Período mayo-junio 2015 - Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e


Período mayo-junio 2015 - Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e
Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
Tecnologías de la Información
y la Comunicación (TIC)
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
1. Robotics, Vol. 4. Págs 194-222: Deliberación sobre el diseño de estrategias en sistem...
2. Derivación automática del servicio de los repositorios de modelos de procesos de nego...
3. Generación de expresiones faciales robóticas realistas para la interacción humano-rob...
4. Nuevos algoritmos y optimización de equivalencias para la asignación de recursos en l...
5. Encriptación basada en certificados resiliente a filtración de claves
6. Autenticación continua de usuario utilizando biometría multi-modal
7. Desafíos técnicos para industrias de energía eléctrica con implementación de sistemas...
8. Sistemas de autenticación de contraseñas con patrón biométrico inteligente para panta...
9. Plataforma de tecnología orientada a desarrollar un robot de servicio con personalida...
10. Método y aparato de comunicación segura en la red inteligente
11. Seguridad biométrica y autenticación para dispositivo móvil
12. Monitoreo industrial utilizando computación en la nube
13. Dispositivo electrónico y método para proporcionar seguridad utilizando información b...
14. Técnicas criptográficas para red de comunicaciones
15. Compañías nórdicas dirigen el futuro de la industria del vehículo inteligente
16. Proyecto de Google Brillo proporcionará control IoT para el hogar
17. Tiristor STMicroelectronics de 1200V para control de potencia ultra confiable en el ...
18. Computación a la velocidad de la luz con divisor de haz ultracompacto
19. Nuevo sistema GPS de precisión centimétrica transforma la realidad virtual y los disp...
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
20. Telecom Personal y Jasper anuncian disponibilidad de servicios IoT en Argentina
21. Internet Of Things Inc. desarrolla aplicaciones para industrias automotrices y manufa...
22. Flipora lanza nueva aplicación móvil que utiliza inteligencia artificial para recomen...
23. Perceptron lanza una nueva familia de sensores inteligentes de escaneo láser de alta ...
24. El panel de automatización industrial de AIS optimiza la información y eficiencias de...
25. Cheque de innovación y cheque TIC para incentivar la contratación de servicios de inn...
26. ANR FONSOFT 2012, 2013 C2 y 2014 C1 - Proceso de evaluación y reconsideración
27. Apertura de RC 2015
28. Becas Jóvenes Profesionales TIC 2014 C1 - Proceso de evaluación
29. 3º Conferencia internacional sobre inteligencia artificial y ciencias de la computaci...
30. 9º Conferencia internacional sobre tecnología y sistemas de la información y comunica...
31. 2º Conferencia internacional sobre robótica e ingeniería en automatización 2015 (ICRA...
32. 5º Cumbre anual de ciberseguridad
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Robotics, Vol. 4. Págs 194-222: Deliberación sobre el diseño de
estrategias en sistemas automáticos de cosecha: Encuesta
Publicada el 15/06/2015
In Asia, decreasing farmer and labor populations due to various factors is a serious problem that leads to
increases in labor costs, higher harvesting input energy consumption and less resource utilization. To solve
these problems, researchers are engaged in providing long term and low-tech alternatives in terms of
mechanization and automation of agriculture by way of efficient, low cost and easy to use solutions. This paper
reviews various design strategies in recognition and picking systems, as well as developments in fruit
harvesting robots during the past 30 years in several countries. The main objectives of this paper are to gather
all information on fruit harvesting robots; focus on the technical developments so far achieved in picking
devices; highlight the problems still to be solved; and discuss the future prospects of fruit harvesting robots.
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Derivación automática del servicio de los repositorios de
modelos de procesos de negocio mediante tecnología
Publicada el 10/06/2015
Publication date: 10 June 2015. Source: Journal of Systems and Software
Author(s): Henrik Leopold , Fabian Pittke , Jan Mendling Although several
approaches for service identification have been defined in research and
practice, there is a notable lack of fully automated techniques. In this
paper, we address the problem of manual work in the context of service
derivation and present an approach for automatically deriving service
candidates from business process model repositories. Our approach
leverages semantic technology in order to derive ranked lists of useful
service candidates. An evaluation of the approach with three large process
model collection from practice indicates that the approach can effectively
identify useful services with hardly any manual effort. The evaluation
further demonstrates that our approach can address varying degrees of
service cohesion by applying different aggregation mechanisms. Hence,
the presented approach represents a useful artifact for enabling business
and IT managers to quickly spot reuse potential in their company. In
addition, our approach improves the alignment between business and IT.
As the ranked service candidates give a good impression on the relative
importance of a business operation, they can provide companies with first
clues on where IT support is needed and where it could be reduced.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Generación de expresiones faciales robóticas realistas para la
interacción humano-robot
Publicada el 31/05/2015
One factor that contributes to successful long-term human-human interaction is that humans are able to
appropriately express their emotions depending on situations. Unlike humans, robots often lack diversity in
facial expressions and gestures and long-term human robot interaction (HRI) has consequently not been very
successful thus far. In this paper, we propose a novel method to generate diverse and more realistic robot
facial expressions to help long-term HRI. First, nine basic dynamics for robot facial expressions are determined
based on the dynamics of human facial expressions and principles of animation in order to generate natural
and diverse expression changes in a facial robot for identical emotions. In the second stage, facial actions are
added to express more realistic expressions such as sniffling or wailing loudly corresponding to sadness,
laughing aloud or smiling corresponding to happiness, etc. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we
compared the facial expressions of the developed robot with and without use of the proposed method. The
results of the survey showed that the proposed method can help robots generate more realistic and diverse
facial expressions.
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Nuevos algoritmos y optimización de equivalencias para la
asignación de recursos en la computación en nube
Publicada el 20/04/2015
In this paper, we model the optimisation of the resource allocation in cloud computing as a constraint
satisfaction problem considering three types of resources (CPU, RAM and bandwidth) and design a ChocoBased algorithm (CB) for VM resource allocation in virtualised cloud data centres. We also propose an
Improved First-Fit Decreasing Algorithm (IFFD) and an Improved Best-Fit Decreasing Algorithm (IBFD) and
conduct performance evaluation experiments using Choco. The experimental results show that CB has better
results, whereas its solution time is longer than IFFD and IBFD in resource allocation. Moreover, to reduce the
complexity of solving the problem of CSP-based resource allocation, we propose an equivalence optimisation
which can greatly reduce the search space for resource allocation by making tree pruning with resource
equivalence. Then, a resource allocation algorithm based on Equivalent Optimisation (EO) is designed.
Experimental results also show that compared with CB, EO greatly reduces the time of allocating resource of
cloud computing.
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Encriptación basada en certificados resiliente a filtración de
Publicada el 22/06/2015
Publication date: 22 June 2015. Source: Journal of Systems and Software Author(s): Qihong Yu , Jiguo Li ,
Yichen Zhang , Wei Wu , Xinyi Huang , Yang Xiang Certificate-based encryption (CBE) is an important class of
public key encryption but the existing schemes are secure only under the premise that the decryption key (or
private key) and master private key are absolutely secret. In fact, a lot of side channel attacks and cold boot
attacks can leak secret information of a cryptographic system. In this case, the security of the cryptographic
system is destroyed, so a new model called leakage-resilient (LR) cryptography is introduced to solve this
problem. While some traditional public key encryption and identity-based encryption with resilient-leakage
schemes have been constructed, as far as we know, there is no leakage-resilient scheme in certificate-based
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Autenticación continua de usuario utilizando biometría multimodal
Publicada el 12/06/2015
Publication date: 12 June 2015. Source: Computers & Security
Author(s): Hataichanok Saevanee, Nathan Clarke, Steven Furnell, Valerio
Biscione As modern mobile devices increase in their capability and
accessibility, they introduce additional demands in terms of security –
particularly authentication. With the widely documented poor use of PINs,
Active Authentication is designed to overcome the fundamental issue of
usable and secure authentication through utilizing biometric-based
techniques to continuously verify user identity.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Desafíos técnicos para industrias de energía eléctrica con
implementación de sistemas de distribución automatizados en
redes inteligentes
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, Volume 46 Author(s): Kashem M. Muttaqi , Jamshid Aghaei ,
Velappa Ganapathy , Ali Esmaeel Nezhad Recent improvements in
computer processing power have enabled the development of intelligent
electronic devices (IEDs) to be capable of interpreting a substantial
quantity of data at high speeds. The distribution industry is one of the
largest users of real-time data during the operation of their energy
distribution network and as such, has an inherent need for data processing
technology. The development of intelligent devices and communication
protocols has given rise to the concept of distribution system automation
(DSA). In this paper the major features of DSA development are
discussed. A method of communication along with the integration of wired
and wireless communication solutions with IED and Mote technology is
described. Protection scheme automation is investigated, showing that
automated response to network fault conditions is possible. Network
reconfiguration is another key aspect of DSA research and two distinct
calculation techniques are discussed. The current index (CI) and the load
balance index (LBI) calculation methods are presented and the benefits of
LBI are highlighted. Distributed generation (DG) is addressed in the
context of automation with a demand side management (DSM) program
proposed to manage load during peak and off-peak periods. The paper
discusses switching DG sources, load deferral strategies and direct load
control to effect a reduction in load during peak periods. The paper furthers
this load management by load filling during off-peak periods. Finally,
conclusions on the effectiveness of the proposed method are drawn and
recommendations are made for further research.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Sistemas de autenticación de contraseñas con patrón
biométrico inteligente para pantallas táctiles
Publicada el 30/04/2015
Publication date: 30 April 2015. Source: Expert Systems with Applications
Author(s): Orcan ALPAR Given the recent developments in alternative
authentication interfaces for smartphones, tablets and touchscreen
laptops, one of the mostly selected method is the pattern passwords.
Basically, the users that prefer this method, draw a pattern between the
nodes to open the lock in lieu of entering an alphanumeric password.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Plataforma de tecnología orientada a desarrollar un robot de
servicio con personalidad integrada y comunicación mejorada
con el medio social
Publicada el 06/04/2015
Publication date: 6 April 2015. Source: Digital Communications and
Networks Author(s): Aleksandar Rodi , Miloš Jovanovi , Ilija Stevanovi ,
Branko Karan , Veljko Potkonjak. The paper is addressed to prototyping of
technology platform aimed to develop of ambient-aware human-centric
indoor service robot with attributes of emotional intelligence to enhance
interaction with social environment. The robot consists of a wheel-based
mobile platform with spinal (segmented) torso, bi-manual manipulation
system with multi-finger robot hands and robot head. Robot prototype was
designed to see, hear, speak and use its multimodal interface for
enhanced communication with humans. Robot is capable of demonstrating
its affective and social behavior by using audio and video interface as well
as body gestures. Robot is equipped with advanced perceptive system
based on heterogeneous sensorial system, including laser range finder,
ultrasonic distance sensors and proximity detectors, 3-axis inertial sensor
(accelerometer and gyroscope), stereo vision system, 2 wide-range
microphones, and 2 loudspeakers. The device is foreseen to operate
autonomously but it may be also operated remotely from a host computer
through wireless communication link as well as by use of a smart-phone
based on advanced client-server architecture. Robot prototype has
embedded attributes of artificial intelligence and utilizes advanced
cognitive capabilities such as spatial reasoning, obstacle and collision
avoidance, simultaneous localization and mapping, etc. Robot is designed
in a manner to enable uploading of new or changing existing algorithms of
emotional intelligence that should provide to robot human-like affective and
social behavior. The key objective of the project presented in the paper
regards to building advanced technology platform for research and
development of personal robots aimed to use for different purpose, e.g.
robot-entertainer, battler, robot for medical care, security robot, etc. In a
word, the designed technology platform is expected to help in development
human-centered service robots to be used at home, in the office, public
institutions, etc.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Método y aparato de comunicación segura en la red inteligente
Publicada el 17/06/2015
Apparatus and methods performing secure communications in an energy
delivery system. Energy delivery systems may include phasor
measurement units (PMU), phasor data concentrators (PDC) along with
power generation, transmission and consumption equipment. The PMU
and PDC may communicate in a grid network over secured wired or
wireless communication protocols. Embodiments may include utilizing
spread spectrum communication between PMU devices and PDC devices
to sustain energy delivery functionality during a communications attack.
Communications security may include a cryptographic key management
scheme for secure PMU and PDC communication and identification.
Embodiments may include clustering of PMU and PDC data for analysis
and real-time presentation to grid operators. Embodiments may include
clustering of PMU devices in a hexagonal geometry to provide for
frequency reuse among devices with directional antenna.
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Seguridad biométrica y autenticación para dispositivo móvil
Publicada el 17/06/2015
Methods and systems for authorizing a wireless device via biometrics. A
biometric interface permits a user to enter via the biometric interface, one
or more biometric attributes employable for authorizing the wireless device
for use by the user. The biometric interface is displayable via a display
associated with the wireless device. A user can be prompted to enter his or
her biometric attribute(s) via the biometric interface displayed via the
wireless device (e.g., Smartphone, tablet computing device, etc.). A sensor
communicates electronically with the biometric interface and detects and
analyzes the biometric attribute(s) entered by the user via the biometric
interface to verify that the biometric attribute(s) is associated with the user.
The wireless device is authorized as associated with the user, if it is
verified that the biometric attribute(s) is associated with the user, in
response to detecting and analyzing the biometric attribute(s) via the
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Monitoreo industrial utilizando computación en la nube
Publicada el 13/05/2015
Systems, methods, and software to facilitate cloud-based data processing
and analysis in an industrial automation environment are disclosed herein.
In at least one implementation, operational data generated by at least one
industrial machine is stored in a local cache. The operational data is
transferred for storage in an unstructured data storage system in a cloudbased architecture. In the cloud-based architecture, the operational data is
processed to convert the operational data to a structured format and the
operational data in the structured format is then stored in a structured data
storage system. In response to receiving a request for analytics, at least a
portion of the operational data is extracted from the structured data storage
system and the analytics are executed on the at least the portion of the
operational data.
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Dispositivo electrónico y método para proporcionar seguridad
utilizando información biométrica compleja
Publicada el 29/04/2015
An electronic device and a method that may provide security using
complex biometric information are provided. The electronic device includes
a sensor module configured to sense two or more pieces of biometric
information and a controller configured to execute a command
corresponding to biometric combination information when the biometric
combination information corresponding to the two or more pieces of
biometric information sensed through the sensor module exist. As
described above, through use of the complex biometric information
combined of two or more pieces of biometric information, more
strengthened security may be provided to various objects in the electronic
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Técnicas criptográficas para red de comunicaciones
Publicada el 14/04/2015
Techniques are described for enabling authentication and/or key
agreement between communications network stations and service
networks. The techniques described include the negotiation and use of a
cryptographic primitive shared between a service network and a home
environment of a station. The techniques described also feature a key
usage indicator, such as a sequence number, maintained by the service
network and a station. Comparison of the key usage indicators can, for
example, permit efficient authentication of the service network.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Compañías nórdicas dirigen el futuro de la industria del
vehículo inteligente
Publicada el 19/06/2015
Nordic companies are pioneering the smartcar industry as businesses and consumers turn to software to
improve efficiency and safety.
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Proyecto de Google Brillo proporcionará control IoT para el
Publicada el 28/05/2015
The idea is that this new home operating system will enable better and
more efficient control of energy, security and water use.
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Tiristor STMicroelectronics de 1200V para control de potencia
ultra confiable en el sector automotriz
Publicada el 19/05/2015
ST’s TN5050H-12WY is the world’s first high-power Silicon-Controlled
Rectifier Thyristor to offer 1200V blocking voltage combined with
automotive-grade production quality. With a current capability up to 80A1
and an operating temperature range up to 150°C, the new device
leverages both ST’s long-term leadership in discrete power devices and
meeting the demanding requirements of the automotive semiconductor
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Computación a la velocidad de la luz con divisor de haz
Publicada el 18/05/2015
Engineers have developed an ultracompact beamsplitter - the smallest on
record - for dividing light waves into two separate channels of information.
The device brings researchers closer to producing silicon photonic chips
that compute and shuttle data with light instead of electrons.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Nuevo sistema GPS de precisión centimétrica transforma la
realidad virtual y los dispositivos móviles
Publicada el 05/05/2015
Scientists have built a low-cost centimeter-accurate GPS system that
reduces location errors from the size of a large car to the size of a nickel a
more than 100 times increase in accuracy.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Telecom Personal y Jasper anuncian disponibilidad de servicios
IoT en Argentina
Publicada el 02/06/2015
Telecom Personal, the largest mobile communications company in
Argentina and Jasper, a global Internet of Things (IoT) platform leader,
today announced the availability of its combined network and IoT platform,
enabling businesses throughout Argentina to easily deploy, manage and
monetize IoT services. As a result, Argentinian enterprises can now
introduce new IoT-based services that enhance their customers'
experiences, while unlocking new revenue channels.
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Internet Of Things Inc. desarrolla aplicaciones para industrias
automotrices y manufactureras
Publicada el 27/05/2015
Internet of Things Inc. is pleased to provide shareholders with an update
on its business activities. The Company is developing applications for the
automotive and manufacturing industries, and has entered into discussions
with industrial and consumer-based companies looking to utilize its
technology and middleware platform for connecting devices.
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Flipora lanza nueva aplicación móvil que utiliza inteligencia
artificial para recomendar contenido interesante a los usuarios
Publicada el 05/05/2015
Flipora, the content discovery application that predicts users' interests,
today announced that a new version of its iPhone app, which features
advanced artificial intelligence technology, is now available to download in
the App Store. Information overload is a big problem today and searching
for interesting and quality content on mobile browsers and news apps is
often a tedious process. Flipora is solving this problem by using artificial
intelligence algorithms to help users automatically discover content on
topics they care about. Flipora recommends content that matches selfselected interests and goes a step further to predict what users will like,
delivering that content via a highly personalized feed on its app.
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Perceptron lanza una nueva familia de sensores inteligentes de
escaneo láser de alta potencia y rango dinámico extendido para
aplicaciones de medición automotriz y aeroespacial
Publicada el 22/04/2015
Perceptron has significantly extended the performance of its market
leading HELIX smart scanning sensor with the addition of HELIX HDR, a
Higher power and extended Dynamic Range version. HELIX HDR
produces a thinner laser line and higher power, coupled with a wider
measurement resolution that allows measurement of the most demanding
applications including highly reflective surfaces such as finely machined
aluminum castings.
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
El panel de automatización industrial de AIS optimiza la
información y eficiencias del proceso de producción en tiempo
real de los sistemas inteligentes de ejecución en plantas
Publicada el 06/04/2015
American Industrial Systems, Inc. (AIS), a leader in development and
manufacturing of Open Architecture HMI solutions, including their
Premium, modular, HMI panels, expandable Standard series and other
PC-based touch-panels and interfaces, introduces their new family of
Compact Automation Panels. The new series of windows-based, rugged,
HMI panels are specifically designed to provide real-time monitoring, data
processing and improved communication between Manufacturing
Execution Systems (MES), Supervisory Control Acquisitions & Distribution
Acquisition (SCADA), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Distributed
Control Systems (DCS), Batch Automation Systems and Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) Systems.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Cheque de innovación y cheque TIC para incentivar la
contratación de servicios de innovación y de aquellos basados
en tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones por las
pymes regionales.
Publicada el 04/05/2015
Estas ayudas tienen como principal objetivo fomentar la contratación de servicios catalogados y prestados por
proveedores acreditados por el Instituto de Fomento a PYMES con escasa o nula experiencia en Innovación o
en la utilización de TIC, en el ámbito empresarial para el que se solicita la ayuda.
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ANR FONSOFT 2012, 2013 C2 y 2014 C1 - Proceso de evaluación
y reconsideración
Publicada el 28/04/2015
El Fondo Fiduciario de Promoción de la Industria del Software (FONSOFT)
anuncia los resultados del proceso de reconsideración de la convocatoria
ANR FONSOFT 2012 (Resolución Directorio N° 39/15) y los resultados del
proceso de evaluación de las convocatorias ANR FONSOFT 2013 C2
(Resolución Directorio N° 25/15) y ANR FONSOFT 2014 C1 (Resolución
Directorio N° 37/15 y 66/15).
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
Apertura de RC 2015
Publicada el 20/04/2015
La Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT), a
través del Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (FONCyT)
y el Fondo Fiduciario de Promoción de la Industria del Software
(FONSOFT) convoca a las asociaciones científicas y tecnológicas e
instituciones de investigación públicas o privadas sin fines de lucro
radicadas en el país, para la adjudicación de subsidios destinados a la
financiación parcial de reuniones dirigidas a la promoción de la
investigación científica o tecnológica, a realizarse en el país.
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Becas Jóvenes Profesionales TIC 2014 C1 - Proceso de
Publicada el 09/04/2015
El Fondo Fiduciario de Promoción de la Industria del Software (FONSOFT)
anuncia los resultados del proceso de evaluación de la presente
convocatoria mediante Resolución de Directorio N° 749/14.
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC
3º Conferencia internacional sobre inteligencia artificial y
ciencias de la computación (AICS 2015)
Publicada el 15/06/2015
12th & 13th October 2015. Penang, Malaysia. The AICS2015 conference
is a platform to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners
from academia and industry working in all interdisciplinary areas of
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science.
12th to 13th October 2015. Penang, Malaysia.
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9º Conferencia internacional sobre tecnología y sistemas de la
información y comunicación (ICTS)
Publicada el 15/06/2015
16th September 2015. Surabaya, Indonesia. This event is an international
forum for computer science, information and communication technology
community to discuss and exchange information and knowledge in their
areas of interest.
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC
2º Conferencia internacional sobre robótica e ingeniería en
automatización 2015 (ICRAE 2015)
Publicada el 18/05/2015
October 25-27, 2015. Beijing, China . The ICRAE conference is an
international forum for the presentation of technological advances and
research results in the fields of Robotics and Automation
Engineering.Researchers from across the world are welcome to attend and
submit their best work to ICRAE 2015 conference to exchange ideas about
the latest theories, technology, data, and videos furthering the state-of-theart in Robotics and Automation Engineering.
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5º Cumbre anual de ciberseguridad
Publicada el 13/04/2015
16-17 June 2015. Canberra, Australia. This year’s Cyber Security Summit
will have a theme and focus on 'Risk, Resilience and Responsibility’ and
will draw on government policy, industry case studies, academic research,
and expert analysis.
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Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
TIC - Salud
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
1. Investigación y desarrollo de sistemas compartibles de vía clínica basados en semánti...
2. Optimización de algoritmos de reducción de frecuencia para obtener una mejora en la i...
3. Rol del registro electrónico de salud como una solución de fuente abierta para el mod...
4. Identificación de estrategias computarizadas efectivas para prevenir interacciones en...
5. Teñido computarizado para acelerar la patología digital
6. Proscia presenta primera plataforma de software en la nube para patología digital
7. Investigadores construyen “Google Maps” de la anatomía humana
8. Construyendo lazos entre de sistemas de registro de salud electrónicos a través de fe...
9. Herramienta de telemedicina para detectar patologías pulmonares utilizando análisis c...
10. Módulo de bioimpedancia de baja potencia para sistemas portátiles
11. Utilización de métodos de mSalud para identificar patrones de alto riesgo en el consu...
12. Visión general sobre telepatología
13. Sistema electroacústico de monitoreo inteligente de salud
14. Aparato modular para telemedicina
15. Monitoreo remoto de dispositivo para telemedicina
16. Sistemas y métodos para análisis automático de imágenes retinales
17. Solución de telemedicina de GlobalMed en Chile
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
18. Salford insta a implementar la patología digital
19. FDA utilizará datos de EHR para monitoreo de fármacos
20. Drchrono prepara EHR Y PHR para reloj Apple
21. Extendiendo los EHR con aplicaciones y servicios
22. Mercado de sistemas de registro electrónico de salud (EHR) en Latinoamérica 2015-2019
23. Mercado europeo de sistemas de información de farmacia por tipo, por componente, por ...
24. El Mercado de la mSalud espera aumentar un 33% anualmente durante 5 años
25. Apertura de RC 2015
26. Científicos argentinos descubren alteración genética en pacientes autistas gracias a ...
27. La Comunidad internacional de salud en el Hospital + Innovation Congress 2015
28. Llamado a propuestas: 5º edición de la conferencia internacional sobre e-salud y bioi...
29. Conferencia europea de telemedicina y competencia para jóvenes innovadores 2015
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Investigación y desarrollo de sistemas compartibles de vía
clínica basados en semántica
Publicada el 12/06/2015
The clinical pathway (CP) as a novel medical management schema is beneficial for reducing the length of stay,
decreasing heath care costs, standardizing clinical activities, and improving medical quality. However, the
practicability of CPs is limited by the complexity and expense of adding the standard functions of electronic
CPs to existing electronic medical record (EMR) systems. The purpose of this study was to design and develop
an independent clinical pathway (ICP) system that is sharable with different EMR systems. An innovative
knowledge base pattern was designed with separate namespaces for global knowledge, local knowledge, and
real-time instances. Semantic web technologies were introduced to support knowledge sharing and intelligent
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Optimización de algoritmos de reducción de frecuencia para
obtener una mejora en la inteligibilidad del habla mediante
simulación de pérdida de audición
Publicada el 18/04/2015
High frequency hearing loss is a growing problem for both children and adults. To overcome this impairment,
different frequency lowering methods (FLMs) were tried from 1930s, however no satisfaction was provided up
to now. In this study, for getting higher speech intelligibility, eight combinations of FLMs which were designed
originally were tried with simulated sounds onto normal hearing subjects. These improvements were calculated
by the difference with standard hearing aid method, amplification. High frequency hearing loss was simulated
with the combined suprathreshold effects. An offline study was carried out for each subject for determining the
significant methods used in modified rhyme test (MRT) (Subjective measure for intelligibility). Significant
methods were determined according to their speech intelligibility index (SII) (Objective measure for
intelligibility). All different cases were tried under four noisy environments and a noise free environment. Twelve
hearing impaired subjects were simulated by hearing loss simulation (HLS). MRT was developed for Turkish
language as a first time. As the results of improvements, total 71 cases were statistically significant for twelve
subjects. Eighty-three percent success of FLMs was achieved against amplification for being an alternative
method of amplification in noisy environments. For four subjects, all significant methods gave higher
improvements than amplification. As conclusion, specific method recommendations for different noisy
environments were done for each subject for getting more speech intelligibility.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Rol del registro electrónico de salud como una solución de
fuente abierta para el modelado regional de datos de pacientes
en obstetricia
Publicada el 18/04/2015
Publication date: 18 April 2015 Source: Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Author(s): Christina Pahl , Mojtaba Zare , Nilashi Mehrbakhsh , Marco
Aurélio de Faria Borges , Daniel Weingaertner , Vesselin Detschew , Eko
Supriyanto , Othman Ibrahim This work investigates, whether openEHR
with its reference model, archetypes and templates is suitable for the
digital representation of demographic as well as clinical data. Moreover, it
elaborates openEHR as a tool for modelling Hospital Information Systems
on a regional level based on a national logical infrastructure. OpenEHR is
a dual model approach developed for the modelling of Hospital Information
Systems enabling semantic interoperability. A holistic solution to this
represents the use of dual model based Electronic Healthcare Record
systems. Modelling data in the field of obstetrics is a challenge, since
different regions demand locally specific information for the process of
treatment. Smaller health units in developing countries like Brazil or
Malaysia, which until recently handled automatable processes like the
storage of sensitive patient data in paper form, start organizational
reconstruction processes. This archetype proof-of-concept investigation
has tried out some elements of the openEHR methodology in cooperation
with a health unit in Colombo, Brazil. Two legal forms provided by the
Brazilian Ministry of Health have been analyzed and classified into
demographic and clinical data. LinkEHR-Ed editor was used to read, edit
and create archetypes. Results show that 33 clinical and demographic
concepts, which are necessary to cover data demanded by the Unified
National Health System, were identified. Out of the concepts 61% were
reused and 39% modified to cover domain requirements. The detailed
process of reuse, modification and creation of archetypes is shown. We
conclude that, although a major part of demographic and clinical patient
data were already represented by existing archetypes, a significant part
required major modifications. In this study openEHR proved to be a highly
suitable tool in the modelling of complex health data. In combination with
LinkEHR-Ed software it offers user-friendly and highly applicable tools,
although the complexity built by the vast specifications requires expert
networks to define generally excepted clinical models. Finally, this project
has pointed out main benefits enclosing high coverage of obstetrics data
on the Clinical Knowledge Manager, simple modelling, and wide network
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Pág. 5
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Boletín TIC Salud
support using openEHR. Moreover, barriers described are enclosing the
allocation of clinical content to respective archetypes, as well as stagnant
adaption of changes on the Clinical Knowledge Manager leading to
redundant efforts in data contribution that need to be addressed in future
works. Graphical abstract
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Identificación de estrategias computarizadas efectivas para
prevenir interacciones entre fármacos en el hospital: Enfoque
centrado en el usuario
Publicada el 13/04/2015
Publication date: 13 April 2015 Source: International Journal of Medical Informatics Author(s): Olivia Missiakos
, Melissa T. Baysari , Richard O. Day Background Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are an important and
preventable cause of medication errors in hospitals. Recent developments in technology have seen new
strategies emerge for preventing DDIs but these computerized strategies are rarely evaluated and are typically
implemented with little input from the individuals using them. Aim To determine the opinions of both experts
and users (prescribers) on computerized strategies available to assist in the identification and prevention of
DDIs in hospitals. Method Eight drug safety experts and 18 prescribers took part in semi-structured interviews.
Participants were asked about their confidence in identifying DDIs and their views on potential computerized
strategies to prevent DDIs. Results No prescribers reported complete confidence in identifying dangerous
DDIs, with junior prescribers appearing less confident than senior prescribers. Most prescribers believed that
computerized alerts would be the most effective strategy for preventing DDIs, while experts were more critical
of alerts. Conclusion The lack of confidence displayed by prescribers in their ability to identify DDIs suggests
that an appropriate strategy would be one that does not rely on individuals seeking out the information
themselves. While a large number of problems related to DDI alert implementation have been reported in the
literature (e.g. alert overload), prescribers appeared to be receptive to the idea of being alerted. By ensuring
users are aware of the limitations of the system and involving them in DDI strategy design we expect greater
use and satisfaction with the adopted strategy.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Teñido computarizado para acelerar la patología digital
Publicada el 13/05/2015
Staining of cells is a basic component of pathology, allowing clinicians and
researchers to identify different cell types and to track their activity. It can
be a slow and laborious process, which can also cause disruption to the
sample being analyzed. At University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
researchers have developed a virtual staining technique that doesn’t
require any actual staining while producing similar results. They’re using
infrared spectroscopic imaging to analyze the chemical composition of
cells directly. By noting the spectral characteristics of light bouncing off the
cells, the investigators were able to identify correlations that a computer
can use to do quick pathology analysis. The researchers hope that the new
method will drastically increase the speed of digital pathology studies,
since manual aspects of staining and preparation may be avoided
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Proscia presenta primera plataforma de software en la nube
para patología digital
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Founded in 2014 by technologists from Johns Hopkins, the Moffitt Cancer
Center, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, and the University
of Pittsburgh, Proscia is a digital healthcare company with a mission to
bring image analysis and big data capabilities to pathology. Proscia’s main
focus area is fighting cancer. The company’s vision is to bring computer
intelligence to pathology—to organize the world’s pathology information
and put it to use fighting cancer. Image analysis and machine-learning
technologies in the company’s technology pipeline will allow for
unprecedented big data informatics in the industry.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Investigadores construyen “Google Maps” de la anatomía
Publicada el 03/04/2015
Researchers at The University of New South Wales in Australia, with the help of folks at Cleveland Clinic,
Brown and Stanford Universities, and Zeiss, harnessed Google’s own algorithms to create essentially
a “Google Maps” for the human anatomy. Just as with satellite imagery of the Earth, the technology relies on
imaging done at different resolutions and fields of view, capturing the overall view and at various steps getting
down to the level of individual cells. The tool looks and works like Google Maps, letting users pan and zoom
just like we’re all already used to, but it reminds us of the 70’s movie Powers of Ten that demonstrates how the
world looks like when viewed at different levels of magnifications. Read More » The post Researchers Building
“Google Maps” of Human Anatomy appeared first on Medgadget.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Construyendo lazos entre de sistemas de registro de salud
electrónicos a través de fenotipos inferidos
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015 Source: Journal of Biomedical Informatics,
Volume 55 Author(s): You Chen , Joydeep Ghosh , Cosmin Adrian Bejan ,
Carl A. Gunter , Siddharth Gupta , Abel Kho , David Liebovitz , Jimeng Sun
, Joshua Denny , Bradley Malin Objective Data in electronic health records
(EHRs) is being increasingly leveraged for secondary uses, ranging from
biomedical association studies to comparative effectiveness. To perform
studies at scale and transfer knowledge from one institution to another in a
meaningful way, we need to harmonize the phenotypes in such systems.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Herramienta de telemedicina para detectar patologías
pulmonares utilizando análisis computarizado de señales
acústicas pulmonares
Publicada el 27/05/2015
Publication date: 27 May 2015. Source: Applied Soft Computing Author(s):
Rajkumar Palaniappan , Kenneth Sundaraj , Sebastian Sundaraj , N.
Huliraj , S.S. Revadi Background Detection and monitoring of respiratory
related illness is an important aspect in pulmonary medicine. Acoustic
signals extracted from the human body are considered in detection of
respiratory pathology accurately. Objectives The aim of this study is to
develop a prototype telemedicine tool to detect respiratory pathology using
computerized respiratory sound analysis. Methods Around 120 subjects
(40 Normal, 40 continuous lung sounds (20 wheeze and 20 rhonchi) and
40 discontinuous lung sounds (20 fine crackles and 20 coarse crackles)
were included in this study. The respiratory sounds were segmented into
respiratory cycles using fuzzy inference system and then S-transform was
applied to these respiratory cycles. From the S-transform matrix, statistical
features were extracted. The extracted features were statistically
significant with p <0.05. To classify the respiratory pathology KNN, SVM
and ELM classifiers were implemented using the statistical features
obtained from of the data. Results The validation showed that the
classification rate for training for ELM classifier with RBF kernel was high
compared to the SVM and KNN classifiers. The time taken for training the
classifier was also less in ELM compared to SVM and KNN classifiers. The
overall mean classification rate for ELM classifier was 98.52%. Conclusion
The telemedicine software tool was developed using the ELM classifier.
The telemedicine tool has performed extraordinary well in detecting the
respiratory pathology and it is well validated.
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Módulo de bioimpedancia de baja potencia para sistemas
Publicada el 12/05/2015
Publication date: 12 May 2015 Source: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
Author(s): Stefano Rossi , Marco Pessione , Valeria Radicioni , Giovanni
Baglione , Monica Vatteroni , Paolo Dario , Luigi Della Torre In the
emerging field of wearable systems for remote monitoring of physiological
parameters, the measurement of bioimpedance has the potential to
provide many useful information. On the other hand, in this scenario, an
optimization of power consumption of the circuit is crucial. A low power
architecture for the measurement of bioimpedance was identified in this
work. It reduces the consumption in the most critical blocks of the system:
the current driver, the signal sensing and the demodulator. The device was
prototyped and electrically characterized. The compromise between power
consumption reduction and the increase in electrical noise was analysed
and an effective signal processing technique was developed, showing that
it is possible to achieve a signal to noise ratio good enough to enable
applications like respiration monitoring (breathing rate and amplitude) or
cardiac output estimation. Preliminary tests on healthy subjects showed a
good correlation with spirometer, for breathing monitoring, and with
Doppler echocardiography, for cardiac output. Thanks to the good
functionality and the reduced current consumption (750 A at 2.8V power
supply was obtained with a discrete-components implementation) the
module resulted suitable for the integration in wearable devices for remote
monitoring of physiological parameters, or other low power applications.
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Salud
Utilización de métodos de mSalud para identificar patrones de
alto riesgo en el consumo ilícito de fármacos
Publicada el 05/04/2015
Publication date: 5 April 2015 Source:Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Author(s): Beth S. Linas , Carl Latkin , Andrew Genz , Ryan P.
Westergaard , Larry W. Chang , Robert C. Bollinger , Gregory D. Kirk
Introduction We assessed patterns of illicit drug use using mobile health
(mHealth) methods and subsequent health care indicators among drug
users in Baltimore, MD. Methods Participants of the EXposure Assessment
in Current Time (EXACT) study were provided a mobile device for
assessment of their daily drug use (heroin, cocaine or both), mood and
social context for 30 days from November, 2008 through May, 2013. Realtime, self-reported drug use events were summed for individuals by day.
Drug use risk was assessed through growth mixture modeling. Latent class
regression examined the association of mHealth-defined risk groups with
indicators of healthcare access and utilization. Results 109 participants
were a median of 48.5 years old, 90% African American, 52% male and
59% HIV-infected. Growth mixture modeling identified three distinct
classes: low intensity drug use (25%), moderate intensity drug use (65%)
and high intensity drug use (10%). Compared to low intensity drug users,
high intensity users were younger, injected greater than once per day, and
shared needles. At the subsequent study visit, high intensity drug users
were nine times less likely to be medically insured (adjusted OR: 0.10,
95%CI: 0.01-0.88) and at greater risk for failing to attend any outpatient
appointments (aOR: 0.13, 95%CI: 0.02-0.85) relative to low intensity drug
users. Conclusions Real-time assessment of drug use and novel methods
of describing sub-classes of drug users uncovered individuals with higherrisk behavior who were poorly utilizing healthcare services. mHealth holds
promise for identifying individuals engaging in high-risk behaviors and
delivering real-time interventions to improve care outcomes.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Visión general sobre telepatología
Publicada el 04/04/2015
Publication date: 4 April 2015 Source: Surgical Pathology Clinics Author(s): Navid Farahani , Liron Pantanowitz
Telepathology is the practice of remote pathology using telecommunication links to enable the electronic
transmission of digital pathology images. Telepathology can be used for remotely rendering primary diagnoses,
second opinion consultations, quality assurance, education, and research purposes. The use of telepathology
for clinical patient care has been limited mostly to large academic institutions. Barriers that have limited its
widespread use include prohibitive costs, legal and regulatory issues, technologic drawbacks, resistance from
pathologists, and above all a lack of universal standards. This article provides an overview of telepathology
technology and applications.
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Sistema electroacústico de monitoreo inteligente de salud
Publicada el 03/06/2015
A smart health-monitoring electroacoustic system, comprising an
electroacoustic device (1) and smart control device (2), the electroacoustic
device (1) being provided with an electroacoustic smart module (11), a
health parameter test module (12), and a communications interface (13),
and the smart control device (2) being provided with an audiovisual control
module (21), a health monitoring control module (22), and a
communications interface (24); the electroacoustic device (1) and the
smart control device (2) are connected in a wired or wireless manner; the
health parameter test module (12) transmits physical health parameter
information by means of the communications interface (24) to the smart
control device (2), then the health monitoring control module (22) performs
computational processing, stores and emits sound information in response
to the health conditions of the body, and outputs the sound information to
the electroacoustic device (1) by means of the communication interface
(13); the electroacoustic smart module (11) comprises a speaker module
(111); after the electroacoustic device (1) receives the sound information,
the speaker module (111) plays the sound information. The electroacoustic
equipment (1) of the system is capable of playing music, meets people's
requirements for listening to music, and is also better able to meet people's
requirements regarding monitoring of physical health.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Aparato modular para telemedicina
Publicada el 20/05/2015
Modular telemedicine apparatus comprising: a battery power source, a
data carrier, a battery charging and protection system, a USB interface
system, and data analysis and control module, wherein the battery power
source, the data carrier, the battery charging and protection system, and
the USB interface system are interconnected and constitute a separate
power supply and data module replaced at the same time upon battery
drain and/or filling the data carrier up.
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Monitoreo remoto de dispositivo para telemedicina
Publicada el 29/04/2015
Methods and systems for monitoring usage of a telemedicine system are
described. A monitoring system at a hospital or other central monitoring
location provides for communication between personnel at a monitoring
location (e.g. a medical care provider) and patient and/or caregiver at a
patient location (e.g., the patient's home) via a telemedicine system. The
telemedicine system may provide for audiovisual or other communication
between the monitoring location and patient location, which may be in
combination with medical monitoring or treatment provided with one or
more associated article of medical equipment. The medical support
monitoring system tracks the amount and type of usage of telepresence
system and/or associated medical equipment. Tracked information
regarding system usage may be used for various purposes, including
billing, quality assurance, data analytics, including population studies of
usage patterns, for example. Usage information may be linked to identity of
patient, caregiver, or equipment used, or anonymized, depending upon the
intended use.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Salud
Sistemas y métodos para análisis automático de imágenes
Publicada el 29/04/2015
Embodiments disclose systems and methods that aid in screening,
diagnosis and/or monitoring of medical conditions. The systems and
methods may allow, for example, for automated identification and
localization of lesions and other anatomical structures from medical data
obtained from medical imaging devices, computation of image-based
biomarkers including quantification of dynamics of lesions, and/or
integration with telemedicine services, programs, or software.
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Salud
Solución de telemedicina de GlobalMed en Chile
Publicada el 11/05/2015
This primarily Spanish language video from GlobalMed partner Touch Media shows how GlobalMed's
Transportable Exam Station™ is used three different settings in Chile. It was used at Hanga Roa Hospital on
Easter Island. There are testimonials from Dr. Roxana Buscaglione, the deputy director of the hospital, and
patient Ricardo Montesinos Segura.
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Salford insta a implementar la patología digital
Publicada el 30/04/2015
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust has called for the whole of
Manchester to use digital pathology services, following a successful pilot
with Sectra.
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Salud
FDA utilizará datos de EHR para monitoreo de fármacos
Publicada el 24/04/2015
The FDA is offering a grant of up to $1 million to turn large amounts of
EHR data into numbers the agency can use to gauge the effectiveness of
FDA-approved drugs.
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Drchrono prepara EHR Y PHR para reloj Apple
Publicada el 23/04/2015
The first developer to make an EHR exclusively for the iPad is now aiming to be the first choice for physicians
and patients looking to make the most of their new Apple Watches.
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Extendiendo los EHR con aplicaciones y servicios
Publicada el 06/04/2015
Several EHR giants are quietly working together. They're playing in the same sandbox. They're sharing. At
least in one specific capacity.
For the past year-and-a-half, they've been getting together in a loose coalition with Intermountain Healthcare
and other organizations to work on standard application programming interfaces for patient data sets. The goal,
said Intermountain's chief medical informatics officer Stanley Huff, MD, is to create a platform by which anyone
can write an app that can work in various EHRs.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Salud
Mercado de sistemas de registro electrónico de salud (EHR) en
Latinoamérica 2015-2019
Publicada el 15/06/2015
EHR systems offer a platform to maintain a patient's medical data including patient demographics, medical
history, progress notes, immunizations, medications, radiology reports, laboratory data, appointment sessions,
and payment details for easy reference.
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Mercado europeo de sistemas de información de farmacia por
tipo, por componente, por implementación, por usuario final,
por geografía – Análisis y pronósticos al 2019
Publicada el 29/05/2015
The European pharmacy information system market was valued at $625.9 million in 2014, and is projected to
reach $877.5 million by 2019, at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2014 to 2019. Among all countries in the European
region, Germany holds the largest share of 24.3% in the pharmacy information system market, followed by
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El Mercado de la mSalud espera aumentar un 33% anualmente
durante 5 años
Publicada el 28/05/2015
The global mobile health market, valued at $10.5 billion in 2014, is projected to grow at a compound annual
growth rate of 33.5 percent between 2015 and 2020, according to a new report by Allied Market Research.
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
Apertura de RC 2015
Publicada el 20/04/2015
La Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT), a
través del Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (FONCyT)
y el Fondo Fiduciario de Promoción de la Industria del Software
(FONSOFT) convoca a las asociaciones científicas y tecnológicas e
instituciones de investigación públicas o privadas sin fines de lucro
radicadas en el país, para la adjudicación de subsidios destinados a la
financiación parcial de reuniones dirigidas a la promoción de la
investigación científica o tecnológica, a realizarse en el país.
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Científicos argentinos descubren alteración genética en
pacientes autistas gracias a la genómica y a la bioinformática
Publicada el 06/04/2015
El acceso a nuevas herramientas de diagnóstico para enfermedades poco
frecuentes es posible gracias a las plataformas tecnológicas financiadas
por la cartera de Ciencia de la Nación.
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Salud
La Comunidad internacional de salud en el Hospital +
Innovation Congress 2015
Publicada el 12/06/2015
21 - 22 October 2015, Odense, Denmark. In the next ten years, Denmark
will invest more than €5.6 billion in 16 new hospital projects. These include
new greenfield projects as well as expansion of existing capacity. The
International Health Community at Hospital + Innovation Congress 2015 is
an open invitation to the international health community to join the
discussion and to co-create innovative solutions to current issues under
this year's themes, patient involvement and increased efficiency.
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Llamado a propuestas: 5º edición de la conferencia
internacional sobre e-salud y bioingeniería (EHB 2015)
Publicada el 05/06/2015
19 - 21 November 2015, Iasi, Romania. The 5-th edition of the
International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2015, will
take place in the city of Iasi, Romania. This year the conference motto is
"Challenging Issues for Health and Biomedical Technologies" and we have
to stress that the sub-domains and topics of medical bioengineering and
biomedical engineering represent fundamental pillars for the reinforcement
of medical research and of health care.
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Conferencia europea de telemedicina y competencia para
jóvenes innovadores 2015
Publicada el 01/06/2015
21 - 22 October, 2015. Odense, Denmark. This year the European
Telemedicine Conference (ETC) 2015 is part of WHINN - Week of Health
and INNovation. It will combine the efforts of several leading European
Healthcare Organisations into one powerful event included into a unique
week of health and innovation.
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Mayo - Junio 2015
TIC - Agro y Agroindustria
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
1. Detección de viñedos desde imágenes captadas en sistemas aéreos no tripulados
2. Imagen hiperespectral combinada con análisis multivariante para la detección de defec...
3. Método automático basado en objetos para la umbralización en imágenes UAV: Aplicación...
4. Reconstrucción automatizada 3D de la arquitectura de racimos de uva a partir de datos...
5. Clasificación de cultivos de ajo utilizando una nariz electrónica
6. Modelo para la simulación de infraestructura e intervenciones de políticas públicas e...
7. Reducción del consumo de combustible en el control de plagas y maleza utilizando trac...
8. Investigaciones hidrogeológicas, evaluación y mapeo de la vulnerabilidad de aguas sub...
9. Sistema autónomo de rastreo para diseño en reversa en la cadena de suministro aliment...
10. Sistemas aéreos no tripulados para la evaluación del estrés hídrico en la agricultura...
11. Análisis multitemporal de patrones de suelo con datos de detección remota multiespect...
12. Control de riego automático y eficiente energéticamente para agricultura mediante el ...
13. Vehículo robótico autónomo todo terreno
14. Método y sistema de comunicación entre el servidor y la red de computadores de client...
15. Tasa de adaptación para dispositivos de sensores inalámbricos basados en wifi
16. Foto mapeo híbrido para exteriores
17. Imágenes satelitales permiten monitoreo a gran escala de áreas de cultivo de arroz en...
18. Última tecnología de FarmLogs determina con precisión los problemas de las cosechas
19. Avyon ofrece mapeo de precisión para flota de microdrones md4 de Applanix
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
20. SenseFly lanza dron para mapeo e inspección inteligente
21. Comparación entre el rendimiento de sensores de reflectancia activos y pasivos para e...
22. AgSense presenta paquete de programas para riego de precisión
23. Nutrinsic presenta video sobre la crisis de la proteína y propone una solución susten...
24. Purebase Corporation anuncia soluciones para gestión de la sequía
25. BioNitrogen Holdings Corp. anuncia la designación de Carlis Sabinson a su junta direc...
26. Mountain High completa la adquisición de Freedom Seed and Feed, la primera granja de ...
27. Santa Fe: instalan planta piloto para la producción de biogás y energía eléctrica
28. Desarrollo sustentable: financian proyectos orientados al sector energético y ambient...
29. Apertura de RC 2015
30. Premio Nacional ARCOR a la Innovación en Alimentos
31. Escuela internacional de verano ESA/JRC sobre GNSS 2015
32. Earthvision 2015.
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Detección de viñedos desde imágenes captadas en sistemas
aéreos no tripulados
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 114 Author(s): Lorenzo Comba , Paolo Gay , Jacopo
Primicerio , Davide Ricauda Aimonino. In viticulture, the adoption of
precision agriculture techniques is nowadays increasingly essential to
reach required high product quality standards. New reliable tools for
mapping crop variability indexes in a vineyard or a single parcel are
necessary to deploy site-specific management practices. In this paper, a
new method to automatically detect vine rows in gray-scale aerial images
is presented. The developed image processing algorithm is constituted by
three main steps based on dynamic segmentation, Hough Space
Clustering and Total Least Squares techniques. The procedure’s reliability
has also been proven in the presence of disturbance elements, like dense
inter-row grassing, bushes and trees shadows, by properly detecting vine
rows in the vineyard images. Moreover, its adaptive features allow it to
obtain optimal results in the presence of uneven image illumination due, for
example, to the presence of clouds or steep terrain slopes. The extracted
row and inter-row information, besides being the basis for vineyard
characterization maps computation, like vine plants vigor maps, could also
be used as a reference for other precision viticulture tasks such as, for
example, path planning of unmanned ground vehicles. Graphical abstract
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Imagen hiperespectral combinada con análisis multivariante
para la detección de defectos comunes en melocotones
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 114 Author(s): Baohua Zhang , Jiangbo Li , Shuxiang
Fan , Wenqian Huang , Chunjiang Zhao , Chengliang Liu , Danfeng Huang
Automatic detection of common defects on peaches by using imaging
system is still a challenge due to the high variability of peach surface color,
the similarity between the defects and stem, as well as the uneven
distribution of lightness on peaches. In order to detect the common defects
on peaches using hyperspectral imaging, defects were divided into two
different types: artificial defects and non-artificial defects. For artificial
defect detection, a two-step multivariate analysis method (Monte CarloUninformative Variable Elimination and successful projections algorithm)
was conducted in the spectral domain for the discriminant wavelength
(DW) selection, and then minimum noise fraction (MNF) transform was
conducted on the images at DWs for image processing and artificial defect
detection. For the candidate non-artificial defect detection, a pair of two
characteristic wavelengths at 925nm and 726nm was selected by
analyzing the full spectra of sound and non-artificial defective regions, and
then a band math equation was constructed for differentiating the nonartificial defect regions and stems from the sound and physical damage
regions, and the candidate non-artificial defects (including non-artificial
defects and stems) could be segmented by using a simple threshold
method. In order to distinguish the stem from the segmented candidate
non-artificial defect regions, another band math equation was constructed
based on another pair of two characteristic wavelengths at 650nm and
675nm for stem identification.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Método automático basado en objetos para la umbralización en
imágenes UAV: Aplicación para detección de vegetación en
cultivos herbáceos
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015 Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 114 Author(s): J. Torres-Sánchez , F. LópezGranados , J.M. Peña In precision agriculture, detecting the vegetation in
herbaceous crops in early season is a first and crucial step prior to
addressing further objectives such as counting plants for germination
monitoring, or detecting weeds for early season site specific weed
management. The ultra-high resolution of UAV images, and the powerful
tools provided by the Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) are the key in
achieving this objective. The present research work develops an innovative
thresholding OBIA algorithm based on the Otsu’s method, and studies how
the results of this algorithm are affected by the different segmentation
parameters (scale, shape and compactness).
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Reconstrucción automatizada 3D de la arquitectura de racimos
de uva a partir de datos de sensores para un fenotipado
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 114 Author(s): Florian Schöler , Volker Steinhage We
propose an approach to fully-automated and sensor-based 3D
reconstruction of grape cluster architecture followed by a precise,
objective, and reproducible derivation of phenotypic traits. Current
approaches to sensor-based phenotyping often show interactive
processing steps and analyze only those parts of a plant that can be
sensed by the given sensor system.
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Clasificación de cultivos de ajo utilizando una nariz electrónica
Publicada el 01/04/2015
Publication date: April 2015. Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 113 Author(s): Suchin Trirongjitmoah , Zongporn
Juengmunkong , Kornsorn Srikulnath , Pakpum Somboon We developed
an electronic nose method for classifying garlic cultivars. Each garlic
cultivar gave different semiconductor gas sensor array response patterns,
which we analysed using two-dimensional principal component analysis
(PCA). The method was able to detect the differences between cultivars
using a PCA-optimized set of five sensors without any significant loss of
performance compared to the original eight sensors. The performance of
the electronic nose system was confirmed using two alternative methods,
namely (1) the cluster analysis of the genetic relationships between garlic
cultivars using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers,
and (2) measuring the concentrations of sulfur-containing compounds in
each garlic cultivar by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS).
Four Thai garlic cultivars were consistently characterized and placed in
three groups using the AFLP, GC–MS, and electronic nose methods.
These results suggest that garlic cultivars can be classified simply and
quickly using a low-cost electronic nose system.
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Modelo para la simulación de infraestructura e intervenciones
de políticas públicas en la logística agrícola
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 114 Author(s): Andrew Higgins , Stephen McFallan ,
Luis Laredo , Di Prestwidge , Peter Stone Australia’s agriculture industry,
particularly in the north, is characterised by supply chains of long travel
distances, often in excess of 2500km and costing up to 35% of farm gate
price. Such travel distances increase the vulnerability of the industry to
climatic variability and extreme events. Infrastructure investments in roads,
bridges, processors and storage, along with changes in policy, have the
potential to substantially reduce costs and increase resilience of the
agriculture industries. In this paper, we outline the model, TRAnsport
Network Strategic Investment Tool (TRANSIT) which is based on ArcGIS,
and utilizes the Origin to Destination Cost Matrix solver within the Network
Analyst toolkit. TRANSIT estimates the transport costs for all movements
between enterprises, accommodating road conditions, vehicle types,
vehicle access restrictions and regulatory requirements. TRANSIT was
applied to the northern Australia livestock industry, consisting of 12 million
cattle across 10,000 enterprises and 89,000 unique trips between these
enterprises. Its ability to estimate the transport benefits from road
upgrades, new processing facilities and biosecurity changes are shown
using three priority case studies identified by industry and government.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Reducción del consumo de combustible en el control de plagas
y maleza utilizando tractores robóticos
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 114 Author(s): Mariano Gonzalez-de-Soto , Luis Emmi
, Isaias Garcia , Pablo Gonzalez-de-Santos A significant problem exists
concerning contamination of the environment, especially air pollution, and
the consequent climatic change. Considering that agricultural vehicles that
use fossil fuels emit significant amounts of atmospheric pollutants, the
main objective of this paper is to include techniques to reduce the fuel
consumption in the controls system of robotic tractors used in agriculture
tasks and thereby reduce the atmospheric emissions from these
automated applications. To achieve this goal, the first step is to analyze
fuel consumption in real time for each of the applications to be improved
and to implement the consumption model of a robotic tractor for each task,
considering the mechanical energy variations, the performance losses, the
energy used to overcome friction and the energy required by the given
task. For calculating the mechanical energy, the model considers the
potential energy of the system, which is a function of the mass, elevation
and gravity. The terrain elevations are estimated from GeoTIFF images of
DEM data, which have a pixel size equal to 1arc second (approximately
30m at the Equator), and an accuracy of integer meters. Regarding the
system mass, the possible loss of mass from applying the treatment is
considered. For estimating the frictional forces, the rolling resistance
coefficient of the terrain surface conditions is used. The consumption
model has been validated experimentally using real agricultural vehicles
and implements within the RHEA project (FP7-NMP 245986), in which the
instantaneous fuel consumption was measured. This fuel reduction method
is applied to three different treatments: weed control on herbaceous crops
through the spraying of herbicides, weed control on fire-resistant crops
with wide furrows through plowing and flame treatment, and pest control
on trees through fumigation using insecticides.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Investigaciones hidrogeológicas, evaluación y mapeo de la
vulnerabilidad de aguas subterráneas para la protección y
gestión de los recursos de agua subterránea: estado del arte y
estudio de caso
Publicada el 19/05/2015
Publication date: 19 May 2015. Source: Journal of African Earth Sciences
Author(s): Ismail chenini , Adel Zguibi , Lamia Kouzana The available
litterature was used in this work to review the methodologies for
groundwater vulnerability mapping. The objective of the litterature review is
to define the vulnerability concept and to discuss the best way to establish
aquifer vulnerability maps and the utilities of these maps for groundwater
protection. In this study, we explore the hydrodynamic properties of the
Grombalia aquifer system in north Tunisia to evaluate the vulnerability of
groundwater. The established vulnerability maps are used for groundwater
managing and protection. In Grombalia basin, the groundwater resource is
used for agriculture and drinking purposes. The intrinsic vulnerability of the
phreatic aquifer of Grombalia is mapped using the standard DRASTIC, a
modified DRASTIC and a DRIST models. The adopted methodology for
the intrinsic vulnerability mapping is based on the hydrogeological system
properties. The vulnerability index calculation was used to establish a map
with areas of vulnerability degree. This method is based on the
combination of various topographical, lithological and hydrogeological data
using Geobased Information System software. These methods consider
the attribution of a numeric index to each considered parameter. In the
established map, 26% of the aquifer extension is vulnerable according to
standard DRASTIC model. The modified DRASTIC method, which
considers the vadose zone heterogeneity and the aquifer geometry,
showed that 17% of the studied area is occupied by a high vulnerability.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Sistema autónomo de rastreo para diseño en reversa en la
cadena de suministro alimenticia
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: May 2015 Source: Food Control, Volume 51 Author(s):
Rui-Yang Chen Food safety and quality issues generally occur due to
incurring problem of food products handling processing. It led to a growing
interest in developing systems for food supply chain traceability. At
present, there are lacking in modeling the traceability process for
developing “autonomous” traceability system in comparative to
“automation” and little research has been conducted where the product
problem information related to the cause of problem, the responsibility
attribution simultaneously. This paper design the autonomous agent-based
tracing system based on IoT (internet of things) architecture using FCM
(fuzzy cognitive maps) and fuzzy rule method for product usage life cycle.
The case study for agriculture food product is discussed. It aimed to
simulating food tracing complex system with imprecise relationships while
quantifying the performance impact of backward design process efficiency
using the total effects algorithm.
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Sistemas aéreos no tripulados para la evaluación del estrés
hídrico en la agricultura sustentable
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: 1 May 2015 Source: Agricultural Water Management,
Volume 153 Author(s): J. Gago , C. Douthe , R.E. Coopman , P.P. Gallego
, M. Ribas-Carbo , J. Flexas , J. Escalona , H. Medrano Unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) present an exciting opportunity to monitor crop fields with
high spatial and temporal resolution remote sensing capable of improving
water stress management in agriculture. In this study, we reviewed the
application of different types of UAVs using different remote sensors and
compared their performance with ground-truth plant data. Several
reflectance indices, such as NDVI, TCARI/OSAVI and PRInorm obtained
from UAVs have shown positive correlations related to water stress
indicators such as water potential () and stomatal conductance (g s ).
Nevertheless, they have performed differently in diverse crops; thus, their
uses and applications are also discussed in this study. Thermal imagery is
also a common remote sensing technology used to assess water stress in
plants, via thermal indices (calculated using artificial surfaces as
references), estimates of the difference between canopy and air
temperature, and even canopy conductance estimates derived from leaf
energy balance models. These indices have shown a great potential to
determine field stress heterogeneity using unmanned aerial platforms. It
has also been proposed that chlorophyll fluorescence could be an even
better indicator of plant photosynthesis and water use efficiency under
water stress. Therefore, developing systems and methodologies to easily
retrieve fluorescence from UAVs should be a priority for the near future.
After a decade of work with UAVs, recently emerging technologies have
developed more user-friendly aerial platforms, such as the multi-copters,
which offer industry, science, and society new opportunities. Their use as
high-throughput phenotyping platforms for real field conditions and also for
water stress management increasing temporal and resolution scales could
improve our capacity to determine important crop traits such as yield or
stress tolerance for breeding purposes.
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Análisis multitemporal de patrones de suelo con datos de
detección remota multiespectral a escala de campo
Publicada el 01/04/2015
Publication date: April 2015. Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 113 Author(s): Gerald Blasch , Daniel Spengler ,
Christian Hohmann , Carsten Neumann , Sibylle Itzerott , Herrmann
Kaufmann This research proposes a new model for the generation of basic
soil information maps for precision agriculture based on multitemporal
remote sensing data analysis and GIS spatial data modelling. It
demonstrates (i) the potential of multitemporal soil pattern analysis (ii) to
generate functional soil maps at field scale based on soil reflectance
patterns and related soil properties and (iii) how to improve these soil
maps based on the identification of static homogenous soil patterns by
excluding temporal influences from the developed prediction model.
Principal components and per-pixel analyses are used for the separation of
static soil pattern from temporal reflectance pattern, influenced by (vital
and senescent) vegetation and land management practices. The potential
of the proposed algorithm is investigated using multitemporal multispectral
RapidEye satellite imagery at a demonstration field “Borrentin” field in
Northeast Germany.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Control de riego automático y eficiente energéticamente para
agricultura mediante el uso de redes de sensores inalámbricos
Publicada el 01/04/2015
Publication date: April 2015. Source: Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, Volume 113 Author(s): Stefanos A. Nikolidakis , Dionisis
Kandris , Dimitrios D. Vergados , Christos Douligeris Many agricultural
activities can be highly enhanced by using digital technologies. One of
these activities is the regulation of the quantity of water in cultivated fields,
a process which is directly interwoven with the sustainability and the
productivity of crops, since insufficient or excessive irrigation may not only
be obstructive, but also destructive. This paper proposes a scheme based
on the collaboration of an integrated system for automated irrigation
management with an advanced novel routing protocol for Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs), named ECHERP (Equalized Cluster Head Election
Routing Protocol). At its core, the proposed system aims at efficiently
managing water supply in cultivated fields in an automated way. The
system takes into consideration the historical data and the change on the
climate values to calculate the quantity of water that is needed for
irrigation. In case that the change on the collected values is above a
threshold more frequent data collection is proposed to minimize the
necessary quantity of water. On the other hand, in case that the change of
the values is below a preset threshold then the time interval to collect data
can increase to save sensor energy, leading to a prolonged sensor
lifetime. The results show that network lifetime using ECHERP is improved
up to 1825min and if a round is 110s the model provides energy efficiency
using smaller water quantities.
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Vehículo robótico autónomo todo terreno
Publicada el 19/05/2015
The present invention is a multi-purpose service robot for robust operation
in all-terrain outdoor environments, is aimed to fulfill the requirements of a
robotic platform that is able to support the development of real world
applications in surveillance, agriculture, environmental monitoring, and
other related domains. This demanding scenario motivated a design
mainly focused around the reliability of the mechanical platform, the
scalability of the control system, and the flexibility of its self-diagnosis and
error recovery mechanisms. These are key features for actual service
robots, however usually disregarded in robotics. The present invention is
made of durable materials, and with no-slip quasi-omnidirectional
kinematic characteristics shown to be adequate for rough terrain.
Supported by a control system fully compliant with the widespread Robot
Operating System (ROS), scalability is guaranteed. The integration of
active self-diagnosis and error recovery mechanisms extends system
functionality for long duration tasks.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Método y sistema de comunicación entre el servidor y la red de
computadores de clientes remotos enlazados a dispositivos
inalámbricos de comunicación móvil
Publicada el 10/04/2015
Embodiments of a system and method allowing a host system to select
among a plurality of Remote Client Computers (RCC) the one RCC that is
wirelessly coupled to and closest to a specific Wireless Mobile
Communication Device (WMCD) to communicate with are described. The
coupling between the RCC and the WMCD is for the purpose of
determining which RCC in the network the server should send the data to
and receive from. The process is executed on a host server computer
coupled to a plurality of RCC over either a wireless or wired network. The
server computer detects the presence and precise location of a WMCD
using a system of wireless sensors. Once the precise location of the
WMCD is determined, the server system selects among a plurality of RCC
the one RCC that is wirelessly coupled to and closest to a specific WMCD
to communicate with.
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Tasa de adaptación para dispositivos de sensores inalámbricos
basados en wifi
Publicada el 10/04/2015
A rate selection method for WiFi based wireless sensor devices include
storing parameters of communication packets successfully transmitted and
received by a wireless device prior to turning off a wireless device,
comparing a first set of parameters of a received communication signal to
the parameters of the received communication packets and identifying at
least one received communication packet of the communication packets
based on the comparison of the first set of parameters.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Foto mapeo híbrido para exteriores
Publicada el 03/04/2015
Embodiments disclosed pertain to the use of user equipment (UE) for the
generation of a 3D exterior envelope of a structure based on captured
images and a measurement set associated with each captured image. In
some embodiments, a sequence of exterior images of a structure is
captured and a corresponding measurement set comprising Inertial
Measurement Unit (IMU) measurements, wireless measurements
(including Global Navigation Satellite (GNSS) measurements) and/or other
non-wireless sensor measurements may be obtained concurrently. A
closed-loop trajectory of the UE in global coordinates may be determined
and a 3D structural envelope of the structure may be obtained based on
the closed loop trajectory and feature points in a subset of images selected
from the sequence of exterior images of the structure.
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Imágenes satelitales permiten monitoreo a gran escala de áreas
de cultivo de arroz en China
Publicada el 29/05/2015
Information derived from satellite images can soon be made available to
governments to help guide policy related to food security and sustainable
development, particularly in rice-growing areas.
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Última tecnología de FarmLogs determina con precisión los
problemas de las cosechas
Publicada el 06/05/2015
FarmLogs is introducing a crop-health monitoring solution that pinpoints
the exact location in the field that needs attention. When a problem is
detected during the growing season, FarmLogs users automatically
receive simple, actionable maps.
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Avyon ofrece mapeo de precisión para flota de microdrones
md4 de Applanix
Publicada el 05/05/2015
Avyon, a sUAS (Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems) integrator and distributor, is using the Applanix APX UAV
for its md4 fleet, to provide users with cost-effective direct georeferencing technology.
The integration of the Applanix APX-15 UAV on the md4-1000 and md4-3000 microdrones will offer solutions
for unmanned aircraft while complying with weight and size restrictions for payloads. The APX-15 works
seamlessly with all other airborne sensors such as digital cameras, LIDAR and other sensors, Avy0n said.
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SenseFly lanza dron para mapeo e inspección inteligente
Publicada el 05/05/2015
The eXom is a sensor-rich system, sensefly said. Developed by experts
working across numerous fields of robotics, this lightweight quadcopter
offers professionals such as civil engineers and land surveyors the
situational awareness, imaging flexibility and durability they need to
complete challenging tasks safely, accurately and efficiently.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Comparación entre el rendimiento de sensores de reflectancia
activos y pasivos para evaluar la temperatura relativa del dosel
y el rendimiento de granos en cultivos de cebada sometidos a
Publicada el 19/04/2015
Un article récent paru dans computer and electronics in agriculture qui propose un point sur les capteurs
(proxi-détection) actifs et passifs pour estimer le rendement (à un stade phénologique déterminé) et un indice
d’état hydrique du couvert végétal (NRCT : normalized relative canopy temperature) sur de l’orge de
printemps. Cet article est intéressant car il fait […]
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AgSense presenta paquete de programas para riego de
Publicada el 09/04/2015
Irrigation hardware and software provider AgSense has released a new irrigation package that combines the
company’s Field Commander and AgSense Crop Link telemetry units. This AgSense news release says the
Field Commander Ultimate precision irrigation package provides unmatched versatility in remote monitoring
and management of virtually all irrigation equipment, regardless of brand, age or current capabilities.
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Nutrinsic presenta video sobre la crisis de la proteína y propone
una solución sustentable
Publicada el 09/06/2015
A new video released by Nutrinsic, a sustainable protein company based
in Glendale, Colorado, depicts the world's current protein crisis, points to
the overfishing of our oceans, and offers a solution: ProFloc, sustainable
protein, created from underutilized nutrients.
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Purebase Corporation anuncia soluciones para gestión de la
Publicada el 05/06/2015
Purebase (OTCQB: PUBC) continued product development advances to help farmers deal with the current
Western US and worldwide drought crisis.
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
BioNitrogen Holdings Corp. anuncia la designación de Carlis
Sabinson a su junta directiva
Publicada el 18/05/2015
Carlos a. Contreras, Chairman and CEO of BioNitrogen Holdings Corp.
(OTC PINK: BION), a cleantech company that utilizes patented technology
to build environmentally-friendly plants that convert biomass into urea
fertilizer, has announced the appointment of Carlis Sabinson as a member
of its Board of Directors.
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Mountain High completa la adquisición de Freedom Seed and
Feed, la primera granja de semillas y fibra de cáñamo
federalmente autorizada en los Estados Unidos
Publicada el 01/04/2015
Mountain High Acquisitions Corp. (OTCQB: MYHI) ("Mountain High" or the "Company") is pleased to announce
that it has completed a definitive binding Share Exchange Agreement (the "Agreement") to acquire 100% of
Freedom Seed and Feed, Inc. ("FSF"), the owner and operator of the first federally permitted hemp seed and
fiber farm in the United States. As per the Agreement, Mountain High will acquire 100% of FSF in exchange for
29,429,000 restricted shares of common stock of the Company.
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Santa Fe: instalan planta piloto para la producción de biogás y
energía eléctrica
Publicada el 03/05/2015
Científicos de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral trabajan junto a dos
empresas santafecinas en el desarrollo de un sistema de cogeneración de
energía eléctrica y térmica a partir de biomasa.
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Desarrollo sustentable: financian proyectos orientados al sector
energético y ambiental
Publicada el 28/04/2015
Las iniciativas favorecerán la producción de biogás mediante el
aprovechamiento energético de subproductos de la industria frigorífica, y
la disminución de problemas socio-sanitarios relacionados con la
presencia de arsénico en aguas subterráneas.
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Pág. 22
Mayo - Junio 2015
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Boletín TIC Agro
Apertura de RC 2015
Publicada el 20/04/2015
La Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT), a
través del Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (FONCyT)
y el Fondo Fiduciario de Promoción de la Industria del Software
(FONSOFT) convoca a las asociaciones científicas y tecnológicas e
instituciones de investigación públicas o privadas sin fines de lucro
radicadas en el país, para la adjudicación de subsidios destinados a la
financiación parcial de reuniones dirigidas a la promoción de la
investigación científica o tecnológica, a realizarse en el país.
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Premio Nacional ARCOR a la Innovación en Alimentos
Publicada el 01/04/2015
La Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica y ARCOR
SAIC, instituyen el “Premio Nacional ARCOR a la Innovación en
Alimentos” al mejor proyecto de innovación y/o desarrollo tecnológico, en
las áreas detalladas que se presentan en las bases y condiciones de este
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Pág. 23
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Agro
Escuela internacional de verano ESA/JRC sobre GNSS 2015
Publicada el 01/06/2015
August 31 - September 10. Barcelona, Spain. The objective of the
ESA/JRC International Summer School on GNSS 2015 is to provide the
attendees with a comprehensive overview on satellite navigation, starting
from the GNSS system, its signals, the processing of the observations in a
receiver and finally determining the position-navigation-time (PNT)
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Earthvision 2015.
Publicada el 18/05/2015
June 12, 2015. Boston, USA. With this workshop, we aim at fostering
collaboration between the computer vision and Earth Observation
communities to, on the one hand, boost automated interpretation of EO
data, and, on the other hand, raise awareness inside the vision community
for this highly challenging and quickly evolving field of research with a big
impact on human society, economy, industry, and the planet.
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Boletín de novedades
Mayo - Junio 2015
TIC - Energía
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
1. Hacia una red inteligente de energía: El rol de las pilas de combustible/electrólisis...
2. Desarrollo y estructuras de influencia de una política de medición avanzada : El caso...
3. Monitoreo del rendimiento y eficiencia de parques fotovoltaicos
4. Programación óptima para operaciones vehículo-red mediante conexión estocástica de ve...
5. Sistema de almacenamiento multimodal de energía híbrida y su estrategia de gestión en...
6. Análisis de big data para la gestión dinámica de energía en redes inteligentes
7. Utilización de datos de medidores inteligentes y fronteras de eficiencia energética p...
8. Monitoreo experimental y evaluación de post-ocupación de un edificio solar no residen...
9. Dispositivo de transferencia de carga para vehículos eléctricos controlado por red y ...
10. Sistema y método para controlar la carga y descarga de vehículo eléctrico.
11. Dispositivo para la estimación del estado de la red de energía, método de estimación ...
12. Aparato para monitoreo de la red de energía eléctrica, artículos de fabricación y mét...
13. Centro de información relacionado a la vivienda asociado con sistemas de comunicación...
14. La plataforma urbana de Coruña Smart City, desarrollada por Indra, seleccionada como ...
15. Ganancia récord en eficiencia para paneles solares Black Silicon diseñados para baja ...
16. Tecnología inteligente conduce a edificios de alto rendimiento
17. Eletrobras usa la tecnología de Cisco para el proyecto Smart Grid en Brasil.
18. En 2015 las smart cities usarán 1.100 millones de objetos conectados
19. Planficando una instalación de sub-medición
20. La micro red basada en estándares hace frente al Internet de las cosas industrial
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
21. Nanopac Innovation Limited lanza iniciativas enfocadas a las instalaciones de producc...
22. Establishing a Microgrid Framework Through Technological Advances and Regulatory Comp...
23. Ingresos de servicios de carga de vehículos eléctricos esperan alcanzar los $11.3 bil...
24. Encuesta del grupo energético BRIDGE muestra demandas de los clientes
25. Identificando la rentabilidad de la comercialización de eficiencia energética
26. Magnitude Lighting Converters presenta controlador LED super compacto con voltaje reg...
27. Financian proyectos de desarrollo científico tecnológico vinculados con la industria ...
28. Simposio sobre educación del consumidor en la red inteligente
29. Respuesta a la demanda de utilidad y eficiencia energética
30. SmartCities en Energy Central
Pág. 2
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Hacia una red inteligente de energía: El rol de las pilas de
combustible/electrólisis y perspectivas tecnológicas
Publicada el 08/06/2015
Publication date: 8 June 2015. Source: International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, Volume 40, Issue 21 Author(s): Xiongwen Zhang , Siew Hwa
Chan , Hiang Kwee Ho , Siew-Chong Tan , Mengyu Li , Guojun Li , Jun Li ,
Zhenping Feng The current carbon-based energy system is undergoing a
profound change driven by the increased concerns over the longevity and
security of energy supply, as well as energy-related emissions of carbon
dioxide and air pollutions. The evolutionary trend of this transition is toward
a smart energy network of the future that is characterized by widespread
deployment of clean energy technologies and intelligent energy
management technologies.
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Pág. 3
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Desarrollo y estructuras de influencia de una política de
medición avanzada : El caso de Noruega
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Energy Policy, Volume 81 Author(s):
Tor Håkon Inderberg Responding to a global trend of installing smart
meters Norway has taken a route of full governmental and regulatory
coordination. The article maps and analyses the main influences on the
developments of Norwegian Advanced Metering policy. Based on 12
interviews and extensive document mapping the Norwegian policy
developments are traced from about 1990 to 2014, divided into three
phases: Before 2000, between 2000 and 2007, and after 2007. It finds that
the main influence and push came from an increasingly united industry
sector, fronted by the grid utilities with respective interest organizations.
Policy change has been boosted by years of constrained supply, creating
incentives for political action. Also developments at the EU level have been
important for creating attention for smart meters, while consumer groups
have been less influential. The national regulator NVE has adapted its
policy process to include external expertise, in particular from the grid
companies. The findings confirm that influence into policy processes is a
matter of financial and organizational resources and expert knowledge. Of
particular policy relevance is the weak organization of private consumer
interests into these policy streams, which may be important for further
policy development for distributed generation and regulation of private
generation activities.
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Pág. 4
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Monitoreo del rendimiento y eficiencia de parques fotovoltaicos
Publicada el 01/06/2015
Publication date: June 2015. Source: Renewable Energy, Volume 78
Author(s): Federico Bizzarri , Angelo Brambilla , Lorenzo Caretta , Carlo
Guardiani An approach allowing the on-target computation of efficiency
and yield of large (hundreds of kW), grid-connected photovoltaic (PV)
parks is presented. An efficiency metric is used to trigger alarms and to
plan maintenance interventions. An accurate simulation model of the
system, that is capable of taking into account all relevant environmental
variables, has been used to precisely determine the expected baseline
performances. Measured and simulated power together with string current
data are constantly updated and monitored and then processed by using a
novel figure of merit (FOM), to define aggregate efficiency indices both at
the overall park level and at single string level. Aggregate indices on
strings narrow down the search for sub-performing elements and allow the
determination, possibly in one day, of whether the entire PV system or one
of its components is not performing as expected. A workflow based on this
approach is introduced along with some case studies attesting its
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Pág. 5
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Programación óptima para operaciones vehículo-red mediante
conexión estocástica de vehículos eléctricos enchufables a la
red inteligente
Publicada el 15/05/2015
Publication date: 15 May 2015. Source: Applied Energy, Volume 146
Author(s): Linni Jian , Yanchong Zheng , Xinping Xiao , C.C. Chan Vehicleto-grid (V2G) operation of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) is attracting
increasing attention since it can assist to improve the efficiency and
reliability of power grid, as well as reduce the operating cost and
greenhouse gas emission of electric vehicles. Within the scheme of V2G
operation, PEVs are expected to serve as a novel distributed energy
storage system (ESS) to help achieve the balance between supply and
demand of power grid. One of the key difficulties concerning its practical
implementation lies in that the availability of PEVs as ESS for grid remains
highly uncertain due to their mobility as transportation tools. To address
this issue, a novel event-triggered scheduling scheme for V2G operation
based on the scenario of stochastic PEV connection to smart grid is
proposed in this paper. Firstly, the mathematical model is formulated.
Secondly, the preparation of input data for systematic evaluation is
introduced and the case study is conducted. Finally, statistic analysis
results demonstrate that our proposed V2G scheduling scheme can
dramatically smooth out the fluctuation in power load profiles. Graphical
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Pág. 6
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Sistema de almacenamiento multimodal de energía híbrida y su
estrategia de gestión energética para vehículos eléctricos
Publicada el 01/05/2015
Publication date: 1 May 2015. Source: Journal of Power Sources, Volume
281 Author(s): Bin Wang , Jun Xu , Binggang Cao , Xuan Zhou This paper
proposes a novel topology of multimode hybrid energy storage system
(HESS) and its energy management strategy for electric vehicles (EVs).
Compared to the conventional HESS, the proposed multimode HESS has
more operating modes and thus it could in further enhance the efficiency of
the system. The rule-based control strategy and the power-balancing
strategy are developed for the energy management strategy to realize
mode selection and power distribution. Generally, the DC–DC converter
will operate at peak efficiency to convey the energy from the batteries to
the UCs. Otherwise, the pure battery mode or the pure ultracapacitors
(UCs) mode will be utilized without the DC–DC converter. To extend the
battery life, the UCs have the highest priority to recycle the energy and the
batteries are isolated from being recharged directly during regenerative
braking. Simulations and experiments are established to validate the
proposed multimode HESS and its energy management strategy. The
results reveal that the energy losses in the DC–DC converter, the total
energy consumption and the overall system efficiency of the proposed
multimode HESS are improved compared to the conventional HESS.
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Pág. 7
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Análisis de big data para la gestión dinámica de energía en
redes inteligentes
Publicada el 28/04/2015
Publication date: 28 April 2015. Source: Big Data Research Author(s):
Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis , Vasileios M. Kapinas , George K.
Karagiannidis The smart electricity grid enables a two-way flow of power
and data between suppliers and consumers in order to facilitate the power
flow optimization in terms of economic efficiency, reliability and
sustainability. This infrastructure permits the consumers and the microenergy producers to take a more active role in the electricity market and
the dynamic energy management (DEM). The most important challenge in
a smart grid (SG) is how to take advantage of the users' participation in
order to reduce the cost of power. However, effective DEM depends
critically on load and renewable production forecasting. This calls for
intelligent methods and solutions for the real-time exploitation of the large
volumes of data generated by a vast amount of smart meters. Hence,
robust data analytics, high performance computing, efficient data network
management, and cloud computing techniques are critical towards the
optimized operation of SGs. This research aims to highlight the big data
issues and challenges faced by the DEM employed in SG networks. It also
provides a brief description of the most commonly used data processing
methods in the literature, and proposes a promising direction for future
research in the field.
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Pág. 8
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Utilización de datos de medidores inteligentes y fronteras de
eficiencia energética para estimar e identificar los
determinantes de eficiencia energética de aparatos en edificios
Publicada el 25/04/2015
Publication date: 25 April 2015. Source: Energy and Buildings Author(s):
Amir Kavousian , Ram Rajagopal , Martin Fischer This paper offers a novel
method to rank residential appliance energy efficiency utilizing energy
efficiency frontiers. The method is validated using a real-world case study
of 4231 buildings in Ireland. Our results show that structural factors have
the largest impact on energy efficiency, followed by socioeconomic factors
and behavioral factors. For example, households with high penetration of
efficient lightbulbs and double-glazed windows were on average 4 and 3.5
percent more efficient than others. Households with the head of household
having higher education are on average 1.3 percent more efficient than
their peers. Finally, households that track their energy savings are on
average 0.4 percent more efficient than others. Furthermore, installing
heater timers, wall insulation, and living in owned residences were
correlated with higher efficiency. Generally, families with kids who have
full-time employment and are highly-educated are more efficient compared
to families with no kids, or families with retirees or unemployed members.
This result has important implications for both targeting and messaging of
energy efficiency programs. Some behavioral factors demonstrated
significant impact on appliance energy efficiency. For instance, households
that expressed interest in making major energy-saving lifestyle changes
scored higher efficiency ranks on average. Conversely, households that
expressed doubt about their motivation to save energy ranked lower in
efficiency. This finding validates the role of educational programs to
increase awareness about energy efficiency and its importance. In short,
our results show that a data-driven analysis of a population is needed to
develop a balanced view of the drivers of energy efficiency, and to devise
a targeted approach to improve homes’ energy efficiency.
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Pág. 9
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Monitoreo experimental y evaluación de post-ocupación de un
edificio solar no residencial en la región central de Argentina
Publicada el 01/04/2015
Publication date: 1 April 2015. Source: Energy and Buildings, Volume 92
Author(s): C. Filippín , S. Flores Larsen , L. Marek Previous experience in
designing and monitoring bioclimatic buildings in central Argentina
suggests that their thermal behavior is a matter of concern and that further
research is needed. Thus, the objectives of this work are: to describe the
design and the post-occupancy evaluation of a new non-domestic solar
building in a continental semiarid region of central Argentina (37°38
latitude S, 63°34 longitude, 175m above sea level), to analyze the
building's hygrothermal and energy performance, and to estimate the PMV
and PPD. The design guidelines were: to minimize the consumption of
conventional energy in thermal-lighting conditioning, to use traditional
technology, to maximize the thermal comfort, and to reach an extra-cost
lower than 10%. The post-occupancy monitoring of the building was
performed along one complete year (August 9th 2011–August 18th 2012).
Data-loggers were installed in each functional area to sense the indoor
temperature and relative humidity at time steps of 10min. A meteorological
station was installed near the building. The experimental results showed
that during winter the average temperature in the areas of permanent use
was 20.3°C (average outdoor temperature: 10.1°C) and the heating energy
consumption was around 73.5kWh/m2. During summer the average indoor
temperature in the building was 26.9°C, 1.7°C below the outdoor
temperature average (28.6°C); cooling systems were turned on when the
indoor temperature reached 28°C, at approximately 11:30 AM, when the
outdoor air temperature exceeded 30°C. Mechanical cooling consumed
around 59% of the daily electricity consumption. The PDD results obtained
for winter and summer representative days meet the requirements of ISO
Norm 7730. Heating and cooling energy saving was around 63% and
76.5% respectively. The monitoring showed that the thermal behavior and
energy performance met the expectations of both designers and users,
and it is considered satisfactory and promising for low-energy consumption
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Pág. 10
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Dispositivo de transferencia de carga para vehículos eléctricos
controlado por red y montado en alumbrado público
Publicada el 10/06/2015
A network-controlled charge transfer device for transferring charge
between a local power grid and an electric vehicle is mounted to a street
light. The charge transfer device includes the following: an electrical
receptacle to receive an electrical connector for connection to the electric
vehicle; an electric power line that couples the power grid to the electrical
receptacle through a wiring box; a control device to switch the receptacle
on and off; a current measuring device to measure current flowing through
the electric power line; and a controller to operate the control device and to
monitor output from the current measuring device.
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Sistema y método para controlar la carga y descarga de
vehículo eléctrico.
Publicada el 10/06/2015
A method for controlling charging and discharging of an electric vehicle, the method comprising: first, analyzing
information such as the battery status and the history default rate of electric vehicles applying for joining a
power-grid charging and discharging service, and screening out an electric vehicle that can participate in the
charging and discharging service for electric vehicles in the future; then, determining an optimal combination
state of a generator set and the electric vehicle by using the method of electric energy transmission cost
comparison; and further monitoring in real time the status of the electric vehicle during charging and
discharging, and performing real-time power control on the electric vehicle.
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Pág. 11
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Dispositivo para la estimación del estado de la red de energía,
método de estimación del estado de la misma, y sistema de
control de la red de energía
Publicada el 03/06/2015
This device for estimating the state of a power grid by estimating state
quantities of the power grid is provided with: a power grid measurement
unit (110) that receives occurrence distribution information of the amount
of power input/output to/from a power-consuming device or a power source
interconnected with the power grid; a simulator unit (120) that calculates a
state estimate for the power grid on the basis of the received occurrence
distribution information of the amount of power; a maximum likelihood state
value calculation unit (130) that calculates the state value that is the most
likely in terms of probability using simulation data output from the
simulation unit and the measurement data of the power grid output from
the power grid measurement unit; and a parameter correction unit (140)
that corrects the parameters of the simulator unit on the basis of the output
of the maximum likelihood state value calculation unit. The parameters of
the simulator unit are successively corrected in a manner so as to reduce
the difference between the simulator data of the simulator unit and the
power grid measurement data of the power grid measurement unit.
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Pág. 12
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Aparato para monitoreo de la red de energía eléctrica, artículos
de fabricación y métodos de equipamiento para monitoreo de
una red de energía eléctrica
Publicada el 03/04/2015
Electrical power grid monitoring apparatus, articles of manufacture, and
methods of monitoring equipment of an electrical power grid are described.
According to one aspect, an electrical power grid monitoring apparatus
includes a communications interface configured to access electrical data
indicative of electrical energy received at a plurality of consumer locations
from an electrical power grid at a plurality of moments in time, the
consumer locations being coupled with one or more unbalanced single
phase feeders of a distribution system of an electrical power grid and
which individually comprise a plurality of components configured to
conduct the electrical energy from at least one electrical energy source to
the consumer locations, and processing circuitry coupled with the
communications interface and configured to use the electrical data to
estimate a state of the electrical power grid and to identify one of the
components as being in a potentially degraded state using the estimation
of the state of the electrical power grid.
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Pág. 13
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Centro de información relacionado a la vivienda asociado con
sistemas de comunicación y control y método para
transferencia de energía inalámbrica para vehículos eléctricos
Publicada el 03/04/2015
A computationally implemented system and method that is designed to,
but is not limited to: electronically processing status related intake
associated at least in part with one or more electric vehicle recharging
affairs for one or more electric vehicles by wireless electrical energy
transfer affiliated at least in part with one or more dwelling associates of at
least in part one or more dwelling related areas. In addition to the
foregoing, other method aspects are described in the claims, drawings,
and text forming a part of the present disclosure.
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Pág. 14
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
La plataforma urbana de Coruña Smart City, desarrollada por
Indra, seleccionada como referente en el Global City Teams
Challenge, en Washington.
Publicada el 05/06/2015
La plataforma urbana del proyecto Coruña Smart City, desarrollada por el
consorcio liderado por Indra, ha sido seleccionada por el NIST (National
Institute of Standard and Technologies) para participar en el Global City
Teams Challenge - uno de los mayores eventos del año en materia de
ciudades inteligentes del mundo-, que se celebra hoy lunes, día 1 de junio,
en el National Building Museum de Washington (EEUU).
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Ganancia récord en eficiencia para paneles solares Black
Silicon diseñados para baja irradiación
Publicada el 22/05/2015
Researchers at the University of Aalto in Finland have broken the
efficiency record for black silicon solar cells a type of cell that can gather
sunlight even from tight angles by almost 4 percent.
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Pág. 15
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Tecnología inteligente conduce a edificios de alto rendimiento
Publicada el 17/05/2015
The terms “smart building” and “high-performance building” are increasingly bandied about when facility
managers discuss ways to improve building parameters like energy efficiency, comfort, and productivity. No
hard and fast definition of either phrase exists, and sometimes the two are used interchangeably. But, however
the terms are defined, it’s clear that the automation technology of a smart building, which encompasses three
levels of controls strategies and can provide important granular detail, should be an important component of
any high-performance building.
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Eletrobras usa la tecnología de Cisco para el proyecto Smart
Grid en Brasil.
Publicada el 14/05/2015
Cisco proporcionará infraestructura de comunicación al programa de
medición inteligente "Energy+" de Eletrobras, empresa pública de
electricidad en Brasil que abastecerá a los estados del Amazonas,
Alagoas, Acre, Piaui, Rondonia y Roraima.
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Pág. 16
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
En 2015 las smart cities usarán 1.100 millones de objetos
Publicada el 25/04/2015
Así lo predice Gartner, que en sus últimas previsiones anuncia, además,
que serán los hogares y el sector privado quienes lideren este cambio, por
su capacidad de adaptación y flexibilidad, mayores, piensan en la firma,
que las del sector público.
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Planficando una instalación de sub-medición
Publicada el 24/04/2015
Many customers are interested in sub-metering their estate to increase
their understanding of the energy usage across their portfolio. Long gone
are the days when entire commercial premises, estates and large-scale
industrial facilities used one device to meter their facilities.
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Pág. 17
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
La micro red basada en estándares hace frente al Internet de las
cosas industrial
Publicada el 03/04/2015
The Industrial Internet Consortium brings tech vendors and utilities on
board to test and deploy interoperable grid-edge technology.
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Pág. 18
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Nanopac Innovation Limited lanza iniciativas enfocadas a las
instalaciones de producción para la fabricación de nano paneles
Publicada el 22/05/2015
Nanopac Innovation Limited, a nanotechnology firm currently trading on
the National Stock Exchange of Australia under symbol as well as on the
Frankfurt Stock Exchange as and, accordingly, has identified a new
opportunity to manufacture first of its kind Nanotechnology Solar Cells, an
advanced technology in the clean and renewable energy sector which can
be used to power handheld electronic devices, outdoor lighting for
restaurants, hospitals and hotels, as well as a number of other
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Establishing a Microgrid Framework Through Technological
Advances and Regulatory Comprehension
Publicada el 20/05/2015
Interview With William Torre, Program Director for Energy Storage, University of California-San Diego, Center
for Energy Research
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Pág. 19
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Ingresos de servicios de carga de vehículos eléctricos esperan
alcanzar los $11.3 billiones entre 2014 y 2023, de acuerdo a
Navigant Research
Publicada el 13/05/2015
A recent report from Navigant Research analyzes the global market for plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging
equipment sales and charging services, including global market forecasts for residential and commercial
charging system unit sales and revenue from charging services through 2023.
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Encuesta del grupo energético BRIDGE muestra demandas de
los clientes
Publicada el 28/04/2015
BRIDGE Energy Group today announced the results from their Utility
industry survey on Outage and Restoration Management. Despite the fact
that 81% of utilities claim to have Smart Meters deployed, 58% of
respondents still primarily rely on customers for "blue sky" day alerts and
54% rely on customer notification during storms.
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Identificando la rentabilidad de la comercialización de eficiencia
Publicada el 21/04/2015
Now more than ever, utility companies are in need of supporting demand response and energy efficiency
resources and the sets of rules and requirements for participation that are unique to each market. The Utility
industry is working to make energy efficiency and other distributed resources primary tools in the planning and
operation of an interconnected modernized power grid.
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Pág. 20
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Magnitude Lighting Converters presenta controlador LED super
compacto con voltaje regulable
Publicada el 02/04/2015
Magnitude Lighting Converters, Inc. announced today the availability of its
new line of Voltage LED drivers in response to the rapid expansion of the
LED hospitality and residential applications that require phase cut
dimmable drivers with high performance dimming range.
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Pág. 21
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Financian proyectos de desarrollo científico tecnológico
vinculados con la industria y el ambiente
Publicada el 10/05/2015
Las iniciativas, que recibieron financiamiento de la cartera de Ciencia,
favorecerán la implementación de nanotecnologías para la remediación de
sitios contaminados y la producción de tuberías de polietileno reticulado
para usos industriales.
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Pág. 22
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
Simposio sobre educación del consumidor en la red inteligente
Publicada el 18/05/2015
June 11, 2015. Chicago, IL. USA. The Smart Grid Customer Education
Symposium is the longest running, most influential gathering of utility
industry professionals that meet annually to discuss best practices in smart
grid customer education.
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Respuesta a la demanda de utilidad y eficiencia energética
Publicada el 04/05/2015
The Utility Demand Response & Energy Efficiency Conference provides a
platform for utility professionals to make energy efficiency and other
distributed resources a primary tool in the planning and operation of an
interconnected modernized power grid.
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Pág. 23
Mayo - Junio 2015
Boletín de novedades
Boletín TIC Energía
SmartCities en Energy Central
Publicada el 13/04/2015
May 12-13, 2015. Charlotte, NC. SmartCities is an Energy Central event
established to educate utilities on the steps and paths to collaboratively
develop smart cites in their region.
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Para más información:
Programa Nacional de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva (VINTEC)
Dirección Nacional de Estudios (DNE) · Subsecretaría de Estudios y Prospectiva
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación
Godoy Cruz 2320 3 piso · (C1425FQD) · Buenos Aires · Argentina
Tel: (011) 4899-5300 int. 3004 · [email protected] ·
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