Historic church located at / Iglesia histórica ubicada en


Historic church located at / Iglesia histórica ubicada en
Historic church located at / Iglesia histórica ubicada en:
25 West High St., Gettysburg
Church Office: 455 Table Rock Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325
717-334-3919 or 717-334-7711
Xavier Center: 465 Table Rock Rd., Gettysburg, PA 17325
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg
Fr. Daniel Mitzel - [email protected]
Fr. Daniel Richards - [email protected]
Rev. Mr. Joshua Cavender
Saturday: 5:30 PM - Historic Church
Sunday: 7:00 AM - Historic Church
8:30 AM (English) - Xavier Center
10:00 AM - Historic Church
12:30 PM (español) Iglesia Histórica
Saturday: 8:00 AM
Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM
Wednesday: 6:30 PM (español)
Historic church/ Iglesia histórica
Saturday: 4:00-5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM,
St. John Paul II Adoration Chapel at church office
Capilla en la oficina parroquial
For couples intrested in marriage, please contact
the office one year in advance.
Favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia.
Para matrimonio, favor de llamar a la oficia con
un año de anticipación.
Xavier Center 465 Table Rock Road
Principal / Directora - Mrs. Rebecca Sieg
717-334-4221 www.sfxs.org
Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Stewardship: A way of life.
Corresponsabilidad: Una forma de vida.
Tithing: God’s Plan for Giving:
El Diezmo: El Plan de Dios para Dar.
Tithing Income J uly 3, 2016: $ 27,948.33
Tithing Income J uly 5, 2015: $ 25,844.13
Children’s Offerings
Next week’s tithe will be for the parish’s Xavier
Center Building Fund Debt Reduction.
El diezmo de la próxima semana será para el F ondo
de Reducción de Deuda del Centro Xavier.
Readings for the week of July 10
Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36,
37; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37
Monday Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, and 23;
Mt 10:34—11:1
Tuesday Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-3a, 3b-4, 5-6, 7-8;
Mt 11:20-24
Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-6, 7-8, 9-10,
14-15; Mt 11:25-27
Thursday Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, and 15,
16-18, 19-21; Mt 11:28-30
Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10, 11, 12abcd,
16;Mt 12:1-8
Saturday Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-2, 3-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:
Gn 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 5; Col 1:24-28;
Lk 10:38-42
My Good Deed for the Week—from some of our youth:
“I mowed the backyard.”
“I got a bath when my mommy told me.”
“I helped my mom bake a cake.”
Liturgical Schedule and Mass Intentions
Sunday, July 10
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m. (historic church) Evelyn Knox
8:30 a.m. (Xavier Center) Mary Flickinger
10:00 a.m. (historic church) Carmelo Fazzolari and
Giuseppe Fazzolari
12:30 p.m. (iglesia histórica) Marion Falvey
Monday, July 11
Saint Benedict, Abbot
7:30 a.m. Elizabeth Kenworthy
Tuesday, July 12
7:30 a.m. Victoria DeLoughy
10:00a.m (Golden Living) Esther Wierman
Wednesday, July 13
Saint Henry
7:30 a.m. Regina Rosentreter
6:30p.m. (iglesia histórica– español) Donna Hampton
Thursday, July 14
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin
7:30 a.m. Holy Souls in Purgatory
10:00 (Transitions) Alton Wierman
Friday, July 15
Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
7:30 a.m. Michael Niedererr
8am-5pm Adoration (St. JPII Chapel)
4:45 p.m. Evening Prayer & Benediction (JP II Chapel)
Saturday, July 16
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
8:00 a.m. Renny Allgyer
4:00 p.m. Confessions
Mass of Anticipation
5:30 p.m. Special Intention of Richard and Marilyn Stahl,
in celebration of their 55th Wedding Anniversary.
Sunday, July 17
Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m. (historic church) Donald Knarr
8:30 a.m. (Xavier Center) Robert Fitez and
Virginia Fitez Ennis
10:00 a.m. (historic church) Angela Lombardo
12:30 p.m. (iglesia histórica) Diácono Jim Sneeringer
Reflection from Father Mitzel
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As I write this, I have been here less than two weeks. I am amazed with the many acts of kindness that have already been
extended to Fr. Richards and Deacon Cavender and to me. I am grateful to such a dedicated and competent and joyful
pastoral staff. I am impressed with the quality and commitment of all those involved in the faith formation of our youth in our
parish religious education and our parish school. The number of people involved in the day to day work of parish life
encourages me tremendously!
I thank Fr. Bob Gillelan, Jr., Secretary for Clergy and Consecrated Life, for returning to his home parish and presiding at my
installation as pastor of Saint Francis Xavier Parish. Thanks to Fr. Richards for preparing the Vespers in a way that we could
celebrate together prayerfully in English and Spanish. Thanks to our parish choirs for the beautiful music.
July 4, 2016 marks the celebration of 240 years of freedom as our blessed nation, the United States of America. This past
weekend we commemorated here the 153rd Anniversary Battle of Gettysburg. Wanting to become more familiar with our local
history I bought and began to read “The Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara. I have just now arrived at page 114 where Colonel
Lawrence Chamberlain, the professor of rhetoric, transformed into soldier, remembers his school oration on the subject, “Man,
the Killer Angel.” He does this in the context of remembering his parents and the pride that his father felt toward him that day.
Walking around town on Saturday morning, I picked up a copy of “Civil War News Presents Gettysburg”. Quickly, the article,
“Father William Corby And The Irish Brigade”, caught my attention. I was happily surprised to discover that the article was
written by a recent high school graduate. Wade Hisiro graduated valedictorian from Susquehanna Township High School,
Harrisburg, Pa., in June 2016 and plans to attend the University of Virginia in the Fall.
Wade Hisiro wrote, “The National Civil War Chaplains Museum is currently featuring an exhibit on the Irish Brigade and
Father William Corby, a chaplain for the brigade. The museum is part of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and the only
museum in the nation devoted to exhibiting clergy members and religious activities during the Civil War. The exhibit will contain
various artifacts and pictures pertaining to the Irish Brigade, on loan from the J. Howard Wert Gettysburg collection, America’s
oldest privately owned heritage collection. Part of the display on Father Corby will feature a Celtic cross and his white stole
embroidered with green foliage.”
Before the battle, Fr. Corby led the men in prayer and gave general absolution knowing that there would not be enough time
for individual confession. A statue of Father Corby in Gettysburg National Military Park commemorates the historic moment.
Many of us know two priests of our Diocese of Harrisburg who currently serve as military chaplains. Father Ray LaVoie of St.
Ignatius, Buchanan Valley, currently serves as a National Guard Chaplain to our United States Army in Kosovo. Father John
Bateman currently serving Cardinal O’Brien, Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, in
Rome, Italy, continues to serve as a PA Air National Guard Chaplain. We pray for these two priests and all our clergy who
serve as chaplains to our armed forces.
Although we are saddened with the death this weekend of our parish organist for more than 55 years, Joe Hamilton, we
rejoice as he begins to share in the blessings of eternal life with God and the saints and angels. At this writing, we do not yet
have any details for the funeral Mass. Thanks to all those who celebrated life here with Joe and assisted him with prayer and
love during life, dying, death and now, eternal life. A special thanks to those near to him in recent days, at his home and in the
hospital, especially during his final hours. Thanks to Father Richards for sharing with our brother, Joe Hamilton, the Anointing
of the Sick and the Pastoral Care of our Church for the dying on Friday night. Eternal rest grant unto Joseph, O Lord, and let
perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the
mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Praise and Thanks to God,
Father Daniel Mitzel
Reflexión del Padre Mitzel
Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Mientras escribo esto, he estado aquí menos de dos semanas. Estoy sorprendido por todos los actos de bondad que han
brindado al Padre Richards, al Diacono Cavender y a mí. Estoy muy alegre de trabajar con un personal pastoral tan dedicado,
competente y alegre. Estoy impresionado con la calidad y el compromiso que tienen en la formación de fe de nuestros jóvenes
en el programa de educación religiosa de la parroquia y nuestra escuela parroquial. El número de personas que participan en el
trabajo del día a día de la vida de nuestra parroquia ¡me anima muchísimo!
Doy gracias al Padre Bob Gillelan, Jr., Secretario del Clero y de la Vida Consagrada, por regresar a su parroquia y presidir
en mi instalación como pastor de la Parroquia San Francisco Xavier. Gracias al Padre Richards por la preparación
de manera que pudiéramos celebrar juntos en oración en inglés y español. Gracias a nuestros coros parroquiales por la
hermosa música.
El 4 de julio del año 2016 marca la celebración de 240 años de libertad en nuestra bendita nación, los Estados Unidos de
América. Este pasado fin de semana conmemoramos el 153 ° aniversario de la batalla de Gettysburg. Compré y empecé a leer
"The Killer Angels" de Michael Shaara con el propósito de familiarizarme más con nuestra historia local. Caminando por el
pueblo el sábado por la mañana, tomé una copia de "Noticias de la Guerra Civil Presenta a Gettysburg". Rápidamente, el
artículo, "Padre William Corby Y la Brigada Irlandesa", me llamó la atención. Me sorprendí al descubrir que el artículo fue
escrito por un estudiante recientemente graduado de la preparatoria. Wade Hisiro se graduó de Susquehanna Township High
School en Harrisburg.
Wade Hisiro escribió, "El museo Nacional de Capellanes de La Guerra Civil está ofreciendo actualmente una exposición
sobre la brigada irlandesa y el padre William Corby, un capellán de la brigada. El museo es parte de Liberty University en
Lynchburg, Virginia y el único museo del país dedicado a la exposición de los miembros del clero y actividades religiosas
durante la Guerra Civil. La exposición tendrá varios artefactos e imágenes pertenecientes a la brigada irlandesa, en préstamo
de la colección J. Howard Wert Gettysburg, la más antigua colección patrimonial de propiedad privada en los Estados Unidos.
Parte de la exposición del Padre Corby contentrá una cruz celta y su estola blanca bordada con verde ".
Antes de la batalla, el Padre Corby guió a los hombres en oración y les dio la absolución general sabiendo que no habría
tiempo suficiente para la confesión individual. Una estatua del Padre Corby se encuentra en el Parque Nacional Militar de
Gettysburg conmemora el momento histórico.
Muchos de nosotros conocemos dos sacerdotes de la Diócesis de Harrisburg que actualmente sirven como capellanes
militares. El Padre Ray LaVoie de San Ignacio, Valle de Buchanan, actualmente se desempeña como Capellán de la Guardia
Nacional del Ejército de los Estados Unidos en Kosovo. El Padre John Bateman que actualmente esta sirviendo con el
Cardenal O'Brien, en Roma, Italia, continúa como el capellán de la Guardia Nacional de PA. Rogamos por estos dos sacerdotes
y todos nuestros sacerdotes que sirven como capellanes de nuestras fuerzas armadas.
Este fin de semana falleció Joe Hamilton, nuestro organista parroquial desde hace más de 55 años. Él ahora está
participando de las bendiciones de la vida eterna con Dios, los santos y ángeles. Gracias al Padre Richards por compartir con
nuestro hermano, Joe Hamilton, la unción de los enfermos y gracias a los feligreses de la parroquia que estuvieron al cuidado
de Joe hasta el fin. Que su alma y todas las almas de los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz. Amén.
Alabanza y gracias a Dios,
Padre Daniel Mitzel
Prayer Request
If someone you know is in need of our prayers, please notify the parish office to
have them added to the bulletin prayer list. Names will be kept on the list for one
month and may be added after for as long as the prayers are needed.
Flowers on the
main and side Altars
In memory of the deceased
member s of the Falvey–
Cleveland Families.
Were you a convert to the Catholic faith?
Have you been a part of RCIA?
Our new ministry, “Now What? A view from the other side
of the Tiber.” We be holding its next meeting on
Wednesday, July 13, at 7p.m. in Xavier Center. At this
next meeting Father Richards will be giving a presentation
on Lectio Divina, and there will be a short video on how to
defend the faith. JOIN US!
Adams County Irish Festival
Hibernian Hunger Project:
The Gettysburg Ancient Order of Hibernians is holding the
16th Annual Adams County Irish Festival on Saturday, July
16 from 10am until 5pm at Moose Park in Straban
Township east of Gettysburg. The festival features family
fun for all with Irish music all day, living history displays,
merchandise and food vendors. The festival benefits area
hunger relief groups. Admission is $10 per person; children
age 12 and under are free. Bring your lawn chairs or
blankets and join the fun!
Visit www.adamscountyirishfestival.org for more info.
Rosary Rally for H.S. Athletes
2016 - A Rosary Rally led by Bishop Ronald W. Gainer for
all High School Athletes will be held on Sunday, July 17,
2016 at 6 to 8 p.m. at Good Shepherd Parish, 3435 East
Trindle Road, Camp Hill, PA. Show your school spirit,
wear your game jersey. Parents, families and Catholic
athletes from public schools are also welcome. Coaches are
encouraged to bring their entire teams. Bishop Gainer will
be available for team photos after the rally. For more
information call Hannah Woodward at (717) 367-0100 ext.
20 or [email protected] or visit http://
Misa Diocesana de la Herencia Hispana
¡Únase al Coro Diocesano
Hispano de Harrisburg !
Deseamos extenderles una invitación a todos los
vocalistas e instrumentalistas de nuestra diócesis
para que formen parte del Coro Hispano
Diocesano de Harrisburg y participen en la Misa
Diocesana Hispana el 18 de septiembre a las
3:30PM. Los músicos que sientan el llamado a
formar parte de este ministerio, por favor
comuníquense con Cathy Eisenbeil al
(717) 424-1515 o envíe un correo electrónico
[email protected], o con Jackie
Curran a [email protected].
Manos Unidas
Hispanic-American Center
Sirviendo a la comunidad desde el 10 de Marzo del 2006
Cuatro Semanas
Julio 18 – Julio 25 – Agosto 1 – Agosto 8
Escala variable de contribución
$50.00 a $90.00
Por semana / por cada estudiante
Para inscribir a sus hijos favor de llamar
y dejar recado, o pasar a la oficina.
Transporte desde Manos Unidas a las 8:30 am
Regreso a Manos Unidas a las 3:00 pm
El programa del RSG 21st Century
“Después de la Escuela”
Está inscribiendo estudiantes para participar
durante el año escolar 2016-2017
Abierto para todos los estudiantes que atienden las
escuelas primarias de Gettysburg, incluyendo
Vida Charter School, Montessori Charter School
St. Francis Xavier School y
Gettysburg Area Middle School.
El programa es de lunes a viernes desde la salida de la
escuela regular hasta las 5:30 pm.
Para registrar a sus hijos llame al 717-420-5079
Llame o escriba para hacer una cita. 717-334-1498
“Cuando el camino es difícil, es mejor
andarlo con Manos Unidas”
Like us on Facebook.
The Respect Life Committee thanks you for your support
of unborn babies during our 6th Giving Bassinette
program. Due to your generosity, we have donated over
500 items/multipacks to TenderCare Pregnancy Center in
El Comité de Respeto a la Vida les da las gracias por su
apoyo y generosidad hacia los bebés no nacidos durante el
programa del Moisés Generoso de este año. Debido a su
generosidad, hemos donado más de 500 ítems/paquetes al
Centro de Embarazo de TenderCare en Gettysburg.
The number of handmade gifts, such as sweaters and
blankets grow every year, with contributions from
individuals, our Prayer Shawl Ministry and, new this year,
a vast selection from a quilting group – such color and
creativity! What mother and child would not feel loved
and comforted as they snuggle in these items, especially
knowing the prayers that came with each stitch.
El número de regalos hechos a mano recibidos, como
suéteres y colchas crece cada año con las contribuciones de
personas y del Ministerio de Rezo del Rebozo. Y nuevo
este año, la extensa selección del grupo de colchas (quilts)¡tanto color y creatividad! ¡Qué mamá e hijo no sentirían
el amor y la comodidad al acurrucarse en estas ropitas,
especialmente al saber que cada puntada vino con un rezo!
We thank our 1st Grade Little Flowers group for helping
assemble the gift tags this year. And, we especially thank
all our parishioners for your prayers for the unborn babies
and their parents throughout our Spiritual Adoption
program. You have been there to support these parents
and babies, often when no one else is. Please continue to
pray for these families, that their needs will be met and
that God’s grace will give them the strength and wisdom to
love and protect these precious gifts from God.
Damos las gracias a nuestro grupo de primer grado Las
Florecitas (Little Flowers) por ayudarnos a armar las
bolsas de regalo este año. Y, damos las gracias
especialmente a todos los parroquianos por sus rezos a los
bebés no nacidos y a sus padres a través de este programa
de adopción espiritual. Usted ha estado ahí para apoyar a
esos papás y bebés, generalmente cuando nadie lo está. Por
favor continúe rezando por estas familias, para que sus
necesidades sean cubiertas y para que Dios les dé la fuerza
y sabiduría para amar y proteger a estos preciosos regalos
de Dios.
Arlene O’Brien, Chair, St. FX Respect Life Committee
Muchas gracias y rezos de agradecimiento a todos los que
de alguna manera contribuyeron a este programa.
Arlene O’Brien, Directora,
Comité de Respeto a la Vida.
Ministerio de Música:
Gregorio Uribe , Coordinador de Coros
Liturgia y Oración: Ismael García
Opción Misionera: María de Jesús Esquivias
Grupos Apostólicos:
Caballeros De Colón:
Gran Caballero - Pedro García
Cursillistas: Gina Aguilera (vocal)
Grupo de Oración:
Juan José y Esperanza Álvarez
For questions or concerns regarding the parish website, please contact
Lynne Gutshall at 253-6708 or [email protected].
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral:
Business Manager
Mr. Harry Holt
Administrative Assistant
Ms. Rachel Greene
Hispanic Ministry
Mrs. Marcy Marquez
Finance Council:
Mr. George Gelles, Chairperson
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Parish Council:
Mrs. Nancy Woods, President
Music Ministry:
Mrs. Mary Smith, Music Coordinator
Mrs. Cynthia Kane, Director of Adult Choir
Ms. Kelli Silvestri, Director of Children’s Choir
Adult Education:
Mr. John Knowles
Homebound Ministry:
Ms. Patricia Gannon
THANK YOU! SFX expresses gratitude to all of the sponsors who
underwrite the cost of our weekly bulletins, and in particular to Custom
Made Draperies, our sponsor of the week.
About the Liturgy
Our parish has been blessed over the years to receive many deacons preparing for the
priesthood, as we have Deacon Cavender with us now. Although we see them frequently, it might
still be helpful to consider what a deacon is, and what he does during the liturgy.
A deacon is an ordained minister of the Church. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders he is
made a cleric and given the special grace to serve the Church. Permanent deacons are men
ordained with the intention of remaining deacons, which is to say not being ordained priests. They
can be single or married, and typically have some kind of secular job to support their families.
Transitional deacons are seminarians, students in the last phase of their training to become
priests. Typically they will spend one year as a deacon, at which point they will be ordained to the
Deacons can baptize, witness marriages, perform funerals and burial services, distribute Holy
Communion as an ordinary minister, and preach the homily during Mass. However, those things
specifically related to priestly work - those things that require a man to be configured to Christ the
High Priest - cannot be done by a deacon, which include the celebration of Mass, the forgiveness
of sins in Confession, and the Anointing of the Sick.
Deacons are ordained to serve, in a particular way, through the works of charity. As the
Catechism says, deacons “receive the imposition of hands 'not unto the priesthood, but unto the
ministry…dedicating themselves to the various ministries of charity.”
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