an
proof, to test, to put to the test chhi3-gia7m,
kho2-gia7m 試驗,考驗
propagate, reproduce se*-tho3a*, ho5an-si8t 繁殖
- fire proof m7 kia* ho2e e5, ho5ng-ho2e e5 不怕火
propagate, to proclaim, to make public or
well known tho5an-po3+, soan-tho5an, tho5anio5ng, soan-io5ng 傳播,宣傳,傳揚,宣揚
- water proof m7 kia* chu2i e5, ho5ng-chu2i e5 不怕
proof of the existence of God Thian-chu2
chu5n-cha7i e5 che3ng-ki3 天主存在的證據
propagation, communication, to disseminate, to spread tho5an-po3+ 傳播
proof read, to correct proof tu3i-ko2 對稿
propagation, infect, contagious tho5an-jia2m
proof strong as iron, irrefutable evidence
thih-che3ng 鐵證
propagation, to breed, to reproduce ho5an-si8t,
se*-tho3a* 繁殖
proof, credentials, evidence pi5n-ki3, che3ng-ki3
propel thui-chi3n, thui-to7ng 推進,推動
propel a boat with a pole, pole a boat the*chu5n 搖船,撐船
proof, first draft of printing chho+-ko2 初稿
proofread, proof ha7u-che3ng, ka3u-che3ng, ha7utu3i, ka3u-tu3i 校正,校對
propeller thui-chi3n-khi3 推進器
prop unable to sustain the weight the3* be7tia5u 頂不住
propeller of a ship, plane thui-chi3n-ki, phuhlo2+-pheh-la2 (phonetic) 推進機,螺旋槳
prop up or support by pushing upwards
the3* khi2-la5i 頂上來,頂起來,撐起來
propensity kheng-hio3ng, se3ng-phiah, phiahphi3* 傾向,癖性
prop up a partition tu2-piah 頂牆
propensity for gambling a3i poa8h-kia2u 愛賭博
propensity, habit, habitual inclination, disposition, temper phiah 癖
prop up, to raise slightly higher with a prop,
prop up and keep from falling the3*-ko5an
proper and correct in deportment toanchong 端莊
prop, pilar, mainstay tu2 e5 thia7u-a2 支柱
prop, support, rely on hu5, tu2, tu2-a2, the3*, the*
proper and secure, safe and sound, certainly u2n-ta3ng 妥當,一定
prop, supporters, advocates chi-chhi5-chi2a,
io3ng-ho7+-chi2a, io2ng-ho7+-chi2a 支持者,擁護者
proper fraction chin hun-so3+ 真分數
proper noun ko3+-iu2 be5ng-su5, choan-i2u be5ng-su5
propaganda institution or organ soan-tho5an
ki-koan 宣傳機關
proper rules of female behavior, female virtues, especially chastity, womanhood
hu7-to7 婦道
propaganda leaflets soan-tho5an-toa* 宣傳單
propaganda material, promotion material
soan-tho5an-phi2n 宣傳品
proper sequence pa5i che2ng-che5, su7n-su7 排整
propaganda, guidance soan-to7 宣導
proper way or course che3ng-to5+ 正途
propaganda, promotional activities soantho5an oa8h-ta7ng, soan-tho5an oa8h-to7ng 宣傳
proper, appropriate, satisfactory arrangement, properly arranged for, we well
managed tho3-sia7n 妥善
prophylactic injections i7-ho5ng chu3-si7a 預防注
prophylactic medicine i7-ho5ng i-ha8k, i7-ho5ngio8h 預防醫學,預防藥
proper, appropriate, suitable, official ho2-se3,
che3ng-sek, sek-to3ng e5, che3ng-tong e5 適當,
prophylactic, a preventive ho5ng-pe7* e5, i7-ho5ng
e5 防病的,預防的
proper, exclusive, proprietary te8k-su5 e5,
choan-iu2 e5 特殊的,專有的
prophylaxis i7-ho5ng-hoat 預防法
proper, ought to e3ng-tong 應當
propinquity, close relative, near relation ki7nchhin 近親
properly seated at gathering, meeting or
feast ji8p-se8k 入席
propinquity, near to a place, close to, approximately ki7n e5 so2+-cha7i 近的地方
properly speaking chia3u li2 la5i ko2ng, gia5m-keh
la5i ko2ng 按常理來說,嚴格來說
propinquity, to approach, to get close to
chin oa2 接近
properly, rightly, naturally che3ng-tong e5,
tong-jia5n e5 正當地,當然地
propitiate ki5u si3a-bia2n, …ho5-ka2i 求赦免,…和解
properly, strictly, rigorous gia5m-keh 嚴格
propitiation sio8k-cho7e, sio8k-cho7e-che3 (Catholic), ho5-ka2i 贖罪,贖罪祭,和解
propertied class, owner class, wealthy
class, bourgeoisie iu2-sa2n kai-kip 有產階
propitiation for our sins the3 la2n sio8k-cho7e 替
propitious ho2-i3 e5, sek-ha8p e5, chu5-sio5ng e5,
chhin-chhiat e5, kiat-li7 e5 好意的,適合的,慈祥
properties of a medicine io8h-se3ng 藥性
properties of particular specimens of water
chu2i-chit 水質
propitious weather hong-tiau u2-su7n, hongtia5u u2-sia7n 風調雨順
property, possession, property rights cha5isa2n, so2+-iu2-ko5an 財產,所有權
- inherited property u5i-sa2n 遺產
proponent, one who proposes something
kia3n-gi7-chi2a 建議者
- private property su-sa2n 私產
proportion pi2-lu8t 比率
- division of the family property pun cha5isa2n 分財產
proportion of births to the population chhutsi3 e5 la5ng kap ji5n-kha2u e5 pi2-lu8t 出生人口比
property insurance company sa2n-bu8t po2hia2m kong-si 產物保險公司
proportional u7 ha8h e5, pe5ng-kin e5, ha8h pi2-lu8t e5
property of drugs io8h-se3ng 藥性
proportionate pi2-lu8t e5, sek-to3ng e5, ho7+…pe5ngkin 比率的,適當的,使…平均
property owner gia8p-chu2 業主
property rights te7-ko5an 地權
proposal or bill which has been passed
thong-ko3e gi7-a3n 通過議案
property tax cha5i-sa2n-so3e 財產稅
property, characteristics te8k-se3ng 特性
proposal, marriage proposal ki5u-hun 求婚
property, countryside dwelling chha5n-hn5g
chhu3-the8h 田園屋宅
proposal, motion, recommendations the5-gi7,
gi7-a3n, kia3n-gi7 提議,議案,建議
property, family property or wealth ka-cha5i
propose a plan the5-chhut ke3-o7e 提出計劃
propose marriage ki5u-hun 求婚
prophecy, predication, forecast i7-gia5n,
chha3m 預言,讖
propose a marriage as a matchmaker ko2ngchhin-chi5a* 提親
prophet sian-ti, i7-gia5n-chi2a 先知,預言者
propose or move a resolution to7ng-gi7, the5-gi7
- according to the prophets chia3u sian-ti so2+
ko2ng e5 根據先知所說的
propose somebody for mayor thui-chia3n
la5ng cho3 chhi7-ti2u* 推薦某人當市長
- false prophet ke2 sian-ti 假先知
prophetess li2 sian-ti 女先知
prophetic i7-gia5n e5, chha3m-gi2 e5, sian-ti e5 預言的,
prophetic person bi7-pok sian-ti 未卜先知
propose, to suggest, to initiate, proposal,
initiative, recommendations the5-gi7, the5chhut, kia3n-gi7, thui-chia3n 提議,提出,建議,
- Man proposes God disposes. Bo5+ su7 cha7i
ji5n se5ng su7 cha7i thian. 謀事在人成事在天.
prospective chiong-la5i e5, bi7-la5i e5 將來的,未來
proposition the5-gi7, the5-a3n, chu2-tiu* 提議,提案,
prospective bride bi7-la5i e5 sin-ni5u 未來的新娘
propound, to raise an issue, to propose, to
put forward the8h-chhut bu7n-te5 te2ng-te2ng
prospectus, brochure, general regulations
ka2n-chiong 簡章
prospects chiong-la5i-se3ng 將來性
prospectus, technical manual ke3-o7e-su 計劃
proprietor tha5u-ke, gia8p-chu2, so2+-iu2-chi2a 老闆,
proprietor of a house chhu3-chu2 屋主
prospectus, user manual, book of directions soat-be5ng-su 說明書
proprietor of a store or shop tia3m-chu2 店主
prosper, prosperity heng-o7ng 興旺
proprietor of land te7-chu2 地主
prosper, thrive hin, heng 興
proprietress, proprietor's wife, boss's wife,
mistress tha5u-ke-niu5, la2u-pa2n-ni5u 老闆娘
prosper, thrive, develope, get rich ho7+ chino7ng, hoat-ta8t, hoat-cha5i 使興旺,發達,發財
propriety, etiquette, ceremony le2-gi5 禮儀
prosper, to increase, glorious, flourishing,
prosperous, vigorous o7ng 旺
propriety, suitable, appropriate sek-to3ng 適
prosperity and adversity, success and failure, vicissitudes heng-pa7i 興敗
propulsion, impel, carry forward, push on,
advance, drive forward thui-chi3n, thuichi3n-le8k, chhui-chi3n 推進,推進力
prosperity, flourishing chin hin, ho5an-e5ng 興
prosaic, commonplace, ordinary, mediocre
pe5ng-ho5an, chin pho2+-thong 平凡
prosperous, bustling ho5an-ho5a 繁華
prosaic, prose, essay sa3n-bu5n e5 散文的
prosperous, flourishing, thriving heng-o7ng
proscribe ki3m-chi2, ko2a*-cha2u, pa5i-thek 禁止,趕
prosperous, highly prosperous ta3i-o7ng 太旺
prosperous, prolific, productive, copious
o7ng-se7ng 旺盛
prose sa3n-bu5n 散文
prose poems sa3n-bu5n-si 散文詩
prosperous, thriving business ka-ia8h 繁榮,交
prosecute, to sue, to bring a lawsuit against
ko3, khi2-so3+, kia2m-ki2 告,起訴,檢舉
prosperous, thriving, flourishing, developed, running smoothly hoat-ta8t e5, chin
hin, heng-o7ng, hu3-ju7, su7n-li7 發達的,興盛,興
prosecuting attorney's office te7-kia2m-chhu3
prosecution, to prosecute a person for a
crime, file a formal indictment of a
prosecutor khi2-so3+, so3+-sio7ng 起訴,訴訟
prosperous, thriving, vigorous, flourishing
heng-se7ng 興盛
prosecutor, complainant, plaintiff goa5n-ko3
prostate cancer liap-ho7+-so3a*-ga5m 攝護腺癌
prostate gland liap-ho7+-so3a*, chia5n-lia8t-so3a* 攝
prosecutor, the prosecution in a court case
kia2m-chhat-koa* 檢察官
prostitute tha3n-chia8h cha-bo2+, ki-li2 賣淫婦,妓女
proselyte, convert, new church member ka2ipia3n si3n-gio2ng chi2a, sin ka3u-iu2 改變信仰者,
- to be a prostitute cho3 ki-li2 當妓女
prostitute oneself be7-chhun 賣春
prostitute, a call girl hong-ti5n li2-lo5ng 風塵女郎
proselyte, new political party member sin
to2ng-oa5n 新黨員
prostitute, of humble origin, making display
beyond real merit ta7u-chha3i-te2 煙花界出
proselytism khn3g la5ng ji8p-ka3u, ji8p-to2ng e5
he5ng-u5i 勸人入教,入黨的行為
prostitutes' district ian-hoa-ha7ng 煙花巷
prospect, future hope hi-ba7ng, chia5n-to5+ e5 hiba7ng 希望,前途的希望
prostitution be7 sin, be7 i5m 賣身,賣淫
- house of prostitution cha-bo2+-keng, ki-li2ho7+ 妓女戶
prospect, situation, circumstances che5nghe5ng 情形
prostitution and gambling phia5u to2+ 嫖賭
prospect, successful future chia5n-to5+ 前途
prostrate, bend down, lie low phak, phak-le3
Protestant church building le2-pa3i-tn5g, hokim-tn5g 禮拜堂,福音堂
prostrate, lie on one's stomach, lying prone
khap 俯伏,趴,倒放
Protestant church group Ki-tok-ka3u-ho7e 基督
prostrate, weak, feeble soe-jio8k 衰弱
Protestant minister bo8k-su 牧師
prostration, debilitating disorder soe-jio8kche3ng 衰弱症
protestantism Ki-tok-ka3u, Ia5-so+-ka3u 基督教,耶
- nervous prostration si5n-keng soe-jio8k 神經
protestation kho3ng-gi7, i7-gi7 抗議,異議
protester kho3ng-gi7-chi2a 抗議者
prostration, lie flat phak-le3 平伏著
protocol, conditions for agreement ko2ng-ho2
e5 tia5u-ki7a* 協定
protagonist chu2-kak, chu2-ia3u e5 ji5n-bu8t 主角,主
protocol, diplomatic protocol, etiquette go7akau le2-chiat 外交禮節
protect a walled city, protectors si2u-si5a* 守城
protect from the sun jia ji8t 遮陽
protocol, draft treaty chha2u-iok, tia5u-iok e5
goa5n-ko2 草約
protect oneself ho7+-sin, ho5ng-sin, chu7-po2 護身,
protocol, records, files, archives a3n-ko3an 案
protect with arms e7ng bu2-khi3 ho5ng-o7e 用武器
protocol, treaty gi7-te7ng-su 議定書
protect, an escort, a guard, to convoy ho7+oe7 護衛
protomartyr cho3e sian su5n-ka3u-chi2a 最初殉教
protect, bless, protect, shade po2-iu7, po2-ho7+,
po2-pi3, ti3-i3m 保佑,保護,庇佑,庇蔭
protoplasm goa5n-he5ng-chit 原形質
prototype go5an-he5ng, tia2n-he5ng 原形,典型
protect, defend, uphold, support io3ng-ho7+,
io2ng-ho7+ 擁護
protozoa go5an-seng to7ng-bu8t 原生動物
protract ia5n-tn5g, thoa, thoa-ia5n 延長,拖,拖延
protect, preserve, maintain, rescue po2cho5an 保全
protracted drawn out struggle chhi5-ki2u-chia3n
protected national forests po2-an-li5m 保安林
protractor hun-to7+-khi3, hun-kak-khi3 分度器
protection provided by an object po2-ho7+-bu8t
protrude tho2ng-chhut-la5i, chhun, tho2+-chhut-la5i
- heavenly protection Sio7ng-thian pi3-iu7 上天
protrude the tongue tho2+-chhu3i-chi8h 吐舌頭
protrude, stick out, be forced or pressed
out, to bulge tho2+ chhut-la5i 突出來
protection from humans po2-ho7+ 保護
protection from spirits po2-iu7, po2-pi3 保佑
protruding eyeball tho2+-ba8k 眼珠凸出
protection, defense, to support, stand by
io2ng-ho7+, io2ng-ho7+ 擁護
protruding forehead and black of the head
che5ng khok au7 khok 前額後額都突出
protection, protect, to guard po2-ho7+ 保護
protruding internal piles, hernia thu8t-tn5g 脫
protective po2-ho7+ e5 保護的
protective coloring po2-ho7+-sek 保護色
protrusion tho2+-chhut-la5i, chhun-chhut-la5i,
phok-khi2-la5i 凸出,伸出,隆起
protective instinct po2-ho7+ e5 pu2n-le5ng 保護的
protuberance tho2ng-chhut-la5i e5 mi8h-ki7a*,
pho3ng-chhut-la5i e5 po7+-hu7n 凸出來的東西,
protector po2-ho7+-chi2a 保護者
protector of women, a woman's escort ho7+hoa su3-chi2a 護花使者
protuberance, tumor, swelling, lump li5u 瘤
protectorate po2-ho7+-kok, po2-ho7+-te7 保護國,保護
protuberance at wrist joint chhi2u-ba8k-a2 腕關
protege pi7 cha3n-cho7+-chi2a 被贊助者
protuberant, bulging out, jutting out phok
chhut-la5i 凸出來
protein nn7g-pe8h-chit 蛋白質
protuberant, jutting, convex, protrude phok
protest kho3ng-gi7, put-ho8k 抗議,不服
protest march, demonstration parade si7-ui
iu5-he5ng 示威遊行
proud, arrogant, haughty, put on airs kek-sa2i
- according to God's providence su7n thianbe7ng, chia3u thian-be7ng 順天命
proud, arrogant, intractable, haughty kiau,
kiau-go7+, kiau-ngo7+, kho5-kho5 驕,驕傲
- to trust in the providence of God su7n
Thian-chu2 e5 an-pa5i 順天主的安排
proud, complacent, pleased tek-i3 得意
providence, foresight sian-kia3n chi be5ng 先見
proud, conceited, self exalted chu7-ko, chu7ko-chu7-ta7i 自高,自高自大
provident ki2n-si7n, u7 sian-kia3n chi be5ng, ko3+
chiong-la5i e5 謹慎,有先見之明,顧將來的
proudly looking down on people, as on
poor relatives ba8k-tha5u koa5n 眼界高,勢力
providential he7ng-u7n e5, ho2 u7n e5, thian-i3 e5, thi*
po2-pi3 e5 幸運,天意的,上天保佑的
prove che3ng-be5ng, cho3 che3ng 證明,作證
province of Taiwan Ta5i-oa5n-se2ng 臺灣省
prove the existence of God che3ng-be5ng
Thian-chu2 e5 chu5n-cha7i 證明天主的存在
province, provincial, economical, to
economize, to save, omit, examine
oneself, understand, to visit one's seniors se2ng 省
prove, experiment, test chhi3-gia7m 試驗
prove, to experience, experience keng-gia7m
province, range, field, terms ho7an-u5i, ko2ankhu, chit-ko5an 範圍,領域,職權
proverb, common saying sio8k-gi2, sio8k-gu2 俗
Provincial, local head of a religious order
ho7e-ti2u* (Catholic) 會長
- the proverb says sio8k-gi2 ko2ng 俗語說
provincial accent, dialect kha2u-im, khiu* 口音,
proverb, an admonition, word of warning,
ruling or advise chim-gia5n 箴言
provincial assembly se2ng-gi7-ho7e 省議會
- Book of Proverbs Chim-gia5n-phian 箴言篇
provincial assemblyman se2ng-gi7-oa5n 省議員
proverbial sio8k-gi2 e5, chhut-mi5a e5 俗語的,有名
provincial boundaries se2ng-ka3i 省界
proverbs, maxims chim-gi5an 箴言
provincial capital se2ng-si5a*, se2ng-to+ 省城,省都
provide against accidents i7-ho5ng ba7n-it 預防
provincial commander-in-chief, general or
admiral the5-tok 提督
provide against cold with clothes or repairs
ho5ng-ha5n 防寒
provincial Department of Agriculture and
Forestry Lo5ng-li5m-thia* 農林廳
provide him with money kio2ng-kip chi5* ho7+ i,
kiong-kip i chi5* 供給他錢
provincial department of civil affairs bi5nche3ng-thia* 民政廳
provide with means of livelihood, provide
subsistence or sustenance for, to support hu5-io2ng 扶養
Provincial Department of Police Affairs
ke2ng-bu7-chhu3 警務處
Provincial Department of Public Finance
Cha5i-che3ng-thia* 財政廳
provide, preparation, to prepare, to intend,
to be about to chu2n-pi7 準備
Provincial Department of Reconstruction
Kia3n-siat-thia* 建設廳
provide, stipulations, regulations kui-te7ng 規
provincial government se2ng-che3ng-hu2 省政府
provincial governor se2ng-chu2-se8k 省主席
provide, to furnish, to supply kio2ng-kip,
kio2ng-e3ng 供給,供應
provincial headquarters of a political party
se2ng-to2ng-po7+ 省黨部
provide, to prevent, to take precautions
against i7-ho5ng 預防
Provincial Health Department Se2ng Oe7-sengchhu3 省衛生處
provided for the aged, live out life in retirement ia2ng-lo2 養老
provided that na7-si7, ka2-su2 要是,如果,假使
provincialism, crude, coarse, rough chho+lo2+ 粗魯
provided with khu7-iu2 具有
provincialism, marrow chin e8h 狹窄
provided with the necessary money su-ia3u e5
chi5* lo2ng u7 需要的錢都有
provincialism, narrow minded loyalty to
one's hometown hong-gia5n, te7-hng e5 te8ksek, hiong-tho2+ koan-lia7m, hiong-tho2+
khiu*-kha2u 方言,地方特色,鄉土觀念,鄉土腔
providence, destiny thian-iu7, thi* an-pa5i,
thian-be7ng 天佑,上天安排,天命
provisional charter, certificate, diploma li5msi5 che3ng-su 臨時證書
prowess kang-hu ho2, bu2-ge7 chin ho2, ho2 pu2nle2ng 好功夫,好武藝,好本領
provisional charter, provisional license li5msi5 chip-chia3u 臨時執照
prowl pa5i-ho5e, liam-kha-kia5*, so5-la5i so5-khi3
(slang) 徘徊,躡手躡腳,遊蕩
provisional government li5m-si5 che3ng-hu2 臨時
proximity chiap-ki7n, chiap-ku7n 接近
proximity of blood relationship ki7n-chhin,
kut-jio8k chi chhin 近親,骨肉之親
provisional seizure ke2-kha3u-ah, ka2-kha3u-ah
proxy ta7i-li2, ta7i-li2 ji5n, ta7i-li2 u2i-ji7m-chn7g 代理人,代
provisional, temporary li5m-si5 e5, chia7m-si5 e5,
chi8t si5 e5 臨時的,暫時的,一時的
- to marry by proxy the3 la5ng chho7a chhin 替
provisions, food for human consumption
bi2-ni5u, chia8h-mi8h, chia8h-ni5u, ni5u-si8t 米糧,
- to stand proxy for somebody ta7i-li2 la5ng,
ta7i-li2 pa8t-la5ng 代理人,代理別人
- canned provisions ko3an-tha5u si8t-phi2n 罐頭
proxy server ta7i-li2 su-ha7u-khi3 代理伺服器
proxy, power of attorney ta7i-li2-ko5an 代理權
provisions for men and fodder for horses,
food supplies for an army ni5u-chha2u 糧
prudence si7n-tio7ng e5 tha7i-to7+, si2o-sim, se3-ji7,
be5ng-ti3, be5ng-tiat, ti3-tek (Catholic) 慎重的
provisions, equipment, facilities, installations siat-pi7 設備
- man of much prudence chin ki2n-si7n e5 la5ng
provisions, military supplies, to supply, replenish po2+-kip 補給
prudent si2o-sim e5, ki2n-si7n, si7n-tio7ng 小心的,謹
provisions, preparation, prepared chu2n-pi7
prudent, frugal, economical khia7m 節儉
prudential u7 tha5u-na2u e5, ki2n-si7n e5, si2o-sim e5 有
provisions, regulations, rules, code of conduct, ordinances, statutes tia5u-le7 條例
prudish siu* ko3e ko3+-khiam 過份謙遜
proviso tia5u-ki7a*, hu3-bu5n 條件,附文
prudish manner ko3e-tha5u u7 kui-ki2 e5 過於守規
provocation chhi3-kek, kek la5ng si7u-khi3 e5 o7e,
i2n-khi2 si7u-khi3 e5 o7e, hu3n-kha3i 刺激,挑撥,憤
prune trees chia2n chhi7u-a2 修剪樹木
prune, dried prunes bo5e-a2-koa* 梅干
- without provocation bo5 ia5n bo5 ko3+ 無緣無
prune, plum li2-a2 李子
provocative chhi3-kek la5ng, sia3n-to7ng e5, chin
ga5u lo7ng, lo7ng-ka2u sio-ka7 (slang) 刺激的,煽
prune, preserves li2-a2-kia5m 蜜餞
prune, to prune, to trim, vines or bushes, to
wipe out or exterminate chia2n, ka, siuchia2n 剪,修剪
provocative actions thiau-chia3n he5ng-u5i 挑戰
prune, trim lo8h-oe 剪枝
provoke kek, chhi3-kek, ji2a, i2n-khi2 激,刺激,惹,引
pruritus chi7u* 癢
pry into the affairs of others ko2an e5ng-su7 管
provoke antipathy i2n-khi2 ho2an-ka2m 引起反感
provoke dislike, to incur hatred, despicable
au3-tah 惹人厭
pry out a nail kia7u teng-a2 把釘子撬起來,把釘
provoke people to anger kek la5ng si7u-khi3,
chhi3-kek la5ng si7u-khi3 激他人生氣,刺激他人
pry up a stone kia7u chio8h-tha5u 撬開石頭
pry, open door kia7u-mn5g 撬門
provoke the displeasure of one's master or
superior, be blamed by one's superior
chia8h pho3ng-teng 挨罵
pry, prize io7ng kia7u e5 用撬的
provoke trouble ji2a-su7 惹事
pry, to look into, to search out, to scout, to
visit tha3m 探
pry, to lift, to pry open, to lever open kia7u,
kia7u-khui 撬,撬開
provoking, irritating, annoying kho2-na2u,
chhi3-kek e5, sia3n-to7ng e5 苦惱,刺激的,煽動的
psalm se3ng-e7ng (Catholic), si-phian (Protestant), cha3n-bi2-koa 聖詠,詩篇,讚美歌
prow chu5n-tha5u 船頭
- to sing psalms ko-keng, chhi3u* cha3n-bi2-koa
- infant psychology ji5-to5ng sim-li2, ji5-to5ng simli2-ha8k 兒童心理,兒童心理學
psalmist cha3n-bi2-koa e5 chok-chi2a 讚美歌的作
- mob psychology ku5n-chio3ng sim-li2 群眾心
psalmody chhi3u* se3ng-e7ng, se3ng-e7ng-chi8p,
cha3n-bi2-koa-chi8p 唱聖詠,聖詠集,讚美歌集
psychopathology cheng-si5n pe7*-li2-ha8k, pia3ntha3i sim-li2-ha8k 精神病理學,變態心理學
Psalms Se3ng-e7ng-chi8p (Catholic) 聖詠集
psalter ki5-to2-bu5n, si-phian 祈禱文,詩篇
psychophysics cheng-si5n bu8t-li2-ha8k 精神物理
PSC: Providence Sisters Catechists Chu2-ko3+
Thoa5n-ka3u Siu-li2 Ho7e (Catholic) 主顧傳教
psychosis cheng-si5n-pe7*, pia3n-tha3i sim-li2,
cheng-si5n cho7ng-tha3i 精神病,變態心理,精
pseudo ke2, ke2 e5 假的
psychotherapy sim-li2 lia5u-hoat, sim-li2 ti7-lia5u 心
pseudonym ke2-mi5a, pit-mi5a 假名,筆名
pub, tavern phah-buh (phonetic), chi2u-tia3m 酒
psoriasis gu5-pho5e-sia2n 牛皮癬
psychiatrist sim-li2 i-seng 心理醫生
puberty chheng-chhun-ki5, chhun-che5ng hoatto7ng-ki5 青春期,春情發動期
psychiatry, psychiatric field of study chengsi5n-pe7* kho 精神病科
- to reach the age of puberty ka3u chhengchhun-ki5, tn2g to7a-la5ng 到了青春期,轉變成
psychiatry cheng-si5n-pe7*-ha8k 精神病學
psychic sim-le5ng e5, cheng-si5n-sio7ng e5 心靈的,
puberty, adolescence chheng-lia5n-ki5 青年期
psychic force cheng-si5n le8k-lio7ng 精神力量
pubic im-po7+ e5 陰部的
psychic research sim-le5ng gia2n-ki3u 心靈研究
pubic hair im-mo5+ 陰毛
psychics sim-le5ng gia2n-ki3u, sim-le5ng thiat-ha8k,
sim-li2-ha8k 心靈研究,心靈哲學,心理學
pubic region im-po7+ 陰部
public kong e5, kong-kio7ng e5, kong-li8p e5, kongkhai e5, kong-chio3ng 公的,公共的,公立的,公
psychics, spiritualism sim-le5ng-ha8k 心靈學
psycho therapy cheng-si5n lia5u-hoat 精神療法
psychoanalysis sim-li2 hun-sek 心理分析
- both public and private kong-su 公私
psychoanalyst cheng-si5n hun-sek-ka, sim-li2
hun-sek-ka 精神分析家,心理分析家
- in public kong-chio3ng e5 bi5n-che5ng, kongkhai e5 公眾的民情,公開的
psychoanalyze sim-li2 hun-sek e5 chi2n-to3an kap
ti7-lia5u 心理分析的診斷及治療
- open to the public kong-khai 公開
- to speak in public kong-khai ko2ng 公開說
psychological, vigor, vitality, drive, spiritual
cheng-si5n-sio7ng 精神上
public affairs, official business or duties
kong-su7 公事
psychological sim-li2-sio7ng-e5 心理上的
public apology kong-khai to7-khiam 公開道歉
psychological origin, caused by one's psychic state, psycho somatic cheng-si5n
chok-io7ng 精神作用
public benefit, common good, the common
weal kong-ek 公益
public business or affairs kong-bu7 公務
psychological preparation sim-li2 chu2n-pi7 心
public central hall of a house which is used
in common by several families kongthia* 公廳
psychological test sim-li2 chhek-gia7m 心理測
public defense counsel kong-siat pia7n-ho7+-ji5n
psychological therapy cheng-si5n ti7-lia5u 精神
psychological warfare sim-li2-chia3n 心理戰
public discussion, discussion of national or
public affairs kong-gi7 公議
psychological, mental sim-li2-sio7ng e5, sim-li2ha8k e5 心理上的,心理學的
public drawing kong-khai io5-chio2ng 公開搖獎
psychologist sim-li2 ha8k-ka 心理學家
public employees, civil servants kong-bu7oa5n 公務員
psychology, state of mind sim-li2-ha8k, sim-li2
public expenditure, government funds
kong-hu3i 公費
public funds, government funds kong-kho2an,
kong-kim 公款,公金
public parking kong-kio7ng-the5ng-chhia-tiu5* 公
public health kong-kio7ng o7e-seng 公共衛生
public places kong-kio7ng ti5u*-so2+ 公共場所
public health clinic o7e-seng-so2+ 衛生所
public hall, public offices kong-so2+ 公所
public health insurance kong-po2 公保
public primary or elementary school kokbi5n-si2o-ha8k 國民小學,官辦的小學
public holiday kok-te7ng hiu-ka2-ji8t 國定休假日
public proclamation, promulgated, make
public, announce kong-po3+ 公佈
public interests kong-kio7ng li7-ek 公共利益
public junior high school kok-tiong, chho+tiong 國中,初中
public promise, commitment, treaty, covenant kong-iok 公約
public land, communal land, public lands
kong-iu2 tho2+-te7 公有土地
public property kong-iu2 cha5i-sa2n 公有財產
public prosecution, law suit kong-so3+ 公訴
public lands, official land, state-owned land
koa*-iu2-te7 官有地,國有地
public prosecutor kia2m-chhat-koa* 檢察官
public lecture kong-khai ia2n-ka2ng 公開演講
public real estate, property collectively
owned by a clan kong-chhu3 同族的共有
public loan, government bonds kong-che3 公
public recognition and approval, authorized
kong-ji7m 公認
public memorial ceremony kong-che3 公祭
public treasury kho3+-chi5* 公庫的錢
public relations kong-kio7ng koan-he7, kongkoan 公共關係,公關
public morality, regard for public welfare
kong-tek 公德
public road, highway kong-lo7+ 公路
public morals hong-ho3a 風化
public sale kong-be7 公賣
public notice, announcement in writing,
manifesto, message from the president
issued on an important occasion bu5nko3 文告
public school kong-li8p ha8k-ha7u 公立學校
public security corps, a unit of public security policemen po2-an-tu7i 保安隊
public notice, notify publicly kong-ko3 公告
public security organization ti7-an ki-koan 治
public nuisance, environmental pollution
kong-ha7i 公害
public security policemen po2-an ke2ng-chhat
public nursery, day nursery thok-ji5-so2+ 托兒
public servant, government officials kongbu7-oa5n 公務員
public office kong-su7, kong-su2 公署
public office in charge of the administration
of a group of villages hiong-kong-so2+ 鄉
public service u7i bi5n ho8k-bu7 為民服務
public office, court koa*-thia* 官廳
public trial kong-si2m 公審
public office, official position, government
employment kong-chit 公職
public utility kong-e5ng su7-gia8p 公營事業
public opinion kong-lu7n, si7a-ho7e kong-lu7n 公
public works corps kang-the5ng-tu7i 工程隊
public opinion, popular voice, public sentiment i5-lu7n 輿論
public, the community kong-chio3ng 公眾
public telephone booth kong-kio7ng tia7n-o7ete5ng 公共電話亭
public welfare kong-kio7ng hok-li7 公共福利
public, government property kong-bu8t 公物
publican so3e-bu7-oa5n, siu so3e e5 la5ng 稅務員,收
public or general indignation kong-hu3n 公憤
public order, public peace and order, law
and order kong-kio7ng tia8t-su7 公共秩序
publication chhut-pa2n, hoat-he5ng 出版,發行
- prohibition of publication ki3m-chi2 chhutpa2n 禁止出版
public organization kong-kio7ng tho5an-the2 公
publication law chhut-pa2n-hoat 出版法
public owned, operated kong-e5ng 公營
publication, notice, announcement kong-ko3,
hoat-pia2u 公告,發表
public ownership kong-ka e5, kong e5 公家的
public park kong-hn5g 公園
publications chhut-pa2n-phi2n, chhut-pa2n-bu8t
puerperium, the state of a women during
and just after childbirth sa2n-jio8k 產褥
publicity, limelight chhut hong-tha5u 出風頭
Puerto Rico Pho-to-le5-kok 波多黎各
publicity, advocacy, notice soan-tho5an,
kong-ko3 宣傳,公告
PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid to-ia5n pu3
pa5u-ho5 chu5-ho5an-soan (phonetic) 多元不
- to avoid publicity pi7-bia2n ho7+ la5ng chai-ia2*
puff chho2an, pu5n, pu5n chi8t-e7, chi8t chu7n 喘,吹
publicize and exalt, proclaim soan-io5ng 宣揚
publicize, promote, propaganda, sales
promotion soan-tho5an 宣傳
puff of wind chi8t chu7n hong 一陣風
publicly, openly, undisguised kong-jia5n,
kong-khai 公然,公開
puffed rice bi2-phang 米香
publicly established kong-li8p 公立
puffy hairdo pho7ng-pho7ng-song-song 疏疏鬆
puff out a candle la8h-chek pu5n-sit 吹熄蠟燭
puffed up with pride kek-sa2i 擺架子
public-spirited kong-tek-sim 公德心
publish a publication chhut-khan 出刊
pug, Pekinese dog, lapdog ha-pa-ka2u, sai-a2ka2u 哈巴狗
publish an article in a periodical, carry an
article in a periodical khan-cha3i, khanteng 刊載,刊登
pugilist ku5n-ke8k-chi2a, ku5n-tha5u sai-hu7 拳擊者,
publish books, papers chhut-pa2n 出版
pugnacious spirit, fighting spirit, the determination to compete or fight ta3u-chi3,
ho3+*-chia3n e5, chin a3i sio-phah 鬥志,好戰的,
publish by imperial decree, proclaim or
promulgate laws or regulations, orders
pan-po3+ 頒佈
publish a man's good deeds pia2u-io5ng sia7nhe5ng 表揚善行
pull a cart thoa 拖
publish serially in a newspaper or magazine lia5n-cha3i 連載
pull down a house thiah chhu3 拆房子
publish the result of a competitive examination hoat-po2ng, hoat-pn2g 發榜
pull in or solicit customers gi2u la5ng-kheh 拉
publish, to announce, make public kong-po3+,
soan-po3+, hoat-pia2u 公佈,宣佈,發表
pull off gloves pak chhi2u-lo5ng 脫手套
pull by the ear le5ng hi7*-a2 擰耳朵
pull from a pocket ji5m 掏
pull open a drawer, slide a window open
thoah-khui 屜開
published, to begin business chiu7*-chhi7 上市
publisher hoat-he5ng-chi2a, chhut-pa2n-chi2a,
chhut-pa2n kong-si, hoat-he5ng-ji5n 發行者,出
pull open, pull apart gi2u-khui 拉開
pull or draw out nail or tooth, pluck fruit,
pick flower ba2n 摘,採,拔
publishing business chhut-pa2n-gia8p 出版業
pull out a tooth ba2n chhu3i-khi2 拔牙
publishing house chhut-pa2n-si7a 出版社
pull or jerk out the hair of the beard chhoah
chhu3i-chhiu 扯鬍子
pucker, pout to express anger, displeasure
bih-chhu3i, khia3u-chhu3i-tu5n 噘嘴
pull out a nail, to pick one's teeth ngia2u 挑,
pucker, to wrinkle, wrinkled, shrink jia5u, kiu,
jia5u-khi3 皺,縮,起皺
pull out a stiff peg or drawer, to grasp with
the hand when climbing a wall or
mountain pian, pan, pe* 攀,扳
pudding po3+-teng 布丁
- rice pudding bi2-ko 米糕
puddle chu2i-khut-a2 水窟
pull out money from the pocket tu3i te7-a2 ji5m
chi5* chhut-la5i 從口袋掏錢出來
puddle, pool chu2i-tha5m 水潭
puddling, melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace to turn it into wrought iron
lia7n-thih-hoat 煉鐵法
pull out a nail with pincers or nail puller
ngia2u thih-teng-a2 挑鐵釘
pudenda ha7-the2 下體
pull out with a nail puller kia7u khi2-la5i 撬起來
puerile na2 gi2n-a2, iu3-ti7 e5 像孩子似的,幼稚的
pull out, draw out thiu 抽
puerile actions iu3-ti7 e5 he5ng-u5i 幼稚的行為
pull outside thoa chhut-la5i 拖出來
pull out weeds, pull up gi2u khi2-la5i 拉起來
pull strings khan-so3a* 拉線,牽線
- to take the pulse chat me8h 把脈
pull tight gi2u ho7+ a5n 拉緊
- regular pulse, irregular pulse me8h kuichek, bo5 kui-chek 脈搏規則,脈搏不規則
pull toward self with a rope, haul in using
alternate hands, hand over hand chhi5u
pulse blood volume, strong, weak hoehlio7ng 血量
pull up le8k khi2-la5i 挽起來
pulverize ge2ng-hu2n, ge2ng-hu, bo5a hu2n, ge2ngboa8h 研粉,磨粉,研末
pull up darnel from rice fields khau phe7-a2 拔
pumice kim-kong-soa 金鋼砂
pull up pants legs le8k kho3+-kha 挽褲管
pumice stone phu5-chio8h 浮石
pull up sleeves le8k chhi2u-n2g 挽袖子
pull up trousers la2ng-kho3+ 拉高褲子
pump for bicycle or basketball hong-ko3an,
hong-chu7-a2 打氣筒
pull up, pick poe8h, ba2n 拔,摘,採
pump out the stomach se2 tn5g 洗腸
pull, attract, to guide, introduce, to quote,
retire i2n 引,介紹
pump up a tire ko3an hong 打氣
pump water thiu-chu2i 抽水
pull, dismantle, tear open, tear down, to
tear apart thiah 拆
pump, to irrigate ko3an-chu2i 灌水
pump, water pump thiu-chu2i-ki, pho3m-pu3
(phonetic), thiu 抽水機,抽
pull, draw out, pull out from inbetween
something, sprout or bud, whip or
thrash tiuh 抽蓄,痙攣
pumpkin kim-koe 南瓜,金瓜
pun, wisecrack siang-koan-gi2, gia8t-khiat-a2-o7e
pull, force open a stiff door or drawer pe*khui 扳開
punch a hole with a punch phah-khang 打洞
pull, to haul, to draw, to tow, solicit buyers
gi2u, khi2u 拉,曳
punch the ticket chia2n-phi3o, ka-phi3o 剪票
punch with the hand, thrust with a rod, butt,
bump in, strike with the end of a heavy
beam lo3ng 撞
pullet ke-no3a-a2 小母雞
pulley ku8t-chhia, tia3u-lia2n-a2 滑車
pulley like used at a well, a windlass ka-laka2 滑車
punch, beat, box phah, cheng 打,拳擊
punctilious chin te2ng-chin, chin chu3-i3 se3-chiat
pullover shirt e7ng lom e5 sa* 套頭的衣服
pulmonary hi3 e5, hu3i e5 肺的
punctual, punctuality chun-si2u si5-kan, chu2n-si5
pulmonary artery hi3-to7ng-me8h, hu3i-to7ng-be8h
punctuate tia2m-ku3 點句
pulmonary disease, tuberculosis hi3-pe7*, hu3ipe7* 肺病
punctuation phiau-tia2m 標點
pulmonary vein hi3-che7ng-me8h 肺靜脈
pulp and paper mill cho2a-gia8p kong-si 紙業公
- to add punctuation marks ke phiau-tia2m
hu5-ho7 加標點符號
punctuation marks phiau-tia2m hu5-ho7 標點符
pulp made by grinding rice in water bi2-chiu*
puncture, hole khang, chn3g-khang 孔,穿孔
punctured eardrum to7ng pho3a hi7*-ki3a* 刺破耳
pulp, fruit pulp ji7-nn5g 果肉
pulp, paper pulp cho2a-chiu* 紙漿
pungent taste, smell hiam, ka3ng phi7* e5, chhi3kek-se3ng e5 辣,刺鼻的,刺激性的
pulpit, dais, speaker's platform, podium
ka2ng-ta5i 講台
punish hoa8t, chhu2-hoa8t 罰,處罰
pulsate, heart beat pho8k-pho8k-thia3u 砰砰跳
- to punish severely gia5m-hoa8t 嚴罰
pulsation, a pulse both medical and figurative me8h, be8k 脈搏
- to scold and punish somebody chek-hoa8t
la5ng 處罰他人
pulsation, to shake, to vibrate, to strongly
affect, shock, vibration chi2n-to7ng, ti2nta7ng 震動
punish according to the law hoat-pa7n 法辦
punish an offender lightly kek-go7a khai-in 格
pulse me8h, be8k 脈搏
- normal pulse me8h che3ng-si5ong 脈搏正常
punish a criminal according to law, bring to
justice ti7-cho7e 治罪
purchase raw materials like a factory chha2iko2+ 採購
punish someone as a lesson or warning ka3koai 馴乖,教乖
purchase, acquisition be2, bo2e, siu-be2 買,收購
punish someone to kneel on an abacus
hoa8t ku7i sn3g-po5a* 罰跪算盤
purchasing power of a currency pe3-ti8t 幣值
punish with a fine hoa8t chi5*, hoa8t kim 罰錢,罰
pure and cool, refreshing chheng-lia5ng 清涼
purchasing power ko3+-be2-le8k 購買力
purchasing price be2-ke3, bo2e-ke3 買價
pure and simple, utter, absolute, downright,
outright su5n-jia5n 純粹,單一,簡直
punish with death chhu2-si2 處死
punish, chastise, to deal out punishment
te5ng-hoa8t, tin-hoa8t 懲罰
pure and unadulterated, pure and genuine,
honest or sincere su5n-che3ng 純正
punish, to torment he5ng 刑
pure gold su5n-kim, chiok-kim 純金
punished or penalized, fined si7u-hoa8t 受罰
pure heart, purify the heart chheng-sim 清心,
punishment hoa8t, chhu2-hoa8t, he5ng-hoa8t 罰,處
pure land che7ng-tho2+ (Buddhism) 淨土
- capital punishment si2-he5ng 死刑
- severe punishment gia5m-hoa8t, kho2+-he5ng
pure of heart sim kiat-che7ng e5 la5ng, sim-la7i
chheng-khi3 e5 la5ng, sim-le5ng su5n-kiat e5 la5ng
- temporal and eternal punishment chia7mhoa8t kap e2ng-hoa8t 暫罰與永罰
pure water chheng-chu2i 清水
pure white su5n-pe8h 純白
punishment for sin, retribution cho7e-hoa8t 罪
pure white, spotlessly white kiat-pe8h 潔白
pure, clean, chaste kiat-che7ng, su5n, su5n-chhu3i,
su5n-kiat 潔淨,純,純粹,純潔
punishment is well deserved cho7e i2u e3ng-tit
pure, clear, clean, brief, virtuous, honest,
conclude, terminate, repay debts
chheng 清
punishment of fire ho2e-he5ng 火刑
punishment, to punish chek-hoa8t 責罰
punitive he5ng-hoa8t e5, chhu2-hoa8t e5 刑罰的,處罰
pure, fresh, novel, uncommon sin-sia2n 新鮮
pure, honest, incorruptible chheng-lia5m e5 清
punitive law he5ng-hoa8t 刑罰
puny si2o-lia8p-chi2 e5 la5ng, chin la2m chin se3 e5, bi5se3 e5, bo5 tio7ng-ia3u e5 矮小的,弱小的,微小的,
pure, innocent chheng-pe8k 清白
pure, sincere and faithful, naive, genuine,
unsophisticated su5n-chin 純真
pupa, cocoon tha5ng-pau 蛹
pure, unmixed silver su5n-gi5n 純銀
pupil of the eye ba8k-chiu e5 o+-ji5n, ba8k-chiu
ang-a2, to5ng-kho2ng 眼睛的瞳孔
purebred su5n-che2ng e5 純種的
puree, pottage, thick soup, bisque chin kho2
e5 thng 濃湯
pupil, student ha8k-seng, sai-a2, to5+-te7 學生,學徒,
pure-minded and upright, fair and square,
openly kong-be5ng che3ng-ta7i 光明正大
puppet ka-le2, ka-le2-ang-a2 傀儡
puppet government ka-le2 che3ng-hu2 傀儡政府
purgative si3a e5, thong-pia7n e5, ko3an-tn5g e5, si3aio8h, thong-pia7n-che 瀉的,通便的,灌腸的,瀉
puppet shadow show pho5e-ka5u-hi3 皮猴戲
puppet show ka-le2-hi3 木偶戲
puppet show typical of Taiwan po3+-te7-hi3 布袋
- to take a purgative medicine chia8h si3a-io8h
puppy ka2u-a2-ki2a* 小狗
purgative medicine si3a-io8h 瀉藥
puppy, conventional phrase for my son
sia2u-khia2n 小犬
purgatorial lia7n-ga8k e5, sio8k-cho7e e5 煉獄的,贖罪
purchase ko3+-be2 (literary expression) 購買
purgatory lia7n-ga8k, lia7n-ge8k 煉獄
purchase food siu-be2 ni5u-si8t 收購糧食
- punishment of purgatory lia7n-ga8k e5 chia7mhoa8t 煉獄的暫罰
purchase goods for business hak-ho3e 採購
- souls in purgatory lia7n-le5ng 煉靈
- to go to purgatory lo8h lia7n-ga8k 下煉獄
purpose, determination, resolution koat-sim
purge party members chheng-to2ng 清黨
purge the bowels, to remove poison from
one's stomach by means of laxative or
saline ko3an-chhia5ng, ko3an-tn5g 洗腸,灌腸
- fit for the purpose ha8h bo8k-tek, e7-e7ng-tit 適
purge, cleanse, laxative si3a-io8h, thong-pia7nche 瀉藥,通便劑
- for that very purpose choan-kang, thiaukang 專程,故意
purge, cleanse, take a laxative chia8h si3a-io8h
- for the purpose of u7i-tio8h, bo8k-tek si7… 為了,
- fixed purpose koat-i3 決意
purge, cleanse, to purge chheng-ti5 清滌
purpose of amendment, make resolution
te7ng-ka2i (Catholic) 定改
purification chhu2-kiat, se2 chheng-khi3, se2 cho7e
purpose of a personal call, objectives of a
visit la5i-i3 來意
- day of purification chhu2-kiat-ji8t 取潔日
purification ceremony chhu2-kiat-le2 取潔禮
purpose, aim, objective, goal chong-chi2 宗旨
purificator se3ng-chiak-po3+ (Catholic) 聖爵布
purpose, aim, objective, goal, object, target,
intent bo8k-tek 目的
purify oneself chheng-kiat ka-ti7 清潔自己
purpose, ambition, aspiration, ideal, bent
chi3-hio3ng 志向
purify, clean, purity chheng-kiat 清潔
purify by fire, to refine, to smelt lia7n, lia7nche7ng, cheng-lia7n, tho3an-lia7n 煉,精煉,鍛鍊
purpose, meaning, sense, fun, interest,
connotation, gist, opinion i3-su3 意思
purify the soul lia7n-che7ng le5ng-hu5n 煉淨靈魂
purpose, object bo8k-phiau 目標
purify, purification che7ng-ho3a 淨化
purify, cleanse se2-che7ng 洗淨
purposeless bo5 bo8k-phiau e5, bo5 bo8k-tek e5, bo5
i3-gi7 e5 沒有目標的,沒有目的的,沒有意義的
purify, settle to the bottom like in muddy
water te5ng-chheng 澄清
purposely thiau-kang, thiau-ti5, ko3+-i3, choankang 故意,專程
puritan chheng-ka3u-to5+ 清教徒
purposes or wishes of two people clash or
come into conflict with the horoscope
sio-chhiong 相沖
puritanical chheng-ka3u-to5+ e5, seng-oa8h gia5mkeh e5 清教徒的,嚴格的
puritanism chheng-ka3u chu2-gi7, gia5m-keh chu2gi7 清教主義,嚴格主義
purr i*-iau*-ki3o, ku7-ku7-ki3o 貓叫聲,咕嚕聲
Puritans Chheng-ka3u-to5+ 清教徒
purse, chase, track, seek tui, jiok 追
purity, virtue chheng-kiat, su5n-kiat, kiat-che7ng,
kiat-tek 清潔,純潔,潔淨,潔德
pursue advanced study, attain profundity
chhim-cho7 深造
purse chi5*-te7-a2, phi3o-pau-a2 錢袋,錢包,皮包
- to preserve one's purity po2-chu5n kiat-tek
pursue special studies gia2n-ki3u te8k-pia8t e5
ha8k-bu7n 研究特別的學問
purity in thought, word, deed su-sio2ng, gia5ngi2, he5ng-u5i e5 kiat-che7ng 思想,言語,行為的
pursue a thief jek chha8t-a2 追小偷
pursue, implement, carry out, put into practice si8t-he5ng, tui-ki5u, gia2n-ki3u 實行,追求,研
purity of heart sim-le5ng su5n-kiat 心靈純潔
purity of intention chheng-sim 清心
pursuit, to pursue a goal stubbornly, to
seek after, to woo tui-ki5u 追求
purloin thau-the8h 偷竊
purple ki5o-a2-sek, chi2-sek 紫色,茄仔色
- to be in pursuit of pleasure tui-ki5u kho3ailo8k 追求快樂
- to become purple with rage khi3 kah chi8t e5
bi7n lo2ng o+-khi3 氣得臉都黑了
pursuit, career, profession chit-gia8p 職業
- business pursuit siong-gia8p 商業
purple color chi2-sek, ki5o-sek 紫色
purport i3-su3, chu2-chi2 意思,主旨
pursuit plane khu-tio8k-ki 驅逐機
purport of a letter phoe e5 i3-su3 信的意思
purulent, pus u7 la5ng e5 有膿的
purport, purpose, aim, objective chong-chi2
pus la5ng 膿
- full of pus pu7-la5ng, ti3u* la5ng 化膿
- to squeeze out pus chek la5ng 擠膿
pus comes out chhut-la5ng 出膿
pustules, rash, eruption, measles phia8h 疹
pus from a boil lia8p-a2-la5ng 瘡膿
put a cap or hat on backwards tian-to3 ti3 戴反
push sak, chhia 推
put a new product on the market, unload
cargo from a ship chhut-ho3e 出貨
push away sak-cha2u 推開,推走
push away something, shirk one's responsibility sak-khui 推開
put an ad in the papers teng-po3 ko2ng-ko3 登報
push away with hand or foot e7ng chhi2u lu,
e7ng kha lu 用手推,用腳推
put an end to cho3 chi8t e5 kiat-sok 做一個結束
put an inferior article or person deceitfully
in place of a better, mend by putting in
an entirely new piece thu3i-o7a* 調換,兌換
push away with the end of a stick tu-khi3 推
push away, push things apart with a pole
tha3-khui 撥開
put aside temporarily chhi2a*-chi8t-pi* 暫時放
push away, to thrust away, oppose or resist
by pressing against, to deal with tu, lu
put away evil to follow good khi3 si5a kui
che3ng, khi3 ok kui sia7n 棄邪歸正,棄惡歸善
push back and forth kheh-la5i-kheh-khi3 擠來擠
put burial clothes on a deceased person
tho3-sa* 給死人穿衣服,套衫
push a bike by the handle bars khan thih-be2
put candles in a candle stick chhah la8h-chek
push button e7ng ji8h e5 用按的
put closer together, hide it more secretly
khn3g khah ba8t le3 放擠一點
push a door shut, push things close together sak-o2a 推近
put clothes on over the head, to wear, to
muzzle lom 套衣服
push down chhia-lo8h-khi3 推下去
put down khn3g-le3, he7 放著
push down with fingers or hands ji8h, li8h 壓,
put down, set down heavily, to stamp, to
strike with a fist tn3g 擊,重重的放下
push out sak-chhut-khi3 推出去
put dust or ashes on something, flying dust,
raise dust, dusty eng 異物跑進眼睛,飛揚
push out, present a picture, a show thuichhut 推出
put a fence around property u5i li5-pa 圍籬笆
push over, push and cause to fall, to spill
chhia-to2 翻倒
put forth effort, make an effort lo2+-le8k 努力
push over, to overthrow a government, to
stultify a theory, principle thui-hoan 推
put forth one's strength chhut-la8t 用力,出力
push over, to push and cause to fall sak-to2
put in a screw sng lo5+-si-teng 拴螺絲釘
put in a box chng-lo8h-khi3 a8p-a2 la7i, te2-lo8h-khi3
a8p-a2 la7i 裝進盒子裡
put in charge u2i-ji7m 委任
push a sales project, lend impetus to a
movement chhui-to7ng 推動
put in lining tho3-li2 套襯裡
push a thing back and forth, mutually shirk
the responsibility lu-la5i lu-khi3 推來推去
put in order, help settle down, make proper
arrangement for the family before leaving home for a long period of time antu3n 安頓
push, lend impetus to, to inspire thui-to7ng
put in order, set right a poorly managed
organization or firm che2ng-tu3n 整頓
pushcart chhia-a2 手推車
put in the mail hu3 ho5e-iu5 付回郵
pushing a pole placed against each other's
body near the navel in a test of
strength and skill, be opposed to each
other tu2-cha5i 頂肚子
put into operation si8t-he5ng 實行
push sales, promote sales thui-siau 推銷
put into operation, open, to start a business,
to set up khai-pa7n 開辦
pusillanimous bo5 ta2* 膽小
put into the hands of kau ho7+…, pa3ng ho7+ 交
puss, kitten niau-a2-ki2a* 小貓
put it aside poah chi8t pi* 擺一邊
pustule la5ng-tha5u 膿皰,膿頭
put a mark on cho3 ki3-ho7 做記號
put medicine on a mole so as to remove it
tia2m-ki3 點痣
put out the tongue, stick out the tongue
tho2+-chi8h 伸出舌頭
put on a cap ti3 戴
put poison in food or drink, to poison, infect with poison, to taint pa3ng-to8k 放毒
put on a plaster of herbs like a poultice,
apply a plaster to a wound ko5+-io8h-a2 敷
put regulations, plans into effect si8t-si 實施
put rice in a bowl te2-pn7g 盛飯
put on a show, show off, to grandstand cho3si3u 作秀
put secretly, possess secretly thau-khn3g 偷
put on account ki3-sia3u 計賬
put something under the legs of furniture
so as to make it steady ke2, thiap, siap 墊
put on airs, with an air of importance,
proudly, in a haughty manner ke2-ga5u 自
put something under the table leg to make
the table steady siap ho7+ cha7i 塞穩
put on an additional article of clothing sa*
ke tha8h chi8t ni2a 多穿一件衣服
put a stamp on an envelope tah iu5-phi3o 貼郵
put on an appearance of diligence, obedience, or very good behavior ho2-bi7n
che5ng-khi7a 表面裝好
put the best articles on the top pho+-bi7n 鋪面
put the corpse into the coffin ji8p-bo8k, ji8plia7m 入殮
put on clothes, shoes chhe7ng 穿
put the lid on kha3m-ko3a 蓋蓋子
put on coat or shirt chhe7ng-sa* 穿衣服
put on a helmet ti3 tha5u-khoe 戴頭盔
put the ridge pole of a house in its place
chi7u*-ni5u 上樑
put on or wear thrown over the shoulders,
put one's arms on another's back or
over his shoulders moa 披,勾肩
put the water lantern in the river pa3ng chu2iteng 放水燈
put on a play, a stage play poa*-hi3 演戲
put a thing between the leaves of a book
nge8h to3a chheh-ni8h 夾在書裏
put on the airs and manner of a man of
consequence kek pha3i-tha5u 擺派頭,裝氣
put a thing a pawn, put in hock the8h-khi3 tn3g
put to death, execute chhu2 si2-he5ng 處死刑
put on the brake, stop a passing car to3ngchhia 煞車,攔車,擋車
put to death, execute, decide, resolve chhu2koat 處決
put on too haughty an air kek khu3i, kek khu3ikha2u 擺架子
put to a vote pia2u-koat 表決
put together khioh-che5 撿齊
put on value on other's kindness ut la5ng e5
ji5n-che5ng 抹殺人的好意
put together, mix together la7m cho3-ho2e 混合
put on, apply lipstick or rouge tia2m ian-chi
put together, mix up khn3g cho3-ho2e 放一起
put trust in him si3n-ji7m i 信任他
put one another's arms on each other's
shoulders, embrace sio-moa 互相勾著肩
put up scaffolding to build or paint a house
tah-ke3 搭架
put one leg over the other, cross one's legs
khiau-kha 蹺腿,蹺二郎腿
put up scrolls at New Year's time tah chhunlia5n 貼春聯
put one's hands on the hip joints, arms
akimbo chhi2u chhah-io, chhi2u chhah-koh
put up a shed, awning, shelf, trellis tah-pe5*
put one's mind at rest ho3ng-sim 放心
put up a shed, to set up a little cottage, hut
or stable tah lia5u-a2 搭寮子
put out a fire phah ho2e, bia8t-ho2e 滅火,滅火
put upside down khn3g to3-tha5u-chai 倒放
put out a sprout, shoot or bud, germinate
chhut-ge5, hoat-ge5 發芽,出芽
put out a flag, plant a flag chhah-ki5-a2 插旗子
put a whole family to death bia8t-mn5g, bia8tbu5n 滅門
put out the fire with an extinguisher or water phah-hoa 打熄,熄滅
putative thui-chhek e5, lia7u-sio2ng e5 推測的,料想
putrefaction hu2-pa7i, chha3u, no7a 腐敗,臭,爛
put out the light sit-teng 熄燈
putrefy, rot chha3u-no7a 臭爛
putrid chha3u, a3u, no7a 臭,腐爛的
pygmy e2-la5ng 矮人
putrid odor chha3u-hia3n 腥臊味
pylorus iu-mn5g 幽門
putting an arm over someone's shoulders,
hugging someone ka7 i moa le 摟他的肩
putting in order che2ng-li2, chong-sek 整飭
Pyongyang state-operated televison station
Pe5ng-jio2ng kok-e5ng-tia7n-si7-ta5i 平壤國營電
putty lia5m-tho5+ 黏土
pyorrhea ge5-cho5 pu7-la5ng 牙床化膿
pyramid kim-ji7-thah 金字塔
- to mend with putty io7ng lia5m-tho5+ lia5m 用黏
pyre, funeral pyre chi8t-tui-chha5, ho2e-cho3ng
e7ng e5 chha5-tui 一堆木柴,火葬用的柴堆
puzzle, riddle, hard problem bi7, be5, la5n-te5,
ho7+ la5ng tha5u-thi3a* 謎,難題,令人頭痛
pyrometer ko-un-ke3 高溫計
PVC compound sok-ka-lia8p-a2 塑膠粒
pyrotechnics ian-ho2e, ian-ho2e-su8t 煙火,煙火術
PX, P.X. Bi2-kun kio2ng-e3ng tiong-sim 美軍供應
python ki2m-cho5a 錦蛇
pyx Se3ng-the2-a8p (Catholic) 聖體盒

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