
West Side Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
www.westsidedisciple s.org
West Side Times
Volume 18, Issue 06
Spirit Fest
Neighborhood BBQ
Blood Drive
Inside this
A.M. to P.M.
Save the
News & Notes
Got Talent?
Prayer List
April 8, 2015
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AM to PM
“Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?” That was one of the songs
my mother used to hum or sing when she was working around the
house. It is a popular song written by Scotty Wiseman and published
in 1945, although I imagine it was a later recording that floated
through her mind while she vacuumed. It was, after all, recorded by
more than four dozen artists, many of whom were among her
favorites: Bing Crosby, Gene Autry, Red Foley, Elvis Presley, and The
Sons of the Pioneers.
It’s a fair question to ask. As we appeal for your financial support for
2015-2016, I wonder if your church has told you lately that it loves you
– told you often enough that it inspires your support?
There are those who would say that your support should be based on
expectation, not inspiration. That you give to your church because
you are supposed to. There’s a rule. God is watching. “He sees you
when you’re sleeping, He knows when you’re awake” – a different
song, but you get my point.
So, how does your church tell you that it loves you?
It feeds your soul. Your entire worship team and I – musicians,
readers, Elders, servers, and all – work very hard to make worship
meaningful and to turn your gaze upward and outward. We provide
ideas and materials to help you continue your spiritual growth at
home. We are available 24/7 for the seasons of your spirit, be it the
joy of spring, the growth of summer, the harvest of autumn, or the
respite of winter.
It encourages your mind. The most important role that I have is as
your teacher. I take that role very seriously in preparing for classes I
teach and worship I lead, in meetings, and in the privacy of my office.
But I’m only a small part of your church’s educational efforts. We
have dedicated teachers guiding classes for all ages – six for adults (a
seventh to be added shortly) and six for children and youth.
It opens your world. West Side has a rich history of sharing the
burdens and joys of people around the globe. We relish opportunities
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Save the Date
Sunday, April 26
4:00—6:00 PM
And then,
“Pass It On”
A free Spring Barbeque Event has been scheduled for
April 26, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., in the north
parking lot...rain or shine. A full barbeque
meal will be provided along with fun games
and prizes for the kids and young at heart.
West Siders are welcome to invite family
and friends. If available please bring lawn chairs (unless
it rains).
As the beautiful song of praise says:
What a wondrous time is spring
When all the trees are budding
The birds begin to sing,
the flowers start their blooming
That's how it is with God's love
Once you've experienced it.
You want to sing, it's fresh like spring
You want to “Pass It On.”
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(Continued from page 2)
to be together with others in mission and service – just take a look at
the year-round activities we pursue with three other neighborhood
congregations, like Mittens for Meadows and Wraps for Robinson,
school supply collections, and the city-wide CROP Hunger Walk for the
poor in the U.S. and around the world.
It connects your heart. We’ve made a conscious effort this year to
offer more opportunities for you to gather with friends and family
here at the church. Coffee Hours, an ice cream social, a Christmas
party, and fellowship dinners combine with neighborhood events like
Trunk or Treat and the upcoming Neighborhood Barbecue (April 26) to
give you a chance to meet someone new and laugh with an old
Those are some of the ways that your church has told you lately that
it loves you. Love us in return, and together we will SOAR into a
spectacular new year.
Pastor Joe
The Bible: Now I Get It!
Just days before last Christmas, Newsweek Magazine proclaimed,
“The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin”. If you’re an adult looking
for a basic, beginner’s Bible study, this is it! Pastor Joe is offering
a three-week introductory look at how to read the Bible. The class
will be 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on Thursdays, April 16, 23, and 30. Meet
in the Conference Room/Christian Education Office.
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Worship Trailers
April 12 – Breaking Down the Doors
The disciples shut and bolted the door against their fear and
uncertainty. Jesus enters. The disciples close the doors around
their inner circle. Barnabas enters. Is there no stopping the God of
Love? (Acts 4:32-35 and John 20:19-31)
April 19 – Jesus, Crucified and Hungry
It was difficult for the disciples to sort out not only their emotions
following the death of Jesus, but also their slowly growing
understanding that he was/is somehow still with them/us. The
Gospel of Luke tries a different explanation than does the Gospel of
Mark, and makes an important point for their faith and ours. (1
John 3:1-7 and Luke 24:36b-48)
April 26 – On Shepherding Bunnies and Sheep
The Easter bunny fades and the Good Shepherd rises. The decision
awaits: will we be chased or led? From what are we running, and
toward what are we going? Will God find us in the hutch, the
pasture, or on the path? (Psalm 23 and John 10:11-18)
Easter Fellowship Coffee
Special thanks to Nancy Warren, Robyn and Marlin Case, Marti Bass,
Barb Koelling, and Becky Duncan for helping make our coffee a real
Easter celebration.
Rex and I want to thank our church family for all the prayers, visits,
and calls during Rex’s recovery.
Rex & Shirley Counseller
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West Side News & Notes
A look back at Holy Week 2015 – On Maundy Thursday, over 35 people
took advantage of the return of this service to West Side.
Friends from West Side Baptist and Central Congregational joined
us. Thanks to Steve and Deb Southerland, Barb Koelling, and
Nancy Warren for helping with the service.
The next evening, Good Friday, our four cooperating neighborhood
churches gathered in our sanctuary to remember Jesus’ death.
It was attended by 75 people, including Pastor Gordon Rhodes,
new interim pastor at West Side Baptist. Kudos to our Epiphany
Ringers (Cara Bass, Director) who performed, and Brad Stipcak,
who directed a combined choir from the churches.
Our ecumenical youth group started Easter Sunday with a wonderful
Sunrise Service. Their theme, “The Rock,” inspired us to think
not only about the stone that covered Jesus’ tomb, but also
rocks thrown in derision, rocks used as hammers, and rocks that
separate us from God and one another. Participating from our
church were Lily Dingman, Brittany Lake, Alex Lake, Autumn
Lake, and Hanah Seal, with youth group sponsors Justin and
Katie Case. Easter morning continued with a Coffee Hour
organized by Connie Pigg, and then a crowd of 140 for worship.
Special thanks to Nancy Warren (Chairperson) and the Worship
Committee who decorated and redecorated the sanctuary
throughout the week, and our superb organist, Michael
Schumacher, for preparing extra services.
During the month of May, we hope to be welcoming several visitors
from Faith Community Church, Topeka, which is closing its doors
when their long-time pastor retires. Pastor Joe has had an ongoing
relationship with that congregation for many years. Please wear
your nametags when you come to church!
West Side will host SpiritFest on April 19. This annual learning and
fellowship event for Disciples Women will include plenary sessions,
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(Continued from page 6)
workshops, and an evening meal. Edie Lewis and Thelma Martin are
coordinating the hosting responsibilities.
The Nominating Committee is at work filling positions for our 20152016 program year. Have you said, “Yes!” to a need in the church?
Thank you! Committee members include Pam Bass (Chairperson),
Deba Brant, Carol Doss, Pat Gibson, Dorothy Rice, Cheryl Seals,
Glenda Senne, and Sally Walker.
May Madness/Talent Show at Potwin Church
Saturday May 2, 7 PM
You are cordially invited to attend a fun event with Potwin
Church. Every other year or
so we hold an event we call
“May Madness”---which is an
evening of fun and
fellowship highlighted by a
talent show. Now that we
have gotten to know our
friends at the other churches
we realize there is a lot of
talent out there!
So please put together an act of any kind, comedy, music, skits,
whatever you would like that is family friendly and join us. You may
even join us just to watch the show! Children and Adults of all ages
are encouraged to participate. Snacks and beverages will be
Please call the church at 235-1311 and let us know the name and
nature of your act by April 30 and how many from your family will be
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Schedule of Events
Sunday, April 12
Sunday, April 19
9:15 AM—Church School
10:30 AM—Worship Celebration
9:15 AM—Church School
10:30 AM—Worship Celebration
Commitment Sunday
1:30 PM—Disciples Women
Spirit Fest at WSCC
Monday, April 13
1:00 PM—DW Executive Cmte
Wednesday, April 15
9:00 AM—Men’s Bible Study
& Coffee
11:30 m—Beyond the Sacred Page
bible study
1:15 PM—Esther Group
5:45 PM—Epiphany Ringers
6:45 PM—Chancel Choir
Saturday, April 18
2:00 PM—Opal Redwine’s 100th
Birthday reception in FH
Monday, April 20
Newsletter articles due
Tuesday, April 21
Committee Night
Wednesday, April 22
9:00 AM—Men’s Bible Study
& Coffee
5:45 PM—Epiphany Ringers
6:45 PM—Chancel Choir
Thursday, April 23
12:30 PM—Group of Friends at
Sunday, April 26
Neighborhood Barbeque at WSCC
Next Newsletter
Article deadline April 20
Publish on April 22
Please have articles in the church office by Monday.
To receive West Side Times by e-mail send a request to
[email protected], or view current and previous
newsletters on our website, www.westsidedisciples.org.
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Disciples Women News
Spirit Fest is coming to West Side
Christian Church on April 19. It
starts at 1:30 p.m. and goes to
6:30 p.m. Registration Fee is
$15.00 and was due April 4.
However, if you didn't get a
registration form and
still would like to go,
you may get one from
me or the church
office. They must be
turned in to the
Christian Church in
Kansas office before
Friday, April 10. The
Finding Our Voices Workshops are:
Prayer, Bullying & Violence in
Schools, Bible study from Just
Women and Celebrating Families.
You may choose any two of these
and workers on that Sunday. If
you get a call, please see if you
can find time to give us an hour or
so of your time to help. It will be
much appreciated.
April Dates Coming up:
April 13 is Executive
Committee Meeting at
1:00 p.m. in the
Christian Education
April 15 is Esther Group
meeting at 1:15 p.m. in
the Fellowship Hall. Jean Dixon
will be the hostess and Mary
Washburn will give the study.
April 19 at 1:30 p.m., Spirit Fest
at West Side Christian Church.
We will also be needing some help More news next time…Edie
Happy 100th Birthday, Opal!
Help us celebrate a remarkable lady at a reception for Opal Redwine
in Fellowship Hall Saturday, April 18, 2015, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. No
gifts, please.
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We wish to offer the congregation of West Side the opportunity to include the following prayer concerns in
their daily prayer time. Please contact the church office
when you know about a church family concern of any
kind. Names will be kept on the list four weeks. If continued prayer is needed, please resubmit.
For health concerns and unspoken requests, please pray for…
Rex Counseller, Stan Senne
Virginia Seelen (Doug Seelen’s mother)
For those in the military, please pray for…
Cole Hasty (Jenny Simpson’s
nephew), Jonathan Seelen (son of
Doug/Barb Seelen), Doug Euler
(Becky Duncan’s nephew), Joshua
Langston (grandson of Robert
Langston), Dorian French (son of
Heath & Jenny Simpson, grandson of
Darland & Sally Walker), Jeannette
Collins (Joe & Bobbie Hendrixson’s niece)
Church Staff
Joe Hendrixson ......................... Senior Minister
........................... [email protected]
Robert A. Langston, Jr. ............. Minister Emeritus
Ruth Frost ..................... Administrative Assistant
Shelby Wallace ...................... Nursery Attendant
Shelby Shaw ......................... Nursery Attendant
Alyssa Durkes ....................... Worship & Wonder
Brad Stipcak .............................. Choir Director
Cara Bass .................................... Bell Director
Michael Schumacher ............................ Organist
Anna Dulan ..................................... Custodian
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Prayer Requests
For the next month, Thelma Martin will be filling in for Nancy Brooks
taking calls for prayer requests. Please call Thelma with your
requests, 785-235-3100.
Phone: 785-234-0469
Worship Celebration—10:30 a.m.
West Side Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Topeka, KS 66606
E-mail: [email protected]
Church School—9:15 a.m.
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