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PDF 1.6 MB - WHO Representative Office, I.R.Iran
The Program of Cooperation of the
and the
“Partners in Health Development”
WHO Country Office - February 2004
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................4
Preliminaries ....................................................................5
Background ................................................................................................................5
Country profile...........................................................................................................6
Issues in the health sector ..........................................................................................7
General aspects ................................................................8
Reprogramming of the JPRM ....................................................................................8
Collaborating with United Nations agencies .............................................................8
Millennium Development Goals/United Nations development assistance framework....................8
Theme group on HIV/AIDS...............................................................................................................9
Documenting the best practice in triangular counselling clinic........................................................9
Office management....................................................................................................9
Informatics and Telecommunication .......................................................................11
Major events...................................................................12
World Health Day 2003 ...................................................................................................................12
Assessment study: adverse effects following immunization response system...............................12
Child and adolescents’ international fair .........................................................................................13
50th Session of Regional Committee of World Health Organization..............................................13
WHO global forum on Non Communicable Disease prevention and control ................................14
United Nations’ day .........................................................................................................................15
In-depth review of the communicable disease surveillance system ...............................................16
Poliomyelitis eradication: laboratory containment of polioviruses – a step to certification for
polio free Iran ...................................................................................................................................16
World AIDS day ..............................................................................................................................17
6th scientific meeting of the international epidemiological association in Eastern Mediterranean
Region ..............................................................................................................................................17
8th Session of the general conference of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization .....................................................................................................................................17
Measles and Rubella campaign........................................................................................................18
The JPRM 2004-05 exercise............................................................................................................18
Newsletter of WHO Iran ..................................................................................................................20
Non-JPRM program areas..............................................21
Global fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria ....................................21
Tobacco free initiative .............................................................................................21
Community based initiatives....................................................................................22
Moroccan delegation visits Iran’s CBI............................................................................................23
Health sector reform in Iran .....................................................................................23
Vaccine quality improvement project ......................................................................24
Support for research .................................................................................................24
Emergencies and humanitarian assistance ...............................................................24
Iraq crisis ..........................................................................................................................................25
Bam earthquake................................................................................................................................25
Biennial program ...........................................................28
of collaboration ..............................................................28
Activity components ................................................................................................28
Meetings, workshops and consultations ..........................................................................................28
Supplies and equipment ...................................................................................................................29
Local cost for services......................................................................................................................29
Agreed contract for services ............................................................................................................29
Health literature................................................................................................................................30
Program areas...........................................................................................................30
Health policy planning and management: .......................................................................................31
Human resource development .........................................................................................................31
Health statistics and biomedical information ..................................................................................32
Primary health care system ..............................................................................................................33
Pharmaceuticals and chemical technology ......................................................................................33
Healthy lifestyle ...............................................................................................................................34
Family health....................................................................................................................................35
Environmental health .......................................................................................................................35
Vaccine preventable diseases...........................................................................................................36
Control of endemic diseases ............................................................................................................36
Disease surveillance and control .....................................................................................................37
Constraints .....................................................................38
and concluding remarks .................................................38
Generic problems .....................................................................................................38
Office issues.............................................................................................................38
Biennial program of collaboration ...........................................................................39
Table of Consultants and Visitors to Iran During the Biennium 2002-03......................................40
Table of Fellowships from Iran During the Biennium 2002-03 .....................................................43
Table of Fellowships held in Iran during the Biennium 2002-03...................................................47
Table of the Local Costs Services during the Biennium 2002-03 (From Regular Budget) ...........50
Table of Meetings Hosted by I.R.Iran During the Biennium 2002-03 ...........................................52
List of Meetings Held Outside Iran for the Biennium 2002-03......................................................53
Supplies And Equipment Provided during the Biennium 2002-03 (Regular Budget) ...................64
Table of National Training Activities during the Biennium 2002-03.............................................66
Table of Research Proposals in 2003...............................................................................................70
The annual report for 2003 coincided with two occurrences. First, it is also the end of
the biennium 2002-03, so it has to touch the biennial issues. Second, it corresponded
with the end of the term of my assignment to Iran, and moving to Oman.
Personally, this period was educational to me with its challenges that never ceased to
come up. However, the greatest lesson was that the teamwork can do miracles. It is
amazing how so much can be achieved by so few, as a team. But this small country
team was never alone. We enjoyed the highest support from our Regional Office that
we managed to sail through the challenges and emergencies with success. Above all,
the trust and confidence bestowed by the Regional Director on his country team
resulted in the WHO being in the forefront for health and development and in the
emergency and humanitarian assistance. The voice of WHO has been clearly heard
both by the national partners and the international community operating in Iran.
The repeated emergency situations did not divert the vision of WHO from the health
and development program of cooperation. New grounds for collaboration have been
addressed notably the health sector reform, the community baseed initiatives and the
macro-economics and health strategy.
This report is the collective effort of the team in Iran. All of us here take this
opportunity to welcome Dr Mubashar Sheikh, the new WHO Representative and the
team leader in Iran.
El Fatih El Samani
While we move into 2004 with a new program of cooperation, this report provides a
window for looking into what did we contribute during 2003. Maybe customary, in
addition to informing the national counterparts, colleagues in the region and others,
this report offers a broader forum for everyone in the WHO country office to also
objectively evaluate their performance.
This report, which is a joint effort of all the staff in the country office, is divided into
five sections. First section is an overview of the context, including the country profile.
In the second section the role of WHO country office vis-à-vis other United Nations
agencies is highlighted. The third section provides an account of the major events
occurring during the year. The fourth section is about Non-JPRM activities. In the
penultimate section, the progress made on the JPRM programs is presented. Finally,
conclusions are drawn and issues that confronted the country office in its functioning
are highlighted.
The office of the WHO Representative works closely with the ministry of health and
medical education (MOH&ME) on priority areas the Government had chosen,
nonetheless, within the limits of regional and global strategies of the World Health
Organization. This assistance is mainly by providing technical support to
implementing the different programs. The 5-year National Development Plan (200004) of the Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates ‘health for all’ by delivering
comprehensive health care as the right of all individuals within the prevailing socioeconomic and cultural context. In this regard, some of the major objectives as laid
down in the said plan are:
1. focus on comprehensive primary health care (PHC), particularly in rural areas and
under privileged localities. Accordingly, PHC is financed by the public sector.
2. maintain integration of universities of medical sciences with health services under
the overall control of ministry of health and medical education (MoH&ME) to
ensure training of health human resources according to the needs of health system.
3. develop policies to control, elimination and eradication of communicable diseases
and reduce burden and risk factors contributing to non-communicable diseases.
4. support basic needs of low-income groups, the disabled and other vulnerable
groups that are not covered by insurance and social welfare services.
5. promote inter-sectoral action and community involvement in health, integrated to
total development by supporting Basic Development Needs (BDN) and other
Community Based Initiatives (CBIs) and Poverty Alleviation projects
6. ensure comprehensive coverage of different strata of society with health
insurance, promoting competition and encouraging private sector partnership.
7. expand health system research to all levels of health system, promote
decentralization and strengthen health management information system for
evidence based decision making.
These objectives of the 5-year Plan, as they fall in the domain of the WHO’s areas of
work, guided the country office in pursuing its work with the MoH&ME during 2003,
as is witnessed in the ensuing pages. But a brief overview of the country, its health
and social indicators is provided first.
Country profile
Topographically, Iran is a diverse country – over half of it is mountainous, a quarter is
desert, and less than one fourth is arable land. In its east lie Pakistan and Afghanistan,
while Turkey and Iraq form its western borders. Turkmenistan, Caspian Sea,
Azerbaijan and Armenia are in the north and in the south is Persian Gulf and Sea of
Oman (see figure below).
Country - general information (2002)
Map of the provinces in Islamic Republic of Iran
West Azerbaijan
Prepared by: WHO Representative Office, Tehran-Iran
Caspian Sea
Ghazvin Tehran
Ch. Mahal &
Kohgiluyeh &
Sistan &
1,648,195 km2
Total population
Population density
40/sq km
Population growth rate
Crude birth rate
Total fertility rate
Male/Female ratio
Urban/Rural ratio
The Islamic Republic of Iran, a low-middle income oil exporting country, with an area
of 1.648 million sq. kilometers is fourth largest country in Asia. The country has 28
provinces, 293 districts, 885 cities and 68,000 villages. Total population, which
doubled compared to 1975, was estimated at the end of 2001 at 64.5 million, of which
63% live in urban and the remaining 37% in rural areas (table-1)
Generally economic growth rate and investment level have been stable in the recent
past, but no substantial growth was witnessed in terms of human development. The
main problems, in this regard, are inappropriate investment and saving policies and
continuing high inflation rate. Further, there is high unemployment rate, although
women’s employment rate has increased compared to that of men’s. Resultantly, the
real income of an average Iranian household has been under severe pressure, and 15%
to 25% of population lives in poverty.
On the other hand, health and social
indicators depict a fairly good picture.
Basic literacy rate is estimated at 84.4% well above the regional average. Over
94% of population has access to health
services, while 95% has access to safe
drinking water and 86% to sanitation.
These factors together with improved
coverage of maternal and child health care
and continued commitment for selfreliance in vaccines and pharmaceutical
productions contributed to the reduction of
incidence of communicable diseases,
although there has been a rise in the noncommunicable life style related diseases.
Major health indicators are seen in table-2.
Basic Health Indicators
Infant Mortality Rate per 1000
live births (2000)
< 5 Mortality Rate per 1000
Maternal Mortality Rate per
10,000 live births (1996)
Vaccine coverage (2001)
*A recent document published jointly by WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA
estimates the MMR as 7.8 per 10000 live births.
Issues in the health sector
Economic growth rate and investment level have been stable, showing upward trends
in the past two years. But the main problem has been how to improve per capita
income that has been stagnant for some time. Factors like, inappropriate investment
and saving policies, high inflation rate, disproportionate expenses has kept the average
income under severe pressure, pushing many Iranians below poverty line. According
to one estimate, 15-25% of the people live in poverty. Further, unemployment has
increased, although women employment rate has increased compared to that of men’s.
Iran spends 7.5% of its GNP on health, but lags in certain respects behind several
countries in the region. That is, despite being a well elaborated health system, it has
not kept pace with changing demographic and epidemiological characteristics of the
population and the technological developments. The rural areas are not fully covered
and the health centres are inadequately equipped to meet community needs. Some
areas as a result of remoteness, nomadism, and difficulty in recruiting Behvarz pose
problem as. Further, in urban areas women health volunteers are not effective as
Behvarz in rural areas. Particularly, in peri-urban areas, where rural migrants tend to
settle, coverage is low.
Nevertheless, during 2003 the overall improvement in the vital and health statistics
continued and access to the health care improved, incidence of communicable
diseases decreased, and the coverage of MCH services increased. This outcome was
due, inter-alia to the government’s continued commitment to self-reliance, particularly
in the pharmaceutical and vaccines production. Other elements that helped in this
regard are the improved quality of public infrastructure for water supply, increased
adult literacy rate, better telecommunications facilities and energy development.
General aspects
Reprogramming of the JPRM
Given that a number of activities lagging behind the schedule on one account or the
other, an exercise to reprogram the budgeted activities was conducted in January
2003. Based on the information shared with the National Committee of JPRM, it was
envisaged to: (i) review the implementation status of different programs in the current
JPRM; (ii) identify the priority areas with capacity to absorb inputs and not requiring
activities extending beyond the biennium for the reallocation of funds; and that (iii)
set aside 10% funds as contingency for a later release as and when needed. In
addition, the following was done:
1. Adequate funds were allocated for the assessment of integrated
medical education and health services
2. Regular meetings of WHO and different Directors General of
MoH&ME were held to remedy the possible problems in
implementation of program components;
3. Some provision were made for supporting NGOs working in
areas that are also priority for the MoH&ME; and
4. Additional funds were allocated for the in-depth review of
communicable disease surveillance.
Collaborating with United Nations agencies
Millennium Development Goals/United Nations development
assistance framework
Six out of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are related to health,
requiring WHO’s participation in the related activities. In this regard, during 2003
preparations were made to develop a joint document, the United Nations
Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF); and as a first step the Common
Country Assessment (CCA) was finalized in August 2003 and posted to the following
web sites of the United Nation (UN) in Iran:
Furthermore, in pursuit of this, the Resident Coordinator Office in Iran organized a
UNDAF Prioritization Retreat from 25 to 27th August 2003 in Gajereh resort. Around
forty five participants from Government, United Nations Agencies, and civil society
organisations identified five priority areas, essentially drawn from the draft 4th 5-year
development plan, for cooperation through UNDAF. These are: (i) social
development; (ii) enhancing good governance; (iii) sustainable development, disaster
management and energy efficiency; (iv) improving economic performance and
management and increasing employment; and (v) science and new technology.
To work on the above mentioned priorities and develop UNDAF result matrix, theme
groups (TGs) were formulated, drawing membership from government, UN agencies
and civil society organisations. To monitor this process, an UNDAF Management
Group, representing the heads of different UN agencies, chaired jointly by the UNDP
and government was established. WHO, despite being short of staff participated both
at the TGs and UNDAF Management Group levels. In addition, the country office
participated in running a course designed to introduce the MDGs. This course held in
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' School of International Relations attracted seventy
participants, including students, government officials and representatives of private
sector. Further WHO contributed to a Forum on MDGs, which drew 150 participants
from the Government, civil society and private sector organisations, diplomats etc.
The event, which was marked by the presentations of WHO on MDGs and their
monitoring, was extensively highlighted in the media, both print and electronic.
Theme group on HIV/AIDS
The UN’s TG on HIV/AIDS held sixteen meetings during 2003. The WHO, being the
specialized agency, was consulted on technical aspects of the work plan and activities
to be undertaken by the group. Major activities included training the members of
HIV/AIDS and the Gender Theme Groups on ‘women and HIV/AIDS’. Further, a
who staff member attended a ‘Consultative Meeting for UN Country Teams on
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care among Injecting Drug Users’ held in Vienna in
September 2003. Another activity was the celebration of the World AIDS Day.
Likewise, the group organized a training workshop for the NGOs titled ‘Counselling
on HIV/AIDS’ which was held from 6 to 8th July 2003.
Documenting the best practices in triangular counselling clinic
The ministry of Health and Medical Education has been experimenting a ‘triangular
counselling clinic’ providing counselling and treatment including ARV and laboratory
tests to the positive cases of HIV/AIDS, addicts and to those suffering from sexually
transmitted diseases. Given its success, the WHO/EMRO recruited Dr. Suresh Kumar,
from December 14, 2002 to January 8, 2003 to study and document the experience.
The document is now finalized and ready for publication.
Office management
2003 was a hectic year for the country office. It started with the warnings by the
United Nations to prepare for the possible unrest in the Iranian western areas
bordering with Iraq and the potential influx of Iraqi refugees into Iran. War started
towards the end of March which had implications: a sub-office was established in the
University building in Kermanshah to prepare for receiving the potential refugees; and
as a result of evacuation of UN staff from Iraq five WHO staff were assigned to Iran
and were accommodated in the country office. While WHO/Iraqi staff assisted the
country office in handling the Iraq crisis, both in Kermanshah and Tehran, one of
them reviewed the administrative and financial procedures practiced in the WHO
office and submitted a report after returning to Jordan. In short, during the three
months that the crisis lasted, WHO/Iran was heavily involved.
The catastrophic earthquake that hit Bam city in Kerman province on 26 December
2003, was the last, but the most serious event for the country office in 2003. Besides
hosting many staff members of WHO/HQ and EMRO, consultants, visitors and
donors, some of the staff were directly involved in the management of disaster, in
close cooperation with MOH&ME and UN Agencies. A sub office was established in
Bam which is still operating while this report is being written.
In July 2003, preparations were made
for conducting the biennial JPRM
2004/05 exercise. A team of four
WHO/EMRO staff led by Dr.
Belghacem Sabri visited Iran and
engaged with the national counterpart
for this biennial exercise during the first
week of August 2003. More about this is
provided later in this report.
There have been some developments
A luncheon organized by the staff of WHO country office
in the staffing status. Mrs Fakhri
Akhavan Tabrizi, Senior Secretary
opted for early retirement in June 2003 after 13 years of unblemished service.
Consequent to that and with the kind approval of the Regional Director to waive the
condition of advertising the post, Mrs Arezoo Ebnahmady was upgraded as Senior
Secretary. Likewise, three temporary staff members, namely Mrs Kian Nikjou, Mrs
Mitra Kavoosifar and Mr Mehdi Tashakori Beheshti got fixed term appointments. Dr
Bijan Hamidi, who was recruited under SSA for three month to manage the
Kermanshah sub-office, continued as Medical Officer for Emergency Humanitarian
Action and Macro-economics and Health. Dr Ehsanullah Tarin, WHO/STP was
assigned by the WHO/EMRO in June 2003 to Iran to assist the MoH&ME in
implementing the Health Sector Reform project.
For such a support, the Representative and staff of WHO in Iran take this opportunity
to express their gratitude to the Regional Director and promise to leave no effort for
coming up to his expectations.
In October, Swiss Airlines, which carried the weekly pouch, cancelled their flights to
Iran. As a result, pouch despatch from/to Iran was arranged with another airline by
EMRO, but caused repeated delays in receiving pouches, containing important
material, such as TSAs, which had a deadline to be signed and returned to EMRO.
The office space and compliance with MOSS continues to be the major operational
obstacle. No sign indicating a change in the situation is observed. Now that we have a
deadline from the UN for compliance alternative options, e.g. renting space should be
seriously considered.
Informatics and Telecommunication
2003 saw a number of developments. HF and VHF radio-telecommunication
equipment was installed in May 2003 aiming to comply with Minimum Operating
Security Standards (MOSS) to fulfil communication requirements of key staff in
WHO office and linking it with the UN Radio Room. Mr. Khalid Sahms,
Telecommunication Assistant/EMRO and Mr. Bengt Lundgren, Telecommunication
Expert/ WHO Headquarter facilitated this process. In addition, SAT phones were
received and installed to ensure the staff is able to communicate in case of emergency
and crisis – again a major requirement of MOSS compliance.
The WR Office in Iran is now using a
wide range of informatics and
telecommunication equipment including
desktop and laptop computers, mail
servers, routers, switching hubs, radio
base-stations and mobiles and handsets,
docking equipment for SAT-phones,
local and wide area network equipment,
and other devices which are managed by
the IT-support to keep the system up
and running.
Another development in December
The IT&TC team of UN agencies with Mr. Khalid Shams from
2003 was the subscribing of a new
EMRO, and Mr. Fortman, WFP Representative, after a
internet connection with a local
Telecommunication meeting at the WFP office.
service provider. The country office
had for internet subscribed to the UNDP server. However, for some unknown reasons,
it has been slow and often troublesome and on top of that subscription fee was tripled.
Further, soon WHO country office might be moving to a new building along with its
partners in the Ministry of Health. Therefore, a contract was signed with a local
service provider.
Major events
In the following an account of the important events is given in chronological order, in
which the World Health Organization, Iran took part and had effective representation.
These events ranged from the United Nations Day celebrations to the visit of
dignitaries from the regional office in Cairo and headquarters in Geneva.
World Health Day 2003
The World Health Day celebrations for 2003 lasted for one week 7-13 April. The
slogan for the year was: Shape the Future of Life- Healthy Environment for Children.
While the Ministry of Health and Medical Education was the overall organiser of the
events, it was an explicit show of inter-sectoral collaboration. That is, the Ministry of
Education, Physical Education Organization, Tehran Municipality, and Environmental
Protection Organization took active part in the World Health Day celebrations.
Although Tehran was
focal point, the occasion
was marked by events
happening all over the
country. An art
competition was
organised at regional
level in which children
from member countries
participated. Iran made
The award of the “health week” is being given away to WR/Iran by the Commander of
performance by
Desiplinary Forces
winning five prizes. At
the occasion, on account of its continuous support to the people of Iran, the WHO
received award in appreciation of its efforts to advance health in Iran.
Assessment study: adverse effects following immunization response
Dr. Dina Pfeifer, Vaccines and Biologicals division, WHO/HQ visited Iran from 24 to
31 July to assess the surveillance system for Adverse Events Following Immunization
(AEFI). The 1995 guidelines for AEFI surveillance are currently being revised and
were expected to be endorsed by the end of 2003. The proposed revisions include the
changes in the reporting and investigation forms, updating of AEFI definitions,
frequency and level of reporting.
Child and adolescents’ international fair
The Child and Adolescents’ International Fair was held from 5 to 9 August 2003 in
collaboration with UNICEF and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The
main objective was to inform the audience, who were mainly children and adolescent,
about the services provided by the Government of Iran, Non-Governmental
Organisations and International Agencies. The WHO country office seized the
opportunity presenting its work in terms of poster and information on WHO activities
in the area of health of children and adolescents. H.E. the Minister of Health, WR/Iran
and other senior officials graced the occasion.
50th Session of Regional Committee of World Health Organization
WHO supported a delegation from
Iran led by H.E the Minister for
Health, Deputy Minister for
Health, Advisor to the Minister for
Health, Director General of
International Relations and one
Parliamentarian to attend the 50th
session of the Regional
Committee of the WHO Eastern
Mediterranean Region on 29
September to 2nd October 2003.
this event coincided with the 50th
anniversary of the regional
committee; and was held in the
building of the Regional Office.
The WHO Representative
attended the session by invitation
from the Regional Director.
H.E. the Minister of Health and Medical Education in a session of the
Regional Committee meeting
The Regional Committee is the
Governing Body comprising the
Ministers for Health responsible to
formulate the policy and keeping
an oversight on the work of the
World Health Organization in the
Eastern Mediterranean Region. It
was a great moment of recognition
to see many of the former staff of
WHO-EMRO together with
colleagues who continue carrying
the flame.
H.E. the Minister of Public Health of Afghanistan in a meeting with
H.E. the Minister of Health and Medical Education of Iran
An important event was revitalising the triangular Memorandum of Understanding
between the Minister of Health and Medical Education, Iran, the Minister of Public
Health, Afghanistan and WHO/EMRO. It is aimed at working together for the
rehabilitation and reconstruction of the health system in war torn Afghanistan. To firm
up the relations, a delegation from the Ministry of Health, Afghanistan visited Iran.
Among the agreements reached was the formation of a working group to follow up
the issue in more detail and to develop a short and medium term plan to foster
cooperation between the two ministries.
WHO global forum on Non Communicable Disease prevention and
Experts from around the world including WHO/HQ and EMRO met in Isfahan
University of Medical Sciences in a conference held on 5-9 Oct 2003 to share the
national and international experiences in the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. H.E Dr M. Pezeshkian, the Minister for Health and Medical
Education inaugurated the forum. In his address, he emphasized that the despite
progress made to prevent and control communicable diseases much more needs to be
done for non-communicable diseases (NCD).
H.E. Dr Gezairy in his address noted
that NCDs were becoming the major
cause of morbidity and mortality, while
the infectious diseases were still
prevalent in many member states of the
Eastern Mediterranean Region. In this
phase of epidemiological transition, he
indicated, the population of these
countries were suffering from a double
burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases. He
H.E. Dr. Pezeshkian, the Minister of Health and H.E. Dr. Gezairy,
WHO Regional Director, with the participants of the global forum
underscored the role of socioon NCD.
economic development and lifestyle
choices contributing to the rising
incidence NCDs resulting in over two million deaths and 51 million disabilityadjusted life years in the Region. Accordingly, he emphasized the importance of
taking a concerted action both at the national and regional levels.
The conference held several technical sessions, covering issues like international
experiences in cardiovascular and non-communicable disease prevention and health
promotion, policies and legislations, life style promotion, community participation
and the role of NGOs, general evaluation and monitoring principles, integration of
NCD prevention into the health services. Among others, Dr Peka Puska, Director of
Non-Communicable Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, WHO/HQ presented
WHO’s Global Strategy on NCD Prevention endorsed by World Health Assembly
2000. In another session Dr. Ossama Khatib, Regional Adviser on NCDs,
WHO/EMRO, informed in detail about the burden of NCD in the region and the
program of the Regional Networks of WHO on NCD Prevention (EMAN).
Annual national congress on tuberculosis and world tuberculosis
During the celebrations for the World Tuberculosis Day on October 15, Annual
National Congress on Tuberculosis was held in Isfahan during 14-16 October. The
congress opened by the Chancellor of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences was
inaugurated by H.E the Minister of Health & Medical Education. WR/Iran addressed
the participants and read a message from the Regional Director.
It was noted that compared to the goals for the case detection rate and treatment
success rate set at 70% and 85% respectively for year 2005 for the Eastern
Mediterranean Regional, Iran made remarkable achievements with 67% rate for case
detection and 84% rate for the treatment success.
International day to eradicate poverty
On 17th October 2003 the Management and Plan Organization celebrated the
International Day to Eradicate Poverty. This was an important forum to introduce the
concepts of Community Based Initiatives (CBIs) among the public sector officials and
non-government organizations. In this seminar a number of international agencies and
national NGOs were present.
At this occasion, WHO made presentation introducing the CMH/MHS concepts and
CBI activities in Iran as a two pronged approach to reducing poverty. The UN
Resident Coordinator also spoke at the occasion about the UN’s approach on the
subject, particularly in terms of the Millennium Development Goals.
United Nations’ day
This year the UN day was celebrated in
the House of Nations in Gheytariah Park
on Thursday 23rd October 2003. But the
activities for the occasion lasted for two
days. The first day’s events included the
media conference, speech and other
formalities. On second day an exhibition
and bazaar was organized for the
general public.
The CBI team of country office took the
opportunity of representing WHO in a
forceful manner. A photo album of the
Mr. Frederick Lyons, the UN resident coordinator in Iran in the
activities being implemented in
opening ceremony held in the House of Nations.
Healthy Cities Program in south of
Tehran and 5 posters relevant to the Millennium Development Goals 6 and 7 were
presented, which attracted quite a large number of visitors. In the exhibition the
Women's Kitchen Cooperative of the Healthy City Project in south of Tehran sold
healthy food, home made sweets and snacks. This turned out to be a good example of
income generation projects. Similarly, the Women Health Volunteers of the Iran
University of Medical Sciences prepared handicrafts which were presented in the
In-depth review of the communicable disease surveillance system
Dr Hassan El Bushra, RA/CSR lead a WHO team comprising Dr. Stella Chungong ,
CDS, WHO/HQ, Dr. Julia Fitzner from WHO/HQ Lyon Project, Dr Mohammad
Youssef , WHO/Lyon Project and Dr Salah Al Awaidy, WHO Consultant, MOH,
Oman undertook an in-depth review of the Communicable Disease Surveillance
System from 9 to 24th November
2003. For this activity, eight
Temporary Advisers were also
recruited locally.
Working in different groups the team
members travelled to different
provinces in order to: (i) review the
current national communicable disease
surveillance systems; (ii) central and
peripheral capacity of preparedness
and response; and (iii) prepare a
national plan to streamline and
WHO team conferring with WR/Iran on issues relating to the instrengthen the reporting,
depth reviewof communicable disease surveillance system
preparedness and response to
disease, with epidemic potential. The draft report is already being used by the
Ministry of Health to improve the disease surveillance in the country.
Poliomyelitis eradication: laboratory containment of polioviruses – a
step to certification for polio free Iran
As a step to certification for polio free Iran, Dr Christopher Wolff, Global Coordinator
of Laboratory Containment of Polioviruses, WHO/HQ, and Dr Humayun Asghar,
Regional Polio Laboratory Coordinator, WHO/EMRO visited Iran from November 30
to December 3, 2003 to document the quality of Survey and Inventory Phase I of
Laboratory Containment of Polioviruses and other Infectious Materials. The team
recommended to:
1. Document the quality of laboratory survey and inventory process for submission
to the Regional Certification Commission via National Certification Committee
for consideration in the meeting of the former scheduled for 3-5 April 2004.
2. Ensure long-term storage and maintenance of laboratory survey documents and
survey forms for their future use in the Global Certification process.
3. Ensure the creation of a comprehensive inventory system that documents and
tracks the usage of all samples stored in the facilities holding wild poliovirus
materials - Razi Institute and National Polio Laboratory.
4. Facilitate the supply of authenticated Reference Sabin Standards Strains from
National Polio Laboratory, Tehran to Shiraz University laboratory and any other
facility in the country using polioviruses, Sabin or otherwise. All replaced
polioviruses should e destroyed and documented.
World AIDS day
The World AIDS Day was celebrated on 1st December 2003. The slogan for this year
was ‘Live and Let Live and the Priority for Supporting Women’. The Disease
Management Center organised this ceremony in collaboration with Iran University of
Medical Sciences in I.R.I.B conference hall. At this occasion, the message of the
Regional Director was video-cast. To support the occasion, the country office
provided educational material and made technical input for holding the ceremony.
6th scientific meeting of the international epidemiological association
in Eastern Mediterranean Region
The 6th scientific meeting of the International Epidemiological Association, Eastern
Mediterranean Region was held from 9 to 11 December in the University of Medical
Sciences Ahwaz. This was jointly organized by the International Epidemiological
Association/ Eastern Mediterranean Region, University of Medical Sciences Ahwaz
and the Iranian Epidemiological Association, Ministry of Health and the World
Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office.
The WHO Representative read the message of the Regional Director. In addition, the
meeting was marked by lectures by a number of renowned scientists like Dr. Walter
Willett, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health;
Dr. Ahmed Mohit DHP, Dr. Hassan El Bushra RA/CSR and Dr. Ahmed Mandil.
Further, WHO country office not only provided technical and administrative support
to this important event, but also funded the following:
1. Ten participants from the EMR countries;
2. Exhibition cost of WHO publications in the fair;
3. Registration fees for the symposium on Epidemiology of Substance Abuse and
Mental Health; and
4. Costs of panel on Health Sector Reform.
8th Session of the general conference of the Islamic Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
The WHO Representative attended the meeting of Islamic Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization held in Tehran from 27 to 29 December in response to an
invitation addressed to the Director General and Regional Director. In addition Dr.
Najeeb El Shorbaji and Dr Kassem Sara from the Regional Office who were in Iran
for a meeting about informatics also attended this conference. However, sadly the
catastrophic earthquake in Bam overshadowed the conference.
Measles and Rubella campaign
A key strategy agreed by the EMR countries to eliminate measles by year 2010 is
organising campaigns to vaccinate susceptible population. In this regard, the WR
office and a team of experts comprising Dr. Ezzedin Mohsni, RA/VPI, Dr. Brad Hersh
WHO/HQ and Mr. Mojtaba Haghgou, TO/VPI visited Iran in early 2003 to assist the
national authorities in finalizing the details. Further, WHO supported the campaign by
providing AD syringes, financing training activities, procuring cold boxes and vaccine
carriers costing over US$150,000 on top of the JPRM allocation for this activity.
During the campaign, which lasted from 6 to 31st December 2003, 33,400,000 people
including the non-Iranians (mostly Afghan refugees) aged 5-25 years were vaccinated,
thereby achieving 101.71% of the target. WHO assisted in documenting and
evaluating the campaign, for which Dr Francis Mahoney, MO/Measles of
WHO/EMRO and Dr Lara Wolfson, WHO/HQ visited Iran from November 30 to
December 11, 2003.
The JPRM 2004-05 exercise
The WHO Representative Office
works with the MoH&ME, mainly
through JPRM for which an
exercise is undertaken biennially.
This exercise to design the program
is done in light of the WHO and
country priorities, as outlined in the
health chapter of the National
Development Plan. A Joint
National JPRM Committee steers
the whole process.
Priority Areas for Program of Collaboration during Biennium 2004-2005
Development of health systems and
services (Health Sector reform)
Priority area
Promotion of technology transfer, health
information support and capacity building
in health research
Non-communicable prevention and control
including creating healthy communities and
promoting healthy lifestyle
Development of human resource
Control of communicable diseases of
National importance
The JPRM exercise for the
Maternal and child health
biennium 2004-05 started in July
Community based initiative (Poverty
reduction and better health through basic
2003 by preparing ‘Briefing Notes’
development needs)
which are developed using the
Access to, and rational use of, affordable
‘Program Profiles’ that were
essential medicines and vaccines
submitted by Program Managers.
Environmental health
The country office facilitated this
Other program areas
process by training the latter. For
this purpose, Dr S Bassiri, RA/HLP
EMRO conducted a three days workshop from 1-3 July 2003 introducing result based
matrices. This workshop was followed by another half-day session bringing examples
from programs. This approach encouraged the Program Managers to develop good
proposals, albeit, beyond the available
regular budget for the biennium.
The Program Managers presented
their proposals which were discussed
extensively and resources were
allocated to different programs subject
to consensus, logic and strength of the
proposal. This exercise that continued
from 3 to 9th August 2003 was
facilitated by WHO/EMRO team
comprising Dr Belgacem Sabri, Dr
Mohammad Abdur Rab, Dr Hala
Safwat and Miss Samah Abdelaziz.
However, given the gap between
resources and demand, the National
JPRM Committee identified priority
areas for collaboration, and made
tentative allocation against each (see
table). It may be noted that the
remaining 25% of the allocation was
kept for emerging priorities and the
remaining 17 program areas.
The JPRM team from Regional Office and WR/Iran in a meeting
with the national authorities of the MOH&ME.
Table below presents the allocation of
resources for different activity
components envisaged in the biennium
2004-05 compared to in 2002-03.
The JPRM team and national authorities of MOH&ME in a
concluding session of JPRM exercise.
Activity Component
Other contingency
% Allocating in 2004-05
%Allocating in 2002-03
Newsletter of WHO Iran
The World Health Organization Office in the Islamic Republic of Iran was privileged
in presenting its first newsletter in December 2003. This 4 paged publication, which
might swell up in its volume with the increasing interest of the readers, will be a
quarterly issue, presenting views and news of the partners in health and UN system.
Given that the audience are mainly local, it was bilingual, both in Farsi and English.
However, suggestions have been sought, whether (i) this pattern should continue; or
(ii) the main text is in Farsi and abstract in English, or (iii) the main text is in English
and abstract in Farsi. The majority opinion will direct the future presentation, which is
due in March 2004. While the response, on the overall, has been encouraging, there is
much more ahead to improve its design and contents.
A soft copy of the newsletter is available in PDF format via the following webpage:
Non-JPRM program areas
Global fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and
The country office supported the national counterparts in drawing their proposal in
response to the 2nd round to seek funding from the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). This proposal was recommended for funding in
the early 2003. Thereafter, WHO was requested to launch a mission to Iran to assist
the MoH&ME in planning and identification of specific areas within the work plan of
the proposal where it could provide technical support for implementation. The
mission comprising Drs Hany Ziady WHO/STP and Andrew Ball, HIV/HQ visited
Iran from 16 to 21st November 2003.
The country office also assisted in reviewing, amending and finalizing the proposals
on malaria and TB for submission in the 3rd round before deadline of 31 May 2003.
For that, WHO recruited Dr Kojo Yeboah-Antwi from Malaria Consortium, Accra
Ghana for 10 days. Two proposals were developed and submitted before the deadline.
Also, along with others the WHO/Medical Officer Iran attended a meeting of the
regional PRs of GFATM in the EMRO, Cairo, Egypt, held on 11 - 12 June 2003. As a
result Iran received a grant of $16.7m. In the follow up WHO was nominated as
principle recipient (PR) by CCM. But later it was decided that WHO can not be the
PR of GFATM for any country. Consequently UNDP was selected and approved by
the Global Fund as PR.
Tobacco free initiative
Iran hosted the meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body held to draft
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and the country office supported
the national focal point to participate in finalising the same during 6th session of the
Intergovernmental Negotiating Body from February 17 to March 1, 2003 in Geneva.
The World No Tobacco Day 2003 was celebrated in Iran with the usual fervour. The
theme for the year was "Tobacco Free Films and Fashion". The EMRO had requested
for the nomination of celebrities, participating in the celebrations. Professor Dr Seyed
Hassan Arefi, Academy Member from Tehran University of Medical Sciences
received an award from WHO in recognition of his efforts for tobacco control in Iran.
Community based initiatives
Three initiatives: (i) Basic Development Needs (ii) Health City and Village Program,
and (iv) Women in Health and
Development together constitute
the Community Based Initiatives
or CBIs. While in line with the
UN’s MDGs the overall aim of
these initiatives is to improve
the health and quality of the life
of people in a sustainable
manner, which requires
community participation and
integrated multi-sectoral action.
The major undertakings by the
WHO under different initiatives
were as follows:
Training course of sewing, a social project in West Azerbaijan area.
Basic Development Needs
(BDN) is the strongest among the three initiatives, currently being run in ten villages
located in three districts, one each in the provinces: Boushehr, West Azerbaijan and
Charmahal & Bakhtiari. Country office assisted in holding a 3-days training course on
managing the programs, drawing participants from Technical Support Teams and
Village Development Committee. Dr.Assai, STC from WHO/Pakistan facilitated this
course. Another workshop, held in Uromieh, West Azerbaijan, was facilitated by two
experts from the Management and Plan Organization of the Government of Iran.
Involving this organisation was instrumental in brining the BDN on the agenda of 4th
5-Year Development Plan. Likewise, WHO organised a one day consultative meeting
in Tehran which was attended by the program managers of pilot areas. The discussion
focused on: (i) designing indicators; expansion phase and future plan especially
holding the workshops. Further, the WHO supported two national experts for
attending a course on BDN Management in Jordan.
One of the important projects, of which the first phase, i.e. water supply component
has been completed, is Dareh Bolbol (Nightingale valley). This was inaugurated by
the Deputy Minister for Health, Dr.M.I.Akbari with a number of dignitaries present,
including Deputy for Social Affair of the General Governor Office and the Chancellor
of the University of Medical Sciences. This project is located in village Chamkaka of
district Shahrekord in the province of Charmahal & Bakhtiari. This village has 163
households with a population of 649, out of which 318 are female. They decided to
have 66 hectare orchard of almond, specifically those species which are suitable for
export, an activity which is likely to bring self-sufficiency to the people.
Moroccan delegation visits Iran’s CBI
A delegation comprising the officials of the Ministry
of Health and Ministry of Interior led by the WHO
Representative of Morocco came to Islamic Republic
of Iran to exchange their experiences on CBI
practices. They visited two provinces: Bushehr and
Charmahal& Bakhtiari to see the BDN program. Also
they traveled to district Saveh of Markazi province to
observe the structure and functioning of the Primary
Health Care network. They were so impressed by both
that they suggested to Dr. Mohammad Ismail Akbari,
Deputy for Health for the integrating BDN activities
into the Primary Health Care. In their view, such an
approach will have synergistic effect leading to better
Moroccan delegation visits”Glim weaving”, an
Income Generation Project in Bushehr-Iran
Health sector reform in Iran
The Ministry of Health and Medical Education,
Islamic Republic of Iran has been working to
introduce reforms in the health sector. To assist
in this process, regional office assigned Dr.
Ehsanullah Tarin WHO/STP to work with the
focal person. The STP assisted in designing the
health sector reform sub-component of the
World Bank assisted Second Primary Health
Care and Nutrition Project, readying it for
implementation. As desired by H.E the Minister
of Health and Medical Education, WHO will
assist the MoH&ME, under contractual arrangements, for executing the health sector
reform project.
The WHO/STP also facilitated in putting together a Health Sector Reform
Organisation both at the national level and in four pilot provinces: East Azerbaijan,
Boushehr, Charmahal& Bakhtiari, and Khorasan. The WHO supported this
organisation through APW signed with five Task Managers. Further it assigned two
long term nationals to work for reforms in addition to providing essential office
equipment. Moreover WHO contributed to the reform process through its regular
budget by sponsoring a number of studies including: (i) mapping exercise, (ii)
designing an integrated model of service delivery and referral system, (iii) health care
financing, (iv) unit cost analysis, (v) designing service package for health posts, (vi)
burden of disease, (vii) health accounts, (viii) fair financing contribution index, and
(ix) essential health technologies.
Vaccine quality improvement project
WHO played a major role in introducing ‘Good Manufacturing Practices’ in local
vaccine production; and for this purpose a consultant Dr Nadir Harjee was recruited:
firstly in March 2002 and then in May 2002. He worked for building the capacity at
the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) and National Control Laboratory (NCL).
However, the WHO evaluation carried out in September 2002 by a team comprising
Mr Lahouari Belgharbi, WHO/HQ, Mr Alejandro Costa WHO/HQ, Dr Chung Keel
Lee, University of Seoul, and Dr Anne Carter, NIB SC indicated a number of gaps,
blocking the pre-qualification certification of vaccine produced in Iran. Discussions
with the officials of the Pharmaceutical and Narcotic Division of MoH&ME; NRA;
NCL; Inspection Office and Center for Disease Control, and a visit to the
manufacturing units, i.e. Razi and Pasteur Institutes revealed that regulatory functions,
particularly clinical evaluation of safety and efficacy were not fully enforced. This led
to employing Dr Harjee for another 6 months starting December 2002 to assist the
NRA/NCL in improving the quality of vaccines and enforcing Good Manufacturing
Practices in production.
Later, the MoH&ME envisaged a project for improving the quality of vaccine
production to be financed through a World Bank loan. WHO/STP assigned to work
for health sector reform assisted the Program Manager for ‘vaccine quality
improvement project’ in designing the proposed project. The proposal visualizes
mainly capacity building by training relevant staff and developing guidelines and
standard operating procedures for six standard quality criteria laid down by the World
Health Organization. Further, WHO has, in principle, agreed to assist the MoH&ME,
under contractual arrangement, to execute the proposed project.
Support for research
Two types of researches: (i) small grants and (ii) tropical disease research were
managed by the WHO country office. For the former during the year 2003 out of the
seventy proposals submitted by the nationals nine received funding. In addition,
twenty more were under implementation from year 2002. In tropical disease research,
twenty such projects were active from the year 2002. Another seven received funding
during 2003. In total, currently in Iran, over sixty research projects are being funded
by the WHO.
Emergencies and humanitarian assistance
Iran has always been a country prone to disasters of various nature, either natural like
earthquakes, floods and droughts, or man-made like wars around the country (Iraq and
Afghanistan) . More than 100,000 people have been killed in the past 30 years in Iran
because of earthquakes alone. This fact underscores the importance of emergency
preparedness and response as a vital factor to mitigate the extent of loss in terms of
life and property. In this regards, while the Cabinet approved a National
Comprehensive Plan for Relief and Rescue on April 6 2003, WHO in Iran was active
on a number of fronts, described briefly below:
Iraq crisis
On March 1 2003, WHO opened its suboffice in Kermanshah to provide support
to the international counterparts in
meeting the possible Iraq emergency
humanitarian crisis posed due to the likely
influx of refugees. Established in the
Provincial Health Directorate, the mandate
of sub-office was to cover the five
provinces with 1500 km long Iran-Iraq
border: West Azarbayejan, Kurdistan,
Kermanshah, Ilam and Khuzestan. In
addition, a contingency plan to open
another sub-office in Ahwaz, Khuzestan
was made.
The Kermanshah sub office had two
medical officers and two drivers in
addition to three international staff. While
the latter were there for one month, the
office was maintained for three months till
the crisis was over. The country office was
on alert and during this period WR visited
Kermanshah twice along with WHO Iraq
staff reassigned to Iran including Drs.
Enayatullah Aman, Mohammad Daim
Kakar, Salisu Olawale Adeyemi, Mahjoub
Ibrahim and Mr. Abdul-Azim Abdullah.
Initial setup of WHO sub-office in Kermanshah during the
Iraq crisis
The WHO staff in Iraq relocated to WRO-Iran, was housed
in library with Mr. Farid Karimzadeh, IT-support.
There were several observations and lessons learnt from the exercise. For example,
there was: (i) a dire need for establishing the information base; (ii) poor interactions
of international agencies with the government agencies; (iii) underestimation of the
local capacities in dealing with such situations; (iv) different points of view on various
issues held and standards set by the international agencies and government; and (v)
existence of undisclosed resources with various actors involved in managing the crisis
Bam earthquake
An earthquake with an intensity of 6.5 on
Richter scale hit Bam city and its
surrounding villages on December 26,
2003. As a result, over 42,000 people were
killed, another 30,000 injured and the
whole infrastructure of city including
health care system was destroyed and
remains non-functional. In this situation,
A new building destroyed due to earthquake in BAM
the response of WHO at the country, regional and headquarters levels was quick.
Mobilising its Emergency Medical Officer
in US$
and necessary logistic and communication
Local purchase (medicines,
supplies & equipment)
support, WHO was the first international
Airlifted trauma kits and
agency to be on site. A field unit was
established, and senior experts were flown
Anti-tetanus Immunoglobulin
from the Regional Office and the
Headquarters to work with the WHO country
office and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Not including the cost of the
human resources, communication equipment, freight for the airlifted items and certain
medical supplies being processed, the WHO has already contributed approximately
US$ 367,000 within three days of the catastrophe.
WHO led the Health and Nutrition group of
the UN Country Team for preparing the UN
Flash Appeal. In order to address health and
nutrition needs of the first post-disaster
ninety days, WHO in partnership with other
UN Agencies envisages activities estimated to cost US$ 6,395, 000.
Amount (US$)
Amount (US$)
In addition, a comprehensive ‘Framework for Reconstruction and
operationalisation of Bam
Collaboration of WHO with MOHME for
district health system
Rebuilding and Development of Health
Strengthening of Bam
Services in Bam’ has been developed. This
district health services
plan was presented during a briefing by H.E
the Minister for Health in the WHO
Headquarters. In response, a number of donor agencies and countries have expressed
their willingness and enthusiasm to contribute to the efforts, while the others have
contacted the country office seeking more information.
The WHO country office will maintain its field unit in Bam with necessary logistic
support and communication facilities. It will work closely with the Ministry of Health
and Medical Education, UN Agencies and NGOs. As part of collaboration, WHO will
assist the government to monitor the environmental health, communicable disease
surveillance, and revive the city and district health infrastructure.
The work of the WHO country team has
been greatly facilitated by the on going
support and daily communications from
the Regional Director, Deputy Director
and Senior Policy Advisor. The value of
technical support by Drs. Ahmad Mohit,
Assai, Bassiri, Shabib, Khosh-chashm and
David Heymann rendered to the country
office in the difficult times cannot be over
WHO sub-office in Bam set up in an inflatable tent
The WHO country office constructed a web page and the updated information on
above issue can be accessed via the following web sites:
Biennial program
of collaboration
This section presents an overall implementation picture, i.e. the total obligated by
December 22, 2003 of regular programs vis-à-vis allocations made by the national
JPRM committee. Following this however, first an overview of activity components is
given, which is followed by the implementation status of each category of program
Activity components
Under the above mentioned programs different inputs made included: (i) short term
consultants; (ii) fellowships; (iii) national training activities; (iv) supplies and
equipment; (v) local cost; and (vi) all contracts. Figure below shows allocations vis-àvis total obligated by December 22, 2003 from the regular budget among these six
categories of inputs, which are breiefly described in the following.
Comparison of the overall Planned and Implemented Budget of
Programme Areas in Biennium 2002-03 ( 102% )
Unit: US$
Planned Budget
Local Costs
Training Activities
Supplies & Equipments
Meetings, workshops and consultations
During the biennium 2002-03 WHO supported the national participants to attend
about 210 meetings, workshops and consultations held outside Iran. Among these
participants were the top officials of the Ministry of Health and the Chancellors of the
Universities of Medical Sciences. They travelled to other countries, availing the
opportunity for sharing the experience. In addition, five inter-countries and cross
border meetings were held in Iran. WHO country office facilitated the participants of
these meetings by undertaking administrative affairs including arranging hotels and
conference room, visa issuance and transporting the participants.
Furthermore, over 36 short term consultants were recruited using resource both from
the JPRM and Non-JRPM, although a number of those visualised could not
materialise. Whereas many of these came from overseas, a significant number of
Iranians were recruited to work abroad. This activity, it is expected, would help in
building the national capacity in different areas of WHO’s work.
The fellowships program is one of WHO’s valuable tool for collaborating with the
Member States to develop their human resources as part of the health system
development. In this biennium the country office supported sixty six nationals for
attending different courses abroad. Likewise, WHO sponsored another ninety
participants from regional countries to attend six training courses held in Iran. There
are a number of issues surrounding materialising this activity in a smooth manner, and
some of those have been discussed in the concluding section of this report.
Supplies and equipment
The WHO country office assisted the MoH&ME by either consolidating the local
purchase of their requirements or supplying it through Regional Office. Although an
agreement was arrived during the mid-term review of JPRM, contrary to that quite a
substantial amount of supplies and equipment was procured through this channel. The
major recipients include the Smoking Cessation Clinic, Health Sector Reform Unit,
and Management Effectiveness Program. In addition to providing S&E through
regular programs WHO utilised its extra budgetary resources for a number of items
which otherwise could not have been procured due to the embargo on Iran.
Local cost
Under this component, activities like translation, editing, writing up, preparing the
training manuals, printing of posters, pamphlets, books and training modules were
implemented. In addition, research and survey were also supported under this
component through APW contracts. Further, through this component many useful
training modules and WHO publications have been made accessible to the health
workers and public in their language through translation and printing locally.
All contracts
The ACS fall under two categories: APWs and TSAs. In total, the country office
supported 42 APWs and TSAs that were awarded through JPRM. A number of issues
were faced in organising these contracts. For example, the contractual partner would
not complete and deliver their work according to deadline agreed in their contract.
Another issue was the late receipt of contracts from EMRO, leaving limited time
available for the partners to accomplish the assignment. Furthermore, the language
has been a great barrier. Whereas EMRO would require reports in English the
capacity of nationals is quite weak, compromising the quality of work done.
Health literature
The WHO country office supported different libraries and institutions by subscribing
journals, books and other literature during the biennium. Main recipients of such
literature were the Food and Drugs Control Laboratory, Environmental and
Occupational Health Department, Deputy Minister for Research and Technology, and
Centre for Disease Management in the Non-communicable Disease Department.
Program areas
WHO’s regular program of collaboration during 2002-03 focussed on: (i) health
policy and strategic planning; (ii) human resource development; (iii) health statistics
and biomedical information; (iv) primary health care delivery; (v) pharmaceuticals
and chemical technology; (vi) promotion of healthy life style; (vii) family health;
(viii) environmental health policy; (ix) vaccine preventable diseases; (x) control of
endemic diseases; and (xi) disease surveillance and control. Figure below shows the
allocation vis-à-vis total obligated by December 22, 2003 from regular budget among
these eleven categories of program areas.
Comparison of the planned and implemented Programme Areas during the Biennium
2002-03 (102%)
Health Policy
Planning and
Human Resources
Health Statistics and
Primary Health Care Pharmaceuticals and
Chemical Technology
Healthy Life Style
Family Health
Environmental Health Vaccine Preventable
Control of Endemic
Disease Surveillance
& Control
Health policy planning and management:
During the biennium 2002-03, work plans under this program area comprised four
work-plans: (i) health policy and strategic planning (support to the health sector
reform program), (ii) health management support, (iii) health system research, and
(iv) emergency preparedness and humanitarian action. Out of these areas, the health
sector reform was on the top of the agenda of the MoH&ME, which received US$
430,000. As seen from the figure, most of the allocation was dedicated to the ACS
components. Although most of the visualisations made had been achieved, some
activities could not materialize, due mainly to the late implementation and frequent
budget changes. Nonetheless, against the allocation of US$ 718,800 the
implementation rate of this program area stood at 90.5%.
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Health Policy Planning and Management"
Total Implementation Rate: 90.5%
Human resource development
Human resource development received an allocation of US$ 188,000 in the biennium,
with a focus on one work plan, medical and allied sciences. The aim was to evaluate
the impact of integration of medical education and health services, and the likely
consequences of its disintegration. To follow it up extensive attempts led by the
Regional Office were made, but with little success. By the end of biennium only the
existing information concerning the integration of medical education and health
services could be gathered. The overall implementation rate of this program was
90.7%. Nevertheless, it is expected that the issue will remain high on the agenda
during the next biennium and the proposed study would be implemented providing a
window for the regional countries to learn from the Iranian experience.
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Human Resource Development"
Total Implementation Rate: 90.7%
Health statistics and biomedical information
Under this program area two work plans, (i) evidence and information for policy and
health, and (ii) biomedical information support received an allocation of US$ 234,000
during the biennium. Further, some additional resources were also available from
Regional Office which was used to support planned activities. Although the major
part of budget was spent on procuring the supplies and equipment followed by
national training activities and fellowships that were sponsored, the implementation
rate for the program stood at 109.4%.
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Health Statistics and Biomedical Information"
Total Implementation Rate: 109.4%
Primary health care system
This program area had in the biennium 2002-03 two work plans: (i) health care
delivery, i.e. total quality management, and (ii) sustainable development approaches.
Despite a number of problems faced in realising fellowships in the total quality
management, both these work plans were not only fully implemented, but also
received additional allotments and support particularly to the sustainable development
work plan from the Regional Office. The overall implementation rate for this program
area exceeded 115%, making this program area one of the most successful. An
important feature of this program area was that whereas there was a nil expenditure on
supplies and equipment the emphasis was on national training activities followed by
fellowships. Although significant amount was allocated for ACS much more was
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Primary Health Care System"
Total Implementation Rate: 115.7%
Pharmaceuticals and chemical technology
This program area comprised (i) national drug policies based on essential drugs, (ii)
traditional medicine, (iii) health laboratory support, and (iv) health technologies and
blood safety. The implementation rate for these work plans exceeded 102% against a
total allocation of US$ 220,300. The activity components that consumed the lion’s
share was the STCs.
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Technology"
Total Implementation Rate: 102.3%
Healthy lifestyle
This program area included six work plans, which received a total allocation of US$
372,000. That is: (i) promotion of healthy lifestyles; (ii) safety promotion; (iii) mental
health; (iv) substance abuse including tobacco; (v) nutrition and food safety; and (vi)
non-communicable diseases. Out of the total allocation, 45.86% was for capacity
building, and 90% of which was implemented. The main activity components that
received emphasis were the short term consultants followed by national training
activities and fellowships. Also a modest amount was allocated for the local cost
followed by supplies and equipment. On the whole, the implementation rate for this
program area touched 92.6% of the allocation.
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Healthy Lifestyle"
Total Implementation Rate: 92.6%
Family health
This program area, which received an allocation of US$ 101,000, had two work plans:
(i) child and adolescent health including IMCI, and (ii) the health of the elderly and
occupational health. The former had mainly focus on capacity building through
national training activities. Further, certain advocacy campaign like world elderly day
activities and printing of material was supported through these allocations. On the
overall, the implementation rate of the programs exceeded 100%.
Planned and Implemented budget(US$) in "Family Health
Total Implementation Rate: 100.5%
Environmental health
This program area which focussed on activities like environmental health including
health risk assessment, water supply and sanitation, and chemical safety received an
allocation of US$ 40,000. However, 78.9% of this could be implemented, primarily
because the allocation for short term consultants was not obligated due mainly to the
late request launched by the national counterparts, otherwise all the remaining
activities envisaged under this program area were accomplished.
Planned and Implemented budget(US$) in "Environmental Health"
Total Implementation Rate: 78.9%
Vaccine preventable diseases
This program area had four work plans viz. (i) polio eradication, (ii) measles
elimination, (iii) other vaccinations, and (iv) neonatal tetanus elimination. The overall
implementation rate of this program area exceeded 269% by the end of the biennium,
mainly due to the additional resources amounting to US$ 150,000 made available for
the nationwide measles and rubella campaign. This fact is seen in the figure, which
depicts outstanding performance under the LCS activity component, as the additional
allocation was utilised for procuring vaccine. Country office assisted in this operation,
which otherwise due to the embargo would not have been possible.
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Vaccine Preventable Diseases"
Total Implementation Rate: 269 %
Control of endemic diseases
This program area focused on capacity building through organising national training
activities followed by short term consultants for different assignments. The overall
implementation rate for this program area was 81.7%, remaining short of the target
due mainly to the non-availability of the requested short term consultant for the
zoonotic diseases and that a survey proposed in this regard was postponed to be
carried out in 2004. Nonetheless, other activity components like NTA, FEL and S&E
were completely realised.
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Control of Endemic Diseases"
Total Implementation Rate: 81.7%
Disease surveillance and control
Until late 2003 this program area had a single work plan, which was provided
additional resources by the Regional Office for undertaking an in-depth review. While
the latter has been explained elsewhere in this report, the overall implementation of
this program area exceeded 125%.
Planned and Implemented budget (US$) in "Disease Surveillance and Control"
Total Implementation Rate: 125.6%
and concluding remarks
2003 was a fascinating year as far as the overall performance and achievements of
WHO are concerned. However, this success was overshadowed by the earthquake
which hit the city of Bam in the early hours of 26th December. The catastrophe
brought sufferings, both physical and mental to the population of the beleaguered city.
Also, the likely agenda of the country office for 2004 has been determined. WHO is
expected to be a major player in rebuilding the health system and organising a study
on the lessons learnt from the experience. Further, after successfully negotiating, it
will be a partner in executing the health sector reform and vaccine quality
improvement subcomponents of a World Bank assisted projects.
However, given that the country office moves into 2004 with a greater role in the
health development of Iran the need to look back for the constraints that slowed down
the progress becomes even more evident. In the following paragraphs some of these
factors, broadly divided into (i) the generic problems, (ii) the office issues, and (iii)
those related with the biennial program of collaboration are highlighted.
Generic problems
Generally the regional office and headquarters have been supportive. However, there
had been instances where the country office felt itself in a cul de sac. For example,
there is a bypassing phenomenon commonly known as “parachuting”. That is, as a
result of direct communication with no information shared with the country office, a
national would walk in, requesting for visa, ticket purchase and other administrative
formalities. Whereas such a situation embarrasses the staff, the efforts to achieve the
motto of “One WHO” are eroded.
Similar situation arises in cases where the WHO staff from EMRO/HQ parachutes at
the request of the nationals without prior arrangements agreed with the country office.
Maybe such missions are looked after nicely by the counterparts, albeit compromise
the coordinating role of the country office. However, at least keeping the latter
informed would ensure the maintaining of the archives for any future reference.
Office issues
The country office is the hub of WHO activities in the Islamic Republic of Iran. But
given that it is located in a hallway of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education
converted to accommodate its staff. Despite several requests made, the office space
remains a pernicious problem. Further, the building, which is not earthquake resistant,
is also not compliant to the United Nations’ MOSS as declared by the UNESCOORD
field officer in Iran.
Biennial program of collaboration
The JPRM provides a flexible approach to program implementation, but given the
many budget change requests (BCRs) made by the nationals, a weak planning might
underlies this phenomenon. For the next biennium, therefore a more structured
process needs to be adopted too, for ensuring the result based management of the
WHO resources.
A number of fellowships could not be materialised, leading to the BCRs. One of the
reasons for this has been either the refusal of visa or weak English language skills
held by the fellows. Whereas the former issue could be political, the latter demands
that the MoH&ME should select appropriate candidates. Another related issue is
finding the appropriate universities and institutions for fellows who have different
academic needs. Again, for this issue to resolve the MoH&ME should act well in
Table of Consultants and Visitors to Iran During the Biennium 2002-03
Name and Nationality
EPI Programme
M. Haghghouh,
Technical Officer VPI
Dr David Buckely ,
Dr Farid Abolhassani
Dr Einar Helander
Diseases Control
Undersecretary for
Food and Drugs
Primary Health Care
Welfare Organization
26 Sep.- 30 Oct.
21 July –10
August 2003
6-17 Jan. 2004
Dr David Robert Maclean
Diseases Control
28 Nov- 20 Dec.
Dr Saqer Al Salem Saqer
Environmental and
Occupational Health
29 August to 7
September 2003
Dr Belgacem Sabri
Dr Mohammad Abdrurab
Dr Hala Safwat
Miss Samah Abdelaziz
International Relations
2 – 10 August
Technical Assessment and Cooperation
mission to initiate WHO/AGFUND
project 43/2 in Iran
Health Sector Reform
Mr Mazen Malkawi
2 - 8 August 2003
STC from Iran to Afghanistan for Mal.
Dr Mehdi Nateghpour
Environmental and
Occupational Health
Primary Health Care
School of Public
Dr Salah Mandil
17-22 Jan. 2004
To Explore the Extent of the injecting
drug use (IDU) problem in Oman
Visit of Regional Office Staff to
Polio Containment Quality Assessment
Dr Afarin Rahimi Movaghar
U/S for Research
Welfare Organization
National drug policies based on
essential drugs
Health Responsiveness, Pakistan
Mental Health
Review and Evaluate existing CBR
Non Communicable Diseases
Cardiovascular Disease
Evaluation of the ongoing roof
catchments pilot project in the country
and to conduct a workshop on the
JPRM Mission
Dr Ehsanullah Tarin, STP
Health Sector Reform
Dr Najeeb Alshorbaji
Dr Kasem Sara
Dr Chris Wolff
Dr Humayun Asghar
Dr Nabil Kronfol
Undersecretary for
Diseases Control Dept.
Non-Communicable Disease
Prof. K. Tajama
Primary Health Care
Diseases Control Dept.
Global Fund Implementation
Dr Hany Ziady
Diseases Control Dept.
29 August – 14
Sept. 2003
23 June 2003 to 31
December 2003
27 Sept. –12 Oct.
6-18 December
20-25 December
27-29 Oct. 2003
21 – 20 Nov. 2003
21-26 December
6 November for
one month
Name and Nationality
In-depth Review, the current national
communicable disease surveillance
Dr Al Awaidy
Dr Fitzner
Dr Bushra
Dr Choungong
Dr Youssef
Dr Jane Nicholson
Dr Ahmed Mandil
Diseases Control Dept.
9-24 Nov. 2003
Undersecretary for
13-18 Dec. 2003
Dr Alireza Khadem
Undersecretary for
Food and Drugs
Ministry of Health
16-22 December
During 3-8 Jan.
Disease Control
24 to 31 July 2003
Dr Suzanne Farhoud,
RA/CAH and Dr Sergio
Pieche, WHO/HQ
Family Health
26-30 Oct 2003
Dr Claude de Ville,
Environmental and
Occupational Health
16-27 Oct 2003
Dr Andrew Ball, HIV/HQ
Dr Hamdy Ziady,
Dr Charles Boelen, WHO/HQ
Disease Control
16-21 Nov 2003
Medical Education
22-25 Nov 2003
Dr Heikki Tala
Helsinki, Finland
Oral Health
10 to 20 Nov 2003
Dr Heikki Murtomaa
Helsinki, Finland
Oral Health
12 to 16 Aug 2003
Dr Eero Kerosuo
Oral Health
26Nov-8Dec 2003
Two National Training Courses to
Raise the Standard of Research
Proposals, Tehran & Isfahan
Consultant for GMP, Workshop in
Lanzhu, China,
BAM Earthquake
Assessment in Adverse Events
following Immunization (AEFI)
surveillance system in Iran
To visit the burn center and poisoning
center to review the work of it and
explore interest in contributing in
developmental work in the context of
child environmental health as well as to
review the progress of implementation
of the IMCI strategy in the country
Emergency preparedness, humanitarian
action, evaluation and planning for
natural, technological or complex
Joint EMRO/HQ mission to Iran
concerning GFATM
1.Review the available data & analyze
the situation
2. Develop a plan of action for
evaluating the integration
3. Develop the evaluation tools
4. Train the relevant managers from the
Universities in the country of the
evaluation tools
Assessmant the programme made in
implementation of PhD training
programme on oral health promotion
and holding two workshops on
different types of health care
systems/oral health care systems and
advantages and disadvantages of each
Evaluating students of the community
oral health programme of Shahid
Beheshti School of Dentistry,
evaluating activities performed for
orientation of the programme and
assisting in finalizing the next year
Holding 2 workshops as follows:
Comparing preventive methods in
Mr K. Khoshchashm
Dr S. Bassiri
Dr A. Mohit
Dr Khalid Shibib
Dr K. Behbehani
Dr David Lowell Heymann
Dr Dina Pfeifer
community oral health in different
countries and Selection of preventive
methods in community oral health
To enhance the quality of the DebioNucliec Acid (DNA) laboratories;
To review the DNA laboratory
To update the DNA laboratories
professionals on new methods of
performing tests; and
To submit an Executive Action
Document and a typed report on the
work done
To enhance the quality of the DebioNucliec Acid (DNA) laboratories;
To review the DNA laboratory
To update the DNA laboratories
professionals on new methods of
performing tests; and
To submit an Executive Action
Document and a typed report on the
work done
Calculating the Burden of Genetic
Review of the Plan of Action for
control of the common Preventable
Genetic Disorders and assessment of
the National Program
Organizing a workshop on Advocacy
for Control of Disorders in the 21st
Monitoring and evaluation of measles
and rubella vaccine campaign in Iran
Assignment on Sick Building
To review the status of building in
To conduct a workshop to introduce
the concepts of sick building
syndrome, and methods of control,
evaluation and feed back;
To assist in the development of a code
of practice and surveillance; and
To submit an Executive Action
Document and a typed assignment
report on the work done
Name and Nationality
Dr Anver Kuliev
United States
Disease Control
28 Nov to 6 Dec
Dr Mary Petrou
London, UK
Disease Control
28 Nov to 6 Dec
Professor Clare Bernadette
Disease Control
29 Nov to 5 Dec
Dr Francis Mahoney, USA Dr
Lara Wolfson, WHO/HQ
Dr John F. Friary
London, UK
Disease Control
Environmental and
Occupational Health
30 Nov to 8 Dec
6 to 13 Dec 2003
Table of Fellowships from Iran During the Biennium 2002-03
Date and Venue
Mr Abdol Mohammad Zahedi
Sustainable Development Activity,
BDN Programme
9-20 March 2002,
Ministry of Health Sudan
Dr Seyed Jamaledin Hashemian,
Head of Research Institute Teaching and Research,
Adviser in Water and Wastewater Treatment Projects,
Sharif University, Tehran, Iran
Sustainable Development
Ministry of Health of Saudi
Dr A. Lameei, Head of National Quality Improvement
20th Annual Summer Certificate
program in international Health
Dr M. Zayandeh, Secretary National Quality
Improvement Committee
Managing Disaster and complex
Humanitarian Emergrencies
10 Feb. - 2 May 2003,
Boston University, School
of Public, Boston, USA
10Feb-2May 2003,
Boston, USA
Dr Talat Mokhtari Azad
Dr Afshin Safaie
Dr Rana Amini
CSR/LYON Training Course
8-26 July 2002
Lyon, France
Dr Mohammad Ghasem Jahangard, Dean of Deputy
Office, Undersecretariat for Research Affairs
Dr Hamid Mobedi, Administrator and Consultant,
Food and Drug Control Affairs
The annual Intensive 5 days course
on Medical Ethics
The Course on
Pharmacoeconomics: Evidence,
Money and Drug Selection
9-13 September 2002,
2-13 September 2002,
Antalya, Turkey
Dr Ali Asghar Farshad, D.G. of Environmental and
Occupational Health Dept.
Leader Auditor Training Course
15-27 July 2002, Italy
Mr Reza Goalie Vahidi, Deputy to EDC, Tabriz
University of Medical Science
Dr Ali Reza Yousefi, Head of Medical Education
Group, Isfahan University of Medical Science
Course on Health Planning and
Management Workshop
30 September to 1st
November 2002, Keele
University, United Kingdom
Dr Gelayol Ardalan, Expert of Mental Health
Primary Abuse of Child Abuse in
Mr Bagheri Yazdi, Expert of MNH
Prevention of Suicide
Dr Mahboobeh Sarijlou, NPL, School of Public Health
Molecular technique for
characterization of Polio
19 July 2003,
The Royal College of
Psychiatrists, London
27 Oct 2002, Australian
Institute for Suicide
Research, Griffith
University, Queensland,
23 Feb – 28 March 2003
Dr Hasan Shojaie, Deputy of Research, Shahrkord
University of Medical Sciences
Health System Research Program
30 Nov. – 30 Dec 2003,
Malaysia & Thailand
Dr Mansur Rezazadeh Azari, Assistant Professor,
School of Public Health, Shahid Beheshti University of
Medical Sciences
Chemical Safety Management
24 February 2003
University of Utrecht
Dr Mohammad Pourmahabadian, Assistant Professor,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Date and Venue
Dr Zaynab Yazdani
Thalassemia Program in Hospital,
Archibishop Makarios
Thalassaemia Center
18 - 31 January 2004
Dr Mohsen Naghavi, Senior expert of PHC Dept.
6th MPH Course on Injury
Prevention and Safety Promotion
13-26 Nov. 2002
Karolinska Inst., Sweden
Dr Shahla Ghazanfari Oskooie, Education Affairs
Development of Research in
Dr Azim Mirzazadeh,
To study program evaluation and
accreditation. Research in
Education at University Health
Curriculum Planning, development
and design
7 April – 5 July 2003
University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine,
7 April 5 July 2003
University of Toronto,
Dr Mandana Shirazi,
10 Feb.- 29 March 2003
South Wales – Australia
Dr Farhad Samiei, Deputy to Medical Education
Development Dept.
Training Course for one month on
Brach therapy
3 Oct. 2003
Princes Margaret Hospital
University Health Network
Toronto, Ontario
Dr M. Ranjbar
Dr A. Hassanzehi
Dr D. Emdadi
Training for Eradication of Malaria
7 Fellows to Thailand for HIV/AIDS Care and
Prevention program
1- Mrs Ghodsi Yazdian, expert of Management and
budgetting organization
2- Dr Maryam Sargolzaei Moghadam, expert of AIDS
in Sistan Province
3- Dr Parvin Afsar Kazerouni, expert of AIDS in
Fars Province
4- Dr Henghameh Namdari, expert of AIDS in
Kermanshah Province
5- Dr Mahmoud Rezvani, expert of AIDS in Gilan
6- Dr Leyla Mirhaghani, responsible for VCT
center for Iran university of Tehran Province
7- Dr Mohammad Amir Pasha Ravesh, responsible
for health issues of Kermanshah Prisons
HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention
25 Oct- 7 Nov 2002
Dr Seyed Alireza Hosseini, Head of National
Committee for Promoting Rational Use of Drugs
Jordan International Training
Course on Drug and Therapeutic
10-19 December 2002
Amman, Jordan
Ph.D. Course on Safety Promotion
Research: A Public Health
Approach to Accident and Injury
6th MPH Course on Injury
Prevention and Safety Promotion
UNAIDS Programme
14-25 October 2002,
Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Mohsen Naseri, Member of Scientific Board,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Dr Mohammad Zare,
Dr Alireza Delavari,
Dr Aliakbar Yarahmadi, Provincial AIDs Manager ,
13-26 November 2002,
Karolinska Institute
15-22 December 2002
Macfarlane Burnet Institute
Date and Venue
for Medical Research and
Public Health, Melbourne,
Dr Ghobad Moradi, Provincial AIDs Manager
Dr Mitra Motamedi, National AIDs Program Manager,
Dr S. Akbar Bayanzadeh, Deputy Director,
Psychiatrica Inst., Tehran
Mr M. Shojaii, Deputy Director of Health of Kerman
Prison Organization, Kerman
Dr H. Rezaiefard, Responsible for Drug Control in the
Welfare Organization
Dr A. Amouzendeh, Provinvial AIDs Manager
Dr Kianoush Kamali, Responsible Expert of AIDS and
Ms Nasrin Gholamhosseinzadeh, Head of International
Organization and Fellowship Office
Mr M.R. Bazmeh,
Mrs T. Anarkooli
Mrs S. Haghighi
Mr A. Khafri
Training Workshop on Quality
Control of DTP Vaccine By RIVM
12-30 January 2003,
Dr S. Fakhrzadeh
Dr F. Bashokouh
GTN Lot Release and Lab Access
Placement Training
13-17 January 2003 Ottawa,
Ms Simin Hekmat and 5 others
Study Tour to Cairo on MEP
22-1st March 2003, Egypt
Dr Mahdavi Hezaveh
Musculoskeletal diseases
Dr Fatemeh Bahramian
Musculoskeletal diseases
Dr Foruhar Moayyeri, Health Sector Reform Expert
International Health Economics
Professional Studies on Human
Resource Management and Human
Resource Development
1-11 Feb. 2004
9-22 Feb. 2004,
22 April to 13 June 2003,
York University, UK
13 Jan to 4 April 2003
University of Manchester,
9-14 June 2003,
Sri Lanka
Dr Mohammad Reza Rahbar
Dr Gloria Shalviri
Dr Nazila Yousefi
Dr Salar Amoli
Dr Mohsen Khatebi
Dr Saeed Reza Pakzad
GTN Course on Clinical
3-7 November 2003
Bangkok, Thailand
Dr A.M. Cheraghali,
Pharmaeconomics in Newcastle
University in Australia
16 June 2003,
University of Newcastle
Dr Nazila Yousefi
Dr Saeedeh Fakhrzadeh
Global Training Network
Regulation of Vaccine Course
5-12 November 2003,
Mr Seyed Enayatollah Asaie
Mrs Zahra Salimi
2nd Regional Training Course for
the Master Trainers Community
Based Initiatives
5-12 August 2003, Amman,
Dr. Mehdi Gouya
Outpatient & inpatient care of
31 Jan – 14 Feb 2004
Mrs. Faria Ghaffari
Mr. Mohamad Emamian
Ms. F. Bakhshalian
Dr. M. Torabi
Dr. R. Safdari
Mrs. N. Ramezan Ghorbani
Date and Venue
HIV/AIDS cases
Cardiovascular Diseases
3 – 15 Aug 2003
Online Informatics meeting,
London & Short course on Health
2-10 Dec 2003
Table of Fellowships held in Iran during the Biennium 2002-03
Attendants/ Nationalities
Two week fellowship in the field of
Air pollution
PHC study tour, Afghanistan
13 Oct- 1st Nov. 2002
Mrs Amna Helmi, from Tunisia
2-21 Oct. 2002
6 fellows from Afghanistan
Dr Habib, Ur Rahman
Dr Tamana, Abdul Hakim
Dr Padshah, Noor
Dr Hatif, Abdul Had
Dr Sharafmal, Mohammad Qasim
Dr Mokamai, Dr Abdul Ghisa Safi
Mr Mohammad Fathi Mohammed,
Training in Quality Control of
Laboratory Equipment and Reagents
19 Jan 2003 for two months
Anesthesiology Congress, Shiraz,
2-5 October 2002
Study tour for EPR in Iran
20-29 October 2002
Workshop on Complex Emergency,
2-4 Nov 2002
International Congress of Geographic
Medicine, Shiraz
9-11 Dec. 2002
Studies in Laboratory Quality
Control Placement accepted in
Training on Mental Health
Educational Program for Afghan
Psychiatric Fellows Physicians, and
Mental Health Experts
Counter Part: Mental Health Dept.
Quality Control
26 July-for 2 weeks
Two weeks
Quality Management in Clinical
Reference Laboratory Research
Dr Shafie Rahmani
Dr Mohammad Ismaeil
Dr Nour Agha Akramzadeh
Dr Aminullah
Dr Mohammad Yunes
Dr Mohammad Wakil
Dr Wacel Wassel
Dr Najeebuallh Saidi
Dr Wacel Wassel
Dr Omid Entezar
Dr Gula Khan
Dr Qadeer Ahmed Temori
Dr Amanullah Hussaini Dr Hassa Safi
Dr Mohammad A. Shanwari
Dr Gull Jan Alaymyar
Dr Mohammad
Dr Khoja M. Kasim Saidi
Dr Mohammad Omer Samim
Dr Mohammad Younus Hairat
Dr Hoshang Rostaqi
Dr Mirza Mohammad
Mr Khalil Abbass Ibrahim- Sudan
16 April –15 June 2003
Two months,
Dr Temor Shah and 5 others
2 weeks from 11-25 April 2003
Miss Iman Al Akel – Syria
29 August 2003 for two weeks
Mr Khalil Abbas Ibrahim – Sudan
Cardiovascular Diseases in Isfahan
25-31 Oct. 2003
Dr Habiba Ben Romdhane – Tunisia
Training in the field of Community
Institute of Psychiatry
Study Tour for EPI Staff from
Afghanistan to Iran
5-18 Dec. 2003
Pharmaceutical Affairs
27April-4 May 2003
Visit to Educational Development
Centre, Shahid Beheshti University
of Medical Sciences and Medical
Education Workshop
30 Nov.- 2 Dec. 2003
To Familiarize the fellows with the
set up, organization and the
curriculum of the schools of Public
Helath, Nursing and Allied Health in
Shiraz University
24-31 Oct. 2003
MPH Course for one year
23 September 2003 for one year
Dr Saleh Ghanem – Yemen
Dr Abdullah Yahiya Shwail –Yemen
Candidates from Afghanistan:
1- Dr Mohamed Tawfiq Mashal
2. Dr Ahmed Araf Stanekzai
3. Dr Mohammed Sabar Adab
4. Dr Noor Mohamad Khawari,
Dr Mohammad Anwar,
Dr Tajwar Khan,
Dr Khalilullah,
8. Dr Sayed Habib
9. Dr Hafizullah Wardak,
10. Mr Haji Nazar Mohammed,
11. Dr Ghulam Farooq (SSA)
12. Dr Payanda Gul Abed (SSA)
Dr M.Haghgou (STC)
Dr M. Azam Mehraban
Prof. Qamaruddin Saifi
Dr Mohamed Azam Mehraban
Mr Mohammad Haron
Dr Said Abul Hassan Fowad
Dr Mohammad Kazem Naimi
Dr Foratan Mohammad Hassan
Dr Faizi Awaz
Dr H. Salehi
Dr A. M. Ruafi
Dr Bashir Noormal
Dr Sherin Aga Zarif
Dr Abdul Wahab Noora
Dr Ibrahim Sayed
Dr Gul Masgood Stanekzai
Dr A. Shams
Mr Shir Mohammad Panjshiri
Mr Mohammad Daud Masumi
Mrs Shabibi Nasery
Mr Mohammad Hanif Yaqubi
Mrs Norria Noor
Dr Abdul Hakim Tamana (Afghan)
International Diploma Course on
Malaria Programme Planning and
Management (Farsi), Bandar Abbas
17 Jan – 18 March 2004
BDN Study Tour –Iran
18-25 Oct. 2003
26 Sep. –3 Oct. 2003
12 Afghans
Dr Khawaja Abdul Ghafar Yousofy
Dr Abdul Ahmad Hazem
Dr Sherzad Noor Ahmad
Dr Nangialia Speenghar Sadaat
Dr Obidullah Obidi
Dr Zahir Shah Zahir
Dr Walliullah Wali
Dr Hakimiar Abdul Qudus
Dr Mohammad Daud Akbari
Dr Noor Ahmad Sharifi
Dr Mir Karimullah Zia
Dr Mirwais Sadat
7 Moroccan
Visit of Afghan MOH Delegation,
Follow up on the issues discussed in
50th RC Meeting
14-21 Nov. 2003
School of Pharmacy at Isfahan
University of Medical Sciences
21 January 2004 for 3 weeks
Dr Rauof Benammar (and his wife)
Dr Katr Ennada Darkaoui
Mr Hassan Hadar
Mr Hamid Kajjaj
Dr Moha Zouali
Dr Mustapha Elasr
Mr Lahcen Bizriken
Afghan Delegation:
Dr Wahidi
Dr Hedayatullah Stanekzai
Dr Shah Mahmood Popal
Dr Mustafa Mastoor
Dr Ahmad Shah Shokohman
Mrs Hebat Awad Ratrout, Palestine
Table of the Local Costs Services during the Biennium 2002-03
(From Regular Budget)
Programme Area
4,000 copies of book ‘Photographs’
5,000 copies of book ‘IMCI’ for physicians
Printing of posters on water supply & sanitation
Child and Adolescent Health
Family Health
Water supply and sanitation
Printing of brochures on water supply &
Purchase of books for Undersecretary for
Printing of posters (2 types) on tobacco control
Water supply and sanitation
Environmental & Occupational
Health Department
Environmental & Occupational
Health Department
Undersecretary for Research &
Environmental and
Occupational Health Dept.
Health Education Department
Preparing training kits for community oriented
school health programme in Semnan
Designing, editing, simplifying and picturing of
the booklet “Healthy Lifestyle for Ageing”
Translation of books:
Injury Surveillance Guidelines
Strategies for success-National & local
strategies for the prevention of accidents &
By Dr Mohammad Zare and Ms Mansoureh
Preparing analyzing, collecting the data in the
form of a book ‘Death Feature’ done by Dr
Mohsen Naghavi
Production of 900 copies of the book “Protocol
on Monitoring, Treatment & Drugs on Anti
Printing of 2 types of pamphlets on nutrition:
‘Nutrition & Osteoporosis’ ‘Nutrition &
Diabetes’ 15,000 copies each
Printing of 4 volumes (5000 copies each) of the
training manual ‘Healthy lifestyle for Ageing’
Compilation of a series of scientific standards
on health care of the elderly by Dr
Maghsoudnia, Geriatric.
Conduct survey on data collection and reporting
for studying the coverage of small workplaces
in the country
Translation and printing of the document
“Occupational Health Manual for PHC
Research Project on Multi Drug Resistance
Production of TV spots on Food Pyramids and
Food Groups
Upgrading of death registration software
Printing of 500,000 copies of training brochures
for the donors by the Iranian Blood
Printing of 30,000 copies of booklet on Patient
Care (Hypertension and Diabetic)
Research on “Determining of Burden of
Disease, Health Level, Risk Factors and Health
Evidence and Information for
Substance abuse
Promotion of healthy lifestyles
Health of the elderly and
occupational health
Non communicable diseases
Family Health Department
Disease Control Department
Health policy and strategic
PHC Network Department
Malaria extra-budgetary funds
Disease Control Department
Nutrition and food safety
Nutrition Department
Health of the elderly and
occupational health
Health of the elderly and
occupational health
Family Health Department
Health of the elderly and
occupational health
Environmental & Occupational
Health Dept.
Health of the elderly and
occupational health
Environmental & Occupational
Health Dept.
Nutrition and Food Safety
Disease Control Department
Nutrition Department
Evidence and Information for
Blood Safety
Research Department
Health Statistics Unit
Iranian Blood Transfusion
Non-Communicable Diseases
Disease Control Department
Health policy and strategic
PHC Network Department
Family Health Department
Provincial Health Accounts of three pilot
provinces in Iran
The Produce of Software of Mapping of the
Outpatient Health Care Facilities’
Writing of a book ‘Total Quality Management,
Principles, Application and Lessons from an
Experience’ by Dr Aboulfath Lameei
Printing of 3000 copies of the above book
Data Collection on Medical Education and
Health Service Delivery by Dr J. Hosseini and
Dr Tahereh Changiz (Iranian Medical
Education Association)
Printing of a training module specially designed
for the physicians to correctly codify the
diseases based on ICD-10
Developing software designed for confidential
self deferral system for the blood donors
Programme Area
Health policy and strategic
Health policy and strategic
Health Care Delivery (total Quality
PHC Network Department
Health Care Delivery (total Quality
Medical and Allied Science
Continuous Quality
Improvement Department
Deputy Office for Medical
Evidence and Information for
Research Department
Blood Safety
Iranian Blood Transfusion
PHC Network Department
Continuous Quality
Improvement Department
Table of Meetings Hosted by I.R.Iran During the Biennium 2002-03
Participated Countries
WHO Regional Meeting of the
National Managers of Leprosy
Disease Control Department,
19-21 August 2002
WHO Regional Training
Workshop on Regulation of
Herbal Medicines
Food and Drug Clinical
Laboratories, Tehran
14-16 December 2002
WHO Regional Consultation on
Diabetes Prevention and Control
Disease Control Department,
2-15 February 2003
First Malaria Border Meeting
Disease Control Department
and the Vice Chancellor of
Zahedan Unviersity, Chabahar
Youth and School Health
Department, Tehran
20-22 July 2003
Saudi Arabia,
United Kingdom,
First Meeting of the Regional
Advisory Panel on the Impact of
Drug Abuse (RAPID)
1 to 4 December 2003
List of Meetings Held Outside Iran for the Biennium 2002-03
Date & Place
Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on
Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of
Chronic Diseases
WHO 2nd International Total Diet
28 Jan – 1 Feb 2002,
Dr Abdolghassem Djazayery, Professor of
Nutrition, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
4 – 15 Feb 2002,
Brisbane, Australia
Dr Kheirollah Gholami, Associate Professor of
Clinical Pharmacy, Tehran University of Med.
Dr Abdolvahab Alborzi, Scientific Member of
Shiraz University of Med. Sc.
Dr Seyed Mohammad Alavi, Scientific Member
and Technical Deputy for Ahwaz University of
Med. Sc.
Dr Yushia Pireh, Deputy Director of Disease
Control Dept.
Dr Parviz Afshar, General Manager of Health
and Counseling, National Prison Administration
Dr Afarin Rahimi Movaghar, Director, Office for
Drug Abuse Prevention & Treatment
Dr Mohammad Mehdi Gooya, Director General,
Disease Management Centre
Dr Bijan Nassirimanesh, NGO Member from
Dr Nizal Sarrafzadegan, Associate Professor,
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Mr Mohsen Baharvand, Expert for Legal Affairs
of the Legal Affairs of the Legal Office, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs
Dr Mohammad Taghi Hosseini Tabatabaei,
Chancellor, Zahedan University of Medical
Dr M.I. Akbari, Deputy Minister for Health
Dr Farid Abolhassani, Director of PHC Network
Dr Mohammad Nouri, Executive Director
Minister of Health Office and Deputy Minister
for Employment
Mrs Fatemeh Saberi Safaei, Statistical Centre of
Dr Mohammad Masoud Aboutalebi, VicePresident for Research & Planning of IRIB
Dr Ahmad Raeisi, Responsible Officer for the
National Malaria Control Programme in Iran
Dr H. Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minster for
Research Affairs
Intercountry Training workshop on
Haemophilus Influenzae b (Hib) Disease
4-7 March 2002,
Committee of the 13th International
Conference on the reduction of Drug
related harm (13TH ICRDH)
3-7 March 2002
Lubljana, Slovenia
Healthy Lifestyle Programme in Oman
3-5 March 2002
2-4 March 2002
Consultation on the Framework
Convention of Tobacco Control in
WHO/health Canada Meeting with
Ministries of Health on Climate Change
and Health – Geneva
Joint Meeting on the Use of National
Health Accounts in Policy an Analysis and
Formulation, Marrakech, Morocco
Global Network Meeting of Change
National Malaria Programme Manager
WHO Conference on Biotechnology &
Genomics for Improvement of health in
developing countries
Consultation on “Physical Activity as a
Road to Healthy Lifestyle”
18-19 March 2002
18-21 March 2002
17-23 March 02
24-28 March 2002
Muscat, Oman
25-27 March 2002
Havana, Cuba
7-9 April 2002
Third International Meeting on Women
and Health
8-10 April 2002
Kobe, Japan
WHO Meeting on Collaboration in
Medical Genetics
Third & Final Meeting of the Scientific
9-10 April 2002
Toronto, Canada
15-16 April 2002
-Dr Rezagholi Vahidi, Director of N.P.M.C.
Tabriz University of Med. Sc.
-Dr Emran Mohammad Razzaghi, Director for
Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle
-Dr Ashraf Jamal, Associate Profession, Obgyn,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
-Dr Batoul Ahmadi, Faculty of Health Care
Management, School of Public Health
-Dr Dariush Daneshvar Farhud, Head, Unit of
Human Genetics & Anthropology
-Dr Alireza Marandi, Chairman of the Board of
Date & Place
Peer Review Group
WHO Conference on Health & Disability,
Tireste, Italy
17-20 April 2002
Inter Country workshop on Monitoring
Therapeutic Efficacy of antimalarial drugs
in Yemen
21-25 April 2002
Sana’a, Yemen
12th Intercountry Meeting of National
AIDS & STD Programme Managers,
Beirut, Lebanon
23-26 April 2002
Technical Meeting on Sub-national health
system performance assessment Mexico
WHO Consultation on Global Priorities in
Influenza Surveillance and Control
International Technical Meeting on
Marketing and Promotion of Alcohol to
Young People in Valencia, Spain
Intercountry workshop with partners on
promoting adolescent health and
development using information education
and communication
24-26 April 2002
Oaxaca, Mexico
6-8 May 2002
7-9 May 2002
Valencia Spain
34th Session of the CODEX Committee on
Pesticide Residues
Meeting for WHO Study on Effectiveness
of Community-Based NCD Prevention
59th Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee
on Food Additives
13-18 May 2002
Haque, Netherlands
Trustees and Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Breastfeeding Promotion Society
-Dr Farid Abolhassani, Director PHC
-Dr A.A. Sayari, U/Scy for coordination
-Mr Ali Baghbanian, Member of Parliament
-Dr Ahmad Raeisi, National Programme
Manager for Malaria
-Dr Abbass Shahbazi Sia Estalkhi, Member of
Scientific Board of Trabriz University of
Medical Sciences
-Dr M. Gooya, Director General, Disease
Control Dept
Dr Bahram Yeganeh, National AIDS Programme
Dr Mohammadreza Saeidi, Chancellor,
Kermanshah University of Medica Sciences
Dr Seyed Mohammadjavid Parizadeh, Vice
Chancellor for Health, Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences
Dr Farid Abolhassani, Director PHC Department
Dr Mohsen Naghavi, Expert PHC Department
Dr Talat Mokhtari Azad, Assoc. Prof., Tehran
University of Medical Sciences
Dr Afarin Rahimi Movaghar, Director,
Prevention Department, State Welfare
Dr H. Malek Afzali, Deputy Minister for
Research as TA
Dr Mohammad Mehdi Riyazi,Head of School
Student’s Health Gropu
Dr Mostafa Azadbakht, Member of Scientific
Board of Lorestan University of Medical
Sciences as participants
Ms Maryam Katal-Mohseni, Expert Food Safety
8th Regional Certification Commission
Global Vaccine Research Forum, Crowne
Plaza Hotel, Geneva
Inter-country workshop on directly
observed treatment short-course in the
WHO Meeting: Quality Assurance
Meeting in Geneva
Meeting the Public Health Challenges in
the 21 Century in the MENA/EM Region,
6-9 May 2002
Amman Jordan
15-18 May 2002
4-13 June 2002
4-6 June 2002
9-11 June 2002
8-13 June 2002
12-15 June 2002
16-21 June 2002
Dr Nizal Sarrafzadegan, Assoc. Prof. Cardiology
& Internal Medicine, Isfahan University of
Medical Sciences
Dr Omid Sabzevari, Ass.Prof. in Molecular
Toxicology & Drug metabolism, Tehran
Dr Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minister for Research
Dr Haleh Hamedifar, Pasteur Institute
Dr Mohammadjaafar Yad Yad, National
Programme Manager for Tuberculosis in
Khuzestan Prov.
Dr Farid Abolhassani Shahreza, Director, PHC
Network Dept.
Dr M. Pezeshkian, MOH
Dr M. Safaei Farahani, DG, Intl Relations Dept.
Dr Jafar Ghaem Panah, Deputy Minister for
Mr Ahmad Habibi, Member of Parliament
Mr Mohammadreza Seddighian Minister’s
Date & Place
Meeting on the Follow Up to the CMH
(Commission on Macroeconomics and
Intercountry Workshop on Oil
17-18 June 03
Dr Bijan Sadrizadeh, Adviser to MOH
Dr M.I. Akbari, Deputy Minister for Health
Dr Salim Marashi, Member of Parliament
ICDRA Meeting in Hongkong
24 June 03
Hong Kong
19th Meeting for National Managers of the
Expanded Programme on Immunization,
Programme of Research, Development &
Research Training in Human
Reproduction Meeting of the Policy &
Coordination Committee
First Training Course on Smoking
Cessation, St. George Hospital, UK
Consultant Briefing on the Global Fund to
Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria,
EMRO, Cairo
Consultative meeting on WHO/Stepwise
Surveillance System American University
of Beirut
To Work on Analyzing Health Inequalities
at Sub National Level in Iran
1- IPCS/Chinese Government Symposium
on Chemical Safety 1-2 July 2002
10th Meeting of the IPCS Programme
Advisory Committee (PAC) Beijing China
3-5 July 2002
The Eight GINC Tokyo Meeting 8-10 July
WHO Meeting: Collaboration Between
Iran and Afghanistan
24-27 June 2002
24-26 June 03
24-29 June Beirut
26-27 June 2002
Ms Minoo Hajian, Expert on Food Safety
Dr Houshang Nikoupour, Expert, Institute for
Research in Nutrition
Dr Abdol Majid Cheraghali, Director General
National Quality Control Lab for Food and
Dr Abbas Kebriyaeezadeh, General Director of
Pharmaceutical and Narcotic Division
Dr Alireza Marandi, Professor, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences
Dr Yushia Pireh, EPI Manager
Participants from Iran not invited
Dr H. Malek Afzali, Deputy Minister for
1-12 July 03
1-3 July 03
Dr Gholamreza Heydari, Deputy Director of
National Research Institute of TB & Lung
Dr M. Motamedi, National Programme
Managers for AIDS
5-7 July 03
Dr H. Malek-Afzali, Under Secretary for
Dr F. Azizi, Director Endocrine Research Centre
Dr Behrooz Nabaii, Senior Expert
Dr Mohsen Naghavi, Senior Expert
Dr M. Balali-Mood, Director Poisons Centre,
Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad
8-12 July 03
1-5 July 2002
Beijing China
8-10 July 03
13-17 July 2002
Annual WHO Meeting of Regional
Reproductive Health Advisers at EURO
20th Session of the WHO Eastern
Mediterranean Advisory Committee on
Health Research
The World Summit for 59-Sustainable
South Africa
Regional Consultation on Strengthening
the Outpatient Paediatrics & Community
Medicine Teaching Using IMCI Approach
26-28 August 2002
27-29 August 2002
-Dr M. Gooya, Director General, Disease
Control Department
- Dr M. Nassehi, National Programme Manager
for Tuberculosis & Leprosy
Dr Hamidreza Jamshidi, Adviser to Deputy
Minister for Health
Dr H. Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minister for
26 Aug-6 Sept. 2002
Dr Mohammad Ismaeil Akbari, Deputy Minister
for Health
2-5 Sept. 2002
Consultation on Integrated Control
2-4 Sept 2002
Dr B. Delavar, Director General, Family Health
Dr H. Mozaffari, Scientific Member of Shaheed
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and
Member of Iranian Committee of IMCI Tehran
Dr Badakhshan Hooshmand, Head of Zoonosis
Date & Place
Strategies of Leishmaniasis in the EMR
Intercountry Meeting on Measles
4-6 Sept. 03
The Second HIV/AIDS/STD Regional
Advisory Group (ARAG)
1st Meeting of the Regional Advisory
Panel on Health System Development
Meeting of the National Managers of the
Tuberculosis Programmes in the EMR and
Inter-Country Workshop on National
Strategic Plan Development for countries
with High Burden of Tuberculosis in the
Regional Consultation on the Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control
4th Arab League Congress and the 3rd
AFRO Congress of blood Transfusion,
33rd Expert Committee on Drug
Dependence, Switzerland
1st Consultation of Regional Advisory
Panel on the Impact of Drug Abuse, Cairo
10-11 Sept 2002
11-12 Sept 2002
15-18 Sept 2002
Dr Abolhassan Nadim, Professor, School of
Public Health
Dr Youshia Pireh, National EPI Manager
Dr Majid Tavakoli, the Officer Responsible for
Surveillance at the National Level
Dr M. Gooya, Director General, Disease Control
Dr K. Shadpour, Director PHC Network
Dr M. Gooya, Director General, Disease Control
Dr M. Nassehi, National Programme Manager
for TB & Leprosy
15-20 Sept 2002
Manama, Bahrain
16-18 Sept.
Mr Mohsen Baharvand, Expert Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
Dr Ali Akbar Pourfatollah, Director General,
Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization
17-20 Sept.
23-26 Sept.2002
Dr Saeed Haghighi, Executive Deputy toMinister
for Food and Drug Affairs
-Dr Kamiar Alaei, HIV/AIDS/STI Counseling &
care clinic
-Dr Fariba Soltani, DDCCP
-Dr Azaraksh Mokri,Asst. Prof. Of Psychiatry,
Tehran UMSC
-Dr Minoo Mohraz,Assoc. Prof. Of Infectious
Diseases, Tehran UMSC
-Dr Omran Razzaghi, Director General, Youth
and School Health
-Dr Taha Mousavi Firouzabadi, Focal Point for
Polio Eradication Programme
- Dr Rakhshandeh Nategh, Director, national
Polio Laboratory
Dr Hamideh Tabatabaei, Head National
poliomyelitis Laboratory
Dr Omid Sabzevari, Dept of Toxicology &
Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran
Dr Kamyar Alaei, HIV/TB/STI Counseling &
Care Clinic
6th IC Meeting of Directors and 2nd IC
Meeting of National containment
coordinators, Syria
22-26 Sept. 2002
8th Informal Consultation on the Global
Polio Laboratory Network WHO Geneva
WHO Meeting: IPCS Harmonization
Steering Committee, Geneva
2-4 Oct 2002
7-10 Oct 2002
WHO Meeting: 3rd DOTS Expansion
Working Group Meeting & 33RD IUATLD
World Conference on Lung Health
Meeting of Interested Parties on
implementing laboratory capacity
5-10 Oct 2002,
Montreal, Canada
Meeting of Integration of Alternative
Medicine & Modern Medicine Cairo
IC Training Workshop on Research
Methods for TUB and other
communicable diseases
5TH Session of the Intergovernmental
Body on the WHO Framework convention
on Tobacco Control
WHO Workshop on Evidence for Health
7th Oct & 10-11 Oct 03
12-14 October 2002
13-22 October 2002
14-24 October 2002
14-26 Oct 2002
Dr H. Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minister for
Dr Rana Amini, Head of Pathology Dept.,
Reference Laboratory, Bo-Ali Hospital
Dr Mahmoud Mosaddegh
Dr Farzaneh Naghibi
Dr Mohammad Rahim Kadivar, Shiraz UMSC
Dr Abdolvahab Alborzi, Shiraz UMSC
Dr Aliasghar Farshad, Director General,
Environmental and Occupational Health
Mr Seyed Moaven Razavi, Institute for Research
Date & Place
Policy, Greece
Heraklion, Crete
Symposium on Science and technology
innovation, Cuba
Informal Meeting on the Role of Generic
Manufacturers in Scaling-Up Access to
HIV Care
The Ninth Regional Certification
Commission Meeting
16-18 Oct 2002
22 Oct 2002
Planning & Development
Dr F. Abolhassani, Director General, PHC
Dr M. Naghavi, Senior Expert, PHC Network
Dr A. Assadi, from Office of Dr Akbari
Dr Fereidoon Mahboudi, Head of Medical
Biotechnology Research Centre
Dr Ali Jabbari, Technical Manager, Pars Daru
Intercountry meeting on surveillance
prevention and cont rol of emerging and
epidemic prone diseases
29-31 Oct 2002
The Second meeting of the Global Forum
on NCD Disease Prevention and Control,
WHO Meeting: 6th WHOPES Working
Group Meeting
4-6 Nov 2002
3rd Global Symposium on Health and
Welare Systems Development in the 21st
6-8 Nov 2002
Kobe, Japan
on quality control of monovalent bulks of
oral poliomyelitis vaccine
First International Training Forum on
Mental Health Policy-Making and Service
20-22 Nov 2002
Lyon, France
Forum Standing Committee Meeting
27-29 Nov 2002,
WHO/IPCS Poisons Information
monographs (PIMs) Working Group
Meeting of the INTOX
Programme/Pesticides Project
Codex Coordinating Committee for the
Near East, Second Session
IC Workshop on Developing a Regional
Strategy for Integrated Vector
Management for Malaria and other
Vector-Borne Diseases
NRA Assessment and Vaccine Production
Feasibility Workplan, Pakistan
18-20 Dec 2002,
Penang, Malaysia
4th Meeting of the Standing Committee of
the IPCS Programme Advisory Committee
(IPCSPAC/SC-4), Germany
4-6 Feb 2003
Bonn, Germany
29-30 Oct 2002
6-7 Nov 2002
27-29 Nov 2002
Tunis, Tunisia
19-23 Jan 2003,
21-23 Jan 2003
Khartoum, Sudan
27-30 Jan 2003 Islamabad
Dr H. Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minister for
Dr B. Sadrizadeh, Adviser to the Minister for
Health Affairs
Dr Seyed Mohsen Zahraie, EPI Manager
Dr Azizollah Jahantigh, Head Zahedan Health
Dr Yushia Pireh, Head, Department of Vaccine
Preventable Diseases and Quarantine
Dr N. Sarrafzadegan, Director, Isfahan
Cardiovascular Research Centre
Dr Hossein Ladoni, Head of Medical
Entomology Department, School of Public
Dr M. Pezeshkian, Minister of Health
Dr A. Mesdaghinia, Dean, School of Public
Mr S. Malekshahi, Director General a.i., Public
Relations & International Affairs
Dr A. Cheraghali, Director General, Food and
Drug Clinical Laboratories
Dr Mohammad Taghi Yasamy, National
Programme Manager for Mental Health
Dr Mohammad Emran Razzaghi, D.G. Youth
and School Health Dept.
Mr Rashid Bayat Mokhtari, Deputy Secretary,
national Authority for Chemical Conventions,
Dr Mehdi Balali-Mood, Director, Poison Control
Centre, Imam Reza Hospital
No nominations
Dr Hassan Vatandoost, Ass.Prof. School of
public health, as TA
Dr Ahmad Raeisi, National Programme Manager
for Malaria Control as participant
Dr Nadir Harjee, WHO STP in Iran
Dr Alireza Khadem, Pasteur Institute
Dr Abbass Saffari-Fard, Razi Institute
Dr Haleh Hamedifar, Pasteur Institute
Dr Mehdi Balali-Mood, Director, Poison Centre,
Imam Reza Hospital
Date & Place
Workshop on Social Health Insurance
6th Session on the INB6 on the FCTC
10-21 Feb 2003 Turin
16-1 Mar 2003
Level II Pharmaceutical Monitoring
Regional Meeting on Expanded Access to
HIV/AIDS Treatment in the countries of
the EMR
Workshop on Capacity Building in
National Burden of Disease
17-21 Feb 2003
18-20 Feb 2003
2nd IC Workshop on Planning &
Implementation of the Community
Component of the IMCI Strategy
24-25 Feb 2003
National Regulatory Authority Mission to
Regional Workshop to Assess Preliminary
Results of Health Research Systems
Analysis and Tracking Resource Flows in
Health Research
24-26 Feb 2003
25-27 Feb 2003
IC Meeting on Epilepsy as a public health
concern in the EMR
3-4 March 2003
IC workshop on TB Surveillance &
3-5 March 2003
Regional Seminar on Prevention and
Control of Zoonotic Disease, Tunisia
11-13 March 2003,
14th International Harm Reduction
Conference and Reference Group
Regional Consultation for Preparing the
Global Strategy on Diet Physical Activity
& Health
2-10 April ’03
Chiang Mai
No nominations
Dr Ali Asghar Farshad, Director General, Env. &
Occ. Health Dept. (on WHO expense)
Dr A.A. Akbari, Deputy Minister for Health (on
MOH’s national funds)
Dr A. Cheraghali, Director General, Food and
Drug Clinical Laboratories
Dr Mitra Motamedi Heravi, Programme Manager
on AIDS and Hepatitis B
Dr Javad Kakoui, Expert on AIDS
Dr Davood Moghimi, Senior Expert PHC
Dr Mohsen Naghavi, Senior Expert PHC
Dr B. Delavar, Director General, Family Health
Dr F. Farivar, Director, Semnan Province Health
Ms A. Shobeyri, Expert IMCI
Dr Nadir Harjee, WHO STP
Dr Alireza Khadem
Dr H. Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minister for
Dr Amir Mahmoud Harirchi, Head of
Development and Coordination for Research and
Dr (Ms) Masoumeh Dejman, Expert Research
Dr Jamshid Lotfi, Jam Hospital
Dr Kurosh Gharagouzli, Managing Director,
Iranian Epilepsy Association (IBE)
Dr Mahshid Nassehi, National Prog.Mgr. for TB
& Leprosy
Dr Seyed Hossein Hatami, Kermanshah
University of Medical Sciences
Dr Mohammad Babaei, Director General,
Department of Survey, Control and Surveillance
of Zoonotic Diseases, Ministry of Agriculture
Dr Badakhshan Hooshmand, Head of Zoonoses
Unit, Disease Control Department
Dr Afarin Rahimi Movaghar, Director,
Department for Mental Health Research
22-27 Feb 2003
Muscat, Oman
30 April – 2 May ’03
Meeting of the Programme Managers of
Communicable Disease Surveillance and
Regional Planning Meeting of Childhood
29 April – 1 May 2003
Intercountry Workshop on Management of
Chronic TB Cases
3rd IC Meeting of National Malaria
6-8 May 2003
12-15 May 2003
28 April – 1 May 2003
Dr R. Sheikholeslam, Director General, Nutrition
Dr Tahereh Samavat, Responsible Expert for
Cardiovascular Diseases
Dr M. Gouya, Director General, Disease Control
Dr Alireza Delavari, Deputy Director for NCD
Dr Mohammad Zare Jooshaghani, Chancellor,
Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Dr Mahshi Nassehi, Prog. Mgr for TB and
Leprosy (as TA)
Dr H. Vatandoost, Ass. Prof. School of Public
Date & Place
Programme Managers
Meeting to Discuss the Draft Outline for
the World Report on Road Traffic Injury
Regional Meeting of National
Coordinators on Leprosy Elimination
Intercountry Meeting of National
Programme Managers for the Prevention
and Control of Schistosomiasis and Soiltransmitted Helminthiasis
2nd Sub-Regional Meeting for
Development of National STD
Assessment monitoring and Control Plans
14-15 May 2003
Health (as TA)
Mr Abbass Shahbazi Siahestalkhi, Malaria
Control Officer, Disease Control Dept.
Dr M. Gouya, Director General, Disease Control
20-22 May 2003
26-28 May 2003
Dr Mahshid Nassehi, National Programme
Manager for Leprosy and Tuberculosis
Dr Ramin Tabibi, Expert in Charge for
Schistosomiasis of Khuzestan Province
26-29 May 2003
Biennial Intercountry Meeting for
Directors of Blood Transfusion Services
in EMR Member States
2-5 June 2003
Stakeholder Meeting on the WHO draft
document “Modern Biotechnology,
Human Health and Development: An
Evidence-based Study”
Experts Consultation to Discuss the
Regional Strategy on Sustainable Health
Development & Poverty Reduction and
WHO Meeting to Facilitate Commission
on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH)
Implementation in the EMR
5-6 June 2003
Dr Mitra Motamedi, National AIDS Programme
Manager, Disease Control
Dr Kianoush Kamali, Expert on AIDS and
Hepatitis, Disease Control
Dr Ahmad Kousha, Team Leader for Disease
Control, East Azarbaijan University of Medical
Dr Ali Akbar Pourfathollah, Director General,
Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization
Dr Ali Talebian, Deputy Director for Technical
and Quality Control
Dr Behzad Ghareyazie, Director General,
Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute,
Regional Training Course on Medical
Databases including Medline
10-12 June 2003 Cairo
Meeting for the Principle Recipients of the
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB & Malaria
in the EMR
11-12 June 2003
Regional Workshop on “Health Research
Proposals Development”
15-19 June 2003
Meeting of National Managers of the TUB
Control Programmes in the EMR
17-19 June 2003
9-12 June 2003 Fez,
13 and 14 June 2003 Fez,
Dr El Fatih El Samani, WR Iran
Dr Mohammadreza Vaez Mahdavi, Deputy
Director for Social Affairs, Management and
Planning Organization
Dr Samani and Dr Vaez Mahdavi along with
Dr Mohammad Jaafar Ghaem Panah, Deputy
Minister for Logistics
Dr Ali Baghbanian, Head of Health Commission
of Parliament
Dr Payam Kabiri Arani, Head, Central Library
and Informatic Unit, Isfahan University of
Medical Sciences
Dr A. Mafi, MO WRO Iran
Dr M.I. Akbari, Deputy Minister for Health
Dr M. Gouya, Director General, Disease Control
Dr Alireza Mirahmadizadeh, Shiraz University
Dr Ali Daryanavard, Hormozgan University
Dr Famihmeh Soltani Shirazi, Shiraz University
Dr Nahid Salarkia, National Nutrition and Food
Technology Research Institute, Tehran
Dr Leili Chamani Tabriz, Avesina Research
Centre, Tehran
Ms S. Sirous, BDN Prog. Ofcr. WRO Iran
Mr Asaei, BDN Expert, OCH & ENV. Dept.
Dr M.R. Masjedi, Deputy Director, TB and Lung
Disease Research Centre as TA
Dr M. Nassehi, National Prog. Mgr for TB and
Dr Salak Salak, Skilled Physician in
Date & Place
International Meeting on Global Atlas of
Traditional Medicine
17-19 June 03
Kobe, Japan
Regional Conference for Water Supply
and Sanitation in the 21st Century in the
23-27 June 2003
Bi-Regional Consultation to Promote a
Sustainable Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Programmes in South East Asia and EMR
International Council of Nurses (ICN)
Conference of WHO Workshop
24-27 June 03
Chiangmai and Bangkok
Regional Training Workshop on National
Health Accounts
29/6-3/7 2003
20th Meeting of National Managers of the
Expanded Programme on Immunization
30/6-3/7 2003 Damascus
16th Meeting of the Policy and
Coordination Committee (PCC) 16
WHO Meeting of Principal Investigators
The Regional Meeting on HIV
Surveillance and Monitoring of National
AIDS Control Programmes
30/6-1/7 2003
Follow-up Consultation on Establishing
Eastern Mediterranean Approach to NonCommunicable Diseases (NCD/EMAN)
Bi-Regional Consultation on Global
Reproductive Health Strategy
Health Metrics Network Meeting
26-29 June 2003
Dr Ali Haeri, Acting Director General &
Director of Research Pasteur Institute of Iran as
Mr Mohammadjavad Dastamouz, Head of Office
for Water and Wastewater Management, Env. &
OCH Dept.
Dr Seyed Jamaleddin Hashemian, Assistant
Professor and Head of Research Centre on Water
& Energy, Sanati Sharif University
Mr Majid Ghannadi, Head of Office for
Supervision over Water & Sanitation, National
Water Supply & Sanitation Co.
Dr R. Sheikholesma, Director Nutrition
Department as (TA)
7-10 July 2003
Beirut, Lebanon
Dr Aliakbar Nazari, Head of Human Resources
Unit, Network Development Centre
Ms Fereshteh Sistaneie, Director, Nursing
Dr Alimohammad Ahmadi, Acting Director,
Financial Resources Planning Office
Dr Sima Marzban, Deputy for Studies Financial
Resources Planning Office
Dr Hamid Pourasghari, Expert on Health
Management & Planning Organization
Mr Hossein M. Hanjani, Expert, Management
and Planning Organization
Mr Mohammad Shekarnejad, Expert, Financial
Resources Planning Office
Dr Maryam Khosh Akhlagh, Expert, Iranian
Statistics Centre
Dr Alireza Marandi, (TA), Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences, Mofid
Children’s Hospital
Dr Mohsen Zahraei, Deputy Director General for
Communciable Diseases
Did not materialize (due to change of Director
General WHO)
Dr Jaafar Bolhari, Director, WHO Collaborating
Centre for Mental Health
Dr M. Gouya, Director General, Disease Control
Dr Mitra Motamedi, National Programme
Manager for AIDS
Dr Vahid Zonoubi, Head of Disease Control
Group, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Dr Mahbobeh Mamourian Esfahani, Expert on
AIDS/STD Iran University of Med. Sciences
Dr Nizal Sarrafzadegan, Director of Isfahan
CVD Research Centre
7-9 July 2003
Harare, Zimbabwe
8 July 2003
Dr Bahram Delavar, Director General, Family
Health and Population
Dr Hamidreza Jamshidi, Director PHC Network
30/6-4/7 2003
5-10 July 2003
Abu Dhabi
Date & Place
FAO/WHO Training Workshop on
Microbiological Risk Assessment
23-25 July 2003
Consultation Meeting to Develop HIV
Voluntary Counseling and Testing
Countries of the EMR
28-30 July 2003
Consultation on Mental Health and
Rehabilitation of Psychiatric Services in
EMR-SEAR Bir-Regional Meeting on
Health Research Systems Developments
Intercountry Meeting of Poliovirus
28-30 July 2003
Ms Vahideh Shayegan, Expert, Food and Drug
Mr Mehdi Ebrahimifakhar, Expert Food and
Drug Department
Dr Leila Mirhaghani, Head of Clinic for
Consultation on AIDS in West-Tehran
Mr Amir Moradi, National AIDS Programme,
Dr Mohammad Taghi Yasamy, National
Programme Manager for Mental Health
II Global Scientific Meeting on Trachoma
25-27 August 2003
1-3 September 2003
Nabeul, Tunisia
IC Meeting on Measles Elimination
13-14 August 2003
Male Maldives
24-28 August 2003
Amman Jordan
The Integrated Management of Child
Health (IMCI) Strategy in the Countries
Implementing IMCI in the Eastern
Mediterranean Region
8th Meeting on Coordination of Operation
The Ninth Informal Consultation on the
Global Polio Laboratory Network, WHO
Training workshop on Methods for
HIV/AIDS estimations and Projections for
the countries of the EMRO, EMRO
Inter Regional Meeting to enhance the
Role of NGOs in supporting the
Framework Convention on Tobacco
Control, EMRO
Second Meeting for the WHO Study on
Effectiveness of Community Based NCD
Prevention Programme
Executive Course on Genomics and Public
Health Policy
1-4 Sept 2003
Hamamat, Tunisia
Ninth Meeting of CEHA Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC)
Fourth International Meeting on Women
and Health
Regional Conference on Medical Journals
Publishing EMRO
Regional Meeting of WHO Collaborating
23-25 Sept, 2003
5-8 Oct, 2003,
Dar-e-Salaam, Tanzania
7-9 Oct, 2003
13 to 15 Oct. 03
Cairo, Egypt
Dr Hossein Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minister for
Research and Technology
Dr Hamideh Tabatabaei, Virologist, National
Polio Laboratory
Dr Seyed Taha Mousavi Firouzabadi,
Responsible Expert of Polio Eradication
Dr Alireza Delavari, Deputy Director General for
Non-Communicable Diseases
Dr Mohammad Mehdi Gouya, Director General,
Disease Control Department
Dr Mohammadnasr Dadras, Responsible Expert
for Measles
Dr Talat Mokhtariazad, Manager for Poliovirus
Dr Alireza Mafi, Technical Officer, WRO Iran
8-10 Sept 2003,
Budapest, Hungary
8-10 Sept, 2003
16-18 Sept, 2003
Dr Seyed Mohsen Zahraie & Dr Bijan
Dr Hamedeh Tabatabaei
16-18 Sept, 2003
Dr Mohammad Reza Masjedi
17-20 Sept, 2003
Dr Nizal Sarrafzadegan
20-23 Sept, 2003
Dr Hossein Malek-Afzali
Dr Seyed Hossein Davoodi
Dr Mohammad Rahim Kadivar
Dr Ali Asghar Farshad
Dr Seyed Abbass Motovalian
Dr Mitra Motamedi Heravi
Dr Batoul Ahmadi
Dr Faranak Farzadi
Dr Farrokh Habibzadeh
Dr. Fereshteh Ghodrat Bakhshalian & Dr. Naser
valiollah Kalantari & Dr. Mohammad Kazem
Abbassi & Dr. Seyed Kazem Seyed Mehdi
Malakouti & Dr. Shahram Hooshang Yazdani &
Date & Place
Tenth Regional Certification Commission
Joint WHO-UNICEF Global Meeting for
Sustainable Measles Mortality Reduction
and Immunization System Strenghening
Inter Country Meeting of Health
Education and Communication Directors
WHO Regional Workshop on Medicine
Quality Assurance Workshop on Clinical
Use of Blood and Blood Products
14 to 15 Oct. 03
Cairo, Egypt
15 to 17 Oct. 03
Cape Town
Regional Workshop on Chemical Safety
and Risk Analysis in EMR
Global Meeting on Future Strategic
Directions for Primary Health Care
The Second High-Level Consultation on
the Macroeconomics and Health Strategy
WHOPES/SEARO Workshop on
Judicious Use of Insecticides
Forum IV 4th Meeting of the
Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical
Safety (IFCS) &
Strategic Approach to International
Chemicals Management (SAICM)
Health Metrics Network
Expert Group Meeting on Gender
Sensitive Leading Health Indicators
21 to 23 Oct. 03
Cairo, Egypt
27-29 Oct 2003
Madrid, Spain
28-30 Oct 2003
2nd International Training Forum on
Mental Health, Human Rights and
Consultation on Disaster Health
Emergency Preparedness Mitigation and
Response in the EM Region
20 to 22 Oct. 03
Cairo, Egypt
20 to 22 Oct. 03
Cairo, Egypt
21 to 23 Oct. 03
Cairo, Egypt
28-30 Oct 2003
Sri Lanka
1-7 Nov 2003
Dr. Ahmad Abolghasem Fayaz & Dr. Roya
Mohammadtaghi Kelishadi & Dr. Fereidoon
Dr. Hossein Malek Afzali
Dr. Bijan Sadrizadeh
Dr. Shahram Rafieifar
Dr. Abbas Jaffarian Dehkordi
Dr. Azita Bahram Azar Keivan & Dr. Shahram
Kazem Azhdari & Dr. Sima Hohammad
Zolfaghari Anaraki & Dr. Ali Habibollah
Mrs. Fatemeh Falaki
Dr Hossein Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minister for
Research and Technology
Dr Bijan Hamidi, Medical Officer WR Office
Dr Hassan Vatandoost, School of Public Health,
Dept. of Medical Entomology
Ms Fatemeh Falaki, Expert, Environmental and
Occupational Health Department
9-13 Nov 2003
Bangkok, Thailand
30-31 Oct 2003, Geneva
3-5Nov. 2003
Kobe, Japan
10-12 Nov 2003
1-4 Dec. 2003
WHO/UNEP IC Workshop on Public
Health Pesticide Management in EMR in
the Context of the Stockholm Convention
on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Meeting of the National Oral Health
Programme Managers
7-11 December 2003
Amman, Jordan
Consultative Meeting on TRIPS and
Public Health
IC Training Workshop on Intratypic
Differentiation (ITD) Training Workshop
Vision 2020 Regional Planning Workshop
8-11 Dec. 2003
Amman, Jordan
13-18 Dec 2003
Muscat, Oman
14-17 Dec 2003
14-16 Dec 2003
Intercountry Workshop on Immunization
8-11 Dec. 2003
Dr Farid Abolhasani
Dr Batoul Ahmadi, Coordinator for Women’s
Health Research Committee, Tehran University
of Medical Sciences
Dr Mohammad Taghi Yasamy, National
Programme Manager for Mental Health
Dr Victoria Kianpour Atabaki
Mr Mohammad Javad Dastamouz
Experts from Environmental & Occ. Health
Dr Ahmad Raeisi, National Programme Manager
for Malaria
Dr Hassan Samadzadeh, Director, Oral Health
Dr Hossein Hessari, Expert Oral Health
Dr M.H. Niknam, Director General, International
Relations Department
Ms Shohreh Shahmahmoodi
Dr Afshin Parsikia, Expert, Disease Control
Dr Abdoulreza Esteghamati, EPI Programme
Date & Place
Regional Meeting of Heads/Managers of
National Health Councils/Organizations
15-17 Dec 2003
Regional Consultation on Health
15-18 Dec 2003
Regional Consultative Meeting on the
Development Trends of Occupational
Health and Safety in the EMR: Current
Status and Perspectives
IC Training Workshop on Tuberculosis
and Children, WHO Mediterranean Centre
16-18 Dec 2003
Damascus, Syria
Meeting on Accreditation in Medical
Education in the EMR
20-22 Dec 2003
Manama, Bahrain
15-19 Dec 2003
Dr Gholam Abbass Zamani, Focal Point for
Infection Control Programme
Dr H. Malek-Afzali, Deputy Minister for
Research & Technology
Dr Mohammadreza Mohammadi Nasrabadi,
Head of National Centre for Research on
Medical Sciences
Dr M.I. Akbari, Deputy Minister for Health
Dr Parvin Maroofi, Director General,
International Affairs, Environment Protection
Dr Ali Asghar Farshad, Director General,
Environmental and Occupational Health
Dr Seyed Mohammad Taghi Tabatabaei,
Pediatrician & Chancellor, Zahedan University
of Medical Sciences
Dr Mojtaba Rostami Jalilian, Infectious Diseases
Specialist & Member of Scientific Board of
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Dr Masoud Naseri Pour, Secretary of the Iranian
Council for Graduate Medical Education
Supplies And Equipment Provided during the Biennium 2002-03
(Regular Budget)
Health management support
Printer HP A4 1400,
Scanner A4 48 Bit,
Ricoh Photocopy,
Computer System Pentium IV
Toshiba Satellite Series 1900 Notebook
Two IBM Server-X series 232
MEP Project
Local Purchases of:
4 pcs DVD Video + VHS Player
2 pcs Notebook
4 pcs Samsung Refrigerator 14 ft
Desktop 4 pcs
Video data projector
1 Microscope
4 Pars TV 21”
4 Fax Machines
Impregnated papers for Malaria test kit for
allergy to toxins
2- Adult mosquito diagnostic test, Adult
mosquito base-line test, Bioassay, Bioassay
cones conical chamber, aspirators (straight and
Local purchase of 14 computers
Malaria Unit of Diseases Control
2 Fujitsu Simens laptops & accessories 1
Fujitsu Simens laptop and accessories
Local purchase of ‘fisher sealant’ for teeth
therapy of permanent teeth of primary school
Request for kits on prevalence of fasciolacis &
other parasitic diseases
Fassiola Hepatica eliza kit 1
Fasciola Hepatica eliza kit 2
Sampler 10-20-25-50-100-250 landal-anidrit
Shiker eliza
Others (Laboratories clock-poar…)
LP: Furniture, Whiteboards, Computers,
Audiovisuals, Medical Supplies and Fax
machines for Smoking Cessation Clinic
Hitachi Video Projector
Toshiba Notebook
sl 400-4 sbt chassis equipped with wsmm 1 pc
B 24B-A-24 port 10/100 base-TX(RJ45)
Server, 1pc
Cisco AS5350 up to 120 56K modems and 4
E1/PRI 100 Base 1 pc
Compaq smart array controller 5304/256 4 pcs
Cisco VMS 2.1 win 20 device inc vpnm, cspm,
hids, dessw 1 pc
Sharp Photocopier, Printer HP,
Youth and School Health
Oral Health
Monitoring Anti-malarial
Drug Efficacy in Iran.
Evidence and Information for
Extra Budgetary Funds for
Malaria Programme
Monitoring Anti-malarial
Drug Efficacy in Iran.
43055611 for Food and Drug
Mental Health
Promotion of healthy
Vector Control
Substance abuse (including
Mental Health
Evidence and Information for
Health and biomedical
information support
Nutrition and food safety
Malaria Monitoring Project,
Disease Control Department
Undersecretary for Research
Malaria Unit of Diseases Control
Undersecretary for Food and Drugs
Disease Control Department
Environmental and Occupational
Health Dept.
CBR Unit of Rehabilitation
Undersecretary for Research
Undersecretary for Research
Nutrition Dept.
Measles Elimination
Vector Control
Other vaccinations
Measles Elimination
Promotion of healthy
Health management support
Health policy and strategic
Special Funds
Special Funds
Air Conditioner, TV 14”, Philver Referigerator,
Samsung Video, Fan, Digital Camera and
Video Camera
40 Data Logger SL200
Video projector
Antibiotic susceptibility in cartridges & vials
Large vaccine carrier
LaserJet Printer, TV, Video Camera, Still
S+E for MEP Project for launching computer
S+E for launching the national & provincial
health sector reform unit
Reference Standards
Disease Control Department
B.Abbass Training Center
Disease Control Department
National Measles Campaign
Youth and School Health
MEP Project
HSR Unit
Noor Training & Research Institute
(Reimbursable Purchase)
Razi Institute (Reimbursable
Table of National Training Activities during the Biennium 2002-03
Title of NTA
Evaluating Kits & Reagents
Health Laboratory Support And Health Technologies
6-28 Aug 2002
Introduction Of Self-Deferral System
Workshop On The Early Implementation
IMP Training On Health Promotion In
Early Implementation of First Phase of
IMCI, Tehran
Blood Safety
19-20 Oct 2002
Child And Adolescent Health (Including IMCI)
20-25 Jul 2002
Child And Adolescent Health (Including IMCI)
24-26 Jul 2002
Child And Adolescent Health (Including IMCI)
18 - 23 June 2002
Workshop On Health Promotion
Child And Adolescent Health (Including IMCI)
21Dec.02 – 3 Jan.2003
Workshop On School Health Program
Child And Adolescent Health (Including IMCI)
8-11 Nov 2003
Health Promotion In Schools
Child And Adolescent Health (Including IMCI)
14-17 Sept 2003
Evaluation Of Control Programme
Zoonotic Diseases
29 Sep -2 Oct 2002
Training Course On Reprinting
Zoonotic Diseases
23-26 June 2002
Management & Surveillance Of Hepatitis Disease Surveillance And Control
11-12 Sep 2002
Workshop On Safety Promotion
IMP Improving Quality Of
Safety Promotion
5-6 Jan 2003
National Drug Policies Based On Essential Drugs
11-13 Jun 2002
Workshop On Improving Quality Of DTP National Drug Policies Based On Essential Drugs
25-29 May 2002
Upgrade Knowledge Of EPR Sector
Upgrade Knowledge Of Participation In
Health Sector
Workshop On HACCP For Food
Emergency Preparedness And Humanitarian Action
2 Oct 2002
Emergency Preparedness And Humanitarian Action
1 May 2003
Nutrition and Food Safety
6-8 Nov 2002
Workshop On HACCP
Nutrition and Food Safety
21-23 Oct 2003
Capacity Building In Death Registration Evidence And Information For Policy
Capacity Building In Death Registration
Evidence And Information For Policy
Capacity Building In Death Registration,
Evidence And Information For Policy
7-9 Dec 2002
15-17 Dec 2002
Problem Based Decision Making, Tehran Evidence And Information For Policy
Using Information Based Decision
Evidence And Information For Policy
27-31 July 2002
Workshop On Using Upgraded Registry Evidence And Information For Policy
24-26 May 2003
Workshop On Death Coding, Tehran
Workshop On Strengthening Disease,
Death Registration
Evidence And Information For Policy
10-12 May 2003
Evidence And Information For Policy
14-16 Jun 2003
Evidence And Information For Policy
17-19 Feb 2003
Evidence And Information For Policy
4-6 Oct 2003
Evidence And Information For Policy
20-22 Sep 2003
Problem Based Decision Making
Strengthen Evidence Based Decision
Strengthen Evidence Based Decision
26-28 Oct 2002
Workshop on Counselors In High Schools AIDS And STD
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
National Consensus Meeting, Razi Hall Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
5-7 Dec 2002
Establishing NGO Network
27 Oct 2002
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
18-20 Nov 2002
Title of NTA
Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
WORKSHOP On Intervention
Kermanshah University
WORKSHOP On Intervention Khorasan
WORKSHOP On Intervention Tehran
WORKSHOP On Intervention Isfahan
NTA Provincial Operational Plan of
Action, Kermanshah
NTA Provincial Operational Plan of
Action, Khorasan
WORKSHOP On Intervention Tehran
Workshop On Harmful Physical Agents
National Workshop on Healthy Village/
Health City
Workshop on Experiences about
provincial Health Account, MASHAD
Workshop on Experiences about
provincial Health Account, Gheshm
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
Accelerating HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Injecting
Drug Users In The Islamic Republic Of Iran
7-10 Dec. 2002
12-14 Dec. 2002
16-18 Dec 2002
21-23 Dec 2002
14-16 Dec 2002
14-16 Dec 2002
19-20 Nov. 2002
Health Of The Elderly And Occupational Health
1-4 Feb 03
Sustainable Development Approaches
9-12 July 2002
Sustainable Development Approaches
9-10 June 2002
Sustainable Development Approaches
12-13 Jan 2003
Training In Inhibition Of HIB Vaccine
Other Vaccinations
21 Oct 2003
Training On Inhibition Of HIB Vaccine
Other Vaccinations
20 Oct 2002
12/20 Forecasting Of Malaria Epidemics Malaria
15-17 Oct 2002
Malaria Diagnosis
1-4 Feb 2003
Malaria Drug Resistance, Bandar Abbas Malaria
5-7 Oct 2003
Prevention Of Violence Against Women Mental Health
3-6 Dec. 2002
Urban Mental Health Tehran
Training Provincial CBR Programme
Mental Health
26-29 Dec. 2002
Mental Health
27-29 Dec 2002
Prevention Of Violence Against Women Mental Health
6-9 Jun. 2003
Prevention Of Suicide
1-4 June 2003
Mental Health
Workshop On PND National Programme Non Communicable Diseases
2-5 Dec 2002
Workshop On Cancer Registration
Non Communicable Diseases
28-29 Dec 2002
Workshop On Cancer Registration
Non Communicable Diseases
13-14 Oct 2002
Regional Asthma Workshop For Nurses
Non Communicable Diseases
18-19 Apr 2002
Asthma Regional Workshop
Non Communicable Diseases
15 Nov 2002
Workshop On Diabetes For Nurses
Non Communicable Diseases
11-12 Jun 2003
Osteoporosis Workshop, Tabriz
Non Communicable Diseases
24-26 June 2003
Incorporating Quality Of Diabetic Care
Non Communicable Diseases
27-28 Apr 03
Self Care For Diabetic Patients
Non Communicable Diseases
12-14 Apr 03
M. Vascular Complications Of Diabetes Non Communicable Diseases
14 May – 3 Jul 2003
Osteoporosis Workshop, Mashhad
Non Communicable Diseases
10 Jun 2003
Prevention Of Osteoporosis, Shiraz
Non Communicable Diseases
14 May 2003
Title of NTA
Prevention Of Osteoporosis, Bushehr
Non Communicable Diseases
15 Apr 2003
Prevention Of Osteoporosis, Tehran
Non Communicable Diseases
14 May 2003
Low Back Pain Workshop, Tehran
Non Communicable Diseases
5-6 Mar 2003
World Asthma Day 2003,Tehran
Prevention & Control Of Hypertension,
Prevention & Control Of Hypertension,
Non Communicable Diseases
5 May 2003
Non Communicable Diseases
29 May 2003
Non Communicable Diseases
30 May 2003
Risk Clinics, C.V & Endocrine, Teh
Non Communicable Diseases
16 Apr 2003
Workshop On Burn Prevention, Shiraz
Non Communicable Diseases
2-3 Mar 2003
Control Of Genetic Disorders
Non Communicable Diseases
14-15 Sep 2003
Quality Control And Strengthening
Non Communicable Diseases
25-27 Sep 2003
Training Of Key Holders& Interviewers Non Communicable Diseases
1-6 Feb 2003
Train Provincial NHA Team, Tehran
Non Communicable Diseases
15-18 Feb 2003
Promotion Of Knowledge
Health Management Support
20-29 Nov 2002
Promotion Of Knowledge
Health Management Support
19-28 Sept 2002
Workshop On MEP, In Tabriz
Health Management Support
19-28 Jan 2002
Workshop On MEP, In Tabriz
Health Management Support
12-14 March 2002
Workshop On MEP, In Tabriz
Health Management Support
20-25 April 2002
Workshop On MEP, In Tabriz,
Health Management Support
22-27 Feb03
Training In TQM Orumieh
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
2-6 Nov. 2002
Workshop On Main Cost Component
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
26-29 Oct 2002
Training Of Trainers In TQM
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
31 Aug-4 Sep 2002
Process Management Workshop
Workshop on Statistical Process Control
in TQM
Workshop on Statistical Process Control
in TQM, Semnan
Workshop on Statistical Process Control
in TQM, Shiraz
Workshop on Statistical Process Control
in TQM, Yazd
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
27-30 Jul 2002
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
3-6 August 2002
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
20-22 April 2002
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
24-27 April 2002
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
29 April-2 May 2002
Training Of Trainers Workshop
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
21-25 Dec 2002
Statistical Process Control
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
8-10 Dec 2002
Workshop In SEMNAN On CQI
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
8-10 Feb 2003
Training Of Trainers Workshop Tehran
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
3-6 Feb 2003
CQI Workshop In Yazd
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
15-18 Feb 2003
Process Management Workshop
Process Management & Statistical
Process Management
Workshop On Change In Medical
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
1-2 May 2003
Health Care Delivery (Total Quality Management)
13-16 Sep 2003
Medical And Allied Sciences
20-22 Sep 2003
Upgrading Air Pollution Experts
Environmental Health (Health Risk Assessment)
15-18 Dec. 2002
Title of NTA
Quality Control of Radiology Instruments Environmental Health (Health Risk Assessment)
07 - 11 June 2003
Harmonizing Water Management
15-19 June 2003
Water Supply And Sanitation
Evaluation Of Dioxin
Chemical Safety
Workshop Held on 10 steps in Research,
Health System Research
2-6 May 2003
23 - 24 October 2002
Training In HSR Methodology
Health System Research
14-18 Sep 2002
Clinical Trial
Training in HSR Methodology, held In
Training of Focal Points on Smoking
Health System Research
3-6 December 2003
Health System Research
03 - 06 May 2003
Substance Abuse (Including Tobacco)
3-8 August 2002
Training Activity From
Substance Abuse (Including Tobacco)
Improving Programme Implementation Of
Substance Abuse (Including Tobacco)
7-11 July 2002
TB Programme For Private Sector
15 Dec 2002
TB Educational Material
Workshop For Expert & Professors on
Tuberculosis Control
21-23 Dec 2002
23-24 Oct 2002
26-29 Dec. 2002
Table of Research Proposals in 2003
Subject of Research
Principle Investigator
An Ecological Study of Arsenic Induced skin Lesions in Bijar
city of Kurdistan
Iranian Perceptions of family Planning Services Quality: A
Client Satisfaction Survey
School of Public Health
Dr. Alireza Mesdaghinia
Fars Province Health Center
and Kerman District Health
Endocrine and Metabolism
Research Center
Avesina Research Center
Dr. Nouzr Nakhaee
Household Cardiovascular Health Education: A School-Based
Twin Registry system in Iran
School-Based and Community Linked Intervention for Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention from Childhood
Retrospective Analysis of a Public Health Iodine Intervention
programme in Rural Iran
Smoking Restriction in Public Places on the occasion of world
No Tobacco Day
Assessment of Women’s Satisfaction from the Reproductive
Health Services in the Population Lab of Urmiah City
Depressive Disorders and Sex-Based Victimization in
Women: An Iranian Scenario
A Study on Health Behavior in School- Aged Children of
Parents’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Regarding
Adolescent Reproductive/ Sexual Health Issues in Tehran
A Qualitative Study of the Nutrition Education Demands of
Primary School Children in Tehran
Relationship Between the Teachers’ Knowledge of their own
risk factors for Ca. OF cervix and Breast and Degree of
Carrying out the Diagnostic Tests in Shiraz
An Epidemiological Survey on Prevalence of Chlamydia
Trachomatis Infection on Women Attending OB&GY Clinics
of Tehran by PCR on Urine Sample
Depression Prevalence Among High School Students in
Qeshm Island
Comparison of Combination of Imiquimod and Glucatime
with Glucatime alone in treatment of Acute Anthroponotic
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Human Immunodeficiency Virus and HIV- associated
Tuberculosis Infection and their Risk Factors in injecting Drug
Users in Ghezel – Hesar Prison
Field Trial of Alum Precipitated L. major Vaccine plus BCG
Against Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Meshkin-Shahr
The Role of Private Sector Involvement in TB control in
The Study of Health inequality and each of its determinants in
The Effect of Maternal Narghile Smoking on Neonatal Weight
and Delivery Outcomes
Selecting shop-keeper Cooperation and Training them on
Improving the Structure of Amir al-Moamenin District in
Needs Assessment and Priority Setting for Urban Areas of
Hormozgan Province
Isfahan Cardiovascular
Research Center
Endocrine Research Center
Iranian Anti-Tobacco
Uromia University
Dr. Basgher Larijani
Dr. Jahanfar
Dr. Roya Kelishadi
Dr. Azizi
Dr. M.R. Masjedi
Dr. H. Nanbakhsh
Department of Psychiatry
Behavioral Sciences Research
Green Youth Association
Dr. Ghassemi
National Research center of
Medical Sciences
National Nutrition and Food
Technology Research
Shiraz University
Dr. M. R. Mohammadi
Dr. F. Soltani Shirazi
Avesina Research Center
Dr. Leili Chamani Tabrizi
Hormozgan University of
Medical Sciences
Tehran University
Dr. A. Daryanavard
Dr. S. Alikhani
Dr. N. Kalantari
Dr. A. Firoozi
Department of Health and
Medicine, Office of Prisons
of Tehran Province
School of Public Health,
Tehran University of Medical
Disease Control Department
Dr. B. Farhoudi
School of Public Health
Dr. A. R. Hosseinpour
Fars Health Center
Dr. A. Mirahmadizadeh
Research Center of Healthy
city of Mashah
Mr. H. Ahmadi
Hurmozgan UMS
Shahid Mohammadi Hospital
Dr. S. Zare
Dr. M. Mohebali
Dr. M. Nasehi
Subject of Research
Principle Investigator
Effects of Healthy Life-style Education on KAP of rural
inhabitants in BDN Pilot Sites: Charmahal and Bakhtiari
Environmental and
Occupational Department
Food and Health Department
Endocrinology & Metabolism
Research Center- Shariati
Taleghani Hospital
Dr. A.A. Farshah
The Efficiency role of holding companies in pharmaceutical
Impact of health education by means of computer programmes
about reproductive health of students to Tehran University of
Medical Sciences
Attitude of Biomedical and Human Science Experts on the
most Important Bioethical issues in Tehran
Geographic Distribution of Childhood Cancers in Tehran
Municipality District: Exploring Possibility of Clustering
The role of contractual Arrangements in improving health
sector performance in countries of Eastern Mediterranean
Cancer Institute Research
Center- Tehran UMS
School of Public Health /
Tehran University
Dr. M. R. Hassani
Dr. B. Larijani
Dr. Saeed Shahraz
Dr. A. Mosavi- Jarrahi
Dr. A. Pour Reza